To the GOLD! | Noita | "Everything" Run - Part 1

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like uh i'm just trying to read everything oh wait what what seed is this oh yeah we'll use this seed okay that's cool since i kind of know some things about the seed we'll stick with it for now except this is whiskey i thought this was invisiblium fmt premiere fmt i'm not gonna stream fmt ever i might do a building stream now and then maybe i just terraria for me is a video thing i don't really like streaming terraria guess terraria i need to focus 100 on it and streaming is not like that so it's like i end up just messing up and destroying parts of my world i'm like why did i do that because i'm not really paying attention i'm just like because when i stream you know i gotta read chat and everything and i kind of just half focus on the game half focus on chat and uh i don't like doing that in terraria or fmt so like i might do some building streams and then just kind of play music in the background and not really chat like some background stream stuff might do that but as for actually playing fmt on stream nah probably not i'm the one that got you into noita nice you're welcome i love this game very very much hey tlc potato sock 11 months 11 months buddy thank you how you doing you should grind all the calamity legendary weapons that that'd be a video yeah like i'm building i don't know i want to focus on building some stuff first because i don't even have a potion farm yet you know fmt is a different type of series i'm i'm gonna be doing all those things but it's something i'm gonna be working on fmt for the next five years probably if not longer so i'm gonna do everything why are you still shooting you just man this guy's psycho shooting bodies hey buddy you killing all your friends for me ow like i'm gonna be doing everything in fmt literally everything that i can do in every one of those mods but it's a world building series first and foremost so i need to focus on building some things that i want to build are you going to grind for garam's crystal on stream no i'll do that i don't like like i said i don't want to play terraria on stream really it's a video thing for me like i like making terraria videos if i was i don't know the thing is because i don't like dude thank you very much okay how do i i'm just woda can i just call you woda thank you very very much for the two bucks appreciate you uh i mean if i had a bunch of people watching and i didn't have to that's the wrong way to put it i don't know like i can't play terraria on stream because terraria requires a lot of my attention and if i totally ignored chat maybe i could but so far in streaming i haven't gotten there like i automatically check chat you know and it's just one of those things like i'm just not good at streaming terraria and it's not enjoyable to do because it's like i get stressed out and stuff so that's why on stream i play this game i'm gonna be streaming hades and the souls series pretty much in seoul's likes like that's the type of stuff that i really like to stream oh dude well i'm sorry to hear that jedi and i'm glad i could help in a small way ah now we're gonna get murdered yeah man that sucks i'm sorry but see that's that's why i don't know that's one of the big things i like about streaming you know talking to you guys etc even though sometimes i can't really talk well like right now i'm kind of like i uh don't get enough sleep very often so sometimes i stream and i'm just like very out of it today is one of those days a little bit but it'll be fine i'm used to it um and so yeah like streaming terraria like i every time this topic comes up on stream or whatever because it comes up often obviously it should um i love terraria you know it's one of my favorite games of all time i've been playing it for ah you just blew up my lively concoction i've been playing it for the whole time it's been out and like i don't know how many hours at this point over 12 000 hours so you know i love it um it's part of my life it's been part of my life for a decade basically and uh i just know i can't force myself to enjoy something on stream you know streaming is totally different from making videos i love making terraria videos i do not love streaming terraria and that's fine you know should be fine because i like making things in terraria i don't like just playing terraria i guess is what i'm trying to say like i play terraria to build and make things and you know such you know and doing that type of thing is not the easiest thing to do on stream especially as a small streamer like i said if i had well like i started to say if i had uh like a 2 000 people watching or whatever and there was less focus on interacting with individual people in chat then it might be easier you know this would be less focused i'd have to read less of everything that's said even though i'm not the best at that all the time there's definitely things i miss in chat often so i gotta play a game too but you know anyway and yes the discord is a great place we need we need more activity on the discord it's not dead but it's you know i've got a nice we we've got a nice small community on there it's good it's good stuff everyone's very awesome except for the occasional spammers or whatever smack i thought there was a coup in this uh this mines that's kind of what i've been looking for because i want to do uh well there haven't been any chests either anyway