25 Italian STREET FOODS Across Italy!! NAPLES Pizza, FLORENCE Panini + SICILY Arancini

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[Music] what's up guys this week's episode we're going to be taking you on a culinary journey across one of europe's top food destinations italy there's going to be pizza there's going to be pasta this is one of my favorite countries for food in the entire world so join us for the top 25 foods to try on your next trip to italy [Music] [Music] eat it all right so [Music] i'm going to start with the cuatro formage i'm just going in with my fingers here i'm not sure exactly what all the four cheeses are in there i know there's mozzarella and gorgonzola but i'm not sure all of them and look at that that looks absolutely oh man that cheese looks incredible wow let's dig into that [Applause] oh man oh my god that's amazing oh wow [Music] i just died and went to pizza heaven [Music] that is not what i was expecting it to taste like at all it's got this really musky almost earthy flavor from one of those cheeses there's definitely some funkiness going on in there as well as some saltiness and just normal mozzarella cheese flavor oh it's so good the crust they're perfect there's a limousine very very very nice [Music] so this one here is the limoncello which is very very popular here in naples it i think it originates from this area in southern italy and then also this is the meloncello which is the same thing but made with melons and these are both kind of a sweet liqueur and it's very common as i mentioned to drink after your meal so i'm going to try the limoncello [Music] crazy atmosphere as i mentioned here in napoli it almost has like an anise or like a licorice flavor to it and a little bit of lemon zest let me try the melon [Music] that one is very thick much thicker than the limoncello but both very good i said no matter what the metal one number one very good oh are strong just as the atmosphere around it is and this lemon flicker is very very very strong it shoots right up your nose but it's really good we're filming the effects of the alcohol there's a lot of alcohol here so i don't know when in rome oregon appalachian ciao oh [Music] our first stop for breakfast today is at a restaurant called norbonne directly inside of the mercado central and they've been open since 1872 and they're famous for serving lamprodoto which i have here it's the tripe so cow's stomach specifically the third and fourth chamber of the stomach and he's put it in this beautiful bun here and then topped it with a little bit of pesto and a little bit of chili i've never had this before i've had tripe of course but never in a sandwich quite like this and it looks really good steaming hot so let's try it [Music] oh yeah oh that's vital i love the chili so the chili is quite spicy and there's a little bit of a sourness going on in there too that tripe really really soft you can't even taste any gaminess whatsoever it just tastes a little bit beefy but extremely soft almost like ham and a nice crispy bun oh man that's a perfect little sandwich and those chilies have some heat the tripe has been stewing you can see all the juice is collecting at the bottom of the sandwich bag here and there's little layers of fat and then leaner parts oh just so good that honestly it doesn't taste like opal whatsoever you can't taste any gaminess it's really just like meat and it's delicious hey guys today's video sponsor is manta sleep so they have reinvented and made the world's best sleeping mask and i'm going to give you my honest review of this product i've been sleeping with it for the last couple of weeks and i have noticed some serious changes in my life my mood has been better i've been getting incredible sleeps and it's so comfy i was concerned about it kind of falling off or being uncomfortable when i'm laying down in bed because i sleep on my side but it's actually all padded the whole way around and then you get these little cups right here that are removable and you can change the size i went with a large size and it's the perfect travel companion especially for when you're on the plane having this thing on is literally as dark as it gets it's like sensory deprivation and super comfy i don't even know if i'm looking at the camera right now or not you guys can get 10 off your manta sleep sleeping mask with a coupon code chopstick travel i highly recommend it it's really changed the game if you're sleeping in any kind of not ideal condition some light coming in you work night shifts uh maybe you're just traveling on the bus and you want to get a couple hours of sleep this thing is the way to go let's get back to the video so this is the famous palermo sicilian spleen sandwich called panic musa and it's a spleen and lung of veal and there's also some cheese on top too it's served in this almost like a hamburger-like bun and the aroma is quite strong of opal let's try it hmm there's almost no flavor at all so the spleen