Noita 101 - Tips for new players - Wandcrafting, survival and more!

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oh and welcome to night sir today I'm gonna be giving you a live rundown of what this games about some tips that are going to help you out along the way in the magical world of nighter basically I am gonna be explaining absolutely everything what I'm doing what spells are etc etc so do bear with me this is live on twitch of the minutes so any stumbling and stuff that's going to be not pertinent will be cut out so yeah bear with me and for those joining me thank you for joining me right now on our first run first run luck nobody goes quite well for us so annoyed sir a mini game get the ones get the flasks and get down to the bottom of each biomes that bleeds you onto the next level so right away the had this would be interesting for new players you'll be coming across these little things these pools with ones in there you might think oh that's interesting these are trap pools and you don't want to be trifling with them too much this is Polyjuice that will turn us into a sheep or no sorry chaotic Polyjuice which turns us into a random enemy or random creature it isn't just enemies so we're gonna have to wait for this to wear off so as a new player I would advise for the most part if it's something that you can't touch or drain or drink bomb it away drain it out because remember this game is a fluid based game like the old polyester hi the old falling powder came the falling sand game they were going to wait for this to drop and they'd go and see what this wand is name of the game your first run on this first biome in the mines is to grab as many ones as you can because there are some really well super opie ones I've just realized thanks that leaking Polyjuice we have got a rather tough enemy over there he will eventually change back so we're gonna ignore him so we've destroyed the trap if it's in app or if it's on something like that just be careful because sometimes it can be acid it could be water which would electrocute if you took the one so buyer beware so to speak there are lots of environment stuff around in the game so you can use f to kick lanterns you can kick with great difficulty with the F key there explosives can be detonated with your basic wand or any wand for the most part don't think in my ninety hours with this game that ones haven't destroyed projectiles and just I would advise you on your first run on the first biome kill the little enemies because most enemies are easy to get these enemies here for example the pro TNT and can be quite dicey the TNT doesn't do that much damage in all honesty or grab the gold enemies drop gold by the way and they drop double gold if you kill them with a falling crate falling mind shaft more with full pink mineshaft owning mine cards and the environment damage you get double gold for all careful now so yeah a good way to make extra money if you can be coy use your cunning it's a best the enemy I'm just taking my time on the first biome clearing the way clearing the fog of war interesting we have a fire mage probably the toughest enemy on the first level we're gonna be ever so careful now I could throw my water flask at him which by the way this might date a video I'm currently rocking the beta version of this game which does include a water flask from the start which is very handy I'm not going to explain why just yet but we're gonna keep that don't use the water flask on the fire mage say these guys if you do douse them in water if you can get them into a pool a day they can die or they do they will die sorry Oh shotgun enemy these are very deadly case in point I say here we are now this could be real interested in one gonna do I'm gonna quit my flask and hold down the right mouse this will pour the liquid and if you look in the bottom left right now you'll see a little bit of gray text that tells you how full that is now I'm gonna head to sip paint the fire mage coming to us don't know if he's aware I see there's water below him so I'm going to try and yes yes I'm into the projectile dare foolish there we go if you've got water around excellent that was very easy for me I could have thrown my water flask I'm not going to but when you throw flasks they explode and they produce their liquid if it's lava obviously it's dangerous if it's acid it will burn through a few for an acid flask these guys acid guys they shoot acid which burns through the level including the temple at the end so be careful be careful of their asset because if you the acid on the temple which is at the end of the level you will anger the gods which spawns a kind of almost indestructible enemy so be be careful will come will get it out and yeah I am just clearing the first by oh I'm just running through having fun having fun a good tip folks you can see above my head that is our stain or our buff whatever you want to call it now again with the beta version it shows you your percentage of your buff currently I am 44% wet or stained covered doused whatever you want to call it now being doused in water permits you a bit of fire resistance I'm hovering over the water it's going down that's very handy traversing through flames which you're going to be doing often quite frankly just bear that in mind be aware of your buffs enemies the name of the game with I own one is div Q what you can as a bunch as you can look for the ones and proceed safely because a good run on biome one really sets up your whole game this is a roguelike so if you die you lose everything and we're doing it all from the start so portion it depends on your play style sometimes being aggressive it can be good hello folks we adjust potentially got one of the best ones on this biome if you see this gold wand of the little ring in the middle sometimes that can have a very very powerful projectile on early going so yeah we're gonna grab that it's got a fireball at the minute which isn't too useful fireball is a very okay spell it's mean in my opinion more used for destroying wood and hello Pasi by the way the stream is so chill I feel like I'm missing two Bob Ross play video games yeah hello folks so just mosey on down you'll be noticing when you go through the game there's liquid on the floor now again beware because these have certain effects so this is blood from dead enemies blood gives you critical chance bloody clothes protects you from fire so it also acts as a fire retardant that your sense you you sense an increased chance of attaining critical hit so very worthwhile Terr perhaps have a blood flask on you not only for dousing fire and talks and but also increasing your critical chance Prince mean more damage more damage charms I've also got my damage numbers hello enabled on my option so I can see the damage I do hello jetty hello mate do bear with me while I do some teaching here welcome all armed on fire so right we're on fire to douse fire you need to go into a submergible lady you can use your water flask you can self douse but from my experience it doesn't douse fire very well you really need to get to a liquid of any sort of intoxicant you if you've got a dot of damage damage over time dot we're going to call them dots so if you're being dotted by fire it will cure you but being dotted by toxic sludge which is green will not kill you that will take you down to about 10 health so if you're on fire you're low health and there is toxic sludge just sludge yourself you'll be all the more better for it so fire because I've got the water thing above my head I'm fine I'm gonna crit myself with blood juice on the floor an enemy has got a 1 here enemies can pick up ones if you do excuse me those projectiles here on this wand are some of the best so the next level we are on for a good time so great great choice of random seed all of the seeds in Noida a random different ones different enemies or random so we were on for a good time so let me just give you a very very brief rundown of all of these stats so the basic wand is very good it's got low cast delay which means is how quickly these spell shoots out of the wand some spells I had to cast delay so we'll get to that at recharge time is the amount of time after all spells have been cast so for example let me show you how a default wand has two spells that's it you'll notice in the top right a little backwards arrow that's the recharge arrow so the longer the recharge time the longer it would take between shots effectively so a lot of the ones on by on one here are very quick some of them are very slow some of them are like who invented this it spoon so we are gonna pick this up because this has got bouncing bursts on which is a very very almost opie spell to get in level one ah because I've got two ones I'm gonna take that now I'm gonna bring up this screen by the way when you press e to pick up a wand that pauses the game this screen doesn't pause the game so if you've confined a wand and you want to pause have a breather the game is fast hello cheese bite around doing some teaching at the moment how are you cast delay is basically how fast the burst is in rounds per minute and recharge time is how fast you can drop the mag and put a new one in yeah nicely put by Pasi they're here live on Twitch so and again going back to the stats here real quick we've got mana max each spell has a mana drain obviously earlier spells drain less buying bigger spells take up a lot so if it's let's say for example we had a spell that used 160 manner like this wand here and the mana recharge was let's say 10 which some ones can be that's gonna take a long time to recharge so does well we'll see how we go is see how we go going forward will explain