1MN0 B0DY - Afterbirth Easter Egg Seed

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what's up everybody welcome back to another Easter egg challenge today's easter egg seed is i'm nobody found easter egg invisible player this is going to be pretty difficult you guys we are going to play without being able to see our character at all let's jump right in and holy crap we're screwed i have no idea how we are gonna survive through this this is going to be a very difficult one so if we had to do multiple takes of this one i do apologize what a good starting room too though right there's like literally the only thing that's gonna get us in trouble is like too many things on screen because we're not gonna be able to see our body oh geez so far so good though I'm honestly just firing tears into a crowd I cannot see a damn thing I wonder if we'll get some things that'll like eventually show us kind of where we are like oh geez oh my goodness how did I do that like maybe like a familiar following us around or something like that maybe like my shadow or something like that that would actually put something on like below my feet oh my goodness where we are Jesus we are Jesus it's happening like I said I'm fully expecting to die but yeah do the best I can so the reason that I'm taking a sidestep here and I'm doing these challenges instead of the custom submitted challenges it's first of all because I feel like this is kind of a part of 100% of the game you know is getting all the Easter eggs unlocked but another reason would be that there are some fun things in here that cannot be programmed with the custom challenge launcher so I think that'll be very exciting and also on top of that like I said there are things on here that once I'm done getting all these Easter eggs we can still turn them on or off and you guys can put them into your challenge ideas so we'll just have more to work with in the end so plenty of reasons why I feel like switching to these Easter eggs seeds is the way to go right now and I got to do it I got to do it holy crap I don't know how I'm still alive maybe I am Jesus and a top secret rib good sit the soul art now this is hurting my brain where more than should know but I was just gonna say like words were coming out of my mouth like please no bird rule what the [ __ ] you dick tears ha ha ha I was like well these the tears upgrade pill made up forward don't know no no nope nope nope no immediate tears down good good I don't like winning anyways winning is for chumps oh my goodness a poop dime if only I had a key to get into this shop item Rumney please the Skiz I'm gonna say no to the Skiz reroll please um we spit out spiders when we take damage not getting enough and as a battery over here so I'm going to use it while backtracking is really exciting hot bombs we just got hot bombs in the last challenge what do you say inmate you stand that I'm hot you want to do what to me alright no sense and trying to find a secret room on this one there's just I have no idea no idea where it could be let's go mr. cool that's true not monster - oh yeah No Talia run please please super easy to tell what's going on now super easy to dodge this is to season roll I had ice physics in the last one and I got screwed over with the worst possible everything and this one once again this seems like the worst possible boss fight and the worst possible room layout goodness goodness fight me you dick alright tears upgrade if I can even get before I go down the hole there we go so there is some sort of light you can see there's like a life around my character and it's way more pronounced in because of hot bombs oh my goodness I told you I wish I found an item that allowed me to see myself hot bombs it gives you fire around your head which is making this light and now I can totally see where I am a little but kinda maybe amazing sort of cool that's undoubtedly possibly the best thing that could have maybe happened so much for trying to screw me over suck on that game of course I'm not gonna get my deal the devil most likely in case I unless I get like a stray soul heart and either pill good good good good yeah that's a that's a rip to deal with a devil there I had no chance not a single chance in hell Oh glitch oh when you're on the spiderweb there's a glittery no there now it's still possible to get a deal with the devil assuming I don't take any damage against little horn I've done that before it can be done still then I get a deal with the devil and a speed upgrades not gonna cut it I guess I'll take health I think maybe a shop is more important to go into because we get a Ford and item in there and a key to go into the item room so let's let me try that out there is no key here but we're gonna pull off on Dueling bumble which is pretty good now if we do find keys we'll get two keys in one and we'll be able to go to more item n shops in the future an arcade with this garbage come on just give me a key man just give me a damn key would you you jerk those are keys oh I hate not being able to go into the item room it's like