The Enigma in Disguise... | Ep. 10 | Afterlife Minecraft SMP

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hey guys what's up ld charlotte here and welcome back to afterlife where i am living out my sixth life as the greatest enigma of all time and today i have devised a most dastardly plan to truly solidify my position in the history books you see in my short time as an enigma i have developed a very specific set of skills skills which others do not possess rather conveniently i can walk through walls so i wondered how i could use this to my advantage and i came up with the perfect plan to build the inescapable escape room then i'll just trap all of my friends inside and enjoy the show but to make this work i need a few things first i need to find a sea temple preferably somewhere close by so i can easily lure lots of people aha ac temple now let's get a little closer and hopefully ah yes perfect that's actually what we need the mining fatigue effect that is the key to my trap because you can't escape if you can't mine your way out so i will build my trap around the sea temple it just has to be within 50 blocks of a guardian oh no i'm drowning oh that was almost the end of the enigma right there because i forgot about breathing now no okay that's scary even though i'm invisible this is still very scary wait i'm not invisible how can i see me oh my clone disappeared oops wow every day the enigma comes closer and closer to death but not today because today we're building a trap i need to build my inescapable room within 50 blocks of an elder guardian so i think right under here is the perfect place and i need to be very careful when i place blocks because i also have the mining fatigue 12 seconds later dang it i knew this day would come my first misplaced block there the room is complete now all i need to do is empty it of water and you're wondering how i'm gonna do that well so am i [Music] ah right yes no i got it the solution is zog and sploosh slime yes who would have thought that this stupid slime would be the answer to all my problems because you see due to its unique properties you can still break it even with mining fatigue 3. so then i spent a very long time placing and breaking all these blocks of slime to get rid of the water and it was one of the most tedious things i have ever done in minecraft i would love to show you a highlight reel of all the fun moments but unfortunately there weren't any oh good bats are spawning in here great it is done the underwater room is underwater no more and now we can start to decorate luckily the bats had a lot of ambience but this guy has got to go you are the weakest link goodbye no oh my gosh help well that was stupid the next day please be gone oh sorry sir i was just admiring your legs sir they're very spindly i hope you don't fall okay now that we don't have any uninvited guests except for all of these bats let's start decorating so the first thing i want to add is a bunch of doors everywhere because i want to give the illusion that this place has emergency exits when in reality it does not this is in no way functional it is purely for my own amusement as i observe my trapped prisoners ah poopy i'd put the door in the wrong place i've done it again put my neck can't get rid of this now right um i don't really know how to handle this one maybe sort of pretend that this is how it's meant to look there next we need some decorations to keep them distracted for long enough that i can lock them inside i hope this does not look suspicious but i am just filling this place with random things like this it's an art piece okay i like it picasso also lots of barrels will make me see him very innocent there now except for the little elder guardian foot poking through the ceiling you would never know there was anything suspicious about this room whatsoever now all that's left to do is lure my victims into the trap and for that i have devised a plan and it involves a disguise ahoy there matey it's me captain lizzie sadly the enigma is dead and i'm on my next life as a pirate just kidding underneath this disguise is actually the enigma it's the perfect plan and since i am now a pirate after all i will lure them in under the guise of a boat race and the boat race shall end here in the inescapable room but it will start over here by spawn so here i've built some starting gates and i will of course provide all of the competitors with boats now all i need to do is build a race course so i'm going to mark the shape of the course with these trap doors and it's very important that i make this look really fun and interesting so they don't suspect any foul play so on this long straight hair i'm going to add some obstacles out of these leaves just to make this whole thing seem a little more legitimate there a little boat hedge maze for them and now my next idea is even wilder because i have some obsidian and i want to build a nether portal and this nether portal has two functions firstly to be a fun and exciting part of the race and secondly to move the races closer to my trap so let's go into the nether to create the rest of the race course now obviously i can't place water here so instead i'm going to place ice and now they just hop in a new boat and continue along the track into this next nether portal which spits them out on top of an iceberg a mere 100 blocks away from my trap and now we just build the rest of the course on top of this ice sheet so our races will be slipping and sliding around on this icy track until they get to here and this is where they'll drop down because we need to make a hole that connects to this tunnel tada the course is now connected to the trap all i need to do now is make sure there's a nice layer of ice for everyone to slide easily into the gullet of my inescapable room and then once they pass through the yellow banners like so they'll be trapped with no escape oh and i'll be here waiting for them of course so i've tracked down a potential group of victims here in this tavern in whitfill and all i need to do is convince them to take part in my pirate boat race without them realizing i'm still the enigma it's okay i grow big and strong when i drink your milk you're beautiful have another drink oh nice oh hi there ladies can i interest any of you boys in a boat race yes why don't you follow me let's go to spawn everybody argh mateys are you ready for the most intense boat race of your lives follow me down here please get yourself in a boat [Music] [Music] please keep your hands and feet inside the boat at all times except for the moment at which you pass through the nether portal in that instance you will have to jump out of your boat in order to be transported but then you've got to get right back in your boat okay okay can i get an r the winner is the first pirate to pass through the yellow banners and i'll be waiting for you there at the end on your marks get set go let's go let's go good luck to you those idiots don't know what they're about to sail right into well i'll be waiting for them at the very end ready to trap them in oh no we've had a premature death 12 seconds later [Music] you'll be the winner let's see who comes in second place oh it's jimmy the candy man oh my gosh and in third place beef whip where are the others uh well we might have lost one where's joey where is he joey always lost lynn you came last you came dead last matey and i also have another surprise for ye what is that just keep oh shoot oh what's down there just give me a second it's me it's the enigma i was never a pirate oh my gosh and now you're all trapped bye wait are we actually jimmy no no no no no no you can have some cookies well boys that was not how this was supposed to go please leave your respects for the enigma in the comments and i will see you next time with a new origin [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 2,260,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Id: 1xS9s46zPPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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