31 Vietnamese Street Foods You MUST Eat From Hanoi to Hội An!! [Full Documentary]

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[Music] welcome to Vietnam home to some of the world's cheapest and most delicious street food I'm Luke Martin and today I'm taking you for a journey of flavors from the capital city of Hanoi to the ancient streets of Hoon the seafood Paradise of Danang and so much more this is the top 31 street foods you must try on your next trip to [Music] Vietnam [Music] as you can see behind me here they are grilling up a ton of chicken is super hot super Smoky and they only specialize in two different cuts of the chicken so that is the chicken wing and the chicken feet and they are brushing it with butter and honey and it smells absolutely incredible okay we have our chicken it has arrived I'm sitting with my friend NE and uh she introduced us to this place and it looks really good these are glazed with honey you can see it is just kind of like shimmering in the light so here we have the sauces we're going to eat together with that it's quite spicy yeah and you have a vegetable as well so this is the cucumber and this is our typical vegetable yeah morning BL yeah and then we got some potatoes are they with honey too yes they with honey and Juice oh yeah it's good oh yeah oh it's really crispy and quite sweet from that honey I love sweet oh yeah it's really good okay I'm going to try the sauce actually it's spicy it's really spicy yep okay let's try the [Music] sauce oh yeah it's also a little bit sweet too but definitely spicy wow it's sweet at first and then it's super Burn yeah it's starting to burn my mouth oh that's really good apparently another interesting thing they serve here is this grilled flatbread that's rubbed with honey which looks really good M oh yeah it's almost like a dut it's really dense and [Music] sweet so we decided that you can't go wrong with BME here in central Vietnam so to save the day we've come to this place called bonm oo and they have so many different ingredients that you can get inside your Boni it's kind of like a Subway sandwiches street food style you can pick and choose what you want but we just got a typical filling the uh barbecue filling ti so here it is you can see look how tiny that is it's probably the tin little Bon me that I've ever seen but I think this is only 15,000 is that right mck 15,000 yeah 15,000 so super cheap even though it's super tiny and just sitting on tiny little stool here there's no tables just stools in this little area here let's try [Music] it a really simple B me it's just the barbecue bork with a really sweet sauce all over it and then some cilantro the bread is nice and fresh but I took one bite of that and I'm like 30% done the B me already like you could eat probably three of these no problem right finally something delicious here in way the sauce that they've got the barbecue pork in it's like really sweet caramelized and she added a little bit of extra sauce there too and I love the Vietnamese culture of sitting on these tiny stools look how tiny the stool is right here it's literally less than a foot tall no tables Bond [Music] me easily can have seconds here at this Von me shop they're so tiny and one thing that I love they do here in Vietnam is they toast the Von me before they serve it to it so it comes warm toasted on charcoal gives it a little smoky and [Music] crispiness [Music] what the hell is in that what's that oh I have no idea what that is it's like Mochi look at that look at that it it's a it's a dumpling there's a dumpling inside of this one apparently we ordered a dumpling in this version that's like the but lock I think like those tap yoca dumplings look at I was not expecting that I thought I just ordered two barbec not one barbecue and one dumpling version and this one's got Spice in it too it's got some heat that's kind of weird but good okay serious redemption in awesome bmes tiny little guys but really good so we have come to have the most famous Vietnamese dish in the world that is the famous F so we have come to probably the most popular place in the whole city even though there's hundreds of places you can eat F but this place is called f Leu and I'm definitely not pronouncing that right and we ate here the other day and it was just so good so we had to come back and we just ordered up two bowls of the half-done beef F so we are waiting for supp to arrive our bowl of fall has arrived check this out this is an absolute thing of beauty we've got the half done beef here you can still see it's a little bit rare and cooking in that hot broth it's a nice and clear broth tons of green onions in there some cilantro uh some onions and then of course those F rice noodles those flat noodles so I haven't added anything yet I'm just going to try the broth by itself here oh yeah M it's very light clear broth but very beefy and I can taste a little bit of lemongrass in there and a little bit salty too that's nice a bowl of f is not complete without a little bit of lime juice or a lot of lime juice however you prefer so there put a little bit of that in there and now let me kind of dig in here mix this around and let's try some of those noodles with a piece of beef I got a little bit of broth in my eye there from slurping but man those noodles are awesome they are definitely not overcook whatsoever and it's just such a clean flavor I really think the broth is what makes this place so good this is really just a hearty and satisfying bowl of f I'm going to go in for a piece of beef by itself here check that out that is a nice piece of beef let's try it it's a little bit chewy but it has a really nice natural be BL for dinner we went to a really hidden restaurant that you actually had to take a buggy from the main road down this back alley it's called namd and they're famous for their Seafood they've got all the classic Seafoods live in the tank so they got mantis shrimp they've got the giant prawns of course you've got fish groupers but we went with the lobster so here they are weighing up the first Lobster this one was a little bit uh too big for us so we actually ended up going with one that was a little smaller and they weighed out to be 860 G and this is a local Vietnamese uh spiny Lobster the price was 1.7 million per kg I think we paid 1.3 for this one and here I am getting my photo ops with the lobster before they cooked it up traditional Vietnamese style that's right beer with ice don't knock it until you try this restaurant was popular with the locals we didn't see any tourists there and here I am complaining about how tiny the chairs are in Vietnam and uh nearly getting my ass stuck in the chair but our Lobster arrived deep fried and covered in garlic it was perfectly cooked and there was a ton of meat on this guy despite him being about 860 gram there was just a lot of meat in there so this was our Christmas dinner actually garlic deep fried Lobster and this sauce was incredible the spiciest thing we've tasted so far in Vietnam it just went so well with the lobster which again was perfectly cooked not overcooked the meat was super tender and juicy still we also had it with a couple greens of course so some some uh stir fried water spinach with garlic just to kind of balance out the meal with the lobster and then this fried rice was surprisingly good you could also taste the the walk the w a flavor is super strong in that and again this Lobster was just Next Level we had a great night of eating and the best part was dipping it in this spicy sour and sweet Vietnamese sauce just super super delicious look at how beautiful beautiful that is I think the real key to Seafood besides it being fresh you do need to prepare it correctly you don't want to overcook it and luckily these guys didn't overcook this at all it's perfectly prepared We Are Juicy Lobster nuggets covered in garlic oh my God this is seafood Heaven Mink's going with the scissors yeah because this that would help wow look at that big pieces all right so I'm going to make my own recipe first of all I'm going to start with this friy rice with egg and put this big piece of lobster oh look at that tap it in a sauce put in a rice and then have it with rice oh it's going to be a big [Music] fight so good you know personally in my opinion to make the seafood taste better or like taste to the neck level the sauce is really important and is a really like secret combination yeah I agree with me you don't want to you don't want to overdo it and kill it with the sauce but you also want to