little the worst thing ever in my entire life there's my two keys all right all right shop and item room here we come shop me what do you have for me I don't have enough money I don't it doesn't even matter you know what we filled up our donation machine so much I'm gonna get rid of it a little bit just a little bit okay and I want to pick me up a nice mom's key there and then a soul heart to protect my deal what a devil there don'tcha know feels pretty saucy man I can go for that and then one key for two yeah that's worth wow that was a lot of stuff in there I did not need to blow up my donation machine I am so sorry we severe need some damage upgrades this is really pathetic here hot bombs is like literally like the only thing that's given me a chance to wait in here oh goodness that was so clutch let's go for that deal with the devil let's just go right in there Oh rip now I'm going to go for it but I'm not gonna get it use those bombs to block them use those bums a block him baby yes syringe could be rear Ola balai think so let's go into the deal the devil I'm gonna say yes to the damage upgrade and I'm gonna re-roll the black powder although the black powder would show exactly where I am along with the light where we roll it I'm gonna Yolo it totally demon baby follower could also help me locate myself balls of steel pills I like it power pill we have some batteries available so I think that I'm just gonna go ahead and see what's in the item room first and you know like cursor on let's just go man Oh wonderful I love it it's the best top see great room that's yep oh and another one I mean I guess sound like wasting a bomb there's 14 bombs over there honestly though I think that's because I picked up the Bible tract the Bible tract allows me a greater chance of finding a eternal heart which I think affects nonspecific heart drops which those are over there those heart drops are not determined before you come into that room it just randomly picks them and because a Bible tract made an increased chance to make them eternal arts and we got one that's the first time I've ever seen that work so it's like a monumental day item rum bum ball oh yeah I gotta just take bumble bumble is my dude and with humbling bumble I think we'll have a lot more cash just flowing around so now we can reroute a syringe because the speed upgrade honestly moving at this speed is probably ideal moving at a much higher speed it's just gonna be even harder to track where my body is that's gotta be worth I'm he's my magician in here to bomb ball that's all you bud yes level two bumper now that's the rosary bead I think the rosary bead gives me an increased chance to get a deal with the angel like thing but we're not ever gonna get a deal with the angel so there's no point did you just poop out of some money and then eat it Bumbo your freaky you're a naughty little bumble aren't you you [ __ ] weirdo damage upgrade maybe PJs you know what that's good enough that's a lot of health we can afford to go into these rooms now I think with all this health there's something good please sir that hit me that so did not hit me oh great good why isn't my demon baby doing anything why what is demon babies problem I think demon babies broken should we take a health upgrade here or try to reroll it I say we just take it I say we just take it there is a balls of steel pill in the rotation so maybe we should try hard to get these uh these guys well there it is look at that luck getting a full-grown Bumbo here I think would be one of the best things he does a lot of damage and he's just gonna sit on his enemies and I can even just try to hide well bumboat takes care of people for me ah more health do we need even more health not really honestly I'm gonna reroll it and uh flight absolutely that's worth it 100% even though we just found our item in our shop right now oh well we'll be able to reroll them currently flights really good though and we got flush of course I didn't even mean to pick the money up I'm sorry balm balm I dare will father Bombo second transformation uh in a blank card um I got a stick with the d6 here if we had a yera or a perthro or something like that I would definitely go for it but we don't so I'm blow this guy up too and give bumbo dad cash actually I want the other one dammit bumble is a lock upgrade you [ __ ] bumble give no shits bumble have tissue if you need to cry oh it's heaven for bumble yes finally now I can take all the rest of the money he doesn't even need it anymore he's a grown bumble he can take care of himself alright battery here huh and an item to re-roll it doesn't matter if we reroll here or in the item room I don't think thank you bump oh that was nice of you chance gonna deal with the devil here and if not I'll bring my rerolls elsewhere the dark one [ __ ] him up bum buh get in there I'll nice and deep flag he's hurting daddy he's hurting daddy bumble get him hahahaha Bumbo killed him he we did get a deal with the devil with a Nikki [ __ ] that's fantastic I'm so glad I took all that health upgrades that is