I Drained an Ocean Monument in HARDCORE Minecraft 1.18 Survival (#15)

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my goal inside of this world is to build lots of stuff in hardcore minecraft in an effort to return to building the city around my starter base i need blocks you better see scribe as it's time to get fishy for today's project i recently posted a poll on the channel asking for feedback on what to build next and well i thought about it today we're clearing an ocean monuments i really want prismarine blocks to build with and we're gonna need them for the ones i enlisted plus brain broken tree too big no more brain power to think only place sand and be fine one problem though as my rocket box is completely empty first a quick stop at the sugarcane farm where we hopefully have plenty yes yes we do and over to the egg-powered guest farm where we also have plenty of gunpowder this will be perfect much better that feels much better we might find some hobbits around the base soon because we've got plenty of doors and the last item is just going to be a little bit of milk from the cows flying away from the base we do have this ocean monument ready to go right next door to spawn but i'm a little worried that it's almost too close so i'd like to scan it real quick and see if there's maybe a sponge room in here no luck so far on a sponge room but we've got a gold room in here time to get out of here oh yeah really time to get out here these guys hurt headed west there's another ocean monument i always fly over except this time i can't seem to find it there it is the second guardian temple hopefully we've got a sponge room in here let's get inside there's definitely still older guardians so we've gotta move quick we don't have fatigue yet so we can get them maybe we can keep going oh here's a lot oh they hurt a lot let's use the fork [Music] oh yeah we're using the fork in here oh i lost my fork oh they do a lot of damage nope nope nope we don't want to be killed he's down ah i never put impaling on the fork that's why it does no damage that all makes sense now ah who even needs a trident now please tell me there's a sponge room yes another right hoe is a go let's get all of the sponges 33 sponges 30 sponges won't cut it no matter how porous they are and we're in it's definitely a new one there's a big fish hey buddy [Music] one down there he goes he's down another monument cleared there we go 72 sponges so far oh that's a big fish that's a big fish in my face yes another one down swimming around the post and hit and around the post it hit around the post and we got him it's like a nice little dance he's down oh that really hurt nice another another one down another one down no no no no no and sponge room yes yes yes yes yes 108 sponges down oh he hurts he hears a lot but he's dead stupid fishy yes he's down clearing out two sponge rooms inside of this final monument i now have just over two and a half stacks of sponges a quick little trip into the nether where we can dry out these sponges in the most beautiful minecraft asmr method possible these will go in here for later the first step to clearing out an ocean monument is removing all of the kelp and seagrass from the monument guardians only spawn within the perimeter of the temple but to make this look even better i want to clear out a large circle around this going to plots.co.uk i was able to generate a map for a circle with a diameter of 128 blocks back at the base now where i'm able to grab some of our leftover potions we've got invisibility and water breathing but we're going to want to add some redstone to these make them last a touch longer while those are brewing away we can craft a conduit for us this is going to be a massive circle but i'm really excited to build my own ocean empire here soon first we just need to recreate the perimeter in game so take an invisibility potion stack of blocks time to go the plush shape is now in and i just gotta get the circle going around this entire way first quadrant's now done and we just get a pick up on the next one one two three four five six seven eight and second quadrants done there's the third and here we have it the final ring is now completed this is a very big circle with the second invisibility potion we're gonna take that right now diving underwater to set up the conduit along the side of the monument i just need to run around now and break all of this kelp inside of new perimeter we've created the monument's now done and i've got about two minutes left on the invisibility so i've really got to hurry this up little messy up top but all of the kelp is now gone from the sea floor i missed one now it's all gone i think i hope i probably missed some removing the guidelines and we can move on to the next phase bringing a glass parameter around this entire circle it's a pretty long trip to get home so let's head into the nether break this portal down and getting ourselves all the way up to another roof we just need some ladders right here and throw it up like this under pearl and we are on top nice oh there's the gas farm but if we rebuild the portal right over here we can get back to the guardian farm and a very quick way home crafting 12 shulker boxes it's time to head out to the desert for the course rough stuff that gets in everything [Music] i think we've done it the first row of four shulker boxes is full oh boy and that shovel's getting very dead an archaeological dig site has now begun as we reveal the rare desert pyramid remember when archaeology was going to be added to this game whipbridge farms were members these choker boxes now full [Music] and here we have it the 12 shulker box is full oh that's a lot of items i'm going to start by throwing two more shulker boxes worth of sand into the super smelter which will mean we have a total of four shulker boxes of glass from here we're gonna need a load of light blue dye so i think we'll do six stacks to start out one sugar box of light blue but unfortunately could not finish the second we'll see how far this takes us for now we've got glass and we've got sand wait i just had an idea so if we take the circle and divide it with three lines we can position six towers along the edge now i just need to build these out here along the edge of the circle then we can start with the glass this will work great for the towers right that's just over seven stacks of concrete for the base of each tower [Music] second tower is now done our tower is now done which means we just need to replicate this on the far side next one's done come on buddy there you go