have a good sauce like we like to eat lobster with just butter sometimes garlic in Canada to have the spice it's a little sweet a little sour a little bit of heat it compliments the flavor of the lobster [Music] so finally finally the rain has sort of L off but honestly now I see everyone putting their umbrellas back up it looks like it just started up again but there is a really popular place to get a herbal drink a herbal tea that's called mot and it's really popular with the Taurus everyone just wants to take a picture in front of it honestly cuz it's a beautiful restaurant and uh their drink is beautiful too it's kind of giving into you with this leaf and a little flow in there and a bamboo straw I'm not really sure what herbs are in it but let's try it out it's really popular it's a little sour a little bit sweet feel like it can taste cinnamon in it actually yeah it's like a kind of like a cinnamony aftertaste almost like a Christmas tea perfect because Christmas is coming up just a couple days now so this one is only [Music] 16,000 this next food is something I've never seen before this is well can you take a guess maybe you can tell by the feet that are sticking over the top this is Pigeon and this is a black chicken and you can see that they're in these recycled beer cans so this is like a medicinal soup that is uh in these beer cans that have been reused probably countless times to make these chicken so they steam them directly in the beer cans they got beer cans they've got uh soda cans and yeah you can get pigeon you can get black chicken uh I think I'm going to try the the silky chicken the black chicken I've never seen anything quite like this though that's just so crazy what unique Innovative way of cooking something it's like taking beer canned chicken to another level the incredible thing to me that is really like astonishing is the fact that they can actually get the entire chicken inside of one of those cans I have no idea how that's even possible and I've never seen uh chicken cooked in a can like that in Canada we have something called beer caned chicken but we use the beer can on the inside of the chicken and it kind of like beer steams it and it like goes over top of it but this is inside of the can super crazy so they had pigeon but we went with this black chicken so if you're not familiar with this this the uh Silky Chicken even the bones are black everything's black and this is sort of like a Chinese style broth as you can see um there's this red thing yeah like the juju it's called Juju yeah we call it Chinese Apple in Vietnamese okay and as you can see there's Lotus seeds as well Lotus seeds yes different Chinese herbs different Chinese herbs let's try it to I can smell it smells like something I have like tasted a lot in Taiwan oh yeah yeah really good yeah it's got a little like uh sweetness and then it's a little bit kind of bitter at the end actually and it tastes like herbs cinnamon different spices medicine yeah it tastes healthy I love how the lags were just like sticking out of the the can look how black that is the whole thing is black even the the meat is black the bones are black I wonder how much cooking it inside of the beer Camp actually like affects the flavor I'm not sure at all or maybe it does but it might be a little bit of a gimmick sorry you had to die in a beer can but you are delicious and look we got Wing this is the entire thing the entire bird look at that that was inside of uh what was that 3 3 3 beer okay L's eyes lit right up when he saw that they had this at the menu this is the local version of balut what do you call it Vietnamese uh we call it so it's a fertilized duck egg duck egg like they eat it a lot in the Philippines but I I didn't know you actually had it here oh it's very popular in Vietnam Vietnam yeah and he put ginger and bason you enjoy man you enjoy that go ahead the traditional way that we eat it is that we we eat it with slice Ginger and uh and we eat with basil here I'm just going to enjoy my beer chicken while you have your blue how is it that feels good really good I don't know if I believe it you TR no I'll Pi of this you can see besides the chicken being stuffed in the can the chicken's also stuffed with these these leaves these herbs more kind of medicinal herbs which give it a lot of flavor there's not a whole lot of meat on this guy to be totally honest it's sort of slim pickings but I had to try this I've never seen anything quite like this let's try it let's try silky chicken drumstick yeah it's got a bitterness to it like very very bitter at the ending aftertaste not bad but super unique the flavor is definitely a little strange the only thing I can sort of compare it to would be bakut it's like a medicinal herb broth yeah it's Unique fore we were just walking down the street on our way to a restaurant that we were going to stop at and have boncha but we actually noticed another side of the road stall that was selling somea and she was grilling it fresh over charcoal so we've ordered up a couple plates here and let me just introduce what exactly this iconic hanoy dish is so the main component of bua is this here so these are slices of pork that were grilled over charcoal so some of them are pork belly but then some of them like this one here are little kind of patties of pork and it looks like there's some herbs in there and then it's served in this uh this is actually a sauce even though it sort of looks like a soup it's a sauce of lots of different ingredients some lemon juice lots of fish sauce some sugar all kinds of different things some stock and also there is some green papaya in there and some carrots so then also every time you get bunchai you're also going to be served the Boon which is the famous Vietnamese uh rice noodle so you can see these rice noodles here which just uh look amazing and we were served a heaping plate of them and then on the side we have some calamon Seas which are sort of like a cross between a lime and an orange for some acidity and sourness and then a whole basket of fresh herbs and then also we've got over here some looks like garlic and chili so this is just going to be awesome and let's dig in let me just start by trying one of these pieces of the grilled pork let's try that oh oh yum oh wow it's really really Smoky but it's not overcooked whatsoever because that's a minced kind of Patty it's really tender kind of falls apart in your mouth the sauce that it's bathing in is a little bit salty and a little bit sweet too okay let's take some of these Boon the noodles here and dip those in a little bit of my sauce and try that oh those are like the perfect noodle for retaining the flavor of that sauce they super super bouncy and really light and kind of slippery and wow that goes really well with that sauce that sauce is is not as strong as you may think it's actually very light flavor and this is really enjoyable check out these noodles let's try another oh yeah tons of different dishes here in Vietnam are going to be served with just a ton of these fresh herbs so there's all kinds of different uh herbs in there so I'm just going to grab some of these at random and kind of uh dress my sauce up here okay let's grab a piece of the pork belly this time with some of those herbs and let's try that oh man just gives it a nice fresh kick this is just so satisfying oh yeah something you always eat with boncha is Nan which is fried spring roll so we ordered some up here as you can see there is some crispy beautiful looking spring rolls it looks like they're packed with some uh Boon those noodles those rice noodles maybe some mushrooms some carrots and then wrapped up in rice paper and then fried give that a nice dunk and let's try that yeah oh yeah those are served nice and piping hot super super crispy on the outside because that rice paper has been deep fried it completely turns into kind of a crust and then it's got a little bit of a spice to it so there might be a little bit of chili in there those are really good they soak up the sauce really well too man this is just so satisfying really addicting so I think this sauce could use a little bit of calamansi juice so let's put one of these in here and that will just give it a little bit bit of acidity sourness and you know you can eat this any way really you want one way people like to eat it is by wrapping it in uh some leaves so you can take like a lettuce leaf like this and then take one of these spring rolls the n on and I'm going to dip it in some sauce there's all kinds of different