on the fly between each biome there is a safe zone called the temple we will come to that and that's where we will wand comp basically and hello if a yet Sims out hello kif welcome I'm doing some teaching at the moment do bear with me good to have you here it's so we've got our basic wand we've got a bomb wand which is good for clearing stuff this one let's check it out that this is very good these bouncing bursts are tremendous they bounce they can damage enemies from afar around corners the recharge time you can see here what is the recharge time on this today's point for free doesn't sound like a lot but under duress just set a little gap it could cost you your life so ideally I'm gonna be placing when we get to the temples you can only edit ones in the temple or now not to get too far ahead of ourselves so we can get a perk called edit ones anywhere so we can do it if we get that in the next temple our whole run we can edit ones anywhere I hope you taking notes yeah so anyway all good for now a very fair one we've got here whoops he says blowing himself up so I'm gonna drag with left mouse because me personally I like to have my main dps on one I use my number keys to scroll through the weapons at once or you could call them weapons they are weapons very good very good ah Oh yikes I've chaotic polymorphed myself oh that is not good fYI when you chaotic Polly if the enemy has a weapon oh you can use it for the most part now welcome to biome one these are what I call the boozie boozie boys easy boys these shoot toxic sludge balls at you they are slow but they are they're not hard to dodge but I always find myself walking into them remember to grab the gold that's a famous thing that I do for getting the gold always pick up dropped gold brown liquid is oil which makes you more flammable so watch out thank you for the follow no case in point this is very bad Polyjuice can be used to douse yourself chaotic Polyjuice remember chaotic Polyjuice poly morphine sorry I call it poly juice I do apologize can turn you into an enemy that can't survive basically like a fish something that can't survive water cause liquid is water if you turn into like a magma fly you'll instantly die in a moment you touch it so very careful there are lots of creatures that you can turn into but it gets riskier the further you go into your run if you want to gamble I mean there is a level in this game full of soldiers basically I have poly oft and snuck through the base as I sold it very cool there are many ways to skin a cat in this game so the name of the game was biome one just get through it grab gold try not to die make sure your water flask is topped up for dowsing dowsing toxic sludge and remember toxic sludge as well can be poured on the ground to negate toxic sludge so water on the floor I think I bungled that syntax there but there's a little bit of toxic sludge and you can pour water onto the floor to negate it so you won't forget it on your character you won't be stained so there's a lot of trash mobs around I can be very safe here for the most part grab gold I like to do a lot of pre firing for Rainbow six siege players and counter-strike players I'm sure you'll be at home here here is the portal that will take us on to the first temple on to the second level but I mean we've got some good money we're low on health and some great ones I'm tempted to go through I'm tempted to go through I've got my favorite gold wand that I'm going to retrofit but we'll get to that momentarily alright and this is the temple where we get to recharge our health and recharge our spell such as bombs our limited use spells will be recharged and this is the one shop now there's a 50/50 chance of these shops being either ones or spells me personally because I find a lot of ones around the level I prefer to spell shops but for now this is all we've got there's always a half-price off fella here so oh I love this game this one is half price and has my favorite dangerous projectile and I'm gonna look at the stats here TAS delay is seven slow recharge em an affair recharge speed for mana to capacity so not that great but think of buying ones you don't like as ripping the spells Athens sorry ripping the spells off because when you buy ones you let say for instance we bought that wand and it appeared on our number four slot here we could just drag them into our spell book and we can just get rid of the wand we purchased so bear that in mind you might be a crap wand but the spells might be fantastic like what I'm doing now I'm taking the bouncing orbs out of wand one into my wand for the gold wand the famous Gold wand from biome one and now this should be very good right now that read that's to recharge time it's still very good for a first wand that's gonna do is tremendously it's got a spread which is why it's shotgun in a bit I don't know how RNG ones are in this game because I I know I've seen identical stats I think they're set rather than completely random so there's free cast delay which means it's almost instant recharge time is almost half a second and they're very fair sustain so if I hold this down if you look at the blue bar in the riot I can hold this down in it can pretty much self-sustained I'm gonna have to stand here alone last time to run this down I have seen a trick to pull the first shot in the symbol bomb staff yes I was just moving on today actually if you've had a poor run on by on one you haven't found wands or you found ones that are crap and they've only got fireball and bomb on you're gonna need a DPS font just to take on enemies so if you've had a very poor run of luck this is what you can do your bomb wand take off the bomb so there's nothing on drag on your Spock bolt and you might might be thinking hey Mon what what is this bah this is a very good emergency DPS wand not too bad eh not too bad but the only downside of this is as good as it is the mana recharge is a little slow so you're either gonna have to risk it taking on enemies or you can have to find a place to stay and let that mana regen so your mileage may vary but it's a good tip I see a lot of players not knowing about so and remember our water flask to fill up your flasks because when you're dousing yourself when you're trying to save your life you're gonna be using it up we've got 73% now every temple has these two water pools for the most part most pausing the game are deep but sometimes they might be about sort of chest height you could you'll notice that you can raise your flasks if you want to get as much water as you can in your flask just watch the little hand have the flask holding down like this that should get as much as you can from the pool to always top-up your flasks natural fact I've got another empty flask here which I'm gonna fill up as well so just watch your o2 by the way you'll notice when it's full either by the liquid stop the liquid stops moving or if you roll your mouse wheel over your flasks at the top you see the little yellow you'll get a little dialog in the bottom left and never let you know that will let you know how much is full so good stuff so we've got plenty of water plenty of good stuff there and yeah oh you guys have been for some luck with this run can I afford it I can write of this game so much the RNG is just so lucky what am I gonna do I'm gonna forego this is how you replace ones I'm gonna press E to purchase so to speak on this wand edit screen I'm gonna click here to replace that what I'm gonna do this is a chainsaw which is drastically super op4 having in biome too so I'm going to plop it on to that bombon the emergency DPS wand bomb wand whatever you want to call it this little Ghostbusters gun now this is a chainsaw that lets you dig through the ground to get this for the second level I know I keep saying is is tremendously overpowered because we can dig through the ground and have some good stuff get the gold right so we are we are on for a tremendous bit of luck here we've got a great DPS wand I may even just put my basic sparks into that one emergency range emergency snipe in because this is quite shotgunning a very good shotgun and let me see the stats of wand for actual fact let me press e on the dropped wand because you can do some compares I'm still a little bit confused with the green and red so the this is the one we're picking up so if I if you hover over one of your existing ones the one that you're hovering over it will show you the worst numbers so our new wand at the top has got better cast better recharged better man a better capacity less mana and worse spread so in my humble opinion I would keep this warned this could be saved for more bigger spells like for instance nuke I'm more of a DPS kind of guy in my humble opinion so again no it is a great game that way you couldn't do it by yourself you can play your own way sorry I've just neglecting to see this wand here number four it's only got two capacities so nuke is a lot of DPS yes it is it sure is but for now for learning purposes I'm gonna keep this one on the floor so we're going to replace for that flops out the wand Chuck's on the floor and I believe I've gonna take Oh of course I've forgotten the most important thing here we've got two ones here it might be a little bit early to mention this but I'm gonna very quickly you'll see shuffle here shuffle means it does the order of the spells so five bouncing things here means this will cast one two three four one two three four with five one two four there's no order when we get deeper into the game Maketu be getting more special spells and for those special ones we will need ideally a no shuffle wand theys ones do the spells in order so for learning purposes number three