38 Taiwanese STREET FOODS Across Taiwan!! TAIPEI Noodles, KAOHSIUNG Seafood + CHIAYI Dumplings

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foreign this first stop has a massive line this may be the most popular spot in the market and you'll see it as soon as you enter silicon Night Market they're serving Fried Chicken but it's not any ordinary Fried Chicken so they are making the Fried Chicken typical style Jeep hide the big chicken steaks but what they do differently at this place to elevate it is they actually Grill it after it's been deep fried so they've got a grill they're flipping the Fried Chicken I've never tried this before this is the result and I thought it was going to be really crispy feeling in my hands but actually you can see it's it's actually not as crispy as I thought almost feels soggy in my hands but you can see little kind of burnt crispy bits on there let me give this a try and see what all the hype's about foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so we have our first snack today in Joe fun and we got something that is extremely popular here and this is a Tarot and sweet potato kind of chewy soup so if you see here we've got all kinds of different things going on the famous one that this shop is famous for is their tarot balls which are the chewy tarot purple here and and then also they've got Sesame kind there's some red beans some green beans some sweet potato balls all kinds of different delicious things and it's a hot soup and sort of a sugar broth so let's take a big bite I'm gonna go in for one of the sweet potato one of the Taro and then some beans let's try that that's very sweet extremely sweet I actually find it's pretty hard to taste the sweet potato or the tarot in the chewies but it's mostly just the sugar water flavor very very sweet we're at our next street food here and this is about the shop and we're gonna order up a robot which is just meat bun steamed buns and uh this is the boss laoban and he is super super friendly they let us come back here and film them making all the different uh bouts and yeah it looks delicious okay we've got our roll bow here and they kind of hooked us up because they're super friendly here so this is free and yeah I'm gonna break into this here this feels nice and plump and juicy oh yeah oh yeah look at all the juice in there oh look at that look at the juice there that is so juicy okay let's try this out here roll out um oh yeah that's like a little bit salty and really juicy like really juicy there's a few green onions in there maybe some bamboo shoots as well and the meat there's quite a bit of meat in there and it's nice and tender juicy minced Pork yeah this is a really good robot oh yeah [Music] foreign so the claim to fame for this place is that they use brown sugar mixed with their Boba so he poured a ton of brown sugar into The Cauldron mixes in all of the fresh Boba the tapioca pearls and then kind of cooks them away slowly and this place is cool because you can see him doing it right behind me here and they've got a couple different things but one thing that they have is the delgona bubble milk tea so this new thing that's trending on Instagram especially I've seen it a lot this delgona so I think we're gonna try that they've had other ones before like gold leaf but unfortunately they don't have it today and there is a massive line so we're gonna jump in line [Music] thank you so the way but we've got our bubble milk tea this is Shing Fu Tong's brown sugar Boba milk tea with delgona so I guess delgona is like a instant coffee whipped with some cream pull my straw out here and I think I gotta give this a mix because all that brown sugar boba needs to get mixed up so it's hot on the bottom where they were cooking those bobas but then it's really icy cold on top and I don't know what to do about this delgona but I'm gonna push my straw down so I get a little bit of it oh yeah it reminds me of an iced mocha it's got that strong coffee flavor but very sweet from the brown sugar really QQ bouncy um boba Tapioca pearls honestly it's not the best bubble milk deep and Taiwanese people are very proud of their favorite bubble milk teeth I'm usually I'm 50 uh bubble mouthy lover but this one's pretty good [Music] a little bit of chili on there oh yeah it's gonna be a good one I don't think I should one bite this because I'm scared I'm gonna burn myself [Music] oh yeah so juicy there's like a soup inside you can see it has a really nice green onion taste and that pork is really good I think that maybe they cool the pork so that the fat sort of uh solidifies and then when they steam it it sort of just turns into a juice oh oh it smells so good too um [Applause] [Music] okay we just finished watching her prepare honestly the most spectacular preparation of any dish that I've ever seen in my entire life so this massive pot here will be feeding a hundred people so this