21 Human Foods That Can Be Toxic For Your Shih Tzu

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I have listed here the most important Shih Tzu food to avoid while these Foods may be safely consumed by people they should never be fed to shitsu because of the serious health problems they can cause and even kill your Shih Tzu there are some foods that are extremely toxic and not safe for shiitsu to eat even in small amounts knowing what shitsu cannot eat is really important in keeping your dog safe here is a list 21 human foods that can be toxic for your Shih Tzu number one caffeine caffeine can kill your Shih Tzu and there are no antidotes symptoms include fits rapid breathing restlessness muscle Tremors heart palpitations and bleeding ensure you keep all products with caffeine in them well away from your dog this includes tea coffee cocoa chocolate sodas energy drinks and so on this also means the grounds and beans of coffee number two onion any form of onion can kill your Shih Tzu red blood cells thereby causing anemia the shitsu are a small breed even a small amount of onion can be fatal if not treated fast enough onion toxicity in dog symptoms include loss of appetite vomiting breathlessness dullness and weakness the following fruits are similar to onions in the effects they can cause so it's best to never feed your Shih Tzu any of the following foods for those same reasons number three avocado avocados are very dangerous to Shih Tzu particularly smaller breeds because of a substance called person while it's not necessarily fatal for dogs or cats to consume the symptoms can be nasty these include diarrhea vomiting and or constipation if you know your Shih Tzu has ingested avocado watch for these signs and if they occur get them to the vet the more serious risk is that the big round seed in the avocado can be swallowed and get stuck in your shitsu esophagus intestinal tract or stomach the green avocado peel may cause internal damage because of its sharp edges as it's consumed number four raisins raisins have certain similarities to grapes and create the same serious problems raisins are highly toxic to Shih Tzu and this also includes jams and jellies that are made from these ingredients the wisest action is not to include raisins in anything your shitsu is given to eat number five plums kinshitsu eat plums the fruit isn't the problem it's the seeds and pit that cause harm alongside peaches and persiments plums are toxic to shiitsu because the seeds can be easily digested so there is a double trouble issue with Plums the seeds have been covered but any jellies or gems with Plum peach or persimmon seeds can cause major problems for your Shih Tzu number six milk and other Dairy Foods is milk good for Shih Tzu the lactose in all dairy products can cause your shitsu to suffer from digestive problems and diarrhea Shih Tzu food allergies often include milk so use caution when giving your Shih Tzu milk I'm sure you don't want to intentionally make your Shih Tzu sick such products can also trigger allergies if consumed regularly itchiness is the typical side effect number seven peaches Plum and Peach pits contain cyanide poisonous to dogs and people Shih Tzu are generally clever but some still don't realize that fruit pits can't be eaten as with Persimmons Peach are extremely toxic because the seeds are difficult to digest by Shih Tzu so it's wise to not give them to your shitsu at all number eight walnuts walnuts bear some similarities to pecans in that they can cause Shih Tzu harm if eaten it's because they have a low level of harmful mold that creates negative effects that bear a certain similarity to pecans if your Shih Tzu eats walnuts they can also suffer neurological problems so it's best not to feed your to any walnuts to prevent such problems from occurring number nine macadamia nuts I don't like macadamia nuts so there aren't ever any in my pantry however if you love these nuts keep them away from your Shih Tzu this applies equally to other products containing these nuts if your dog does consume even a few it may prove fatal six nuts are enough to make a dog sick but because your Shih Tzu is a small breed it can take just two or three nuts to make him ill number 10 garlic garlic has some similarities to onions as well they're highly toxic to Shih Tzu and other dogs the potency of garlic is five times greater than onions so never allow your shitsu anywhere near our garlic number 11 leeks are leeks poisonous to dogs leeks also belong to the onion garlic and shallot family if your Shih Tzu consumes any of these ingredients he can become anemic over time as well as experience other health troubles you shouldn't force your Shih Tzu to lead an unhealthy tough life when it's easily avoided number 12 raw eggs there are dog owners who feed their pets raw diets and tout the benefits of raw eggs for their dogs but there can be two possible problems with giving your dog raw eggs the first is the possibility of food poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E coli the second is that an enzyme in raw eggs interferes with the absorption of a particular B vitamin this can cause skin problems as well as problems with your dog's coat if she's been eating any substantial quantity of them for a long time number 13 fat trimmings fat trimmed from meat both cooked and uncooked can cause pancreatitis meat is an important part of your Shih Tzu diet but make sure to limit the fat content if you are preparing it yourself consult your vet for more information on what kind of meat content your specific Shih Tzu may need number 14 coconuts and coconut oil a little bit of coconut is unlikely to harm your Shih Tzu but the milk and white flesh of a coconut is known to cause stomach upsets in dogs the reasons coconut water should be avoided is due to the potassium in it at high levels too number 15 raw fish salmon trout Shad or sturgeon can contain a parasite that causes fish disease or salmon poisoning disease if not treated the disease can be fatal within two weeks the first signs of illness are vomiting fever and big lymph nodes thoroughly cooking the fish will kill the parasite and protect your ahitsu cooked fish like salmon can be an excellent source of protein good fats and amino acids number 17 yeast dough yeast dough can rise and cause gas to accumulate in your pet's digestive system this could be painful and can cause the stomach to bloat and potentially twist becoming a life-threatening emergency the yeast produces ethanol as a byproduct and a dog ingesting raw bread dough can become drunk before it's baked bread dough needs to rise and that's exactly what it would do in your dog's stomach if she ate it as it swells inside the dough can stretch a dog's abdomen and cause severe pain in addition when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise it makes alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning number 18 Xylitol xylitol is used as a sweetener in many products including gum candy baked goods and toothpaste it can cause insulin release in most species which can lead to liver failure the increase in insulin leads to hypoglycemia initial signs of toxicosis include vomiting lethargy and loss of coordination signs can progress to seizures elevated liver enzymes and liver failure may be seen within a few days candy gum toothpaste baked goods and some diet foods and peanut butters may be sweetened with Xylitol always read the label before giving your Shih Tzu processed food number 19 currents are currents poisonous to dogs from the same family as raisins and grapes currants are toxic and must be avoided completely the real problem is that currents can be found in numerous healthy foods for humans including Bagels bread trail mix and various other baked Foods for this reason don't give your Shih Tzu any foods with these particular ingredients in them number 20 cherries Shih Tzu can safely enjoy eating some fruits but cherries are one to never give your palm the leaves stems and pits all contain cyanide and are poisonous to people and Shih Tzu cyanide poisoning is common among dogs but the other serious risk is the pits of the cherries because they can cause obstructions of the Airways intestinal lines and digestive tract in shiitsu number 21 nutmeg you want to know if can dogs eat nutmeg and if nutmeg is bad for dogs can dogs have nutmeg nutmeg is a common ingredient in foods that are baked humans can enjoy it without any problems however nutmeg is toxic for Shih Tzu and all other dog breeds the compound that causes nutmeg to be toxic for dogs is known as meristasin if your Shih Tzu does consume this toxic food stuff he's likely to experience some or all of the following symptoms dry mouth disorientation a rise in blood pressure abdominal pain an increase in his heart rate hallucinations and the possibility of seizures the best thing is to never let your shitsu have any baked goods as many have nutmeg as an ingredient even in small amounts nutmeg may cause diarrhea and Mild vomiting so it's best to never give him any rather than even a tiny amount
Channel: Animal Guide
Views: 58,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shih tzu, Shih tzu Food
Id: EFl0tfwZRvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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