24 Hours of JAPANESE FOODS in Hokkaido!! HAIRY CRAB HEAVEN in Sapporo, Japan!

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welcome to Chopstick travel I'm Luke Martin and today I'm in Sapporo Northern Japan Hokkaido prefecture so this is the first time I've been to the northern island of Hokkaido and it is very famous for its seafood and in particular it's crab so this morning we have come to a very famous restaurant called Kitano Gourmet we're going to be trying out the famous Hokkaido hairy crab and then we're going to be taking you around Sapporo showing you some of the sights and other things that you can taste here in Sephora I'm so excited to be here like I said it's my first time here in Northern Japan I think this is my seventh trip to Japan but my first time to Hokkaido so very excited to try out the crab let's go into Kitano Gourmet show you around a little bit and Order Up ourselves a Hokkaido hairy crap let's go we're gonna see the famous Hokkaido hairy crab they've got a big tank of them here Mr yorade is going to help you out yeah so these are caught in Hokkaido oh yes yes they are and is this the season no season season now wow look at that hairy crab because you can see the kind of hairs on the outside these are very very delicious famous for Hokkaido yes yes very famous and you can eat the the insides too yes inside the Miso the Miso so they call it miso right yes that's right so crab miso it's kind of like the tamale it's not really miso but that's one thing about this type of crab the Harry crabs that you can eat the Miso inside but then also lots of meat very cool very hairy yes please be careful this is many many needles oh these are needles okay so they'll stick into your to your skin okay they miss Hokkaido hairy crab thank you so much yeah come yes please I'll put it right here yes so they have other types of crabs as well let's go see what else they've got they've got tanks everywhere are full of seafood not just crabs but like I said it's a specialty here in Hokkaido and they've also got a tank of I think they've got king crab and snow crab too oh there's a vehicle okay this is snow crab snow crab oh so this is is this also from Hokkaido yes and you can see the lags on this guy it's just huge oh and he's coming at me yeah can you eat the is there okay you can eat the Miso with this one too look he's got a hold of me here going for a little pinch he's friendly just saying hello okay okay yeah thank you very much and last okay it's a king crab also from Hokkaido yes yes all from Hokkaido here okay please be careful okay I'm gonna be very careful here this troll is a very very strong very strong okay good yep okay oh how many kgs is this 4 kg wow bad thing is massive king crab look at that look at the claws here gotta be careful he's got a grip on me not as friendly as the last guy king crab that is absolutely massive way too big for breakfast today so we're going for the hairy crab today how much does this cost um 60 000 Yen or over so almost 600 500 over yep that's the king of the sea for sure so these guys actually have quite a soft shell you can feel 40 000 Yen about 300 grams or how many you have about 300 grams okay but they they do they get bigger than this or is this the full size yeah ah this this is full size a little bit big okay so uh much much smaller than the the king crab but uh just as delicious if not more so let's order one up come on [Music] it's good this is the lucky one yeah all right or The Unlucky One okay [Music] so use it for 30 minutes yes 30 minutes 30 minutes boil so about 20 30 minutes in the boiler that's all it takes uh just classic style nothing super fancy just a boiled crab for breakfast today very excited to try it's gonna be my first time ever trying the hairy crab I have had the snow crab before in king crab but I've never tried Harry crab lots of selection of seafood here you can see they've got the the uni sea urchin fresh sea urchin beautiful and then they also have a hotate scallop so we actually just ordered up a grilled scallop one for 300 or you can have it Sashimi we ordered Grill but they've got all kinds of different stuff oh fresh all local all fresh very good come up to the upstairs part of Kitano Gourmet where you can sit down and enjoy the seafood that you buy fresh downstairs but they also have a menu of all kinds of different things this is one of their Specialties as well it's uh called Hoke it's a dried and then grilled mackerel they've got everything you can imagine in terms of seafood from salmon to tuna and everything in between but then they've also got all of these donbury's these Seafood bowls which look absolutely incredible if we didn't order up that big crab probably we would have had one of those myself but we're waiting now for the crabs and the scallops to arrive thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you wow so a little Candlelight under the grilled scallop and we've got our beautiful beautiful hairy crab just check that out right there so you can see that Kani miso as they call it miso just because it looks like miso but like I said it's it's just the tamale it's all those head juices whatever you want to call it and he beautifully sliced all of this up to make it easier to get at the meat this is a about 480 grams and then that king crab was like four kgs or more so that's literally 10 times bigger than this crab right here if you can believe it this looks like plenty for breakfast and then the awesome looking grilled scallops you can see there's two different cuts the scallop meat I'm not really totally