24 Hours in a Survival Flat World! (Minecraft 1.18)

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today i'm playing in a survival minecraft flat world for 24 hours except not in one go like last time as i kept falling asleep however i will be using the in-game time to track this so it will be exactly 24 hours in game time flat worlds have a lot of restrictions and challenges so i'm hoping you'll find this interesting also i don't normally do this but if you want to see me continue on to 48 hours then i will if we hit 75 000 likes that's a lot i know but that's because this video took a long time so make sure to subscribe if you haven't already let's get into this shall we 24 hours flat world let's do this we spawned it's flat there's lots of slimes so i got walking and actually got quite unlucky it took me about 700 blocks or so before i found a village but i found one it had a bed and some bread which i desperately needed plus a tree so i collected some wood and then i found a leather cap which is not going to protect me from those slimes but i put it on anyway i collected some stuff like books and some stone to make some more tools and i was like you know what i'll get some iron really early on there's an iron golem here i'll just go quickly punch him and he insta killed me what the heck i didn't even get a chance oh well at least this isn't hardcore i went off in a different direction this time i believe i went north instead of south and i found two villages also glow squid just spawning every little bit of water in super flat they'll get quite annoying i imagine please have something good oh my gosh that is amazing seeing as it took me so long to find a village originally look at this one two and three over there ridiculous one thing i've noticed already there's a lot of cats i don't know why maybe something to do with a mob cap but it's kind of ridiculous so why can't i hear so many bats oh my gosh what is going on lovely first emeralds just got seven maps out of this chest here i'm not sure if they're gonna come useful but they might i already hate slimes it's only been 13 minutes but anyway i killed some more iron golems because i needed that sweet sweet iron and then found another blacksmith give me a saddle okay that's not bad i don't know what number village we're on i think it's about 20 now and i've only found two blacksmiths yes oh my gosh there's a chance obviously that you can get them in these leather shops as well and we've just got one now meaning we can tame ourselves a horse i'm scared to give the horse a name for now as a feeling they might die but this village here has some cows and some pigs it could be a good place to set up shop for a little bit so this is going to be my home i decided to put down all the stuff i had got and put some stuff in chests as well and then i got working on sorting out a place for my horse to stay as i don't have any leads yet to time up with and luckily this village has pigs and cows but it has no sheep i killed another iron golem making sure to set my spawn this time in case something happened like the first iron golem attempt grew myself some wheat so i could go get myself some sheep from a nearby village as there's just villages everywhere in this place and off me and my horse went and looking for loot for sheep in really it's not really loot it's just sheep and i found some really quite close by so here's a very very sped up sort of time lapse of me taking them all the way home and we got them there uh it was a bit tricky because of all the slimes constantly hitting you and the mobs do spawn quite a lot at night but we put them next to our pigs and our cows making sure they have a decent amount of grass but it's time to do some protection from all these stupid slimes as the noise is driving me mad and one of the best ways of doing this is using some shovels to make some path blocks and if you make these big squares in the slime chunks where the slime spawn the slimes can't spawn anymore it's a really cheap and easy method of doing this you can also use water but i thought i'd go for the shovel for now oh my god that's so nice listen obviously there's still a lot more slime chunks around but this is just good for now we can be safe in our little area and as i'm doing another chunk just over here that is the one hour mark 23 more to go i also used all the saplings i collected on my journeys to make a little wood farm made myself a bucket with some of the iron and got working on a wheat and carrot and potato farm only small one for now but we'll work on that in the future also i'm scared of iron golems and more importantly slimes running over it so i make sure to put a fence around it speaking of iron columns i'm making sure to kill them every time they spawn and collecting some wood while we wait for my crops to grow and my trees grow i might do a bit of demolition these houses are really the only way i can get blocks at the moment such as cobblestone so i'm gonna just breed my animals and knock down some houses what on earth is going on here why do i like my horse so much weirdos funnily enough that actually came in quite useful later but anyway i went and chopped down some more houses and then decided to go out on a little adventure looking for some fun stuff we headed off we killed ourselves a few iron golems to get some more of that sweet sweet iron and then in this blacksmith here we found our first diamonds as well as some obsidian but more importantly the diamonds diamonds are quite precious in flat world so i didn't use them just yet instead i made myself some buckets and brought home some lava i also found another blacksmith which had more obsidian which is great we now have enough for a nether portal and then i found this village here which