is a non shuffle wand that will do two sparks and then a fireball get it good so moving on so for now I am going to take bomb because there are a lot of crevasses in biome to where you're gonna need bombs just to break through a little bit of terrain I mean technically speaking I don't need it because I've got chainsaw sorry so natural bags I'm gonna take fire bolt yes I will I will a lot of time is spent on this screen on my streams I've we've what how long have we spent on these screens 30 minutes 20 minutes we've entered the level and we've just been killed it's the way it goes and now it's time for the perks what have you got no my favorite perk is here I'm gonna explain to you what these are I don't think I should take glass cannon everyone's laughing it's my favorite perk it's a dangerous perk I think I'm gonna have to aren't I glass cannon is super mega powerful it makes your spells five times stronger it makes your explosion radius five times stronger like bombs are basically very dangerous so this may kill us on the run but let me explain anyway there's a couple here perks stay with you each level so every temple you get a perk to choose for the whole run for argument's sake BAM tourism another very good perk vampirism takes a bit of your max health off max health is 100 I believe it takes it down to about 60 if you take this but that allows you to heal by drinking pools of blood so can save your life if you've also got the more blood perk which makes enemies drop more blood if they are blood based so it can be a lifesaver quite literally a lifesaver it's it's a it's a strap to take if you so desire critical hit plus that gives you always extra crit chance now remember dousing yourself in blood where you've got the little red thing above your head that also gives you extra crit so you could be a critic this again you get different perks per temple and if I believe there's eight temples folks is there so you have eight chances of perks not to get too far ahead but there is a couple of bonus perks that you can pick up one is called extra perk that will make for perks appear so you have more choice pick bigger window-shopping so to speak there's another one called purple lottery where if you take it it would be a little dice if you if I pressed either pick the dice that's a 50-50 chance that the perks are either all going to disappear or you can keep pressing them so you can technically grab all of the perks hello synthetic I'm doing teaching at the moment welcome all welcome welcome welcome no not been going for 14 hours mate the perks are very good for this run I'm gonna take glass cannon because I can't resist if I die you know why because I blow myself up with that 5x stronger perk the only downside of glass cannon in half your health 250 even if you get maximum health upgrades they don't work you have to have 50 so this should be interesting going forward I hope it hasn't compromised my learning here I hope I would kill myself so we've comped our ones we've got some good DPS here especially now we've glass cannon so these ice damage of these bounces is free per protect I'll bear it in mind look how many we're chucking out and as well they do bounce so this is a lot of damage we're kicking out as well as a blood crit above our head which is also giving us extra crit chance so we have we are got a we've got a lot of force behind this so let me just make sure my water is four to four flasks so good stuff let us go and we've got chainsaw as well let me have a quick explain of why chainsaw is on this wand they believe yes it's got a - recharge time which basically means it's gonna be constantly digging it's very there I say one of the top chainsaw ones you can find I have had a better one with a digging spell there is a digging spell as well as chainsaw so to dig in spells are out there so be careful of explosions of glass cannon folks if you pick it it has ended our life many a time and by the way for new players when you exit a temple it collapses and it makes that I'm just looking it makes the rubble cursed so if I start touching that falling rubble dangerous dangerous times ahead because it does do damage anyway let us proceed down onto biome 2 we are very lucky again I'm gonna keep mentioning this we're very lucky to have chainsaw and glass cannon on this run I'm so happy I have got this luck because it's very entertaining only for the people here life on twitch but for you because chainsaw we've glass cannon is gonna make makers dig really well oh my god so we're gonna be doing a lot of digging here because you see there's little gold veins here we're gonna dig through and grab the gold we don't even need to cure enemies we don't even need to engage enemies and this chainsaw also acts as an offensive weapon so we're gonna be okay folks I reckon let me just have a look at this and remember pressing a on a wand pauses the game this is a to caster so that will cast two spells at once these are remember glass cannon that's gonna be very deadly for us to use so it's got a very crap recharge time as well in my personal opinion I don't like ones that have an over a second recharge time remember recharge time is the time it takes for you to reload your wand basically it's it's a reload time so a very fair wand in actual fact I'm gonna replace that before not gonna use it because it's probably going to kill us if a worm or some big enemy shows up whose chainsaw that could be entertaining couldn't it right anyway so back to chainsaw ring now there's a bit of but it's not a discussion it is a fact chainsaw in straining to gold will destroy it you sort of ideally for maximum gold claiming sorry maximum gold digging you I dearly want to sort of make it dust so dig around the outside of these gold gold in the terrain so to speak and it will become powder that you can collect if you listen for the tinker normally there's a little cheesy sound let me try this here yeah so I'm trying to expose it because once it's exposed it will go on the ground but me personally especially when I've got a great chainsaw and a great bit of gas cannon I don't I don't really bother you know honestly because it takes it isn't that hard to just mash through stuff you know I chainsaw or we can swarm on fire right water water water dousing yourself with your thing on the fly trying to fly through by on fire isn't very effective you ideally needs a bloody find a place to douse yourself and remember anything that is of neck height will douse your flames so do bear with me on this run I've been ever so lucky to get gas Cannon and a chainsaw I'm gonna get a bit of gold it might be the death of us quite literally getting too greedy it will help with my teaching purposes I'll be able to afford ones and spells and then in the name of the game folks annoyed so people ask what's the point of this game I don't you know is there a story there isn't at the minute but the whole point of the game it's a roguelike so you've just got keep playing the game you got it as far down as you can there's a lot of players that join me on stream that haven't gotten to the end because it's so tough and you've just got to roll with it get better get lucky with ones and perks experiment I've done runs where I've not killed a single enemy and gotten sort of there's many ways to skin a cat so to speak I'm grabbing the gold you can see I'm exposing it and then walking into it the surface particles so to speak it's very hard with a glass cannon chainsaw because it does so much damage well so we've got five hundred dollars and by the way there is a very rare chance of finding a shop you know the shop in the temple there's a very rare chance of finding a shop out in the open hey I mean it's rather rare I think I've only seen it ninety hours about five times in an insert of biomes biome to is kind of unforgiving because you have these magma flies which drop lava blood just to beware of what you're standing on because there's a lot of talks remember are see I've been talk'st water and again stock so you can dilute it with water find a little pocket of terrain like this to douse yourself you can also pour your water on the ground like this it will I'm not so sure about hilly terrain certainly if the flat terrain it will negate it for the moon for the most part just just beware of what your standing on these purple guys they have goo for blood which who slows you down so again beware be aware of what's above your head that is your buff basically so I'm gonna continue digging we've got 22 health which puts me in a bit of a tenuous position don't really want to die me personally I think we'll be okay because I can take on most things here right what have we got a very fair wand again - spread acid trou mmm acid trou after the spell is cast again we'll get to this it will drop an acid trap which burns down very handy in a pinch I'm tempted to just take that I'm going to take that 100% we're gonna replace our default wand of the sparks that's fine so you can find ones if you're if you're having runs where you're not killing enemies you can be lucky and just find good ones of good spells you know because buying gets expensive it really does which is why I n did you see that spark and enemy has picked up a one there so I've got to be careful careful careful the name of the game is to just kill enemies be careful I think I sustained a bit of damage I'm still sustaining interesting so a bit of projectile damage there I'm just gonna grab a little bit of gold ideally but hang on yes chainsaw man and remember blood gives you crit chance as well so just bear that in mind always bear in mind what you're doused in I'm gonna keep saying that I'm diggin down a