35 Indian STREET FOODS Across India!! DELHI Kebabs, VARANASI Lassi + AMRITSAR Kulcha

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thank you what's up everybody today I have another compilation Style video for you this time from India India truly one of the richest culinary cultures in the world India is a vast country with a diverse culinary landscape and in today's episode I'm going to be sharing with you the top 35 Street foods to try on your next trip to India [Music] we just stopped at a little stall on the side of the street because I spotted this guy making something that's called namkeen which is sort of just like a little cracker sort of a Saltine and the way he's making is quite impressive there is a huge cauldron of boiling oil and he's just using his bare hands to push the batter which I'm guessing is probably like a chickpea batter and he's pushing it through the this special device that's got these small holes and then frying those up they turn into sort of like little French fries just ordered up some of the namkeen which he is making behind me pretty simple dish um usually it's eaten like as a snack or alongside some other things like Curry but there are these little kind of worm shape Crispies so let's give some of these a try here oh wow they're actually quite spicy and they're nice and crispy it's almost like a little mini french fry with that little Indian spice touch to it it's pretty good nice little snack we made it to our next place this place is called Ashok chowala and culture is a very typical Punjabi dish it's a stuffed bread that's cooked in a Tandoor oven this place is just packed in look at this and they serve it with a Chana so chickpea Masala we're gonna order up I don't even really know how to order it but we're gonna kind of fight our way and see what we can do go go ahead so we have our culture the butter is just melting all over top of this thing we ordered the stuff with potatoes and there's some fenugreek on top some uh cumin all kinds of chili flakes and lots of different little things and then on the side here we have our Chana the chickpeas and then this is a chutney with looks like tons of onions green onions maybe some radish in there as well so I'm gonna rip this open and it's like crispy crispy on the outside and I gotta make sure I get into the middle to get some of that stuffing oh yeah so it's a very thin stuffing but you can see it in there look at that it looks like maybe that's pomegranate seeds I'm not even sure there's so many things in here and then we're gonna go in for some of the Chana let's try [Music] oh man wow that is full of flavor [Music] [Music] so we just spotted this guy on the side of the road selling malayo which is a winter only dish it's a dish of saffron milk that is left overnight to settle when the Dew settles it is finished and it is this big pot of yellow milky frothy bubbly delicious looking dessert we just ordered one up this looks so good check this out this is the malayo look at the texture of that I don't know if you can tell but it's got this weird kind of foam bubbly texture almost like micro bubbles um I don't really know what to compare it to I've never had a dish that is quite as foamy as this and you can see it's just bright yellow with all that saffron there's some pistachios coconut almonds some spices on top there and there's some sugar mixed in as well let me try it wow oh wow that is awesome the texture of that just completely disintegrates in your mouth instantly you can't even feel it you can definitely taste that saffron it's got a little bit of a floral flavor and then all of that nuttiness and a little bit sweet that takes the word Airy to another level this is like nothing [Music] you could like inhale this stuff so this is the guy that we were looking for he's serving something called Holloway which is a semolina dough mixture but this one is special because he uses jaggery which is an unrefined sugar cane to make the halwa serving it right out of this little cart with four wheels really cool right on the side of the road and this is only available in the winter time and only for about one month so it's quite a rare street food actually he sprinkled some almonds there's a lot of spices going on in there I think there's some saffron and it smells really good it's gonna be sweet so let's get some foreign and of course he just added about three or four cups more of e that clarified butter wouldn't be a Punjab with a ski we have our Holloway you can see here um it's red from all the saffron that's in and then we've got all these little raisins on top and the owner of the stall was just telling us that these raisins are imported from Kabul in Afghanistan some looks like sliced almonds on top and then just look at all that ghee underneath there geez I'm gonna have to hit the gym really hard when I leave India oh man jeez I have a sweet tooth and that is perfect oh it has such a unique texture the semolina kind of turns into small little granules and then the almonds are still crisp it's sweet very buttery and uh filled with beef but I didn't get any of those raisins so let me try this time oh yeah those have a sourness to them this is delightful I love this I could eat this every day too oh great day of eating so far oh that is so good we are at a kebab shop called Abdul gyani Qureshi and they are making a ton of Kebabs there's a ton of people eating here and they are serving them up hot I was just filming and all the charcoal that they're