Bishop Dr. Delford Davis - You Know Better, So Do Better

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[Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul doth magnify the Lord indeed it is a wonderful day to be in the presence of the Lord and we welcome you George Sunday morning light service a missionary Charlotte and and our pastor we welcome you to our Center joining life service right here Center in st. Kathleen Jamaica westeners this is where we preached on diluted gospel where anybody can come and of course your soul would certainly be used to mean we ain't you right now the tunings your service where the woman of one department or missionaries will be naps on the surface we will now join the service that is already in action and at the end of the service I will be back to give these some announcements God loves you stay tuned do not change your dolls because a blessing is in store for you this morning bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] No [Applause] I was [Music] [Applause] you are you are great you are greater than the great there is just no one like you not to be compared not to be come on just picked up your hands and worship the King this morning hallelujah altitudes hallelujah bodies in the universe to be praised roaring hallelujah he is the king of kings and the Lord of lords this morning hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus God is here God is here this morning God is here this morning and we don't have any dead person here this morning so come on just worship Him if you came with our worship just worship him this morning if you came with a price rise him this morning hallelujah Jesus Jesus you are worthy [Music] Hey Hey Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you ash [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Yaba Bacchus [Music] hey Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] I believe the Lord want us to rush to get this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh bless me now [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] come on sing that song I need thee as we march on down to the altar this morning [Music] do you need Jesus this morning [Music] ah [Applause] let us come to it this morning let us gather at me up to this morning hallelujah one more time I need me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh bless me now [Applause] [Music] I come back on my car [Applause] [Music] hallelujah let us all pray this morning hallelujah father we worship your Holy Name this morning we bless your name because you are God you are great and greatly to be praised Lord as we gather in your presence this morning lifting up holy hands we worship You God we bless your name Almighty God because there is none like you and none to be compared unto you God we know who we are and we know who we are we are a child of God we are a child of the king we are a child of the Most High God and for that we are grateful for that we are grateful Almighty God because if it had not been for you on our side God where would we be this morning Jesus it is not by might nor by power but by your spirit or God Almighty and so we thank you God we thank you for your goodness we thank you and mighty God because you have kept us when we could have been lost or God Almighty you kept us and mighty God when our minds were going on mighty God you kept us Almighty God you kept us in all right mind all God Almighty and for that we are grateful we're standing on top of our graves this morning and for that we are grateful Almighty God you have provided for us Almighty God and for that we are grateful Jesus Holy Father Holy Father as we gather into your presence this morning we come a mighty God not only Lord Jesus to seek your hands or God Almighty but to seek your face God and to worship You God in spirit and in truth and so God we are praying that you will pour out your spirit Almighty God upon all flesh this morning we are praying Almighty God that you will move mightily in this place we are brain Almighty God that God will arise and the enemies be scattered in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we are praying a mighty God of Daniel right now that you like Jesus will be magnified we are brain Almighty God of Daniel now we see your hands move Oh God Almighty like never before we are brain Almighty God in the name of Jesus that everything that is not a few Almighty God will take their flight in the name of Jesus we are praying and mighty God that will press forward or God will push Almighty God we are brain Almighty God tell me I must fear is clear and mighty God you will pour out our blessings we are brain Almighty God of Daniel that your people will not fear to worship your God we are praying Almighty God even right no no whatever the enemy has planned for us Oh God it will be cancelled in the name of Jesus we are praying Almighty God that the fire of God will return to his house we are praying and mighty God they usually use us Almighty God because persons are here that are bound and mighty God there in Chains Oh God Almighty but we are praying a mighty God that a change will be broken every fetter will be broken in the name of Jesus we are praying Almighty God of Daniel that you will be glorified this morning Jesus it is not my mitre it is not my power God what is by your spirit Jesus God no one will he leave here the when it came this morning Oh God Almighty while we will be renewed we will be revived we will be refreshed we will Almighty God have an experience with you we will have an encounter with your God Almighty oh Jesus Oh God even though we are going through our testings we are going through our Charles Almighty God we will one day have our testimony God Lord Jesus whatever mess we might have gone - oh God turn it into a message this morning for someone Oh God Almighty we declare this service open this morning we declare the service yours Almighty God we declare Almighty God everything that you have in place Oh God Almighty it will be done here on earth as it is in heaven God oh Jesus we thank you we thank you God Jesus even though we are working with a program we know that we are not a programmed church but God Almighty we are waiting on the Holy Spirit to move Mitel in this place hey Jesus hallelujah we worship You God we worship You God touch every person that will be used here this morning Oh God Almighty we want to see your PO Almighty God return to your church all God Almighty we want to be a part of it Oh God hey God we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you Holy Ghost have your way this morning being charged you are the captain you are the captain of this ship Almighty God [Music] hey Jesus Jesus have your way have your way this morning we worship You God we worship You God and we tell you thanks thank you for hearing thank you for answering Almighty God because we need you now more than ever hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we are all my soldiers in this place we are all the Warriors in this place stand to your feet and worship God this morning stand to your feet and worship God this morning hallelujah Jesus Jesus we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we adore you