part of it sort of safe wand composition here ever in a bit of an impasse here I should be able to take these lava guys out with their birds of ease because of my glass cannon remember I'm doing so much damage because glass cannon gives us 5x damage it's Superboy and I think if I'm not mistaken oh no I am mistaken I have been talks I always have your water ready douse the stuff if you're if you're not sure of the ground just be aware going dropping down into areas and new will be black but as long as you can use your jetpack your levitation to manage your jetpack manner whatever you want to call it careful of projectiles by the way careful of what's above you runs can get very dicey when you're on low health you become very cautious and rightfully so because you can run into enemies shotgun enemies that do a lot of damage to you I'm going to go into the temple and I'm going to explain what we've got here so again second temple I'm going to fill up my liquids here remember wait for the water to stop make sure you don't drown yourself with your o2 meter in the top right because if you start drowning you'll lose health just be careful the two full flasks let's review I help out our spells and oh this run first run luck dear oh dear interesting right interesting right so some interesting spells here nuke with glass cannon will basically clear the whole map very tempting isn't it Bert we will be dead let us check for perks it's always worthwhile checking out perks right let me explain trick greed now standard greed makes enemies drop more gold I'm not sure yet wrong number not entirely sure perhaps 2 X 4 X I'm not too sure but trick greed when you kill enemies by kicking stuff onto an enemy like a barrel a minecart if you can make icicles drop anything that's environmental you will get extra gold for that this is tempting to take I don't normally pick it but remember what I said about that dice it's here now if I click this if I select here there's a 50-50 chance we will get the perk so we'll have this 50-50 chance going forward for this run but it also means I might not be able to get shield which is very safe it casts a permanent shield around you in my opinion it's very unreliable but it can also save you a couple of hits it it doesn't vanish it doesn't have a very good visual effect of what it's bouncing off I am not entirely sure no honesty but a very good perk because it's so early in the run I'm going to pick this yes okay ice Campbell yes that's that's how it goes folks welcome spec and cue YouTube we recommend in the video where sumo beat noise n hello flaming Panther so we got very lucky there her glossary let us pick not only another perk let us pick all of them so it can be 50/50 it's RNG 50/50 luck so very very lucky so we've got a permanent shield trick greed there's a chance like some real money here shield is good except when a rocket is barreling towards you and I think snipers can pierce the shield right yes snipers are always pretty deadly folks watch out for snipers we will see them soon so some very very very inspiring spells here critical on burning enemies gunpowder arc interesting we can technically afford everything I am NOT taking nuke nuke is tremendously deadly it really breaks or then again I've got loads of money and we could do it on the vault couldn't we we could do on the last biome if if and only if we get spruce of immunity which is a perk if we use this with glass cannon we are dead I'm going to buy it and we're gonna examine here let's have a quick look so remember gas cannon does a 5x on every damage feeling so projectile damage explosive damage explosive radius so that's gonna do what's 250 times 5 I don't want to know basically it's a map wiper the damage potential with burning trail and burning quits and GC is quite crazy apparently the range is going to be twelve twelve hundred and fifty for record a standard bombs range and with no glass cannon is sixty and this new group with glass cannon not including blood-stained crit and berserk iam which does 2x the damage and radius big numbers being phone about this is why here is absolutely essential to get explosive protection explosive immunity as a perk even think of using this because it destroys the map we've got it though should we be lucky and make it to many temples and find explosive we will give it a try but no promises so um let's dive into how these projects are modifiers work we're going to be finding triggers we're going to be finding timers and we're going to be doing project projectile modifiers now I don't really have a good I don't have any non shuffle ones here so for argument's sake and it should be very clear to me I've got one projectile now on a on a non shuffle wand you want to put all modifiers first I will explain the deeper we go with timers and stuff but for now all modifiers anything that's a timer modifier etc has to go first doesn't really matter with shuffle ones this is a shuffle wand but you can see I've taken off my bubbles and you might think why is that that's basically gonna go through that one spell and practically almost have this critical chance on burning enemies so I think it's hard to see with glass cannon because glass cannon gives you like a red thing on your projectile trowel I think it should be at golden it's very hard to see but that should be propping it should be proc innothing and that's actually not doing us too many favors let me chuck them all back on very reasonable sustain bearing in mind this is gonna critical critical damage 100% 100% crit chance as well anyone that's on fire he's gonna be dead basically so very good to get that burner did I sort of just have a quick read here folks do bear with me homing homing we've circular vigor is a bad combo to hit I Frank oh dear as any other one have a slow recast loads in this game yes right so I may even be so bold let me take these spells off we remember we got the acid trow I'm going to demonstrate it here because it's deadly I got rid of my sparks didn't I so every I mean I literally can't do it here folks but this will practically always have an acid trowel I'm bouncing I believe that's very deadly actually so I might hold off look at these bouncing projectiles if there's acid bouncing around I see trials on a comeback and hearse not a good idea for now so we will leave that be I'm gonna take these off as well to keep for future use so we're gonna keep these ones blank for them for a moment because we're gonna exchange them a ninja star often called well is called summon dis projects how shuriken z' whatever they're called very good but very deadly especially with glass cannon these do 20 damage standard with glass cannon it's an insta-kill basically bearing in mind we've got 50 health so you should talk about spells that are safer unsafe to test in temple yeah folks so how the temples work they're not entirely safe because if the tech the temple gets damaged for the most part or explosive smells like bombs will not damage this rock acid will eat through it acid in black holes if you've never heard of those before fine but if you've played this for a bit and you know what black hole is black holes basically a carving tool they will cut through any matter if I was to fire black hole that would make a tunnel through here and then that would anger the gods which basically spawn in almost indestructible enemies in this temple and they're going to be very cross because they've got a shield and they're not very fun to try for within a small space so buyer beware like I said bombs fire boats most of the magic missile stuff is fine it's just acid and black hole that's what you should really be careful of but for the most part you can fire stuff here safely to test your ones test the recharge just be very careful of acid if there's acid trow if you find a one that always casts acid trow just be ever so careful folks be ever so careful see ya and ya oh and another note just because you didn't damage the temple doesn't mean that's not gonna hang go to God's worms can be found worms cut through like a black hole doesn't matter what the terrain is they will eat through it and if a worm finds its way down here if it starts making tunnels you've angered the gods so rng folks rng rng it's just the way she goes and the same for if an enemy below in an exon has picked up for example a black hole wand and they shoot up through this bedrock here through his temple rock you get the blame as well I'm really hoping this will be patched out if you're watching this and it isn't the fourth of October 2019 and a couple of weeks in advance if this has been patched out in modern versions then ignore what I've just said so we'll get to it synthetic I'm being a very nicely advised here in chat so do bear with me folks right I think we are safe to proceed so let us one final check we're safe to proceed okay let's let's get to it on to snow zone all right so we are proceeding on we have got gas can you won't get glass cannon every time but this is a good run to demonstrate what this game has to offer so we've got a great DPS we've still got chainsaw and we're going good we're going good thank you flaming anyway let us proceed now in particular I'm currently rocking the beta build that has edit safe zones to the snow zone in the next level so this is very advantageous normally or before it was a flat platform I'm hoping this is going to make it to a future release or probably the existing version now this level is full of snipers it's full of turrets I'm ever so famed before we've got gas cannon cuz it's gonna make our life easier what you've got to look out for here going forward our little blue skulls that shoot at you and when you