so i think i'm thinking of a different seed obviously ever gonna do castle crashers insane mode i haven't even heard of insane mode castle crashers um i don't know castle crashers is like 10 years old now or i mean i 100 to that game on ps3 back in the day and it was great i love that game is a lot of fun um i need water real quick game's a lot of fun i just don't know if i'm going to play it again there are other there's a game called i don't know how to pronounce it completely it's i think it's brazilian or portuguese it's touch uh it looks a lot like castle crashers and i think it's coming out later this year before 2021 sometime it's been on my wish list on steam for a while um and yeah it's like that type of gameplay hello placebo how you doing man welcome all right let's go across the lava lake i'm still trying to think of like on sundays sundays i like to sundays are my longer stream daytime stream where i like to just chill out and play work on a playthrough for like four or five hours or eight hours but today is not gonna be that long i want to finish fmt later too um and also let me know if my if anything i'm saying is getting cut off like the beginnings and ends of words because i've been kind of fiddling with my audio a little bit my uh it's good all right cool sunday fun day yeah so like i was playing witcher 3 on sundays i don't know if i'm ever gonna finish that but i like to just like work on a play through you know but lately crap why do i always get you this now it's always you ugh what a punk all right fine i'll sip i'll sip some water and think about it my demise yeah yeah the mic it should be louder i did boost it quite a bit yeah where'd you go you know what don't teleport into the lava you know what let's not do that even though here let's do it all right oh why do you gotta be over here i tried to dodge you stop it okay 22 hp we're fine we're fine let's just go what was yesterday yesterday i didn't stream we uh watched a movie we watched knives out rawr in uh on the discord i was gonna stream after the movie but the movie was a little bit longer than i was expecting and then uh i was just wait would i put it oh my god yes yes do we need bombs we don't really need bombs okay ah well if i could get a chainsaw put a chainsaw on there yeah hey meme lord all right we got 600 gold i'm not gonna spend any on there all right we do not need the spell refresher i might be going back up and stuff in this run i would like to do some interesting things in this run other than just winning i'm not really going for a victory on this run i want to get back up onto the surface here let's go this way nice scott studios i love getting something new like a microphone new gear and then it's it's really nice ah it's a good feeling it's flat also give you the vip badge it doesn't but maybe i could do that it's gonna be a while so i wouldn't worry about it too much you were the masters mostly like uh a meme that's me memeing i make different kinds of memes that people don't understand and they're like oh okay it's a joke man you know what i get it i think i like to make people question their sanity or wait what ah no wait i'm not ready not ready to die here throw something nice i don't need anything actually let me give you the whiskey i don't know why i'm carrying around whiskey are you gonna kill yourself you probably are i don't even know what i want from you water oh well not a slime just gonna hang out with mr alchemist sitting in fire no cares in the world i'm gonna have another drink you spilled sour patch kids on your lap laptop that sucks all the crystals of um pumeric acid is that what acids used in that for the sourness i love sour patch kids haven't had any a long time though my sanity is long gone because of astroneer that game is oh goodbye the game drains your sanity i thought it was a pretty chill game i've never really watched anyone play it it's on my wish list but i don't know if i'm ever gonna get around to playing it it's one of those that maybe will happen maybe won't bring it i wanted that oh well uh for some jumping every time you throw one blood i'll take the blood woo glad that i did not get exploded upon uh what vials do you look for from the alchemist ever since i saw your vid saying you can catch them i always try to and almost always fail um it depends on what i'm trying to do at each particular time pheromone's nice to have always because you could get heals from it okay thanks um hey sebby so uh like i want blood right now because i'm gonna use it to teleport from the lake back to the skull when i get back up there on the surface uh well maybe i would need more that depends it depends on what type of run and what i'm doing i don't know like chaotic polymorphine is good for certain things to like avoid damage because you know enemies won't attack you when you're polymorphed into most things oh because i wasn't gonna stream noida today i was gonna stream something else and i still am this is the only run we're doing of this get out of there i don't want the teleportation anymore let's get rid of this let me actually just look for a wand first do i want that we don't really need that right for what i'm doing but this run might be like five hours long so that's why i say this might be the this is the only run oh look at that give me that nugget um i cannot read that out loud i'm sorry i must not i'll open a gateway to hell so you'll see you see that's why i can't read