Almighty God have your way this morning have your way this morning have your way this morning hallelujah as you return to your seat just go with the worship go with the praise in your heart this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Oh God we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you Lord we thank you master we bless your name Jesus daddy will love you daddy we need you that you will fight me for your name cheese Sally lujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus ha no other name but the name of Jesus [Music] well hallelujah hallelujah come on believers I know you don't come here to us look on me this morning you know I know you know just come here in your pretty clothes this morning in our what we came here to worship God we came here to worship the king this morning hallelujah hallelujah God is indeed a good God and he's worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of Jesus God is good and all the time God is a good god Jesus hallelujah I know you have your Bibles this morning hallelujah so I invite you to take your Bible and turn with me to the book of Saint Matthew chapter 22 hallelujah and while you turn let me just greet the Holy Spirit that is here this morning let me also greet my bishop bishop dr. Dell for Davis minister dr. Petrova Davis minister I still the Northman my wonderful colleagues hallelujah ministers officers members visitors I greet you well in no other name for the name of Jesus hallelujah Matthew st. Matthew 22 and we'll be reading from the verse 1 through 214 if you found it let me hear you say hallelujah that's a resounding hallelujah bless the name of Jesus and we read together this morning from the verse 1 through 214 and it reads and jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables and said the kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain King which made a marriage for his son and sent for his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding and they would not come again he sends forth other servants saying tell them which are bidden behold I have prepared my dinner my oxen and my fatlings are killed and all things are ready come on to the marriage but they made light of it and went their ways one today is formed another to his merchandise and the remnant took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them but when the king heard thereof he was wroth and he sent forth his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned of the city then said he to his servants the wedding is ready but they which are bidden were not worthy go eat therefore into the highways and as many as ye shall find bid so those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all as many as they found both bad and good and the wedding was furnished with guests and when the king came in to see the guests he saw there a man which had hot and wedding garments and he said unto Him friend how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment and he was speechless then said the King to the servants bind him hand and foot and take him away and cast him into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth 14 and final for many are called but few are chosen for many are called but few are chosen for many are called but few are chosen are you a part of the chosen this morning are you a part of the chosen generation this morning are you a part of the chosen generation this morning hallelujah hallelujah God is indeed a good god we are the chosen generation let us therefore give honor to God's Word by saying glory be to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning it's known ever shall be world without end amen god bless you put on those Bible this morning and give the Lord a clap offering weights I didn't say give money shot-clock offering this one I said give the King of Kings a cup offering this morning give the Lord of lords a cup offering this morning hallelujah we are in for a great time this morning our believers I don't know what you came here to do this morning when I came to worship the king ha ha wait wait wait wait wait in the morning just on the morning just to let up behave myself this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah be myself this morning let up behave myself this morning come on believers come on believers whoa when we think about the goodness of Jesus and what he has done for us my soul I set my soul I said my soul my soul cries out hallelujah this mornin mornin hallelujah this morning ah Jesus ah Jesus we're its way to our commute a program this one so let me behave myself this morning hallelujah God is a good God God is indeed a good God hallelujah thank you Jesus you may have your seat this mornin hallelujah come in this morning to do the general welcome and acknowledgement is missionary dr. Denise Thorpe please put your hands together and make her welcome hallelujah what shall i render to Jehovah for he has done so very much for me what shall i render to Jaeho [Applause] [Music] what shall i render unto the Lord for all his benefits I will take up the cup of salvation and will call upon the name of the Lord I will pay my vows unto the Lord no in the presence of all his people I will offer the sacrifice of Thanksgiving in the courts of the house of the Lord if we have any thankful people in the host this morning I want you to raise your voices and give God the highest praise this morning let me extend a warm power faith welcome to all you wonderful children of God's creation this morning the third Sunday in the month of January 2019 we are always blessed to have visitors worshiping with us and so at this time I'm gonna ask if there are any first time or second time visitors could you just indicate by raising your hands so we may acknowledge you any first and second time visitors I see those hands god bless you richly on behalf of our founders Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife or first lady Minister patron Minister dr. Petrova Davis our senior assistant pastor Minister ISIL the Nordmann the ministerial body the officers and the entire pfm crew we extend a very warm welcome to all our members and our visitors this morning to our media family those watching by Flo cable network pfm channel 6 0 2 & 6 72 those viewing via digital play channel 22 those visiting via the internet at you tuber this morning to all our visitors viewing via livestream or via delayed broadcasts we do love you this morning we appreciate you and we most certainly need you and remember this morning to take up the cup of salvation call upon the name of the Most High God if you have made a promise to God don't be like a fool hasten to keep that promise and with a heart of gratitude you give him the thanks that he deserves and watch God continually load you with his benefits congregation put your hands together and make welcome or visitors from across the globe god bless you [Music] hallelujah bless your name Jesus thank you missionary thorn hallelujah we have a lovely set of persons in this house you know they always say but all but me Nicole these are the wonderful : voices car and they will be coming this morning to render their item their Minister this morning rather after which will be also