kill them they release deadly freezing vapor avoid at all cost because it damages your health even if you just touch it for a second there goes your health just be careful there are def squads here squads of enemies that shoot guns that shoot far and can arc over distance and again snipers that do 25 damage if they hit you you'll see red laser pointers here I'm gonna be ever so careful I noticed one on the left somewhere the thankfully glass cannon will hopefully save us just by pre firing the bouncing projectiles will do us part there's one of those skull boys look see that blue stuff there if we get stuck in there if we fly up into that we're gonna be know in a good way so snow zone is all about peeking I would say use your peeking jetpack flying to his own fly down into an open area because you get squads of these guys very deadly very deadly oh no I forgot to mention actually a quick tip for flying you can fly with either two W key or space me personally I use space well hang on engagements bass cannon no thing but a chicken ring there to save on your jetpack which is your your yellow bar and it's hot bright you can tap fly rather than just holding it willy-nilly you can conserve just by tapping so very handy tip there folks right so yeah I could because I've got glass cannon why I do have a digging wand actually I could just cut through but I'm gonna demonstrate it doesn't work okay I'm gonna create a firing whoa okay careful Oh water no I've just been one hit by a projectile there how foolish of me so you can see how deadly those guys can be as well bearing in mind we've only got 50 health that is I'm extremely unfortunate so I'm now gonna just pray that we get through this that was extremely unfortunate it's just the way it goes if glass cannon so on snow zone this is a bit of a deadly area do excuse me if I'll get a little bit excited because I don't want to lose this run I'm gonna engage this guy if I can safely use bouncing where possible there we go check both ways there are deadly turrets here I might end up dying here which I really don't want to I'm gonna be checking round corners use your jetpack bounce tap tap cuz if there's a sniper it will target you so you'll know where they are to pre-fire just take your time that there is no time limit there's no it's not like FTL where something's gonna chase you it's fine to just turtle so to speak or here we go here's an example of the pre firing doing us the world of good death squads and have a leader which I called a goatee boy who does fire really are firing projectiles I'm gonna bounce away because things are getting a bit rough here I'm gonna be tunneling watching out for projectiles do bear with me so it's not the most exciting to be a bit of a coward but I don't want to lose this run it's going over so nicely here there's a turret around down below now we should be able to get a safe defilade shoot down pirates don't have a laser they just buy a willy-nilly they believe I could perhaps safely come down into here I think I might be oh dude because you can suffocate yes I'm being suffocated that's a wormhole so the worm is knocking around here I'm just Dean I'm just digging I'm ever so lucky to have a chainsaw to dig safe little pockets I'm gonna check this flask the little pink glow uses its lava okay there's a deaf Squad perusing around because I've got gas cannon my digging chainsaw does it ever so much damage I think it may be safe to pass hold on be careful when digging of pockets of liquid you don't want to drown yourself I'm actually gonna leak this and use it as temporary cover to pass through whoa f fo to folks what is that oh it's an unsure fool very average wand I'm gonna take her cuz it's non shuffle I haven't had a chance to oh no I'm not gonna no I'm gonna leave it we do not want to chainsaw that because we will blow the up right and the chainsaw back down folks I'm sadly I'm gonna have to go all the way down to the temple if I can make it safely there's one good hit I'm dead and I don't really want to die sadly in the minute I can't think of any learning tips of it and just be careful watch for snipers now I could gamble and drop down and just trade odd diggin spell does us proud but I don't know what's down here I'm gonna have to fly down trade a random projectile doesn't hear us I said there's rats we should be fine oh I've been bested by a rat that's not good right or hello lots of water here watch from my o2 level it's one of those eggy boys there if you see whoa careful careful careful careful make this wider make this liquid pulled around us careful of the o2 folks do bear with me while I do this my safe zone there so we've got a nice little safe haven here for the most part I'm gonna use my momentum to drop down there using your momentum to get into a pool is quite a good little tip watch this press e to keep that's this one is always casting explosive projectile causes projectiles to be more destructive to the environment I did super fly and I got very lucky with the perk glossary we was able to pick all free perks I'm gonna take that because that looks very fun with death cross I wonder if that makes death cross do more damage to the environment as this always casts fing says it's nan shuffle it's got - cast delays whoo-hoo whatever it's going to have on it will be instant very slow recharge time but we're gonna take it because we don't really have anything else to interest in to replace so bear with me bear with me here I've got 9 health I really really really don't want to lose yeah I don't wanna get killed I don't be bested by a rat I little enemy so I'm gonna turtle my way dig my way to victory so to speak making sure that no enemies can follow me no enemies can get to me care for that Oh twosome Oh for the love of Christ and I could actually be so bold I actually think care this chainsaw will give me a temporary air pocket I believe so dig to win yes indeed folks I'm gonna use this water as a weapon when I get to the bottom I can technically make a pool it's been away from and jetlag juice to recharge hold on I don't want to be lower now or I'll be able to swim back up but here we go so we've got a little bit of a drain going on so that will very slowly drain out down below goodness knows what's below us careful of that water go to levels at a very slow drain here going down into a little area below us can't you dig a sideways s shape to create a pocket without water that water not sure what you mean at the moment mate right so we've got some engagements down below this water should provide a little bit of cover and being ever so cautious normally I'm not this cautious but I've got some great perks from nine health so do bear with me this is what you're going to be doing you you're gonna be making fly decisions hello V Liana bye - I am doing a youtube learning video here live so people they would have do bear with me with the format and I really hope this waters doing us proud so to speak because we are going to go and commit there's enemies they know we're here one hit we are worm food thankfully watch out for that barrel that could have ended in disaster either way we've glass cannon projectiles in the environment do not scale up with your 5x damage so right I'm gonna keep going with diggin just for the moment if we are waiting ideally art as a help up help up help up watch well - excellent no no health up doesn't matter cause gas cannon but it doesn't matter with glass cannon right good sign good sign that water has basically protected the portal enemies drown we were very lucky to make that to be honest with you there we go oh my goodness me that is my favorite spell lightning bolt right so we've made it through snow zone this is where it gets hard folks let me just check the perks [Music] now repelling cape repelling cape can be good but it can also be pretty useless because repelling cape what it does if you notice on the right I am wet walking off walking around eventually gets rid of your stain basically your effect your buff but repelling cape makes it so it practically instantly gets rid of it no matter what it is wetness talks fire I'm not so sure about firearms I'm still not sure I don't think that works it's literally stain effects but that can be risky because blood blood crits extra critical chance while being covered in blood is very useful in the game the same for berserk iam that gives you 2x damage so that means forget about blood crits if you have rappelling cave ah if you also find invisibility rappelling cloak and invisibility practically means they're always invisible so it depends on what you want to do for your run your mileage may vary the next is dissolving powders which I've never used it myself but apparently stuff like coal snow gunpowder sand anything linsan loose anything you see granulating you just walk for it like it's not there and it makes it vanish I haven't seen it in action or if I used it but that's apparently what it does this is my favorite perk a lottery baby homing makes your projectiles home this is super Opie this is how runs have been one because the projectile when there is an enemy if it's a slow projectile or it stays active like these bounces all of those residual bounces will home to an enemy so a big lifesaver a very big lifesaver this isn't just hyperbole or because it's YouTube or because it's live on Twitch as well hello folks it's extremely overpowered we've got shield we've got gas cannon greed gold four loads of gold drops homing we are on for an interesting run you can never use nuke now does homing work on bombs I believe it does I believe it does so anything explosive why we don't have explosive immunity is very risky I hope just