oh he's happy there we go all the tower bases are now done i think it'll be best to swim down and start tracing the pattern along the bottom of the ocean with the six sections we created from the towers i'm able to break this project up into smaller ones for the tiny serotonin boost from finishing each of them instead of staring at a giant project this helps me to stay a little bit more motivated [Music] there we have it second section is now done and the sunken ship is fully inside we're gonna have to do something with that the third is now done as well [Music] and we're out of glass almost a third of the way done with the fourth section but i think there is a swamp bomb up here to the north what is going on here why are there no blue orchids anywhere clearing out some of this grass and much better actually getting flowers that took absolutely way too long but we've got five stacks of flowers for a bunch of light blue dye crafting up even more light blue glass i continued on with the fourth section of the perimeter wall which is now done as well and flying on to the fifth [Music] and there we have it the final side is done with these last glass blocks going in and i gotta say it looks really massive now for the fun side of we have to drain this entire area i guess we just grab the sand and get going starting sand pillars that are gonna go all the way across this is gonna be painful making little four by four boxes like this guy right here we can come in afterwards and drain it really quick with some sponges i've been at this for about 30 minutes now and we've got a lot of sand placed down but it is going so slowly i think i know something we can do to make it a little bit quicker all we're gonna need is one repeater one torch one dust and a piston now filling up on sand again torch here repeater dust netherrack piston in place oh yes oh this is gonna be so nice except so loud this is really really just getting in the way boys the entire first row of lines that we've had since the piston is now completed up and this has taken less than an hour to do all of this where that little section in the beginning took me an hour and a half oh no dang it ah with all my sandplace down i picked up the shulker boxes moving over to the monument and got to work on draining everything we have so far to be able to reuse my sand supply in the future instead of needing to harvest over 150 000 sand [Music] that is a load of wet sponges over here and a very dead elytra but we got a very good amount drained so far and it's it's progress it's it's progress welcome to asmr sponge drawing with whip i hope you feel relaxed and re-centered after this beautiful sound of sponge drying well there's no time for a break here we have an ocean to drain sponges torches pick up sand sponges torches pick up sand sponges torches pick up sand sponges torches pick up sand everything i could have cleared so far is now cleared and we've just got to put all the sand back down probably three or four more times finishing off day two of the project drying out the sponges one more time i was off to bed to get some rest before diving back into this project day three of the project began with placing all of the sand back down the closer we get to the center of the monument the more dangerous it gets as the guardians are spawning everywhere countless hours spent making trips down to pick up more sand and flying back up placing it down over and over again we've touched the butt we've touched the butt of the monument oh this is good we're making so much progress most fun thing you can ever do in minecraft oh yeah going all the way back down there [Music] all right new plan new plan there's too many fish around here i think i just need to like build a little wall every time i set up the new system that should keep me safe right another three hour spent placing sand and it's time to drain it all out with some sponges and keep moving you know how that catchy tune goes sponge torch sand sponge torch sand sponge torch sand sponge torch sand dry sponge torch sand sponge torch sand sponge torch sand sponge torch sand dry sponge torch sand sponge torch sand sponge torch sand sponge towards sand was that a lot yeah but what you didn't see is i spent over 13 hours today while i continued to place down sand that we mined up and drain out even more parts of the giant waffle until i could finally see almost half of the monument ah he's over there right down there is the start of the monument and that final line i just put in down there that's the edge of the monument realistically ali needed to clear that why did i more than double it in every direction i don't know but i'm already committed we're just gonna keep going i'm extremely happy to say we are much more than halfway finished now look at this almost the entire monument is now revealed which means the fishies will stop spawning outside of it at least but it is back to placing in even more sand i guess we've broken the world probably because we've moved almost 60 000 sand around at this point but time to pump up those numbers even further tackling the shallow section of the perimeter i placed all of my sand back down one more time to get ready to remove the guardian spawns completely from this area to save you all from the new hit single sponge torch sand here's the time lapse [Music] every pocket that can be drained is now fully drained we've just got this one final section left and i really think with all the sand i got in there we can probably finish all of it it's gonna be close but i think we can manage it but only one way to figure out back to placing more sand i'm really starting to understand anakin at this point in time just got back from a weekend away and of course i have a little bit of a cold now but i've been placing sand down like crazy because i don't really need to talk during it with just under two shulker boxes remaining we're getting so much progress done a ton more space to drain over here finally able to reveal about eighty percent of this entire perimeter where did a slime come from don't tell me this is a slime chunk down here okay well um that's good to know i guess look at this this is all we have left to do back to place in sand oh what the heck is happening here how much sand did i just waste what is what is this i thought everything was going right and what happened here my sand oh there was a kelp one kelp one kelp ruined it all you miss one piece of kelp and this is what happens well fixed it back tomorrow sand one final session of placing sand to finish the waffle before finally being