and the lung are super soft they've been boiled down there is a slight aroma of opal but honestly there's almost no flavor i can only really taste the cheese it's a nice soft bun but there really isn't too much to it i thought there was going to be a lot more flavor than that [Music] yeah it's okay not my favorite thank goodness there's cheese on it because that's the only place where the flavor is coming from but overall not too bad so the pasta has arrived and this is just something of my dreams this is pastel grecia this is my favorite of the typical roman passes served with a rigatoni pasta so we've got these kind of tube pastas and then what makes this one the pasta la grizzia is the use of the pecorino romano cheese and then the guanchala which is almost like an italian bacon you could say you can see all that black pepper on there too oh yeah um so the sauce is just the pecorino romano cheese it's really coating the pasta completely you get that little hit of pepper the pasta is cooked perfectly i'll dent it that goes without saying let's try another bite here with the guanciale it's going to go perfectly with the basket a little bit of a crunch a little bit of a funk actually and it's definitely got some saltiness to it too complements the pasta perfectly guys this is some seriously high quality stuff the pasta is of course homemade the pepper is actually from sarawak which is super cool really high quality black pepper it's simply perfect you couldn't do anything else to make this better it's perfect we've got our second dish over here and uh leave a comment down below right now if you could guess what this is yes it looks like a steak but it's not beef it's actually horse so horse meat is very popular here in catania it's a specialty of catania we ordered it as medium rare it's actually really really soft and it's swimming in a little bit of olive oil looks like there's some herbs on top too and this is definitely going to be my first time trying horse so let's give it a try [Music] wow so the first thing i notice about that is it's covered in quite a bit of vinegar i'm not sure if they're doing that to kind of mask some of the horsey flavor but honestly there isn't much at all it just tastes like a really nice tenderloin beef steak and it's a slightly seasoned with some herbs maybe some oregano i think and maybe a little bit of salt but it's really just natural flavor i can't really tell the difference between beef and a horse yeah it tastes just like beef i really can't find anything that tastes different other than they've covered in quite a bit of vinegar which is quite unique look at that you wouldn't be able to know if you just kind of had this served you at the table i definitely think it was just gonna be beef yum great our first stop today is at a super famous institution here in milano called luini panzerati and they're famous for their panzerottis and other baked and fried goods and we've ordered up two of the classic types of panzerati so it is a stuffed fried bread this one is with mozzarella and pomodoro and then the other one has mozzarella and prosciutto and this place like i said is an institution and it's just a little kind of street food place you don't have any tables to sit at here just standing room only and let's try it out look at that super cheesy nice tart tomato yum it's crispy and fluffy on the outside golden fried on the outside and i gotta go in for another bite get a little deeper into the filling oh yeah wow that was awesome so this is the mozzarella with prosciutto and it's honestly like a luxurious pizza pocket which i used to eat quite a bit as a kid and this place has been around since 1888 so you know it's uh here for a reason right in the center of town a prime location let's try the prosciutto one [Music] oh yum so that's actually prosciutto cotto so cooked ham with mozzarella there's no tomato in this one the flavor is completely different it's a lot more salty it's so fluffy and pillowy it really absorbs all the cheese it's like a pillow i love it super cool little street food placement [Music] oh my god there's a lot of cheese in there and we ordered up our beautiful sandwich here they do have a menu of recommended sandwiches but you can also customize your own so i ordered del mela which is the smoked uh more like smoky flavor so we've got speck ham which is a smoked ham and then underneath here we've got scarmosa cheese which is also smoked and then we've got porcini mushroom cream and truffle cream as well and it's all on their famous scatiata bread which is really like a hard dense bread super crispy oh man my mouth is watering and i'm not even that hungry but let's try this oh mom oh yeah that is so good first of all that bread is quite chewy it definitely takes some work to kind of break it down but it works really well with all those ingredients because there is a ton of that truffle and mushroom sauce that cream sauce which is completely saturating the bread