grilling it on is sort of blowing in my face but that's okay it smells incredible we're gonna try out the kebabs now our kebabs have arrived I have the chicken kind gorov has the mutton kind and the hair served right on the stick that they were cooking it on and what is that made out of some sort of metal that's a deal that you see and it's uh rolled over this yeah and it's green to Perfection so that we can have it right off the boat so yeah you'll see this it's so soft right how juicy they are oh yeah look at that okay let's try that yummy oh [Music] that is minced chicken with tons of spices nice and spicy but a little bit sweet too oh man that's that's phenomenal so first off the water is boiling with some cardamom pods they're steaming the rice in these huge pots and then at the same time they're cooking down the mutton so that's going to be the main ingredient here for the Biryani rice is that beautifully cooked mutton with all kinds of different spices in this really rich red bubbly broth and then he just made up a new pot of the Biryani it's gonna be about 20 minutes before it's finished so what he did was take some of that meat and some of that kind of soup from that mutton and put it in the bottom of the pot then layer it with some rice and then he covered that rice with a little bit of some red sauce I just expect it's packed full of spices and then some more rice on top put a cheese cloth and a cover covered it up it's sitting on a wood fire and it's gonna simmer away there for about 20 minutes so it's almost time to try the famous Biryani here in luck now foreign [Music] it's really subtle actually a little bit salty thank you [Music] we have come to our dinner spot and I've just blown away we came right up to have this chunky chicken and they are cooking the biggest pot of Curry I have ever seen in my entire life huge flame underneath so much curry on top and it smells incredible so we're gonna order some of this up and try it out foreign [Music] [Music] 's most famous food they are these little minced meat patties buffalo meat and he's cooking it on charcoal so here it is guys the reason we came to luck now and honestly it looks a little disappointing it doesn't look like much we only ordered one plate but this is four of the tunday kebabs this place has been open since 1905 making this particular dish we've also got a roti you definitely need to fix it up with some Roti so let me grab one of these and just watch this okay this is craziness you can see that these are just so soft there's a crispy little layer on top but then so so soft that is ridiculous let me try this wow I know I said this countless times that you don't need teeth to eat this meat but screw all of those other times this is the only time I really meant it you could drink this with a straw it's almost the same texture as hummus it's almost off-putting how soft it is I really didn't expect it I thought there'd be at least that muscular feeling of meat but that is not the case it is more like a paste than a meat there is a little crispy layer on the top but wow ridiculous texture I can't even wrap my head around that that's so weird but I do love the flavors there's so many spices going on in there and it's really Smoky too [Music] so we are at our first stop today and what we have ordered is called so basically it's just this puffed rice a ton of like these little Crispies on top some fresh onions fresh tomatoes coriander and then he tops it with a spicy Chutney and Tamarind sauce and it just looks awesome and is served in this kind of newspaper uh roll up and with these little Wooden Spoons so let's take a big bite of that it looks like it's gonna be pretty good all right oh yeah it's actually quite spicy and tangy from that Tamarind super crunchy a little bit sour as well and you can definitely taste that coriander in there take another bite oh yeah that's kind of like looks like a really refreshing little snap good morning foreign so he's just making up the fresh chai or tea and using that mixture of spices Masala and lots of milk and one of the key uh steps is frothing up that chai to make sure it is nice and foamy on top we're ordering up their special chai I'm not exactly sure what to expect but this place is super popular they have a couple little breakfast items too which I think we're gonna try but just really fun to watch this guy making a fresh shot [Music] come on [Music] [Music] we've got our chai this is the special try as I mentioned so what makes this one a little bit different is he used some fresh milk foam to put on top of the chai and it kind of looked like a cappuccino to be honest and then he mixed up with a mortar and pestle some almonds cardamom pistachios maybe a little bit of sugar some other things I definitely missed and then sprinkle those all on top and this is the final result it's cool how they serve it in two cups to keep it from burning your hand but this just smells so intense sitting right outside with all the locals let's give it a try oh yeah oh man I love that cardamom flavor super creamy actually it's not as sweet as I thought I guess he didn't put as much sugar in it as they usually do here in India but then those little crunchy bits of pistachio and almonds a little nutty flavor that is awesome every morning starts with chai here in India this place is intense from inside to outside it is just completely packed apparently they serve around 700 cups of chai before 11 A.M every day here thank you so we've got our