My Most Recommended Must Have Survival Gear under $30 - Week 7

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hello YouTube it's Christian in today's episode we're gonna be discussing my most recommended survival gear for under $30 stick with me welcome back everybody and thank you for sticking with me like I said today we're going to be discussing my most recommended survival gear for under $30 now with that said keep in mind I can only discuss recommend or talk on gear that we actually have owned still tested or loved here on the channel there are thousands and thousands of epic bunch of price items out there but these are the ones that we've had access to to play with and feel fortunate to be able to bring to you the first item up is the pocket outdoor survival guide we actually gotten this from poor man's preparing subscription box shut up to them because we're gonna be doing some awesome outdoor adventures on our channel with their gear very soon however with that said this thing is an awesome little pocket full of knowledge it goes into detail about why survival training works by taking courses and practicing your skill set equipping yourself for your local environment for the weather conditions before you go outside some of the basics that a lot of veterans know but it's really handy for the newcomer to the outdoor world I am this is the CRKT minimalist and and if you guys check out there is a ton of knives and tools in this particular lineup this time because we have really gotten our hands on a lot of different awesome bunch of prized knives now this one we picked up ourself this is the minimalist clip point and I'm not a fan of really small knives but as you guys can see how it kind of just falls into your hand it is a super grippy super secure feeling knife on the fly this is like 17 bucks and if you're looking for a cheap knife you can wear as a neck knife keep in your pocket have as a backup blade or sticking into a tiny little EDC kit this is one of my favorites the next item up is the Polka pin and this is an 8 pack of pens that is designed to fit in your pocket I'd like to carry pins but for some people carrying a full sized pin doesn't work for me I like to go minimalist when it comes to the extra things that I wouldn't consider a necessity pins aren't a necessity but they can be very valuable day to day and with that said it's a really really really small concept and device but once you have it you still get a full-size pin to write with but the fact that it writes really smooth it's extremely lightweight but also I can stick this in any type of survival kit pack ABC pack go bag backpack it works those y'all who know me you know that I'm a sucker for micro everyday carry tools and these are no different this is a multi-tool that you can stick on your keychain from a tree utility and the true you till 'ti expandable pin and it's actually a refillable pin which is super super awesome you know but automatically comes with four trees three refills in total which is really nice it's gonna last a long time and with this having a knife some scissors a file and a couple of little handy tools having something outside of a knife to get the job done if you can't or choose not to carry a full sized multi-tool is really really really handy oh yeah got some folding saw action up in here this is the silky pocket boy this has a five and a half inch blade it is not a very big saw at all but we actually got this from the PMP prep box as well the four minutes of prep box and this little guy with the same ferocious cutting power as the big boy and the katana boy it will slice through a lot of wood it can literally handle four to six inch pieces with ease and it's really comfortable and because of the fact that it's so small I've been able to stick this in a ton of survival kits boom this is the four directions bushcraft fire steel elite this is an 8 inch half inch diameter fire steel now they were actually a sponsor on our 30 day survival challenge if you have no idea what I'm talking about you're just joining us for the first time there's gonna be an entire playlist break there are 30 a survival challenge should if I go check that out but with that said this fire steel comes in super clutch there's a lot of people out there who have a hard time using a fire steel put me people are really good at it but being able to leverage down on the last two inches or so of this thing plus the lander they provide and being able to have a stable foundation you can rein an insane shower of sparks down with this very very awesome fire steel and even in crappy conditions get a really really hot fire started very ma'am this is the glitch knock off a subcompact we actually got this from a company called bladeops they are based out of Utah but this is a really awesome knife and now keep in mind in some states some countries you cannot own an auto snappy that thing is crazy but the fact that you can actually get an automatic knife with a deep carry pocket clip very very very rigid construction but very snappy deployment and a twenty nine bucks is absolutely insane so we don't that we're gonna plug a link to that but like I said if you're not allowed to own one you can't buy one next is fire defense and yeah you're like Chris what this is a survival Channel yes it is and keeping your home safe and being able to mitigate disaster and loss in an SH TF situation because I would say that house fire is shtf now we actually discover this company from TNT first aid as a company that we found at prepper con 2018 and this guy when he was given classes was literally spraying this stuff on his arm literally taking a butane torch and lighting his arm on fire to prove the viability of those particular products and when I got to see this in the field and starting campfires myself and putting this stuff out very very quickly this now has a place where I have those in every single room in my house I literally keep one in the painting area where my wife's is stationed I have one in the kitchen I've got two in my bedroom I've got one of the bathroom one of my kids room and one it under the sink of every room in the house well I know you guys just saw the huge fire steel elite but let's say the fire still elite is not up your alley you want