Abandon storage used for thieves hiding spot | I FOUND IT ALL! Nike Jordan collection #littlemama

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what up guys story stalker here little mama behind the camera like usual why are you walking so slow if you do a full panoramic you can see where we are a store rich facility why because i can't help it i have to buy me a unit why i want to find the good stuff why because i like to show you guys [Music] how we do it 140 bucks let's get into it [Music] [Applause] all right guys one of the main reasons i bought the unit you guys all know i like shoe boxes this is easy box jordan box jordan box hoopties but good brand and i seen this bag in here right nordstrom is that cheap stuff no definitely no not so it feels empty looks empty okay oh oh what look you see this what is that look no look is that a way to look look at this that's a way to get by the disguise that is a disguise that's a great discussion you know what i know you know okay look sorry i'm over just saying it you guys don't really know what it is i seen somewhere that you put your whole bag with foil around it and then you just throw stuff in there from like department stores that have the little alarms on them and it won't beep and you walk out because this foil does something to the alarm to where i don't read it so this is literally a thieving bag this is a klepto no literally that's everything i will it's not bolted to the ground so crazy but but that's a good echo but i like buying units like that because they tend to have good stuff i don't know i don't know let's see where should we start right or left side i want to see the boxes the boxes straight into the goodness just straight into the good news there are uggs yeah they were kind of whooped but still a pair of hugs jordan's in here just a sticker though maybe the chooser is in this challenge oh okay that's a little heavy size 11c they paid eighty dollars oh oh little baby jordans those are not the size of the kids um they're nine or ten one size too big throw into them kid just tighten them up real good exactly everyone yeezys that sucks seven and a half these were i think like the zebra ones easy boost 350 v2 no those are better than those those are cool all right let me get out of here oh there's shoes in here what size is this 7y i look like these probably some hoopties oh yeah they're okay yeah they could probably just use the cleaning to be honest with you they're kind of discolored bad mm-hmm which means that they might be older and not too much newer i don't know until here people know that you look at the tongue reading tongue they can tell up top the year okay let's see we got here sorry oh oh my freaking prediction was correct look oh i like that no look i know i see it they were taking stuff out of the store leaving the alarm and it wasn't beeping holy crap thirty dollar hat thirty dollar hat dirty dog that's whatever to eat you thought right unless we got it with some toys can you see in here oh yeah brand new little slime those are cute brand new little shorts those little brand new shop brand new drawers another maps oh mess brand new mask and the rest just looks like little kid toys but let's take it to the market and still get it all into little stuff like this i think they put this in their distilling bag guitar i don't think they put that in this ceiling bag hey it looks brand new though plays a song baby some tennessee whiskey [Music] holy shoot do not quit your day job come on i will never quit youtube back in the unit all right mac and nina see we got right here we got some toy oh look at a little robot these things be expensive don't they a little robot joint yeah i think so [Music] these looks like um with a little bit of change in it i heard some change in there no that was that one oh okay got it but there's a little in that's a camera oh wow that is a camera that's the camera on there huh what is this thing it's for the i know what that does it's like a nanny cam no what i bet you it's like a laser-like little show that goes on the wall oh that'd be dope i think it is it's broken in the corner but i think that's one of those all right put this stuff back in there um i'm not touching nobody's dirty clothes i wouldn't either huh i wouldn't either right there it looks like somebody dirty clothes should i go through it no jergens you didn't even bring gloves for all that itch all right stuff dirty clothes no stuff yeah i'm not in there let's bounce to this side see we got here more dirty clothes yep more clothes wait i had a tag on it that's brand new look at that these are nice is that alarm um there's a tag for 60 bucks for them shorts do you think i'll ever be that skinny yeah one day huh okay that's brand new this is brand new tag that's nice swoosh baby me and my stolen shirt come on just only if you've seen your own face i'm putting all the new stuff right there let's see what else is in here come on more new stuff um that's not new somebody wasn't a little tiny super tiny look at the little light no a little tiny thing that's pretty fancy i think the rest in here is like old clothes yeah they're like one new outfit sorry for all those tiny guys out there you can't keep a a woman warm where's the million dollars i have a i doubt we're going to find like some what are you talking about some good money or something this unit because of that but you never know you got a backpack oh okay zelda oh that's a good sign what is it oh you always face it towards you because i want to see first nintendo switch it's a nintendo switch you thought i was gonna say something else and how does it work are there games in there too no does it just go on or what these come off the edges huh yeah and you can use them as um little controller thingies how do they come off your gas is as good as mine look at that is there much in this system or is this the whole system i think there's more to the