25 Secret Foods That Can Help Your Shih tzu to Live Longer and Healthy Life Forever

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the only thing wrong with shirtsu is that they don't live long enough but one way we can help keep our dog healthy so that they live as long as possible is by ensuring that they are getting the proper nutrition which includes antioxidants that's why in this video we will share 25 foods that can help your Shih Tzu to live longer and healthy forever so let's get started number one watermelon Shih Tzus can eat watermelon they contain fiber and vitamins a B6 and C that Aid digestion they also contain potassium which helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes watermelon contains 92 percent water which keeps your dog hydrated during hot weather number two salmon feed your dog cooked salmon as it contains omega-3 which is good for their coat salmon contains healthy fat which supports the immune system and helps them to have a shiny coat it might also help your Shih Tzu combat their allergies however do not feed them raw salmon under any circumstances as it might carry parasites number three yogurt yogurt is yet another protein-rich food that you could offer to your shiitsu in humans yogurt helps maintain the digestive system and supplies calcium to the bones we would recommend plain yogurt instead of any flavored yogurt that does not contain sweeteners for your sheetzu's health you may likewise want to consider if the dog is lactose intolerant if so avoid Dairy containing products number four peanut butter it's incredibly rare to find a shirt Tzu that doesn't love peanut butter it makes a great training reward or you can just smear some of it on a chew toy to keep your dog occupied for hours luckily peanut butter can be good for dogs in moderation it's full of protein and healthy fats and it also has vitamins B and E by the stuff that doesn't have added sugar though and make absolutely certain that it doesn't contain Xylitol which is toxic for pups number five eggs would you like to give your Shih Tzu an additional boost of protein well you can count on eggs for that chicken eggs are good for dogs mainly due to their high protein levels with a lot of macro and micronutrients they are quite nutritious Foods they also contain essential amino acids that are essential for your sheet Sue's survival these are amino acids that dogs cannot synthesize on their own eggs also include healthy fats minerals and vitamins number six green beans do you want a low calorie food substitute for your overweight shark Zoo then fresh green beans are the best choice for them they are high in fiber and vitamins but low in calories so that your pups can enjoy them in any form plus it is filling and satisfying you may serve canned beans or unseasoned raw beans if you are too worried about their well-being you can cook and serve them without seasoning number seven sweet potato sweet potato is another great alternative it contains fiber vitamins and iron and can be given to your Shih Tzu baked or steamed it can be easily digested too sweet potatoes should be given to your dog in small pieces after they have been cooked number eight Pumpkin full of fiber and vitamin A the pumpkin will make a great treat or add it to every meal you can serve it raw cooked or canned if you do not add anything else to it it is a nutritious food no matter how you choose to serve it still always make sure the pumpkin you serve is free of sugar and spices because this veggie is high in fiber it can reduce constipation number nine coconut Shih Tzus can eat coconut they contain fiber minerals vitamins and antioxidants that boost your dog's immune system it helps prevent viruses reduces inflammation and can even help treat a yeast infection coconut oil makes your dog's fur shiny and gives him less dry skin number 10. rice Shih Tzus can eat rice rice is an excellent source of fiber iron thiamine vitamin D calcium and riboflavin rice is also a common ingredient in most dog foods however you can also feed your Shih Tzu's brown rice which is a healthier option than white rice number 11 legumes legumes are a natural plant-based source of protein for your Shih Tzus they provide a healthy source of essential nutrients like iron magnesium vitamin A vitamin C vitamin K and antioxidants number 12 kidney beans shitsus can eat kidney beans they are a great source of protein and fiber as well as being packed full of vitamins minerals and antioxidants however you should only feed them cooked kidney beans because raw kidney beans contain phytohemoglutinin a type of lectin or protein that is toxic number 13 chicken Shih Tzus can eat chicken chicken contains a high amount of protein that meets the nutritional requirements of shih tzus and it is also present in a lot of dog foods chicken contains omega-6 fatty acids that will provide healthy fur and glucosamine for healthy bones number 11. legumes legumes are a natural plant-based source of protein for your Shih Tzus they provide a healthy source of essential nutrients like iron magnesium vitamin A vitamin C vitamin K and antioxidants number 14. shrimp Shih Tzus can eat shrimp as long as they're cooked plainly shrimp is a nutritious treat for dogs since it is a great source of protein and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals however you shouldn't give your dog raw shrimp since it can contain dangerous bacteria that might make him ill to prevent your shiitsu choking always remove the shell from shrimp number 15. peanuts Shih Tzus can eat peanuts peanuts contain a lot of fiber several vitamins and healthy unsaturated fatty acids however you shouldn't overfeed your dog with peanuts due to their high fat content which may upset their stomach they can cause obesity because they contain a lot of calories number 16 bell pepper Shih Tzus can eat any color of bell pepper they contain vitamins a B6 c and e that boost your dog's immune system they are low in calories which would help your dog's coat skin and eyes they also contain 92 percent water which would keep your dog hydrated during hot weather number 17. carrots Shih Tzus can eat carrots they are a nutritious snack choice that can be eaten raw or cooked they are extremely nutrient dense and packed with phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties they include fiber potassium calcium iron and the vitamins a k and C number 18 noodles shits us can eat noodles noodles contain micronutrients such as manganese vitamin B folate and iron despite being a food low in nutritional value the caveat to feeding your dog noodles is that it should not be a regular part of their diet if they are not allergic to weed or eggs number 18 cabbage sauce can eat cabbage it contains nutrients like fiber and vitamins C and K that help fight diseases boost your dog's immune system and Aid digestion you shouldn't overfeed your dog with cabbage to prevent gas and you should always cook them before giving them to your dog for easy digestion number 19 corn shits us can eat corn provides your shitsu with fiber protein vitamins and minerals linoleic acid and antioxidants are also abundant in it however you should only feed your dog a small amount of corn because it contains a lot of carbs number 20 lentils shits us can eat lentils they contain nutrients like iron and folate which are beneficial to your dog's health in general lentils are ideal for helping your dog feel full for longer because they are also very low in fat and calories while being high in protein and fiber your dog's skin and hair boost the immunity and lowering inflammation number 23 cranberries can eat cranberries they are a superfood that includes fiber manganese and vitamin C E and K additionally they are anti-inflammatory prevent cancer and strengthen the immune system they possess antibacterial qualities that can Aid in preventing and treating urinary tract infections number 24 spinach whether cooked or raw spinach is full of iron vitamin K and a variety of antioxidants it's incredibly healthy for both you and your pup it's unlikely that your dog will eat spinach on its own but you may have more luck if you mix cooked spinach in with their kibble most ice cream is safe for dogs to eat but that doesn't mean they should it's extremely high in fat and sugar so don't give your Pooch more than a taste also check the ingredients to make sure there isn't anything toxic in their many diet desserts use Xylitol as a sweetener
Channel: Animal Guide
Views: 32,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shih tzu food, shih tzu live longer, shih tzu food to eat, best food for shih tzu, Secret Foods That Can Help Your Shih tzu to Live Longer, shih tzu
Id: X8gbUiGYj-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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