SHIELDED Tentacle God Run - Epic Noita Run

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all right then yeah I'm at a jetpack juice [ __ ] little bastards oh not playing this poo no more taking my trumpet - yes I did go right to left and left to right I'm coming in let's do that again I'd like this but I think it's also despite it being fun and very drove you and funny we concerned if I have it on for an extended period if it will not get not let us get epic runs or maybe that's the challenge maybe now that I've done it all I need to do this I need to beat the game and do all my usual stuff with all of the voting so we'll see see how it goes for now it's quite enjoyable if you notice usually things drop spawn inside the ground yeah bloody I spawned in the ground because I was sent to liquid after that bloody acid rush timer tentacles a very peculiar one what is that whoa hey hang on do we have if a god one do I have the guy here leave me be by hey hang on no that's not too sad is here yeah yeah bastard no right then let alone oh oh no it's what something is limited an explosion the explosions the explosions the explosions what am I saying explosions for I don't know I guess on the one-on-one number free here limited dare that's why that numbers appearing it's not gonna happen because we don't have slime enemies in biome one I'm gonna swap that new tentacle one to number one my DVS they fire there we go what do we got by own one being never so spicy today cast two spells emerged together I don't know what much bow is oh it's a multi cast yeah I guess we'll take that yeah okay let's keep on going ah lovely tentacle wand Wow Oh No Frieza mine interesting I very much like the addition of these champion enemies just to spice things up spice up in the noid to room I'm not gonna be able to get up there am i okay keep let's have a look there is a wand perhaps I need to go right again as much as I hate backtrack in if you should ever damage enemy of healing projectile do they return the hills I have no idea no idea I possibly all I know is anything you sure at those reversi boys oh I think of it shields shouldn't it be popping up with what I've been given does it normally yeah I think it does doesn't it I don't know evil roar oh did it obviously I'm a little bit behind on my vision when I'm focusing in talking and stuff forgive me whoo fireball wand that's the sort of stuff that would be spawned in whoo wand well if I had a choice of addition to this mod just a shitty fireball wand just really stick it to me as it melted Simoes brain yes already so what he already happened getting comfy they're all perk lost treasure did we have that before I thought it wasn't clear on what that did well hey the pink ah last day just to give me early on that should be really good the only thing might be a trouble is to recharge but this will bring them down okay then shuffle shuffle toyline [Music] truffle hey number four oh no it's incredibly poo probably due to the recharge yeah but amen digger is well I wasn't expected entry so quick what how is it both slow but really powerful at the same time I was not expecting that so it goes through powders like no man's business but it just melts through interesting I know it's digging blast and we've got that modifier on K now bizarre lost treasure gives you all the gold you missed Oh what passively alright if that is correct very nice Oh ex oh great ah that's really cool only works once ah Cayden well well well we've got a little bit of diggy diggy diggy going on what a concept early game specially on buying one oh very nice okay well we're up for a good run depending on if chat will be generous lost treasure in the laboratory oh my god they would just fill up the screen wouldn't it with there all of the gold God Almighty especially in gold clumps now when it comes to gold together there teleport II um mm-hmm don't really want that quite frankly I get a little bit of drainie drainie going on I suppose I could take it in in a pinch not I ever used potions at a pinch because I'm a big ol scaredy cat that loses his mind when I'm under pressure hmm um shuffle boost ones some good [ __ ] going on here folks stay away oh [ __ ] Wow nice ah jetpack eject by her TNT boy sorry Jeff he jet lag boy dear oh dear I cleared away oh we are so so lucky my word to find a digging wand wunderbar wounding off the bar my little pink pink trowel there does it trail every time is it is that the explody spell give me the pink trowel oh and all my bloody spells to be pink trousers thank you for joining me focusing this a little bit of fun setup today I hope we go up and over we go a double night a Tuesday boost ones will thank you what is that down though is that statistically I might need to get an explanation of what that does do I get we can recharge no idea clever dream while I fly if you don't mind cheers everyone thanks for coming by almost didn't make it there night lock somebody beginning explanation for that one as well no I can't remember they do not remember thank you 175 elf again you just used some stats yeah we had a was it not spellbound owes another what we tried didn't we oh god what was that I completely forgot I don't know but there was a perk when you pick that up it improved everyone do you picked up so probably something very similar ah boost max mana and max mana recharge and capacity as base and as a 50% roll and boost in each different stab right okay well doesn't sound like a negative thing so oh no back immunity I take it that was voted in as well so no more stun lock excellent good I'm gonna get a guy we've got digging ones we've got a very good DPS wand in this tentacle wand need to keep an eye on these blood are no [ __ ] I've just realized the predicament right hang on don't take the hell [ __ ] I'm gonna looks like holy bombastic is gonna be done which is not cool it's not