Puris here in India you'll get all kinds of different types of bread non-roti chapati all kinds of different things and Puri is one of them and it's kind of like this ballooned up deep fried bread very thin and crispy and then this spot is serving it with Chana which is the chickpea Curry here you can see some red chili like oil on top of it and then those chickpeas it looks like a couple pieces of potato too and then on the side we've got some pickles some pickled carrots and then two types of radish standing room only of course here so let's dig in okay so I'm gonna rip some of this Puri you can see just how thin this is it is like paper paper thin and then grab a little bit of those chickpeas kind of stuff them inside here let's try that yum oh man that was spicy for breakfast chickpeas and the potatoes are the exact same texture completely disintegrate in your mouth that Puri is kind of crispy but because it's so thin it's not really like a chip yet it's still got a little bit of an elasticity to it and then yeah a lot of spices going on in there and a lot of heat too that's just a simple plain breakfast the curry is a little bit oily but it goes nicely with all of that channel and these guys are just working away like crazy [Music] foreign [Music] we are at our next spot and this place is serving something very unique it's called Fati it's wheat flour and it's formed into a ball but what the interesting thing is is how they are preparing it so they're using cow dung as a substitute for charcoal and they're putting the wheat flour balls the bati directly in the charcoal you can see right here behind me he's just picking them out now so nothing to keep it off of the cow dung it's just literally completely covered in it of course that cow dung is dried out and very very hot right now they also have a huge mountain of the cow dung and it's just simmering away getting all heated up before they'll put the bati in with it they're cooking a couple other things too this place is really cool it's a really traditional setting we're gonna go inside and Order up a tally with a couple different things at abati for sure [Music] [Music] the way that they clean the ashes of that cow dung off the bati isn't particularly thorough he just slaps it with a burlap sack to get some of the ashes off and then he puts it inside that burlap sack and kind of moves it around shakes it around gets all the rest of the ashes off well probably not all of them but suppose Italy the cow dung is what really gives this dish its flavor everybody yeah I'm gonna grab a piece of the Botti first of course and you can see the outside is scorched from that dung get some of that lentil mixture on the inside and I'll put this over here and grab a little bit of the chokka that eggplant kind of mix that in with the bati and let's try that yum wow there is a tiny little stall on the corner of a hidden alley here in Jaipur that is selling a delicacy of Gujarat Province called kamandokla so we just ordered some up I'm really excited to try this is something that's very interesting it is this chickpea batter which is mixed with sugar and lime juice and then it is topped with tons of poppy seeds you can see looks like some green chilies and also some cilantro and then a green Chutney as well so let me just grab a piece here let's try the thick it's actually quite sour from that lemon juice that has a unique flavor the texture is similar to like pound cake but then there's little pieces of poppy seeds so it kind of gives it a crunch the flavor is hard to describe it's sort of sour but also kind of tart and it's really soaked up all the Chutney that you put on top of that green Chutney which I think is mostly lime juice it's pretty good there's some cilantro on there too so it gives it a fresh kick but that's very interesting so I've never tasted anything quite like it very moist [Music] we just ordered up our jalebi they are making these fresh and gorov was telling me that this guy when he first came to start the shop in 1882 had only two rupees in his pocket and I'm sure he's making lots of money now because they are selling tons of these they look awesome so we watched them cook this up fresh you can see my jalebi here this is quite a large one this is orange and not like the one we had yesterday which was black and they are soaked in Sugar like a sugar syrup so let me break a piece off try this oh man that feels nice and sugary let's try that [Music] oh man I'm really crispy I'm really juicy it is so sweet and it's almost like a sponge cake on the inside how much liquid it's retaining when they are again frying these in decided that clarified butter okay yeah onion okay yeah we just popped down a little alley that is full of tons of shops selling different types of chat so I spotted a guy that's selling some fresh looking samosas so we ordered up a samosa Samosa is something that uh most people in the Western World will know about from India is definitely one of my favorite Indian foods and they serve it a little bit differently than we would back home and that is uh kind of crushed up you can see here and then topped with a Chutney and also topped with some onions here and you can see this one is stuffed with potatoes the Chutney on top of that brings out all the flavors it's a sweet spicy Chutney and then the odor shell of the Samosa is nice and crispy and a little bit flaky too and then the inside there is just packed with spice everything you eat here is just so flavorful it just