23 Year old #ABANDONED #storage unit | WORTH 30K

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three thousand dollars spent on a storage unit and you know what it looks okay but what makes it easier we split the cost split the car so we make it easier anyway storage action pirate i'll take it let them all behind the camera out right now and store stock here we're gonna make something happen to show you guys what we found [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys california is one crazy weather place and i decided to wear to work naked pants today no i'm not working naked oh man i got so what i gotta do is literally get naked in a place to be oh don't look down there look up here please thank you hey you got me getting excited make me some shorts right here right now on this table hope they're not too short i hope not too long booty shorts here we go [Music] they were good sweets i bought them for you it's ready so good sweats don't go far i hope my shorts uh oh you kind of messed that up a little bit it's kind of super short dude oh my god all right let's try this one look at that with the daisy dukes look at that stocking with the daisy daisy dude hold that in push oh yeah literally behind the scenes i never got my good drawers on if i got holes in the back all right all right so one the only these look short those look like one's legs gonna be longer than the other [Laughter] well there you go you look kind of like a zombie but hey a zombie why a zombie storage stalker anyway now that i'm gonna cool down let's take a look at this unit that we bought if you want to see the first half clearly a lot of it's on mike's channel go check it out oh no babe define a lot of it can you see what this says avon like we ain't got enough of that ah but it was a lot of hardships the best avon is the avon that sells itself a whole lot of arts and crafts stuff and i don't know what mike plans on doing with it for me personally ready to open up a crafting store stuff like this it isn't that bad though yeah waiting for you to make me offer right now and keep all the profit for yourself oh wait oh wait wait bird found in unit all right trying to make a thumbs up let's name him um let's name him um tweety got attacked in storage you know wait three green door behind right there okay don't get his arms in just get the feet hanging you got attacked by tweety really that is a pretty cool bird though huh well honestly this this unit right here the little things we're gonna pay for it's gonna take a minute but you sell some of this stuff make some money back and it'll be great but other than that all we can do what you want to bet these are baskets wait you need a box cutter all right never mind oh they're flowers hey somebody on tick tock literally went viral with one of these recently what is it it's i don't know it's a little thing and they were like we found something eat it it's food you eat that i'm never kissing you again he can brush his teeth oh well it smells like walnuts almost i think it's soap thanks don't eat it it's wax she thought i was actually weirdo look it even looks like something that's souring a little bit more don't mess up the ribbon oh wow well you know what you're really finding what you guys like so you guys are watching the video like why are they so excited with ribbon we're excited about the room because that's pretty much all we're finding but we figured out that the ribbon is a it's pricey because this is the other thing you're excited about face mask if you watch mike's video from the same unit we found a lot of these and a lot of ribbon and it's these are the ribbon we look up obviously we're not looking up baskets so we looked at the ribbon and the ribbon actually had a good resale value let me get that for you all right here no problem oh this is pretty neat what in tarnation ribbon dance is doing the ribbon dance it's called uh you put that in the corner of your shower if you have that many soaps well this is actually called a uh it's florals use it it's called a florist taurus and it's you put your flowers and your stuff in here and you make like your little bouquet so i think you just made up that name he called it a florist taurus soros taurus it kind of looks like a pogo stick so you get your flowers and you put them in see that okay why are you putting him on there i think you put the actual whatchamacallit on there box yes no this is actually worth about a hundred bucks you don't know you don't know what you're talking about what is it called then tell me what it's called tell me a different name you make up a better it's called apparatus apparatus mike what do you want to call it um it's a pogo stick you're way off and post it a flogo stick i think my name is powers go here's flores taurus you're in your florist you get to go to different countries and different types of flowers you know what get out of here so you know what i really do believe if this is like this is someone's telling alameda some little trendy young couple was gonna want this in the corner for their little perfect little trendy piece for alameda that actually is that like i was saying it probably is a hundred two hundred dollar piece yeah so far oh it's a freaking christmas tree no it's not it's the first fake christmas tree man what all that cutting i was doing with them things i just found the world's biggest scissors are those really scissors yeah fine so basically if you buy 100 in baskets you get one of these for free yep do they work 20 oh 2 19 cents each is it locked oh they don't work i think they're just for decoration it's still nice though we get a dollar each on those we'll be rich we'll be only a hundred bucks closer to our goal that'd be exciting open it come on maybe bring the camera in closer i want to save this bag we need every bit of profit we can get here yeah liz found a bunch of those on her channel avon valentine favorite spanish there's nothing avon didn't do that's what i'm trying to say right except for gold yeah they did go that's nice they get they go way back when though few pieces i'm i was hoping this is gonna have something exciting yeah that backstage it was weighty yeah that backwards why don't you do these three boxes underneath because