.25 Speed Mega Satan SpeedRun - Speed of SNAILS Challenge

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Hey what's up everybody? This is Hutts and welcome back to another Afterbirth custom challenge This challenge is called "The speed of snails" submitted by Pepe We have Thunder Thighs, our speed is at 0.25 we have both key pieces and we must defeat Mega Satan *Evil laughing* By... 45 minutes So that is our mission and... I'm kinda thinking here Are we strategizing? First of all we can stomp tinted rocks for free, because of Stompy which is like super nice al right ehm... we want mapping, mapping woud be super cool which would require us to get some money You know, these are both really good things, Burned Penny Are these the two payouts of TNT barrels? I think that was. I'mma take Burned Penny here because Burned Penny is ehm... pretty sweet We have 25% chance of getting a bomb whenever we pick up a penny Alright! So we're already feeling it, I'm not... i'm not quick I'm not fast at all... and that's gonna be that It says picking up no... I can't pick up any speed upgrades, but I have Cheat Engine on right now and I'm locked at 0.25 speed so it seems like Pheraps that would allow me to take any item at all, as long as does not mess with my speed , and it shouldn't I don't think that should So, since I didn't actually get a list of excluded items I'm thinking that ehm.... With my speed locked in pheraps, you know If I took an all stats upgrade and it did not affect my speed should be just fine So, I'm not sure... I don't know I don't know how I feel about this, like 0.25 speed is, is like really painful of course but... OH MY GOD That might be all what we need to get a little bit of momentum here to get a little bit of push forward.... I don't have the keys, so.... that's it, that's pretty pointless to even think about tryna go into the shop but the money is in the secret room...? No YES With my bombs back... YES Oh but... no, there're still no keys... ok Alright this is good, tho, this is good because Guppy's Head could actually clear some... Oh my God the money! ...could clear some people out pretty quicly You know, I think it's 50% to get a bomb and Wafer Ow... pause the game, pause the game! Do we want Wafer? Wafer is like super good, but it does not help me out with my damage at all Ehm... I think we gotta go for something different, some' little bit better here A little bit more spicy Flush is not gonna be that item either YEAH Aaaand I'm gonna go for the Polyphemus here That's... ehm... Mega tears That, once again, getting into the shop and getting some sort of mapping could be everything here And depending on what boss this is I'm gonna either save or use this Barkano Larry Jr. I fell like we should just save it for the next boss, because extra flies and spiders, like I said, speeds things up SIGNIFICANTLY! OW OW OW owowow Squeezy please, help me out here bruh Help me out here bro Feels pretty good I have the Binding of Isaac Advanced ehm... Mod on right now so, visually, everything is a little bit different but I really like it It's not fully fleshed out yet, it's only the first couple of floors that are gonna be affected ....and I have three eyeballs I've got Cyclop's eyeball and then the snail's eyes from Squeezy Oooh I'm a monstruosity Just kill me... just kill me Kill me! I need some keys tho, seriously to get into my shop and my item room Not that I feel like we don't... Like ehm.. we shouldn't need anything else really from here on out, but... we gotta anyways so who the fuck cares That's a free teleport too, so Like we gotta go freaking fast Preayer Card... I'm not gonna save it Nah Guppy's Head here is gonna give us extra speed And a Golden Bomb... I SO don't need any more bombs Do I skip shops and item rooms if we find the boss room first? Like that might be a smart play, but, damn the moneysssss We've so much moneyss Oh thank God we ran into the shop... AAAH fuck The strongest play here, like I said is getting mapping from the shop so that we never have to miss an item again Oh THERE WE GO! Ok little bit of mapping, that's perfect, now we know where the shops are and the item rooms so we can hand the right direction, hopefully Cross your fingers Let's do this! I'm excited I think that we're getting everything We might've just won and done this challenge And I'm totally cool with that that doesn't mean that it was ehm... necessarely too easy That just means that we're getting lucky and... yaaarrr! You know, it's about time beacuse a lot of these little challenges I've been recording for like 5 hours straight and then either, you know, gave up or had to change something in order to even complete the video for the day Speaking of, what do you guys prefer? What do you guys prefer? If there's a challenge that's taking