ways to eat it but this is one way and then kind of wrap this up and eat it as such so let's try that oh yeah it's just like a ball of flavor so we' just come a little further down in the food court here and we spotted this woman selling snails and not just one type of snails she's got like three types of snails you can see the big pots right here different shapes and sizes and she just brought us our big big plate of snails I don't think I've ever eaten this many snails in my entire life so it's top again with uh Fri shallots and there also looks like there's some mango in there as well some shredded papaya and then of course on the bottom snail so you got the big guys like this you got the long guys like this one and then you got the little guys like this one I didn't even know there was so many edible snails in Vietnam so let me try to dig this guy out we we'll start with big and work our way down pull that out oh that never looks super appetizing to be honest but I swear they taste better than they look we've got a sauce back here thankfully let's go for a dip [Music] oh my god wow that's really really good like no word of a lie that's actually really delicious the sauce is phenomenal finally something that's actually kind of spicy that's got a kick to it that's probably the best snail I've ever had let's try the the long guy here not really sure how to get out of all of these she just gave me a toothpick and said some things in Vietnamese to me that I didn't understand and just hope for the best here oh God how do you even go about getting at that is there even one in there I don't know it okay just second it mhm other side oh suck the other side okay mhm I'm getting snail eating lessons oh my God these are juicy snails look at that this one's huge thank you I'm also getting fed snails now y actually that's still delicious thank you so much that's the best snail I've ever had it's got like a one part that's really crunchy and and kind of lean and then the other piece is really creamy and a little concerning okay there's there's even more varieties of snails so she told me these ones you sucked them I [Music] guess [Music] mhm actually you can't taste any snail flavor it's just that sauce which actually has a spice to it really good let's try it piece of uh mango oh it's like a sour mango do you like snails M [Music] person no but but I'm going to give you a chance here it looks there you go who it in the sauce too this sauce over here all right first in [Music] vet actually it's good it is not what I expected wow how does it compare to escaro in France what's it what's better this one or France this one because the one in France I think is a little bit like poy but this one the salt is sour and a little bit spicy so I love spicy so I think I like this one more oh doesn't look appetizing at all it's not bad it's not bad this is an insane amount of his snails she gives so many and so many different species too like like look at that there long ones like that there long white ones big round ones little round ones there must be at least four maybe five types of snails in here and so many and just look at how like full of juice these guys are too let's try one [Music] more nothing pretty about eating snails in be on but they're damn good [Music] this place is super local it's just set up under a couple tarps and they're selling something called bonan which is a thick noodle soup there's a couple women working around a couple boiling cauldrons of the broth and it is a beautiful looking bowl for a quite casual restaurant but look at that just absolutely gorgeous bowl of noodles so this is bonan like I said a thick noodle soup and it's famous for uh having this this crab cake in it well this spot in particular serves it with this crab cake on the inside you can see the the noodles there there's some pork rinds and there's some veggies in there as well and you can see too little quaal's egg in there so this is perfect for the cold weather by the way who would have known Central Vietnam gets quite cold in the winter I didn't I guess I just should have researched better but yeah it's quite cold you can see I've got my sweater on yeah this is perfect oh yes that is definitely not too salty perfectly balanced it's really a thick Hardy Rich kind of Stew almost oh yum and me grab some of these noodles you can see they're really shortcut noodles thick [Music] noodles it's got a seafood flavor fresh seafood try piece of this crab cake yum that is a beauty Bowl there's a bunch of stuff on a table here there's these little quaal's eggs right here I'm not even sure if those are I think they're boiled I'm going to skip them though there's some things wrapped up in leaves here I'm also going to skip that I'm just going to go straight for the chili this looks spicy oh that might have been a little bit too much but it's okay give that a [Music] mix wow such an unassuming spot just down this kind of dark somewhat sketchy a little bit creepy Al way but serving super Stellar noodles that Chili's going to kick yum I think it's going straight for the chili chili you even taste it yet I taste it it's a really tastes like a seafood raw but like you say it's not salty which I like it it's super steamy and this is weird but I like the egg in a soup it's not weird egg is really good really but I like to like put eggs in everything you do like to put eggs in a lot of stuff one qu EG is not enough so I get my second qu egg so I'm going to say it took me around maybe 1 minutes to peel the CH off it's going to disappear in one second [Music] our fried rice has arrived this is Lamb's local favorite fried rice spot and it looks really good it smells amazing so check these out here we've got a massive pile of fried rice there's all kinds of different things in there there's some carrots there's some pickled veg some uh Chinese sausage some Vietnamese sausage and egg yeah and it just smells super Smoky and delicious sered with some pickled cucumbers on the side looks like there's some chilies in there as well and then a little soup a very light soup squeeze a little bit of lime juice on top of the rice here I'm definitely going to make sure I get a piece of Chinese sausage here Cheers Cheers so there's quite a bit of sourness from the lime there and it's really just all about how Smoky that rice is cuz he's cooking on such a high temperature I don't know is the I'm not sure if it's the Chinese sausage or the Vietnamese sausage that I'm tasting but one of them is quite sweet it's a Chinese sausage chin sausage Chinese sausage yeah and also there's a sauce on the table here what is the sauce that's a soy sauce soy sauce okay soy sauce put a little bit of soy sauce on here more than that yeah just a little that's good okay A little bit of saltiness let's try some of these pickle cucumbers try that it's quite sweet oh yeah sweet right sweet not sour really at all and it's not spicy even though there's some chilies in there only lightly pickled though since we are quite far outside of the old quarter the price of the food is extremely cheap this is only 25,000 which is like what $1 yeah $1 us and it is super hearty and delicious [Music] thank you all right another dessert spotted this lady here she's got all kinds of different uh it looks like this one's probably mung beans maybe some type of bean really sticky and uh then another one back here I'm not totally sure what everything is but it looks really cool and delicious and then we got red bean over here be red bean red bean and then this one on top too the white one so it's just kind of like a sticky gooey mixture she's got n take a look got got n oh cool so let's try this out I'm not sure what do you call this J J okay J okay I'm just kind of mixing everything up this is my first time I'm ever going to try CH Vietnamese dessert from this sweet lady here with a really cool Street Food St try it out non-stop food tour and [Music] Hoon very good oh very good it's actually not super sweet at all it's got such a gloopy gooey texture look at that super sticky I can taste some coconut in there I feel like I can taste some pandan definitely red bean M and it served warm very good very good and very warming on a cold rainy day thank you so [Music] much that's awesome not sweet whatsoever I thought it was going to be super sweet but it's not all right my [Applause] turn [Music] o it's not too sweet this is like the perfect sweet that I like because I can say that in Thailand when you eat like dessert it's all super sweet and make the taste of