Vehicle Get Home Bag: 18 Critical Items You'll Need

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hey youtube this is city prepping the typical commute in the united states is 16 miles if there was an incident and you actually had a walk back home you couldn't drive back home what are the items that you would want to build have in a bag that you could just quickly grab out of the back your vehicle and walk back home well in this video we're going to cover 18 items that will serve as a framework as kind of a guideline for what you should be putting in your bag so let's jump in so let me start off by saying this bag is specific to my family again we follow the rules that i lay on the 18 points but you're gonna notice that there's certain items that i have more of that you may not need as much if you're single or don't have five in your family okay so point number one is lighting now if you notice on the back i do have a little light this is just a kind of a standard bike light that if you want to turn it on you're going down the road and you don't want anybody to accidentally you know hit you or you want to be visible you can turn that on i usually always keep that on the back of my bags now i am going to turn this over so this is a little more easier to see this is where i keep my light lighting i always keep it where it's accessible right at the top where i can easily grab it so i'm not having to dig around you know in the middle of the night or if it's dark and not see it now i've got a headlamp and this one actually has an option for a red light and again if i want to you know not be seen that's an option as opposed to white light which gives yourself away this one is a flashlight i've covered it in other videos it actually doubles over as a taser believe it or not you can't buy these on amazon and it you know again serves two purposes and the third light is um again just a standard flashlight this one actually does have the ability to charge with solar and you can screw the back off and charge this with a usb plug-in and actually all three of these can be charged they've got different usb ports and we'll talk about that more in a second how would charge it if we're you know away from home i don't like to carry typical batteries because again i just want something that's rechargeable and by the way you might notice that i've got three uh again this is a family bag so i might be distributing lights obviously now the next one is self-defense um let me put that one back i've got a kind of a tactical pen i've got mace and i do keep mason a ziploc bag for any reason if it's in the back the vehicle and discharges i'd like to at least be able to contain that and again this uh light that i introduced a second ago is kind of uh you know part of the three different items that i carry of course people are going to bring up well what about the most important self-defense item of all because i'm on youtube i can't say this out loud but you get where i'm going with that okay so let's jump into item number three what i'm gonna do is gonna go ahead and open up the main cargo area here now that we've unzipped the bag let me get to point number three which is your tools so i'll go ahead and open this up and i'll show you again where i keep these tools i just usually kind of keep them where they're easily accessible and the three items that i carry are a standard multi-tool i've got a let me get this out here stuck a little fixed blade knife and then a saw now all three of these items again it's up to you what you want to in particular carry what brands again this one this multi-tool that i have it's a little heavier than the traditional like leatherman it's a little beefier but i wanted something specific for you know if i had to work on a vehicle something a little stronger and again i'll put a link if you want to check that out so those are the tools so let's jump to point number four this one just fell out a second ago but this is my medical kit and you'll notice that i did have this at the top it's red it's easy to identify it's right at the top if i have to grab it if there's an incident and this one is a work in progress but i will show you what i've got in it so far apart from your typical kind of med kit that you would buy online that you know may have had like band-aids or tweezers or things like that i've thrown in a few additional kind of custom items first of all i live in an area where we get a lot of sun so if we're out about or maybe i even have to turn you know work on my car i just want some kind of sunblock a tourniquet um i did keep the instructions with it so you know if i had to break this out and or someone else and they weren't sure how to use it the instructions are in there the next one is just some gloves um some bee sting ointment or just kind of sting ointment i don't know how many times we've been out and our kids are getting stung or something and just having that and i won't go through everything in this bag but you know again got you know ace bandage got some painkillers and one thing i will say that's i think important is some type of mole skin if you're actually and i'm going to open this up but if you have to hike home and you're getting blisters and you run into that issue um just having that to you know deal with blisters i think would be very beneficial and one other item is an israeli bandage and again they kind of serve as you know gas slash tourniquet key is is make sure you have enough items to deal with you know having to potentially hike home and you know again a tourniquet i always recommend people add a tourniquet to their setup okay so let's talk about number five which is water now in this particular bag you'll notice i've got a little blue tab i added on and i'll show you what i added in here for my particular bag the first item and i carry this in pretty much all my bug out bags edc is a mini sawyer these come in i think at 20 they can filter 100 000 gallons to me that's just an invaluable item to have i've got a water key if you live in an urban or suburban environment having the ability to walk up to the side of a building and essentially open up a water valve you know on a faucet that's a great tool to have with you and then i get a few different purification tablets and again depending on your area you know if you've got a water source and you want to make sure that you purify it after you filter it i think that would be an invaluable item so number six is stimulants and electrolytes i've got some different water-soluble stimulants you can just