really a bad bad thing so good hey I don't know I wish it did paws on wand confidence that's the only thing I don't like being rushed on these screens as it's quite important to survival perhaps that's just part of it but the only thing I would say because you know how long we spend here maybe it stops me rushing starts me rushing sorry I'm supposed to projectile cast two spells have merged together cast a spell cast another spell after the timer runs out it's so very useful don't they and we've also got more of these hold fire on that for a minute oh invincibility frames we're gonna need them for a short time after taking damage so that's gonna be very useful for us maybe you should be pause one in the holy mount is mountains yeah that might also be a good idea but I don't know if that would be possible poor soul is like right and all this stuff down like paper going off and just like a the cameras behind him I'm like a desk he's just like a mad scientist trying to note down all these things right instance we are yeah that's gonna be probably an eventual problem oh I also need that for the thingamabobs although hang on there might be what is the recharge on that sucker let's let's let's thank you for that I don't know how to detect if players in the holy mountain yeah I know yeah it's gonna be a thing that devs are going to have to really come up with if they ever bloody decide to do this mod or a similar mod I put three of those on there today what does that look like obvious you can add the cast delay I mean the recharge times this [ __ ] oh no sorry wrong one number four whoa that's beef that's gonna be beefy I think I don't worry about me oh man free spells stacked vertically that I think this is gonna be very good that's gonna be very very good recharges there I can't do much about that okay right there was something else I was even chested in 160 base hello that thank you for sticking the formula for dead cells Bowman works better the comprar MS safe where Chaz vote for the next level follow new Twitter follow buddy welcome welcome to twitch viewer interaction for better or worse so probably take that off sort of blow ourselves up change source let's dig in one one two and bombs on three I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go with it chunky what the [ __ ] does that do right now I'm in a parallel world for the first time one Brucie a flash was enough for me to get through it taking any damage ooh very nice downs welcome big stomp for two minutes Oh what does that mean I do more damage chunky big stomp for two minutes that's good to know so there is timed benefits and old Boston debuffs interesting big stomp Oh in close current cast delay equalize or make them the same okay Cheston whoa oh oh no that's me look I'm crunching stuff ah well that's very interesting riot oh cool that's yeah oh well I am a chunky boy Oh try me very nice yeah hello mighty warrior how are you hey we are I am very pleased with Soler's work here new additions to the voting thing is really cool if we could have literally hundreds of these it would make this really fun understandable it's all down to one poor bloody bloke that's really cool that's really quite something can I have this forever I'm in the middle of a twitch viewer run and being absolutely abused at the same time doing quite well we also have a googly Sting's in the stored which in of itself is a huge mod so let's not undersell the great efforts made by a go key oh my word it's all kicking off I'm I'm this is basically dissolved powders dissolve powders all in one here I'm not realizing I'm taking damage because stunlock is disabled I am a chunky boy is that still going it is let's just chunk out then shall we this is very good very good Wow Big Mama god damn it man I think we've got bombs knocking about how long does this thing last my word I collect gold from this by the way bTW check out some alchemy recipes yeah you just want to delay me don't ya widgets oh I think I've got teleport to him actually water rotten meat and teleport him for a pee question is had to get rotten meat rotten me is literally an enemy that's been left for ages right I'll let you know mighty warrior what's going on with that give give me a moment and we are gonna didn't go that fellow in the face ah right reasonable reasonable stats on that wand but do I want a to Stata that is the question go on in I'll never say no to a good shuffle want to be honest but more shields do what you want to do Bay right so hole if we even checked out his chainsaw yet Wow that is absolutely astonishing for a chainsaw perhaps the best one I've ever had that is devastating oh my god it's not tremendously hacked in it's the only thing that's got one number two is this which is from goki's things so I think that's obviously why it's working so well Wow should we get mining finance our cell phone for what's ahead Jesus because we are on biome 2 sure work bloody God more six shields on like Christ so what twelve shoots does that stack I would assume so bloody hell that's mental well oh I'm glad we've got this in a minute because I was about to be blown sky-high yes screw you shotgun byes nicely done do not go in the green goo hard to believe this is a standard noise run 4x projectile damage oh yeah I didn't think of that mm-hmm I better not let them get through the shields then hello pills hell I hope you are all well folks in naught 20 20 year I hope things are looking up or at least half-decent and come and pull up a chair and enjoy a bit of a view of you a few of you in viewer voting on loiter steady on god see to be honest I'm quite happy with what I've got so far especially with that chain saw one Poseidon Fink oh no sorry I was gonna do digging wasn't I before I got carried away we've just just for rerolls just for anyone's I don't to be priced out of a good I don't know utility based wand I