fantastic goals this run is looking up you guys I'm liking it necro XL that'll be interesting you know what [ __ ] about bum ball you got this make daddy proud I love bum buh double large enemy I've never seen that before in my life as well as we're doing right now our health is suffering big-time sack head that is glorious I wanna see what this thing is here - farts of Hearts bum bulked have the first one I'll take the luck upgrade so hard please a couple batteries if we need to come back and reroll some idle rooms there's gonna be two of them item room rubber cement yes I love rubber cement it's so good I was gonna ask for piercing tears but rubber cement is still pretty good I think if you have rubber cement and piercing tears rubber cement takes over anyway so all is good dark bum right now would be night and day difference we would have so much health with dark bottom with the sacks we're gonna have tons of batteries tons of money for bumbo Oh life is good oooh yera that's gonna be tough to pass up although I'm giving up in algae's which is basically like one free boss room oh yeah can you give me some soul hearts bum buh is that a thing that you can do get in there bum ball [ __ ] them all up he's immune to the sucky towers bumble cannot get sucked it's kind of sad bumble the poo oh the best you shouldn't have evil eye is evil I worth it you know what evil eye might be evil eye can be pretty good and we have a little bit of luck so sometimes when we shoot tears though they turn into little eyeballs that shoot a lot more tears maybe if one exists there's one okay so that's gonna be like another Incubus I'm gonna use the algae's in the first boss and then come back for the era I just I don't like backtracking but that's fine I'd rather not die because we are actually pretty close to death the bloat oh my I'm so glad I went with that method here yes yes and probably the further away I stand the better because the eyeball is the evil eyes if they hit the enemy then they actually go away meat that's a fantastic upgrade yes please and you know what I think there's a battery in our shop so let's go back for that so that in case we get an item in the deal with the devil in case we get a deal with the devil we'll be able to reroll it here goes nothing talk about ba ba bum buh drop the super troll bomb why why bum buh alright give me my polaroid and we got a so hard out of it cuz it was blue bum all right next floor gonna keep the cherry cart on me right now and try to take that with me because we're on the edge of not earning this 100% chance devil deal I really want it did I give up a blank card earlier and now I Vieira or was that a different run I don't remember I think we gave up a blank card it's honestly a toss-up because if we would have gone for blank card Yara there's a chance that we wouldn't be able to rear all all these delicious things and maybe we would have died there's nothing worse than dying with the blank card Yara balls of steel babe ae alright boss time not taking the chariot with me so my house was poppin now [ __ ] him up bum buh let's go boom piece of cake piece of cake I'm taking mr. squeeze squeeze and I deal with the devil there's a compositor not exactly what I wanted not exactly what I had in mind but the battery there is nice up don't eat it don't eat the battery abba donna calls now you might be thinking lee gets rid of all your red hearts and that's bad but it's like one of the highest damage upgrades in the game so it's pretty good and now we have permanent polaroid invincibility Oh delicious with this yera and sack head and the d6 the chest is going to be filled with good items it's like guaranteed that point we just got to make it there all right Artie the boss fight we're gonna do it you guys we're gonna do it Chester bust or boss teachest lock him up um oh yes bum buh yes my child oh my God he's so deep he comes back he's like just so you know I [ __ ] your mom deal with the devil what he got for me uh reroll i contract from below is pretty okay I think I think these funds is going to be okay it's a lot of Hell to give up they'll shoot and the map would have been really nice to see here would have been really nice in the Cathedral the longer you spend on the Cathedral the more you're gonna get hurt it's just a guarantee just a guarantee man just imagine a challenge that has invisible body and ice physics that I'm pretty sure someone would be murdered that day hey we got something reroll that's nice let me touch it first yes I mean I can't see the map but that'll be good for next floor mapping is always welcoming bursting sac immunity de spiders that sounds pretty good there's always at one room on the chest that has like 14 spiders in it and nothing else and I always take damage every time cursed I that's a reroll my reflection I'm going to take my reflection because I feel like we have so many tears on screen that if they just kind of float around for a little bit maybe that's okay maybe that's okay I got a balance too so maybe that wasn't the best thing I don't know it's my reflection