is the soup that will be poured on top of the deep fried fish head and she's going to be making a lot more than just one of these tonight and there is a ton of ingredients in there but I'll try to remember all of them so I can walk you through this spectacular looking fish head soup so the first thing she started with was that same pork bones broth that we saw out back so it had a really milky consistency to it then she put a mixture of all kinds of different ingredients in it was some garlic some mini shrimp some chili and a lot of green onion and then after that she put some very thinly sliced pork belly you can see in there and then she put a ton of tofu and then after that she topped it with a ton of this tofu skin deep fried tofu skin and there's also some wood ear mushrooms in here and then also the most cabbage I have ever seen in one place at one time it must have been so many pounds of cabbage going in on top of this and then one very interesting ingredient as you can see here a lot of these little orange kind of Speckles those are tiger lilies so actually a flower and I'm sure I'm forgetting some ingredients but let me tell you this just smells absolutely incredible and we are totally ready to go inside and try it out now [Music] all of those ingredients soak the flavor of that broth up really well the tofu the tofu skin they're just completely saturated with the flavor of that broth say hi so we have been served our bowl of noodles and soup they told me it's called and you can see right here it's just absolutely packed with all kinds of different ingredients they actually told me originally that they were sold out but they I guess they were able to serve Us One Bowl which I'm really thankful for because this looks incredible so there's tons of different ingredients in here there's some pork balls some potatoes carrots cilantro some seaweed all kinds of different things so let's actually get a piece of pork here the potato and try the broth and you can see that broth is really thick so there must be some sort of starch in there let's try that [Applause] oh man oh that's fantastic all right so almost got a little bit of a acidity like almost like a sourness to it and the broth is really thick they must have used some starch to thicken or not let's try these noodles oh man that is delicious and this is such a beautiful Bowl of hearty noodles check that out you can see all that thick broth just sticking to those noodles let's try these the broth sticks through those noodles so well and those noodles are cooked perfectly oh man this is super hearty but really really flavorful thank you we've come to one of the most famous places in siemending it's called achang and they've been around since 1975 so 45 years old famous with both the locals and the Taurus for their rice noodles so they start by putting a little bit of garlic and black vinegar in the bottom of the bowl fill it up with their famous rice noodles and then they'll top it with some cilantro if you want it we've got our Bowl here we ordered up a large there's not much to it you can see all those beautiful noodles and then the only other real ingredient is a little bit of intestines so you just got to go in when it's hot this is like the perfect little Street side snack the noodles have such a nice texture they're super slippery but honestly the flavor isn't that strong yet so you gotta head over to the sauce station and you can add some extra which we'll do right now I'm honestly gonna go for the full Trifecta here of the chili and you can be quite generous with this I'll go for two scoops of each chili and then we got garlic water in the middle oh this is a big scoop so I'll just go one scoop there and then black vinegar my favorite definitely gotta add some of that probably go for one and a half or two so I've got two pieces of the intestine here we've added all those extra condiments hmm oh yeah it needs that vinegar and that chili just gives it that depth that it's missing I mean actually that stock is almost like a Dashie you could taste a little bit of Bonito in there bad intestine is a little bit chewy [Music] foreign [Music] which are these Taiwanese fried crullers so this dough that's been stretched out to kind of look like a churro and then deep fried and then it's inside of the Xiao being which is the baked bread with a little bit of sesame seeds on top so it's basically just a carb hamburger there's really not much to it just deep fried bread inside of baked bread but let's give it a try [Music] the shell being baked bread on the outside is very flaky and a very slight flavor of Sesame and then the yotal on the inside is kind of soft and pillowy almost chewy but what you really gotta do with this or what I like to do at least is take some sweet soy milk so this is hot soy milk this place is famous for their soy milk and when you make a soy milk in small batches like this it can