completely coats your man within those Indian spices and this samosas no exception this is exactly what I think of when I think of Indian flavors a little bit sweet full of flavor and quite spicy and although it doesn't look like much this thing packs a punch it is delicious [Music] foreign [Music] we have come to have dinner tonight at The Talk of the Town literally and figuratively this restaurant is called The Talk of the Town and they specialize in serving kebabs and Tikka so we just ordered up some chicken tikka and we're gonna have a little feast tonight our food has arrived it looks absolutely incredible we are right on the side of the busy road and just check this out here we have a couple different things this is the chicken tikka what you can see is just red hot looking and this was skewered and cooked right on the charcoal a sauce on the side some sort of a Chutney grab a piece of chicken tikka and dip it in my sauce here I'll find out what the sauce is let's give that a try oh man that's phenomenal okay that's a 10 out of 10 on the spicy Richter scale but that sauce is awesome it is kind of like sour there's definitely curd in there and then that chicken is so ridiculously juicy and Smoky too let's go in for one more dip of that sauce oh man my mouth is on fire that is some spicy sauce but delicious I don't know [Music] [Music] foreign let me rip off some of this Paratha just covering my hands and in that ghee and then I'm just gonna go in for a dip of this the doll makhani they're their most popular famous dish punjabi's specialty oh yeah that has such a rich deep flavor those lentils are ridiculously soft and then that red nice and crunchy that Paratha is so oily with that ghee it's not necessarily really bad for you because it's clarified butter it actually tastes amazing it's got all that red oil on top a little bit of spice going on there but it's not overly spicy oh that is so good [Music] I love myself so we just ordered a lassie but we didn't order a typical Lassie we ordered a special Lassie which comes with something called pela which is gram flour sugar it's kind of almost like a little sweet that he's broken up into the Lassie itself and then also we have Malai which is the clotted cream that top cream that he's scooping off fresh laying it on ice to cool it and I think the Lassie is just about finished we're literally right on the side of the road cool little shop foreign we have our Lassie that was quite the preparation this is no regular Lassie you can see the Malai that clotted cream on top and this is kind of what was left over after he mixed in that sweet that gram flour sweet and then underneath this is just the regular Lassie curd with quite a bit of sugar so let me pull away this first and just try it as is foreign of butter and cream there's just a lot of fattiness going on in there it's not as sour as some of them that I've had now I gotta try a little bit of this stuff on top there's just all kinds of different dairy products and a little bit foamy a little bit chunky let's try wow that stuff is so rich oh man I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to finish this off that is so heavy so they are toasting all of the bread on charcoal I think that's how it should be done every time by hand on charcoal I know it's going to make it taste even better and one cool thing about this place is they have their own little Temple here it's like a temple of chai It's down this really quiet alley way it's kind of Hidden Away I really like this spot so far so we've got three different types of toast that they serve here they are actually using bread that is quite cheap like white processed bread but the ingredient ingredients that they're topping them with they're all homemade so the first one this one here just looks plain but actually it's been cut open and and stuff full of white butter homemade white butter and then toasted a second time so it's Double Toasted back here this is just the white butter regular white butter it's served with a masala on the side with some salt and then this one just looks insane this is a mountain of Malai or a cream clotted cream on top with tons of sugar you can see all that sugar and I gotta start with this one this just looks so good my mouth is watering this looks incredible [Music] so good even though this is a cheap red it tastes really good because the smokiness from the charcoal and then that sweet sugar on top of the creamy Malai that goes so so well with the crispy bread man that is so good go rob was telling me that this is what a lot of Indians will eat when they're kids uh just at home mom will make this as a quick before bed snack and this is my style this is so good let's try this stuffed one next [Music] wow he must have put a lot of butter in there oh my God that was like wet on the inside crispy on the outside but super salty from all that butter that was put inside really crispy this is the topped with white butter kind served with the salt Masala it was already a little bit on but I'll put a little bit extra let's try wow it doesn't look like much but that mixture of spices with the salt it was really strong actually there's definitely some cumin in there this is like the perfect way to start the day actually I could sit here all day and keep eating these toasts they're really good foreign oh yeah that's gonna make it good yes and let's grab you pick one piece each yep and let's go for it yeah it's quite hot dip it in the sauce yeah yeah let's try that