sure what to call that other part but there's basically two different parts of the scallop starting to boil away there with a little bit of probably Dashi all right let me try to get at this hairy crab meat and that kind of hair on the outside it's actually sort of like spiky it almost hurts a little bit fingers so you got to be careful oh it's kind of flaking away but let me try to get a little dip in that miso kanimiso let's try that oh my God that is amazing wow it's so delicate soft and very sweet wow I can't believe how naturally sweet that is very very flaky it's a little bit difficult to get out of there because you can see it's so stringy and Flaky but this tool they've given me helps a lot oh there we go let's go for another dip oh yeah and then that tamale miso it's got a slight bitterness but nothing too strong it just flakes away in your mouth it's so naturally sweet that's probably the sweetest crab I've ever tried so you've got this part here which has lots of meat but then there's also this little part that has more meat and see how sharp those are you got to be careful with your fingers I just pricked myself try to get that out if I can yeah that's what crab is all about it's never easy good things Don't Come Easy look at how much meat is on this uh kind of body part oh yeah of the crab it's so delicate I can't even use this it's always going to flake apart I gotta use my Chopsticks very very soft and then you've got to dip it in this kind of miso oh yeah actually it's a great breakfast it's very light it's very subtle sweetness nothing too strong delicious oh my gosh yeah we're gonna be sitting here for a while picking every last piece of hairy crab oh this guy oh man that is awesome this is what you're gonna try when you come to Hokkaido all right let's try the grilled scallop I think it's just been simmering in a dashi broth here look at that nice chunky piece [Music] that is also amazing so fresh again Sweet very flaky it's got a similar texture to the crab actually but it's got a little bit of a saltiness from that broth that's been simmering away and yum that is awesome too so good damn this place has a really fresh seafood so we ordered the set it comes with a crab miso soup and this is the hanasaki crab so I guess they had some pieces of hanasaki crab you can see it's kind of got that spiky exterior let's just try a little sip of that so comforting I'm gonna put some of the crab meat on my rice here and it's surprising how much meat comes from the body of these guys because usually other crabs that I've had you get all the meat from the the lags the claws but this has a lot of meat um in the body part right here okay that's good for now there's a lot more still left in there oops and then there's a couple condiments that they've given us as well this is really interesting it's actually seaweed with jellyfish so it's like mixed up jellyfish with seaweed and he said it's really good with the rice so I'll put that with a little bit of my crab and try that with some rice [Music] it's got like a caramel sweetness to it that jellyfish seaweed mixture a little bit of a Ocean Seafood flavor and it goes really well with the rice very creamy because this crab meat is so delicate and soft I figured that the most reasonable way to get all of it without wasting any is to just kind of shred it onto my rice like this and then you can just eat it with the rice some of that jellyfish seaweed mixture oh yeah look at that nice piece there oh yeah and if you do get a good piece like that and it hasn't fallen apart then you can go for a dip in the Miso [Music] very very soft and delicate that is [Music] katano Gourmet gotta try it out when you're in Hokkaido in Sapporo really not easy to eat because it's so stringy and so delicate that you pretty much have to shred it like this if you want to get at the meat and there's lots of shell so yeah mix it up with the Miso I guess like this wow [Music] what were you saying it's difficult but sastifying I can do this all day very satisfying yeah to pick out all the meat yeah this is as good as I've got what I got oh my God here Pro yeah let's meet in there that look left precious what I forget it all right I'm gonna mix the meat with um that looks really good [Music] oh my God you can miss this when you come to Sapporo okay [Music] so good last lag there was a lot of meat in there 400 grams uh with the shell but because the Shell's so thin I feel like it's mostly just all meat there's so much just shred it under my rice like that we've already finished off the Miso [Music] sit here all day shaving that crab on the rice this restaurant Kitano Gourmet really has all the bells and whistles you could ever want they've given us a coffee after our crab they have English and Chinese and multiple different language menus and then they also come and pick you up at your hotel with the shuttle bus for free if you're dining here which is crazy but uh really convenient so definitely check out katano Gourmet on your trip to Sapporo amazing Harry crap pretty reasonable price for everything we got the crab was 5940 so I think US Dollars that's even maybe less than 50 and then one grilled scallop for uh 300 so really important thank you bye-bye wow amazing delicious crab very very friendly people and some of the best freshest Seafood I've had in a long time and just across the street or just down the street from Kitano Gourmet here at this area is called the crab market but they also have a fruit stall so Hokkaido is very famous for its fruit particularly melons and strawberries so let's go