be really high quality really tasty stuff so I like to actually just dip the whole thing and look at there's like a film on top of that awesome and there's quite a lot of sugar in this so let's try this foreign [Music] that soy milk just brings the whole thing together adds a little bit of sweetness and just rounds it off with a nice soy flavor and turns this really plain carb overload into something really delicious so there is one little stall in this market that's really popular and they're selling fish cakes and the fish cakes are stuffed with a boiled egg and they're making them by hand so they've got the fish cake paste and then they just take the half or like a quarter of a a boiled egg and then put it inside the fish paste directly and then they're just dropping that little almost like sausage oblong shaped fish cake into the oil frying it up and then you can just order them one or as many as you want I think we're just gonna get one to try all right so we've got our fish cakes here and they are actually double fried I think in either two different types of oil or two different temperatures and the second uh frying is for that exterior that golden crispy exterior and there should be a piece of boiled egg on the inside I think this is gonna be really hot but let me try to take a big bite it's very simple so it is seasoned with a little bit of salt and pepper and then she's just skewered them up for us it's perfect little snack um not much to it it doesn't have a very fishy flavor and I haven't gotten that egg yet you can see I gotta get one more bite to get to the egg oh yeah we're here for our first street food today and this is the Dan Bing and it looks really good so she fried up the batter and tons of green onions like packed full of green onions and it smells awesome once she was finished frying up the batter she sort of cracked an egg and put that underneath all the batter yeah this looks awesome first I'm just gonna try it without the sauce yeah oh yeah really strong green onion flavor super hot and fresh I think she put a quite a bit of pepper maybe some five spice it's got a little bit of like a ketco pepper and yeah it's all of those green onions the crispy golden on the outside super juicy on the inside I'm gonna put some sauce on it this time I think this is a sweet chili sauce put some on this piece here oh yeah it's gonna kick it up a notch that is so juicy I think there's I think there's little bits of pork inside okay let's try this out oh yeah that is scalding hot but really good those green onions are so good and there's I think there's little bits of pork in there just look at the amount of green onions in there and there is little bits of pork as well this is so good and so juicy [Applause] okay we just waited an extremely long line for the very popular mini sausage stall I guess so we ordered up you can buy them individually so we ordered out five mini sausages served with whole pieces of garlic and I also asked for chili sauce I think it's chili oil so I'm gonna grab one of these here and try it out and I can feel in my hand that they are just steaming hot try to get a piece of garlic oh yeah check that out that's such a kind of like cute little sausage but I'm gonna eat it anyway oh oh wow really is strong like burnt flavor the whole garlic piece kind of gives it like a spicy garlic flavor I can't really taste the chilies maybe there wasn't any on that piece but those are blistering hot super juicy on the inside and like I said they've got a nice like burnt smoky smoky flavor let's try one more of these I'm loving this actually these are awesome I can see why the line was so long this one's got some chili peppers on it oh yeah oh yeah it's just like burnt almost on the outside and they're grilling out maybe thousands of these on the grill at once super hot super juicy and nice and spicy from those Chili Peppers [Music] our final snack for the day is another very popular dish here at the ningxia night market this is Moji or Mochi and this just looks amazing check this out these are huge balls of pounded rice cake Mochi and then they've been covered this one in peanut powder and then this one in sesame ground Sesame with sugar so these were being boiled kind of in like a massive cauldron and then they're served up and then Chopped with a ton of this peanut and sesame and these look awesome just check out the consistency there they're extremely kind of goopy and they're just kind of falling out of my Chopsticks oh that looks awesome so I'm just gonna go in for a bite right now hmm oh yeah oh man that Mochi is a perfect little dessert not too sweet but it's still warm from being boiled and since it's been heated up it's kind of extra chewy kind of extra gooey and with the peanuts that's really nice so we have our breakfast here the first one is the kanji the rice porridge you can see all of those little pieces of rice in there