actually had two blacksmiths what a jackpot i hadn't found some in ages this was quite a nice surprise but both of them were kind of rubbish to be honest with you apart from the one diamond in this one i found one more blacksmith before finally deciding you know what it's time to head home so off we set with all our goodies that we'd collected and it takes a while to get home as you can see here but when i got home i got crafting myself my never portal and i don't have a flint and steel so i was using the lava that i collected earlier to light it and eventually it caught fire and we had a nether portal so in we went ar are you kidding me what on earth is this yep that's right my never portal is floating above lava good so to collect some dirt for bridging i decided to sort out a place for my villagers to go and they're going to go in this whole underground i can put some beds down here and i can get breeding them so i can get more villagers to do some trading within the future as villagers are going to be quite important i mean if you're wondering where i got the beds from i've been breeding my sheep up a decent amount but it's time to go on a little never adventure so i put all the stuff in the chest that i didn't actually need and then we started bridging up which was quite tricky with all these blooming piglets trying to shoot me off my bridge luckily i made a two wide one i also found myself some different types of wood to oak which is all i'd use so far and then i managed to see a room portal but more importantly i found the never fortress and after a bit of bridging slash tunneling through this place here my pickaxe broke and i had to head home and get a new one but luckily i made a shield at the same time which will come in useful later and i could trace my step pretty easily i've been placing dirt and we managed to break our way in to this never fortress and we got killing some blazers as well as collecting all the stuff in the nether fortress as well and this is where the shield comes in useful i've only got iron armor so these things hit quite hard on me and you can see there i had 10 baked potatoes my gosh these disappeared quickly i'm already down to four here as you can see two and then finally at the end we were down to one so i started eating some raw pork chops and then i ran out of food completely but luckily we managed to get seven blaze rods which is all we need oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh why is there so many bobs it is scary here at night like no other mob spawn just hostile mobs and slimes it's horrible i hate it but you know why i don't hate my horse look at him look how beautiful he looks at that diamond armor after kind of a stressful never adventure i decided to do some farming and try and breed up my villagers as well i threw some bread at them i threw some carrots at them but i noticed they just weren't breeding and i realized it's because the room is too small i need to raise it one height so that they could start breeding i don't know why they need that maybe they can't access the beds but after raising the entire roof we freeze some more bread we threw them some more carrots and we finally got our first baby villager yay oh look who's back it's you follow me fella i need some gold though as i need some ender pearls so they're never the only real place we can collect gold at the moment and of course it didn't go well look at this disaster i mined into lava and no no oh did i just lose everything oh gosh the only thing that survives in this she is a shovel okay some stuff survived my gold survived i think i lost all my armor though guess we're going on a bit of adventure to give you some kind of clue on how long i've been searching for a village with any piece of armor or just even an armor in general we're nearly at the four hour mark and soon as i say that i actually find one okay ah you know what they say second time's the charm some boots you know what they say third time's the charm that's a helmet i've collected a fine i'm just gonna head home only five thousand blocks away but when we got home we made ourselves some more iron and you know what there's no time to mess around let's go back to the nether collect some more gold and do some piglet trading and at this point i hadn't realized it yet as i was celebrating my ender pearls that when i died i lost my blaze rods but here is when i found out so of course we had to go kill some more and once again i ran out of food constantly playing with fire quite literally with my lack of food but luckily my animal population had grown quite a bit by now sometimes you get some more all right let's see where this goes that direction over there no so off i set but then something truly awful happened guys i've just had a realization after looking some dub off on google i'm on 1.18.1 look in the top left-hand corner strongholds only exist in 1.18.2 and so many other things exist as well i'm gonna have to update and then explore again i'm probably have to move everything so that i'm far enough away that new stuff spawns in it's gonna be frustrating but what i'm gonna do is i've had an idea is i'm gonna take all my stuff through a nether portal this could take a long time i'll have to get new cows and sheep and stuff i really messed up guys but hey we've got around 19 and a half hours left we got plenty of time instantly a wandering traders spawn and i don't have any emeralds oh there's some good stuff here i'm not gonna be able to bring all these guys through the portal or the villagers or even my horse probably although maybe i'm going to take the stuff which i think is most valuable which is all this stuff here oh i may as well kill my animals goodbye first base you were good to me can my horse go through the portal