What the Hales is Jeremy doing back in OHIO? I bought an ABANDONED storage unit, UNBOXING CHALLENGE!

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i told shane it was worth a dollar if that because you're not winning this [Music] [Applause] [Music] competition [Music] look at those little feet on there now this those look like little baby black yes is that solid sterling silver oh man sterling silver is that's got some weight right there that's money tell me hales what do you think oh man what the hell is going on in here what are you guys doing he caught us oh you guys coming take stuff out my uh storage place here uh buy it we're gonna buy it how is everybody doing today robert zeva auctioneer extraordinaire here and guess what i got some epic stuff here i just made a big purchase and i had to bring someone to come in so i called my buddy and i said hey what the hells are you doing a big person for a big purchase did i just say that right i think i did i think it did i think so i hope so but bye so what we're gonna do we're gonna do an unboxing challenge we got this stuff here plus there's tons of stuff in the truck so who knows what we're gonna find i'm ready are you ready oh you know i'm ready well since he's the guest i will let him go first and once again if you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for subscribe what are you supposed to do jeremy after you subscribe hit the all bell notifications sure you want to get your notifications you don't want to miss a thing and check out our past videos check out what the hails and you just never know what the hails you're gonna see all right what the hell's just found the hails of a box that's all i can tell you i'm a little jealous but the only good thing it's my stuff it was a really really good box so you're gonna have to check out what the hell see what he got and not creepy at all like this voice it's a little creepy a little creepy oh you know what i forgot to bring you what i cannot i can't believe it i actually negotiated for a hundred dollar deal at the one of the world's largest flea markets in the world two days ago for batman yo-yo to give rob and i forgot to bring it oh man and that in itself should mean that i would have won if i brought it but i didn't bring it you know what just go back to boxing back to unboxing and the the great thing here about when you do an unboxing challenge especially when it's at your warehouse you can make the rules so i'm going to do this whole stack right here because it's not in a box but there's a bunch of boxes but it's one one giant stack for mankind what do you think jeremy one giant stack for mankind and one big cheat for for rob auctioneer extraordinaire oh so i gotta win somehow after the box he doesn't ladies that box was awesome you gotta go to his channel when you see the box you understand why i'm cheating a little bit here because how am i gonna look at this we got a brand new model this one's brand new and the brewery i know that one always sells good money low and brown patrick's day the brewery is hopping right now we should be down there getting some uh corned beef and cabbage i had to drive through all the irish pubs to get here oh it's gonna be crazy it's crazy well that means did you ever play millennial apolly no i stay away from the ones what are the pieces i mean millennium i stay away from the millennium the pieces we got we got uh they got a astronaut an air biplane a viking ship sweet i don't know i don't know how they have to do with the millennium but i think it'd be like a computer crashing like fire you know vikings baby now here we go i should just challenge you in a game of electric football it's an old tudor this is a good one crispy now what's the big question always jeremy um does that tudor smell like your old grandma's tutor oh the pieces are there are they oh look at the boxes there dude oh look at that oh nice so we might be a complete side here here's your field goal kicker do you see the the little little football that's the question you see it in there anywhere you got the football there it is you find it right there see it oh my goodness it's actually in there piece of felt football look at that there it is you put in this guy i could just throw the pass wow looks complete i've never seen this little box before and i've seen the hundreds of these sets so and now you got a box and that's that look how crispy it is and i'm scratched up i would play you right now but i want to ruin it oh look at that that is a big ho scale monopoly how much that sell for 120 dollars oh hails are you feeling the pressure yet ouch are you feeling the pressure of the unboxing challenge i might be brand new jeremy look at this the foam's still on there oh look at how crispy that is oh wow oh brand new that is a cool set would you say that's brand new uh i would definitely say that is if it's not brand new it is kept in really really really good condition that is unbelievable but since the cellophone is is sealed right there i'm gonna say it's definitely brand new man what would you guess this has to be worth well if it originally sold for 120 patients how much is that worth i don't know yet 120 dollars look it up right now oh she's literally looking it up brand new though that's the thing you're gonna have 400 bucks two hundred dollars what did i spend on all this again 350 ladies and gentlemen it's not a bad not a bad spend not yet oh gosh the light is on mine i see hales over there pulling the cord just to take me out see he's like if i take rap out there's no