and there's also some meat inside and it looks like some onions some maybe fried shallots and there should be some celery in there as well and then this is a really interesting dish this is the red yeast deep fried pork you can see the layer of fat and meat there and then the crunchy exterior a little bit of daikon radish and then it's served with a red sauce I'm just gonna start with some of this Congee this is such a perfect little breakfast item foreign there's really not much to it that rice is so soft it completely falls apart in your mouth you definitely need to add some of the white pepper add some of this white pepper and give it a little mix and let me try one of these pieces of meat just look at the amount of meat on the side of this thing oh it fell right off the bone I'm just gonna dip it in the soup a little bit and try that wow that is tender wow that is just melt in your mouth fall apart and really natural tasting and then it's kind of infused with that daikon broth that is so good and so much meat next up let's try the daikon wow so juicy really fresh vegetable flavor full of all that liquid soup and then it's got still a bit of a crisp texture to it it's not too soft [Music] good foreign [Music] snack of the day today is a very very famous stall here in yongkang Street and they are serving something called kanyeol Bing the lineup is just ridiculous there is got to be 50 people in line it took us about 20 minutes finally they served us up our Kong yo Bing which is just a scallion pancake in English and you can order I think there's eight different things we pick the basil with egg and the key to making the perfect scallion pancake is the fluffing of the pancake where she kind of Beats it until it fluffs up so then she topped it with some I think is a sweet sauce and yeah it smells amazing so let's try it [Music] okay gonna try it out here and this basil I can already smell it and I've actually had this before this is pretty popular in Taiwan but this was actually the very first thing Sabrina and I ate when we were moving to Taiwan this is the very first thing we ate in Taiwan so let's try this out oh yeah the sauce is like really really sweet kind of a little Tangy the basil is nice and fresh like basil makes everything better and the egg is kind of meaty in there but really it's all about this super super fluffy pancake exterior it's like Airy and kind of a little buttery definitely a little oily but crispy golden on the other side perfect start to the day if you want to check this place out like I said it's on yongkang street and there is all kinds of different things you can get cheese corn ham but ton [Music] so we waited about 10 minutes for a very popular snack as I mentioned from this very popular shop called huji and this is the subing so this is one of two dishes that they cook here that are very popular at the other we are waiting for right now and that is the xiaobing so this is the Tian subing or sweet subing and that is filled with a mixture of dough and sugar and as you can see it has been topped with a ton of sesame seeds so they're kind of toasted from the massive drum that he is cooking these in and the man cooking these is extremely friendly and he is just a master very attentive watching these cook to make sure they are perfect and I'm ready to dig into this all right let's take a big bite out of this sweet subing and this smells amazing it has such a smoky Aroma let's try it out um [Music] okay sitting down for our next dish this is which is Tainan famous and it is basically just raw beef and it isn't even cooked but it's just put into the hot soup and the soup Cooks it so you need to eat very quickly so I'm gonna have a bite now I'm gonna try the brothel first so I can eat this really quickly oh yeah super super beefy meaty nice like ginger flavor like spicy ginger and it's not too salty it's pretty plain I'm guessing you need to eat quickly so it stays very tender and oh yeah there's tons of beef in there oh yeah that's really good the broth is like really really beefy and super tender it's also served with a sauce here so I'm going to try that at this time grab a piece put in the sauce and grab some ginger oh yeah oh man so much ginger in that sauce There is a ton of ginger in there it is like a really spicy kind of Ginger flavor and then a really sweet sauce this is good like I said this is super famous here in Tainan lots of people actually like to eat this for breakfast and the beef is so fresh tasting it's butchered this morning and kept at the consistent temperature never Frozen or refrigerated and he's cutting it up fresh right in there and yeah this is awesome we're gonna try one more piece oh yeah [Applause] our soup has arrived and it smells so fragrant it's got this golden color to it and there are some Jujubes floating around in there some Goji berries and then that ginseng which is really where all that