that's the question it can oh i don't think this horse is going to be able to take me very far but let's go a thousand blocks let's say already goodbye horse i'm sorry you were so good to me why am i so emotional maybe one day we'll find him again good luck after traveling for a while we got to a point where i was happy and i started building my never portal and i was having a lot of trouble waiting for this thing to light it just wouldn't light it was so annoying i've been waiting here for quite a while now it won't light unfortunately i'm too high up to see any gravel nearby it's lit five hour mark i don't care it's done oh my gosh where do we end up oh i've done that oh my gosh that's a lot of mobs thank goodness now i'm not gonna stay with that portal there mainly because it's just in the middle of nowhere so let's get exploring unless we can find ourselves a new horse and some new animals slash villagers our first ruined portal welcome to 1.18.2 give me something good hello i'll do for now i didn't realize how much stuff i was missing out on in 1.18.1 look at all this gold golden apples oh i've got like no inventory space wait oh my gosh look isn't it in the portal oh it looks so weird it's just floating in the sky i shall call you penelope penelope is quick look at all these structures that i didn't have before oh my gosh wait are they pumpkins oh my gosh look how many pillagers oh jesus nice run i'm going inside no saplings i don't think they have saplings but oh well oh gosh oh gosh where's my horse no sheep but this will have to do time to get rid of some slime chunks more shoveling lots of shovels used and i just hate this so much you have no idea how annoying this stuff is but we've reached the five hour mark and on the five hour mark i decided to get working on more villagers this time in this place i put down some beds and waited for it tonight and they all just walked into the hole like a bunch of idiots thanks idiots now you're mine time to do some farming oh so many farms so many slimes got i need to protect more chunks but before we did that we headed back to the stronghold that we found and up we went and we started collecting some goodies from all the chests there we managed to get ourselves some ender pearls from some of the chests which was nice which got really lucky and found four ender pills in these two chests here very good i also went over to the bookshelf area and we managed to get our first enchanted books and some paper our first paper which is mad and we got some decent enchantments including feather falling four protection free and riptide which we're never going to be able to use i also went and found the portal discover it had no eyes of ender yay so then i headed back down as we needed to get working on that am i really about to lead to sheep a thousand blocks yes i am i think the slimes are taking up all the other mob spawning so all i get is slime so i have to go to villages to get all these animals but we got them home and as you can see we're still having problems with the slimes in this village i don't know why so i went and made myself a load of shovels and got shoveling baby my arm is breaking i hate these guys so much i hate you all you all suck it's hard to do this right it looks like it'd be easy just shoveling some ground but they just get in the way look at them all horrible things after getting sick of slimes i decided to go out and adventure a bit more found this room portal right next to our village and it could actually be completed and it even had a fireball so i could light it as well lovely i went home and collected all my gold so i could do some training for those ender pearls and headed back to the nether but i also need to get one more blaze rod and this one is pretty good as you can see there's a fortress in the background and we got some bone blocks as well so we managed to get that one blaze rod we needed pretty easily as our eye of ender had broke earlier i didn't manage to find any piglets because they don't really spawn in soul sand valleys but i went home and just worked on my villagers for a little bit trying to get some more because i really need to get using these guys is they're going to be so useful but i just haven't done anything so while i was waiting for my potatoes to cook i did some farming bred some animals and then once they were done we headed straight back into the nether and uh yeah i managed to get this guy in the corner and we got trading and we got pretty lucky with all our gold actually we managed to get eight ender pearls as you can see here so i killed him and took back the remaining gold in case i needed it for later then headed home which is very awkward in these soul sand valleys but we got back and it was night time of course but it also brought us to our seven where we decided to finally get some of those lovely emeralds and i thought the best way at the moment might just be trading sticks as i've got quite a lot of wood just sort of you know hanging around in these villages i bought some arrows and then i decided let's go kill the ender dragon i went with my ten potatoes and i've killed the end the dragon lots of times recently so this all went really really smoothly we got shooting those portals and then i had to eat a golden apple because i looked up to enderman but then i got shooting the dragon you know what i'm gonna wait for it to just perch and fly away i'm gonna hit it with my axe and then this happened and as you can see from my hotbar i have no water buckets ah no slip that's the first time in a while i've died to the end the dragon what the heck what why couldn't i hit it oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh lovely first time baby how have i done this oh my gosh oh i just don't have enough food i