FLAMETHROWER BREAK - The Binding of Isaac Revelations

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what is up everybody this is Hudson welcome back to the bottom of Isaac revelations thanks to help from chat and the developers of the mod I think I now sort of maybe possibly understand Sarah a little bit let's do another Sarah run let's go I'm injured today by the way ooh blood that is actually pretty gross injured on my key that allows me to shoot to the right so we'll see how this goes I can't really bend that finger so it's kind of difficult for me to use the up/down left/right so here's what's going on with Sarah apparently Sarah gets angel rooms and devil rooms but she's got to take red heart damage first so it's kind of like the opposite of what usually happens here usually at the prevents taking about our damage she's gonna take just half a heart any more than that I hear it goes downhill fast so first floor I do believe that you just can't get it period so um what's our plan then what's our what's our plan of action to deal with that I think we try to get soul hearts on the ground but we don't pick them up until after we've taken half a heart of damage and hopefully we don't take more than that in a room because that would blow I don't know if it's like half a heart of damage or like you know one hit of damage right because if I get hit by a champion does that count as half a heart yikes dude Bates reward it's technically a damage upgrade it seems like but let's see here one two three four five okay so every five shots of mine Bates award spits out a shot 20% damage increase technically black card in they're gonna need that we did get a key so we can actually go to the shop and a library if that's a library which is actually really exciting here these guys that they can find the top secret for me or not that's fine too that's probably this way yeah you mind you mind going that way Jimbo thanks another way other way other way hmm no don't pull up you dick we can get this bomb up there by the time it explodes yeah I mean either what I can't say I didn't try yeah no bombs officially unless we get the box let's hit up the the library first cross your fingers that it is one this is probably shop I didn't want to fight anything handling grundle is amazing really really good no way I'll be able to afford that unless I get a bunch of bombs there's two Nikolai's out there and there's one nickel in the front Nikolai this sack can't a couple bucks and that kid that can help me out immensely here I really want this eternal art please don't make me give that up like my child I didn't know there's a nub over there take it out alright alright couple bombs library not what I wanted but not bad how to jump will allow me to get that one thing do I want to take how to jump for sudo flight or do I want to take the damage upgrade via the Belial hmm oh don't oh I'm tempted to go Belial here like we're gonna need a damage good I hate this room best part right here lease is predictable God give me good all right risky play for the grundle I did it for the grundle damn it more grundle risk do it that black cars gonna give me a damage upgrade next fork because of Penance plus the next red heart yeah buddy 3.8 damaged a point three damage boost Jesus no no no no no no no no no no none and a half harder odd power ed damaged tinted rock don't you shut that away okay half hearted damage go back for that so hard yeah deal even though it says I have a hundred percent chance right now you meet oh it's so good here huh ooh yeah you know what this is a just fine way to get half a heart of damage salt mystery solved dude dude you are the most needy cat in the world you guys every game [Music] blows heck yeah techno ah no so I did hear back from somebody about the future of this mod it's sad it sounds like there are going to be more packs and each pack is gonna have its own theme to it but not all of them are gonna be ice themes it sounds flippin awesome you guys ever notice how there's a huge lack of animals in this game there needs to be like a bird enemy or like a squirrel uh squirrel enemy you know something that like a kid would hate I know there's like a dead cat and stuff but like maybe we could fight a cat cats attack babies all the time stompy here it's okay it's good yeah especially with all the tinted rocks that I've been getting especially with this that's locked up mentally man pretty good yeah one up more like what up if I decided to forgo my soul hearts after the level which is fine we're just getting up shot speed I can go ahead and use the crap out of this I think I might do that although we might die fighting the Angels monster snow monster you're no nothing giant snare oh that was sweet though his snowballs grow doesn't make any sense he's not rolling them you did you dead you liar fake snowball rolling help is actually really good spear of destiny yeah that actually really hurt man oh we have Scott stomping oh no oh no well we uh four went or so hard anyways