I'll take my bubbles Doubled, not Homed - Noita Gameplay

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hello folks are we ready for another ap ready run folks i've been given a pre-programmed seed again because i enjoy them i always like to have viable things here and we do have ap which is grass water and blood now that's going to be really quite tasty and naturally occurring probably by the time of the jungle i would say so let's get into it here and kick the lucky minecart down hmm i have nothing unto what happens when i get to the bottom of this level wink wink nudge nudge i totally haven't died to the same seed already by tnt i'm watching you i will overlay perhaps a video of that dreadful occurrence here oh hello hell folks help up yeah so health up already happy days folks do i is there any torches i was thinking of using a bomb here because there's a wand right below us you shall see folks thank you for watching another little bit of me playing noise i am feeling good for that naturally occurring ap folks so i really do pray pray pray that we can get a good old god wand here now we haven't had since the mr freeze run we haven't really had anything too strong we've sort of gone far and gotten to the end but nothing groundbreaking you know i'm looking to break barriers here today there we go we do have ones below careful now down we go what's it gonna be oh this one's normally a bomb wand or a rain thing i mean i guess that's going to be useful now so pretty good for if we encounter any mages or anything i guess oh speaking of which perfect you are not escaping my friend i really hope that's good i know i know exactly what's going on here i know exactly what's going on i know i know yes yes yes last time we played neuter hang on bear with me uh last time we played neuter and we was doing one hit mode so that's what we've got on yes i've just remembered cool all right then folks so here we go again i had one hit mode on that's my bad i shouldn't be doing enough for introduction again yeah we got really far there we go really far happy monday everyone happy monday oh look i wonder if there will be a cool one for lois and a firemate with a wand yeah yeah yeah come on now yeah so we know there's a good little one down here with a major buy that's fine we're going grab that water one then so yes we're playing with pre-programmed seed here because of the viable ap we want to spice things up on a monday don't we now right nice let's go and grab that gold steady oh come on you little bastard yes we're getting a strong sense of deja vu here today aren't we oh is it the little gold count from goki's things is there like a little drop shadow and a stroke on there on the little text that pops up for eagle-eyed viewers here that's a bubble wand i'm very much in interested in getting careful now stay away just you try it my friend because your time on this earth is not long yes all right so that's a bubble wand potentially a god one who knows that's not too bad that's not too bad for biome one all things considered so here we are then a nice little tasty wand it might help to pick up my in it folks that's i mean i've heard in the fire which i'm extremely disconcerting myself over that's not too bad is it let's get those alchemies on because we do have our viable ap here with the grass water and blood so technically speaking if i can bottle up some blood we can have some early game ap here well i mean we can have exactly that and considering the thing to change is water generally speaking that's again kind of infinite ap here i'm gonna have to be very careful hang on now that's a whole lot careful oh yeah that works i'm a little bit worried about using this thing oh there's a big chunk of gold there but we're going to leave it oh i'd certainly go for some of that now the recharge spell i'm just looking for that secondary flask which is one down there and we're gonna go bottle up some blood and then we're gonna go you bastard really that's the last thing i wanted right now this is the broken wand which i can throw and it will fire off random spells the spells are preset so it would be like fireball spark etc etc and nothing too exciting i mean it's fun i guess ooh don't he had our number didn't he hold his smokes there's a whole host of little beasties down here isn't there there we go wunderbar so that is uh what i called a low-key chainsaw spell it doesn't do digging but it has this same kind of effective chainsaw wood aka bringing that recharge time down which of course is instrumental for us some noises there we go get that fire up my old sand yes yes yes that's just going to open up the whole level for us uh when we come back when we fly through of course it's really quite nice to have like and set the world on fire some men just want to see the world burn didn't they i can feel a lot of ouch i'm gonna i'm gonna kill myself with this one i can feel it uh 60 health we haven't really engaged too much of enemies it's all been my doing oh no no i'm out of jet pack juice oh dear right i'm flipping back to the basic one nope there's a whole load of note for my liking we've got a thunderstone that thing an egg and a broken wand not a flask come on at 50 bucks there at 291 oh this is going to be oh well that's highly irregular is oh man we haven't been here for yonks yeah we'll go do i go to the pyramid for the health up because of the random spawns go go on then go on then although perhaps let's try and get that flask first because i'm low health oh that is super rare to find with an opening i can't remember the last time i've been in the open world on a on a run where you know we haven't come back after beating the tower and stuff well yeah so that's good to know i'll try and remember that because i don't want to die to something spawning when we take you off remember now it's not like the old days spawns happens and i haven't actually been to the pyramid in so long so i sense a trap admiral akbar and well look we've got naturally