me too long and I'm gonna cut it short, no matter what because ehm.... I have... you know, I have somewhat of a schedule to maintain Would you guys rather I fail a challenge and try it again? Or would you rather me just change up the rules to make a complete video Bomb for Mr. Pin Oh My God Destruction... destruction on you! And a deal with the Devil... Mom's Knife? Polyphemus Mom's Knife? we have to. We absolutely have to You know what? I'm gonna get rid of my eternal heart here, might be a bad play, but this guy could give me something else And... That's... Is gonna be good. It's gonna be good! It's gonna be real good C'mon, give me something, baby! Just not Bottle of Pills Something, please! Oh, that's a damage upgrade and I will absolutely take that, and... we'll pop the Barkano, we'll take our Moon we'll take the knife, we'll take the damage upgrade, Dark Matter, oh my Godness! I'm liking that very much, so let's go to the next floor... GO! So like I said, you guys, I locked my speed at 0.25, so no matter what kinda stupid decision I make it's not gonna hurt me Like this... 20 damage right now! 20 damage right now! Oh My Godness! This is amazing, 20 damage Mom's Knife nonetheless And we can cheese the hell out of stuff by using ehm... This teleport card, if I like walk in here, open that up get the money and then go...BOINK! I missed a bomb, Oups Just gotta be able to wield the Mom's Knife ehm... properly, here, cause it takes a long time to charge up with Polyphemus But Holy Crap is it POWERFUL! We should be able to essentially one-shot everybody and Mega Satan ain't gonna be a thing anymore I suggest guys to try out this challenge yourself And... find around that doesn' have Mom's Knife immediately alright, that's not mapping not mapping but you know what, we should probably just take everything that we can get meaning Broken Stopwatch, probably pretty good for us Oh, not to mention our flies are doing 40 damage So yeah... like... Ok Feeling pretty good 'bout now Hutt's Luck, baby This would be the appropriate time to spam "Hutt's Luck" If you wouldn't mind, go ahead and do that NOW WOOOOH Are you even trying mate? Are you even fucking trying? Oh My God! Yes! Lump of Coal, lay it on me daddy Let's fucking go! Caves 2? Ok, Caves 2 at 7:50 We have 45 minutes, let's do in under 30! Let's up the challenge! That's what I wanna do, I wanna beat this so fucking fast, that I challenge you guys to do even better than that. This room is sped out, by the way, which is not good for me Not good for me, holy shit! Everything's moving way too quicly WOOOH! WOW wowowowow D7 ehm... No... reroll rewards Could potentially break the game with the D7 Under 30 minutes, 0.25 speed... break... challenge...? ...of doom? ...thing? Double charge... or deeper pockets Ehm... let's do double charge beef up our fly count before we go into the boss room So, if I get this thing doubly charged on this room So I don't wast any of the flies, and then I pop 'em both, it should be like G fucking G for the boss room We're getting pretty low on health Pretty low in health here Yeah. about to get even lower But I'm not gonna NOT take Gimpy and Dark Bum Are you kidding me? Telepills, you're making my life a little bit more difficult here An other Telepills, could that bring me even closer? Could that bring me back? I can almost take the other one... Let's take the health here And... there's no red hearts, so it doesn't really matter Let's just walk back to the boss room and go... 10 minutes! Come on Hurry up man! I could totally go try to hurt myself in a Self-Sacrifice Room and teleport down to the Dark Room that could be the fastest way, somebody could do this challenge. Mom's Knife, Polyphemus handle Mega Satan no matter what, but if I had the health I could have absolutely done that, got down to the Dark Room and then clear it from there and I could have hope for some epic luck from Gimpy to give me the health necessary to pull that off, but... Alright World Cart here, that's actually an extra-large floor so... Charge through baby! Charge through Dark Bum you know what to do We don't even need the... the item room to this point... like, this is just... I shouldn't even do that, and I don't want that I could just skip everything, bomb through rooms and get there fastest I possibly can and I'm... I'm tented to, but man, it's just, it's so difficult to leave behind item room just thought the lifeblood of this entire game You know? Help is actually pretty good here Oh my God RUUUUN for IT Like I said, extra-large floors? Beautiful Expecially when I have the right path Can even do Boss Rush! We can even possibly do Boss Rush Deal with the Devil... is a Guppy item And a Little Brim' I shall taketh this becoming Guppy would be good for me Let's just see what's in the ehm... the