flavor is Gonna Come From popular in Korean cooking um maybe not so common in Taiwan but I love it and I'm just gonna take some of the broth and put it into my Bowl here and try it like that first [Music] oh that's amazing I love it it's not salty it's not too salty at all and it's got a little bit of a sweetness sort of a ginger flavor and then that ginseng tastes earthy and just healthy Rich it's got a really deep flavor to it wow there's a lot going on in there I wasn't sure if this place was going to be good or not but this soup is really good I gotta try some of the chicken so let me fish it some of the chicken and look at that it looks so tender yeah that's just completely fall off the bone let's try that [Music] wow you can taste natural chicken flavor it is completely infused though at the same time with all that ginseng broth we're sitting down for a very popular dish this is stall number five and they're serving a thick crab soup so let's check this out here there is like big chunks of crab in there and then some mushrooms and maybe some needle mushrooms as well so let's get a chunk of crab and mushroom for this first bite oh man it has like a really peppery peppery flavor and the broth is like thick kind of like gooey and then the mushroom is kind of crisp and crunchy but really that crab meat is just like naturally sweet and delicious so on the table there's some it's five spice so I'm gonna put this on I saw some people doing that this is ridiculously hectic in here so we're trying to eat fast but let's try this out again oh man the crab just falls apart in your mouth oh so yeah and she just gave me a big piece of crap an extra chunk let's try that by itself [Music] oh my God this completely falls apart it's like a little stringy kind of and then those mushrooms give it like a nice crunch fresh flavor and it has such a peppery and really strong almost like spicy peppery flavor so we found a little restaurant this place is called amnan and this is actually you wouldn't guess it but this is a Michelin recommended bib Gourmand Restaurant and they serve pretty much only one thing and that is the mayoji which is the sesame oil chicken or sesame chicken I've actually never had this dish before you can see a little bit of that sesame oil almost orange in color floating on the top we got the G20 which is the uh the lag of the chicken and lots of meat in here huge chunks of chicken meat in there just check that out so I just gotta try this broth by itself or anything hmm wow wow it was very very subtle almost a little bit peanuty and not salty whatsoever I don't think there's any salt in there really it's a little little bit sweet that is really really good I kind of like the sort of peanut buttery nuttiness to it so I find a nice piece of chicken for my first bite oh man look at that wow they're really generous with their chicken serving here you know okay this is something I can never resist and that is coconut water such a refreshing drink so we're gonna order one up [Music] so like I said I can never resist a nice coconut water so refreshing and very friendly Uncle here is selling it oh yeah so just like naturally sweet a little bit warm but right out of the coconut it doesn't get fresher than that [Music] Street side coconut water it doesn't really get much better than that and this is packed with so much water I'm surprised and it's like a little bit of Pulp as well it's nice [Music] [Applause] okay a lot of snacking going on today and Joe fun and we've got another very popular dish here in Taiwan and this is the classic stinky tofu so it is a fermented tofu that's fermented in all kinds of interesting ingredients if you haven't seen it already I made a full video just for a stinky tofu but this one seemed very interesting I've never seen anything like it so as you can see she's got it braising in a ton of sauce so it's a brown colored sauce a little bit oily looking and then normally stinky tofu will be topped with some of this pickled cabbage and it looks like carrots here too but this is just such a juicy looking stinky tofu and honestly I I love sneaky tofu so I'm just gonna go in for a big bite of this here foreign okay oh man that's a good tofu it's really kind of crumbly tofu on the inside firm though but extremely juicy from that sauce she's braising it in so I think it's kind of a mixture of some vinegar and soy it's a little bit sour that sauce but really it's all about that tofu and how well it just absorbs the flavor of that sauce foreign [Music] and this is a really really interesting looking one there had to be at least 10 or more ingredients in there so I saw all kinds of different things some shredded egg tofu pork small pieces of shrimp I think I saw her put a little bit of shrimp paste in there a couple different sauces and then tops it all with some ground peanuts and and sugar so this just looks incredible and what makes