need to go home i'm sad food seems to be the thing i'm struggling with most here there's not really like any cows wandering around so i have to wait for my cows to grow up and then i can breed them more etc so i am living off potatoes for a while but as soon as i had all my potatoes i headed back to the end and we went searching for some of those beautiful end cities and i found one and it was not a very good one as it didn't have a boat it was very close to the portal though i also kept running out of blocks while bridging which is kind of a pain and yes i did actually have to eat a golden apple because i was taking so much damage from the shulkers as i only have iron armor if i die like this i'm gonna be so annoyed these guys are doing so much damage oh this could be bad this could be bad this could be bad he's done it all right please have some diamond armor in there i need diamond armor so bad no no why is there no diamond armor all right let's leave this one this one's terrible oh it's nice to see diamond tools though for once i made some more slabs pretty sure this ender city is useless i don't think any of those rooms can have loot yo my blocks are just disappearing this that was trippy but finally i found the beloved boat i guess end boats are like buses eh two come at once all right let's see if we can do this i actually want one of the things to hit me now come on go for it go for it i made it i made it i made it all's okay all is okay just ignore my scream there oh oh yes the diamond armor the diamond sword fire protection terrible protection two i'll take but it means we can do this efficiency five pickaxe go away iron pickaxe don't need you more oh it's so good i should be able to make this yeah easily another set of wings let's hope we find another end city off this momentum yeet oh nice that's a nice end city right there finally full diamond armor home time before i went home though i had to collect that dragon egg of course and we can now float down to our horse who we're probably not going to be using as much and we also have a lot of enchantment points so i thought i'd use those by making an enchanting area but of course i can't actually enchant anything without lapis and the only way we can get lapis at the moment is through villagers i think that's the only way i'll ever be able to get lapis so i sort of sectioned off this little area down here brought a villager in on this minecart and we transformed him into one of those enchanting villages i can't what they're called clerics i believe whatever the ones with the brewing stands are called yes it's cleric i'm right i'm a minecraft pro we got trading for some redstone and some lapis lovely thanks fella i'm not sure if there is another way of me getting redstone that might be but i think that might be it for now but now it's time for operation destruction yes on our nine i decided to destroy a lot of the village like most of the village in fact you can see it's slowly disappearing i also added a pumpkin farm in and tried my hand at a cobblestone generator and realized i don't know how to make a cobblestone generator i rarely play skyblock so i just destroyed more of the village and got the cobblestone that way made myself some smooth stone as well as well as some dispensers as we're going to be building our first automated farm and what farm we're going to be building well it's an all mob farm i probably should build an iron farm instead this is the only way i could get iron but we got all the materials we needed which were not too awkward to get the redstone probably being the most awkward as i had to get more emeralds which is a bit awkward at the moment as i don't have any converted villagers but we struggled through and all the way through to our ten we managed to get all the materials we needed we got working on this farm which i'm putting just a little bit away from the village i don't want it right next door and i'm using a design by shulkercraft which is meant to build in the normal world not a flat world so i had to do a bit of you know like awkward rebuilding of stuff as you can see here as you may have built it into the ground but obviously the ground is only three blocks deep for me so i had to raise the ground it's all a bit weird but we got it sorted in the end we added in our collection system as well as our mob killing system which are these fires here and these gates which stop the water going into the fires and extinguishing them we don't want that it's not a very big farm but it does a good job like trust me it does a really good job it's one of those classic ones where they use the water flushing to push out the mobs and it's really quite easy to build it didn't take long at all i did keep running out of cobblestone though so you'll see i think i cover it in mostly wood and dirt which looks kind of ugly but everything looks ugly in this flat world so far we haven't done anything that is aesthetically pleasing in any way like i've destroyed a village planted some crops in a square and that's it well we got adding the final touches on the farm which were these observers and some water and then it was almost ready to go all we had to do since this is 118 was basically just enclose the entire fin so it was completely dark and mobs could spawn but look the water system's working isn't that nice it's still not working properly though let's get building the darkness and yeah as you can see lots of dirt lots of wood it looks ugly i know leave me alone it's not meant to look nice it's just meant to be functional all right but after we'd finished building the farm itself we had to make ourselves an afk spot which you could normally do with scaffolding but i don't have bamboo so i had to do it with dirt yay love building with dirt i'm just