let's try it and try it oh wow nice that is juicy chicken on the inside the Aloo Tiki is a boiled potato Masala mixture that is fried on the skillet it's then topped with butter which is peas and then curd a little bit of cumin Red Chutney green Chutney and then a little salad of radish and some fresh coriander and here we have it served in the leaf bowl once again and you can see that potato underneath here and all of those beautiful chutneys and some of those peas let's get a big bite for my first try my favorite part is the Red Chutney it's a Tamarind based Chutney so it's got a sourness the curd is sweet they've definitely added sugar to it not my favorite to be honest but not bad [Music] [Music] all right [Music] here [Music] foreign we are at our next spot now and we have ordered a Kolkata famous dish this is the Kati Roll and it is basically a Paratha bread stuffed with we ordered chicken and tons of onions lots of spices and some spicy sauce and mustard sauce as well and we are at a very famous place to get the katiro it's called kusum rolls and I'm ready to try this it looks really good oh yeah the bread the Paratha is amazing it's kind of like still gooey but at the same time it's got a crisp exterior and sort of like flaky and there's tons of onions in there thanks a chicken a little bit spicy and then that mustard sauce makes it nice and like Tangy so we've come just inside the shop and this guy's got a couple different things so this one's mango right or they're both mango right they're both mango this one is sweet this one's sweet yeah and then they put some Masala on top yeah some lemon some chili flakes yes so this is sort of like a almost like a breath freshener or something you can have after a meal this is this is what you have after the meal right and it acts like a digestive okay let's try it oh yeah wow he put a lot of lemon on top of there I am it's got this kind of interesting dried fruit texture a little bit spicy from that chili yeah but I just needed one okay yeah look at these it's almost like almost like jelly break a little piece off let's try that one oh yeah a little bit of salt on top but that one's a lot sweeter yeah I do like this one yeah a lot of mango flavor packed into there so this is another one of the digestive that he's given me to try so this is made of Tamarind it has some mint also in it and of course the masalas that is added right you want to try this yeah let's try this well Tamarind is one of my favorite things in the entire world oh yeah sour super sour you can even feel the spice in there the granules of spice oh I think I like that I like that yeah so we're at our next spot and they're preparing something called paneer burji and here in kunjab they definitely don't skimp on the butter and by not skimping I mean they go over the top there's so much butter in all of the dishes and ghee but that's really what brings out all the flavors and what makes it taste so good so this is definitely not a simple dish there's a lot of ingredients I saw him start with a huge chunk of butter a little bit of salt some chilies green chilies some onions some Tomatoes then he took some gram flour that's mixed with water turmeric lots of spices and then the main ingredient here is going to be the paneer which is sort of like Indian cottage cheese thank you we have our paneer burji this is the Breakfast of Champions check this out this is a thing of beauty so this is the paneer Bergie all of those ingredients and tons of butter you put an extra slab of butter on top some fresh coriander and you can see all that paneer that Indian cottage cheese on the side we've got some onions so some radish some mint Chutney Tamarind Chutney and then he also fried up a couple pieces of bread because you can't eat anything here in India without bread so let me go in and take a little piece of bread and some of this paneer burji I am not exactly sure what to expect this to taste like but it looks incredible [Music] oh you can definitely taste that paneer it's not a strong cheese it's very very light and also I can taste a lot of ginger in there of course butter it's so buttery and then that bread soaked it up very nicely it's not spicy like the Puri enchana that we just had it's actually very mild there's one so we were just walking down the street and we spotted somebody making uh it looked like a little cookie what is it called it's called chicky chicky yeah all right well yeah this is how it looks it's made with jaggery and peanuts peanuts okay oh wow that is really crispy nice lots of peanuts too uh it's a little hot once it cools down it will be more crunchier I think there's almonds and peanuts in there yes really chewy actually that's delicious [Music] we have come to have a little bit of a sweet for breakfast today so this is called robbery which is a saffron milk there's all kinds of different spices in there cardamom some pistachios so let's give this a try [Music] oh wow it is quite sweet there's a lot of sugar in there for sure you can taste that saffron it almost has like a floral flavor to it extremely creamy nice and cool too and I love how he's serving it out of this huge pot oh man that is surprisingly delicious silky smooth we just ordered up our first snack today it is another one of those famous Indian chats and this has to be one of the most wild concoctions I've ever seen so the guy started out by cutting up some different fruits and then topping it with all kinds of different spices I think I saw some