see if we can get a piece of melon try out thank you [Music] I bought ourselves a piece of melon here famous Hokkaido melon so there's a town nearby here in Hokkaido that's called yubari and yubari is famous for its melon but it's not the season for yubari melon yet so actually what they do is they take the uavari melon seeds and they take it to Okinawa the far south of Japan for the winter season so that they can grow the melons year round and sell them you can see the sign up there says on May 26th so we're just a couple weeks early before the ubari melon season starts but look at that juicy juicy melon and I'll be totally honest with you I'm not a huge fan of melon but let's try this in whoa [Music] I'm the only huge fan about but I might be a huge fan of Hokkaido melon that is so juicy I bit into it just it completely exploded with flavor very sweet but very soft not like crunchy like the melons I've had before very very soft look at it it's just dripping with juice that is absolutely delicious well damn that is definitely definitely the best moment I've ever had [Music] [Applause] oh wow this is so good the one I try in Thailand it's like when you bite it it's not melting and it's hard to chew this one is melt in your mouth and sweet it tastes like melon milk already tastes like dessert it doesn't taste like fruit at all I love it save me a little bit no probably God is so juicy it's really juicy right yeah let's get another one as you may know in Japan fruit can sometimes go to astronomical prices this place seems pretty reasonably priced actually I don't know 45 dollars for a melon that's not very reasonable but four dollars for a slice I don't know what I'm really saying it's it's still quite expensive but I mean at least we're not paying 25 000 for melon which we saw for sale in Tokyo by far the best melon I've ever had and probably the best crab I've ever had too so Hokkaido is so popular and famous for its high quality ingredients and now I can see why so we're gonna head now to a place called maruyama Park and hopefully we can see some of the Sakura the cherry blossom it's late in the season but I think we still might be able to catch some [Music] um one random thing I love about Japan is the taxis the doors open and close automatically they've got some kind of like I don't know air pressure system that opens the door and closes it that the driver controls really cool Japan's just living in the future here [Music] thank you [Music] and again [Music] so here it is Japan's famous Sakura or cherry blossom tree it has a very short season and I've been told that maybe in just three days from now the wind should probably blow all of these off so I'm not a botanist but as I understand it there's a couple different types of cherry blossoms this is a more of a white color and this blooms a little bit earlier but then there's another one they call it like seven flower or something like that the translation is and it's more pink and as I understand it I think that's only here in Hokkaido the more Pinker one and there's a couple that are more in Blossom than this tree here but as you can see this is very popular all the photographers here myself included taking lots of pictures of this it's absolutely beautiful and then the floor is just covered in all the cherry blossom petals beautiful foreign [Music] there are also tons of flowers I think these are tulips and pink and yellow purple wow so nice the weather a little cool but just got a thin jacket on so nothing too crazy [Music] so this is the other type that I was talking about you can see it's more pinkish and a little bit of a smell but it's looking a little bit bare I think a lot have already blown off there was a couple windy days the last couple days absolutely beautiful so peaceful here I can't believe the amount of flowers they've planted besides these gorgeous cherry blossom trees this is the time to come to hokkaida I think spring I mean it's really popular to come here in the winter for their snow Festival but spring here is just absolutely gorgeous so nice thank you foreign Park is home to the Hokkaido jingu Shrine it was built in the 1800s we're going to go inside and take a closer look but already from the outside absolutely beautiful this is a beautiful Shinto Shrine just like all Japanese shrines extremely peaceful this one has a lot of nice old tall trees around perfect place for taking pictures and quite empty here on a Monday morning wow beautiful Park and beautiful Shrine we're gonna head into the downtown core of Sapporo now and say goodbye to the peaceful shrines of Japan and into the busy City Center [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sapporo is considered a small City in terms of Japanese cities and just to give you an idea though this station odori station has over 37 exits at this station so small Japanese standards but definitely not small [Music] okay and you'll find lots of these covered shopping arcades this one is called Tanuki Koji shopping street right in the center of Sapporo and we are heading to try something very unique that you can have here in Sapporo it's called soup curry and it's an original invention of Sapporo and unique to this area so let's go try famous Sapporo soup curry oh the shrine is called soup you might be familiar with Japanese Curry which is a thick Curry similar to like an Indian curry but soup curry totally different it was invented here in Sapporo in the 1970s and we've just ordered up our bowl of soup curry here at garaku so you can see it's a much much thinner Curry not like a thick Indian