something a small concealed something you can bring with you an 8 inch fire syllogism oh tation I present the fire nicholas bible even the german company they have a fire steel on here with a middle scraper and it looks pretty freakin rad they also sell quite a bit of other things like folding stoves and cups and mugs that we're gonna get into later but if you're looking for some way to keep fire on you on the fly around your neck and your EDC and i take up any space this is a good choice this is the fire strip roll from production hangar 51 this is a 54 foot roll of fire strip roll this is a flammable wax material that is super awesome that unfolds very very very quickly we have thoroughly filled tested this bad boy and if you break this down you actually only need like a 1 or 2 inch strip and if you break this down into two inch strips which will give you well over a minute of fire sorting capability of per two inch strip you're literally getting 324 fires that's awesome and the fact that you can get a three pack for less than $30 is smooth I love now that I can not lie so let's say you can't hold on a banach knife but you can't have knives on you and you want a very lightweight backup blade for your everyday carry or in a kit or something this is the Leatherman skeletal KB for like 20 bucks this is my favorite little sub 2 ounce knife I think it weighs 1.7 ounces and it's using the same steel obviously that you would find in any other Leatherman and their full-size knife line which is I think is 420 steel but it is razor sharp it is super lightweight I can't tell you how many times I ended up using this freaking thing because it was just on me boom next up is a super lightweight backpack grill made on a titanium from a company called boundless voyage we're never gonna have links down a video description if you guys want to learn more about any of this stuff properly labeled so make sure you go check that out because that's gonna be easy ways to find this stuff but it is a grill grate yeah that's freaking awesome right now if you want to go ultra light backpack camping or you have something like fish food which is what we cooked in the outdoors with it on a couple of different occasions but I like to combine this particular Pro great with mice prongs that come from Merck wares this is a spoon and fork set that if you guys have watched my 30 day survival challenge you'll see that it came as super handy because I saw have sprung so I can manipulate the foods without getting my hands burned or getting too close to the fire so one of my favorite ways to carry at this is not under $30 these two items are but you can have a backpacking stove with you something super ultra lightweight but then rest that on top of this still get your food cooked in the minnow like burgers fish something that could be flaky and just need smaller closures and then that weight am look at that ultra light cooking rig it takes up no space at all now these are the peril volts by cerium and if you already own a Zippo my biggest complaint was Zippos as I would run out of fuel very quickly because the normal metal container would just leak out this has a rubber o-ring and also has impact protection and it's super super super robust let's say you want to get like an ultimate supremo package now this combined with the insert is yes more than $30 but this item and that item individually are obviously $30 or less so this is the vector 2.0 which is a butane lighter which is super awesome it is a twin flame it rocks out pretty freaking hard but if you are looking for fire that you can get started that will resist the wind and be waterproof and weather protected this is a really cool combo but if that little flat pack grill is good for an individual it's awesome for a one individual but if you have a group or a family I present you the you see you flat pack grill this is a girl we've taken out multiple times you guys have actually a video on our Channel we're gonna dropping some overlays sample footage of that but if you want to see a more in-depth segment on this or any other Garriott if I have to check out our channel feed for more episodes we have 700 episodes so go watch them so with that said this thing is humongous it's not very thick though extremely portable you could put this in a backpack but if you're trying to feed your kid your wife your family a group family at the same time but should it be ultra lightweight and portable I mean honestly this will seriously be able to handle some business boom so recently I did a three day adventure in the woods it was after my third ad challenge what kind of aired in the middle but if you actually want to see us in a little along the woods for three days we're never gonna play list right there so you can check out that particular video but this is mah Cusco that I actually got from uber leavin and this was basically my teacup I used this for hot tea because man when I had those days where I was not eating food warm hot tea whether it's pine needle tea black tea green tea I don't really care you drink coffee it still works but I really loved the overall durability and construction of this but the fact I be asleep was really really nice to have I don't they are the fireplugs from production hangar 51 these are a brand-new item now keep in mind at the time of filming this is actually only February 7th and you're probably wind up watching this video going dude Chris why you zoom in so far in advance well here's thing we do a lot of outdoor adventures where we take a lot of this gear and test it out into the field and we do our extended 5 6 7 8 10 12 day trips so there is a huge span of time that goes by in the editing and processing and filming of those episodes so being able to film in advance that's why anyway fireplugs they come in packs of 50 and or a hundred hopefully more but for those times that you need something that's better than a tender quick and we tested a side by side with cinder quicks tinder quicks are great they are super fast super reliable super handy so are these they do the same as that thing however they burn hotter and they burn much longer this thing actually was averaging five and a half minute burn times compared to the one and a half to two minutes of the tinder quicks they're