Masala some uh sugar and then he squeezed a lime in that kind of mixed it up and then topped it with some chickpeas and pomegranates it is absolutely ridiculous looking so let's try it I'm gonna go in for the the orange let me go in for the pineapple okay yeah cheers let's try this out one bite one bite that is like a bomb it exploded in my mouth full of flavor the flavors are so strong it's quite spicy you can definitely taste quite a bit of salt in there too and I love the pomegranates they kind of pop in your mouth [Music] we made it to our next spot for lunch this place is called mu beans and this is a mugai Cuisine Restaurant their main thing is the Nihari which is the mutton or actually one thing you'll notice about this restaurant is that they actually have buffalo on the menu because this is a Muslim Moogle restaurant we're gonna order up the mutt Nihari which is the bone marrow with mutton in this beautiful stew and they are also making tons of fresh bread here we ordered the rumali Roti let's go sit down and have lunch we have our mat Nihari you can see this beautiful beautiful gravy with a lot of that ghee on top of it some fresh coriander and then these chunks of mutton bits of tendon and lots of bone marrow and you can see yeah that's right on the bone there look at that all that bone marrow has just been stewing away coming out of that Nihari or into that nihar I should say then over here we have the rumali Roti which is this paper paper thin Roti which works perfectly for soaking up all that gravy so let me grab a little piece of meat oh wow that completely fell off and definitely some of that gravy let's try that [Music] that is great that piece of tendon that I just had felt like fat it just completely disintegrated in my mouth everybody we are now at the most famous dessert shop here in luck now it's called prakash and they are serving Kofi which is kind of like a Indian ice cream the way that he's got it stored is really cool he's got this big huge metal pot and then it's all wrapped up with burlap sack and then inside he's got these metal cylinders kind of like tin cans that the coffee is inside of and it's frozen completely on the outside he soaks it in some water and then kind of works the coffee out of there and then they're going to top it with faluda which is kind of like a little noodle it's going to be very sweet with some pistachios we're gonna order one up let's try it foreign we are sitting down now this place is packed out but it's kind of hidden back here we have our coffee falooda and I will admit that Indian sweets are a little bit hit and miss with me sometimes I really love them and sometimes I don't like them at all I haven't had coffee yet on this trip so we've got two types of faluda one is sweetened with some saffron that's the yellow one and then white is just regular underneath we've got the Kofi and it's got some nuts inside probably some dried fruits and also he topped it with rose water so all these very interesting ingredients perfect way to end the day but let's give it a try oh yeah that was very indian-assque you could say you can taste that rose water it's very floral some saffron in there it's very fresh and actually it's not as sweet as I thought that pollute on top reminds me of chendel the little pandan green noodles that we get in Indonesia and Malaysia in Singapore but this is quite different in flavor than chendel really interesting that coffee is super thick the texture is crazy when there's some crunchy nuts in there too look at it so I was definitely not expecting that this restaurant is very modern looking and clean on the outside but we just went back in their kitchen also very clean but very traditional they've got tons of tandoors and just cooking like crazy even though it's late at night there's tons of people here so I'm sitting down with go rob now we've got ourselves some Paratha and mine is Gobi which is stuffed with cauliflower and yours is Aloo right which is stuffed with potatoes and you can see they have put a ton of white butter all on top of this like so much so much butter and then they put an extra huge clump of it on top too so this just looks super good are we just gonna eat it plain yeah so uh usually we do eat it with achar and with some tea pickles and tea yeah because in tea yeah and let this a try with some pickle you want to try some big with Pickles carrots in there and do have some mango in there mango oh wow that's a mango okay yeah throw it down there so I've ripped off piece here I'm gonna grab a little bit of this mess they have some chilies as well too oh yeah all right let's try that [Music] that pickled mango super strong super sour very salty as well and that Paratha is just so buttery and crisp on the outside [Music] we just ordered up our fresh kachori and what kachori is is a staple of this area here in India Rajasthan so it's a deep fried kind of crispy Fritter that's filled with Dal and spices this place we just saw how they were making it back and it looked like there was all kinds of different things in there chili tons of different spices I'll have to bite in to try it but I was just speaking to the owner a really friendly guy and he said that his grandfather started this restaurant in 1963 and this place is called paranji kachori voila and we just got arcatore here I ordered up the kachori Hing which is with curd so we've got this beautiful looking gachori which I mean it's going to break open here and you can see that uh doll inside