stick right in and i've got electrolytes where i live in southern california if you're exposed to sun you start you know getting sweaty i get dehydrated quickly that's going to be a problem so i always make sure i have that and again the stimulants i think are more for the adults if you're having to hike a long way and you just need a little pick-me-up uh i i think these are called zip fizz i just always keep those handy and again just toss in water and you're good to go okay the next point is sanitation now what i did was in this particular bag i put four different groups as you notice i've got one two three four tabs and you'll notice by the way that i've got a little uh green tab running across the yellow and i'll talk about that a little more in a second but sanitation let me go ahead and open this up i use black to designate sanitation i used to rv a lot and whenever you had to empty your black tanks well that's just you know kind of what was on my mind when i got that color now for this one i've got you know toilet paper i've got some wipes some antiseptic or you know just basic alcohol to clean your hands and you know uh some feminine hygiene products so i keep all this in a ziploc you will notice by the way that i keep a lot of items and ziplocks that's just an old habit from when i used to mountain climb and i didn't want things to get wet i throw it in there plus it kind of organized you can see it and you don't have to worry about you know getting damaged okay so the next item in this bag is point number eight which is sleeping bag sleep sleeping bivvy again we're not necessarily talking about comfort with this bag we're just talking about survival so after considering the different weight constraints and you know the fact that we're a family five i decided to go with these okay so the next point is point number nine now on this outside bag i went with yellow for my navigation not on any particular reason but i think that was the only color left over and you'll notice that i've got a little green tab and what i've done is any items in here that have electronics that need to be charged batteries that need to be replaced when i come into the bag every six months and check on it a little green tab is usually an indicator that i've got some kind of electronic device in there that will need attention so that was kind of the reason i did that maybe that works for you maybe it doesn't but for this point we've got a map we've got a compass and this one is an item that i'll probably talk about in a future video it's a gps device that can connect to your phone and it can actually connect to satellite if you need to upload a text to someone kind of a really cool device and i'll do a review on that later but for me the reason i put a map if you're in your local area you probably know it really well but this particular map has uh you know a map for los angeles san diego and sometimes we go to those cities so if we were stranded out there and we had to know how to quickly get around you know again make sure you're also thinking about just beyond your city in case you had to go somewhere but a compass again can't go wrong with that you know making sure you're not getting a turnaround or disoriented the last item in this bag point number 10 is fire so if you notice here i use red or fire all right so nothing too over the top here you know cigarette lighter you've got some wet fire to kind of help the fire get started here some uh you know different types of survival matches matches flint and steel that kind of stuff again if you're in a situation where you need warmth or cooking or whatever having the ability to start fire is very handy okay the last dedicated bag in here is point number 11 and this one is kind of my basic repairs duct tape zip ties paracord and i went with a white tab again not any particular reason but that's the one i went with so we've got a roll of duct tape i've got some zip ties and you'll also notice i've got a little small um uh super glue gorilla super glue in there that can also be used for medical if you had a wound that you had a still and then paracord now you may say wow that's a lot of paracord again i've got a family of five so if i'm having to build a shelter or do lashings or whatever it is and by the way this is a survivor cord these are pretty cool you can cut these open and they've got a lot of things inside i believe five or six different types of wires internally that can be used for different things really smart little system okay number 12 is some type of shelter tarp some type of you know shelter and for this one what i went with is a what is this a sport utility blanket this one can double over again it has a lot of different purposes if you look you can you know actually use this if you use it for warmth or some type of shelter but having the ability to set up some type of shelter to keep you out of the elements that's one of the most critical things for survival all right number 13 is food now this one is you know i went back and forth and i try to think this one through i don't want to carry something you know like a bunch of freeze-dried food that need water or things that i've had cooked this is yeah again kind of your basic emergency food rations i went with this one in particular i like these because you know we are just going to throw this bag in the back of our vehicle and i don't want to deal with something that i'm worried about you know going bad these are i believe designed for the coast guard and they're designed to go in extreme temperatures they have kind of a long shelf life they're not going to probably taste the best but if you're just looking for raw energy to get you moving i just don't know of a better option than this again for a family five probably not going gonna be enough someone's gonna have to make some sacrifices probably a little hungry but better than nothing okay number 14 is ring gear and again i mentioned earlier i've got a family of five so i believe we have two adult ponchos in here and i went with colors that were kind of muted that didn't stand out you know like red or yellow uh make sure that you have some kind of ability to keep you out of the elements if you get wet you know you're rained on life's gonna be miserable for everybody okay the next item 15 is communications now on this particular bag i've got a side bag here and i'll open this up and show what i've got here and i'll talk about the reasoning why i added each one of these okay so the first one is a ham radio and these are pre-affordable dial things