be careful all of your perks have pros and cons but for now I'm going to grab life in Bowl because that's my favorite perk I'm gonna ideally need explosive immunity and Electric community before thinking of using that and yeah I believe in all honesty safely as well this is all I can really use I'm not gonna have those on me I'm gonna get rid of the fire bombs fire bombs are really good actually fire bombs I'm not sure I think they're bolts I don't think they're explosions I think they're safe to use they're the things that the death squads use I am gonna test one if it kills me for science you know not to use a glass cannon so for number three but a love of Christ don't kill me if you're wondering about bombs now explosive stuff that can kill you via explosion in my experience should have a radius warning anything with radius means you can die by AoE so I this doesn't have it on so I think it's safe but you can get damaged by a fire but number three let's give it a go ingesting that might help us out and I think these should home as well I've got a few of those so let's see what it's like interesting now remember what have we got on our number one critical um burning so we have actually got a really dreamlike setup here I'm so glad I'm doing this teach and run on this run it's going rather spiffing lee so this is gonna be very deadly for flames I might get myself on fire but I'm hoping it will home because it's slow-moving I've just got to be ever so careful because the next level is in close quarters I'm gonna take off these def crosses we're not gonna muck with those next sorry yet just get rid of stuff I know I'm not gonna use get rid of one of these okay is that a good point oh no he wanted to keep that didn't me I don't know does more damage to the environment hold on also didn't we have a triplicate double spell cast no he didn't okay that's fine wasn't a recharge time crap yes it was so hold on number four that looks big dice eaters in air everything we should have that there as this this is a cursory video for going through noise if tips along the way honor on a standard run we've gotten very lucky here so I'm not spending too much time this is not a serious run but it's it's shaping up to be isn't it so we have got good DPS going forward we've got as close I almost used my bloody non-one there we've got bouncing projectiles homing projectiles glass cannon trick greed so anything that gets blown up I will profit from it so yes I am gonna keep my number four ones now if you remember it's none shuffle and it always casts do extra damage during an environment so to be honest this is a game winning compare so it's just a matter of getting through the levels now so things are going to be heating up he see base is next if you like the enemies from the last level they're all back but now they're in tight corridors so check your flasks folks 100% for for water dousing and onwards we could go praying that we don't get blown up because we're not safe from explosives we're not safe from fire so it's going to be cautious even with glass cannon folks so do bear with me careful are they gonna be explosives those things are taking damage there's no blow no their environment things I've got to be careful because these bouncing things obscure my vision in these tight corridors so I'm going to be absolutely cautious as I can even perks behind hurts a little bit now it's only rappelling cloak I'm not too fast of that I'd rather have a bazooka man blood and what was the other one just dissolve through powders I've heard bad things about that I've never taken dissolve through powders I'm not too fussed why I said a name at a game on a sea bass you can either go about it two ways you can just roll with it or you can dig down but digging down leads to examples like this where you can find some surprises you might run into a turret that you can't engage very well to be honest or I've been tossed so remember green is tox throw some water down you'll be fine so let's see what homing does is it homing should be whoa that guy's got a wand hang on oh I've got a flaming finger side ooh what was that number three oh no there's a freezing vapor thing now we've got a run or chat for those folks using vapor is deadly remember there are lots of canisters with freezing vapor on so there are many hazards down here that guy's got a wand as well it's a blood dousing wand I think what on earth is that we're going to go and investigate and I'm right next to a box here careful of bouncing stuff do excuse my going from Bob Ross to Sheltie man but this is where the game gets real dicey I'm incredibly dicey the big ones are starting to be around it can get real hot real fast so I'll try and keep my teaching hat on where applicable chaos chaos is going to start ensuing riots hey there's one of those explosive things on here as well interesting this is already a game-winning run yeah quite quite honestly all to sumo sumo thank you muggings very kind there so this is dicey man bollocks now you just saw that Firebug save our life back there those enemies are coated in oil I used my initiative are you I knew that I had a fire causing finger now and I've killed all those enemies so emergent gameplay many good experiences to do on the fly annoy to hear folks that's got a very slow recharge time but that could be our dowsing wand now now don't get rid of the chainsaw vampires can't feed from blood miss because it only douses it doesn't create pools by the way the Eloi pod was just asking could this benefit us if we had vampirism if it made pools if you could create your own blood pools that would be super handy but it doesn't he only coats the floor in a single layer that can't be junk from on the floor if that makes sense so do I take this do I have a need to douse if I'm on fire it could be very handy don't know what to take do I give up chainsaw chainsaw has saved our ass I don't know folks do bear with me while I deliberate the deliberation going forward is gonna be ever so long because we've got lots of heavy utility here I am very tempted to take this just for yes just take it no don't dilly-dally right so the name of the game ideally is to get down we came from this way didn't we know we didn't yes we did know we didn't yes we did right used bounced glass cannons gonna save our ass just be careful where those bounces go if they have fire trail on anything dodgy like poison trout just be aware and keep an eye on your water unity as well I was 28% near sixty any flames that will protect us for a good bit of stepping over on flames try and grab the gold I always miss the gold I get a lot of YouTube comment saying that I miss gold it's not on purpose it's because I'm largely crapping myself on my runs a very fair a very very fair wand actual God that is a very respectable wand falling objects already discussed yes falling objects folks if you shoe icicles break up ice that counts as a trip kill so anyway you can use the environment pulling crates hauling minecarts you're on for a good spell here what is that that is oil drow I'm tempted to take that all think if it follows nd welcome I'm just doing some learning here folks and very tempted to take her that's a very capable capacity shuffle wand with low cast low recharge great manner so that could have some higher sustain going forward spells I not I don't what air does I'm hoping in practice that would put out a fire as much as I don't want to get rid of in the next level not to spoil chainsaw is gonna be very useful for our safety oh my lord welcome to noisy you're going to be doing this a lot as you get deeper one deliberation want comping wand planning so I'm leaving these pauses in the video to really get in the mindset of what you're gonna be experienced in going forward - spread by the way means it will have no spread it will be a sniper based on the projectile each spell as its own arcing and there's certain modifiers you can get to adjust them get rid of chainsaw we're not going to need it in the second-to-last zone and I don't think it's gonna help us in the vault okay bye-bye chainsaw okay right we've got enemies incoming folks at 45 health Oh No careful steady on by covering fire letting Holman do to work our shield should deflect most things again I'm still not sure on what permanent shield really blocks it'll block most things there is a canister down below I've got to be careful of that it's efectos offer in trouble we're proceeding very cautiously down below clearing that fog of war effect there is a fella there I've got to be careful cuz that goes around like a blue ass flyer and that will explode and that will release that's probably it going now we're gonna have a huge cast of freezing vapor coming up what way is it going to go I don't know enemies separation here there we go perfectly fine let me wait for that freezing vapors to clear I don't want to fall down into it because that we all damage us check for snipers remember tap levitate folks tap levitate enemies incoming just letting the bounce do the work for us no need to rush in here this is where the game really slows down for your own survival trust me getting those bounces to bounce through their homing is moving around that should clear a very cheeky way of doing it taking fire here from this position well there was a dodge there of those rather damaging projectiles so a lot of Rainbow six pre farming going on here Jeff's got incoming that's fine glass cannon bouncing and homing is really working for us here well you just don't know what's coming at you in ec base you've got to be careful that's fine all good keeping an eye on our water protection our blood remember blood gives you extra crit