occurring here howdy doody only a little bit but there we go there's an example biome one and naturally occurring midas draft here can we get that onto the surface yes oh mate that's why i love ap runs folks i just need that second floss so we can get up there and get even more of that that's very reassuring that is appearing so readily on to the next one all the health up for us lovely so two naturally occurring health ups a nice little seed here folks do we have anything more do not die there is a potentially a flask here fantastic thank you let's get some blood down blood perhaps our blood down first with a little touch of water there don't even think about it although actually you come here that's perfect and yeah let's see if we can get a bit of mix on here mixology i don't think we're gonna get it yeah it's not really working we have seen it naturally occurring so interesting and hello full down just recently bought neutral gotta say you make it look easy that's 400 hours plus fall down you know it's a very hard game i i hope i do hope you are enjoying it because it is very enjoyable and very brutal but it's one of those games that makes you want to keep trying it especially when you get a seed like this where you have naturally occurring alchemic precursor and therefore at the minus draft which is a gold potion which we're benefiting from currently so yeah it's the the stuff that i'm dripping down or been i've been doing we do as you can see they've got that bonus goal so i ain't complaining much especially with the water being the thing that changes in the middle there like i said that be the component to change over oh now there's a bit of blood i'm very interested in okay well i think i think we're pretty good to go we haven't really got any ones i really wish i didn't use all of my bombs up at the minute the traversal has been a little bit of a pig to die i will admit but with walls being blocked off and goodness knows what else don't die we've got 44 health and two health ups on this run which is uh really quite unheard of i would admit this today's steady steady we do have some little imp bars down there too treat myself to the fire wand here there we go steady happy days that's 30 bucks in the back pocket for a 1992 i will just farm a little bit of gold here oh yes comes a pop-up yes yes yes yes yes are there any other ones now i'm being a little bit greedy but i don't think there are but we do have this bubble wand is not too bad let's get in there let's get that booked in and oh oh really well i wonder why goku's put the test dummy here that's interesting i wonder if that is for battling steve because if you got home in the test dummy gets homed while you're trying to shoot steve yeah yeah that's gonna be my little guess there oh yeah nice fun i like the little font changes goku has done here we've got like strokes and stuff and drop shadows whatever you want to call them folks nice that's very clear good work gokey does on these mods man honestly good real good for free as well uh what have we got here oh this is poo we don't want no wand editing because we're not mental it's more swimming i'm thinking a little bit of a cheeky re-roll steve is tavari the temple guardian of course nicknamed steve for yeah real names tavari a little bit of steevage here lightsaber obviously for 45 bucks hell to the yes spit a bolt i tried to get spitter bolts working but they're good if you've got a good shotgun one which we don't glittering field we've had previously which is meh not too good i'm gonna take these off and see how this is oh it's not actually it's not actually that good although we did buy that thing didn't we hang on now two what about that on then yeah that's an emergency shotgun if i've ever seen it yeah a bit poo on the manor what about with one i'll supply what about that on the end we're not trying we're not doing that today yeah there's so many better options in the spitball i know i know so i'm going to keep that i'm going to keep that as an emergency just if i'm struggling you know because that's not half bad the mana drain isn't too sad either and we should kill stuff within an initial burst so we're not going to be holding it down yeah i think i'm up for that folks i think i am crappy utility wands could be useful to buy them too bomb wand kind of all we've got for the time being do we really need two fire trowels no but there we go i'm not really interested in the burning trowels uh yeah let's go for a cheeky re-roll come on now what we got oh ah thank you are in jesus thank you ah i'm so happy right now now we've got to make this special holy yes dissolving powders oh man well or could i be so bold to supplement that bubble wand it probably is very risky yes we are edit ones anywhere or edit ones everywhere ready let's head on to biome 2 then it's going to be an interesting one of naturally occurring ap as well i think there's a touch of grass on here oh it's moss ah okay then is there actual grass here no i don't think so so that's interesting to know ah okay let's proceed on at 160 health i reckon we could certainly tickle left hand side to see how close we can get to the fungal caverns that's where we're going to find the good beefy ones just going to take it slow because we've got this basic wand then we have a little purple monster i can see his little sparks in the distance there steady detox everyone make sure to detox don't get ticked by tox there's a little whisker of gold i'd very much like to invest in uh-huh we've got flying rats flying rats in the gap go after that gold like a madman avoiding that shotgun blast holy smokes i fly my pretties fly as he stands in the talks oh dear oh yeah that's uh that's doing the job that's surprisingly doing quite well i missed that gold chaser slow and careful now you're just getting me to say it now aren't you because you've got your little account on twitch come on let's go to the left nope no no no no no no no yeah so that's why i've got this