this place really kind of unique is you can see right here they actually very very lightly fry it after uh they are finished stuffing it with all those beautiful ingredients and there's two different uh wrappers so let's give this one a try I loved having these spring rolls they're just so fresh oh I love the texture of that spring roll there's so many crunchy fresh ingredients in there that lettuce is really nice and crunchy and crisp but also the outside that wrapper has a nice kind of crunchiness to it so you can actually see the little granules of sugar in there some pieces of tofu but man there's just so many fresh ingredients in here and a little bit of a cilantro kick to it as well this is like the perfect breakfast thank you a little bit messy to eat but delicious [Music] wow I am so excited to be back here this place I filmed about five years ago it's just a little stall it's not even really a stall he's just set up on the pavement here right on the road just a couple little chairs and he's selling almond tea but he does it with a unique ingredient he uses the egg yolks or raw egg yolk you can see it's completely changed the color of this almond tea to a bright yellow there's a little couple pieces of egg yolk floating in there and served in this metal cup here super super hot let's try it out and the smell is so fragrant it's like Fruity 90 at the same time it's such a complex flavor even though it's a simple drink it's really hard to describe you need to try this in Taiwan I it doesn't taste like almonds if you just eat almonds no it's not the same taste it's like a really strong fruity flavor and this place is doing in such a traditional way like I said right on the road right on the pavement super cool oh it's so creamy and delicious foreign [Music] so we're pretty thirsty after that slightly greasy Fried Chicken we had and Taiwan is super popular for all their varieties of drinks and we just ordered out one of my favorites and it is a mixture of a couple different things one of which is the famous tapioca bubbles or Boba and then another is a special type of jelly called IU jelly and then just some ice and black tea and some sugar so let's give it a try oh yeah [Music] [Music] so he's making up the oyster omelets behind me fresh he uses the oysters first frying them with a little bit of oil and then he'll use a starchy water probably potato starch and then cracks an egg on top he'll finish it with a little bit of lettuce and then they'll put on this thick red sauce which is really where all that flavor is coming from those oysters look nice and fresh I'm excited to try this on it [Music] they do have an extensive menu here but their oyster Outlet is quite famous this is the end result here you can see it's completely smothered in that thick red sauce almost like almost like a ketchup and we've got this uh crispy outer layer but you'll see that it's not crispy the whole way through because of that starch it gets really kind of goopy really unique texture from that starch and that gotta go in for one of those oysters for my first bite [Music] honestly it's been a really long time since the last time I had an oyster omelet they're really good they're really just satisfying hits the spot kind of food you get that seafoodiness from the oyster but it's not overpowering the sauce is a little bit sweet but again not overpowering it's all about the texture though you get this weird kind of like snotty goopy gooey uh texture but then it's got that Crispy Crunchy outer layer it's really unique there's not a whole lot of food so I get yum those oysters are nice and fresh thank you foreign [Music] we've come all the way to Tainan just to try this very famous bowl of eel noodles and I've been waiting a really long time to try this so let's check out the bowl we just ordered up our first of two dishes so this is the more wet version of the noodles and we have these nice looking egg noodles and of course tons of these big chunks of the eel and it looks and smells amazing already so I'm gonna try out some of these uh egg noodles first hmm oh it's actually quite sweet um he he makes the soup or the kind of broth he uses a potato starch and he mixes it with water and it makes it this really thick kind of creamy consistency and those noodles are nice and like firm egg noodles oh yeah foreign oh yeah foreign foreign Taiwanese praise uh pork rice this is just Heavenly check this out there is huge pieces of fatty pork belly on top a lot of Taiwanese people actually prefer Theirs to have more lean meat but I really like the fatty kind it just braises for so long that it melts in your mouth and that just smells incredible over here we've got the tofu just the braised tofu little piece of fat on top I'll move that but this is just regular tofu in that same braised sauce so these things are just boiling away for hours it smells so like uh anise and sort of a licoricey