LUDO, GODHEAD, HOW TO JUMP - Synchronized Dance Challenge

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Vinnipinni 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2016 🗫︎ replies
life is worth 1-800 my health my health is gone I'm still fighting the hush I mean III you know I'm gonna do it don't even look at me like that hey what's going on everybody this is huts and welcome back to another Isaac custom challenge today's challenge is gonna be a good one you guys holy crap 73 up votes Thank You V MVM for submitting a challenge called synchronized dance in this challenge we have lui ko technique Godhead how to jump and the bravery see now that means I can't actually steer my tear my tear moves wherever I move hence the synchronized dance this is going to be held alright bravery alright look at this this is how this is gonna work here I guess uh whipworm was necessary for shot speed we can separate ourselves from the tear in fact with how to jump so that would be how we could move ourselves from the relative position of the tear in order to make some [ __ ] happen and hit other enemies in case we get stuck or in case you know there's an enemy across a gap that would be probably the best way to handle that so let's do this let's let's go oh god head is there because apparently the challenge is a little bit too hard otherwise you know I don't I don't mind this at all because like it's just kind of like I have okay first of all can't get rid of the trinket can't get rid of the space per item it feels like I have a really good like orbital of some sort and I love using orbitals but I think we're actually going to get in trouble here when we start facing off against enemies that like blow up and like have other tears so other items are allowed but nothing that ruins the combination you know that actually does some extra damage that could be extremely helpful for me does that ruin the challenge though you know I try to do the best I can with what I'm given you know and some things are just other you know not gonna work as well are gonna work as well and it's just all these challenges and all these rules and all these Liberty blabbity blues that's it's not the important part the important part here is that I just make an entertaining video and that's that's my goal here so you didn't like the video that's fine I'll trade you two better next time simple as that I can't I could just could not see where he was uh you know I would like to touch I got the item but we're not supposed to go to spawn flies so let's just go ahead and skip that because I can't take a space per item either no guppy oh geez I think I could take a [ __ ] man walking into fires stupid burning basement that trades pots and rocks for fires I think I can take per the rules I can take items that lead up to the transformation I just can't get to the transformation all right you know what let's actually separate myself from the tear here so that I can not have to focus so hard on it now Godhead actually does give the tear a little bit of homing which kind of gives me some free rein to to hang out while the tierd takes care of business but and we're not looking like we're in good shape to make a deal the devil rip how to jump does give you iframes while you're jumping but I always end up landing somewhere I don't want to be that simple of a fix but I'm liking this challenge guys I'm liking the creativity in these challenges that's probably the best part it doesn't have to be an impossible challenge doesn't have to be anything really just has to be somewhat creative which makes it interesting to watch which is like I said the most important goal here is to just just make something fun to watch fun to make really I almost wish like I know that like probably a natural birth plus you can but I almost wish right now I could make it so that the Godhead aura was a little bit smaller I feel like a little too big maybe I don't even need the Godhead aura with the extra damage I don't know man speaking of extra damage flight is also not allowed so that's another reason why we shouldn't go for guppy yes yes fear bananas all right I'm liking this how to jump I'm liking how to jump and how I separate myself that makes it like super good that was the wrong way hahaha I didn't jump the other way and then put my deer in there okay we're learning jump the other way then push the tear in oh yeah push it in so hard ah what the hell is that gonna do I can't even get though I can get to it I've got how to jump you dum-dum but they're gonna do what's they gonna do fire rate fire rate increase I guess which just means it takes more often I think which is actually really good that really ups the DPS yeah this challenge is gonna be a lot of fun you know especially if I have a seed or a challenge idea that's uh not impossible it may very possible for you guys to put the seed in and have fun playing it too I'll recommend going to the link down below in the comments section or the description section sorry I always mix those two up and put the code in get the doubt get the custom challenge launcher which is also in the description now I've seriously do I really appreciate the the involvement that you guys have in making these and voting on these I like how this one's relatively cheap proof though you know it's not like I can just go ahead and use an orbital that I found to kind of do damage in a different way because the code was set up in a in a proper way nightlights uh I kind of liked the idea of having nightlight right now and being all the slow enemies down as well as being able to walk up to them and putting my beer banana right in their holes I don't know why about char plug but I did tap off it's this good deals man there's good deals I can't I can't let him go like I said it's the bravery the whole point of the bravery seed is like you got to be brave to charge at them because that's the only way you can fire I kind of like the idea of slowing them down while I'm walking towards them that gives me an extra chance to dip out of the way of tears that might be coming my way a lock that can we do this in one try is it possible I got a speed up though does that increase the speed of my tear looks like I'm running a little bit faster than light here this time that good that could definitely get interesting because I almost I want my tear to go faster than me suicide King not so good should I keep it just for the fun Z's though hell yeah gotta be smarter than banana oh jeez I don't know if I'm smarter than the banana hahaha I did it we're doing this we're doing it so good right now look at this look at these moves pretty much have moves like jagger by to sum it up ah and that's an Abba Dona khals yeah we're all in black hearts which is good considering we'll have polaroid invincibility if I have a shield of some sort I can just walk that tear right into their faces the red fire is gonna hurt me please mister so I fell into a burning red fire