way i could possibly lose this challenge and i could take all the stuff back to florida he's already got u-haul i just loaded up driver florida i see you hails that was your master plan all along from the very beginning last but not least another set oh wow once again extreme i mean the condition looks unbelievable i mean i'm not going to take it out of the box santa fe i want to say easily a 50 bill but probably 100 wow so 100 200 300 so i don't know that stack might measure up to what the hails i actually think he's probably about even right now so that first box i opened was epic it was epic so check out our his channel check out mine put in the comments who you think won and once again how the hell does he get so lucky tell him rob tell him how much money was in my last box 20 30 bucks yeah no no hundreds hundreds hundreds you're gonna have to go check out what the hell see what he unboxed the only good thing it's my stuff that's the only positive thing but i don't want to lose because just like him we're competitors we always want to win no nobody likes losing right so i want to go with this tote there's boxes still down here there's boxes here but i'm going with the stone all right i'll give it to you that tote looks pretty good first off vintage goodness look at that globe now what makes this globe cool look at this stand on there does it look like pangaea it might be pangaea it might be before oh is that a is that a map of when the dinosaurs could be if you if if you're not aware yet we have been finding dinosaur bones in florida yes and how much are those worth uh millions all right now let's take a look at this speaking of clocks it's a little mantle clock here oh the top there's a little broke oh uh oh jeremy found some stuff that's similar is this this is made in china as good as germany so not worth a lot man you should throw that you know what just since your clock is a little damaged why don't you throw this cuckoo clock in on your just to help you a little bit one of these i was gonna give you one of these all right i got these two cookies you got them both now take a look at this one you need the help so this is a nice one it's probably worth something anytime yet like the more ornate and carved they are the bigger size matters just like everything else but this has a nice bird on top and you know if you want to give someone the bird for christmas or holiday or birthday give some of the bird right here and there goes the weights nope that was the bird you just gave me oh see there you go thanks what are friends for another little cuckoo clock and anytime you have cuckoo clocks the things you're looking for is one made in germany that says western germany it was made after the war if it says germany before the war just take off the back and it's going to be marked right on here this one's actually marked 25 79 and any other markings yeah made in west germany so any time after the war probably 1980 i guess but my guess by looking at probably 60 70s and cuckoo clocks always sell well i always want this clock here i would guess on the low end probably a hundred dollars up to 200 this clock's probably like 75 50 dollars and then this guy if he just had candy in him he'd be priceless all it takes is a hungry man speaking of candy some stickers i thought we had something in there there's definitely candy in here it's been sealed in glass i dare you to eat it 2003 i dare you to eat i want a dinner i was going to dare you to eat it i dare you i know he's going to eat it i dare you to eat it 2003. i dare you to eat it i know patience will eat it i know she will i know you will eat it shane will you eat it the best thing is look it we got more i dare patience to eat it 2003 more candy what do you think of patience i wouldn't mind red character radio jeremy with headphones oh nice that's really cool that is kind of cool this little dude more m m's the 124 billion m ms are produced every year uh eminem tape dispenser you know nice it's like when you a man that has everything like yourself yeah there you go man you know what i actually have been looking for one of these i have i knew it i have out of the 124 billion m ms i was looking for two that were in a tape dispense look at this no motorcycle eminem there's probably m m's in the back it says right here the m m's inside eminem's inside i knew there was gonna be junk in that trunk there's junk in the trunk man there's enough for everybody some serious junk in that trunk one more i think he's empty i don't think he can open somebody definitely collected that last thing in the toe oh nice genesee cream ale or beer ale to go sign and one thing we know about bear science always worth money ladies and gentlemen and neons a little bit more money but this plastic one here for lights up works let's see if it does so if it does light up and work i know what i would say it's worth shane right here 100 i'm curious to see what you would say it's worth what do you think that's worth what do you think it would sell for on the low end because i sell it at auction a little bit different than ebay i'm low on 50 bucks high in 100 bucks at my option not bad not bad what do you think uh my tol shane i told shane it was worth a dollar if that because you're not winning this competition oh it does light up it's just you can't see the bulbs because it's but they're lit up it's not dark enough in here so it does work so that is a good sign so jeremy put that in your tote and smoke it that's what i needed okay uh said no woman ever to me okay so we've got the phone