system does it look like the big tv yeah that's pretty cool are like 100 bucks easy it would depends on how much you're going for oh on the back sir missed or whatever you uh okay first no it's hard to tell don't take something is that new that looks new yeah looks new right you got the top to go with it is that new or am i tripping it looks kind of new fish it's nike nice that's it why did you like one good thing and then 10 bad things in each bag oh dibs just plain i'm not keeping the drums um little mama is happy birthday paper something these are just look like clothes these are probably like the kids stuff is this the charger or something for the thing nintendo yep that is a charger huh cool all right maybe we getting somewhere now where's the good stuff at in this unit come on good stuff uh it's a dirty sock that's not the good stuff more dirty socks what the heck they look like dirty panties to me you know what i don't mind this bag you know what just one bag five minutes a hundred bucks right all right that's good average 100 a belt bag or box you got a bunch of stuff look at that nice little purse wallet oops on the social security card and someone's hey the same card as you i don't have mickey mouse i just have a disney card okay so security card give that back probably have to take it to a jail or something because that's probably what these people want judging by their stealing bank well not stealing maybe they were just borrowing it i'll put these in my clepto bag put these in my pocket for now get into the office in the front we got a daddy back and two packs bam what are you kidding me iphone iphone lg iphone wow wow one that one's let's see what they are look at the bottoms i think this one got the sticker on it still but let's see what they are hold on mama i want to see this one still got this sticker on it i think that's a little safety guard sticker it might be new who is it the iphone s iphone 6s lg very nice lg um this one looks like it's missing parts turn it to the bottom what the is that the screen all cracked up yeah that's a seven and then a iphone one turn it to the bottom six do you have a six seven eight no we don't have eight we need nine ten but those are still good though right yeah put them to the side for sure that was a good find somebody got out of the cuffs anything else in the back no just some bus tickets and that's it nothing in the little pockets rich nothing wait what is that it's a pen all right that's cool uh-oh i think we averaged another 100 out of another bag for real what do you think i would say oh look come on baby it's heavy besides size nine it's paper and your phone's ringing that sucks some heavy paper maybe if i reopen it it'll let me shoes nope my size air jordan seven retros two more chances some periella that was your size really don't do me like that oh here we go that box is nice size seven um air jordan 12 retro gs i like the twelves these are nice let me see they need a bath but they're nice oh those are nice i could bring them back they were like once to a party and messed them up those are nice i actually could bring those back but make them look real nice those are hecka nice you wanna no oh no except for that 100 bucks out of another box and black most boxes garbage on the bottom are you okay that was disgusting what i just inhaled whatever was in here oh look at that that looks like burberry i'm sorry i'm having a field day right now now look look that doesn't like burberry burberry oh is it really could use a bath it's real too it looks real feels real looks real but it could really use a bath oh gift cards and gift cards are sometimes gift cards in diapers what we're going to check all them gift cards um we're going to check every single one of them we have we'll grab them all out let's see we have a save mart it says 100 that's state of california benefits we don't need that is that a gift card no no it might be visa cars blue anthem we don't need that visa debit that's walmart i think it's a gift card yeah another 100 gift card um that looks like the person let's see gift card you know what i'm not going to sit there and do that to all of them right yeah i was hoping you wouldn't it was a target gift card what i'm going to do is you went into the left lane i want to keep you in this the left lane is a fast lane yeah anyways inside a nice little burberry clutch bag thing you like that that's cute you want it no so i put that you can have if you want okay it needs a bath yeah we'll clean it and give it to you a pair of thugs nope they're uggs uh we don't with thugs we love uggs um they look like they've been running through the mud in those are these the boxes for the phones you still empty that's samson right samson oh okay okay let's get um nothing getting excited for no reason flashlight water resistant pouch for your phone that's pretty cool oh look at the gucci case for your phone not a real gucci case i don't know it looks like it it's nice it is so bad right here look at the bottom of this bag right i'll give the trophy back and stuff but look at the bottom of this bed there's like a whole bunch of just like brand new products like brawl lip balm uh charger medicines like it's all new stuff on the bottom right here look at airwick toothpaste cough medicine more flashlights oh wow calculator mask battery bolts medicines that's awesome and now that side look there's another bag on this side but that's how it looks like on paper there's a target bag down here what is it sounds that jewelry it is pretty no look just looks like this don't belong here dude no i wasn't tripping hold up where'd that go oh it came out oh look right here daddy yeah that's what i was saying that ain't on the bottom it looks like different jewelry that looks white gold silver probably here right now hold on hold it it says um this is 925 i think silver oh no the class is fake you can tell the clasp is fake but 925 italy okay