having the choir ministry of the voices of triumph please put your hands together and make them welcome in that order hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] our stride you make us speak Turia's we praise your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yesterday is gone star-lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah Lord do something new in my life thank you Jesus come on let's just get to our hands and give the Lord a notes of Prayer let's datura hands and give the king of kings and the Lord of northern notes of praise hallelujah he is birthing Lord Shiva [Music] [Applause] [Music] you be the star [Music] seems like forever [Applause] Oh [Applause] to Oh [Music] and the just hold on [Music] and right of to star you've been in the store [Applause] it seems I you try [Music] the night's almost over [Music] [Music] not [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh [Music] oh yeah right oh you may not [Applause] [Applause] you Oh Oh hold on right Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] you're ha it's come on the sincere believers [Music] just fellowship walk around encourage somebody this morning turnout there's farm Alleluia [Music] oh geez you're not alone you're not alone you're hurting now but to morning come on just walk around fellowship and card someone in this morning hold on [Music] [Music] yeah if it's even our office Oh [Music] right Oh your soul is there [Music] [Music] - morning Oh money just mmm what joy joy right Oh [Applause] [Music] yeah Oh right [Applause] Oh and right Oh Oh [Music] whoa Oh one time hold on one more time hold on [Music] hold on to Jesus and right it's all right it's all right II totally once I said to write it out believers ha ha ha wenona hurricane wind enough underwater it come with and this way come with and it not wake up with what hold on to Jesus and right out right out right out right out right out right now just are believers line of mercy lot of mercy this morning ah Jesus lot of mercy this morning ha Jesus right out your storm believers don't let go of the last thread of hope hold on to Jesus and right out right out your story hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus you may take your seat this morning hallelujah Jesus glory glory glory glory glory Laurie to God thank you Jesus it was indeed my pleasure to serve you this morning you know God has been a good God we all might be going through something but we know the God that we serve he is the same yesterday he is the same today and he is the same forever that's the great big wonderful God that we serve believers it's hard enough mrs. harden our believers but we have a war lon wherefore war lon they are there be a God favor sing a song they sang a song take a grip my brother take a grip another grip hold on don't let's go no matter no matter no matter what the people of this world may see hold on and never let's go hallelujah thank you Jesus before I go this morning you know the Lord has encouraged me to us write something to encourage us as believers and I want to share it with us this morning it's entitled what's your story [Music] what's your story is it a Adam and Eve story where you were created in the image and likeness of God to have dominion but because of sin you have failed and now in hiding what's your story is it a Jonas story not only are you hiding what you began to run from God not willing to fulfill his purpose but your what's your story is your story up Elijah's story you are living in fear hoping that one day you may die because it doesn't make sense anymore and there is a Jezebel that is out to kill you what's your story is it a Thomas story you have doubts that God can truly cannot truly deliver you but you refuse to believe that the resurrected Savior can turn things around and work it out for your good what's your story are you sitting there this morning with the Hana and p9 a story you have been ridiculed laughed at teased day-in day-out praying and hoping that God will hear and answer you your prayers what is your story let us today turn the page and begin begin to write a chapter a new chapter let's write let's write the story of Joseph although he was hated by his brothers was thrown into a pit sent to prison his final place was the palace let's write the Esther story the story of Faber that not only saved her life but save the lives of an entire nation let's write the Gideon story the story that reminded us that although you may be seen as the least or you might be at least in your family God can and will use you mightily that's right the Ruth story when all hell is breaking loose you are determined you are adamant you be not dismayed or discouraged do not turn back make up your mind that you are going by faith so tell the Naomi's in your life entreat me not to leave me nor to return from following after thee for one of the goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will Lodge for thy God shall be my god and thy people my people let's write the job story the story that you have done all things good that God has asked you to do you are deemed perfect and upright yet you have lost everything family friends health wealth but you stood your ground and you declare that all the days of my life all the days of my life appointed time I'm going to wait until my change come last but certainly not the least let's write the Jesus story let's continue to make the sacrifice let's continue to pray let's continue to be obedient let's continue to hold God to his word and walk with Him in the newness of life write your story this morning right your story this morning right your story this morning Jesus is real what's your story hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah twas indeed my pleasure serving you this morning you know the devil is a liar but to God be all the glory so God the author please hold fast and never let go at this time the voices of inspiration Cora will be coming to minister unto us after the voices of inspiration my daddy Bishop dr. Dell for Davis who will be turning 56 in a few weeks I want you to stand and make him welcome and receive him when he comes believers it was my pleasure serving you put your hands together and make one , the voices of inspiration where god bless you God bless you God bless you and I love you with the love of the Lord hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] the sound we will be doing this morning it is some that is not well-known I believe by many but it is indeed a beautiful song yes the word the chorus goes like this God and God alone he is fit to take the universe he stroll but at everything that lives reserved its truest friends for God Oh Lord he gave me the man after God's heart got it right lost the last verse let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord [Music] pretty dog these things we call [Music] from the mighty to the small with glory [Music] granted or be still sweet [Music] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] I know art will never Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a heart will never tired Oh God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Reserve [Music] [Applause] let everything [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let's lift our hands and worship the Lord everybody come on lift your hand open your mouth give him praise God and God alone give Him praise celebrate the God of heaven today God and God alone God alone let there be none of me at all of thee let there be less of me and more of thee God and God alone hallelujah if the Lord praise and glory in this house thank you Jesus shake your neighbors on the take your seat please thank you Lord amen God and God alone [Music] God just for God [Music] Sami says I will only be satisfied when I am raised up in his likeness God and God alone thank you Jesus not God and Bill not gotten any of the gods [Music] God live to raisin and see God and God alone God lay your hand on your neighbor and tell them God and God alone Jesus [Music] look under devil if you can see man tell him God God our Lord God bless you all three choirs golden voices voice of triumph and the voices of inspiration let's take two minutes and get into the Word of God we begin our serious practice now to dismiss by 10:15 latest okay serious practice so choirs and moderators and devotion leaders and preachers and everybody we begin our serious countdown to dismiss at 10 o clock worst case than 15 because within two months time we'll be starting an eleven o'clock service over the hopper room sanctuary and we will have to clear the grounds are you with me so please do not ever defeat God's vision by not bringing the spirits of the prophets in subjection to the prophets did you hear what I say so preacher moderators devotion leaders announced as everybody please let the spirits of the Prophet be subject to the Prophet two months time we'll start an eleven o'clock service not for you but for the on drugs out there that the Lord showed me who will be part of that service and we love to give them space to go win souls for God amen I want to acknowledge Charlie dread you don't know Charlie dread I don't know him either but I've been told that in trenchtown there's a gentleman who's named Charlie Jared easy-to-carry dreadlocks he operates a club and a bar there and every Sunday morning he connects a system to this service and is feeding the community with audio and video transmission from his club from his bar let's give Charlie Jarrett place it on the Verma began wonderful Jesus [Music] my goodness every Sunday morning religiously so those who are viewing from charlie treads club and bar we welcome you in the name of jesus and all those of you online on television wherever you are we welcome you sister Norma Boeing from Washington State I know you're on YouTube I saw you yeah I saw your comments the Lord bless you and all the others our churches in Jamaica and overseas we welcome all of you who are viewing us at this time the Lord bless you now starting Wednesday of this week and all other Wednesdays except when special occasions like convention and other matters arise starting when and first Wednesday those would be the exception powerful Bible studies in this church starting when the night of this week so please we hope to see all of you as many of you as possible from work the church will dismiss you on time 7 o clock to 9:15 9:30 worse-case an hour so please spread that word and we hope you will participate the minister's Council really put together a wonderful raft of plans and programs and we know there will be a blessing to all of us amen I want to get into the word right now truth is I never planned to preach this morning so I mean I have a preaching over the holidays and all the way through but I tell you when you're under divine command and instruction the moment I sought to engage one of these ministers the Holy Spirit gave me a word and say you've got to deliver this word and win some souls this morning win some souls everybody's a winsome souls tonight 6:30 we'll be water baptism we have many many persons who have been converted and preparing for water baptism and he told me that many other such persons will be in this audience that need to hear this word now let me give God thanks are the choirs of serenaded you so wonderfully because I can't tell you it'd be one of those words that let you jump and shout and dance and skip and happen upon jig I don't know well let's see how the Holy Spirit will bring it across right now I do not know let us pray God we thank you for your blessings upon us bestowed in all the ways that you have done so and as your servant seeks to obey your voice your instruction your command to deliver a word to your people in this hour you know those who would be here Lord in this audience and in other audiences I pray that you will make the word quick and powerful make it anointed and made serve all the intended purposes above all the salvation of lost souls the reclamation of backsliders we ask you to eros Lord now and always in Jesus name a wonderful text was read for Matthew chapter 22 and I want to refresh your memory because the preaching will not be long Jesus says Matt 2:22 from verse 2 the kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain King which made a marriage for his son and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden those who were invited to the wedding and they would not come again he sent forth other servants saying tell them which are bidden behold I have prepared my dinner my oxen and my fatlings are killed and all things already come on to the marriage but they made light of it and went their ways one to his farm another to his merchandise and the remnant took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them but when the king heard thereof he was wroth and he sent forth his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned up their City then said he to his servants the wedding is ready but they which were bidden were not worthy go ye therefore into the highways and as many as you shall find bid them to the marriage so though servant went out into the highways and gathered together all as many as they found both bad and good and the wedding was furnished with uninvited guests the wedding was furnished and when the king came in to see the guests he saw here a man had not on a wedding garment and he saith unto Him friend o came as though in either not having a wedding garment and he was speechless then said the King to the servants bind him and and foot and take him away and cast him into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are called but few are chosen the theme today there will be many sub themes especially a lot of part of this message the Holy Spirit told me to tell this audience or maybe other audiences that whenever the Lord speaks to your heart today you should make a positive response this altar will be open the moment I start to preach open the moment I start to preach and if you're here and God speaks to your heart concerning what he wants you to do do not wait for the general altar call the end of the message this is a serious crisis morning and I did say the main theme which will have many other themes as going to touch upon your hearts but the main theme is you you know better so do better you know better so do better we've not heard that time and time again said those who know better are you not with me