scent to it I can't wait to dig into this I'm gonna make sure I get a nice big serving for my first bite and honestly it looks like mostly fat I barely see any lean meat on there and this is just pork belly whole let's try that [Music] wow that is the definition of melt in your mouth wow so for our dessert we are having something that is actually Japanese in origin but has been changed over the years to be very Taiwanese so we got two kinds in English I think they call them wheel cakes so inside this one it is quite heavy there is a ton of custard so this one is custard and then the other one that we have here is the hongdo which is the red bean so you can see a little bit of the the oh I guess there's some toasted seeds on top sesame seeds and then you can see a little bit of the red bean kind of peeking through there and this is Japanese of origin but Taiwan has changed it to be much more filling than a batter on the outside whereas the Japanese version is a little bit more spongy this one's a lot more crispy and filled with a lot of filling so let's break into this red bean one I hope I don't burn myself here [Applause] hmm so that is absolutely stuff full of this red bean paste some of the beans are actually still intact but a lot of them have just been kind of mashed into this cream and then the outside is a little bit crispy I'm gonna go in for one more bite here we have a look at all that filling wow another dessert tonight that tonghold night market and this is something that I love this is called Tang in which is these little mochi balls stuffed we ordered some stuff with peanuts and some stuff with Sesame so tangyan can be ordered a couple different ways you can order it in shaved ice or like we did in a hot kind of sweet soup so you can see there's some leaves that are sort of floating around in here and that is osmanthus flower and then in here we have the tanyen the little mochi balls so pounded rice cake and then they've been stuffed with Sesame and some with Sesame and some with peanut you can kind of see the brown coming through on that one that would be the peanut and then this one you can kind of see a little bit of black so I love these These are super super addictive let's try them out this is going to be steaming hot so I'm gonna try to bite into it in half and show you guys what's inside I'm not really sure if this is a sesame or peanut but let's find out this is the Sesame kind and that is awesome so that Sesame is mixed with sugar and then it kind of melts inside when they boil it away and it makes this really amazing kind of gooey inside to that Mochi the chewy chewy Mochi ball on the outside let's finish this off oh Sesame is so good I think this is a peanut one and I'm just gonna one bite it [Music] oh man okay that just bursts in your mouth with peanut flavor it's really really creamy almost like peanut butter on the inside and it's hot soothing that is really a delicious dessert this is awesome I love Tanya foreign [Music] platter has arrived and it just looks beautiful the presentation is incredible we got 10 pieces of the akami the back of the tuna this is the Taiwan tune of the same tuna we saw this morning and this was 300 Taiwan dollars for 10 pieces of the akami and then we got two pieces of the Otoro the fatty tuna and this was 170 per piece so 340. for Just Two Pieces versus 300 for all of these and I'm gonna go in for a piece of the Okami first and just look at the coloration there it's so rich dark red and I'm just gonna go over a little bit of Wasabi here the tiny bit of Wasabi on the top and then a dip in the soy sauce too all right the time has come we're gonna try the fatty tuna now I'm gonna go really light on the Wasabi and you can see that she's actually scored it so there's these little Cuts in there and this has been a special experience watching the tuna come fresh off the boats and be auctioned off this morning and now just sitting just a few steps away from where they were bringing the tune in and eating some of this fresh raw Sashimi tuna and it is just blowing my mind all right time to try the fatty piece together this is something I've definitely never seen outside of Taiwan he uses a thin kind of spring roll wrapper that he lays down a little bit of peanut brittle so some peanut with a little bit of caramel and then on top of that he put some cilantro and then on top of that he puts ice cream and wraps it all up like that so it's a little bit of an ice cream spring roll it looked like he was using some pretty cheap ice cream it was kind of purple and yellow but let's try it out and see how it is if you don't like cilantro you can get this without cilantro too so cold this one's not that good I definitely have better versions of this dish it's definitely something of an acquired taste to have cilantro with ice cream his ice cream just really kind of icy and not creamy at all and the peanut brittle