dessert goes away but when it comes to like not sweet like this it's good because it can taste the real taste of each ingredients the more I'm eating it it's like the more flavors I'm kind of uncovering I feel like I can taste some sort of like mint mintiness in there which is really unique and what an experience just under this little umbrella here and sitting on these tools that are like half a shin high with a very everyone here so friendly I had really no idea what this was before we sat down but she just was like mix and we said yes and we got everything so it's awesome yum it tastes [Music] minty and teaching me pre Vietnamese lessons with my T Nong Nong Nong I don't I don't know if I'm saying it right I don't even know what I'm saying but I think she teaching me how to say delicious D dang for breakfast today we are having a really famous Vietnamese breakfast item called ban and it is sort of like reminds me of chi chong fun it's a very thin batter that is steamed and then filled with all kinds of things and then wrapped up so this version here is wrapped up in pork and some mushrooms and then as you can see it is just completely topped with a ton of fried shallots it is sort of like a mini kind of mountain of thin vermicelli rice roll so this looks really really good and then we also ordered some steamed it looks grilled and steamed uh sausage which looks really really good and then banun is served with a sauce on the side so this is like a diluted fish sauce but I'm actually just going to dress my sauce up with some of these herbs over here so grab some of these and just kind of throw those in there and that'll give it a little bit more flavor let's grab some of the bangun here and I'm going to dip it in my sauce I might need to use a spoon as well so I don't drop everything let's try that oh yeah the flavor is very simple very light but really all of the flavor is coming from that diluted fish sauce and it is really all about the texture though it's got this really unique kind of elasticity to it it's really really good that's super satisfying but it's light enough to eat for breakfast let's try one of these pieces of sauce next here these look really nice too let's try that oh yum yeah oh those are awesome those are really really juicy from being steamed they've kind of incased all of the liquid from that steam but they're also um dried out so they're kind of feel crunchy they're really good they've got a sweetness to them it really reminds me of Chinese sausage this is such a satisfying breakfast let's have one more bite of this Bon GL here oh yeah this is such a perfect way to start our day here in Hano I'm actually just going to squeeze a little bit of calamansi juice here into my sauce and that should give it a little bit of sourness too let's dip our bangun in here grab some herbs here and there's just shallots floating around in there now let's try that it's really all about that sauce once you add the calamansi in there it gives it a little bit of a sourness I got a piece of mint with that and man that is just super satisfying and also not to mention this sausage is killer so it's having another bu this oh yeah we're sitting down for barbecue and uh this lovely woman here is going to teach me how to eat uh TI barbecue so she's got the rice paper and then another steamed rice paper okay kind of stick them on like that and then add in your veggies cucumber lettuce and then one of the freshly grilled skewers okay all right so you make a little wrap she's done this plenty of times before I can tell and then dip in the sauce yeah yeah dip okay thank you and this like a peanut chili sauce yes this looks amazing mhm super Smokey peanut little chili sitting right on the side of the Rob wow what an experience thank you oh my God that's really really delicious barbecue super Smokey I'm going to try to make one myself after her demonstration so yeah this is like a uncooked rice paper and then this is like a cooked rice paper she kind of just kind of plastered it on there yeah then it comes off like that and then even with the veggies cucumbers and there's not it's not just lettuce but there's herbs in there as well lots of stuff just pack it full and then grab one of the skewers these are pork skewers by the way and wrap it up I think I did pretty good and then slide it right off is that what she did I think yeah yeah okay oh I lost a little piece of meat that's all right and this sauce is what it's all about beautiful peanut chili [Music] sauce it's full of herbs explosion of flavor amazing I that roll it up everything roll it up yeah oh sorry it's okay we can care [Music] right wow this is really [Music] good okay so for the set here there's there's 10 different skewers and it's 100,000 dong [Music] okay we are sitting down for breakfast this looks really really good we just watched our prepare it so there's all kinds of different ingredients in here but the main thing is the noodles and they're like a special type of noodles right right they're like a flat noodles glad noodles and brown noodles yeah and they're made out of red rice and there's all kinds of different things in here some deep fried fish some I can smell dill and it just smells amazing some bean sprouts Morning Glory some tofu I'm probably missing some things but it looks really good so we're going to squeeze some Ki give it a little bit of sourness oh yeah oh man you can taste that Dill the dill gives such kind of like a sourness and then with the calamansi as well let's try these these noodles M good right M oh they have a totally different texture than the foot yeah cuz they're really kind of thi yeah yeah thick and kind of more firm I I can't say they have a different taste but the texture is certainly different let's try a piece of this fried fish m m it's still a little bit crispy and there no bones in there at all it's a nice meaty chunk they use different fish in different restaurants oh really so we're not really sure what fish is this okay oh man this is super satisfying it's a Hardy bowl of noodles there is some chili sauce on the side of the table here which we are going to add a little bit of and this looks pretty spicy L has told me it is quite spicy so let me put a little bit in here and we'll mix that up let's try that oh yeah oh wow that is super spicy and super Smoky oh that's good with it finish off with breakfast that was really good those fried fish noodles and I especially love the dill in there so we are going to head to another [Music] spot so this next stop is a real back alley Hidden Gem super local spot for hoan's famous chicken rice this book's called kga Ani and you can see one plate of chicken rice 25,000 so $1 about us for this huge plate of chicken rice which Pon is famous for so this beautiful yellow steamed rice which has been made with the all those chicken juices serve with some herbs on the side of course the chicken and go for a squeeze of lemon I see lots of onions on there as well and then it's also served with a side of soup which is got the uh I see blood I see uh different inner of the chicken and I'll just take a little bit of that put it over here on my chicken rice and try some of this smells so good M it's a really simple dish that you could find pretty much all across Asia the chicken rice usually just boiled or steamed chicken but really the flavor has been concentrated into the rice sometimes it makes a little bit of ginger in there it's a very aromatic rice and that soup gave it all kinds of flavor let's just try some of the soup by itself yeah this is like pure chicken soup in such a local spot got the motorbikes coming by I haven't seen any tourist this is the first stop that I haven't seen any tourist here lots of local scales try with some of this chili here there chili on the table a really deep red chili put some of this all over it try [Music] that no it's like a chili bean paste it's actually kind of a sweet chili flavor but Slow Burn for sure I just love the rice the rice is full of flavor so I think I found a blot here I think it's chicken blot put it on the rice with a little bit of soup [Music] actually this is a good blood cuz it can't taste any bloody thing on it it's good and the so is a little bit of like sour really cheap really filling really [Music] loal we are at our first stop today and we are at a restaurant called f Yen and we are having a really popular dish here called f sa and it is like a uh F but stir fried so as you can see here it's kind of like a fried noodles and you can see those fur noodles