for a single enemies up close i can just blast them with bubbles there is a shotgun boy he is going to do us in or there's something above me as well hey that's oh that's better that's better than my current don't so hang on bear with me because we edit ones anywhere right quick quick quick quick do i want any of this bollocks yes we have some of that no we don't want mushrooms no no mushrooms never ever in a million zillion years let's have a little look no no mushrooms mushrooms are bad oh it's a little hey why is that hungrier probably because it's firing quicker but oh yeah oh man this is lovely so you've got this oh wow that's a lovely flurry isn't it holy smokes tasty tasty tasty very very tasty i should probably tell you what i should do um i can get a little bit a little bit of that blood at the bottom there that's all right isn't it that's quite a lovely don't wow wow wow how did i not get on fire from that i'll never know and what we've got on there oh we've got a tripler on there yes yes to those just for dps now wise yeah yeah or hang on what's the spread one deck spread how about if i be so bold oh hang on we got company one two two one to the two quick back you little bag yeah i think that's a nice little sub there not too bad we're we these ones are quite strong man for where we are in the game and with eddie ones anywhere so and that should naturally occur in ap i think we're onto something here really really i really think we do just to see how we get on whoa major no pitch oh yeah that's that's that's tremendous okay my bad that's my bad but we're one three two still decent what's on the tiddler wand bomb wand i mean i'll grab him by all means why the hell not in actual fact quick quick quick quick quick bomb wand on the tiddler wand yes i'm actually using a tiddler wand holy smokes oh very nice that's no fun for anyone is it oh shite yes sir come come and join us in this rather epic run here so far insofar even steady mate there's ones for days on this seed eggy boys anyone eggy boys that's another little yeah we'll take that for the minute no that sucks moving on so now we enter careful now mode oh no ghost witch ghost witch with a shitty looking wand it's not as if we're gonna benefit here careful ghost witch aka uh oh god i'm at a dead end i'm at an impasse oh okay nice 500 really oh thank god thank god they had a wand on them because we would have been in a hell of a lot of trouble there hopefully smokes hmm let's go and have a tinker in the fungal caverns if i can't see a wand glimmer you know the little little stars then i'm bouncing because i don't want to lose this i don't want to get too greedy i know rich right thankfully bubbles travel quite far extreme caution required for this level if you ever travel left these things explode didn't they maximum attention here i don't want to this up shredded absolutely shredded there is one oh really come on piss on that there's polly there i'm just going to take that that's going to get broken and cause havoc do have bombs [Music] i'm so kicking my pants right now i i hate coming here energy sphere now you might think i'm mad but i'm going to take that really quickly replace that replace that replace that wonder of the bar there's more chaotic polly that's fine for the minute right there's a one down there folks let's go and have a little look it doesn't design wise now you can generally generally speak in the bigger the one the more beefier it is now i know that sounds obvious but not everyone might know that but it's gonna be encased i feel and some nasty stuff i just want to wait for this to clear quite honestly time i do have that lightsaber didn't i careful now wizard we might be here all day long there we go oh man i have busted my butt for that boo right so get that magic arrow back because the magic arrow is kind of saving us a little bit when we have the bubbles or don't have the bubble papa nope watch out for jet pack juice don't fall back down into there explody boy mushrooms i really like this bubble wand it's really good i'm tempting fate wow watch that jetpack teleport juice on the floor there so there's a either a polly boy or a teleportee blindly boy down there extreme careful nails required i think let's have a bomb down there it that's why we got him yes yes i think there's a blind d boy so caution major caution required here oh we got him nice nice nice nice nice okay watch out for that teleportium a juicy one please be good ah is that freezed up yes okay okay right for god's sake be as quick as i can here we'll take a few eggy boys in case we get the infinite spell gizmo i am also i th i'm not doing terrible here but all it takes is those shielded robot things and a robocop to really us up so it looks good now but or a wrong teleport or something the fungal caverns is really something not to be trifled with it really really isn't that's ambrosia there yoink so i will just have a little tinker just in case because god ones can be found here we're not doing horrendously i don't think we've lost any hell five which is a bloody miracle okay get rid of these add bars oh nice oh i really want that gold but adds are here additional damage dealers folks if you don't know what that means and speaking of their troublesome oh very that's that's incredible performance for those technical monsters i keep it coming oh hello now we've got travel i'm so glad i got this one today yes is a remarkable performance early game oh mate we're just wiping up yep keep it coming there is some gold that i very much like bear in mind this is an ap ready run as well so things are looking quite tasty hey have we actually cleared the bloody fungal caverns here we'll quiet on the western front for the [Music] minute no need to rush we're in a good position nope you can put that away my friend those dudes are the um i think he's actually encased in there so we should be okay dude do i go up there do i risk it do i risk it or a biscuit no check me out nice yes we do risk