and then that speck that smoky ham is working so well with the earthy flavor of the truffle as well and then cheese which is also smoky oh it just goes so well look at that and all of this for only five euros that's what makes this place so popular you cannot get deals like that here in florence but man this is just incredible [Music] look at that [Music] oh my god [Music] the spritz is the classic drink here in italy and one tip is if you sit down near any of the major sites like the piazza novone or the spanish steps it's going to be 10 euros or maybe even more for a spritz so we found this little place right by the tram station not uh necessarily the most picturesque but it's only four euros for a small or five years for a bake so i ordered a big sabrina's got an orange juice we are definitely in need of some refreshments it's so hot here in rome so i've got my spritz here you can see this beautiful red color and uh this is with aperol so that's an italian apple teeth made of rhubarb and then prosecco and maybe a little splash of soda water and then a slice of orange and perfect thing to have before a meal yeah slightly bitter a little bit fruity and then you get that nice fizzy prosecco in there that is super refreshing all right the food has arrived we're starting with a charcuterie platter and they actually use all the meat from their own farm and dairy from their own farm so we have a couple different things but the thing that's the most famous is this right here it's the spec and that is smoked prosciutto and then we have a couple different types of cheeses it looks like maybe some salamis not exactly sure what this one is here maybe some sort of cheese and then a dill pickle and then some cheese with looks like peppercorns in it back here the presentation is absolutely beautiful so this is smoked prosciutto and i have a watering mouth right now the texture is awesome it's slightly fatty slightly chewy lean at the same time and then you get that super smoky aroma it's just infused with the smoke in that crust especially yeah we have just popped into a super cool little place called lalter bar and it's right on the road where the tram station is and we have ordered up something very interesting it's called a hugo spritz so what it is is it's prosecco elderberry syrup uh seltzer and then a little bit of mint which you can see on top and honestly it smells really nice i'm gonna go ahead and have a sip it's that time of day oh my gosh that is like prosecco mixed with a green apple that's really good and then of course there's a bunch of ice in there so it's really nice and cold really refreshing wow i can't get over that it really has a nice green apple flavor so this is the italian rice ball so he actually coats it in some bread crumbs and then deep fries it and it should be stuffed usually with ragu mozzarella some things like that and he warned us that you're definitely gonna want to wait at least two minutes before biting into this thing because it'll be way too hot and just look at the size of it it's literally the size of a baseball that is seriously crazy so waiting for it to cool off this thing is seriously heavy it's like twice the weight of a baseball and the same size as one and i think it's not going to be too hot so let's bite in [Music] oh my wow look at that [Music] that is awesome the filling looks like there's some peas in there there's definitely some ragu i could taste the tomatoes in there and there's definitely some cheese as well the rice is a nice firm texture and then you get that crunchy outside the flavor is just really fresh even though this thing probably i mean definitely can't be that healthy for you i gotta go in for another bite though because i gotta get in deeper to that filling look at that hole oh yeah i don't know oh man that is seriously juicy this thing is heavy there's lots of meat in that ragu sauce as well as the peas and wow this is like a meal in and out of itself the ragu is so delicious though [Music] so this gelato shop is called chocolate milano we definitely had to go with their dark chocolate just look at the color of that that looks super rich we got the medium-sized 350 euros and wow i'm already very disappointed that we have not been eating more gelato on this trip because this looks incredible oh man that's amazing the texture is so gummy and sticky it's completely different than like a regular ice cream the texture is just incredible you can tell this is some high quality gelato the chocolate nice and rich it's dark chocolate but it's not like uh i'd say maybe it's like a 60 percent dark chocolate because it's not very bitter it's still got a nice sweetness to it yum yum well i don't know what you're gonna have sabrina this one is mine give me i just can't get over the texture of this it's ridiculously creamy and thick and it looks like it would be like really rich and maybe too much to have of just one flavor she told us we could have actually got three flavors