underneath those thin rice noodles and then topped with a ton of that morning glory and then also tons of beef and it smells really really good so I'm actually just going to squeeze a little bit of lime on top to start it off and man I am starving and super excited to be here in Vietnam tasting all these amazing flavors so let's try this out that is super satisfying and a perfect way to start our day really really Smokey from cooking it on such a high heat it is quite oily but the beef is nice and tender oh man and I love that l lime in there too it gives it a nice little kind of sour acidity this is awesome we've also been provided a sauce on the side so I'm actually just going to take a little bit of beef here and dip it in this sauce and there's some slices of Green Papaya in there as well so let me get some of those and let's try that a little bit of fish sauce in there it's a little bit salty it's a little bit fruity from that papaya that papaya gives it a nice little crunch oh this is super enjoyable we also been served a plate of herbs on the side here so we've got all kinds of different things I see some lettuce some cilantro basil uh mint all kinds of different things so I'm just going to grab some of this and just throw it right on my stir fry here oh yeah that just gives it the freshness that it's really [Music] missing so what I have right here is called sha it's a black sesame kind of dessert that's famous here in hoyon we're having it for breakfast This Woman's just sat on the side of the road here she's got a big uh bucket full of it and she'll just sell until she's totally sold out from about 6:00 a.m. maybe till about 11:00 a.m. and uh this is something that's really famous here in Hoon it's definitely a reminiscent of like a Cantonese black sesame soup it just look at the Blackness of that it's so rich and dark and super creamy let me try this [Music] out lovely piping piping hot oh no I just got soed it is a super rainy day here in Haan oh at least this isn't warming me up because that was freezing cold [Music] water it's super super creamy really thick strong Sesame flavor not like super sweet but a little bit sweet and uh she'll be cooking this from like 3:00 a.m. over wood fire that's how you know it's good when they cook it over the wood fire and start in the middle of the night yum it's delicious now I understand why is sales for Generations because even it looks simple but it's super delicious and super healthy love it it's called Shima which sounds a lot like hea which is dog and thae M shaking her head no I shouldn't say that on [Music] camera do I have any of my teeth that was really really delicious it's definitely different than the Cantonese version it's less sweet more suitable for breakfast and let's see how much that was okay thank you a 5070 80 so it's 10,000 for One Bowl Super Cheap let's keep going so we have come to have dessert at a restaurant called Chase so and we just ordered up something that looks incredible check this out this is like the coconut ice cream served in a coconut and it is melting really quickly so I'm going to try it out here and there is bits of coconut shredded all over top of it and looks like maybe some chocolate sauce drizzled on so let's try this oh man oh coconut is one of the most amazing ingredients in the world it just makes it taste like such a tropical dessert and it's so refreshing the ice cream is vanilla there's a little chocolate drizzled on top and man definitely the coconut shreddings are the best oh that's amazing and I love the presentation as [Music] well [Music] so any trip to H is not complete without a taste of their names sake dish it's called bunbo H it's a h beef noodle from H so it's like for you Americans watching having a Philly cheese steak in Philly this is the place to eat bumble even though it's famous all across the whole country and we're at this place called Bumble oong and they've got a big bubbling cauldron of Meatballs out front and she starts with a bowl of the uh rice noodles and then I ordered everything so she grabs a big chunk of meat and then the real key here she takes some raw meat and very quickly blanches it raw beef lets it kind of quickly cook but not whatsoever cooked just very medium rare if you will couple of those meatballs there's also some blood in here and this is the final result it is a beautiful beautiful bowl of beef noodles bunbo you've got to at least start your trip end your trip or just completely fill your trip full of bunbo when you're visiting so let's try yum super super beefy a little bit salty or quite salty actually let's try some of the newest wow it's good but it tastes very salty actually I'm surprised how salty it is there's quite a bit of MSG in there as well let me try to go in for some of the some of that beef that she quickly blanched yeah the beef is super tender I'll just grab some the herbs here throw that on top and then there's also some lemon on the table which it can definitely use because surprised at how salty it is still really good beefy just a little bit too salty I [Music] think definitely needs the lemon there's just huge chunks of meat like this one in here I feel like this is probably not the best bundle Hoy in way a little bit too salty for my liking but still not bad our meat lovers noodles I feel like since we are here in Vietnam we try a lot of noodle dishes like this one the ban so if you are noodle lovers I think Vietnam is the perfect place for you like I said probably just not the best we didn't pick the best one in the city for sure but uh there's so many bun Bo here in h we'll keep going we'll find some good food here way is famous for its food so there's got to be [Music] something potentially the most famous of all the dishes you must try in hoyan is Cowa which is a brazed pork noodle so they braze the pork slow cooking it overnight like 12 hours and it's just a simple noodles with some bean sprouts and then that beautiful uh FR pork and then some of these crunchy crackers on top and it's very very simple but but you can add all kinds of freshh herbs which are accompan it on the side here so we're just going to throw in all kinds of stuff here whatever whatever it all is just throw it in squeeze a little lime on top as well and there's some really famous places to try CA here in Pon uh this place is called Cen it's a little bit more local a little bit more uh my style than some of the tourtier ones so let's try out the f Miss o [Music] on that's phenomenal just a simple but delicious bowl of noodles they're really thick noodles almost like an udon like a Japanese udon and then it's definitely leaning on the sweeter side once again beautiful braz pork very tender just Falls part in your mouth and then you got all those fresh herbs in there as well you've got like a piece of fat and then a nice lean piece of meat some of the kala here is h a lot fattier but this this spot's got real nice lean meat to [Music] it that's so good okay I've just been notified that I missed a key ingredient here the chili sauce spice it up a little bit give that a mix I'm guessing it looks similar to the chili sauce that was served at that uh chicken rice clay so maybe it's like the chili bean and then there's all kinds of fresh herbs in there I think I tasted some lemon basil and just so so good it's a little bit sour too which I love I love my noodles be a little sour and she put some vinegar in [Music] there that is so good I just pack in these herbs too oh my God howow Le you find the information down in the description box okay so the order just tell us that these two right here this one is the noodle and this one also a noodles and I found is really goes well with a little bit tiny of the soup and want it absoft the soup it tastes it's so good I love kala this is going to be another one of my favorite real me this really solid bowl of noodles just hits the spot everything tastes just like homemade homecooked even the noodles homade and they don't have any menu it's only one item that they have the cow so let's go find out how much cow cost how much uh ad ad 80 40 for one yes yeah so we've actually come over to a little Island is that's called uh hen dun and it's famous for its com hen which is this dish right here it's a dish of baby river clams you can see the tiny little clams there it's served on a bed of rice and you also have some peanuts in there some uh pork rinds and looks like some beans sprads there's some cilantro she told me I going to mix this up really well and this is a dish that is famous