would be most crestfallen I just couldn't afford it knowing I could have gotten loads of money if I spin in a bit of time biome - I know it's a bit boring there mining for gold but it does help chain casting my spells Thank You ed my spells no chain cast what on earth does that mean no what no I don't know do I have a model it I think my chains are suddenly not working as good am I just imagining that how do you have a modest anywhere via what you're using I don't do be honest because it's only 2 mods it's the twitch integration mods and cheap GUI oh no sorry free and go keys things only free but that's all you need I really I should have liked that command shouldn't I need two mods like exclamation noise and mods and it would give links I don't know why I've not said that up yet right what he is voting in oh I don't really want to be anywhere near the temple of any of these so I'm gonna wait it out I'm gonna be a bit Bastardly and wait it out hello it considered using a song request botton no because it would annoy me to be honest and to a lot of my content is considered for YouTube and therefore he'd be unusable so that's an absolute no-go so sorry unless it's a chill game like when I play farming similar oh truck because I can't really use that for YouTube because it's it's just chill you know people don't need to hear about my rare my rambling while trucking or whatever whereas annoy to is quite action-packed and pretty pretty good for trucking up to YouTube hey man it's how we've made a lot of friends here to answer your question in hello gray oh I I hello we're just doing a bit of mining cuz we're waiting for a big worm to come by is he after me I'm not doing literally no damage does this do no eyes at that chain voting thing Wow this is terribly slow do I just leave him in the zone worms and boy I better go oh come on now I might regret this oh I didn't want to say ice but alright let's go neither freeze charge okay then actually because there's test dummies here oh right very reasonable I've got load of money damaged up over time it's probably gonna be good to have at least isn't it surely so that's a two car so that's why it's doing so well over time though I wonder Arno is damaging Wow we can test this car because we got this thing oh right interesting that's why we need that devs just a test ah no [ __ ] off oh whoa what we got here go keys things oh [ __ ] always cars walk i random always cast or swapper oh can you be any more vague or if we got something coming explosives ooh very nice I'll see ya put saran AC puts a random spell on a on a wand to hold the held wand one of the modifier from the one go has always cast always hmm we gonna have to take this to understand it am I gonna regret it though [ __ ] it for science a random spell when your wand it's been upgraded to always cast okay interesting what's the recharge time on that [ __ ] it's shuffled oh so hang on no it's made it worse Jesus don't think that's really benefiting cuz it's cast delay with tentacles that's the problem yeah yeah intrinsic delay yeah yeah of course yeah I think that's been made slightly worse now take the tinder girl out ah intrinsic delay but would it it won't chain it no more will it would just be a single tentacle I think that's how it was doing it's good work you know but it's still damaging up it's still good we'll just have to see how we go what if I had cast tender corn digger what if I'd cast cast the spell it costs another spell after a timer runs out a spell our K events on shuffle oh ah well that's made the damage terrible oh isn't that interesting is it because it's very inconclusive so we do the old magic chuck it in there and see what happens fing mmm Oh Oh what is that dude Oh where's my thing it's made it a bit quicker equalised does that update yeah yeah I know take off order blasts hello chaos there will be trumpets that's born eventually I think they think they think I think a little graphic has been sent off and let's have a little look then no I don't want to disrupt my fingers ooh I put those on a multicast let's just have a look it's an idea bearing in mind the digging blast as a head cast delay really think it's doing anything to be honest with you oh [ __ ] dearie boys keep out off I didn't send a modified one of Trumpets eye wandering wandering one he didn't oh we've given me a free want have you huh is the trumpet's thing ready then Sola if it is let me know the files oh and I'll get that update and perhaps for the next run or perhaps in the evening right like I said I don't think that's really gonna do anything oh no that's work tremendously only this was shuffle I love you chainsaw LM Pratham how are you mate right we've got things kicking off here hello everyone hello hello hello thank you for joining me I hope you're well we are going a bit mad here take everything out except the chain sources mudan ok let's have a look does that add cutting doesn't have caste like damage up so that's doing us a favor I'll keep that B I reckon I'm not getting my chunky chunky nom nom noms like it was believed that be as good as I hoped they explained or of what is that explain that Oh apologies if I miss anyone folks cuz obviously all the voting has to come up in my chat so I will always try and catch it as well even more looky looky now I'll see you've upgraded my ones oh sorry I'm just gonna check Solar solar is the method is the person responsible for making these making these blooming choices and stuff at at which integration mod so I'm just checking to see what he said I guess I've added all of those things so that you've linked in discord download it straight from there I downloaded from your github and then I updated the files from those three files that you send me I think if I'd have followed grey by the way right let's get back to it to its integration Jesse yes we're being absolutely abused I