that out loud not good nobody wants that that's not a good spot to be in never mind well it's chaotic polymorphing so what's the worst that can happen thanks for the five bits scott studios can you not set me on fire i might as well can i no all right i just wanted to see what this wand was um eggs good job nice throw um one second recharge spells for cast five that's actually pretty good i'll take that maybe a little sippy sip all right eggs babies all right see you later powerhouse have a good one man how do you guys feel about the uh price of the sound effect uh rewards or whatever can you not be invincible do you think 250 is too much or you think that's good if you get another stone of evil you should make the staff of david yeah i just don't want people to spam it the sound effects too much you know especially if i'm recording something for youtube i don't want like just a bunch of sound effects coming out all the time and annoying people who are just watching it on youtube or something so for that reason i might disable them when i play certain things on stream can but i'm gonna try not to do that too often but there are things coming out that i'm gonna be streaming and then also uploading as like you know regular let's play episodes and stuff as well and not just stream vods so oh that was amazing i got a headache stop oh my god and see that pixel yes we take a chance what the hell man i need that to be drained please crap throw it up yeah right now good you took a bath and now i'm gonna die to acid keep throwing them throw a bunch that would have been nice to oh okay it's fine now he probably teleported of course why you gotta be over there all right man come on dude fine so much for that i wanted to try to get more blood all right now yeah wait yes and then what do we want on this we can shoot five we don't have anything to put on there i can buy something else or not oh we could shoot five disc projectiles at once wait where is that let's see did anyone calculate the amount of time yeah somebody did oh man i'm just gonna re-roll you whatever hard mode nice you made it i'm not taking any of these we'll come back stupid i don't want these perks dummy oh man i mean i could take vampirism i know it's better but i'd rather just let them sit there i don't need anything right now you just get more money and then go back up there and get what i maybe want to get i think it was like something like five years of watching my stream you'll get enough point a million points it's totally a troll here get them get them they're trying to kill me yes stop fighting children wow give me the blood just the blood blood all right uh whoops it's fine just fine stop let's get rid of that just in case don't want that exploding next to me while i'm looking at this wand that i'll probably pick up in exchange for this though that is six capacity and that's fairly decent and this is not we don't need it whatever more eggs more babies get just blood i should be conserving hp because we're going back to the surface so let me try to just do that we're gonna head straight this way try not to take any more damage right little baby uh we don't need that right now that might be nice for lead or this chest i'm tempted to keep there hmm all right i'm gonna try to get edit wands everywhere and then take this wait yeah i don't want the actual wands but i want some of those spells especially the teleport would be nice to have right now but oh well um if you get another stone of evil you should make steph david yes i read that my favorite was the warhammer of grognak of course i loved that weapon and then i liked the throwing one i think that was my second favorite staff of david was cool too i didn't use it very much because i'm picky about the way things look in pixel games like oh my god my pixels don't look super nice um but yeah like in terraria i like weapons from mods that do interesting things may not be the best damage wise i don't care about damage most of the time if they do cool things then i use them basically that's my thank you so much that's my motto my creed let's get this um okay goodbye tablet upgraded accessories make stuff like the mana flower fire gauntlet uh have their own upgrades too see the thing is i'm using almost 130 mods now there's there are way too many items and i don't know before i add any mods that just add items i'd rather spend more time kind of looking at the really cool items from the mods that i already have you know because there's a lot of stuff oops i forgot about you so much for conserving hp just fine no problem oh wait i need another flask oops i'm gonna conserve that smack because i have the uh what do you call it the battle rods mod and i've never used that i'm glad that one dropped from one of the queen bees that i was fighting during the part of the cavern boss so now i'm actually for the very first time using one of the items from this mod that i've had installed for five years not five years but like four years maybe three three and a half three years it's been a while though uh i think the only other item i've ever really used from battle battle rods is uh the cloak of worms and i fought the cooler boss which we're up to that in the progression i might fight the cooler not next time because we're doing something else in this next episode that's almost finished but the cooler it's basically just a mimic biomimic what perk is that this is always cast it just i put it on here