bad with uh rubber cement I'm just kind of making a [ __ ] so though if they come inside of it oh they'll be hurting all right let's do it he's gonna make it past this guy I'll be golden I see the only problem now is my tears don't really get over there they don't lay reach him so maybe just rely on evil eyes and Bumbo to do the damage boom city boom city let's go baby we need something good we need something real spicy here yeah you know what we got that's pretty good I think I'm gonna take that I'm gonna take that even though the slower range is gonna be pretty bad but like look at our [ __ ] zone now what else we got that's a no that's all might be okay another tooth shot in the chest we got that in the last challenge that's a tiered to lay down so I'll take it fire rate of three oh my goodness rotten boobs yes and that can be pretty good I mean the chance that we'll hit consecutive tears is probably pretty low but I'll take it anyways and you know what I'm gonna say no to anti grab I think I'm gonna say no to the antigrav re-roll it get some spoon Ben does and you know what straight attractor [ __ ] it [ __ ] it so I come up into my [ __ ] on them just make sure to get in there I can't miss a joker card i I don't know about that I don't think there's anything in that that's really gonna be that good you know what I mean yeah yeah I was kind of thinking that I just like don't really have the ability to go I probably should just kept it on the ground and like waited to see if I got more health and then decided to do it but whatever okay that's a little bit ridiculous now I kind of do wish that it's okay to grab with a strange attractor because we could have made a little spot and then we could have ran away from it but this seems it seems doable oh my god are you kidding me I sucked up his feet that didn't even make sense what have I done what have I done mistakes were made today a black heart bum ball man nicotine thank you so much oh my goodness all right another reroll let's go back one more item in there technology well that just kind of blows everything that I've ever worked for I'm gonna say I want to say yes to it like this is like really really cool but we're definitely gonna die this yeah this is where it's at right now okay now we have a chance to survive like oh don't break the cava we had the combo we enjoyed the combo we almost died from the combo let's do something smart with our lives and get homing fire eight three tech lasers of doom that's the Smart Play wow what a lucky shot man wheel of fortune that's a free item uh we could restart the chest and get four new items that would also reaps that would destroy my d6 so I say that we make it to the boss fight and if we don't take any damage if I do take damage I'm just gonna fight the boss fight if I don't take any damage we'll come back and I'll use that item I just kind of hoping to get like another item or two before we have to do that rip our d6 there's so many batteries around and all that stuff I just want to do the right thing you know all right another item no we don't want that though farting baby he's okay he can make the cut all allowance hmm even more items in this top secret room and another Joker card that I still can't use oh my the luckiest bum bounce I think I've ever seen in my entire life two more items oh that absolutely ripped my fire rate though was it worth I have no clue I'm not gonna say no to Polyphemus I'm sorry I'm just not gonna say no to it but our health we are probably going to die so I think like I said I'm not going to go I took damage so I'm not going to do the forget-me-now rules are rules man we're just way too close to death we're right close too close to death if you can try it mom's wig mom's wig mom's wig mom's wig I just keep firing while walking in between the rooms I'll maybe be spying some spiders and those spiders are going to be doing like sixty damage so that's pretty good you might as well just reroll this that I'm not taking it crystal ball well that could have given me the help that I needed it didn't though leach pass to plop it up loop does not work with the laser and the last one pinking shears is an absolute yes cut and run baby now we go into the boss fight and we destroy him I honestly think that we were started there would've been a pretty good chance without the d6 that we would have gotten you know not so good items and then taking damage at least twice before we even got to the boss so probably would have been ripped all right he's in there he's in ER he's on them oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez we did it we frickin did it I feel amazing right now thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as I enjoyed playing it and I will see you in the next episode see you guys
Channel: Hutts
Views: 126,294
Rating: 4.93223 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, easter eggs, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 3B57F0CTSIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2016
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