it for a proverbial biscuit oh did i ditch my bomb wand it that's not the end of the world look at that's clearing the way oh how how we'll leave those boys be in there i think they're doing no one no harm go on in i'll fire here because he's gonna turn on us the little spider boy thinks he's not causing as much trouble there we go no robocops here as well so we're very incredibly lucky here honestly ah it's a non shuffle 13 and 45 another two caster that's uh three night oh that's technically better than number two the bubble wand i think a little bit slower on recharge but okay now i'm gonna be so incredibly audacious here obviously less capacity but let's have a little look what that looks like it's got more sustain but less initial but it's non shuffle as well what's the spread oh minus two so in actual fact careful what now let's do the freeze uh no hang on to modify that should be insta-freeze yes so if i if i struggle if i struggle with any one enemy i can freeze them with one and then bubble them to death in their frozen state so let's go and clear up biome too that was just the fungal caverns so i have got good feelings here right now oh someone's just drowned oh dear let's let's go bottle up this blood as well and drink it simmer okay so we need grass uh aka the jungle gonna be our next opportunity for that and then we have loads of loads of loads of stuff for us oh look at that yes iced up icy boys there we go that's what i'm doing oh and the ice the ice thing of itself is quite strong as well so we're doing all right nice uh oh green ones generally speaking are all right yes mate keep it up yes we need a heart up a heart up would be lovely right now yeah something to do we do have we do have that lifesaver but it takes so long i'd rather just bloody run around oh a fish wand a fish wandering by m2 perished of four yeah okay then so let's d let's get you on there just just bear with me folks while i cut this around i do have some flame spells but i don't really want to ignite this quite honestly this second in time i think amazing but what we're going to do we're going to take those because they're always fun bouncers the green bouncers fall off in damage dramatically as we get deeper into the game so not recommended in my opinion for the future they can be modified with speed modifiers and stuff to be really op but i'm not really too bothered at this stage in the game we got other cool working here happy days okay here you become him nice wow just killing the stuff almost passively here this is going to be dangerous isn't it nice nope nicely done keep it up big mama your time has come to an end your time of tyranny usually oh is that lava here nice 80 bucks oh man my kingdom has a standard bomb here right let me just get fully watered here because i'm gonna go fire diving oh well i'll take those purely because i was complaining i needed stuff to blow up and now i've got it so wonderbar that's going to go magically for my needs right now so that was one one you have another one here yes messiah wand folks steady on it's a tiddler but it depends on what's on the tiddler i had good dispel not groundbreaking it is magic bolt hmm i just don't like acid traps far too dangerous it is great for getting through certainly the later levels but the old the old pessimist in me just sees my my name coming up on a coffin here lies simmo death by acid trout like oregon style for those that remember what the oregon trout was back in the day is the oregon trail still going as a game series that's actually a question i'd love to know eli simo death by dysentery he shot himself to death which uh often happens in this game as well go boom boom boom get those cleared out the way yes siri bob what have we got oh that was very nice i wasn't expecting that to hit quite honestly i thought i had the bubbles out yes mate oh man we are well seriously wiping up here now not sound overconfident but very good uh above average performance here which is what a man always achieves tries to strive toward there we go boom yes oh hello these ones can be good they can be bad 480 mana 33 and 48 yeah but more importantly there's black holes on there so we're going to be taking you just a matter of purpose really wonder wonderbar so we can cut through now ah now what happens if i black hole above them yes i don't know oh nothing it's all can we get that mine down how cool would that be ah yes i want to see that in action oh i don't think that's worked as such so how cool would that if that would have done contact damage on that horrible wasps nest oh it's actually blocking me off you bastard let's get another one down there we go well it's worked either way steady on uh i did i have done in the past bio but those sort of long ones just don't interest me like i think once you get to the boss that's when the game should end i unless you're a first timer to exploring which is very fun i just have no interest i just i think it's more of an endurance thing than a skill thing like go here go there i just it bores me to tears if i'm honest fair play to folks that love all of that stuff i ain't got nothing to prove there we go boom but no it comes highly recommended though if you've never seen all of the secret areas in this game to which there are many stadium i think we're all good get the little fiery boy we've got 3 000 gold which is really quite remarkable as well better water myself up actually d and another ones we have been absolutely spoiled for choice here what have we got oh and another tiddler one really hell well let's get out of here shall we let's go to tahiti base that's where stuff really starts to pick up in my opinion have i tried to get an alternate endings the whiskey yeah yeah honestly i've pretty much seen it all in this game which is why i yeah i may give up this sense of what's the word ambivalence you know i'm a bit like yeah whatever it's just because i've seen it all short of playing mods there isn't really much i haven't seen when