so i've always cast a giant thingy magic missile i need a flask i would like a flask see we i don't have the i just wish you can carry more things with you because i kind of need or want a uh chaotic polymorphine but then i also need water to fill the skull with because i mean i don't have to fill the skull but i'm trying to do like a smattering of different things in one run like a bunch of different secrets and stuff in one run so i just need a lot of different things give me a flask because i wanted to go to the gold room and get 150 000 gold so that i can purchase roll and get edit wands everywhere hopefully etc uh well i could drain this water for like a little while i'm not gonna go in here yet or we could do something like this get some of that water drained because we probably will go in here eventually we don't need it right now though come on fly lie like an eagle whoops i almost blew myself up that was right next to the stone all right it's fine get up all right um so i'm still gonna look around in here and see if there's another flask someplace that's an egg otherwise i'm going to empty the ambrosia i guess i'd rather not empty that hmm um i think so mai but you got to do what you got to do though don't blow off doing stuff just to i mean unless it's you know unless it's really what you want to do just have a having a good lazy day is good it's nice sometimes i need one i mean this when i stream like sundays are kind of my lazy day even though i'm technically working or whatever i guess i don't know but uh yeah because every other day i basically i grind like crazy editing and stuff so some days are usually like ah it's like a breath of fresh air i usually don't work on videos at all on sundays and it's so nice not that i don't like working on videos i love working on videos i love editing i get a lot of personal fulfillment out of editing videos and making things that's why i exist is to make stuff but it's a massive grind and it does take a huge amount of time so it's nice to not do it sometimes how is my lovely burning forge doing the forge is fine fiery and filled with finesse we got lively concoction being made from blood water and i think oil blood water and oil let's test that theory come on lumpy or i guess i could just spray some blood on top of this yep nice all right blood water oil now i really want another another flask please i think i've been through everywhere in here maybe well might as well kill these guys hmm well there was hmm you don't sound very happy today quicksilver i'm fine trust me everything is 100 perfect all right there's this uh you know this is how i talk it's just early for me i mean it's not early right now it's just i didn't sleep i got up early etc everything is like 100 perfect life is good don't worry i've got a are you okay yes quicksilver how are you is everything okay wait yeah let's just get water i could always make more lively concoction i'm doing what i love to do i uh you know i don't sleep enough that's the only thing that bothers me at all other than that everything is beautiful i've got an amazing girlfriend and life's good anyway awesome yeah quicksilver that's nice i haven't been on vacation in too long so that's maybe another thing but whatever it's fine i'll go on vacation soon enough you finished a character generator just don't go to disney i'm not going anywhere here i live in florida you some of you know this most of you know this live in florida it's like the zombieland outside i'm gonna have a drink while we listen to depressing music or i don't think it's depressing i like this music yeah i can't believe i live here i keep thinking that why do i have to live here why am i here send it to me in dms yes that'd be great i just got killed two months of kyo thank you thank you very much buddy welcome back you missed movie night movie night it was last night we watched knives out which was good it was good i liked it um but at times it was like a little bit like oh my god it was like that it was like that what's with the fish when animals when uh innocent animals hear music in this game from these devices they are attracted to it but that's about it that's all we know so far about them and your stream immediately froze oh no yeah i think from what i know i haven't been paying attention lately to world events with the coronavirus but i think it's it's dying out or that's not the right word really not the right term um i think it's getting better in most places florida is like just me so we're gonna go to the island over there because there's something very interesting over there too on the other side of the world something that you don't get to see very often nature at its peak efficiency it's getting better in the northeast kinda sorta yeah i have a lot of friends and family or i guess not really family but friends who are family i suppose and uh from new york and they they were saying how horrible it was there it was really really bad for a while but now it's it's getting better kinda here it's just it's getting worse it's like oh my god is there an end no there's no end it infinitely loops so if you go all the way to this end there's a wall but you can get through the wall into a parallel universe and then go through that parallel universe and there's another wall and then same thing same thing as up and down as well it just infinitely generates however you will crash long before being able to go too far in either direction in