both waterproof they're both great both super cheap but what I like to do is actually take them and cut them in half and I could put them in a little baggie like this to keep all my for my everyday carry put them in a little tiny kit but this gives me a ton of fire-starting capability in each of these little plugs will last anywhere between two to three minutes and be completely impervious to the elements next up is the toughen knife from Cold Steel now if Brown ain't your color they've got black blue orange red green yellow pretty much all the colors you can want but this was one of those knives that I gave my wife she got a lot one in black and every time that I needed a knife without before I got all those other ones I kept stealing it from her I kept using this knife and I decided to be nice and she could have it because this was one of her favorite knives her channel is called outdoor mama you guys can check her out I'll link her up there you guys can go show her some love but um this is a really organically designed knife that just works like if you've got to do some light detail work with your cutting boxes doing anything like duty it just it just hits man oh then you're sporting the Triad lock from Cold Steel which is world-famous which is one of the strongest locks in industry and the fact that this is so it's like 18 20 bucks man boom this is the Kershaw camp 12 it's kind of like the redheaded stepchild redesigned from the Kershaw Camp 10 14 and 18 series now I love those freaking tools now this was one I never got to check out we actually got this from house of blades we're gonna be showcasing quite a few episodes from them we actually did an episode that's right up there if you want to see it what we did some shopping in a shop to where they are actually out of Fort Worth Texas this particular knife is huge it's sporting some crazy like Egyptian scimitar Dothraki style freaking machete that hits really freaking hard when I use this out in the field I love it it's a very very thin profile still very much a machete but the 12-inch blade is just perfect sometimes I find 14 16 18 inches a little too long and 10 inches does work like anywhere between 9 to 12 inches it's kind of my sweet spot but this 12-inch blade with the fact that even though it's super big but it's still very very lightweight and that's 65 m in steel just hits like a freaking hammer and gets the job done quickly next up are biodegradable wipes from Barty Mountain Gear now this is the first product that I've seen from them that could have changed since this video is aired so far in advance but you get 8:30 back wipes for like not a lot of money and for reference Chris why are those biodegradable is in there because of these epic wipes I love these if you need these like a camp shower you're all grow to your runt or emergency or just plant some heavier sports there's a 31 inch freaking wipe now for me I like these wipes but I don't feel like paying $3 for a freaking white man a super expensive and this is the set that we've been field-testing so far that's in my little family's hygiene bucket so when we go to a different we would travel around different parts of the country and go to different Expos and visit different shops we have some stuff on the fly but we wanted something a little bit smaller but still much bigger than a normal wife and these are much much bigger they are big freaking wipes but they're not like the size of a towel so the fact that they can fit 10 of these per pack instead of wasting a one-hole one I just find a lot better so Wow back I decided it was a good idea to Lily my leg open well for those of you follow my trail you have a proclivity to actually hurt myself with knives just because I play with that all the time almost lost my finger back in the time and for those you who remember this particular product I almost literally slipped my femoral artery on my leg back in April of 2018 and this particular product the zip stitch was one of those items that saved my life the fact that I was able to do some field first aid all myself in the field was freakin awesome I use some clotting powder use this to close up my leg however this particular company reached out to me in ganna said Chris we loved your video you did we love the fact that you were able to test this real world we're sorry for the injury but we have a new product that came out and this is the new product I know it took like a whole minute to talk about this one little thing but they actually have the zip stitch laceration kit because they saw the need for some of the things they didn't have so they've got a bandage gauze alcohol wipe and zipped it all in one section so if you want to keep your trauma kit or first-aid kit super compact and lightweight this is a really awesome optioning boom we got an emergency radio this company comes from a company called esky it's actually has a really big speaker nice freakin port we actually used this to recharge this because we've been field testing it but it has a full Hand Crank on there to do your thing but there's a lot of Chinese companies out there who have infected the NOAA radio market and they kind of suck but the solar charger you're not gonna get epic solar charging but this battery that's on it is pretty freakin rad it is pretty freakin loud with the radio stations it actually gets in and so it the tie Cubs to actually step away from technology and start for that blank slate and rebuild your digital life you're not going to be staring into the abyss yeah you're not gonna stare into the abyss y'all but it does work very very well it's got a really nice flashlight on and that's actually pretty freakin bright and this is probably one of the best constructed NOAA radios that I've run into from a third-party that isn't the NOAA radio so outside a shelter food and fire what's one of the most important things you need in a survival situation are being in the outdoors voluntarily water you need water so I present to you the hydro blue water bottle filter thingy it's got a total the official name that I'm probably gonna blast across the screen because they sent this to us a few weeks ago it's been on the market for a little while we have a ton of different water bottles from a bunch of different companies but this