we have said it repeatedly those who know better should do better based on the knowledge that you have of good and evil you should choose so exercise that knowledge in doing the good because good is always better than bad the right is always better than the wrong to be in the light is always better than to be in darkness so those who know better must do better and I'm talking to not the person beside you but I'm talking to you you know better so do better knowledge is a wonderful thing knowledge is a wonderful thing it is often said that knowledge is power when you are a knowledgeable person you have some degree of power knowledge simply means to know you know you're knowledgeable you're not in ignorance you're you you know the right you know the wrong you are aware where a particular subject matter and we're certain things are concerned you are aware here the words of James in chapter 4 verse 17 and I want to give you those words from five different versions of the Bible here the words of James chapter 4 and verse 17 King James Version NIV Living Bible Revised Standard Version and contemporary English version respectively King James Version therefore to him that Norris to do good and do it it not to him it is sin anyone then who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it since anyone therefore who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it he sins remember too that knowing what is right to do and then not do it is sin we are talking about those who know better should do better Oh hallelujah whoever knows what is right and do and fails to do it for him it is sin and the contemporary English version the final of them says if you don't do what you know is right you have sinned so when you look at these words these different words these expressions from James 4:17 the bottom line is all those who know what is right but fail to do that which is right they have sinned are you not with me they have sins Avira cold less number of people across this nation and certainly in my audiences this morning oh no what is right you know the right thing as it relates to many subject of life you know the right thing as it relates to the cohabitation of a man and a woman you know the right thing and you also know the deviant behaviors those activities that are against the laws of God and the laws of man you know them God if you don't this morning I'll be in trouble but I know you gonna help me you know the rights as it relates to I repeat many subject of life you are not ignorant you are not in the darkness loading the rides having that knowledge being aware amen so many people choose rather to do the wrong hallelujah Jesus in his words he puts it this way is if there's a condemnation that's on the earth what is the condemnation Jesus is as light as coming to the world but he said I can understand it men braga darkness sunlight why's it so jesus because their deeds they want to continue India he believes some of you wonderful church members not gonna preach at me this morning you know because I law you dress up and look nice and be a wonderful member of this church some of your deeds are evil singer choirs what your deeds are evil preach me a pulpit but your deeds are gave a wonderful dress departures but your deeds are God told me to tell you this morning the you know better because you know better he expects you to do better do not be among them the rise of early and up let lend up heat in the bread of sorrow with knowledge to know that which is known he knows she knows they know better because you have certain knowledge God will judge each man based on the knowledge that you have if you do not know better the Word of God says in what is exacts we have over 17 someplace I'll find it he says at the time of your ignorance God winked in other words when you do not know other write or do not know better God look wicked he said no he commands everybody who has the knowledge of his word who has the knowledge of right and wrong he commands every man everywhere to repent to turn around to write the runs of your life to make your college and your election sure to get your name sort of the book of death to get your name in the book of life because a marriage is called you have been invited marriages cause you are an invited guest hallelujah your name is on the guests list to participate in the king's wedding for his son do not go your own way and do your whole thing doing this the king do not dis the king he has gone extra mile to prepare for you in his wedding he could have called and invited fathers but he chose you and you will soon find out that if you continue to distich in it will pass you by and he will send into the streets into the highways and byways and it will set anybody your fine bring them good or bad bring them what the Texas knowledge a state of being where everybody say aware knowingly conscientiously intentionally or consciously and intentionally knowledge you have acquired it as to the ethics of life you have acquired it as to the moral standard that is acceptable in society you have acquired it as to the dictates of God's Word and what is expected of us you have acquired that level of knowledge and according to a men a concise oxford dictionary says knowledge is awareness our familiarity gained by experience and exposure awareness or familiar familiarity gained by experience and exposure number part number to assess a person's range of information your range of information some people have knowledge on a wide variety of subjects you're not with me we are simply saying today you don't have to be a mathematic mathematician you don't have to be a scientist you don't have to be in any of those high positions we are simply saying basically you know right from wrong you know good from evil you know light from darkness God says because you know that you should do better on the things you are doing somebody says something they tell your neighbor if you know better what's do better I tell them I know that you know better so you must do better don't sit down in the church and be a hypocrite you do better than that don't sit down in the church as a liar because lying lips are pollination unto the Lord let me make this clear my days of trying to impress anybody in preaching are long over long over you're not saying anything oh no I have no need to try to impress anybody with preaching that's for young preachers who are trying to make a name I'm making no name oh you're not saying nothing somebody praise God on there it's a praise God down there so your range of information number three says theoretically or practical understanding of a subject we're talking about knowledge you know theoretical ER practically you understand the subject you know come on saying in Jamaica people use from time to time it came to my knowledge it was brought to my knowledge come on saying so far as I know how far do you know as it relates to any man be in Christ as a new creature Oh far how much do you know has it relates to whole things are passed away now don't you look at me so funny this morning you sit the same Bishop Davis yes Oh far do you know how much do you know about all things are passed away and behold all things become you without knowledge how