24 Hours of JAPANESE FOODS Across Tokyo!! STREET FOOD to High-End SUSHI OMAKASE in Japan!

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[Music] welcome to Chopstick travel I'm Luke Martin and today I'm in Tokyo Japan this is undoubtedly the world's greatest Food City I will say it straight up this is my favorite place to eat in the entire world and I am so excited to be finally back here after all the restrictions have dropped and we've got an exciting video today here in Tokyo so this morning we're going to the tsukiji fish market the outer Fish Market this is a place that's famous with Taurus for sampling lots of Japanese street foods and then we're actually going to be having a Omakase or a Japanese set menu of sushi I'm really looking forward to that and we're going to be doing a little bit exploring showing you around Tokyo this is like I said one of my favorites it is my favorite city in the entire world for eating and today I'm so excited to partner out with Japan Wonder travel and all awesome tour company so if you'd like to book your tours for eating here in Japan definitely check out Japan wondertravel.com I'll leave all the information down in the description box let's go eat some Japanese food I'm so excited [Applause] so the part for the Taurus here at tsukiji Market is the tsukiji outer Market the inner Market used to be the largest seafood market in Japan maybe actually in the world but they've closed the inner market and they've moved it to a new market called The toyosu Fish Market which I actually had the rare opportunity to film on a previous trip to Japan you can check out that video but the outer tsukiji Market is this place that is famous for tasting and sampling Japanese Street Foods particularly but also they have lots of fresh veggies and I just got the best news ever that tuna season just started the other day so in the winter the tuna is fattiest so this is when the tune is and it's Prime and the first tune of the Year always sells for an extremely high price in previous years from this restaurant actually right here one sold for three million US dollars all right [Music] now [Music] what do we have what is this this one is soybeans soybeans before yeah ninjas would eat it for for energy yeah yes okay so are they like roasted roasted roasted that's roasted soybeans foreign the first one is crunchy and the second one's like a raisin it's like soft and it's kind of sweet they taste good together actually yeah sweet and salty ninja beans feel like a ninja I'm ready to climb the wok of Tokyo sukiji actually used to be ocean used to be underwater it's reclaimed land and it's famous therefore for its Seafood but you can find everything here like these super expensive Japanese fruits we just saw some of those white strawberries that go for like thirty dollars a packed up [Music] good height so we just came across a woman selling grilled fish cakes she's got different kinds this one that I've got here is shrimp with onion and she dips it in a nice sauce I'm guessing it's going to be a little bit Sweet let's try um oh that's awesome there's actually pieces of onion in there a little bit crunchy still really soft the sauce is sweet but a little bit Tangy too oh and that's perfect because it's kind of cold this morning and that's nice and warm warm you up [Music] um yeah I'm so delicate delicious [Music] so this one is fish cake with ginger pickle Ginger the red Japanese pickled ginger fish cake it's so delicate it was just served on a chopstick too and I love my Ginger flavor it's not like raw ginger where it's like spicy it's a little bit kind of sour pickle flavor oh that's actually really good I'm not usually a huge fan of fish cake but that's awesome all right so there's a melon auction there is how much was the most expensive one do you know um [Laughter] what is this this is King Kong we say but uh how to say in English small orange wow so you said I can eat the whole fruit okay so you can eat the entire fruit we just come to this little fruit shop he's got all these beautiful fruits and where are these from what did they do for this Western Japan okay yeah foreign delicious it was kind of like kind of like an orange but then also kind of like a maybe like a pear or like a peach or something yeah like a peach and an orange mix you can eat the seed too um [Music] a small shower sweetie [Music] [Music] so what is what is this Shrine this is the Australia for fish market for the fish market uh okay Sushi Tombstone Sushi Tuesday thank you very much we just popped into this little Shrine right outside the sukiji market and they have a tombstone dedicated to Sushi here so I really feel like I need to pay my respects because yeah I've eaten a lot [Music] thank you so much and this one is for shrimp selling or they're giving out samples of Dashi which is like a key Japanese component of a many many different dishes and it's basically a stock using kombu which is a type of seaweed and then different dried fish sometimes shiitake mushrooms so she gave us a little sample here and a paper cut let's try it [Music] it's like uh oh it's just so so lovely I don't even know how to describe it it's perfect it's Umami so it's like you can't even explain what it is it just like fills your mouth full of this complex flavor and uh just so rich and delicious so this is definitely the most Japanese thing that I've seen so far today this is a vending machine that you can buy ikura like salmon row and different cuts of fish like look at this they've got fresh salmon row and oh Dango which is is like grilled Mochi and salmon packed up and even after the shops close if you've had a couple drinks at night and you want to get some salmon raw well you can come to the vending machine we have only one yeah only one Edge right yeah nothing okay then because we used rice just came across a shop selling Japanese knives apparently it actually used to be a sword Samantha blacksmith that would make samurai swords of course there's no more Samurai anymore so now they're just focusing on kitchen knives and one key difference between a western type of knife chef's knife and a Japanese chef's knife is that there's only one Edge it's better for slicing the sashimi and raw fish Japanese green tea one