you're praying for the future of this game to keep up with good vibes what i'd really like to see kind of like binding of isaac where you beat the first boss and then it goes down for another like eight biomes like oh could you imagine that i don't like the effect of restarting and doing all uh it's like making it's kind of like making your own fun i think it's quite lazy i just i just don't like it doesn't inspire me anyway let's keep going let's keep it up folks we're on the way to the easy base to kill some heated bars come on spells we've got the old wonga to throw around here bombs oh no go back to that one charge mana charge rocks bouncy bars yes yes yes thank you i'll be taking those please oh yeah all right then chainsaw time everyone uh so i don't really think we need those on there but let's do it have i played have i played neon abyss have i played no i haven't no yeah it's another one that's another one where i sort of look at it kind of like i did with neuter to be honest i i just have to play it is it on game pass is it on game pass here because i that's great value game pass for pc for one pound i get to try flight sim and i've got state of decay subnautica and i think after the one pound promotional price it's 3.99 a month which equates to 47 pound a year which is basically one aaa game that's a great deal and it is on game pass okay now maybe we can have a neon abyss try i don't know anything about it other than it's a roguelike let's crack on folks so we do have chainsaws i don't really think we really need to change we could probably take that off actually for mana sustain at sorry sparks you are now gone as well as probably those let's have a little look-see no it's nice that's pretty damn good mana sustain as well all right folks well i don't want to get too so bogged down of anything in the one comping uh because this is good we can freeze single targets for a matter of fun let's see what that looks like that is um i just i just don't want to freeze the snow everywhere because that causes problems down the line especially for bubbles but that would really stuff up um what about the chainsaws and oh no no yeah too much too much new too much snow does ruin uh i i will have to agree agree there yeah i think i'm quite happy with this to be honest projectile repulsion [Music] productile repulsion that's gonna scoop my bubbles away isn't it because that does affect black holes okay then let's have a little look at that then oh yeah oh yeah sorry just while i'm in a funny mood today does anyone remember that simpsons uh scene i'm an amendment to be it's like the little sheet of paper hermann amendment son of men would do oh yeah i don't know i've got that stuck in my head today but there you go simpsons fans um i don't need to fire trout get rid of that you're running goku's things he has a tweak for projectile repulsion ah no i don't think so i've only got the test dummy on to be honest what does what does it do techy out of interest and was there any i don't think any ones were good here in all honesty does this act as a chainsaw as well oh lovely it does oh happy days not only is it our attack one but it does also dig so wounding on the bar here bubbles rubbish pants okay let's move on it makes you only repel enemy projectiles ah oh i'm gonna have a look at that then oh it's new game required we'll turn that on then and oh does that revert it back so we don't damage ourselves oh no i don't want to get bogged down and goku's things that's cool but certainly that's thank you for the heads up there we've got some kick-ass ones oh no snow zone sorry i always don't know why i always skip ahead the snow zone i don't know i think it's because it gives me ptsd thinking about it uh 17 and 15 i mean it's a decent ones oh yeah i mean i guess going in oop hello there oh didn't need that life anymore did your pal all right all careful now there's a turret this spoiler here turrity bars down the way somewhere bit of gold i'm just about to get grenaded there steady nice this freezing wand is doing us really quite well here was there anything on there no other than a dub do i need another double i mean i suppose it won't hurt quite honestly so number four real quick now all right well go on down man oh that really the range on that is beautiful nice oh my god and projectile repulsion off we are in the promised land oh we just hit him with a freeze there happy days yeah this is this is living this is living the dream stuff folks honestly this is ticky boo there we go wound the bar feeling so gold oh no i was about to say i'm feeling so good right now but there's an eggy bar we're one hitting them really that doesn't seem right no i'm complaining but damn man and there we go oh man wow i'm just killing the stuff without thinking it man being saved by projectile repulsion and pretty much everything else oh he see death squad now here we go careful now get it out there geez louise i'm so happy i've got this propulsion right on now gg easy there we go happy days there's a one down there hello there ah man green one you're normally better than this green wand this is pooh yeah there is this is freeze is just so incredibly useful and especially for a new player i don't think a new player necessarily realizes that freeze can stun lock and i don't know the exact mass but i believe a frozen enemy takes like a damage multiplier maybe 2x maybe four exits something stupid don't you i'm sorry that was really violent was it i'm trying to plan this attack here there we go yeah oh nice and another green one get out of town give me some money too oh man i don't want those not really a fan of those just take our time i honestly don't think we can take these guys on just yet let's try it by all means oh no it's not too bad actually wow we're ready for the temple of the art then yeah ready um everything's looking a bit dead here all right then we've got a little one here i forget the impression we've probably seen this oh no steady on i think