on earth do some of you continue to do the things that you've been doing do you continue with knowledge how on earth you continue how on earth do you continue to flaunt it in the face of God and almost telling God that you have to deal with me as I am some people say that take me as I am I saw me steer well God said come to me just as all your stay but when you come I go and change you up when you come I go and turn from I'll turn you from good so Cory good when I get you fixing your people will heat you want to heat you somebody say something there hallelujah I change you from cow to beef when I get you in my slaughterhouse and when I finish with you you came in as a coal what you're going out in packages are speed you came in as a good but you're going out in packages are important not getting the message this has come just as you are but give me a chance to do a work on you give me a chance to break hill to melt you to volume and to make in my image don't remain as you come oh Jesus somebody praise God hallelujah come on words in Jamaica as I know for sure as I know for certain I'm glad you know Jesus loves me this don't you know it yes the Bible tells me so Jesus loves me I know it words of John 3:16 and 17 it is expressed in no uncertain way for God sent not his son 417 into the world to condemn the world what are the world through Jesus Christ might be saying how on earth do you know that and you're trying to procure to secure to obtain salvation by some other means don't you know that when you love some misinformed people to be telling you all kind of drunk about Christianity and endorse nothing about it and dump in your fame I [Music] conducted two weddings yesterday one in this church one of the place named strong castle gardens there all we open heels up st. and you hop on down and what I noticed about all those who were at both weddings here and there is that everybody dressed up I didn't see anybody in beach clothes I didn't see anybody in bat suit I didn't see anybody in jeans I didn't see anybody in night clothes everyone had on garment that represents the occasion those who invited em must've felt good that my cast away dress from the bride and the groom on the pair and some who come before here this morning bride and groom on parents and both sides would have felt good no embarrassment did enough to say to a man you can't come in bad suit friend did enough to say it's a woman go put on truck and take off the ride up this is wearing you not say anything everybody came dressed for your Katrin dress because of your kitchen me friend heaven is the holy place hallelujah it is filled with glory and is filled with God's grace and you and I cannot will not never enter there and I will hold terms on condition you could have been in the church from your eyes watch your knees according to the proverbial saying it can't work one way through the pearly gates nobody praying with me one way to the pearly gates Noah's Ark was said to have one door on everybody being a jerk-off sneak arsenal everybody has to go through that one door everybody has to go through that one door in order to find a place of refuge in the heart Jesus says I am the way I am the truth I am the life no man cometh unto the father but by me say what you wanna say do what you wanna do if you're gonna be sad you got to come through Jesus Christ who is the door god I feel my comforter coming on me meme is preaching time somebody praise God in the socks hallelujah don't try it it will not work without not work for those in the antediluvian world it will not work for us if we did not work for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah when God said if I find fifty are five I will save the city if we could not find a number then it would not work it did not work it will not work for Jamaica will not work except we repent we shall all likewise perish hallelujah Jeremiah cried only says I can't understand this their harvest is past the subways ended then you are not yet saved with the knowledge that you have mmm see heavy conviction coming on someone sitting in a brown secchi in your living room yes he heavy conviction coming and you say God is talking to you turn it over to Jesus Christ oh god somebody way somebody praising us we have a conviction coming on some of you sitting in this house right now a mentor needs to say yes to the master but you are just a bit timid and a shame and afraid to walk out from where you are hear me what Jesus is in mark 6 and 30 he said if you'll be ashamed of me and my word in this sinful and adulterous generation when I return with my holy angels and the glory of the Father I will be ashamed of you I want him to be ashamed of me somebody praise him over here somebody praise him across here somebody praise him everywhere the summer is ended people should have been saved are not yet safe because they're doing their own thing I can't give up this life I guarantee you one thing one day that life is gonna keep you up I can't give up my boyfriend I guarantee you also that one day maybe in life or in death for sure he'll give you up hallelujah well I can't give up kind of life that I'm enjoying of their guarantee also like a bar in Luke 15 one day you will hit rock bottom [Music] but do we say in Jamaica everyday carry bucket to the well one day that bucket bottom is going to drop out when you bucket bottom falls on there no man to replace it I repair it [Music] Jesus Luke 12:47 14 years the Holy Ghost came in is just give it to me Luke 12:47 40 listen when he says Jesus says he who knows his master's will and do it not shall be beaten many stripes and he who knew not is masters will and could not do his master's will even them will get a few stripes nobody will ask what is this about the Holy Spirit said to me it is not God who is going to whip anybody oh no God won't beat up on you but there is an ever hope there hallelujah when you are not under the blood covenant when you do not have a sense filter on you when the angel of the Lord do nothing camp wrong about you you're not saying it to hear when you're as exposed and it's pause and explores it's the devil that's gonna whip up on you here I'm here I'm here for dear God you mean you've been under the minister of power of faith for all of these years in the auditorium by radio by television by internet by all the other media you've been under this ministry you listen to Adele for their visa under Branagh Michael Mirage Michael samhita Petrova Darris am i salon or and all the others you listen to them and among the many visiting ministers you've been under their ministry and your hand up down here with me see if that is gonna say you knew better you should have do better you know better you should not do better you know better you should not do better you're not better you should have done and he's gonna whip your tail honey he's gonna whip your tail on it and you're gonna cry to God and God will say here in the scripture is fulfilled I will love what your calamity or Bishop you can preach like this herein is the word fulfilled I will laugh at your calamity and I will mock when your fear comes upon you because you're no better you should somebody say something no there say something