they're just i'm not happy with avon i've been having a lot of avon lately flower business oh you know what let's see what are flowers the bouquets look like oh this would the whole unit's right here in pictures might oh so she was like a florist who did like whole unit we're taking orders right now um everyone you pick just be uh 300 a piece per camera we'll make them for you just place your orders her camera person sucked send your orders to locker where l-o-c-k-e-r-w-a-r-e l-o-c-k-e-r w a r e hey that's trendy yeah i'm not i'm not even gonna go through that like that i'm just gonna put that grab that move that drop that lift that grab this one look at this turkeys thanksgiving something you know what and uh they hang them on your wall look at this see they got the little screw hole like that oh and then you put the bouquet kind of got it there goes some more camera a framerate ephemera a family drama with dry what we don't do drama old wood in new ways oh look at this this is a good box of bases here why couldn't we find this right here this old camera look at all this the yadra no they're just wood like statues and stuff but look how nice they look hey i don't know you but we have a little less than 13 feet of storage yeah they promise us see them uh and two feet they're not giving us is worth about two grand you think no all right that box set besides the fact that the rat uh chewed through it i'm not oh wow there is another one down there babe yes there is me to tell me there's more your personal sampler i'm hungry samples made you hungry i'm on a diet wings are not bad for your diet right hot wings and carrots wingstop it is all right come on find some good stuff alex come on in babe don't make fun of me because i'm big that's funny what's funny samplers made you hungry oh wow look guys honestly three thousand dollars on this unit you know why it was three thousand dollars because simply the person just took some ugly pictures and they took a picture of like literally the front bottom half like three things that looked not even gonna start with them you know why because i love galore and i'm not going there with them everything must go basket though guys everything must go you know what all this um we definitely did miss easter on this one though we did but but it's always like that those are cool every time you uh buy something you're gonna find the things in it literally a couple days later hand it to me i'll take them you want this teamwork it makes the dream work well we found well now we're up to eight bucks and shelf there's another one back there these are homemade shelves dude minus five there's still shelves more baskets i'm waiting for them to come and give it so much tell me something total of how much product we got like when you watch jeebus and there's a total right now we're up to 12 bucks back on this unit all we need is two thousand one with three what did you see in here what did you see in here mike the photo sucked you're the one who got me look at this guy i was happy not buying storage units um it's like you got to get your feet wet you want to look this is moss look at that oh shrooms we're not eating shrooms okay speak for yourself oh look at that that's fancy do i look mysterious right off the bat i'm telling you i wouldn't know i've been what we've been doing i wouldn't if the pictures would have been better we could have seen more i would have literally probably not even been a thousand feel of the seat i feel like they've they've arranged the photos in a manner yeah i'm gonna put some here here here and here this business getting soggy plants well the beauty is we got ribbon so i don't think we could pay someone to take this what's it going you know what what's the going rate on the street for a pound of grass i think you can this grass and you know why you're not looking at it like that because you don't know what the market is you've never been in that market before well hey listen up this is a couple pounds here oh yeah we got 16 bucks in the ribbon all right um 892 i just keep going through it right uh-huh oh look at this tool oh that ain't cool what is that you know what these are what you know well you probably don't you don't you don't buy me flowers like i would love flowers every now and then but you don't buy me you would love flowers every now and then you want me to go buy you some flowers i like flowers you want me to go buy you some flowers why girls are it doesn't matter but you want me to go buy you look at me i can't believe you go ahead since when did it have to be just women get flowers you know men don't like flowers whatever i like chocolate i like smelling flowers you smell good oh yeah like rose petals all up against them i just like the way flowers smell and i love chocolate a nice little half of them on the walkway when i get out of the shower you know see he's over there he's trying to get romantic i'm trying to get romantic oh i found it i found it found it found it what'd you find i found it please tell me i found it what we've been looking for this whole time oh snap that money hanging out you just got money right there on the table yeah well it was in my pocket before i cut my shorts okay this is good right here these are what you call hats [Laughter] but they do fit me oh i like that pink one on your yep yep that's the one is this good enough for mexico no this looks like a more of a mexico color yeah yeah serious you look like a little old lady who wants to do her lawn oh sorry that one looks cool try the red one little old lady wants to do her lawn come on first we don't get flowers yep that one is perfect that one's better i feel like i'm putting the same ad on five times i think i like that one more this one that one nope that one that one's better you know what that one leave that one on for the rest of the video no hey this is actually a pretty nice hat oh it's actually a very nice hat look at that blue one i'm gonna take off the and you've got a brown one right here too well hey i was gonna try mom but then you just took them off she didn't put this in here in 1998 and then leave it she ran her business out of here that's what i was telling liz i think she ran her business out here what do you think i like that one