5 Ways You Are Hurting Your Shih Tzu Without Realizing

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In this video, we will shed light on five  common ways that you may unintentionally   be causing harm to your cherished Shih Tzu. By  gaining awareness of these potential pitfalls,   you can make thoughtful decisions and  prioritize the overall health and happiness   of your beloved pup. Let’s get started. Number 1: Feeding them table scraps.  Feeding your Shih Tzu table scraps is one of the  things that can emotionally and physically hurt   them without you realizing it. It's important  to be aware that certain human foods can pose   a threat to our beloved canine friends. Foods  like chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, and   avocado can be toxic to dogs. Feeding your Shih  Tzu table scraps containing these harmful foods   can lead to various health issues. Therefore,  it's crucial to avoid exposing them to such risks   or opt for dog-friendly food options. Human food  tends to be rich in unhealthy fats and calories,   which can potentially contribute to weight gain  and obesity in dogs. By being cautious about their   diet, you can ensure their overall well-being and  maintain a healthy weight for your furry friend.   Obesity is a serious issue that can lead to  various health complications such as joint pain,   heart disease, and diabetes. To avoid hurting  your Shih Tzu, it's best to stick to a balanced   and nutritious diet specifically designed for  dogs. Talk to your veterinarian about the best   food options for your Shih Tzu and avoid  feeding them table scraps or human food.  Number 2: Ignoring their dental health. Taking care of your Shih Tzu's dental health is   crucial for several reasons. By providing proper  dental care, you can effectively prevent dental   diseases, alleviate any potential pain, and even  safeguard against systemic health issues. It's   particularly important since Shih Tzus are more  susceptible to dental problems such as periodontal   disease, tooth decay, and gum infections. Taking  proper care of your Shih Tzu's dental health is   essential, and regularly ensuring they brush  their teeth and providing dental treats or toys   can greatly help prevent any potential issues.  Dental problems in dogs can be quite painful,   particularly for your beloved Shih Tzu. Neglecting  these problems may result in discomfort,   difficulties with eating, and even the development  of abscesses. By prioritizing regular dental care,   you can ensure your furry companion remains  healthy and free from unnecessary suffering.  Number 3: Not providing enough  attention and affection.  It's important to remember that our furry friends,  like Shih Tzus, require a considerable amount of   attention and affection. Neglecting to fulfill  their emotional needs can unknowingly cause them   harm. These delightful creatures thrive on the  love and care they receive from their owners.   Failing to provide this can potentially result  in feelings of anxiety and depression for our   beloved companions. If you want to make sure your  beloved Shih Tzu feels loved and cared for, it's   highly recommended to devote quality time to them.  Set aside special moments to bond and shower them   with affectionate physical touch. Additionally,  don't forget the power of positive reinforcement   in shaping their behavior and strengthening  your connection. By following these practices,   you can guarantee that your Shih Tzu receives  the attention they deserve in a meaningful way.  Number 4: Neglecting their grooming needs. Ensuring the proper grooming of your beloved Shih   Tzu is crucial for their well-being. By neglecting  their grooming needs, you may unknowingly be   causing them harm. Shih Tzus have beautiful  long hair that requires regular attention to   prevent tangling and potential skin irritation.  Grooming is important for your Shih Tzu because   it helps prevent skin irritation, infections,  and improves their appearance. Maintaining proper   grooming for your beloved Shih Tzu involves a few  essential steps. Regularly brushing their hair,   bathing them, and trimming their locks are  highly recommended. By diligently brushing   your Shih Tzu's hair on a daily basis, you  can effectively prevent mats and tangles   from forming. Additionally, regular haircuts  are essential in preventing mats and tangles,   ensuring that your Shih Tzu's hair remains  at a manageable length. Taking these steps   will keep your adorable companion looking and  feeling their best. Take them to a professional   groomer or learn how to do it yourself. Number 5: Not providing enough mental stimulation.  Shih Tzus are intelligent dogs and need mental  stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive   behavior. Providing mental stimulation can help  prevent destructive behavior and keep your Shih   Tzu happy and healthy. Taking part in mentally  stimulating activities, such as training sessions   and playing games, not only benefits your own  cognitive abilities but also strengthens the   bond between you and your cherished Shih Tzu  companion. By engaging in these activities   together, you establish a deeper connection and  enjoy meaningful moments of shared growth and   enjoyment. To ensure that your Shih Tzu receives  enough mental stimulation, it is recommended to   provide interactive toys, teach them new tricks,  and engage in training sessions. Interactive toys   such as puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys  can provide mental stimulation and keep your   Shih Tzu entertained. Teaching your Shih Tzu  new tricks can provide mental stimulation and   strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Overall, being aware of the potential ways we   may unknowingly hurt our Shih Tzus is crucial  for their well-being and the strength of our   bond with them. Remember, our dogs rely on  us for their physical and emotional needs,   and by being mindful of their welfare, we can  create a loving and harmonious relationship   that lasts a lifetime. Let's strive to be  the best caretakers for our Shih Tzus and   cherish the joy they bring to our lives. Knowing as much about them as you can is   also important as a Shih Tzu owner,  that’s why in the video on screen,   we talk about 5 Odd Shih Tzu Behaviors, click  to watch if you’re interested in finding out   what they are, and don't forget to subscribe  to our channel for more videos like this one.
Channel: The Cagdot
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Keywords: ways you are hurting your shih tzu without realizing, hurting your shih tzu, shih tzu, shih tzu puppies, shih tzu dog, shitzu, shih tzu training, shih tzu puppy, how to potty train a shih tzu, shi tzu, how to train a shih tzu puppy, shih tzu potty training, shihtzu, shih tzu day in the life, training a shih tzu puppies, shih tzu dog puppies, puppy shih tzu, shit tzu, brown shih tzu, shih tzu full grown, shih tzu walking, shih tzu growing up, shih tzu routines
Id: tllhW-qQMes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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