with the medium but it's not it's perfect it's not too sweet it's just just right oh my god that is incredible yum so our plate has arrived we ordered the medium plate we've got all kinds of different things there's salami there's a couple crostinis with this one's a sun-dried tomato with blue cheese a couple different types of prosciutto this is with olives there is some olives and then i see some greens some pickles tomatoes orange and then we've got some cow cheese with some apples and then there's some sheep's cheese and that is just an absolute thing of beauty so i definitely gotta start with this crostini here the sun-dried tomato crostini oh man delicious tart tomato flavor and a nice crunchy crostini and i gotta chase that with a piece of this beautiful beautiful prosciutto [Music] so that's nice and salty it's got that cured flavor so i actually thought these were little white olives but it turns out they're actually uh mushrooms that's super cool let's try one of these it looks like it's covered in olive oil oh man it's actually almost nutty it's got a really soft texture and i want to try this combo here really interesting the green apple with the cheese that is an interesting combo so this is the famous granite siciliana it is almost like a shaved ice sorbet kind of halfway between both and then it's topped with panna the cream and i got the frutti di bosco the mixed berries and i'm gonna grab a little bit of that off the top and some of the panna look at how beautiful the colors are of that all made using fresh ingredients oh man that is so smooth silky silky smooth and then you get that nice kind of icy texture in there too oh that's it okay okay so we have a couple more things now that is so so delicious though but this is what you got to eat it with the brioche so very simple just a brioche and a granita that's a typical sicilian breakfast and then sabrina's ordered up a granita cafe so just made with coffee and that looks awesome too all right let's tear a piece of this brioche oh yeah super soft i guess you just eat this as is maybe the granita is not filling enough [Music] fresh let's chase that brioche with a little bit granita super refreshing because of course it's hot here in italy and then the flavor of those mixed berries is so strong it's a concentrated berry flavor so i can taste raspberry strawberries blueberries and then mixed with the silky smooth panna it's just incredible all right so this is one of their more popular granitas the cafe apana and whoa what is going on on top here look at all of that it's like full of powder full of cream i'm just gonna go in for one giant scoop if possible [Music] whoa oh my gosh wow that is like tiramisu in a cup but it's super cold the ice granules give it a nice texture and then it's just covered in like a coffee powder oh that is just what i need that is amazing the campo di fiori is quite touristy you probably don't want to sit down and have a big meal here otherwise it's going to cost you a lot but there is one place called forno campo di fiori fourno's oven and they're making pizza there and all kinds of other different things but we went with their pizza by the slice so this one is the typical roman pizza the pizza rose romana and it's just got the pomodoro sauce on top and then over here we've got the mushroom with cheese and look at that super good looking i better try the typical roman one first the pizza rosa let's try super tart tomato sauce i love it it's very simple but it's all about the tomato sauce and then that crispy crunchy bread you hear that crunch wow that is good let's try the mushroom one you can see lots of cheese on top too big piece of mushroom [Applause] that's a big mushroom on top they're super juicy it's a little bit oily on the top actually and then the cheese is nice and salty so there's this really cool little shop right outside the fish market called the sicilian fish lab and they serve fried fish in a cone while it's kind of spilling out of the cone onto the plate so we've got a couple different types of seafood here there's anchovies there's cuttlefish there's squid and the ketchup of the day and of course you gotta put a little bit of lemon or a lot of lemon on top of that and this i can tell is freshly fried because it is seriously hot oh i even see some shrimp underneath there maybe i'll go for a shrimp first just very thin batter there's definitely some spices in there too because it's got quite a bit of flavor and that tastes like some seriously fresh shrimp and look at these little guys here it looks like a full i think that's a little squid it's a little bit chewy yum that is so fresh and fried perfectly only a thin batter this is a great way to start our day after visiting that incredible fish market looks like maybe some kind of a fish maybe swordfish that's a meaty one gotta chase it down with some sicilian sparkling wine oh yeah everything is super good and we just went back and asked for some extra lemon i