think we'd probably do a new one coz dare I say I was away for one second the count always goes down oh rut well I've basically added those files for sure soda I mean I can check afterwards by all means oh hello there yes we will be going on our Johnny way here five cast of it's a bit slow mmm this is pool that's a lot of [ __ ] it's about to go critical let's not am I gonna regret this I've got an idea it will either be a great idea or a horrific idea oh I wasn't oh god no no hey I was he picked up the wand oh man Gold Rush if he's got a wand I can kill him what the [ __ ] is he doing you know I like a bit of an electric bye [ __ ] me alright at number two get that gold for it goes sorry freezing paper what is on that son of a [ __ ] nothing too good twelve twelve shields ROP good eye I needed a little bit of Oh penis to survive bloody acid walls and [ __ ] blimey wait no you know get through my shields you scumbag to turrets my word nice is what I will say dude there's a freezing get out get out get out [ __ ] oh I saw it right at the last minute man a jet pack juice come on fight of my life [ __ ] ah [ __ ] I've got to go I've got to go already and I've just gotten here back in hell let's find the snow zone it's kind of a washout I'd part of me thinks they should Reese whap the he sea bass in the snow zone because it is tough it is tough a sea bass is manageable it can really [ __ ] you up if you're not careful to eat sea bass but snows oh man it sets it's not a good place all the freezing vapor it's a [ __ ] nightmare speaking of which we've got company oh thank you oh hey thanks little help restore their wunderbar sniper which I should say and a bunch of heati buyers now here boys revenge explosion this is a very nice little run so far that in of itself so yeah go keys things and twitch integration going hand-in-hand wait we've pretty much a gaudy temple run so far yeah absolutely no cover wait for the he'll wait for you I remember sumo asked for a freezing canisters option well I can't only ask for beneficial things can I have I've got to think of that you guys Entertainment Group of freezing canisters I think will be quite a popular option unfortunately for me wow what a curvy stay the [ __ ] away dirt backcountry there we go we're safe for now oh my let us go haha right boating end I've got a minute to be voting more shields again I think I'm quite happy to be honest with what I've got that's a fair one the spell that first spell there is it chaotic something or the other is very good some K I could actually use that I think let's just see where else there is first a nice little fish wand I don't know to be honest I think I would rather continue on as I am because we do all right we should be able to take on the heat C bar is all C and I absolutely critical there another temple not been re-rolled so that's gonna be affordable for the next temple yeah and some easy buyers so we've got quite a interesting run here already how many shoes have we got now what's the maps is that 18 shields with 6x projectile damage G [ __ ] god that looks like a Christmas decoration now that Dustin Goodwin Disney IV what are we not using Shh taken all take a lance and replace that one we're not but I want to buy too much for / Cree rolling I never going to be doing a lot of killing in easy brace stay the [ __ ] away let's get to it ha a 8x project how damaged I've seen fur shields total I mean the first spell on the ah no problem no worries then this a crazy mother is indeed this is twitch integration which is causing all of this stuff and I'm also using doki's things go key G o ki which gives me the ability to spawn champion enemies this here is a mini boss actually he's got a load of perks that's gonna be probably I think there's health no he drops a wand don't tell me that's better than one but just picked up no that's actually quite [ __ ] yeah so mini bosses and champions have like one random perk and that guy you just saw had multiple so he was a mini boss so pretty much a month for experienced players like me to have kinda seen and done it all I've absolutely [ __ ] loads of shields but if I get a pennant if my shields get penetrated I'm gonna be absolutely [ __ ] because I'm gonna take huge projectile damage come on now easy boys oh he's you guys allowed I'm the flying shield technical man I don't know what that little spider perk is though that the enemies have looks and no I don't know they simply don't know the purple spider he had above his head unshackle he beautiful bastard power of the trumpet yes head huh that could be a youtube title but I think I may be in some trouble with the YouTube eyes if I was to have that because this will be YouTube's pound absolutely my word so we can should we take it to the end or it's heating up but as you know with twitch integration an acid wall if it catches us off guard it's over so nice [ __ ] nice oh they're all non shuffle no [ __ ] way okay then jeez days cool holy [ __ ] smokes alright then leave oh god leave that be for Christ's sake I'm gonna regret this it can uncouple only one or all of them but we've gone lucky there in jeez you might be a god that you ain't invincible so careful now steady [ __ ] God really cool watch out for that freezing vapor just that's gonna that's gonna be that or ice if it's good and do us oh and a help up [ __ ] lovely mine's a damage up ten school no less pull into my pit of tentacle goodness boost ones as well - cast delay my good golly God chain cast in your spells no chain cast I have no idea what that does steady I cut through ah yes cut ring up metal there bloody hell it's a laser beam eldritch laser beam please don't crush my game I know tentacles and tongues are very sort of weirdly laggy in this oh man every spell is a trigger for the next one in the wand simoom has become more powerful all who oppose him tentacles with triggers