I got nothing more that's it that's all that that that that song needs I think I think we should retire that song right now $20 in Amazon Amazon Music Store ooh what does that do does that work by walking do I [ __ ] bombs because it does it technically is it technically yes walking is firing technically considering the considering bravery forces that the buk bombs could get me in trouble and they oftentimes do but I just thought for science why not what am I just gonna not take it see there is my perfect example of oughta jump failures I panicked I tried to jump out of the situation jump out of the frying pan and into the oven so something I learned the other day uh you know homing doesn't activate unless it's close enough to an enemy and it like starts to grab onto that enemy once homing chooses an enemy it will stay homing on that one enemy no matter what until it dies there's my crickets head finally okay feels good thirteen damage our banana is pretty sizable ladies man fight ma'am ma'am free tinted rock noise yeah the Godhead on thirteen damaged tears it's just not even thing anymore oh jeez the butt bombs though yup like honestly really easy and boss Rush is something that I would like to do Pez one Bob's curse poison bombs oh so worth oh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] [Music] let's make it a hush fight - yes hush I want to tell you I want to fight uh mega Satan but there's no way now that we have deals of the devil how do I get a key I mean I can use the self sacrifice room but I'm on soul hearts and that's just it's just a no at this point did it we did it we only lost a couple of hearts and he got purity for it oh my gosh three fire rates this thing is gonna take so fast did we go to the deal to double no we didn't and I kind of want to see what it is would that be stupid that was stupid yeah no that was that was really dumb that that's gonna screw us over here I always risk it though I always do the risky thing you guys know me you knew I was gonna take that come on all right super focus mode engaged super focus mode right now good good super focus mode yeah head butt nice yes how to jump good good good good good oh good oh all right that was easy that was easy and I got some health so that's good but by no means saved at this point dammit dammit dammit why do I take a fan that was dumb ah what the no not like this not like this I'm leaving I'm leaving never again oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh hi roof it yeah oh the glory all right boss fight boss fight eh makes it kind of interesting that the tier starts the top to screen but I did not oh [ __ ] don't do this don't do this don't throw this away don't throw your life away like this life is worth living oh oh my health my health is gone I'm still fighting the hush I mean III you know I'm gonna do it don't even look at me like that stop looking at me like that seriously [ __ ] off spoon bender even more homing um I don't think it's gonna change anything but on the off chance and the relic health health generation I understand that the other thing was invincibility for a short amount of time I can't take another space bribed him though what do you got for me it's a Krampus fight oh good oh good you know what the coal might actually be good though oh my God look so look at how big it is Lenny's like this is boring this is boring fight the hush do it or no Falls what you're saying is that what you think it's really nice bud mm-hmm no don't eat my microphone you dummy dumb all right get away as far as you can so that we get the maximum amount of lump of coal damage this is gonna work you guys I think I just have to focus on dodging and that's gonna be good that's gonna be real good there he is there's the big boy all right get it locked on to him and then hide in the corner and then just let it happen let it happen all right uh I keep complaining about my flashlight I thought perhaps now would be a good synergy with the whole like synchronized dance but it's gonna bite me in the ass here and the hush flight it always does how to jump baby using it like a pro oh yes this is so good close your eyes and hope nothing get to you ah geez the jump ah to jump on a job oh no oh yeah oh how to jump you're beautiful finally comes some damage [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] well we would have been dead we weren't dead not for the soul hearts still might be dead yes yes yes yes yes yes whoo on we go I think we're still totally screwed because Cathedral and chest are gonna be so difficult on two hearts nah man nah oh so heart relic forgot that we took the relic yes boss time lost time baby just get it in there get it locked get locked on Isaac and just focus on surviving and just focus on surviving honestly though without the Godhead aura I think this challenge would be impossible so good call good call cuz that would have been really difficult if I had to also gajj tears and then not ever be able to do damage oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right we're just we're barely hanging in there barely leg card can't I can't use it can't use it bloody lost is good though mom's contact also really good and butterbean damn girl lookin good you lookin fine they took the map away from me so I don't know which direction to go that might be the end of it right there if we have to struggle through a whole section of the chest and still not get to the boss fight I don't know man wow you guys I'm doing it I'm rocking this right now Taurus um yeah yeah you know I think with Taurus is kind of a shoo-in I think with Taurus it's kind of a shoo-in here I think we should be able to pull it off if I can just survive long enough I'll get some invincibility and then I could just do whatever the hell I want with my tier yeah I think we got in the bag man I wish we got a [ __ ] mega Satan though that would have been fun I'm just waiting for the game to call my bluff and be like I heard you wanted to fight wrecker Satan well here's a get out of jail free card do it oh no balls gimpy that's pretty good we have a fortune that's a free item baby that's a free item give me that speed we made it made it to the show baby alright Taurus activates like really quickly now that I got all that speed this shouldn't be too difficult we could basically tank it right now right put that in the middle make sure it's locked in use our Taurus oh my god destroyed destroyed good challenge really really fun like I said I recommend you guys try it out yourself it's super easy the code is there you all have to do is enter it into the custom challenge launcher thank you guys for watching thank you for being involved on the reddit page and I will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 809,992
Rating: 4.913434 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, easter eggs, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2016
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