WE FOUND GOLD AND SILVER!! Paid 10$ Made #thousands | abandoned storage unit was awesome

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look the lady don't walk away no i don't know this song my love won't hurt [Music] gonna scare everybody out before we get started welcome back people today's the day that we open a few more boxes from the fantastic most beautifulest most bestest 10.88 storage unit right and this is the last well not the last step well there's a lot of furniture i have another video showing all the furniture because oh my god there was some good furniture in there judging by the stuff you've seen before but i'm ready to get into it because you know why i don't know but super excited if you haven't already go like share and subscribe come on he's almost at 100k we need to get him there soon because i want to see that tattoo and i know you guys want to see it too jumps down no james q music all right cue it baby italian ceramic you see that italian ceramics that's interesting also panoramic i believe in you we got more of their uh i don't know why that song's stuck in my head now don't work stop breaking my leg okay we have ceramics maybe maybe not oh wow where do we start wait wait wait okay where do you want to start glass you can feel it it's heavy there's some signatures well they feel like prince let me see a lot that's a lot of drama something like that very interesting look at him just sitting in his lateral lateral i don't know baby you ain't trying to pronounce it oh that might be a good sign because it would be like glass shout out to benji he told me something about like the bottoms of it the bottoms of the glass it was basically like pretty much anything if something's really worth value it'd always have like a stamp and stuff on the bottom um i think it was benji told me that or it might have been jack at the flea market not rocker nets but another jack oh wow what is this so maybe you should open it very carefully oh don't drop it same thing 5390 look at the little things that you got the spare phone on us um it's in the car if you want i can go grab it yeah she's cute now we'll just look it up she got what are these signatures or just like some people messed up on them or something i don't know that's cool i guess what if it's all the same brand it's not even cold in here but judging by expensive stuff that was in this unit another one damn she like what you looking at what you looking at same thing on the bottom little marks yeah little lateral is it in lot of raw drugs i said la dro gladro make me some tacos cause it's tuesday is it tuesday already look at this one this one is good [Music] yeah yeah yeah okay same thing more lateral that one looks like it's sun okay is that a stick or is that how it's supposed to be i don't know all right let's know people on the auction love these things these type of glasses all right right right or wrong i'm just curious what it is i mean honestly it looks a little bit like hummels to me but hey you look a little bit what you're looking at i think that one might be look at it's the same little marks from the other one like it looks like two little like designs yeah oh yeah they look kind of like hummus to me and humbles are really good but they don't sell that good so what do you mean they don't sound good almost there there it's up in the air for how much you're honest with you it depends on oh the baby another thing wow the baby is the baby naked the baby's naked is that baby guys this baby is naked is that baby or baby jesus baby jesus or baby jesus maybe i should be a little more careful yeah because it seems like you got a lot of glass is that italian you think it's italian that's probably what we can't pronounce because it's not in english it's called letter potato potato she looks cool potato potato you know what's crazy though none of these are broke like all the rest of the stuff we've been getting out of this thing she's like i got some oranges for you honey some oranges baby you and the kids are hungry what's this one's a big one they sure know how to oh too close to pack i got something in it should we break it open and see what it is no no this one got to eight 1988 let's see how much they're worth for for same thing collectors she said i'm getting my stuff and i'm going right that's the um that's that i don't give a what you talking about fool i'm out of here don't bump it to that table and break her back and her flowers uh oh the shirt the hawaii shirt kind of shirt is that the hawaiian original looks like we're gonna go to hawaii why does she look like this she said that's funny i really do like the expressions on their faces though look at the same stuff on the bottom same marks dang should i just keep stacking them on this table or what just be careful i don't want them to work for a whole bunch of bucks and then you're just and everybody be like do you miss handle dudes what if i broke one that's just to do it oh what you talking about you know huh what that looks like a negativity scene almost the baby the other person then the little lamb and then like the little crown and like what is it a boy or a girl what are you there's one in here oh snap almost oh almost dropped it you almost dropped both of them that's how they wrapped them not my fault oh that might be the nativity scene look they're all stamped what does she have in her hand it looks like some bread swallow that if you want like no bread than me what does it look like then bread whatever it's not solid lorraine it's not the real drone still could be worth something oh look at that a bell 1987 thing in the inside it's the drill too we're going to call him dro it's the dro too it's the draw but look you know what i think there's a couple of them there's a couple of these bells look let's yeah oh no they're saying yeah this one different color green this one has that other stuff that the other one had in it okay okay okay where's the phone i'm gonna look this up real quick it's inside the car over here both of my phones are right there both your phones i got two phones are you being a hater right now where's your ebay here no it's right here oh that's alaska airlines what are you booking ah hawaii flight where is it move what is it called l l a [Music] is let me see let me see let me see sounds good right here look the lady oh crap 325 23 watchers holy crap this stuff is expensive um i'm gonna need you a little be a little bit more careful you don't want to just pile it over there like it ain't nothing look at that 119 230. one of them had a number on it huh do we have any more in the box five four four eight five four four eight there she goes 95 bucks 40 bucks that's pretty cool signed you had it you know it makes it way more expensive every time whoo look at that price let's see what the signature looks like if it's on there oh that looks very similar very similar look at that mc something and it has a date on the bottom 91 that one says 94. oh we got the older one okay okay do we sell stuff like that at our auction or do we i don't know we'll figure it out but let me get this wrap this up real nice and put it back right here i think you have two more bales in there that's they look like them oh i didn't want to open them yeah they're built look there's some stuff right here too i almost dropped the bail sorry i wanted to make sure we have it go through everything this looks like another flower yes okay it's a cheapy 5 99 cents can i break this no yeah the other ones are bells and i don't want to open them if they're already right yeah okay all right let me wrap this back up i don't sound fabulous i'm getting packing right on baby be some more what do you say loretos dorados burritos drought troll yeah that's bro that's a recovery okay we have a statue a wooden one oh look at that guy where the heck is that [Applause] see what did i say mexican he looks very looks like it says mexico huh it does say mexico no it don't yeah it does it looks very statuesque i'm here to block these storages wait i need the right mark i'm sorry i don't know why i started the nutcracker he's weirdo oh baby i thought it wasn't packed right come on baby come on baby dominos what's your guess no guess no gas come on dominos no that domino's always i know what it is i know what it is mike always used to do this to me in the freaking box it's that game where you got the triangles and the little round things you put on get away from me things stop my leg and open oh there has to be some gold in there baby omg look at this big old thing that's probably fake take a big it would be like the last of it oh what does it say and a big old fashioned baby oh baby it says 14k swear right there 14k holy crap oh what you think on the pinky too holy crap can i see that what no back up we ain't dabbing none of that all right here you can see it oh my god oh my gosh look there's rings looking real baby look at this one that looks like a gumball kind of kind of thing huh 10k 10k has to be real 10k baby come on what the 10k which one is this one [Music] that one says 14k too no diamonds it just looks like fake like little blotches but 14k that's pretty cool come on baby be real be real baby come on this looks like some uh 24k gold your phone drinking baby now whoever it is oh no i don't think that's real i think that's fake let's put that right there oh i know that's real class rings are always real what is it 10k whoo baby oh this is a little bracelet oh that looks real oh no it's fading sorry i'm trying not to be happy monette it says monette on it i think that's a good brand i think it is too it's not monet but it's monet what is that that's pretty and that's pretty fake real didn't even got no stamp on it at all okay you know what it looks a little dull i think it's real it looks fake nope it looks dull this part it's crazy because this looks real you know what this looks like remember when i got my pinky ring when i found the 24 and 18 karat gold we found a i think it was a burgundy one just like this but it was 18k oh baby i hope that's real we'll see by the end of the day if my hand turns green it's not what's this you're moving kind of cuz you're in my light i'm trying to get away from i'm trying to see pat two four seven that's nothing this is probably gold yep that's gold a little stamp right there no i'm gonna show you some more rings oh look right here look at you with all the rings on your fingers what is this here add this to that to your finger oh you're holding out the big one baby i'm running out of fingers what is this one come on be something good there ain't no mark on that but that looks real for sure i kind of could tell that one looks real no me so you've got a couple of um couple of rings oh look that's ugly that is ugly but it looks real 14k that one's real 14k baby i'm running out of finger room good ish good ish there's another one oh a little baby nugget ring oh i have a nugget uh real 14k oh high five omg someone keeps calling you they're going to be a doctor well he's got to call you back we're a little busy right now 14k 14k on that one too because you know what so wait we found some gold are the rest of these what are they called for suits look another one oh my god and that's just one box in the bottom of this box baby oh come on be some more stuff there's some more real stuff what's that look gold here okay but i'm trying to find the names of the things that go on your cufflinks cufflinks oh my gosh why did i have a total brain fart and couldn't figure it out it's got this no there's a stamp on it but i don't see what it is it's a little gun did i go through all this part already it is that's a whole bunch of goodness that looks fake but there's a stamp right there that says 14k that says 14k yeah right there on a little stamp oh baby holy crap i'm sorry i'm trying not to get too excited oh my god we found a bunch of gold but then you found a rock i'm trying this that looks real put that over there oh a nugget a nugget that goes on a chain it goes on a chain does it say it don't say nothing on the inside you know what i'm gonna do with this best free unit ever i'm gonna take this one i gotta take this one to the shop around the corner from the house what did i say swing swarovski what are some nice little pins though disney look at that one baby this one that's a nice cufflink though you're over here looking like the man right now with all this gold on that ring silver usually the stamp be like around the edges but maybe that says 14k this is 14k right