it's a silver chain what is this this looks super fake it does look a little yellower than it needs to but that means it could be like a oh wait uh 18k 18k uh it says 14k on it nice that might be cool i seen that on the bottom of the box i'm like hold on no we heard it yeah oh here's the box sorry anything no it was just these i think rattling around this little set back in there i'll put that in my pocket hey that's good mommy how'd you find that dibs those are cutesy my babies are gonna love that but um they don't have a dvd player and they can just pull it up on their um what you'll call it i want to thank everyone that helped me get to a hundred thousand i set this award on your behalf the dream learn to achieve oakland elevate all right that wasn't bad now that's one of the things where you gotta get in the box now because you find one piece of thing cubic zirconia picture of someone nail clippers that looks like the whole box safe to say that if we take some of this stuff out you have to take all this stuff out and a lot of this looks like garbage except for that one new bag but it's all going to the same place so you know what they could dig through it when we get here this over here michael jordan sweaters that'd be nice to be able to black out our room huh like a hotel no because what we wouldn't we wouldn't wake up uh you want a wig no no neither oh it stinks i think those are used wigs oh look it oh it's brand new got sonis these are expensive these have to be 34 bucks the top is which is the top 49 bucks wow that's a nice little set put it on ebay put it on ebay nice little set put it over there what bag was that going in this one this one what's that it's a place victoria's secret with the alarm because they use their alarm stuff oh look at the tools of their trade they're hey what is that is that a dress oh red dress looking kind of cute with an alarm you might just put it to the party with alarm attached to you just make sure you keep your foil for you don't beat right what else you got in here are these new too victoria yeah brand new victoria's wow all right i guess i'll do those all right guess you'll get those the whole box is empty though i mean the whole bag is empty then we have ooh where's that at ferragamo where's that at whatever that is it's ferragamo and we have to find it what's this this ain't it right no that means some drawers yo keep that this was probably what's what the heck what size is it they tried to burn it off that's how you do it and then you just pop this the thing out of the middle what's your old storage or what you kind of just said that like you knew what was going down well we buy units and we do find stuff with magnets on them that we have to take off okay so yes little mama has learned how to take off david can you say lizzy learns all the time lizzie learns all the time i just said air freshener somebody's medicine and some clothes that's another good bag oh these bags are pretty cool huh yeah put that over there put that there put that in there can we go through this already we did that did we yeah yeah the brand new curtains put that in there like that let me see put it this way baby i'm just going to move it to the side for now this is nice but it's in your way and it's in mine it's not in my way that's cute see a little jacket do you like it try it on and try it on ew ew it looks kind of like a rat really yeah that one was nasty we got some a new nail polish what do you notice oh are these whatchamacallits that's cute these target bags been pretty cool let me pull that out i see tags in there already in the target back yeah as i said the target bag was pretty cool outside what is this big head baby big ass hit oh sorry big old head sorry big o head baby okay big warhead my god i'm allergic to the bull crap brand new it's all brand new no uh no put it dirty what those are cute all messed up did we just pay like eighty dollars for a pair for the year yes we did some drawers a bunch of little stuff that can go through but mainly just closed oh man i was sneezing my foot off right there yeah you were all right looks like we're moving through this stuff slow now up what else is in the bag that was it some shorts maybe here put that in here what is that oh those are brand new little jordan pants cute cute look like they got um bled on though not like actually bled on but like um something leaked through unless this is the color i think that's the pink oh dirty draws what the heck some dirty draws and some coleman quick air is this hair in there it looks like more curtains some more fake hair and one of these academy excellence you are the best stealer in the world what did you get awards for that best klepto bag goes to gina those are nice hopefully we can find the pears just one shoe did you hear me what best klepto bag goes to gina newest invention of the year of 20 oh yeah oh that one stinks yeah you're still touching it i'm still touching it i gotta go through somebody's don't say that please i have to go through it what if we find missed something we ain't in this thing to not oh my god all right i'm done nope i don't care something's good in the bottom we gotta look at that what'd that come out of it might have came out of that open yeah that's real gold too what is it oh i i love you come on keep going through the bag oh now i'm worried about if we miss some gold that is cute oh this looks like dirty clothes for iguana i'm not going through this normal this looks like dirty clothes nice clothes it looks like dirty clothes nice jersey thunderbirds looks like a team jersey or something reversible whatever it is yeah yeah i'm not going through all this oh yeah there goes the path to it yeah i'm not nope sorry that one dude we got here xfinity oh yeah see right here i sell the xfinity cameras on ebay more clothes these are more dirty clothes american eagles you look the panties are still on the pants come on that is so