i think you can pick them up for about 30 uh legally you're supposed to have a license but if you had to communicate and sell was down internet was down and you had to communicate with someone back home i think these are a great option to have i went with walkie talkies uh simply because if for any reason we got split up as a family each one of us you know the two adults having this i think would be an invaluable item to have this is a radio that has a hand crank on the back also has a flashlight and one of the things i really love is i've got these different usb rechargeable cords that will work on iphone uh you know standard different phones that we have and with a hand crank if you use these you can power or rather charge up the devices i mean it's going to take time these come with the solar option but i don't know if they're really that you know going to be that useful but having the ability to keep up to date again if the internet is down know what's going on having the flashlight i just love the different roles that this thing can serve also let me mention it here i've got this one tucked away at the very bottom on in line with communication i've got a memo pad and i believe i've got a pin right here if you had a band in your vehicle and you want to leave a note or you know you're leaving kind of a trail as you're going back home and you want someone to be able to follow it having the ability to just tear these off and you know write notes i think would be great and this is just a simple reflecting mirror right here by the way point number 16 is water now in our particular vehicle what i do is i keep these in the back and i usually rotate them out once a month depending on the weather if it's hot you know once a month if it's cold not so much but if there was an incident and you know what i don't do is i don't keep these uh like the water bladder that i've got here the water bottle on the side the one liter i don't keep these normally filled up i don't want to deal with leaks and stuff like that and i don't have to constantly rotate the water and worry about that so what i do personally is i just keep water in one container i can rotate it keep it up to date with it and i'll talk about this a little more at the end of the video when we talk about secondary bags now the next item that we'll talk about this is here on the side is hands this is an item that actually used kind of frequently uh you know if you have to you know pull over change a tire or whatever you have to do on the way home if you're walking just having some type of basic hand protection i think is intelligent and also have you know just a bandana in the back of this great for a lot of different purposes now one item that wasn't on my list and i'll just mention an honorable mention here on the side is a trash bag okay the last item is and i believe point number 18 is funds and if we go back to this original open pocket you'll notice that i keep cash i don't know how much cash you want to keep with you but probably try to have small denominations i've got a 20 here but i've got a lot of fives and ones and tens if you go into a store the electricity's down and you need to build buy something having that instead of a credit card i think would be a great idea all right now that we've covered the 18 items in this bag let me cover one additional bag that has a lot of applications that i think is important that you got to consider when you talk about a vehicle okay now this is not a get home bag but this is a bag that we always keep in the back of our vehicle i have different items that i think are important that people should consider these are some knee pads if i had to get out and change the tires this is led lights that we always have again you could use road flares but i like these because these are you know in my opinion just a little safer not having to worry about flares being in the back of my vehicle fix a flat i do also carry an air compressor a really small portable one in here um and again most of the concerns i have if i was out and about and i had to take care of a situation would mostly be in relation to tires if i can't fix um you know a tire issue uh it's probably gonna be a little beyond my skill set but i also have an extra water container here uh a lot of people you know usually bring up making sure you have a change of clothes a hat i could keep this in here in this pocket right here i've got a change of clothes because if i was ever to have to you know pull over help someone with their car or my own car having that change of clothes would be important i've got a small air compressor right here i also have jumper cables now easily this is an item that i probably use the most helping friends jump their cars off and then just a kind of a tow rope if i were to get stuck or i need to pull someone else out having that there would be great and one other thing always keeping this bag and again it's kind of duplicated what we already talked about but just a lot of different first aid gauzes i do have a high vis vest if i have to get out and change a tire and another tourniquet i tend to carry a lot of tourniquets because you just never know in case you need that so this is the additional bag now i've only brought this bag up because these are just items that i think are good to have in general [Music] separate from your get home bag but if we had to abandon our vehicle i would probably dump most of these items out and split some of the things that we cover in the other bag toss them in here the extra water that we have but this could be good for my wife or one of my children to carry this bag with some items to help kind of strip the load hopefully this video will serve as a starting point kind of a guide to help you determine what items you should put in a bag that you can put in your vehicle in the event you actually had to walk back home i always enjoy getting your feedback and comments so if there's anything you think i missed or that you would do differently feel free to post that below always learn so much from the community and again i'll put a link in the description section below to where you can pick up any of the items that we discuss as always stay safe out there you
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 125,306
Rating: 4.9233155 out of 5
Keywords: vehicle get home bag, bug out bag, emergeny preparedness, survival, urban survival, prepper, preppers, doomsday preppers
Id: YYdinnbqIMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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