going to leave that there i'm not even going to bother turning it back down even though i do have a litre to get back up here and as you can see it's working look at all these mobs spawning in the washer comes along pushes them away it doesn't really work for the spiders but that doesn't matter i don't really need string for anything i more need the gunpowder the rotten flesh and the bones why rotten flesh well i can trade the rotten flesh it's quite useful i then lit up the ground outside to make sure no extra mobs were spawning and get maximum efficiency now it's time to test it i'm gonna fk up here for exactly 30 minutes and see what loot we get all right it's been exactly 30 minutes and i noticed i messed up and didn't oh wondering trader wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait anything good this is like all terrible i guess kelp could be useful i guess packed ice could be pretty good let's get some packed eyes not sure what it'll be useful for but i can't get it anywhere so but anyway what have we received in 30 minutes okay okay a decent amount of stuff by the way i know it is completely hideous and ugly it's practical all right it's practical i think it's time we did some building first though we had to make a better cobblestone generator we need a lot of cobblestone and that one is terrible since i know nothing about cobblestone generators i decided to copy one from mr cat there's a tutorial in the description and this one works very well as it can also give you smooth stone if you have a silk touch pickaxe and i decided to place it right at the top of where i afk so i can sort of do both farms at once clever right i know i'm a genius not really i can't even make a cobblestone generator i'm actually quite bad at minecraft but look at this thing i can now just sit here in mind just kidding i messed it up instantly and forgot to put the sign in which meant i messed up my other farm i tried to get down in time to save the water from breaking all my plumbing repeaters but no alas i messed up and yeah we we fixed that and then we got working on the stone generator which you just stand here and you get stone easy hour 12. let's do this for another 30 minutes shall we so i didn't make the full time it's actually been 23 minutes but look at all this cobblestone look at it all look at it all beautiful and this is all quite nice as well look at that that is really nice we're actually gonna work on a little base area i wanna get constructing something over here and we'll look for the most slime-free chunked area and we'll get building first though planning and what do you normally build in minecraft that's right circles i wanted to build my base out of circles i thought it'd look quite fun and we've got multiple circles going on here we've actually got one that's not a circle you'll see a bit later because it was just not very practical and right now i'm placing some wood in the ground stripping it and then coming up with slabs why joel that makes no sense why would you cover it up with slabs well you'll see in a little bit i also got myself a load more wood as i need a lot of wood and here's what we have so far however we need to change this what are we gonna do we're gonna dig a big hole a massive hole this took like two hours or more i can't remember it's a long time let's just say that and oh my gosh it was painful but we got the whole dug eventually we only did it too deep i was originally gonna do it all the way down to bedrock at three deep but i thought the dirt might look better underneath than the bedrock so i kept it as bedrock and then we filled in all the water lovely except not lovely because the water's meant to stop the slimes from spawning but i messed up and didn't put the slime chunks within the perimeter so we're gonna have to do some more i've already broken a ridiculous amount of dirt but i guess we can break more also all my armor broke because of the slimes hitting me you can see that i've lost a helmet my boots nearly broken i i tried to type at these guys that i hate them but they still are just so annoying like this is me here just trying to spread some water this is how painful this whole process has been with these stupid stupid slimes and doing this all to get rid of them and it's just so annoying but we battled through it and we spawn protected most of the area they're still slime spawning it's going to take me forever to get rid of them all to be honest to say i've uh mined some dirt and grass would be an understatement that that took a while but it's mostly done and mostly slime free there's still going to be slimes i can't get them all it's going to take me hours but let's collect some crops to take over there i collected up all my seeds all my potatoes all my carrots and a load of pumpkins to turn into seeds as well why because this farm here is ugly and i made those three circles there to put my crops on where it looks better also the water means i'd have to put fences around them as slimes can't get to them which is great then i saw this fella please please don't despawn what have you got red sand that could be kind of useful not had any sand yet nice i'm gonna buy some of this just because it will go here nice i then planted all my pumpkins in my pumpkin farm and got working on the other farms as well starting with our carrots of course and as you can see slimes are getting on again so i had to go to the edge of the water and place this fence all the way around and now you can see they can't get through you're stupid idiots they can't even jump over a fence but there you go we've got our fields set up we still need some more crops to fill it out completely but we're almost done and what we're gonna do now villagers that's right i got trading some emeralds from my rotten flesh which i've been getting from my mob farm i tried my hand at making my first mason to see if i could get some like cool blocks i managed to get the bricks of course because that's just default i think every one of them trades bricks mini can get some bricks blocks now which is nice but here you can see me leaving it nighttime that's because i was looking for zombie villagers and i managed to trap one in this hole here and then i forgot to put a roof on and uh he died so that was good i decided instead to head to the nether and look for something in particular something that only spawns in the never in a flat world and that is mushrooms i collected a few here just because i want to make some weakness potions but how are you going to get sugar joel you don't have sugarcane yet which is witches drop sugar i waited for it to be night again and killed myself a load of witches until i got the one that dropped some sugar it took quite a while i'm not sure how many are killed about three or four and they're quite rare to spawn but look sugar it's so wonderful i also trapped this villager here in a boat and i was like yes finally we can transform some of these zombie villagers i also had to go and smelt some of the red sand we got earlier to make some glass as i didn't have a librarian villager just yet i tried to get one but it was just too expensive for me to like level up his trades i did manage to get a mending book though which is really nice i'm gonna be putting that on my gear so it doesn't get destroyed by those stupid slimes in the future but we got ourselves our free weakness potions meaning we could finally get some good trades from all these stupid villager noises that i have to listen to all day when i'm just in my normal base bit here luckily i was okay for gold because of all the ruined portals and stuff and i thought i'd bring this villager a little bit closer hello no sugarcane yet i don't have any water please don't die please don't die please don't die please don't die please don't die no oh my gosh where'd the minecart go where's the blooming minecart oh it's there yeah i killed my villager i was stupid instead i thought i'd try a different method so i got a load of villagers into a separate room over here nearly killed a few of them but we didn't we managed to keep them all alive lured this zombie into a hole and then i lured him to the villagers and uh yeah i was struggling quite a bit with this guy he nearly killed me because i just couldn't jump up because he kept hitting me but finally we got him into the place where the villagers had it was just chaos look at the rum pass and then the zombie following is like something from like some sort of comedy movie but he kept getting distracted by me so i had to block him off and then i waited and listened for all the zombies being converted noises and then we had a room full of zombie villagers which i converted all five of them with one weakness potion and i wanted to trap them in boats so that they wouldn't kill each other once you know they started changing and i think they would do that so i thought let's let them all free and one of them had an iron sword and yeah uh this happened oh my gosh and they picked up my stuff oh my gosh they've all got my stuff on i hope when they convert they drop my stuff if not i've i've just lost everything okay good they do drop it thank goodness for that i've got my trousers and my elytra back and there we go lovely everything else my helmet was cursed of but my helmet was curse of binding so i think that's gone but five converted villagers lovely and i only use one weakness potion eventually they all got cured though and we managed to get them into these little holes here so we can start giving them trades to give us i went for some farmers but i also went for some clerics as well mainly because i wanted to get lapis and redstone and stuff and also the clerics will be able to trade gold in the future one gold is one emerald that's pretty good i also managed to finish off all my crop farms and make sure that they were all filled up with carrots potatoes etc and this also meant i could get trading with my other villagers that i'd already made and started getting some unique blocks that i hadn't gotten before i also got myself some more librarian villagers to get some more books now that i had like a sort of decent supply of emeralds i got myself um breaking free and then had to kill like a load of iron golems to get some more iron so that i could make myself an anvil of course meaning i could add the books onto my wings which means i don't have to worry about them breaking anymore because i had gone through three pairs so far i also wanted to get myself a silk touch book why well you'll see in a second i then use like the remaining of my enchantment points adding like mending and breaking onto all the tools that i wanted to keep and keep around as well as some of my armor as well my pumpkins were coming in quite useful now so i can trade one pumpkin for one emerald and all three farmers had the trade which was really good and now i'm emptying my chest down here and sort of like spreading it out a little bit more as we're gonna afk again now this is actually a smooth stone generator and i've got my silk touch pickaxe here and we're gonna get ourselves a decent amount of smooth regular old stone so let's afk here for a bit see what we get look how intense this is i'm mining so quick you can't even see it on this screen for some reason all right i don't know how long it's been but look at this look at it all look at it all look at it all all right i think it's time we started adding some height to this world this thing over here is way too flat and we don't like that even though we're in a flat world that's