thing that's really cool about the tsukiji odor Market is that most of the shops are selling something different it's almost like a different stall different product every single place you go whereas a lot of markets I visit around the world you see like repeats at the same thing whatever is popular or whatever is most popular with the tourists they'll sell it you might be familiar with matcha which is the Japanese powdered green tea this is like the everyday green tea so using the leaves Essentia you just made of a fresh pot so let's try it [Music] a little bit better it's not as strong or thick or creamy as matcha it's just like a regular green teeth but a little bit more powerful and strong than your typical green tea or like an oolong tea or something [Music] although tsukiji is famous for its Seafood we specifically didn't eat any because we were going to have an Omakase so we're going to leave it to the chef to make up the freshest Sushi of the day and this is a really famous restaurant called chutoku and I'm so excited for this this is going to be awesome first bite of sushi every time in Japan is a special moment foreign [Music] all right first piece of the meal this is sea bass I'm just going in with a finger a little hit of Wasabi in there the rice get a little bit of sourness and just so fresh sea bass and then they've just given us a green tea Essentia okay and I love the cup that it comes in such a cool cup with all the different types of sushi on it [Music] round two this is called kohada in Japanese it's a gizzard Shad like a silverfish [Music] this is stronger flavor the rice you can notice it's a little bit red he's using red vinegar so it gives the rice a really nice flavor and that gives her Chad's Super Fresh she said this is the perfect season for gizzard Shad I just love sitting at the bar and just watching the chef do his thing super fast meticulous intricate because it's so cool to watch next up this is called an arc shell I've never had this one before it looks like a little bit of Sesame on top it's a yeah a shell fish [Music] Sesame flavor a little bit of a crunch apparently Tokyo style tamago is sweeter this is the Osaka style so it's made with the Dashi a little bit Salter you can eat it at any time during the meal squid and this time it's got some flavored Sesame on top different color it's spinach pumpkin carrot flavored sesame foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and it'll just turn into a liquid white shrimp next up usually not a huge fan of the raw shrimp [Music] so it's minced shrimp cut into tiny little pieces so it's not chewy flavor is unique [Music] yeah losing track but I think maybe number six number seven this is usually my favorite one of my favorites after the odora this is a mackerel this kind is like a horse macro but it's not quite and then on top it's a Yuzu pepper [Music] the Yuzu has a nice citrusy but also at the same time the pepper kind of has a little bit of a spice to it oh and that's a fatty dish too that melts that's good so another cut of tuna this time it's akami so it's the more the lean part of the tuna deep red color and this is really interesting he put a Japanese mustard on top look at the color of that [Music] yeah wow tuna with mustard which was good oh and even though that's the lean cut it's still so soft [Music] like my mom [Music] besides the tuna being in season and lots of other fish another thing that's in season right now is uni and Hokkaido in the northern part of Japan is famous for its uni we've got some Hokkaido uni with a little bit of Wasabi on top that is sea urchin [Music] very Umami wow yum that is really fresh and that stuff is super expensive too we just saw it in the market and a box goes for I don't know 300 all right so we were offering them [Music] woman just appeared behind me slid the door open and uh came with miso soup so very welcome it's a really nice Seafood flavor and leeks in there [Music] [Music] so obviously most Sushi is raw but he also does sear a lot of different pieces with this little blow torch and the next one up is I believe sea eel okay this one you could eat quick don't let it sit too long [Music] oh yeah it just melts again so last piece is this little hand roll here he lays down some rice and wasabi on top of a piece of nori seaweed and then with which is the salmon row and different uh different types of fish that are kind of like a mixture of minced up fish and he made it up especially for me like this let's try it out those salmon eggs just explode a little crunchy on the outside [Music] wow what an experience that was oh this restaurant's called toku I'll leave some information for it down in the description box and a huge thank you to yusan and Japan Wonder travel couldn't have done it without them and if you guys want to have an awesome experience like that definitely check it Japan Wonder travel and Omar is a must try on your trip to Japan and I have to admit that making the reservation is not always an easy process so someone like Japan wanted to travel just simplifies it makes it so easy and getting permission to film in there is really not an easy task so a huge thank you to them for helping out but we're gonna head to another side of town called asakusa show you some of the cool things you can do and sites you can see here in Tokyo foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] even taking the metro in Tokyo is an experience we've just come over to another side of town called asakusa and you can find one of the wildest skylines you'll ever see here there are a couple weird buildings there's one with a kind of a yellow flame thing on top and then another is the acai beer headquarters it sort of looks like a mug of beer with some foam on top and then golden and then also the Tokyo Sky Tree this skinny tall one really cool View what do you think of this I think it looks like a chair of a carrot a carrot golden candy [Music] [Music] [Music] here in osakusa the most famous thing is the sen soji Temple this is the gate to enter the street that leads up to the temple it's famous for this huge Red Lantern in the middle and there are so many people here I almost forgot just how crazy busy Tokyo can get and now that they reopen for tourism here in