lag but they should be okay [ __ ] you well hmm what's the crackling do I clearly see bass while we've got this opportunity this is probably gonna be the most stable buyer in terms of the control so I think I'm gonna stay here kill a bunch boys grab some money grab someone's not I not I need anyone's to be honest as a risk juice there no it wasn't jetpack guru so just in the hold down space never mind secret ended what the hell's secret ending just a heads up a grenade from a CC by will do 240 damage to you Oh blimey power shot floating arc power shot power shot oh hey get out of here secret hey I'm supposed to be your friend man oh [ __ ] I wasn't expecting the range that's fine pouch I'm intrigued let's look at the perks again so we might need that money to re-roll strong Levy lost treasure we have that already strong levies very good love you because you fell into the portal hmm yeah I'm thinking a rear Oh with that to be honest strong levy is very good ah our repulsion seeing that a lot today jolly good I won't have a look at this as well because if we can get stuck these technicals going through walls cast a spell we've increased damage mass and penetration basically that's not going to damage the temple stuff isn't what does it do to water ridiculous 18 shoes might not be enough well let's get to it shall we I don't think I need to really do anything else we're far too powerful so let's have it oh man technicals are not I mean I think he's trying the tentacles but we run out of mana very quickly no no no no no no no no no no no it's a devil worm we cannot be anywhere near that fellow because we will die I don't know if our technical one will be equipped to dispatch that fella I don't want to find out you don't wanna stay here is that everything we will survive second we might have a fighting chance with this an absolutely ridiculous [ __ ] gutted go ahead like a fish man good deal right what have we got it's a pretty fair wand isn't it um-hmm look at her - virtue on that [ __ ] only mine we've crafted this one finger cities perks that's know that it was a perk wasn't it converted our wand random spell from the ones you hold I imagine to always cast that it's very powerful very powerful entered the fungal caverns leave that be what is that purple ah not familiar of that no go chaotic poly it looks a bit different oh [ __ ] Oh a little bit stuck and bamboozled here for a minute hang on don't even think of poisoning scumbag as a rotting carcass hangs on my tentacle yes he would a wormy boy bloody hell don't need worm juice cause we got all cni careful that's a reflect he was it will probably reflect oh oh no it didn't think Philippe Jesus man don't damage up wasp air load of their champion enemies here in the bloody biome hell [ __ ] up to 290 jolly Jolly good we're getting there weekend they're flying spaghetti which crystal on the wand it's an equalizer forum equalized current cast delay and recharge time so mmm I assume it oh oh [ __ ] oh so you vented go are they gonna come off interesting see absolutely filthy I think they're gonna go cinema has a touch he's got the path hello there bye-bye there is a purple one kill kill kill kill kill destroy with my slow simulation kicking off here and oh my god look at number four as well hang on number four oh that's not as good as I was hoping my how much money we've got some casual killing at least I know we're not the richest but that's still very good just Reds I would very much like acid balls I'm gonna shoot purely for transportation really I suppose a really helpful in the vault n template er should we get there for once we actually have a pretty pretty high chance of doing this here folks so we'll see how we go if we can make here ridiculous I should probably de sly myself shouldn't I balls up shield right hang on let me these slime so I can move freely I fear there's a lot of simulation as my games quite leggy in a minute is this the first good run with voting on is in ditch drama is indeed we've gotten quite relatively lucky here relatively lucky bow from viewer votes and everything else plagued retsoor guild you've got plague rats incoming I'm gonna [ __ ] him up oh [ __ ] nothing I can't handle over this one for the most part in a vault man kill them all we are being treated here absolutely treated to a great run how great it will be I do not know Wow do not kill my bloody temple ah give it a followed and welcome I want that gold I still think there's something alive don't even think about just go just go interesting I think below before is welcome folks thank you all for joining me very much it's good to be back in Noah after a short break short hiatus and yeah keep saying the same thing that we are being absolutely treated here to her father ingesting run who what does that do extra project I'll cast a spell it gains an additional projectile so if you fired a orb there'll be two ones of Destiny yes I have hopefully to second cast delay oh that's the do I even need that mana drain turn I might have to grab that ever for the hell of it need orbs don't need that keep all of the massive balls cuz it's always good to have load of acid balls hmm I'm gonna get rid of the healing things cuz I don't foresee myself bloody yeah using that in the mentalness that we're gonna see here yeah I think that's working it's hard to say hard to see but do you believe that wand as well although it's a decent wand I think I'm a little bit past worrying about other ones quite frankly we're the one that picked up it's very good terms of stats obviously to Carl - cassoulet is also pretty [ __ ] also on this one but two hundred Manor you don't need it but you want it isn't it yes indeed alright and where we gained an extra shield Wow I really should keep an eye on the things do you see what I see hmm hey will 1000 tentacles home today there's all their own thing hey 50 shop