is one of the cheapest ones and it works really well you get a filter that lasts like 10,000 gallons this is a brand new filter so calm down and I'll be tested this the exact bottle we just replaced the filter and we tested this and nasty just disgusting freakin swamp water and boy does this freaking thing handle business it's been about a week and a half two weeks later and obviously no one got sick that's why I love hydro blue and I recommend them so much because their stuff is not expensive but their crap just works yeah I'll stay on the water bandwagon for a whole minute this is from a survivor filter this is a three-stage water filter straw a ton of companies have actually copied this particular brand from renewable this survivor filters been out a long time so this is a freaking filter straw that has a carbon filter up top it has the hollow fibers down in the center right here but it also has the pre-filter built in and what is more awesome than a life straw sort of mini water filter all that good stuff a lot of those companies only do point to or point one microns which means it can filter out your basic crap this thing with this triple filtering system and all the goodness it filters out point zero five microns which is a on the crazy cellular level you're literally starting to filter out some of the really big nasties and if you're in one of the most funky situations and you really want to make sure you're not gonna get sick with a water filter straw this has got to be my most highly recommended that these are like eleven dollar gloves and these have been at the apps of best best best best best eleven dollars I've ever spent on a pair of gloves we're obviously gonna have links down in the video description because they have seen a lot of abuse and they're still going strong we've taken them on about five or six more adventures that are in the queue right now on the channel that you guys gonna be seeing soon so just keep your eyes out for all my future adventures but man if you're looking for a cheap pair of gloves that are gonna do you well and last a lot time would be really really really really really handy well as Lamont baby this is a field sharpener I love this thing it has a nice little finger grip on here so you can actually hold on to your knife really well but I love that fold out base to give you a nice cross t-section to be super stable and if you are looking for a sharpener that will get the job done so many people like the combat teeth are too violent hush me and it ain't that bad actually if you just take the weight of your knife and slowly and evenly drag it across the bottom you are gonna remove some material but if you're literally seeing curls coming off your blade you're doing it too hard mister heavy-handed lumberjack calm down and then for finding honing your end do they have the fine ceramic this is one of my favorite filled sharpeners that we've tested over the course of our 30 day survival challenge and beyond now you guys know who follow my channel beggarly we love Maxpedition pocket organizers we've got a ton of them you guys have seen the Fatih organizer I think this one is the big skinny cuz it's like really tall but you have the molle webbing the handle and if you guys are wondering whether this fire kit patches because a lot of you guys asked me not on the comments of the video you can actually give us that production hanger 51 this fire kit patch I just love keeping them on there however you're gonna be seeing in this survival kit here soon this is actually not just an emergency kit for survival but I actually keep it with me when I'm going and traveling around and doing different various expose I've got batteries and things for my camera equipment I've got some first aid and a lot of other handy things that you need as a filmmaker that are also good for EDC and survival this is called the spew I was trying to make the spew sound didn't want to sound more like pew pew but this is the CRKT spew if you're looking for those skinny knives just like the minimalist that's over there loose no f is freakin awesome it's in that same budget price point it's got a really cool design I just love this overall concept thanks super super super-thin in fact you can get this for like 19 bucks man see we got this knife a more of 511 from pur go prepare survival you can get them freaking anywhere but this knife is the champ for like 10 bucks being one of the cheapest knives that I would dare recommend anybody fact you get a four inch blade you not full-tang it's gonna be good for light maybe some medium duty tasks and carving but I know a lot of you fan boys out there who love the more a companion I could paint a heavy duty but for me the 5-11 can do all the same things those names can do and it's a little cheaper this is a titanium spork now with that said I love titanium I like titanium I've got a titanium grow out there I've got titanium stoves and this thing is freakin awesome man sporks you never know how much you want a spark until you don't got one but this thing is like 10 bucks is super freaking handy it's really thin but it's incredibly strong before its design and materials it's made out of but there is something that I'm trying to pressure my buddy McHale into making he makes roms like you said these are made of plastic and wouldn't you guys just lose and go giggly if you saw these made of titanium yeah you would boom well this just about does it for this particular episode of my most work administer all gear $430 now if you want to see more gear and different types of gear we have an entire playlist right here well we've done various episodes but that is the buzzer for now and if you enjoyed this episode throw this video a big thumbs up and share this out with your friends and family in your social media networks so we keep growing thriving and making awesome videos for you guys but thanks suppose for now hope you guys have an absolute what Apple day you
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 163,548
Rating: 4.8669691 out of 5
Keywords: Budget Gear, Most Recommended Survival Gear, My Most Recommended Survival Gear for under $30, Survival Gear
Id: aUJUQpTnVng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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