there or 10k one of the case oh that's nice you got girlfriends don't be trying to be my girlfriend now because you see you know how long it been since we found some gold stop get off my leg get my leg pregnant stop doing that dang it's been a while since i'm going i'm telling you i think that's it oh is that independent 14k number one uh number one odds i should have that on real gold has like a you know these are probably fake tad bit dim i love this i love cash and i i can't see nothing cause you keep blocking my life whatever i'll kick your life oh don't kick it that's all we got don't say nothing on the inside looks like it's peeling right there look you see that yeah that might be fake but also babe hold it down so we can see it baby oh that's pretty i like that that's really pretty it looks real might not be a little pearl earring another little pendant that one says something k on it i think it's 10 or 14. i need my what you call it babe what my uh my magnifying glass is my 10k your doctor's gonna have to wait baby love it'll be all right i told you we're gonna be recording well can we just get next thanks my doctor you're going to stop me right now so excited just found all this gold go ahead talk to your doctor now that you got your whole back situation figured out kind of sorted right and we bling like a mother sucker and we're gonna make a little bit of cash you want to go for big dad or little ones first that one oh nice pick baby i get all excited okay i like i like i love it a lot i think these are gold oh no they don't look old they look a little they look pretty though what are you talking about i'm looking for gold forget purdy yeah pretty oh that one i don't want to break can i see what's in there uh pin you show yourself i'm sorry yeah a pin maybe i'll just look to your camera and see what i mean there you go [Music] stingy with the looks send you with the lookies another minette this looks like a monet why does this look like a monopoly um pc yeah mm-hmm pretty though i like it all right well we found something can i pick the next one go ahead i'm trying to find some more gold and i'm thinking the big one come on come on come with it those are nice these be real though sometimes excuse me the clasps are i like pearls matter of fact can you fix my pearls oh it says 14k 10k 14k okay what is this one same thing oh it's a different bracelet i think it is silver hold on sorry i'm just trying to move around they don't say nothing but i think it's silver oh there's another one down there underneath that one there's another one oh come on million dollars million dollar watch oh what is that uh our electrotron arm ultron it looks like a cheeky tongue it's nice and it's got little faces that you can change out oh these are the faces you really want to i'm just kidding we got to see how much this works i'm just kidding i don't want it all i want is you it sounds like nothing oh freshwater pearl 14 karat freshwater pearl 14 carrots though did you guys see that i see silver i don't see no gold but i see silver off top right here look at it these are always silver these little things seriously show the camera i'm sorry well i gotta see two don't beat me up okay okay these are all i just don't want to get people dizzy from trying to look they're always silver but they're a heck of light but they're shorter those are nice oh look at that back there where wait hold on let me put this make some room for this up here silver this right here come on baby be gold be gold that is pretty it is it looks gold holy cannoli what's the name if you don't ravioli that's nice it's not real gold though i don't think it's pretty though let's see let's open it up see if it's gold hey guys finding all these goodies and i'm yawning over here that sounds good come on oh baby oh we need some more light you're in the maybe we spit spots you come right here for something there we go you see that maybe we should botch oh let's see that leave some light come on baby be gold some of that looks gold i'm not gonna lie to you the earring that's not gold okay what is this what does this say under it that's not gold i can tell by the color of the class but we're going to check it all though no i don't say anything we're going to check all this though because after all that other girl we found these are gold for sure the little earrings gold it's crazy after a while how you can just see it with your eyes that's not gold look to the faded yeah a lot of this just looks like oh wait these might be colder here that's probably cold i don't see nothing but yeah i don't see that in the back but we're getting checked come on baby where's the aggressive gold at so pretty these are nice look little earrings oh look at that whatever it's called monet or whatever not monet but they call that something mona lisa mona lisa i don't know what it is look at all the little earrings some of that's probably gold we're going to go through that and have that for sure at the auction come on you know i have an auction every friday every friday at 6 10 guys i'll probably get all this clean and just auction it all off what you think you know i seen something shiny through there come on baby come on baby oh baby oh nearly really is this silver are you stealing stuff nope what you put in your pocket weirdo i ain't got a steal uh huh that's silver that's really pretty stop putting stuff in your pockets sterling that's another silver earring look in the bucket silver earring sterling where's the other one that though you always find just one oh look at this baby mama what up baby you're over here looking at the julian you pay attention to the video look at these monette uh maybe some of the pieces are silver no little mickey mouse that's an old mickey mouse looks like a rat so that's pretty it looks like a wrap no i'm saying like you know the older that one says sterling they made mickey mouse look a little bit more personable yeah look at the little hat ooh sterling because he did the little mexican hat sterling that's nice that's hegemonized actually box i like charm bracelets a watch kind of watches it on the back it says ruthie 1940 oh that's probably like uh when you come back let's say yeah it says ruthie 1940. see now we can see how people 1940 ruthie