I think I know exactly what that does that is gonna probably make shop things cheaper III would foresee notables home but I suppose it's a good thing when it used to chain maybe I suppose it's always good to have a bit of home in it's far too powerful so we'll take that and let's let's get on it head in right here we go the vault Wow how if we made it this five do not know Bay but we're gonna enjoy it nonetheless no immunities we're doing remarkably well with fire and stalks because we are not we're not immune to none of that stuff but I've really been bothered by Thompson man hey careful now Oh steady this will be the zone to sort of test my survivability especially as I'm calm oh yes case in point oh my god there is nowhere for me to go [Music] come on jetpack juice mate slow for bad dialogue at the minute but they need to survive right desperately need water hey now none of that now you bastards you slimy slimy kids don't fall in keep paying attention to the screen almost that could have been real nasty [ __ ] this then let's get out of here as a little help up I suppose don't really need anything Oh chunky chunky chunky that would be very useful just an FYI oh you're welcome ash it's fun now that we've got more options and stuff it's it's especially more beneficial once careful that's a reflective eye to be very bad news for me use the corners to sort of avoid that careful careful careful careful careful now I'm all slimy I'm a slimy bye pour it on the floor get Dee slimed please chunky is chunky is very good just saying in fact I might just wait for that to come cuz you'll wait for those that didn't see it earlier pretty [ __ ] cool was a frizzy boy he's on his way he needs to go yesteryear what is junk even chunky I don't know what kind of magic you had to work for that soda but I was not expecting to see what it did so here we go mmm I hope we don't look at gold down here by the way it's been there for ages is it is that because the ball is going it's going we have a bit of it yeah careful dear is acid in there chunky we are chunky it means we're a bit heavy may ruin your parquet flooring yeah it's like dry field but dryers all right big stomp for two minutes so we can stomp through the world a little bit slower than last time I don't know if gravity effects hit but we can basically jump up jump up jump up and jump down I have a jump all around so all the way we can just cut through basically well hate all my time being top steer hang on that's not good steady I saw social detox this goth shouldn't I yeah donut just been tagged there [ __ ] I'm a chunky boy whoa oh my God look at his shield is he dead he is dead grab that girl for God's sake whoa what's happenin as a water boy the guy did live lives on the floor above me has that oh yes I must not waste chunky because that's very useful woof woof woof woof stomp stomp chunky boy oh [ __ ] I'm getting out of here stomping through Oh Polly boy blindly boy whatever do I have to jump what is the physics here let's have a look oh yeah no if you can get safe above your head that's really helpful we're almost there Oh most they're hoaxing he didn't explode that's really interesting Oh careful I see a temple Wow that [ __ ] makes me jump man Oh chunky boy I supposed to wait for this to wear off because I don't want to be chunky in the temple that'd be a good sum wouldn't it I don't don't want to be chunky in the temple and there we go is that worn off yet it lasts for two minutes can you squish enemies with chunky um I don't know actually I don't really want to find out with one of those horrible missile turrets but it's still alive ship I don't know possibly we need necromancy suppose that'll be cool spellbound used to have what does have necromancy no he's an increment see that's not that's not default spell is it those only we've spellbound that was quite cool little tool give you gift enemies which come and fight for you careful one of those shields penetrates it's game over ah careful now necromancy is default I have not seen it that ages well that's cool how it reacts that's really cool let's just get out of here they do oh right then oh hell free ten health right a little pings around timer lightsaber very good but not important right at this stage I feel Knight look this allows one editing until he dies oh [ __ ] wait for the perk oh I see what is be interesting today I don't think that from now on holy mountain shops will carried two additional items oh okay yeah two additional I suppose future mountains of course it's really good these are these are really good choices so no well well done and heat despite having a very good run a the repeats aren't too bad especially things like chunky so good about courier I would like to see a few more but I'm sure all will become clear in the future more blood pretty [ __ ] perks in all honesty her glory quad man and recovery your ones charge more quickly you indeed nice rear oh again I could do the 1600 I need to go says peak I'll be back for the evening stream no problem pika all the best thanks for coming by Sherrie revolve it a tip I suppose we should [ __ ] slime blood man fine bloods good because of the secret they call it secret secret project how old damage buff it's okay isn't it don't ya not directly bad you know still about Oh take it those technicals draw a lot of slime mana recovery is way too good I'm a that's her no complaining about that bloody yeah Oh problem at least at the minute with viewer viewer voting multicast you say two additional spells oh no it's broken the wand why all of you is done we're [ __ ] the God powers giveth through God powers take away if man we are so [ __ ] hopelessly screwed oh dear well hope you enjoyed this run we'll be dead in a couple of seconds oh yes we also hope to see facts [ __ ] six damage come on six damage well we're just gonna have the muster frutos then avoid