funny to me the eggs are still hot oh they still was boiling oh they were steaming okay so i'm about ready just to quit now and just load it all up because it's getting more like the panties medicine steph curry shoe what are we looking for the one jordan do i really have to look in this can we just dump it out the flea market you know i would say yeah just dump it out of the flea market okay well let's see if we can at least find the other one air force ones it was a gray 11 that you were looking for right yeah i don't see it these look like this oh wait oh wait oh wait i don't see it nope all right now let's move this way this looks like personal right here come on back mama this looks like personally pictures in there i wouldn't show it uh a toothbrush set but with no toothbrush which means they probably used it i think this is all personal some batteries oh what oh it just spilled i opened it wrong oh bubble gum no i think there was a jeweler in there mama i think there was a jewel in there but i opened the room that feels like real jade feel that oh it does yeah it does buy one get one free some bubble gum a key thing oh man i hate when i do this look can i open it you have a far oh you get on my nerves a gold nugget i'm not playing a gold nugget that's cute that's nice can i see that's real gold is it an earring it's earring oh yeah the elephant's fake but little elephant was fake but that's a real gold nugget here that's cool see i actually dumped it upside down and now i gotta touch everything oh well be more careful oh that's where it dropped look there's 50 cent on the bottom no not the wrapper guys just 56 we can't see that good in there anyways all right if i find something good i'll let you know check it out all right i'm not going anywhere some frosted flakes okay some hair products um we have a blow dryer pictures a knife if somebody wants to play with me and that's it that wasn't a bad box yeah there's like a little bit of a little bit of junk in this stuff but yeah i'm gonna use that yeah i just know you didn't kind of keep them in there um okay yeah alex you know what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna pack i'm gonna wrap it in foil and pack it and give it back because i don't want to steal their pictures it was a joke yeah all right i'm supposed to laugh at even my jokes when they're done i will i will say we're just sitting here rubbing you through this honestly long video we got some christmas lights is that one of those a little bit of this a little bit of that fanny pack it's actually pretty nice for anything there's something in there fantastic um a couple cities romeo and juliet romeo and juliet football pad no billionaire boys billion no it just says billionaire no okay no boys there's a bunch of movies that they didn't take care of so here you need your new yeah hawaii more bubble gum and elasti here okay what's on this side whoa oh [Music] they brush their teeth you look like you gotta go pee index carts all right it looks like more bubblegum guests think what it is yeah all right let's see let's see how correct she was i'm gonna say a million bucks you all right [Music] lots of it i'm over here digging through this no hands everyone's probably going crazy right now watching this what are you doing what is that a scale oh look it's all right that's it that's all that's in there that's pretty much garbage the whole box is pretty much garbage i took the only gold out right that was all that was in there yeah all right we got some never returned school bucks oh look on the bottom of that bag look at this oh wow holy cannoli samson motorola cheapo dear whoever you are we're tired of you stealing our stuff just fine i hope every unit this is not watching they're gonna try to beat me you know what i'm going to do with that mother yeah there's some good stuff in here all right let's see should we go to this bag or what let's show this honestly it looks like it might be an interesting bag all right let's go through this one first oh look this is all brand new here okay that's good money at the market right there it's a dollar piece right wait those are hair ties and stuff but it looks like all hair products some weaves and stuff like a whole ponytail natural those are good ones are they what oh yeah yeah you really want to go through this back you're done this bad looks like just garbage mama looks like personal the lighter burn some stuff oh they got dark uh-oh i'm gonna turn it on [Music] come here where is oh there it is should i come out here right here yeah come on just make a five minutes in there yeah that looks like the rest of it to be honest it does huh yeah and then these are all papers these look like notes and stuff all their paper and stuff and that's all paper and then we got a whole load of dvds dvds but i have a feeling these are probably all oh they're not scratch that's a game that's a ps4 game it says that but look that's a ps4 game okay what if there's like a game system underneath all these nope dvds two rows of dd's with the dvd player with the dvd player oh no that ain't a dvd that's a game ps4 grant that photo it's not in there it's probably one of the other things all right well i'll be going through that at the market tomorrow morning to make sure nothing expense is getting by let me step out oh oh don't fall damn girl you blessed just playing all right guys that probably was about an hour 36 minutes are you serious yes so i've been sweating and sleeping for like freaking almost good freaking hour and a half anyway get your breath soccer got a lot to clean up 104 investment was the batter good it was good good investment my dog peace out people see you next time
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 20,233
Rating: 4.8978872 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: Y1aRPdLegNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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