that's another thank god for this one seriously we are being saved oh don't get talks don't get tossed no no no no no no using all my jetpack juice there to avoid getting toxed there was a little another green wand up there is he dead oh there's a bit of gold but i don't think i can get that on time or point three and four eight actually that's well there's a hex on there isn't a yoink get rid of get rid of that yeah we're going to take that because we can bring that to recharge down with our chainsaws and hopefully make a really belting wand do believe the mana base is really quite strong on that as well so bear with me oh yeah why are you not freezing your little interesting grenade boys steady on come on i'm just going for a final pass let's see if there are any other ones steady and we do have a shot at say somewhere over there hopefully i hit him there careful now there's a sniper don't let's just wait for that recharge oh no that's going to be spicy wow really come on give his mana the mana spell 355. oh jesus that's terrible yeah although we do have actually have an open world game coming up on the stream that's going to be mafia definitive edition because i'm a huge fan of mafia one that will be coming up uh hopefully it runs well with obs if it doesn't i will be importing it on the stream because that game is perhaps one of my favorite games ever and i will want to enjoy that in in full clarity and smoothness and there we go happy days uh on to the heci base so we are still having a very strong show in here folks what have we got in the old things here we've got squiggly diggly puff hmm that could be fun i wonder what that would do to my bubbles because we've got so much money let's get rid of that for the minute rocky bars will that [Music] do that gives us the range doesn't it what is the mana drain oh zero mana drain i don't know if that's for better or worse and then what about without it oh no without it yeah we'll keep it by though just in case because that can be used for interesting effect oh no more shuffle folks or perk lottery now i'm sure we're all thinking no shuffle but that lottery is always fun yeah good if we could take that gamble and still get the no shuffle we want to go for a little gamble folks do we you can't even turn down the poke lottery okay i'm gonna cover my eyes like i always do and pray that that's kept it there is the chance you take though and that's for the rest of the run oh it's 50 50. ball to the bags folks hey look we've got edit ones in this great wand i'm not too bothered i'm not too bothered as that because that would have been exactly yes but better better perks now in the pool now like all of the immunities we've still yet to come i think i'm quite happy to proceed folks in all honesty i don't really think there's much more i can do here we're using the bubble one primarily we're going to look for an upgrade for this if anything if anything this is going to take us quite far not including perk upgrades uh and it just knows what else so are we ready for the heesy bass folks i know i certainly am so let's get to it everyone so off to the hisi base now folks with our lovely glorious chainsaw bubble wand combo here let's just get rid of that as a matter of the cause for traversal purposes oh steady on hello mr medic oh no don't go into there oh look at this freezing paper there we go we're gonna wipe up here big time i reckon like no prisoners take no prisoners day careful gotta watch out for those exploding things actually because the last couple of times we've been here i have like blown up those doors and you get that sort of you know that kind of electric spark that the mages do those appear when you blow up things on this level and they they've gotten me a couple of times which is really bastardly bastardly if i just made up a new thing there uh keep an extra bubble i'm gonna get rid of the rocky boys see your rocky boys in favor of that double spark i'm sure we can make use of that pick up my black whole wand oh nicely done nice keep it up oh see that thing there got to be careful of that because that sends shock waves really electric just be advised he advised everyone whoa and then like this happens on the heezy base it's very deadly here keep it up keep it up keep it up all right easy buys i'm coming for ya steady steady steady a little bit risque yeah watch out for that electric we're fine keep it up keeping up that solid momentum here world toasters and canisters freezing the canister there like a pro there we go that's done a little bit of help there for us i've been seeing many wands are we there we go into the abyss this is so joyous for me right now we're gonna wipe up that boss i really hope we can get melee immunity folks because that would really make this a god run i don't think you can have a god run without melee immunity i mean you can and i have done but melee just really turns the whole game on its head it really does that goki's that gokey man he does a lot of good work for us here in naita really does for f-r-e-e as well don't have to pay for this i love pc gaming steam workshop just so good we are blessed blessed to have such great content creators out there or modders even their content creators aren't they not necessarily just youtubers and video makers yeah from now there we've we've looked at that one already up above there's nothing really there steady keep it up there's a bit of water actually we might as well top that up whoa oh jesus oh he was sleeping in the water even in a bastard well we could we'll just encase him then well that's not gonna work with fire isn't of course oh projectile repulsion yes there we go oh no come on excuse the excessive clicking here as i'm trying to get out of that nasty little mess there's a lateral turret there i don't like mux in with them of them even sorry oh hello speaking of which yeah loud turrets they're either they'll just sit there or then other times they will like instantly kill you almost like they get