literally everything yeah yeah Foley alarms I where you boating this [ __ ] going down although we're gonna speedrun strats now I feel can I even kill one of these boys oh oh thank God for these shoes I'll say that much oh no you can stay away oh [ __ ] come on I need a prebuilt ethic wand will Anouk help me out then some interesting spells on they'll say that much hmm place that one oh my god where to go I was stressed how was it chained another nuke I get rid of that thing yes shooting a nuke in combat this is fine that's a nice-looking one what does that do there's a load of little damage plus increases spelled damage of each bounce that sounds very nice okay then let us get that's which chat [ __ ] me up again and there's a worm that's annoying says the perk thing there do you think well Oh God right oh there's literally four very deadly enemies approaching me right now do I have anything that can there safe for me to use Oh God I'm just gonna go for it it's bouncing be careful bloody hell it's the best I can do right now because my tentacle wand is now used useless as a ghost worm if that gets wind of us we're [ __ ] just keep going traitor we can cut through the world Jim here see how we get on come on now come on now come on now oh no not part of dark flame fella come on well Jana and still see us going down I believe [Music] teleport boy come on speedrunning this [ __ ] if McQueen can do a zero damage run I can run from a bloody zone of 12 million shields come on bit of Ambrosia dare who are Oh don't die yes that's probably the best advice yet well what has happened with this [ __ ] wand what's going on so can I statistically is it just the perk no idea how does it need another one to continue what it's doing Thank You venom or shields is there anything adding cast delay obviously there there is no reason for this to be broken that since the it's almost as if cuz also damage app is not working as well take what we're gonna do spell word can we rebranded problem is that you cast for chainsaws and tentacles right okay then let's let's clear things up here acid bulls I couldn't put any decibels actually for transportation purposes and on so let's clear them off no scratching in there dog keep that as making over that yeah scatter can go poisoned Rao so for argument's sake so we can't have a god one no more no bloody room why have I still got that I'm still carrying that around no no we can't just do the trigger on one for I don't know oh we got a new one coming in if we I'm from the gods random one generator here thank you always cast home in so double homing and he'll over Liana how I am eight that's looking pretty good for the most part but oh god no dove men a recharge of course have I got slime anywhere no any spell heavy shot we don't have heavy shot we've got damage plus so that's a bounce interesting let's have a look at that obviously this isn't gonna bounce - bloody damage ups here well I do have men of recovery I just man that's a savage beast chains that don't work no more if we had these on well that got it up a little bit isn't that funny huh all these new ones we got Hey put those up there before we use them on ourself get rid of hex argument's sake what does that look like if it's if this has lost its gaudiness all has that Mohican spoke just absolutely corrected - chainsaw glitch I have not quite understanding think of it a health up vote what's happening what we casted a tentacle wand yeah maybe they ain't liking it ain't liking what's happened with that perk is it it's made it worse huh train whistle bolts oh it's a bit better now we would just need to damage up life time it's not as good it would probably have to be there wouldn't it hang on two SEC's of course it would know why dude no no that's busted it hang on Oh whatever done what is happenin here oh no put the wrong one hang on two SEC's where's that one gone again David Sharpe there is our standard heavy show as well Oh interesting hey could I do this get all good eNOS back where's that damage over time one I mean it's doing better damage to a Seafarer shop that's pretty [ __ ] good for a wand scimitar is a heavy shot in 1/4 yes thank you folks heavy one for all right we got her in the end how are we not being killed by twitch folks I don't know I guess leave that be because it's as good as we're gonna get it's better than what we've got here keep that there just in case keep a couple of nukes Wow holy bombastic very fantastic I could have a drink pull we move on oh don't forget a shield on that wand yes good idea as if we need them mana sustain is actually very good heavy shot might be bit troublesome actually hang on what does that what damage are we doing about heavy shot one of 100 I mean we can get close can't me with heavy shock because of all these shields so it's pretty much double the damage with crit possibility [ __ ] it so we just go for it also hmm yeah no ignore me as long as we've got chainsaw to get backup for the temple of the art and [ __ ] to the tower if we make it there extra enemy knock back oh yeah that's a good perk might be a bit troublesome for me though as I have to get close I don't think I should take that you added more shields again I guess that's fine as long as there are no that's really great for using there by the way bollocks my bad we'll find a place hi let's get to it bossy by one or boss I'm sure be ever so easy relatively relatively relatively for a boss thank you for DeShields the boss really isn't the achievement in this game it really isn't is it we've come a long way what we classes a impressive feat these days making our own challenges like no hit runs and pretty viewer interaction you know you shooted from anything basically a cockroach run yeah yes by your side of the cockroach run well I've got I've got away you for this to drain just a little bit before we can proceed on I really