doesn't have much of a flavor to be honest either it's really just strong of cilantro you can see all that cilantro in there there's a lot of it and it's all wrapped up in that spring roll wrapper which is kind of bouncy foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay so we just ordered up one of my classic Taiwanese Night Market favorites and that is a roast corn on the cob and corn is actually quite hard to grow on Taiwanese soil so the price reflects that and this head of corn costs us 75 Taiwan dollars and we were charged by weight in grams and she just completely coated it with a sauce and then cooked it for quite a long time so let's give this a try foreign oh wow that is packed with flavor it is quite spicy kind of like a peppery spice it has a nice like burnt flavor the corn completely Falls right off the cob [Music] sitting there for our first breakfast meal of the day and this is which is a rice cake and this is a really famous spot here in Tainan so it looks like there's some pieces of pork and actually I think there's a shrimp in there and covered in this sweet looking sauce so try to say oh it smells really good oh yeah the shrimp is like really good you can see it's like really kind of like gelatinous and there's some big pieces of pork in there and the sauce surprisingly isn't over sweet it's actually really good so there's some provided sauce and it's like garlic sauce and this is like a really thick pretty much just pureed garlic sauce so I'm gonna add some of that here try not to overdo it a little bit on this piece oh yeah okay and you can already smell this garlic this is like really Savory that gives it like a little bit of saltiness and like a really strong garlic flavor this is a good start for the day [Applause] okay we just ordered up a nice cold drink this is a Chinese herbal tea and he uses all these different uh herbs or some of them at least and dries them and then boils it to make this really dark looking drink I'm gonna try this out oh wow it has a little bitter it's really like lots of herb flavor going on there try it again wow that's quite good it's not like tea because I kind of expected it tastes like black tea but it's more just like really herbally and a little bit bitter to make the meat roll they start with a really thin piece of I believe it's the diaphragm it's basically a white piece of fat it's completely translucent it's super thin and they fill it full of the meat mixture looks like there's some veggies in there as well and then it's rolled up like a big spring roll then it's breaded and dropped into the hot oil and fried up into this huge log super popular there's a big line so I'm going to jump in line and Order myself out one of these meat rolls [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is the final product all chopped up it's absolutely huge and I think it's to be taken home most of the time and eaten with a little bit of sauce but I'm just gonna sample it now as is fresh out of the fryer I think it's gonna be really hot and I can see a couple little carrots and maybe some green onions some other veggies in there as well and then that that diaphragm has been completely fried to a crisp on the outside oh wow [Applause] guy is really good it's juicy super super juicy and just a thin crunchy layer on the outside but the inside's got a nice bouncy texture almost like a fish cake texture it's actually full of flavor that'd be really good with the beer and some ketchup or something but yum there's definitely some onions in there as well too [Applause] [Music] okay so we have made our way to the second floor of the non-med market where this amazing food court is located and we just waited about 25 minutes in line at a very popular stall here for something that just looks incredible so this is a very special bowl of beef noodle soup so beef noodle is very common all throughout Taiwan it's one of the most popular dishes but this is a tomato beef noodle bowl and this is absolutely just beautiful there's so much going on here so they've got egg in here some nice pieces of beef a big few big chunks of tomato some lettuce and then underneath here we have some amazing looking hand cut noodles so these are just being hand sliced freshly behind the counter [Music] those are good oh yeah okay that is extremely firm noodle thick very thick
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 519,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, street food, taiwan, taiwanese, Luke martin, Luke Martin taiwan, chopstick travel, chopsticks travel, Taiwanese street food, Taiwanese food, beef noodles, fried chicken, taipei, kaohsiung, tainan, chiayi, travel taiwan, 38 Taiwanese street foods across Taiwan, seafood, night market, Taiwanese night market, taipei food, Taipei street food
Id: ALFdiGznDK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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