that fried lentils and then let me get some some curd here and try this out [Music] oh man I'm yum oh that's awesome that is just a flavor bomb it doesn't look like much from the outside appearance wise but once you break into that that is so ridiculously flavorful there's so many different spices going on there it's got a little bit of heat from some chili it's nice and creamy on the inside but also I can really taste like a little bit of a licorice flavor I think it's coming from fennel let me take one more bite here make sure I get a lot of this curd that curd goes so nicely with it let's try that oh man it's so sour that curved and it really cools kind of the heat from the chili damn that good story is nice and crispy and kind of flaky on the outside that's such an incredible pairing [Music] so we're at the famous blue Lassie shop one of the most popular shops here in Varanasi with foreign Taurus especially it's been recommended by Lonely Planet all kinds of different places and he's got an extensive menu of lassies which is the curd yogurt sweet Indian drink so we ordered up a couple different kinds we're gonna all try one and see how they taste so I have my pomegranate banana Lassie this place is really popular mostly with just foreigners though to be honest you can see he's sprinkled lots of pistachios and tops and pomegranates and then little slices of banana and he actually mixed the pomegranate into the Lassie itself so let me get some of these toppings some of the Lassie and try it all together oh man look at that [Music] foreign [Applause] I love the crunchy pomegranates it tastes nice with the banana too it's almost like strawberry banana but pomegranate banana and then crunchy pistachios Palazzi is really sweet though super thankful to have gaurav SWAT official here with us check out his YouTube channel down below because otherwise without him I don't know how I would get to the front to order there but we've got our tomato chat this is what this chat Bender is famous for you can see there's so many things in here he loaded it full of different ingredients there's a tomato puree there's all kinds of Desi ghee there's some peas there's some crunchy bits fresh coriander I think there's onions in there and there's definitely some lentils as well so I'm just gonna go in for a huge bite here served in the clay pot with a little um wooden spoon wow that is crazy that's like concentrated tomato super tart super sour there's a little bit of a spice going on in there for sure but wow that's not like anything else we've tasted here in India that caught me off guard I kind of thought it was going to taste like dull like lentils but it really doesn't it's got a very strong tomato flavor geez it's almost like ketchup [Music] so gaurav has taken us to this kind of roadside Factory where this guy is producing a lot of different milk products so behind me here he's just stirring some milk which he'll turn into robbery which is sort of like a sweet cream you have with dessert he's also making fresh cream um anything else yes so he sells hot milk also and in samaj he says he's very famous you have to try all the three things the Malai the rubbery and the milk all right let's try them [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so he just took some of the hot milk and started pulling it or frothing it up using these two big jugs and exchanging it between the two of them and it wasn't a simple process he was reaching well over his head I don't know how far that stream of milk was going but I'd say at least four or five feet and now he served it to me in this little clay cup he put a little bit of the Malai on top which is the clotted cream some of the frothy milk too and then it's just hot milk underneath with a little bit of sugar let me try this foreign [Music] that is lovely it's like a cappuccino without the coffee flavor super frothy on top a little bit sweet and all those chunks of Malai or clotted cream in there really good [Music] [Music] oh [Music] try to grab a piece of meat and then get some Curry oh man that looks good you need to dunk it into it okay no no I like this one okay like this yeah let's try that is it nutty yeah it's nutty yeah it has all that choki flavor as well yes because all the curries that you see here I've been cooking a cooked on pool yeah so it is yeah it's cooked on charcoal and uh it's slow cooking yeah that's where the flavor gets into the curry and it's very smoky yeah it's got like a Nutty Aroma to it and it's almost a little bit a little bit spicy but it's almost a little bit sweet too yeah I hope you enjoyed that video that was the top 35 Street foods to try in India leave a comment down below and let me know if I missed anything and also let me know what country you'd like to see me do next for this compilation style of video and I'll see you Chopstick travel bye
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 2,720,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: india, indian food, food, street food, indian street food, delhi, delhi street food, kolkata, kolkata street food, punjab, punjabi food, amritsar, kulcha, amritsar street food, lucknow, lucknow street food, varanasi, banares, varanasi street food, banares street food, muslim indian food, halal food, vegetarian, vegetarian street food, luke martin, luke martin india, chopstick travel, chopsticks travel
Id: 3Ic3F5BZ34Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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