uh across central Vietnam across Vietnam actually but this is actually the original location of the comen the baby River CR clams rice of the rivers just surrounding us now cuz we're on the island and the clams actually come from uh that River let's give it a try it's a sleepy day here in h we're the only customers right now of this restaurant but we really wanted to come try this say this place is really famous it's called uh com 10 dong let's [Music] try so a little bit on the sweet side a little bit Seafood flavor or kind of clam flavor actually serve [Music] [Applause] cold for our first Stu today in Hanoi we are trying out sweet potato fritters so these women are frying up uh Shredded sweet potato that's been battered and then it's topped with a couple shrimp raw shrimp then they deep friy them theyve got three different pots full of oil bubbling hot they actually put the uh Fritter in the oil in the ladle and then kind of wait for it to get crispy enough that they can remove it from the ladle and then move it through the different fryers until it's nice and gold and crispy and it just opened up we are waiting for seeds completely packed out and they haven't even served the first customer yet so the spot you know it's going to be good when it's like [Music] [Music] that so I'm here with my local Hani friend L today I'm with my friend L he is a local here in Hanoi and uh we've got our what do you call this L what ises the name called bit B bit so it's like a sweet potato Fritter with shrimp and it's fresh out of the frying we're sitting at the the bar counter but you can see freshly fried uh fritters and here in Vietnam I'm noticing them that you guys don't like to take the shell off of the shrimp is it because it's gives it an extra crunch or no that's that's what actually I've been wondering too cuz I don't like the shell so you don't know yeah cuz I myself take the shell off but people don't take the shell off let's keep the shell on First and you know the lady just said to somebody here that just shut it shove it in your mouth shove it should we try one yeah all right here you grab one okay we got a sauce here too it's like garlic sauce and uh some some fish sauce yeah all right let's try it l I've got a shrimp you don't have a bu [Music] yours very tasty mhm and and sauce is very sweet too yeah garlicky sauce it's more of a like a snack than an actual meal Super Fresh it's still kind of like creamy uh sweet potato on the inside actually it's really good it's like tempura tempura like tempura Vietnamese tempura and then that crunchy uh crunchy um shrimp shell on there too it does definitely give it a crunch I don't know I thought you were going to have all the answers but you don't even know why either maybe maybe it's for the extra crunch maybe it's just because they're lazy I'm not sure extra costume extra vitamins good though it's definitely a little bit greasy and oily it would go really well with a beer to be honest I wish I had a beer nice little snack to start our tour here in Hano that one had the the shrimp head get all that juice we've got a plate of a bunch of different greens here L's going to explain to me how to eat it with the greens as you can see the lady here has been very kind to cut it up for us so you just need to take it with your Chopstick take some lettuce and then take some basil and then dip it in there with your C okay yeah yeah C and then all right and then just eat all in one bite she's been kind enough to cut the the the lettuce up for us but she didn't uh take the shells off the shrimp all right let's try it like this no is this like all over Vietnam you can find this everywhere it's is kind of a specialty here I think it's a specialty here in Hanoi because it's actually like a whole street that dedicated to this oh really I didn't even know we should have probably went there actually e the sock cream where you from Lady hi yeah oh my God from Canada you know be first time I set the vietnames so you don't understand I think oh everybody thinks you're Vietnamese yeah I think because we kind of neighbor country so we look the same okay because you have girlfriend very beautiful you sure easy very beautiful this is like Cowa right right why you not why you not is C out I know okay thank you this yeah okay please what is the name this one on my name your your name uh bab babby oh bab B so she serving B it's a like a tapioka rice flour starch that's on the bottom of this little cup and then uh she's put some sauce on top there's some shallots and this is the cow noodles which is very famous we'll try it later deep fried and then I got to put a little bit of this spicy fish sauce on top and this is something you must try here in hoyan it's very famous also in the city of qu but this one's a little bit different style so let's try it sorry a little bit on the sweet side and a really crunchy um noodle on the top you can see the tapioca starch on the bottom there rice and tapioca really good it's sweeter than I was expecting a nice little snack what an atmosphere just sitting right on the side of the road very very friendly vendor here too mother here time the 35 years ago your mother started this 35 years ago yeah wow delicious thank you thank you someone it's all about that sauce it's like a kind of like a sweet chili sauce and I love the crunchy Cowa on top too it's like it's almost get the texture of like a chichiron but it's not it's not Bor it's noodles really good little little bit of a spice because of that sauce that I added but without it it wouldn't be uh spicy at all it's actually more sweet [Music] I think you like eating like a dumpl with this special kind of sauce and the cracker make it like a perfect combination and you know what this is like a good snack that you want to have between meals cuz it's not too heavy it's light and it's good no yeah like mink said it's almost like a it's almost like the texture of a dumpling but without any filling all the The Filling is actually just on the the top all the flavors in that sauce so this is the sweet yeah the S you know the squ have a little the the sugar uh with the brown color brown sugar brown sugar okay so she's actually got the another version that's a little bit sweet it's got brown sugar in that uh in the bunell like in the actual tap yogre rice flour there's a little bit of brown sugar let's try it see if it's any sweeter than the last one the last one was a little bit sweet too [Music] so oh yeah oh that's really nice too Hest it' be good if you put like a you could put like sweet sauce on top of it like you could put like a syrup or something on top of it tastes really good too but it's also very good with the regular topping just a little bit sweeter than last one even though the last one's sweet too sered just a little warm S I don't I don't get this thank you yeah it's a 20,000 the four yeah 20,000 yeah thank you 5,000 for1 thank you so much thank you so much you it's delicious so this is a really cool old school Cafe it's inside of a traditional Vietnamese home like made out of wood completely made out of wood and here in in h they're known for something called salt coffee it's a relatively new invention and as the name suggests it's it's coffee with salt so this is how it was brought out to us and to be honest I don't really know what I'm supposed to do here um I've got this which looks like the salt you can see the salt in the bottom there with the uh frothy milk on top and she told me to mix it up that's all she said was mix it up and I'm just going to T dump the ice inside here and then I'm guessing this has got to be the coffee in here right oh that's tea that's not coffee what oh yeah that's tea not coffee so I guess this is the salt coffee just like this and that's why she gave us little teacups I guess so tea with our coffee if you want it I just wanted coffee but okay I'm so confused let's try this salt coffee here in H oh yeah yeah it's salty but it's really creamy and sweet at the same time actually that's really good it's like a balance of sweet and savory definitely helps wash away some of the flavor of the food we have this morning you guys know me I'm not a picky eater whatsoever I rarely taste something on our travels that I don't enjoy but I do want to be honest with you those first two foods that we we tried this morning here in way were severely underwhelming I don't know if we just picked the wrong spots we do we did the same research we do everywhere we go but uh I don't know just wasn't to my liking so far but we're