Boss Rush Dad's Love The Blue Hourglass Mom's Wig... oh Mom's Wig would be really good Mom's Wig would be super good Do you guys think that we can do this? Fight... through this? You guys are gonna demand it from me So you know what... I almost snuck through that unharmed, that would've been cool We can do this. We can do this! I've confidence in my abilities Did you see that diagonal knife? Come on! This is ridiculous, and I love it... I love every second They are slowed too oh... My Broken Stopwatch, I love ya I love you fucking bastard! You lovely little shit Too slow! Holy Shit ahahah WOW Gimpy... Oh my God! Gimpy plus Dark Bum! Gimpy... I totally forgot about the fact that Gimpy drops half red heart sometimes when you kill an enemy and then Dark Bum grabs those and spits out soul hearts from it Oh my God, it could not get better right now Could not be a better combination *music* Oh my God! We did it We killed it, and we got Continuum out of it and lots and lots of health I don't even have time for Dark Bum to pick up the rest of the stuff, we gotta go! We have to go, mate Utero 1 I wanna fight Hush, and I wanna do all of this in under 30 Come on! Come on! I ain't got time for this I ain't got time... I don't... I can just I can tank it, honestly With Gimmpy-DarkBum Does not even matter I should use the Telepills for a Hail Mary to try to get close to the boss That could be ehm... a lucky move you know? Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Ah-Ah! Ah-Ah! Ah-Ah! I just ruined my Polaroid invincibility which is kinda bad for tanking it maybe I shouldn't have taken that Alright... Telepills Hail Mary... Get closer to the boss fight Mom fight Right... right on schedule, guys! We are right on schedule Put my head in here... And... Oh my Gosh! I want both of them I want both of 'em absolutely I don't know how much health I've got tho I think plenty Hush fight Alright can't take any of those or I don't want to, one is a speed upgrade and one is ehm... just not good ehm... Oh... I mean one free black heart I guess over Abel 'Cause Abel kinda sucks Full Map! Full map... And I'm saving my moneys... ehm, I'm saving my keys rather for The Chest Alright Hush... Let's see what you got against this Let's see what you got The knife is VERY good against The Hush extremely good Oh my God! Did you see that shot that wrapped completely around my face? Ok, come on! Within reason here, Hush... And the Vessel's gonna offer me some ehm... random shields here every now and again, you'll see that I have a Polaroid shield basically It's one of the items those... that are only activated when we have no red health... period That's what makes us the Empty Vessel. Get it? Here we go! Here we go! Shield's on! Shield's on! SHIELDS ARE UP, CAPTAIN! Right, nice, right when he goes down that's perfect What an asshole Got him! GOT HIIIIM A free black heart there. Up to The Chest! Up to the Cathedral, guys Fucking speedrun I can't remember the last time I beat the game this quickly without ehm... 2.5 ehm... 0.25 speed rather... With normal speed I don't complete the game this quickly High Priestess is good, I appreciate it I a-Priestess-ciate it *laughs* Holy Hell, you guys... Best thing ever I'm setting the record, I wanna see somebody beat it What do we got? Misterious Liquid, I'll take it Ehm... Fight Mega Satan...? Should we jump right in or should we take on the final boss? No, let's just jump right in, guys, this is ehm... no, that's totally acceptable Let's just do it! Let's just do it! It did not say I have to fight Blue Bay, at all It just said: "Mega satan must be killed" that's it Mmm... Ah-ah! *music* Hey do you wanna get into the club? You wanna get into the glory? You wanna watch dad win? Oh, Shi...eld me daddy *music* Tank! TANK! *music* Don't give a shit... Fight me! I don't give a fuuuck *music* Tank City, this is it guys Before 22 minutes, I cannot believe we took on Boss Rush, We took on Hush, Mega Satan TANK IT! *music* *laughs* 21? 23! 21:23, guys! That is the official record of the Speed of Snails Challenge I will leave the link of the challenge down below in the description We just won and done that. Feels amazing Thank you guys so much for watching, it's about time that I get a good victory here Hutts' luck baby! I will see you in the next one! See you guys Today's music was brought to you by my boy Ben Briggs I higlhy recommend you guys go to his channel and check it out He does a lot of gaming remixes aswell as some of his own music Check him out, you won't be disappointed
Channel: Hutts
Views: 390,183
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, easter eggs, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: ydNbCItwvyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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