hope that my chainsaw will be good enough to cut through the rock quickly at least I'm sure it'd be fine Oh careful now how many shields is that I've sure feel free to try and count I think we've had at least four maybe five five little gizmos actually while we wait I'm gonna do something real quick put that down oh it goes over my name what's that called st overlay I'm moving around my twitch guff here on overlays that PNG oh yeah that's all right innit you're gonna regret doing this while we're waiting for that lava so okay it will name over me there is that gonna be annoying I think that's rising in the air I'll do bad it's fine it's fine unsub I love your streams oh thank you Mira welcome welcome welcome I love that you join my streams you did count them had a devil are you I'm very well muggins I'm very well we've just beaten the boss oh oh dear I don't think so yeah we're doing right markings how about yourself we got fewer fewer voting here think a little bit different I want to touch the dear he's been exploded so we've made it through incredibly I was not expecting to get this far with viewer voting the outing of God say the words properly and now we've done all right we've got you say you did count them faith it's 30 so you could count the lines couldn't you why every every sort of pixel here if I leave this on we're almost done yeah I suppose that looks like 30 that's absolutely ridiculous viewer goating it's our next challenge yeah can a can of worms oh I've got to be quick because I'm gonna have to do some digging in a very tight tunnel which may result in my death if something untoward is chosen here please be quick hang on I forgot I had some of this I have a bit of bizarre keep digging them and done some for a while nicely done well I guess we're off to the tower or at least try and make our way [ __ ] to be put put the acid back on did we the acids play how about a whole load of nope son no no no not after what we've been through [ __ ] you we're doing damage at least don't even think about it pow oh oh oh [ __ ] when's that gonna win cuz my jetpack juice is running out I didn't I didn't expect that come in bastards Jesus always pay attention to twitch viewer votes that may be your last dear oh dear dirty buyers is all I say oh I'm on fire I'm on fire my name jetpack juice trying to put myself out mate [ __ ] off come on and come too far to be bested here hope you boys boys and girls vote me in something nice cuz I'm about to lose it come on now come on little one the little one that could technical vs technical duel of the fates here doesn't feel very powerful but I think the numbers don't lie here in terms of output yikes alright let's continue on ah I see I see I see I see ah excellent don't know what's coming next oh wise very nice that's very risky and do that oh [ __ ] what is that thing half of dark flame I need to survive 10 seconds for the refill sorry I just realized 3 2 1 hey thank you free 70 health restored there on the ragged edge thank you for the old stuff war was a reverse eeper see boy there my god what does that perk do doughnut perk just keep going man and we've got one of them fellas here this one man it's kind of unpredictable now keep going fast los Los los what hell wand is that I'm using basically it's in school bond with jerry-rigged stuff muggings a bit of this a bit of that but pretty much attend school with them for some damage ups and there it's pretty mental al frizzy boy for God's sake take him out I've got to get so close oh nice I don't know why I'm going for the gold I can't use any there's no more shops no more shops anymore I think you'll for joining me on this God run let's all turned a bit sour we've kind of clawed it back ev'ry fig start God wand we just put some duct tape on it duct tape fixes all after all come on out [ __ ] you I'm just gonna perhaps run past perhaps the vast majority of these enemies because I think this shields the shields will forgive them because their viewer voting barn and they're able to vote seeing the top left of my screen here put it that way yeah you'll see there the options to vote stuff in my car why am I going for the gold it's instinct believe it or not why the the M tower or at least if the compartment to the tower is to the left random one generator oh [ __ ] hmm a bit pooh no problem Varner no problem welcome welcome welcome yeah the viewer voting go keys things mod we've got it all happening [ __ ] collie morphing little [ __ ] dirtbag [ __ ] sorry YouTube Auto blocks where's always pull him off this is two biggest who ever known to man literally nothing we could have done so who's the poly pervert here was it that little it's the big it's those bubble at the bubble bobble bubbles that do it do that isn't it poly immunity hey go solar poly of unity perk please [Laughter] goodbye Polly oh dear hmm well there's a run I hope you enjoy it I'm gonna go go after some of them poly perverts and absolutely destroy them that's painful man just a medley and I mean I'm analyzing the Deaf's God there oh man oh right folks that was a tremendous run but I am gonna stop you there not for good I'm gonna stop because this run is done after my work straightaway
Views: 9,350
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: simosimo, simosimo twitch, noita gameplay, noita secrets, noita streamer, noita playthrough, noita commentary, best noita wand, noita tips, noita boss, roguelike streamer, noita god run, noita secret ending, noita alchemy, noita deaths, gokis things, best noita mods 2020, noita twitch integration, noita twitch mod, noita viewer voting mod, twitch interaction games 2020, twitch interaction mod, noita tentacles, simosimo noita
Id: WETytwxtuYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 0sec (5040 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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