i don't think that's cool oh look at that one oh that's pretty it's a nice little [Applause] it got some little hands in there oh okay just checking stir oh look at it a matching pair of stirrers over there it is sterling it looks silver not too excited over soda all right like a bunch of little silver pieces in here what's this a ring that looks like a golden almost uh pretty tricky oh sorry looks like a goaltender ring yeah it says something in there too i think it says sterling it's pretty nice is that a nose ring belly button ring you know what that looks like i'm not even gonna say it what a belly button sterling what do you mean look like a prince albert you talking about a ding ding picture silver okay that wasn't bad little box that was a cool little box actually hey this person had it remember that one martin lawrence movie uh what's it called black knight it's empty you thought it's a free sarah coventry right yeah sounds empty come on oh those are pretty you can tell they're fake they're probably like costume huh yeah whatever i'm excited to get up here to the top silver necklaces empty come on ring what may trinket box eyes are the camera oh sorry i'm over here like this sorry you're so excited it's okay i can't help it i wanted to read what it said here go ahead go through what you want and now which one look at this another quarter 1950. that's a silver quarter i believe so is this jade jade ain't this color right okay you'd be happy that's what it said guys i think that's j no it's more like granite it's nice though yeah there's something on the side of my head ah this all looks silver look silver chain oh oh oh i dropped the ring [Applause] you see gold silver looks like silver looks like nothing like nothing these are silver look at that boom a whole chain two whole chains oh one got the heart and the other one got a heart those are silver you can tell those are so i bet you they're silver two five come on baby nine two five two silver chains ah stuck on my finger all right what else we got up here a dollar that's a good ring that's cash money baby put that on that one ring's only worth a dollar nobody wants 57 pieces or dollar pieces half dollars one dollar oh three bucks cool and oh wow oh it looks so real i'm sorry that the design on that thing it's faded but that's tight though the design on that oh you're in the light mama you can't see it but honestly put your big head that way stop trying to look like you said honestly the pitcher doesn't know justice oh it's real that's real baby sterling nine two five that's real man only one of the change room come on baby nine two five but look at you look at you it's not real your head's too big baby it's not yes it is it's not too big oh my gosh you're gonna strangle yourself it don't fit didn't show the bracelet we found nine two five i'm gonna put it on man you making fun of me i'm putting it on anyways well hopefully you go through the clasp this time not quiet they only hear that man you sound like a hater right now what they say about people with big heads right what they're smart oh okay where's your mind then i don't know exactly that's kind of like me if i get choking me if i get some um pants to my hips and they won't go on my hips they're not fitting if it goes over your eye it fits perfect looks nice on you there you go look at you put the bracelet on with all the gold rings what i'm about to rip this box apart wait there's more i'm going in the box i think that was it right there's not more let's see oh there's this i was hoping it was candle holders or a lamp top all right all right what i'll do it what are you doing man watch out i'm not doing that oh that's a good thumbnail come on come on come on hold on hold on hold on hold on okay stay right there don't move dumb no time hold him up you look like you're can we get a light dang kevin how about you do it you're a pretty girl and you probably get more people's attention than me let's switch okay but my nails aren't done it's all right now the shop is closed bear with me hey look at you girl go wait can we put it all on before you start bamming and shaking your butt well look at those people come on we see us all that's cool they're gonna try to rob us stop shaking your butt here now do the sand all right i think that one's fake oh it's freezing out here there's a wind chill of fire damn look at all that gold on you baby mom oh no i wish i had my nails done i'm gonna call my nail shop i tell them i'll go into the back door dang i want this one too yeah give me that one too just put it right here put her there wait i don't want that dollar ring all right you ready nope put your face down you look fine girl oh i'm about to hit the button like i'm about to uh what'd you find oh jewels baby okay here take camera back maybe we should have you posed with some of this too like this come on you gotta make it look interesting shaking your butt is not going to make you warm so snapchat it helps okay here hold this too like this pinch okay okay pinch it pinch it sorry guys if you're getting dizzy we're trying to make a thumbnail here oh snaps and i pulled out her own gold on him one time let's see come on ready oh smile big oh look at that pearly white dang wait stop we're what i'm not taking a picture i'm over here waiting for you to stop to take the picture all right here take your counter back that was too fun don't stop it okay but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't it's time to go i know it is i'm freezing but there's no boxes i can't let boxes go now that we found gold oh that unit was awesome check your boy out with the bling bling one time how come i get the silver you get all the gold you know what tell everybody where they can catch all these goodies friday night on my auction i'm gonna go get this clean go see what's real what's not real and you know what friday night is gonna win damn baby and yes them coins i found a while back will be there as well and you know what else will be there i will i'll be there guys whenever it sells thank you for being here people peace out
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 13,672
Rating: 4.9269567 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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