going to continue our food tour here in h I'm sure we'll find [Music] something [Music] so hoon is definitely not the birth place of the Bon me but it's very very famous here in Hoon they say maybe the best bread is here in hon so Boni quintessential Vietnamese sandwich with the influence from the French with the bagette and this place is called bon me sum I ordered up their barbecue version so it's got like an egg sauce almost looks like custard they put a little bit of Pate some lettuce papaya cucumber and then the uh barbecue pork in there and then they actually kind of bake it in the oven with a little bit of a charcoal grill to it so it comes out toasty toasty warm and this is the final result beautiful baggot [Music] it's actually a little bit sweet nice barbecue pork in there and sometimes you get a bun me and it's like really kind of stale old bread and it just kind of crumbles not this one it's Super Fresh a little crispy still but really good that Pate is [Music] amazing it's just a really good sandwich sometimes when we're in other countries I wish that I could have a local dish that had bread like a sandwich like this because sometimes you get a little sick of eating rice and noodles all the time here in South East Asia so it's just such a nice uh treat to have a sandwich which is still very local here in [Music] Vietnam 30,000 Vietnamese Dong for one Bond me that's just over one Us doll how can Subway even imagine they could compete in this country there's no way way with a bon me this good for that [Music] price we [Music] go this dessert place has all these different colorful pots laying out with tons of different uh ingredients that you can get mixed together either hot or ice so they've got like uh Taro I saw different red beans mung beans tofu and they're really famous though for one in particular which is this right here I won't tell you what the filling is I want you to try to guess before I tell you but you've probably seen this if you watch our videos it's uh called woy in Thailand or tan in Taiwan usually filled with Sesame or peanuts but this one is not filled with either of those this is actually filled with roast pork so this is like a roast pork dumpling served in ice it's going to be the first time I've ever tried it try to bite it in half so you can see mhm oh my gosh that is weirdly good look at that I was sort of expecting the pork to be like pulled pork like shredded pork on the inside but it's actually like chunks of pork it reminds me of like Hong Kong chaa wow like a red pork uh boun it it was really weird though cuz it's served in a sweet syrup that's iced and it's like really lean pork that's uh yeah I don't know what to think about that it's kind of good but I wouldn't say it's dessert it's more like a weird dumpling okay one more one bite very St strange but surprisingly [Music] good I feel like you order two separate things a dumpling with a PO fillings and then just like a water into the a glass of water in ice and then you excellent you that is the origin story of bqu as they accidentally dump some poror dumplings into water you have to finish it because you already order to so yeah that's the story that I think comment down below what you think about Mink's uh food reviews please have mercy have mercy on her she's still learning it's really good actually I don't I wouldn't say it's really good it's really weird but it's quite good no not [Music] brush so our first stop of the day here in Danang is for a dish called ban this is a legendary spot called ban B dong and it's serving sizzling pancakes which is called bonso so it's a pancake that's made with uh rice flour but it's also got turmeric in it so it's given a yellow color and then they uh cook it bunch of them all at the same time it comes in super fast they've got a bunch of pans cooking the bunow and just sizzling away the SE the name actually means sizzling so it's like a sizzling pancake and then they only have a couple dishes you have to get the Bon but we also ordered this dish right here which is their um grilled beef with lolot leaves so it's a special type of herb there and it's meant to be wrapped up with the rice paper everything here in Vietnam just seems to go good in a wrap so they give you fresh plate of veggies here with tons of herbs there's some papaya and then there's also these cucumbers and this is kind of unique this is a young banana so slices of young banana and here is the famous bonso so you can see little shrimp peeking out of there there's also some uh bean sprouts and then egg I believe and pork as well so let me make a wrap okay I've got myself a piece of rice paper and I'll grab one of these bnia which it seems really kind of strange to wrap a pancake in rice paper like that but uh that's the way they do it here and I'm gonna grab some of these bananas too which is a really unique ingredient grab a cucumber I'm going to try just to get a little bit of everything and my first wrap here some shredded papaya and then I'll go in for some coriander a little bit of lettuce kind of wrap that all up that's a big one I think I might have overdid it and you got to go for a huge dunk in this sauce here the peanut sauce and it's also served hot you can see that it's just like little pieces of peanuts left in there let's try that that looks [Music] amazing yum that's a crazy combination of textures the bunso is super super crispy like super crunchy then you've got the rice paper just holding everything together the fresh papaya in there and then a little crunch as well from the cucumber and the banana but really that sauce you can just go as generous as you want get it completely smothered in that peanut sauce it's not like peanut butter it's a little bit lighter a little bit thinner but it tastes just like concentrated peanut [Applause] yum okay that that Bano is absolutely delicious but let's try their their other dish here this grilled beef dish and this place is just bustling with mainly locals definitely popular with the tourus as well but a lot of locals here it's just down this little back alley really cool spot really popular I think I made mine a little bit too big last time so I'm going a little bit smaller this time there's tons of different herbs here here too lettuce of course wrap that up this time with the grilled beef but still dunking in the peanut sauce oh yeah try this yum seriously really really good I just love the wrapping technique you get so much in one bite that way and and then all smothered in that beautiful beautiful peanut sauce the beef is good not as tender as I was expecting but uh got to give it up that Bunch yeah that's the best oh my God good yeah I thought it was a little bit strange to be wrapping like such a crispy thing in the paper it just seems odd but it really works and you can see there's a little bit of pork in there and a little bit of shrimp it just makes for such a perfect one biter these bananas are crisp kind kind of a little bit of a sourness to them Papaya's nice and juicy it all just goes so well together and then some of those fresh herbs to wrap it up I think I need to work on my wrapping skills but I might be overdoing it I may be packing them too [Music] full wow that is a Heavenly one bite I can't really taste the turmeric even though there is quite a bit of turmeric in there that gives it that yellow color and the bonso can be found all around central Vietnam it's native to the this area near Danang you can eat this for breakfast lunch and dinner all right my turn to make this prep let's see who do it fitter I admit to you that we enemies food is complicated because you can't just eat the food by itself you have to do something with it oops let me chop that grabbing this one put it on my rice paper and I mean I admit to you that the ad the wrapping part is fun oh this must be too cute for I going dump into this sauce and then let's try [Music] M okay let's make up another one with this beef I agree with mink it it's definitely uh takes a little bit of skill and getting used to here in Vietnam to well make these wraps first of all but it's just not exactly what you think it is when you sit down maybe you just look at this papaya and think it's like going to be like a side salad and you're just supposed to eat it by itself but actually it's meant as a filling and there's also some chili sauce sauce back here on the table I'm going to try some of the chili on the inside here so for anybody visiting Vietnam for the first time like us you might be a little bit [Music] confused you can