curry this is totally different there's all kinds of vegetables in here like packed full of vegetables there's mushrooms there's carrots there's broccoli and cauliflower there is a Lotus root and then we ordered it with the sliced pork belly and just go for a dunk in my Curry and try it like that first time trying soup curry here in Sapporo hmm it was a very thin broth like the name suggest it's soupy it's not thick like a regular Curry but it's got the flavor of a curry very strong curry flavor okay let me go in for some of these goodies here there's all kinds of things I can't believe how much they've jam-packed in here there must be like 10 or 15 different veggies in here let's try a piece of carrot with a mushroom and then maybe a piece of pork here as well let's try that hmm really nice flavor you know I think I do prefer regular Japanese Curry because I really like that thick creamy curry sauce but this is also nice something different yeah that is really good and you can pick your level of spiciness we picked hot but I wouldn't say it's too hot this looks like I don't even know that it looks like an artichoke I think and their rice is almost like a little bit spiced I think let's try this Lotus root such a amazing vegetable hmm still crisp this bowl is just full of surprises there's so many ingredients in here I just found a potato and it looks like a quail's egg as well like I said I think I do prefer like a classic Japanese Curry because when I go for curry I want that really thick sauce very hearty with all of the ingredients inside it's like a soft boiled quails egg all right really good that feels super healthy with all of those veggies and the light soup but I am also very full so it's very hearty and Hokkaido like I've been talking about all day is famous for their high quality ingredients and another thing that they're super famous for are their desserts in particular anything Dairy so their dairy products are really high quality and one of my favorite things in the entire world are cheese Tarts you might have heard of Pablo cheese Tarts or bake Hokkaido milk cheese Tarts there's all kinds of different brands but there's one here in Sapporo called kinotoya bake that is supposed to be the best so let's go try it out a beautiful pastry crust on the outside filled with Gorgeous cheese filling I may or may not have already eaten three of these off camera but that's a secret so let's try it one more I mean let's try the first one [Music] these are so good guys this for me is the Pinnacle of dessert this is exactly what I want for dessert every single time it's got that kind of Tangy cheese going on and then it's got a nice crunchy crispy almost caramelized tasting uh crust around the outside you can see it's filled completely to the bottom with that cheese tart filling famous Hokkaido Dairy these are so so addictive oh my God that is good and the most dangerous thing about these is that my hotel is right beside the shop I'm gonna be here every day all right time for a beer and I know what you're thinking Luke why have you not had a Sapporo beer yet but this is just day one we're here for a couple days and of course we're gonna be having lots of Sapporo beer we're actually going to be visiting the beer Museum in another episode but I actually spotted a shop that's selling a very unique type of beer that I want to try out so let's go grab one right now got the goods this is a cool little souvenir shop with all kind of Hokkaido uh themed things to bring home from your trip but the thing I was most interested in was this special type of beer that they had right up front I'm really happy to find it because I didn't think I was going to be able to find it so we're going to take it back to the hotel now and try it out abashiri draft beer from avashiri in Northern Hokkaido so they use a lot of interesting ingredients in this beer they use Drift Ice so it's kind of like icebergs that they use the water from the icebergs and they also use seaweed and local flowers and Chinese yam but that's not the most interesting thing about this beer let me show you all right check this out I am looking forward to trying this because I've never seen anything quite like it and if you can tell [Music] that beer is blue there are no artificial colors all natural ingredients and can you see that like that is really blue look at that coming in close on that look at how blue that beer is that is so so cool so that is what makes this beer so unique and the reason I wanted to try it out although it looks like it might have some kind of fruity flavor or something because of the blue color it doesn't at all it tastes like a very hoppy craft beer a little bit bitter but wow I just can't remember like it's more blue than I thought it was going to be we've got a lot more coming for you from Hokkaido so make sure to stay tuned if you haven't already subscribe hit the Bell icon so you're notified and I'll see you guys on the next episode Chopstick travel cheers
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 176,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, japan, japanese, luke martin, luke martin japan, food in japan, japanese food, japanese seafood, street food, sapporo, hokkaido, hokkaido food, sakura, sakura japan, japanese cherry blossom, cheese tart, sapporo food, what to eat sapporo, what to do in sapporo, what to do in Hokkaido, japanese street food, street food in japan, luke maritn, chopsticks travel, chopstick travels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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