this is an m m phone it is it's an m m phone it is an actual working phone my name is i don't even know 1980s is calling right here you see that christian yeah isn't that crazy maybe yeah it's it literally is a phone wow you guys maybe not don't remember that stuff wow wow wow what the hell did he just find unboxing challenge i mean unbelievable he is one lucky duck but i'm still gonna win and don't forget check out both channels let us know who you think i figured size matters and i saved the big box for last for me right off top look at this jason thermometer barometer everything you could want in a piece with the eagle on top just like me on top champion victor that's a nice piece i was kind of scared where was going with that and jeremy right now says it's a it's a whopping 50 maybe almost 51 degrees in here so i see you're sweating over there this is warm it is hot why why am i darker than all of you guys why am i darker than everybody i like the pasty white patience christian am i darker than you guys too yes yes this is for uh look how it's a it's a reverse oreo it's a reverse oreo this is for i reflect for like i don't get hit by a car i'm like reflection you know oh look at this though hails hail's found some good stuff but oh that's a nice nice mantel clock right there at ingram look at that ornaments right there probably like our 30s 40s the model right there it's got the thing on the back nice piece and it's got the old plug nice i'm making money anniversary clock first thing i want to check for glass dome oh for the win for the win i just spit i'm sorry it's okay half off oh i broke my anniversary clock how much is it worth if it's broken jeremy uh depends it's an elgin elgin isn't too bad yeah i will put it back together it's just this little piece guys old elgin is pretty good look at that spin oh yeah you're good golden so more money we got clock all this is adding up what's in the box what's in the box ross says ford and there's like an x and a circle through it what's in the box what it's a pink plate what a yellow place it's easter plates we got easter plates like a little brownish and then probably a green just never know where you're gonna find well i gotta get something because right now i'm not winning that's kind of nice patience what kind of glass is that depression don't be so sad that's okay now depression glass we're just talking about that magic mike he's the way over there he was just learning all about depression device look at this piece for some reason patience is all about the depression glass i have no idea what do you think about this piece of patience those are worth like 35 or 40 dollars just like the bowl i don't know about the plate all right so am i beating jeremy yet oh look at this though that's kind of cool we got a blacksmith cherub baby baby blacksmith baby blacksmith baby black sheep oh you're missing something you're missing something right there almost been like there's a piece missing piece missing or something oh look at there's a forge mark on there that's a good sign huh so we got a baby blacksmith say that a couple times i mean that's priceless early have you ever seen a baby blacksmith i honestly can say i have never ever ever seen a baby blacksmith it's never priceless right one-of-a-kind baby gators yes uh baby taters we call them tater tots yes but uh never a baby blacksmith so crystal candlesticks gorham heavy cut crystal once again maybe 10 bucks not a lot this thing is priceless so i think i won already but we got this nice enameled cast or metal pieces this is mid-century modern and people will just decorate they'll hang these on the wall they'll put them on their table your coffee table just for decoration like that those aren't bad those are pretty good condition usually yeah they're all chipped not chipped so nice set like that that's probably another 40 50 bucks i still don't think i'm winning but we got more in this box of fun like that fire king hey look at this table though start adding it up all right i'm gonna have to turn the box sideways give me some space to be it ladies and gentlemen this is sterling silver this is sterling no that's sterling the reason you can tell if you look right here see that copper brass color coming through because underneath there's either copper or brass and that's the silver actually coming off so if that was sterling silver probably a thousand dollars nice sterling silver probably ten dollars but there's hope jeremy because look oh you got more holy cow hold on you got more down here with this piece look how ornate this is that now this is probably turn of the century early 1900s look at the ornateness i don't think this is sterling either it's marked right here silver plate company wilcox but just that nice ornateness there definitely brings up the value that's just a pink hole come on look at those little feet on there now this those look like a little baby black yes is that solid sterling silver oh man sterling silver is that's got some weight right there that's money tell me hales what do you think oh man oh holy cow i don't think it's quite a troy ounce it might be more that's good that's really good and nice as silver's it has value but as a decorative piece it has nice feet it's ornate so it's going to sell for more than what sterling scrap would be worth so this is a piece i definitely put an auction or in my private vault where i swim around like screwdriver jeremy know what i'm talking about cluttered yeah you've invited me over to swim once yes fbi this is roger silver plate this