really aggressive from time to time those turrets on the right there that one there i call them lateral turrets i'm sure they've got their own name oh hello rocky boy wand anyone this this really wants us to take the rocky boys doesn't it anywho let's continue on then folks we're doing good keeping up this ever so soft it's momentum oh no oh wrong wand glorious glorious he's boy killing action here what can i say folks way i'm going to open up the hornet's nest here because there is a he see death squad and you know what that means yes oh my god glorious utterly utterly glorious i'll take all of the monies thank you you've got 4300 in actual fact what i'm gonna do which i don't normally because like i said the hesi base is quite hard now wow i've always been on the back for the last couple of runs so i'm gonna go to the left and grab uh the shop there is actually a bonus shop here in the easy zone wow careful now that's 85 oh there goes the blood which uh i was hopefully gonna bottle up here but that's fine we'll leave it be i'm gonna grab some more of this because the blood is in our ap recipe bearing in mind uh-huh blood is the harder one to find isn't it and get rid of the oil because there's plenty of oil here thank you try not to kill this medic i don't know how long he's gonna last i don't think we're also gonna find a second one i'm sorry i wanted to get rid of this didn't i get rid of the oil folks and what we're going to do bottle up just some more blood just for the hell of it because water is easy isn't it water we can find anywhere that's a nice juicy pool of it for us oh look at that that's very satisfying the oil ignites in midstream there there we go underbar let's crack on let's crack on gonna go the long way here because why the hell not the image is frozen oh really ah oh that's not good this is me thinking during my gameplay this is me thinking on my just chatting screen this is me on my geoguessa scene thinking emo simo he's always thinking one could say he has a big brain but he doesn't because he's a idiot disable this that's not going to come back is it [Laughter] off well the camera is back on oh well continuing on then and yes folks in case you're wondering why my webcam has vanished at my cam link dslr cameras decided to freeze and i can't get it back on without stopping the stream so i do apologize folks i have now vanished but let's continue on that's all right folks we've still got the noise here haven't we we've still got the old noita boom boom boom let's get a black hole through way die mister sniper boy so we are on for a cracker here that we're doing quite well if i'm heading to the left hand side wow that is a lot that's a lot of easy for one man a lot of pc for one man that's fine i'm gonna go left for the bonus shot just in case there's anything cool there ma'am oh steady on there's electric there's an electric current here so what do i want fire or oh dear geez louise i'm watching you are two medics two medics oh god no no no no no i need to preserve those guys i need to preserve them come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on wow i'm at 40 health here now i need to take him no out no no no i also don't want to hit the medic right yes right room business okay right so how does this work kick each yes yes yes ah we are living the dream here this is the run this is the run we are so blessed right now nicely done run saved yes oh no not quite you're kidding me no don't kill the medics get out of the gas ah run not saved quite the opposite now run cursed oh nighter night it gives the night it takes away holy smokes so uh we're now a reasonable doubt here another one jesus careful now don't don't hit my bubbles run run run run run run run run run that medic is going to be dead in an instant isn't it he really is don't hit my bubbles medic oh no it's all gone terribly wrong oh jesus speaking of terribly wrong uh he see death commander here there we go that's that all right not great but all right barney gamble monster thank god i got this bubble one because i would be dead in an instant here 33 health reaching critical levels here only smokes but i do still want to go left as greedy as that is for the bonus shop 28 health i've gotta take watch out for canisters and goodness knows what else there's gonna be tops here for days and he's of course nice all right get some of those bubbles down clear the way frozen talks is the worst yes bastard i need to get down to funkytown folks and secure this run nope just fill the void oh no that's really not what i want from life right now steady on everyone freeze down there they're on fire so they're not going to be attacking us right now full men are blast blast first even oh have i just gone through the temple there oh i push push push oh god 23 health 23 here 14 health come on now please don't anger the gods right run run run run run i'm confident i can take on steve but just get to the perks oh he's rumbling i think we're okay shield yes thank you oh hello oh oh i think we're gonna have to reroll that right extra life is good reroll again yeah [Music] yes absolutely yes toxic immunity okay then so 10 and 65 good well 12 and 22 a single cast that's very nice [Laughter] mmm check please nukes anyone looks anyone and okay and damage up on there heavy shot yeah definite number four isn't it folks would definitely have that thank you and do you think that's worth buying for the damage up on there yeah it will i don't know if it would circumvent the mana let's have a little look so let's do some culling here room there okay thank you so damage plus now i don't suspect this is gonna work correctly or at least very well sorry let's have a little look-see so number two and hello bat how's it going man oh it's oh no that's uh suddenly a little bit slower isn't it now what is that right so the mana is only 400 i don't quite think it's ready for anything to mental a double spark chainsaw chainsaw quite honestly i don't really think that's going