chance just gotta take your time folks the key to success someone asked someone asked could on ready it they said they've been watching my streams they don't know how to get better you just have to be aware look out ahead check for enemy types watch out for environment hazards such as crates where possible if you can kick them down into somewhere safe happy days there we go if you can get stuff bouncing I'm I'm I'm talk'st on the floor and above our head with the water flask hold down right click just be aware left squatting coming come on bounce to us proud he grabbed the gold as well so I could buy it in essence safely destroy that so be good we're going it's going well clear that stuff just be careful of the flames the residual flames and stuff right we should I don't think this cuts through even with glass can another dozen whoa enemies incoming just get bounced working it's a little bit cheap bounce for hey man it's gonna lead us to victory situational awareness yes indeed there I go right I'm thinking so I could have blow it up big trade man because those do eventually blow up probably cut create a lot of fire so just put some water down I should be able to safely proceed here pre firing pre firing get the bounce working for us well sniper there whoa right right now we've got some lava now you might be thinking old L but I'm just gonna wait for this fire to clear it's gonna maybe even douse some water here I've got two flasks I should be relatively safe and I'm 33% fifty five wet water when cast on lava does create a bridge so that's fine that's fine it's a dead end yikes okay we've got a backtrack cause who don't have any digging implements if we had the chainsaw still I could have dug through there so and again we've glass cannon normally for digging through using the default bomb is very useful but with glass cannon that's gonna make it five times wider share I've got no way to get through I'm tempted to go and get that chainsaw back because I hate backtracking we're literally gonna need it and it is very Opie to have chainsaw so sorry dowsing wand I think we're fine with two water flasks in all honesty it's far too useful actually no get rid of that one because we've got the spell the damage the environment spell or defile on this wand explosive projectile we're keeping that in mind we will saving that for when when and if we get explosive immunity so never think is safe even I've cleared this area doesn't mean I'm safe so I'm gonna proceed back down hopefully cut fruit is somewhere hopefully near a temple I would like to imagine chainsaw this enemy no dangerous dangerous dangerous right hang on I'll be by a temple folks so hopefully we're in the clear and again never assume covering fire covering fire if I look like I'm a little bit tense it's because I am we're entering the end game here folks we've got three more biomes to do and then the boss so and I can hear rumbling which could either be a worm remember what worms do they anger to God so I'm gonna be as quick as I can here in the wand comp stage check the perks pray for fire or explosive immunity oh no electric without foul because again this could be dangerous in the level after the next it's also very useful for me does that electric that not only does that stop us from getting electrified it makes all liquids anything could you're in a deadly weapon should enemies fooling any liquid no matter what it is right so one comp time so air Cano does that do Dubey repeat we are deliberating on the ones now so I am gonna simply get rid of things now I'm gonna replace those fireworks I'm they've got a radius on so though they will literally damage us until we get explosive immunity I'd rather have deaf cross than these so to save space they are going I'm gonna get take all of this stuff back I don't think I'm gonna need recoil it's too it could be used in some whatever way but just there's just no point until we get explosive immunity and stuff I don't want to be too adventurous so I have got wind wonder farty wand you would think that that puts fire out I have no idea result flow they're capable of greatly moving things you know once they are no unearthly idea could be handy the fire away I don't know blowing the fire simply no unearthly idea we're not going to be using necromancy sorry because we have got homing on it the minute my homing projectiles home to your neck romanced friendlies so we're not going to be doing that Lantern or spells in the water ah yes hello mr. maverick I'm just doing a bit of a tutorial run here for the moment so apologies for not much chatting gauge Minaya met yeah I'm done doing a video for youtube after the fact okay interesting is that gonna be useful no I don't know as if it is in all honesty a number free now if I'm on fire what I can do let me just check there's not an also cast on here if I'm on fire I can douse myself and this cloud also acts as a killing field if anything's close I have got how many shot sets I've got forty uses of this so a toxic electric cloud for the enemy basically that will also stop me being on fire tactical very tactical and also good for pacifist runs as well as that will count as an environment kill right till we get explosion immunity I think I'm gonna roll with this does the wind have a negative or positive cooldown it's got plus cast delay minus one spread speed is 400 meals I guess that if we want to knock stuff over knock stuff over could be rather interesting we go from a goatee no milk so need a mango chai I'm gonna roll with this folks to not keep this going too long and someone asks what do dormant crystals do they are basically mines if you place them down they will need another explosion to trigger so for those pyromaniacs among us could be pretty useful there's also a rain cloud here which will spawn a cloud of water but to be honest we've got our dowsing blood remember blood gives us extra crit chance so we are don't really need it in all honesty circle of stillness will anything that walks into the circle will be frozen again something very useful in actual fact quite tempting to take for the next area oh and actually just to test out my favorite smell I've got to be careful but I am going to get rid of a deaf cross sorry deaf cross sorry deaf cross as much as I love you number four I've got electric immunity so I won't get killed by this thankfully but this is a very cool wand basically with glass cannon now that is technically an explosion that isn't damaged in us so it could be deadly very deadly until like an explosion radius I am NOT going to be taking if it is my favorite spell very lucky to see it okay right we're heading now into the jungle which is in my opinion not that hard I'm sorry we've got her glory working for us here so more blood nice that means more chance to get blood crits basically if I had been perusing that I don't I might get vampirism on and on the next level but that means we can start drinking blood because there will be a lot of it with more blood perk active and you could repair your health points so very cool oh the jungle is full of interesting enemies I'll say that much there is a lot of gold debt so get some water on I should be able to get that quickly Oh quick quick I've got as much as I could help up ain't gonna count because we've got glass cannon remember we're cats and cats at 50 regardless of help ups right do you like spiders do I have anything else offensive no I don't a number four that's doing six damage world as a teleport in wizard there I think that might be the polymorph guy or the teleport guy I'm not sure careful by the way oh sure I didn't feel my flasks not the end of the world a pool of water for me to stand in just cover fire to be honest I mean will do do to work here for the most part you can see it active you can see homing coming back getting into those enemies doing the damage not much but it's doing some actual fact let me trip myself well careful tap tap tap while I'm in the air if I had strong levitation well hang on if I had strong levitation that would be really useful by don't so I could practically hover around endlessly and that's the same for low gravity that's also good for levitation management okay okay okay uncle Kevin's well Kevin's man have I been poisoned or thank you for a reminder there that's so number three we're gonna need instantly thank you for that I wasn't noticing that with 33 he'll watch out for poison folks on this biome to look at that hang on there was a one down now I'm gonna use my full levitation to get right down respectable stuff here there's a digging spell hello jack mate hello jack buff it now and it's tickling my fancy I've already got chainsaw oh wow this is so deadly with electricity I suppose I could feel my flask couldn't I let's have a good old feel with electric water shockingly delicious you could say this looks so deadly doesn't it only smokes why is that full let's just top-up both righty-ho let's go let me get my blood crayon get some bounce going everyone get some bounce going as a heavy bit of simulation happening a bit of CPU chug arre I feel just be careful going forward there's a lot of enemies here there's the right column fill again right column as in sorry what is that sorry enemies inbound watch for mana recharge on your wand there's gold down a bit of fire and the death squad incoming bootleg death squad so homing do do us proud home home home whoa there's a spider everyone bit of quick juice here nice gas cannon everyone say you fired a glass cannon home home home to us proud happy days watch what you're standing on in this biome is poisoned as this there's that as this there's that fire igniting acid clouds just be be on your