looks like silver plate but there were no look at the little lions outside ornate now this it's kind of a cool little dish asher i guess and no it's all marked right there now is any of this sterling silver jerry you're a master sterling okay this looks sterling patience and christian are now the they're now the experts oh wow look at this whoa 1881 1884. so the very first piece i pulled off sterling sterling sterling look at this cup dude dude that's incredible 1884. it's dated what does it say on there helen that's awesome wow so i'm touching something here that 140 years old about made a sterling silver and feel that jeremy that's that's handle has got some weight he found this is sterling so right now we got three pieces of sterling that's awesome all right now if we got some of this is sterling man looking for the marks i think i'm gonna win this one jeremy now i'm winning this is silver plate this one i don't know i think silver plate too come on definitely silver plate but this is a nice and what goes with that other piece that we had that was all ornate i don't know what we did with it but that's right here these two go together that's the sugar and the creamer that's a really nice set if we just had the teapot that match that now these baskets sometimes could be sterling silver you ever have one of these they're only silver jeremy i don't think i ever actually have found them solid sterling no did you just read that jeremy sterling silver you got to be kidding me sterling silver feel that oh my goodness that's gotta be that's probably good five troy ounces and silver right now is what about 30 bucks an ounce a little bit less yep so 150 dollars this is not sterling i do not see a mark it says it says made in italy but if it was sterling it would probably have a line or something on it since it's made in italy last piece jeremy very ornate is it really sterling goodness it so it is 350. i paid for all this stuff wow just in sterling sodas sterling this is sterling this is sterling and there's two other little play right here so that's the nast stuff right here that's probably all my money back and then everything else you've seen on my channel and on what the hails channel once again guys if you haven't subscribed i don't know what you're waiting for where you're to see stuff like this unbelievable unboxing competition and the best thing is the stuff you see you can actually buy it www.secondsense.com that's right www.seconds.com we ship everywhere in the world even to florida guess that the crazy comma that's a nice bike though yeah how fast have you drove and driven on this oh i'll bleep it out don't worry that's where you guys can talk to each other yeah that's awesome i'm freezing just yeah thinking about it dude could you imagine going like 80 miles per hour with the wind just blowing on you it's cold it was 30 degrees 30 degrees you guys are crazy man it was so cold my legs were purple like borrowing the dinosaurs that bad yeah they'll get warmer i'm sure but we have crackheads meth heads i saw the van you got towed out of there life of my neighbors if they don't clean up the property i stole their van which they illegally i didn't steal it they illegally paid for my property so i hauled it i like when you were going through it mccoy thing going on and i love it it's the best thing in the world i am going to beat some serious butt these guys are our meth head crackhead what the hell's unbelievable came in town had to go through some unbelievable stuff hope you guys enjoyed the unboxing challenge make sure you leave comments on both this is another thing i got my 350 deal this nice beautiful neon lone brow it's even got the wood custom clamp stuff on there and then shane this whole bag take a look at this eminem cafe rock and roll 24 hours due out dispenser it gets better shane and they have you know collectibles m m's probably not worth tons and tons of money but definitely worth money we got another dispenser here and this bag is loaded once again 350 dollars for the deal check out both of our channels you say who won put in the comments don't forget to subscribe hit that bell you want to get all your notifications and man this one's one of my favorites the blues cafe sunglasses are down there on the bottom look at this man just with the shades on how cool it looks you think that's it shane no you know i love the dust look at that one wanted and there's still more in here everyone's favorite the red eminem he's pretty filthy though he needs a bath there's still more down machine look at this one last but not least mike's favorite chain favorite the yellow m m how long do i have to sit here in the lazy boy whoops i think i dropped some candy and the cushions right there 13 bucks back in the day but you know if you get 10 bucks a piece 10 20 30 40 50 60. i mean adds up quick neon sign easily 100 bucks 350 deal and you have to see all the stuff on jerry's channel and you've seen the stuff today so much other stuff keep watching never know what you're going to see
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 7,087
Rating: 4.958549 out of 5
Keywords: What the Hales is Jeremy doing back in Ohio, What the Hale$ Jeremy and George, 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio, I bought an ABANDONED storage unit unboxing challenge video, Train sets Monopoly, sterling silver, # what the Hales, If you like this video check out https://youtu.be/LdBM5664Ff8
Id: rRNsqucwUp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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