able to move on and for the last time of this project drain out the ocean itself over four days irl spent perfecting sponge torch sand all coming down to this moment the moment where the final sponges are placed torches are plopped down causing the last of the sand to fall revealing the monuments standing dry and mighty in the sunlight everything is ready to go outside of the well inside of the temple which is still very much full of water and guardians but i need a break we'll come back to that in a minute we have some very very important things to do first you may remember a while back i added graves into my hardcore world to show who we have outlasted with names like green smallish beans good times to scar pixel riffs solidarity gaming and looney it's time to add another name into our world my good friend mythical sausage recently died to an iron golem 800 days into his own hardcore world first off we need some yellow banners and to hopefully find a loom around here somewhere ah there we go and here we have the banner of mythical sausage with no better place to put this than a tiny hot air balloon somewhere flying high in the sky [Music] unfortunately the banners don't load in until you're all the way up here but it looks really cool when you're flying next to it yeah yeah yeah now for the other extremely important tasks that we haven't gotten to in today's episode planting a field but also a quick update here as i live streamed a little while ago and built up this really cute little farmhouse over here and it's absolutely adorable with a custom birch tree and moss on log with that have you checked if you're subscribed a lot of you watch my videos but less than half of you are actually subscribed i really appreciate if you do that as it helps me out a ton by telling youtube people enjoy my videos also if you want to see the live streams ring the notification bell i've never said that before that felt weird okay back to minecraft bunches in hand time to start draining from the top down okay this is so far so good no right i'm a little scared about this room first we take out the fishies and then we hope placing sponges works kind of yeah progress it's got to be quicker than that no that didn't work at all drying out the sponges i got back into the monument and started clearing out the rest of it taking another hour or so and a few zaps later but finally there's no more fishy business here next up of the project is to tear down the entire inside of the monument so that we can build ourselves a guardian farm keeping the outer structure still intact setting up the beacon out in front of the monument it's time to get inside and break down some walls [Music] so now that i've drained the entire monument and ocean i realized the best way to build this farm is to build a near identical version of the top of the monument farm that doesn't involve draining it'll just be inside the monument first off in the nether i need a ton of soul sand [Music] i also need a ton of glass and thankfully we have chokers full of sand and we can drop these inside the super smelter crafting up everything else while they smelt down now to just wait for the glass to finish eventually i want to transform this entire monument but to be honest this is one of my favorite vanilla minecraft structures so i don't mind leaving it as is for now now here's the fun part i need to make a giant glass box full of water inside the monument so we'll get something a bit like this since guardians can spawn down until this prismarine layer here we just replace this with soul sand next up we stack up glass as far as we can until we hit the ceiling glass is all in place time to add in the temporary layer throughout here with some more soul sand with that in i added our fence gates and water going around this entire place to flush the guardians into the center everything is ready to go we just need a load of kelp to finish it which we can grab right out here oh wow oh that's a lot of fish oh we have a big problem flying away was a big mistake before i can do anything i need to take out all these fish no it's not working this is not gonna be good oh that's how they're getting out there's no glass around the back edge that makes a whole lot of sense but now for the fun of we take the kelp and cover the entire bottom i'm going pescatarian purely for the vengeance of wanting to eat all of the fish ever next up here we need to bone meal all of the kelp unit outside like this might actually be the safest way to go oh no yep that's not good okay uh how do i fix how do i fix how do i fix the water's all one block too high now right i think i wasn't supposed to remove the temporary blocks until the very end at the top finally the soul sand temporary blocks are back in place so we can fix this thing it's been a little dangerous up here but we're getting there we're slowly getting there after fixing up the top i jumped back inside the giant gloss box and cleared out all of the kelp to finish up the farm finally things didn't go very well though that looks super chaotic inside but everything should be fixed up now and ready to go installing these blocks of glass along the bottom should mean the farm is functional to test this thing out we've got to go high into the sky and build a little afk platform fishies should hopefully be dying like crazy yep one hour later and how much prismarine do we got please be worth all the effort please be worth all the effort oh that seems pretty worth the effort i'll be honest you can probably tell in my voice but this cold is kicking my butt i was planning to build up the towers as well but i think i just need to rest for a little while so i hope you all enjoyed today's episode please leave a like if you did and don't forget to subscribe but with that my friends i'll catch y'all on the flip side oh that's a beautiful sight there behind us please subscribe
Channel: fWhip
Views: 1,080,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fWhip, Minecraft 1.18 hardcore survival, minecraft 1.18 hardcore survival, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft 1.18 hardcore survival lets play, minecraft hardcore survival lets play, minecraft 1.18 hardcore lets play, Hardcore ocean monument, ocean monument hardcore, I Drained an Ocean Monument in Hardcore Minecraft, I drained an ocean monument in hardcore minecraft 1.18 survival, minecraft ocean monument, minecraft 1.18 hardcore Survival, hardcore minecraft 1.18 survival
Id: 9xeb8vQ4sRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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