just eat the Bale by [Music] itself [Music] so we're at our second spot this is a shop that's serving kanji she's just got a big pot of Kani and it looks like there's meat in it too is there meat in it yeah there's actually pork in there in and then there's baby ribs ribs ribs and then they they only have two different toppings right which is uh which is this is fried bread stick yeah like in Chinese yoad pork floss pork floss yeah I got both you just got the pork floss I just got pork floss yeah and what do you mix this around or yeah so you just mix this around and as you can see it's very hot and so it's very good for like a cold day to like today yeah and then uh when you have a cold or like a flu like I do right now it's really good for you okay your I don't know if I should be sitting next to you but yeah it is steaming hot perfect for cold weather once again right on the side of the street here in Vietnam let's try it out I'm not a huge fan of the pork floss but got to try it out that it's good was very good the pork floss is a little salty and the Yow kind of absorbs it some conji is like you can still see the pieces of rice in it but this one's like P rid like it's really really like goopy gooey it's been kind of grinded down just because they've actually Blended all of the way so they use like a mixer like a specializ mixer to gr it all up and then to cook this up so you eat this all all day long like here in Vietnam like this is a breakfast lunch and dinner or uh this is a stable where for when you feel cold or like like day for like winter dish winter dish oh yeah yeah it's it's really warming and nice so we've got some what is this chili this is chili powder chili powder and then uh this is uh black pepper black pepper okay when you want extra flavors you could just yeah I was just going to say though it's actually quite flavorful just like as is surprised at actually how much flavor it is cuz usually like Kani is such a plain dish but this is quite quite flavorful right oh I love that with the black pepper actually I love that this bowl of Cy only cost $ 30,000 which is about like 1 something dollars and look at how much pork meat you get and how much she give it a bowl feel of coni this is like wow surprisingly cheap M the texture of the Ki is like really smooth and like rich I like it too you can see that n not only am I sitting on a stool but the the table is also a stool Vietnamese Innovation it's finest so we track down the food section it's actually quite a clean food court in here and they have tons of different stalls and I was looking for one thing in particular called B L and I found it so she's got it right here you can see uh this is it right here it's actually a Tapioca dumpling I have the final plate here so there's the little tapioca dumplings I think this I thought that was tofu but now that I'm looking at it closer it looks like meat I don't think that actually is tofu yeah there's like pepper in it I'm not totally sure what it is and it's just swimming in this uh fish sauce There shallots on top let's try out this famous uh but lock little tapioca [Music] dlex oh really really chewy it's almost like Mochi it's got the texture of like Mochi and I'm not totally sure what this one's filled with I think it's shrimp nice crunchy um shallots on top the sauce is on the sweet side he asked me if I want spicy I said yes but it's not spicy I haven't found anything yet in Vietnam that's been seriously spicy but really good nice little snack what what is this be beef pork pork pork pork pork and beef beef M mhm okay okay so it's not tofu they're laughing at it it's English but it's really [Music] good no really good I like the sauce that it's in and the texture super super chewy right I'm going to try one this one with a little bit of sauce it is really a little bit chewy and for me I feel really weird that I have this dumpling that has like a shrim inside that it has the streams do had a shell in it I don't know you could tell but you can see that one like it has shells like that and I don't know I I don't think for me it's I don't like to swallow the stream with the shell but this is not bad though the women working here have scolded us like five times for taking up too much area on their bench they keep telling us to sit closer and closer and closer together even though there's absolutely no other customers this is a shrimp on the inside it's kind of hard to tell cuz it's in there and it's still got the shell on it the first one I bit into I thought that was the crunchy shallots fried shallots on top but it's actually the the shell of the shrimp I think it' be better if the shell was taken [Music] off so for dessert we have uh some what do you call this here tan in Chinese it's like stuffed Mochi what do you call it I'm not even going to to say but I can see a lot of influence like Chinese influence in the cuisine especially here in Northern Vietnam this is something I like to eat in Taiwan but these ones are like oversized huge ones and you said this is filled with green beans uh so actually there's one that's with a black Sesame one with Sesame and then I think there's and two of them are with uh green beans I think green beans okay I've never actually had a green bean feeling I'm going to try to cut this in half because it's way too big oh yeah you can see this one's got the green bean filling and it's floating in like a ginger broth can smell it another great winter [Music] dish yum yum hot y' really hot there some peanuts and sesame floating around in the broth too very very strong Ginger flavor I don't think I got any of the green bean filling look okay you can see the the bean filling in that one the spot's pretty famous just right on the side of the road perfect way to end the day here in [Music] hway oh my go so hot though I guess this is typical dish not not only in China and Vietnam but all across Asia really in Thailand too the the thing that's really unique about these ones is how big they are they're like oversized mochi balls and I've never had the green bean feeling I'm sure it's common but I I usually just get the peanut and sesame feeling green beans's not my favorite I'm more of a peanut guy but feel good yeah I just bit into the Sesame one and you can see there's actually like strips of coconut inside of it that's really cool pretty unique fillings here [Music] it's good oh my god really good so this is a really cool cafe called loading tea and egg coffee is something you've got to try here and I know it's very very famous especially popular with the Taurus and I can confirm it is absolutely delicious here's the egg coffee so basically it's like a whipped egg kind of like custard that is on top of a shot of coffee you can just see that velvety velvety texture you're supposed to kind of Stir It Up before you drink it but let me just try some of the egg custard on top [Music] there yeah oh my God it's so good it's more of like a dessert than a coffee it's so ridiculously creamy velvety silky smooth on the top and let me kind of mix in the coffee there's also a little bit of cinnamon in there too and sugar of course it's not super sweet though just so beautiful and then once you start to see the coffee sort of mixing in [Music] there it's just a mouth full of that egg is so good I really love this every time I come to Vietnam I got to get a couple egg coffees but annoy is like the birthplace of the egg coffee so you got to try it when you're visiting oh yeah you can get it hot or cold I got it hot it's a little chilly here in Hanoi so perfect way to warm up here in Hanoi in the old quter you've got a lot of like the French uh Colonial architecture and then you've got a lot of these cool cafes which are located inside of these old buildings it's just a really cool vibe to come here and drink the coffee it's like stepping back in time
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 105,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, street food, vietnam, vietnamese, vietnamese food, street food in vietnam, chopstick travel, luke martin, luke martin vietnam, street food hanoi, hanoi, hanoi food, what to eat hanoi, hoi an, da nang, hoi an street food, street food in hoi an, da nang seafood, seafood, hue, hue food, foreigner tries vietnamese food, travel vietnam 2024, vietnam 2024, chopsticks travel, chopstick travels
Id: gVhzK6YsDCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 9sec (5649 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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