i don't like her this one yeah okay try the blue one on my style i think the pink one the first one you that it reminds me of one used to wear to work a lot back in the day no i like that one this one yeah that one looks really good i'm going to end it with this one that one looks really good on you let's go back in the unit that'll look nice and can't take it yeah you might even nothing else yeah oh wait oh where you going with that buddy ladders you know what these would be cool for what to make a fairy garden when you want to paint the eaves or do your rain garden all right do you have a crater no well kind of sort of let's just put a bunch of stuff out there but the girls didn't yeah your dog looks like a killer the dog was like a straight killer okay we're getting into the good stuff now guys lizzy show you a picture of my dog from yesterday no look like a strange killer mike's dog got a muzzle it looked like he was ready to eat like kids and everything like you got to see this oh yeah look what i just found what is that tool do you ever watch silence of the lambs right okay it's this dog looks like look at it and then when he goes to jail he has a picture of uh it's i think a picture hannibal cannibal and a dolly [Laughter] wow why you guys caught him like because she chews everything so we're training her to not eat everything in the backyard now so you know what that muscles do as soon as they take them off they just want to eat everything no this hat gots my jaws like a second tight on my head she's mad as heck but she can't we're gonna find anything good in here uh i think we already did you know we found what did we find mike found uh a chance it's been a chance at opportunity there you go walk out of the the door just the seat like that the door open right and it's like a knock on the door so we the door was just closed this door knocked we opened it up much like that and we took a risk on our how many hours how you doing hi how are you doing [Music] no you know what happened to her what happened i don't know i was asking you just disrepaired i guess so i think so yeah just disappeared right out loud yeah can you get ahold of me even pay your ticket to get on the railroad huh oh man i don't know what happened to her maybe she's opening a new flower business somewhere else you wanna buy some flowers bite me wanna buy some flowers flowers yeah i grow my own okay oh i'll sell them to you if you want i won't give them to you all right guys good luck see you later have a good one stay safe the opportunity this is a great learning opportunity you know what not to do next time man i'm tired of taking out the opportunities to not do something next time i'm ready to do it this time i'm ready to find gold well maybe this is the opportunity to do something that you wouldn't normally do every time you went to bed that you should have the opportunity to come in there and say hey can i take a look at it first especially online huh yeah a little bit of known i wouldn't have bought a bunch of baskets yeah i'm not exactly happy though would i look like a basket case yeah within the last two weeks this is going to be my second another loss what my other loss had paid a grand for that was totally empty wait you say that as you have the hat on empty everything that one sucks but this one you know what you know what's good about this one is that it's one that even makes sense it's not a complete loss there's money to be made here there is flowers that are going to yield we'll go we've got the flea market we can get there's a lot of dollar items in here how many dollars to take you know we got some ribbons we got eight bucks and shelves you know we'll get some money back here you know and you swing the bat like i said it's like you think that you think that babe ruth ever had this moment where he was like oh damn you know i shouldn't have hit him back he wants the flowers now i shouldn't hit that home run you have to swing he was like yes for what you guys are painting the neck i had a helmet time parking park in front of my place i usually come and go when they're not here yeah me too so anyway uh uh whoever they are good luck to them yeah yeah are they still alive or they pass on i don't know uh they couldn't get a hold of her can't get all of them couldn't get a hold of her family nothing last may they rest in peace wherever they are oh yeah yeah right now you never know if you're looking at me don't tell me you never know sometimes you know now no we're not all right have a good one good luck youtube he's like you know babe he used to hit home runs right you think he ever was sitting there thinking later on man if only i had a swung at that perfect pitch it'd have been a home run right we would have not been happy here we're not swagging this pitch because it had the feel granted had they not been deceptive are you calling it a nine by three what is really called you guys are pain in the mirror not showing us photos that was kind of funny sorry she caught him with him he called you guys a pain in the neck i agree are we pins in the net i am are we paying for the neck i'm so happy i found these baskets you're probably a pain in the neck for people who um lose their units all right here we have nothing we have a whole box and i think cute little nothing to the handle yeah what's that people reseller live yeah you know what's good about it it's the first unit in a long time that i bought with mike uh it wasn't been like a couple weeks a couple years about a year huh yeah it's been all been over a year it's been a while this time doesn't matter time's irrelevant anyway stay tuned people because i don't know if i'm gonna do another video right here but you are gonna get a follow-up jar with water are you sure that's water i don't know it's something grounding it's not water it's blue drink it it's blues oh kitchen you tint that's the nicest thing we found so far in the storage right there this is it oh wait a minute there's jewelry i did find the jewelry anyway until next time peace out people
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 8,696
Rating: 4.8593531 out of 5
Id: L4sBTBn9fiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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