any direction usually i'll go two to the right like the next one and then the one after that and then the same thing on the left i'll do that and then sometimes maybe this is what this is going to turn into this run maybe this run will turn into a hell run we'll go all the way down to the underworld and then see how far down we can go because you know when you get past the boss there's hell and then there's like a normal hell biome and then beneath that there's a massive just deep chasm you fall down that for a little while and then there's every level of the normal world going down and then that repeats so you can go through the hell version of the mines hell version of the cold pits etc etc hello hello okay don't kick me you fool yeah burn that's right you burn keep burning shoot these at your face and your babies too i wish i could collect some of that gold so nice i don't want to die okay ow what the hell did i hit was there a pixel in front of me or did he um that's what happened all right so i need you to be on fire again stop dude all right did we get you that time yes all right you did you did here what's this wand oh my god what the hell it's like hey you just took a bunch of damage here have a mega healing wand that's insane perfect wait what's the stats i didn't stats are good wow look at that that's nice it's crazy uh it's getting worse in north carolina and tennessee exponentially all right and the noita world is kinda reminds me of like minecraft but i don't think there's an end it just infinitely loops and then gets more and more unstable um so i guess that's all i wanted here but i don't have anything to we might be able to get to the gold room do i need these black i don't need these black holes right now i could use them i'm not sure if it's gonna be enough though but we could try what is the purpose of the sky altar but in his base in new game plus oh it doesn't generate all the time but you mean the the one from the trailer the original trailer it has no purpose right now um it used to or not used to but they never enabled this part of it in the game like there's a mod uh from uh keith keith samut archaeo i don't know how to pronounce his name archaeopter archaeo terrex something like that anyway uh the more or the rare scenes common a fire and it re-enables the function of that thing the altar and if you kick a skull onto it then it creates an earthquake that's all it does and that's what it did in the original trailer to this game it triggered an earthquake and you know the character died in the trailer but maybe see i was surprised when they announced they sort of announced like there's gonna be a price increase uh soon and nuita 1.0 is coming out sometime soon they didn't say exactly when but um i was surprised because not that the game needs work or anything like that i think it's amazing the way it is but there's so much more that i would like to be in it you know especially alchemy a lot of different alchemy recipes not as not as uh powerful as midas and lively concoction but just more reactions would be great maybe they're doing that i hope they are i really hope they are and i mean i don't know i don't really need more mini bosses but it would be kind of cool if there were some some more little mini bosses around us maybe in the like how keith did it in his uh new enemies and bosses mod that i played on my channel how each area each orb has like a a guardian that could be cool sort of maybe but i don't know if that's the direction they want to take the game in at all it would take away part of the mystery of the game sort of and i like some areas being kind of empty and alien but then there's like gigantic parts of this game world that are that are empty you know so who knows i hope that if they do launch it we're totally not gonna make this actually we might hope if they do launch it soon that they plan on developing it longer after it fully releases oh geez plague inc man i wish i knew all right so i didn't realize this wand had such a slow charge speed all right i'll be right back let me let it charge i'm gonna take a bathroom break real quick be right back actually for efficiency's sake i'll probably just afk when we get into the gold gold room hmm i think it's come on man all right so i use i do this as a worm so i'm trying to kinda i think i went over too far actually maybe so i usually do it over here and i go yeah we definitely went over too far i gotta go up i think why am i doing this you shall see maybe yeah i think it's actually over here crap well you probably won't see because i messed up there it is we made it perfect all right let me try to destroy as little as possible here yes this is why we did that so you guys can hear the crunchy crunchy gold all right let me make sure i don't drown um here let's just go up take care of the pixels up here yeah money all right scrooge mcduck time but there's pixels i missed i need to get everyone but i can so satisfying all right i'm just gonna stand here i'll be right back you
Channel: FurySquared
Views: 10,515
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: FuryForged, FurySquared, Noita, Lets Play, Noita Gameplay, Noita Secrets, Noita Tips, How to get a lot of gold in Noita, Noita pyramid, Noita Surface, Noita 2020, Noita Early Access, Noita Everything Run, Long Noita Run, Noita Tricks
Id: CjTy6hBonls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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