right we're gonna get building up the first two circles we had laid out earlier and i did a bit of like cobblestone and stone to be a bit of like sort of gradient but it just i've only got those two i would have liked to add some andesite in there but i just don't have any i also added some grass on the top as you see there before taking a little break before finishing the final one as i needed to fix up my tools as they kept breaking and i also needed some more rockets i'm very quickly running out of paper i think that was my last paper which is not good i really hope i see a wandering trader with some sugarcane but either way let's finish off the top of this thing i'm sort of do you know the hanging dirt and then grass on the top this wasn't my original plan but i went with it for now as we are getting quite close to the end our clerics are maxed out now meaning we can get these enchantment points a bit easier and as you can see we have a structure over there it's pretty crazy and we also have a lot of trees so i cut down all those trees as i wanted to get some saplings to place around the outside just because i thought it would look nicer it's just all flat land around i wanted to add some trees around and bow mill the ground a bit as well just to sort of take away from the constant slime that is just around it's all just slime and as you can see it looks quite neat i wish i could go all the way around but i ran out of saplings also slimes get everywhere i hate them but i decided to put the bones that i got from my mob farm to use by bone milling all of the water at the bottom just because it just looks a bit nicer than the dirt that's underneath but we just have that big grass blob at the moment so i decided to build something on it and what we're going to build is our house i know we're 21 hours in why are you just building the house now joel well it's because i didn't have the blocks before i had to sort of trade with these villagers to get different blocks and normally i like to plan out my builds but i just completely winged it with this one and i think it turned out quite nice i had to take a little break though to head to the nether because i needed a roof block and i wanted to get some warped wood and of course uh things went really smoothly as the usual definitely didn't die oh just kidding i died yay ah but luckily i had a lot of dirt so i was able to bridge my way back and get all of my stuff including all the warped wood we had just collected and then we could finally get finishing our house i put the warped wood plus some warped log stripped and some warped wart block as well gosh that's a lot of w's and we finished our house there i also decided to decorate the outside a bit by adding on some trees and also this lower level by adding more trees but is it looking nice it's looking nice up here and ugly over there but look at this we've got a little house i want to quickly fill out the rest of this island with some trees i just keep running out of saplings but i guess we could go chop some wood over there we're on the last hour now it's gone really quickly i thought i'd have time to build more stuff but i haven't let's get some saplings it's looking pretty cute up here this isn't what i was originally gonna do and in the future if we do 48 hours i'll probably change this to have some buildings on it and stuff but i just wanted to like fill it out for now so it wasn't just a big lump of grass i need a wandering trader for some sugarcane soon this is getting ridiculous my rockets are getting quite low and i did actually get one while i was building and it gave me these puffer fish these coral blocks and the cyan dye and we're gonna plop them down in our pond and just hope that they survive so we've got stingy pippin big boy and out big boy stop it andrew garfield there we go but anyway we probably should add an interior onto this base in here so i got placing down some floor i also had to go get myself some more stone which i use for the roof i would normally use different types of wood for the roof but i only have oak still because the wondering traders have not been kind to me let me give you a quick tour of the bay shall i it's very hard to decorate with the blocks i have but here's what i've got so far our sort of like main area storage room and then through here we've just got this i don't know what's going to go here i don't really have anything to put in here like what can i put in here i'm trying to think right now what do i normally put in houses like an enchanting area i guess i could put that over here somewhere nice we're on 0.99 day 121 but i want to see if i can get any weird items from fishing so we're going to do some fishing wait let's not do it here we've got this massive pond to do it in oh i was hoping to get a lily pad instead i got some puffer fish and some cod and the tropical fish lily pads are the only way to get them is from fishing but look at this time played one day that is 24 hours ladies and gentlemen no lily pad but look at what we've achieved here today we've done a massive amount of terror farming we've got some villagers some converted villages as well thanks to the sugar from that witch and we've demolished a village and uh got this weird farm here but there you go 24 hours in a flat world if you do want to see this series continue make sure to hit that like button thank you for watching i shall see you another time good bye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 390,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, flat, world, flatworld, flat world minecraft, survival, 24, hours, 24hours, 100 days, 1000 days, terraforming, crazy
Id: Skp5zi5DpVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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