to be as epic as it could be because i have to aim still yes it's quite good but we've got to hit stuff haven't we yeah freeze to the double spark now that could be very spicy couldn't it and one damage up jesus oh it's heading that cast isn't it although look at the numbers sustain is good slow heavy hitter and freezing which is incredibly important yes this could be quite tasty goodnight the most exciting thing in the world does this doesn't hurt me or anything does it it's like an anti-material rifle yeah the only trouble is that i don't i'm careful i need to refilm the water thanks for the reminder ready regarding locking ourselves in i would say in liquid for example so if i'm running around and i'm firing oh dear oh dear big o dears yes this is what we don't want those are the only chainsaws i've got if you can see my predicament with those freezy rifles uh huh let's take that off then oh no i've got full oh yeah i might need to take off freeze yeah i'm i mean that's fun it's just let me drop bubble one two chainsaws yeah we that was it that one the only trouble with that is it adds to cast delay i don't know if that's gonna benefit i mean that's oh that's nice tasty numbers with the expensive manner yeah well we will be needing more damage okay let's roll with that we've got edit ones anyway hey i've got a little lightsaber there i'll just take that off for a minute and also the secondary backup bond um quite happy with the freeze still just kind of being there for just killing stuff there we go with the bar sorry folks just there getting reignited here so that is a double castle what's that gonna look like oh hello oh so is that second one got the freeze on too ah that's very interesting hopefully that's going to help us out here so i think i am ready to go nothing really on here what crick and water enemies yeah going in let's crack on let's crack on folks on to the jungle now remember we do have naturally occurring ap or bloody hell we certainly should do soil do we have grass though yes we do so there's a uh god there's a dead enemy there so i'm gonna get some blood down oh yes yes yes yes now i want to sprinkle that around if i can hopefully these don't damage the magic damage the magic folks we wouldn't want that how would we you don't want to damage the magic homing is nice but the mana cost is utterly dreadful but we're going to take it it's not a great wand but take it over four so let's crack on you do not have a melee immunity so i don't know if taken on the dragon is advisable quite honestly the bubble master the bubble master here wow we've got flower bars somewhere down the way nice that freeze working tremendously there wunderbar ready oh yes mate just go for a bit of gold farm in here steady 30 steady now i wonder if if anything we will see that naturally occur in ap i do have freeze i i don't know free supplies to the dragon quite honestly it's been so long since i've had a freeze wand and no melee immunity to worry that when fighting the dragon so hey i know it used to be that way i don't know if it still is it does okay then the dragon keeps moving yeah it's a risk so once he's frozen you can kick him that's a tremendous risk isn't it but perhaps one to take i don't know man i don't know i'll certainly go right freeze and chainsaw equals one shot kill wow well all right then i'm feeling froggy today let's go for it then and if it don't work we're all blame hail the beards all right here we go then if you go right you can't go wrong i just can't tell without a camera bastards interesting you've got a killer homemade bubble set up waiting once you find a good god bond yes i know that's what i'm gagging for in actual facts i do actually need to get some ap going too well perhaps i should fight the boss first before i start wasting your time trying to get ap we'll get a chainsaw wand oh yeah i'm toxic moon aren't i yes oh living i'm living my best life today i'm living my best life turn the master gold mmm that would be dreamy wouldn't it there we go yes god i've been a toxic unity for some time so it's a really quite the treat let's not worry about it right so wish me luck everyone we're doing this about melee immunity with 177 health so what was that wand comp you reckon this yeah is going to be our saving grace yeah oh how the dragon end of the run what does it look like when we shoot it looks like this oh is that not oh no it's wrong way sorry there we go so freeze and kick you say jesus i'm gonna live to regret this i feel uh yep going in wish me luck i'm kicking him yeah but here we go one giant giant risk yeah if kick doesn't work chainsaw will so he doesn't go straight for me all right then you know well there we go folks [Laughter] well that's my mama don't be greedy and nighter folks don't be greedy at nighter he didn't he went blue didn't he and we kicked him oh dear what one he went blue didn't he yeah look oh so much for that then ah welp that's what you get for taking on the dragon with no melee immunity what one well i hope you enjoyed that one folks it was going really good until we decided to risk it on the dragon note to self never go to the dragon event melee immunity ah savage well well that's gonna be it for noita folks that is gonna be it for neuter i hope you enjoyed that one
Views: 2,973
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: noita gameplay, simosimo, noita tips and tricks, noita bubble spark, noita bubble wand, noita alchemy precursor, noita gold potion, noita midas touch, noita midas draught, noita midas seed, indie games 2020, noita dragon, noita edit wands everywhere, noita streamer, noita god wand, noita longplay, noita commentary, noita secrets, noita stream, chill streamer, simosimo noita, noita bubbles, noita dragon boss, noita jungle, noita wand guide, noita wand crafting
Id: 6-YeG786ytY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 52sec (4132 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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