oh yeah the bandage is gonna get his health back - Brundle was a good play grundle was a good play doubling all of your hearts kind of a big deal may we get like a donation machine somewhere - let me nice just throwing that out there may be an angel room item I don't know Sacred Heart something that I don't know some small it's without the counts really hey that's really nice nice balaam it go well there's our shot speed it's settled just um what's up good stuff really excellent it's the sky like a big pizza pie that's a bellow here's of my of the ba-ba-ba-ba pop machine only one 1/2 heart how far a damage is all I can I can get I need to get those saw hearts back who's got something for me I need those tinted rocks bag pinkie eyes pretty nice that's a spicy Amitabh a lo spicy meat a bellow get it all right I'm gonna get a little bit of a touch in here just a little and walk into that perfect Oh how come I never got that before I never saw like a thing did that get updated it's so obvious now that that's what I had to do yeah mmm you know I think that's Gemini what was that again spirit of patience take a moment oh yeah if I stop moving um my eye my third eye my third eye blinds will kill my enemies for me cuz I wish you would step back from that ledge my friends good cut ties with all the big law that you banned then in patience go shoot shoot oh gosh that worked really well mister leg might does it douche get off of that yeah close and personal don't walk into the digit spikes no stop it stop don't hey experimental treatments I really don't like taking that wasn't here mm-hmm little delirium you come with me go up lot worse fire rate plus one damage no bail oh no bail oh let my laser do the work Oh miss suck ouch blood bank blood bag blood bag blood bag blood bag alright ready oh let's go [Music] you got nothing you got nothing on me not not not nothin on me girl not nothing now me check this out check these strats 50 strats go to the corner and let patients do all the work dude dude dude dude no no best tactics I've ever seen in my life on anything ever luckily like an evil genius would like an evil genius State Farm is there blood bag blood bag we got a reroll machine in our shop too so good news for us and oh my god my bandage buck give me a shop refresh and we'll bust this thing wide open good run good run to hematemesis pills I was gonna do this email emesis [Music] you know what soul converter actually I think I do want to play that screw shot speed give me some health to live off of yeah sounds really good to me wait a second I got my wings I got my wings already by using the soul converter is it like when I get to six red hearts I I'm I'm good then what huh and we're done here good couple of glacier floors I had fun I probably should have just taken the IV bag baby buddy could have been a little sweet could have been another shop break that we threw down the drain linger bean and depression hey that's actually pretty good patience patience Opie oh Jesus Steve don't move the patients do its thing nice yes shop a Reaper ish rip my IV bag Kel literally would have been another break would've another break yeah good no I'm happy about that bruised by all the pills by all the cards blanked our justice blank card two of diamonds with a battery in the shop if only there was an item here that I could buy rip dude another break another break neck roll one two more chances to break the game right here battery captain we've landed per throw would be pretty nice dude Diplo possible double Sacred Heart Loki so sorry ah Sigyn art double glyph of balance doesn't matter glyph of balance would like change the the payouts of Champions depending on what you really need something like that sponge bombs spongebob square blasts are you ready kids the hell is that boy Barney Bush moms knife gonna have to stop you right there darlin we need well enough well enough you guys we're doing okay of diamonds on we go this what we got going on right now flamethrower we have a double-cross flamethrower burning bush yep yeah okay oh yeah yeah he'd been saying the same thing is that the same thing you can same five but they've been saying for hours and them all burn them all in homes burn them in their beds [Applause] and them all I've seen broken wings appeared in my basement for the fourth time sweet you guys I hope you guys enjoyed watching that that was pretty sweet the flamethrower was awesome I want that again please once again this has been the bonding of isaac revelations a new mod you guys should check it out it's on the steam store Workshop thing there will be a link down below click on that and as always I will see you in the next one see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 505,301
Rating: 4.8965349 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, revelations, flame, burning, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: FjHOpRghzmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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