have to say the calamari is definitely my favorite it is seriously fresh and just so good with the lemon juice simple crunchy this is [Music] i am certain i'm going to burn my mouth but who cares give this a try it looks too good i just can't wait that is golden golden [Music] [Applause] wow the batter to fish ratio is perfect it's just a thin crispy crunch of batter and the oil hasn't penetrated and you get a thick double slice of bacola on the inside it's already salted and it tastes like maybe there is a little bit of garlic or some spices in the batter as well oh wow look at that yum that is awesome you can see the oil is on the outside it's definitely a little bit oily as you'd expect with fried fish but it hasn't gone in to the fish which i love so you get this really crispy layer on the outside and this place darfutaro a santa barbara is an institution and they do this kind of street food style too you can just take it and go or you can sit down there's an amazing fish [Music] that's some serious crunch so my first dish has arrived this is the ravioli with regular tianina which is a special type of tuscan cow that they're making this meat sauce mixed with tomatoes and just look at this it's absolutely beautiful these big raviolis that are stuffed with ricotta cheese and spinach i'm just gonna go right in cut one of these open so we can take a look inside look at that this is absolutely beautiful i love the presentation too it's just gorgeous let me turn this around look at that oh yeah you can see all that white ricotta cheese and that spinach put a little bit more meat sauce on top here and let me try this that is awesome the wrapper has such a like bouncy texture to it and then really really creamy cheese on the inside and then you can taste that kind of vegetable spinach really nice tomato kind of tartness and then that meat and i just fall apart that is such a beautiful thing look at that it really is all about the sauce that's on the outside it's just perfection one of my favorite things about this restaurant is that they serve parmigiano-reggiano on the table you can put as much as you like and it just goes perfectly with that ragu sauce just melts in there gives it that kind of saltiness and cheesiness that it's missing and oh man i'm in heaven this is seriously like fine dining but also with a very casual atmosphere and casual feel so it doesn't feel kind of strict you can just enjoy the food for what it is [Music] all right guys this is grataca this is a rome original and this place behind me has been around since 1913 so over 100 years old i got the lemon and the coconut wow i can't wait to try this it's so hot here today in rome so on top is like a lemon juice and also i think a little bit of a coconut juice and then he's topped it with some fresh lemon and some fresh coconut shavings and wow it's a little sour but mostly sweet and just nice crunchy shaved ice such a good way to end a day eating here in hot rome so this is an old picture of this street food stall it's called a la fonte doro and this is the great grandfather of the current owner who we just met and such a cool thing it's a roman shaved ice i could definitely see some almond in there i think he's got some kind of an almond juice and it's still standing here over 100 years later that's so cool so he has all different kinds of flavors i've got to check like roman shaved ice but we went with one of the most traditional the lemon with uh coconut but honestly there's a flavor of almond in here and i just love his stall it's so cool that that's been around for over 100 years standing right here such an interesting place so i wouldn't say italians are big on breakfast per se they usually like to just have something light and that's why we're having this this is called the svogitella which is a pastry you can see like multiple layers there it's been coated in a little bit of powdered sugar and then the inside has sort of a mixture of ricotta cheese with some sugar it is fresh out of the oven it's kind of burning my hand actually so let me rip this open if i can and you can just see look at all those layers in there and it sounds super super crispy okay wow this is really really hot wow let's try it oh man yeah i mean so that has a really unique texture the outside layers i don't really know how to explain it but it's almost like crispy paper thin spiral pastry so you can see this spirally like paper thin pastry outer layer and then you can see that ricotta cheese filling and actually it's not cheesy at all it's very very light kind of airy and i think it's actually orange peel because you can see a little piece of orange peel there but man that is so delicate like very very light and good for breakfast actually not too sweet so canola it's got this nice crusty pastry on the outside pistachios and stuff with the ricotta again that was much more my style definitely toned down in the sweetness you get that nutty pistachio super super crunchy outside