down there hallelujah so without the knowledge God wins I said it earlier 17 and verse 30 at the time of your ignorance God wins hallelujah at the time of your lack of knowledge God will who overlooked certain things but when you know that man shouldn't a man cooperate with a man as he cooperates with a woman and you continue to live that lifestyle oh it's getting very quiet now don't you not know that this is becoming accepted norm around the world accept it norm that's one of the slippery slope some pastors wouldn't say what I'm gonna say no oh no for fear of losing members fear of not being popular not being loved what some of you are in this church funny man funny women funny man funny women turn the truths of God into a lie men with men working that which is unseemly leaving the natural use of the woman burned in the last one for another the church preaching singing praying leading doing all kind of stuff the very same way buddy helping me here Holy Spirit help me help me help me help me [Music] and only men but women also women also under the cloak of religion you're able to mask your deeds I can't preach like this under the cloak of religion under the cloak of serving the church you're helping to mask your deeds and because our churches seem to have lost its lost it's the discernment and God's people is not as razor sharp as it ought to be people get away with murder getting away with murder please help me Jesus to deliver not with your give me to deliver it's time to do better because you're not that talk slap your neighbor and tell them better better better better better from all of us better door birthday you know that [Music] Oh somebody shout something down here [Music] still going to farmyard still going to palm readers still bidding in all kind of blood still offering animal sacrifice God say you know better once sacrifice has been offered Jesus Christ the Lamb of God He shed his blood on Calvary is that this is my blood come to me and be saved come to me and be delivered come to me and be set free come to me and me wash have your bid to Jesus by the transit power pastor never how you wash now you washed are you washed in the blood of the Lamb common spotless chacoly me Cynthia are there white snow left side your garment that are stained with sin washed in the blood of the Lamb there's a fountain floor in the souls unclean will be washed [Music] Jesus Jesus I said Jesus what do you say I said Jesus I said Jesus turn away from a life of wasted years you know better so do better so the wedding was called according to Matthew 22 everything was in place makini said a central invitation and I've invited many for all the invitees of different epochs my invitation the contouring filled the come to their business and another kitchen one month sameria wife I can't come another occasion he says I bought the farm I can't come another occasion is nasai gonna bury me dead people I know what I'll do oh Jesus all those elite people who were so carefully and meticulously selected for my son's wedding I'm gonna step aside from all of them and I'll send you into the street going to the Iowa going to the bio is going to the gutters on everybody who you're fine good that is the call that is being made these days in the trenches in the gutters God is picking out and pick him up picking up on pulling out stage of life or status of life all conditions of life God is saying to them my wedding must be supplied with gas and those elites invitees none of them pay respect and regard what the King says I will not be defeated I will not be defeated bring them when they went out into the streets and they searched and they found all that they could they brought them in and they say a master came the place is well furnished here are they late invitees the new recruits here are there and say yeah let them enjoy my presence let them enjoy the marriage let them enjoy everything novices here and I'll tell you one thing many record [Music] hallelujah man is there be who have been called but you see what happen only few are chosen somebody say something let me bring it down in a few minutes but when he hands her head to the wedding feast he saw a certain man there he don't know who this man slipped in corruption bandulu favoritism friendship but dear God but you know you look so oh you got in here you have no wedding garment on all on earth you got him if you think your Bishop can let you hear you make a sad mistake if you think any of these missed ministers were able to let you in you make a sad mistake if you think because you are the best either in the church the best supporter of the charge a bishop you're running already people who want to go let them go me a preach the gospel because Jesus is coming soon if you think because you are the monkey wrench in the charge the lynchpin not do everything and everybody depends on you and look up to you if you think that is gonna let you here [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a sub masti I won Archer got in without you winning governments I came in on the name of power of faith ministries the Parfitt did not die on Calvary came into the name of my denomination or my church or my pasta none of them died on Calvary my blood you gotta come through my blood said Jesus Christ somebody praise God let me bring it so you know better so do a bit know we're in garments oh come with that knowledge that you have how come you don't get dressed oh come you're not dressed with the knowledge that you have how is it that you continue to live that way oh is it oh is it you had time enough to get ready fast and service prayer meeting Wednesday night Friday night Sunday first when's a healing service miracle service you had more than enough time [Music] and not only the time that you had I'm the afford a man the access afforded you but look at you here look at your head [Music] look where you have reached in the period of your earthly probation you can't be cool to up no your accounting don't some what is the preaching you are not counting up anymore you are counting down and soon you'll be counted boat [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody praise God if I'm preaching here this morning I don't care how you look I know young your behavior I own you feel and all yo you present yourself [Music] going to hell with heaven on your mind oh Jesus so how on earth will heaven be on your mind going to hell because when the replace begin to take place and the services begin to be replayed in your mind's eye your mind is saying you ought to be going to heaven because you knew better but physically literally you're on your way to a devil where the worm's diet not on the fire is not quenched bishop I've never heard you preach like this in a long time yeah time is winding up time is running out you can't afford to be on your way to hell with heaven on your mind [Music] believe me though I'm trying to think of anything else will not work your time to get dressed don't go to the head whatever on your mind know about door deal is gonna work I don't know how that man got in but know about door deal tell your name I know about your deal know about your deal straight away one road to the pearly gates one way is Jesus Christ no neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name given under heaven among men whereby you must be saved through the name of Jesus Christ our body praises please don't try you know let me drop this in problem we have in the church as these days is that it would appear as though people have become hardened sinners what you being Bishop they have done the thing over and over and over and over and over it has become a lifestyle until their conscience is dead dead many so far so all the preached I'm preaching here there's nothing to penetrate them their heart is like a man named neighbor in the Bible neighbor looked at him as a neighbor you're a fool and when he died his heart was like a stone if it weren't for hob again David would have took off his head on everything that had on them are you not saying it or in the Bible Naples heart became as a spoon nothing could penetrate him and you finally reached our place in church don't get your from the hull sir morning noon or night until you get back a conviction - right Oh God - right - the wrong can't work backdoor deal with not work shame on you shame on you shame on you shame shame on you shame on you shame on you shame you know better so your heart you have done bear let me strike a note that is that should be shocked every time that's a hear of concubinage living lifestyle for here - six percent of the children in Jamaica to be born out of wedlock it sends a message it tells a story that is pathetic for a so-called Christian nation the amount of men and women who are living in on married relationship whoa Bishop you had to hear from God to preach like this or no natural normal man don't say these things you're hurting people people I rather hurt you know and heal the hearts then you be eternally right you know better young man young woman man woman cuddle grown people but fornication is sin to be living cooperating with a woman for all of those years and a man for all of those years produce children and grandchildren just to come to a minister I go to the heart Gd and take a look over all change up the situation some of you are gonna die in that rotten concubinage and go to hell you know better than that your parents did brought you up that way [Music] you were not brought up that way some of you are doing right now oh no your range of knowledge and information and awareness is far beyond that kind of lifestyle you're no better so please do better Bobby heads with me please yeah don't I don't ya I'd live for the telegram deliver it he got koruba say yeah I deliver a telegram it's about an eyes are closed you can only be healed by body [Music] all those who are here not saved not born again backs little we fall down flat I want to pray with you God told me to tell you you can do better if you want a place within you the spirit of the whole vakama that you can overcome because if you do not overcome you'll end up a victim for eternity or no come on let the Holy Spirit deposit in you everyone say every box slide on every that's to be believed oh yeah private box sliders nobody knows but God knows [Music] you come out bow your head and close at high speeds come from everywhere this is an urgent call [Music] good time to come come with the crowd that's wonderful maiya granny odds are come a little closer those who are standing to steps power many people are coming down [Music] your heads about your high circles this is a moment of reckoning [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Music] ooh [Music] Cygnus always burger on the altar Oh [Music] Cheers [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me everybody what's eatin lift up water hands unseen with come on lift up and and sad is my lady [Music] it's my the spirits I in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus Jesus shake it one more time it's prayer time maybe outside God this my [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] singing time ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] peanut spirit is upward somebody cut fit if you now is child of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not my will but thine be done dear Jesus we're gonna free everybody pray it's not my will my sister [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Hey be true my flesh it's surrender your will [Applause] [Music] this room of flesh is causing trouble this Oh [Music] Oh [Music] one more time on everybody [Music] eisah troublemaker [Music] [Music] everybody it's not [Music] this role [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] everybody pray to God [Music] say a prayer god I do enough to tell you that I know a mento you know that I know better come as I don't deal Oh Oh God I don't have to tell you that I know better than what I'm doing the annoyance help me to cross over this bridge [Music] cousin orcas you know and I know better and I know that you know that I know better from today we plan to do batons because you know how do we know we know ha ha ha ha ha jeez breathe upon your people breathe upon them in the name of Jesus let not one miss its that everyone be dressed and ready when the bridegroom cometh let her Ross be wise you are and white in the blood of the Lamb let our souls be ready for the mansion's bride let us be washed let us be washed let us be washed let us be washed in the blood of Jesus Jesus Jesus oh yeah Oh [Music] Jesus Jesus Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the power of the Holy Ghost loosed by the power of the Holy Ghost deliver radio television internet you YouTube Facebook wherever and whenever wherever and whenever whomever in an email Jesus Christ and ohms in the offices and the schools and the hospitals of the airport Oh in the field in the vehicle from the bars in the name of Jesus touch you people there know better but they know that you know that they know better give them the power to overcome and to make it right with you in Jesus lift up your hands open your mouth and worship God come on come on [Music] come on oh my god oh my god some battery Chotu the Holy Ghost oh my god Church come up Church come up Church release yourself no release yourself the Holy Ghost is up when you release yourself take the breakthrough or any amount of begin to press him come on open up your mouth begin to press Tecna breakthrough as it calms as it is given [Music] shake up lucious [Music] halleluyah halleluyah hallelujah oh yes hallelujah well you better get right with God Jesus yeah area ah one more ah time what [Music] [Music] Accio donation we the starving units type the way on the Lord God bless you keep tuned to our channels Facebook or our internet you can tune in and of course I know that you will receive a blessing until next time and the will of the Lord same time same place we look forward to serving you in our Sunday morning live alarbus you know better so do better god bless you until we meet again in the world [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 63,683
Rating: 4.5446153 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: M5_xzr_rf3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 32sec (10172 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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