Japan there is just so many tourists here it's bustling wow it's kind of crazy foreign the main strip leading up to sensoji Temple is full of souvenir shops lots of women wearing the kimonos and there are also some little street food stalls I spotted this guy who's grilling up fresh senbei which are rice crackers so I bought myself one this 80 em this flavor is black pepper so let's try it out it's just a rice cracker and then flavored they might have dipped it in something as well and I think this is a famous snack to try here uh in sensoji asakusa it's so crunchy strong black pepper flavor actually it's almost a little spicy and then salt too so crunchy I like the texture [Music] [Music] so it's strawberry season also now in Japan we saw lots of people eating different things with strawberries and one of the things you can buy here at the sensoji area is these candied strawberries so three strawberries for 500 yen seems like maybe a deal compared to those uh thousand dollar melons that we saw earlier today for one [Music] yeah that's a juicy strawberry really strong strawberry flavor and then candied sugar on the outside crunches that's actually really really good that's a juicy strawberry on the inside my turn oh [Music] look at the last one okay [Music] strawberry's like a little bit sour foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we just spotted a man making fresh red bean cakes it's kind of like taiyaki but taiyaki is always shaped like a fish this one he's got all different kinds of shapes he's got his own custom mold and all the shapes are sensoji Temple related designs but basically just puts in a little bit of batter some red bean inside and then batter on top and then closed it up and then grills it so I've got a bag here of six so like I said they're all different designs let's see what I get here I'm not really sure what that one is but here let me find another one show you a couple of the designs oh there's a bird here maybe that's like the pigeon that's right here like I said sensoji temple designs there's the Pagoda this one's my favorite the I don't know what it this is really like the guard I think of the temple let's try to foreign [Music] y red bean on the inside it's just a thin batter on the outside with quite a lot of red meat oh sweet and it's got a little crunch on the other side very good [Music] thank you that took longer than expected to make it to the temple because we kept stopping for lots of little snacks along the way but this is the Satoshi Temple this is a gate the real gate to come into the temple the other gate was just to the street before the temple so let's go inside and take a closer look but there's also this beautiful Pagoda over here too thank you [Music] let's go take a look inside the temple there's another huge Lantern at the entrance and people are just piling into this place let's go take a look inside [Music] foreign [Music] okay we're inside now everybody is throwing a coin into this little thing in the middle and then making a prayer so I'm gonna do the same here I didn't miss it went in yeah they must collect like thousands of dollars from that every single day people are throwing uh 100 yen which is about a dollar U.S and people are just throwing them some people I saw him throwing four or five thank you [Music] one thing that I love about Tokyo is the stark contrast of old meets new I believe the senso G Temple is Tokyo's oldest Temple and then you've got the Sky Tree poking out over the skyscrapers right off in the distance a really cool balance between old and new and we just spotted some street food stalls that are set up beside the temple here I think it's just a temporary setup and the last time I was here they definitely weren't here so we're gonna take a look around and maybe sample some more street food here foreign [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] all right [Music] there's a bunch of little tents set up selling all kinds of different Japanese street foods and we spotted a guy making yakisoba which is fried noodles Japanese style he puts all kinds of veggies in there and a ton of sauce it smelled like the okonomiyaki sauce and this is the final result a little bit of pickled ginger on top and he was making a mountain of this yakisoba it just looked too good to pass up [Music] Tangy almost sour sauce the okonomiyaki sauce I love it it's got a really strong flavor and a little bit Smoky actually grilled up nicely yeah that's just satisfying noodles yum [Music] all right [Music] so like I said I think this is just a temporary Market it's really not very common to find street food like this in Tokyo so we got really lucky today and we just went to this little tent here where he's selling uh grilled beef Open Flame right on the streets of Tokyo that's pretty cool so I ordered up a nice stick with the original sauce and there's just steaming hot let's try that out whoa it was really fatty kind of chewy actually the sauce tastes like there's maybe like some sake or something in there it tastes alcoholic oh how much chewy beef and 700 Yen for one stick a little expensive it's buttery and fatty but chewy all right guys that's it for the first day here in Tokyo like I said earlier this is my favorite food city I think in the entire world it's pretty hard to have bad food here in Tokyo and I'm so excited to be back filming a bunch of videos here in Japan I've got some exciting stuff planned so make sure if you haven't already subscribe and also if you enjoyed this video hit the like button and I'll see you guys on the next episode Chopstick travel bye
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 487,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, travel, travel japan, japanese food, japanese, luke martin, food, street food, luke martin japan, japan 2023, chopstick travel, chopsticks travel, street food in japan, tokyo, 24 hour in tokyo, tokyo food, tokyo street food, sensoji, asakusa, travel japan 2023, where to eat tokyo, where to eat japan, omakase, sushi, best sushi, sushi tokyo, omakase tokyo, tokyo sushi, seafood, tsukiji, tsukiji street food, tsukiji market, japan wonder travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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