and the texture of that ricotta is so silky buttery smooth it's heavenly it is incredibly delicious looking i'm not sure it looks like almost like a corned beef almost like pastrami and it's got a smoked cheese and then there is even slices of eggplant on the bottom and to be honest this one totally makes the porchetta look a little sad look at that smoked cheese and that eggplant underneath there and what looks to be almost like a pastrami let's try that wow my mouth is watering this looks so good wow super super cheesy it's completely saturated the inside of the bun and all of the meat the eggplant is super soft you get that smokiness from the cheese as well and then that meat is just completely tender falls apart in your mouth look at that that is seriously ugly delicious and the eggplant is such a good addition it's really soft [Music] a ton of cheese in there now that's incredible so our shot in the dark really paid off with this one it is seriously good and look at how sloppy it is that's really the way a panini should be oh man there's so much cheese so much meat and the eggplant worked so well the time has come the moment i've been waiting for and the reason you should come to naples has arrived this beautiful beautiful margherita pizza so it is very simple but there is some very strict rules that they need to adhere to when cooking these neapolitan margarita pizzas so the first is that they only go in the oven for about a minute or two not very long at all and then we have only a few ingredients we have san marzano tomatoes buffalo mozzarella cheese and then a little piece of basil in the middle so those red tomatoes white cheese and then green uh basil to represent the colors of the italian flag and this was made specifically for the then queen of italy queen margarita hence the name my boat is watering so it's time to dig in so unlike in america or some other countries uh this is a very much fork and knife sort of a meal so i'm going in with my fork and knife here i gotta make sure i get a little bit of the crust but i want to get lots of that center and i'm actually surprised that they only put one tiny little basil leaf so i'm actually going to get it in on my first bite instantly just the flavor of those tomatoes just coats your mouth it's such an amazing flavor of those tomatoes it's kind of like a tart sour acidic tomato flavor and then a little bit salty really light cheese flavor not overpowering whatsoever i really couldn't taste the basil in there i think it was too small i'm just gonna go in strictly for some of the center here and just look at all the oil on top it is very not soggy but i would say it's almost like a little bit soupy and that is how they make the pizzas here in naples the birthplace of pizza it doesn't get better than this people i'm in heaven right now so besteka la florentine was the one thing we didn't try last time in florence and we could not leave tuscany or italy without trying it this time it's a massive t-bone steak and we got 1.5 kgs they don't even ask you how you want to cook it's just going to be rare no matter what this is a beautiful restaurant this outdoor terrace and i think it's going to be a really delicious steak hello [Music] it okay so here it is 1.5 kg beauty and they cut it right up in front of you topped with just salt and pepper and a little bit of olive oil and let's check that out oh yeah perfectly cooked that looks incredible and you can just see the thickness of that the stucca is absolutely insane look at the thickness and i think this is gonna go down really easy probably the fastest i'll ever eat 1.5 kgs of meat in my life let's try it out that looks so good it's just so beefy and natural tasting it's a type of beef called manzo beef and the salt is sea salt just big chunks of it so they kind of burst in your mouth it's so juicy so ridiculously tender and i just can't get over how thick these cuts are and it just slices through like nothing with a knife perfectly rare and yeah like i said you're gonna have to get this rare if you order this more than medium rare you're gonna probably get kicked out to be honest thanks for watching guys i hope you enjoyed this compilation of the best foods to try in italy if you did make sure to leave a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already hit the bell icon so you're notified and we'll see you on the next episode of chopstick travel bye
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 468,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italy, italian, food, street food, Luke martin, chopstick travel, chopsticks travel, Luke Martin italy, italian food, Italian street food, rome, florence, naples, napoli, sicily, palermo, catania, pasta, pizza, naples pizza, roma, what to eat rome, what to eat naples, Florence street food, al antico vinaio, siena, tuscany, tuscan food
Id: OOrt7Li4Ndc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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