guard trip juice sorry blood blood gives you an extra crit chance I just call it creep juice because that's what it does I save question even be bothering engaging here of gold to behead let's go down thank you all for joining me on this learning stream this learning run we will do some passive runs after this alright this is just for players are arm sure of what annoyed sir really does their beginner tips I feel with far past beginner tips so we're getting real deep in this run I wasn't expecting to get as far as this with glass cannon bouncing projectiles yeah we've done it a sneaker and speaking of sneaking thank you for the follow Oh another good little run there folks we are being absolutely absolutely like you with this big style big style luck mmm nothing there tick was my fancy but we might get explosive immunity this run was made for me wasn't it oh my god and it ones anywhere folks you know what that means that has to be taken edit ones anywhere means you can edit ones outside of the temple witches and perk lottery is also doing us very well now low gravity makes you low grav I'm used to the muscle memory of the controls of this game it could help us out if we come into some bother running out of jetpack juice not sure how low gravity affects homing projectiles I'm not the most experienced with low grab I've only taken it once in 90 plus hours is it worth taking for this run I don't want to compromise it do you know if each lever has a fixed amount of enemies to be honest Steve I don't know I know on the snow level in DC base the you know the death squads that goat guy and the little soldiers that follow him I don't know when he spawns those little guys but I think when he takes damage he spawns more I'm not sure the not sure of what it is but in terms of the actual enemies on the second biome there's a nest of wasps that will keep spawning wasps and also on that same biome there's a big purple boy spawns the little purple boys so in a couple of others I think I believe the acid guy spawns the little guys I'm not sure so there's some mob spawning active basically but other than that I think it's standard per level am I saying no to low gravity electric immunity does that stack with what I've got already what does it not matter right there's nothing here that I need to take in my opinion there's a fire bolt trigger that we could use dangerously no don't even think about it we're just gonna we're just gonna go yeah I think we're just gonna bounce because we don't have explosion immunities so we can't get too creative we're just gonna pray that we get as far as we can and just another reminder just another reminder if you are paused if you're not paused in the temple you open yourself up to random damaging of the temple from worms or gods below you or sorry enemies with ones that may have black hole on just if you're gonna be away you're thinking of stuff just keep pausing the game was it that it pauses the game doesn't it so a good tip believe me it makes the homing more reliable are you sure Pasi I mean it's gonna be useful for the base because we're gonna be doing a lot of hovering I will say that much but we do have edit ones anywhere emergency new I guess I might as well take electric immunity because it's there no damage from electric shocks how is that water so the electric mage guy his bloody one hit explosion thing would be not died from bat no I think he's just electric shocks okay riot let's I've got low graph on for a rather tremendous run here folks fYI I'm just cover fire no need to rush of a low graph I can do this to the end of time this is a very very tough zone Wow look at these guys look at these guys how much help do you need what's going on come on mate the IC is very dicey man not what I want to be seen at this far and late in a game and it's just a trash mob interesting let me just that's a sign of things to come by the way out of interest this is the vault I would say the hardest biome because it's full of big ope enemies it's about to get tricky we do have low graph so fingers crossed fingers crossed the combing sand a work for us tremendously oh I need to blood myself number four that's it that works fine Wow watch out for a sip of these smokes that's better it's working for us spectacularly careful now just taking my time it's about to get extremely cautious now come on come on come on just go my blood gold can we get fruit there can we sneak through yes we can right it's one of those boys again this is not the place I want to find myself even a seedy shooter whoa hang on hang on hang on Jaime that's a lot of gold there's a lot of gold come on low grab do us proud Oh for someone above me isn't there I see you I see your own arm on fire there we go that's why we've got the thousand thing there all that's not working as intended yes it is Oh mr. dirty technical here get bouncing man get bouncing it's not doing them less damage 11 Hill this is where things get a bit tenuous now unfortunately it's the way it goes you just get bamboozled number four is that gonna blow stuff away chaos and greed there is a big downfall right so we are in now practically immune to talks to be honest because we've got 10 health I think the official number for sustaining tox damage damage over time takes you down to about 10 or 9 so it's gonna make this run incredibly turtley but at the same time I don't want to lose to get one hit so like this I've got to just bide my time pray that I don't do something stupid keep up the bounce I think there is a spawning one of those acity boys down there hence why those things keep coming up so I'm gonna careful pre-buy yet again look out for things taking damage above me and below me make sure I don't get snuck up on bounce bounce baby bounce so we've got fire we've got chaos we've got stuff down here as well so careful careful careful oh no we're safe I could technically dig down I don't know if this acid rock here though that's the only trouble could be really disastrous for us there's one of those robot electric boys down there who are rather deadly something that I don't really want to take on we have 11 hell case in point well something's just been blown up massive oh no wormers tackled temple folks I've got to hell something hit me off-screen this is where things get terribly dicey come on come on come on maybe someone took the nuke wand possibly then felt like a big old bump watch out above us this is where things yeah that thing is coming that blue projectile one hit and I'm dead folks I am making the game ever so slow with all of this physical simulation you can't really see what's come in and go in so do bear with me this is where the teaching tutorial comes off and where my fight-or-flight response kicks in because we are we have done ever so well here I do not want to die or something cheap I've got a pre plan I've got a watch for acid I don't know what that's kicking out there is something down that way it's like a robot enemy it's very deadly why is that slime whoa and I just pray that something doesn't just take us out because that would be such a shame right carefulcareful this is this could be dicey these guys take a bit of damage than though they've got their tentacles oh hang on this is where your multiple decisions come in something to blow me around here whoa no no no no whoa fire kicking up here just bloody spray-and-pray paint just spray and pray watch for the flames one bit of flame and I'm dead I don't have I might have to warm myself here hang on just for fire resist I'd rather have that in blood crits crit chance sorry so go this way this seemed to be the safer way to go watch out for the stalks wow that is a lot of gold I think there's acid in it no enemy down there do you bear with me folks it's about to kick off big time oh no multiple enemies powerful where Robo shield enemies I don't think he's seen us oh my god this could be where it ends sadly I don't want to say better or worse but these guys take a lot and lot number three of help kill could have really really really prayed just didn't have the DPS sustain unfortunate if to pay respects folks ah mate and there is an example of a rather good run a rather good run going forward folks I hope that this video has had a lot of tips for those who have joined us I am doing a that whole run was a learning experience I explained everything because I went and yeah I hope that was helpful for you there's many ways to skin a cat in this game remember your water flasks top of your water flasks you can instantly drink your flasks by bringing up your inventory and right click in that will empty it just be careful if it's oil or something or something toxic that will damage you so please don't actually skin a cat but yeah that's just covering the basics I've not even covered over world exploration polymorph potion to gain two secret places that's just the basic how to what my fault process is we got very far what perks of what and there we go there we go I hope that I hope that helped in any way thank you for watching all the best
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Rating: 4.7587008 out of 5
Keywords: noita 101, noita tutorial, noita survival, noita new player, noita new players, noita tutorials, noita help, noita tips, noita tip, noita tricks, noita cheats, simosimo twitch, noita stream, simosimo, noita streamer, noita boss, best noita wand, hiisi base, noita gameplay, small streamers, uk streamer, noita vault, noita jungle, noita best wands, gaming, Best roguelike 2019
Id: OGJgazBxt_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 23sec (6143 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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