Vet Approved Homemade Dog Food: Good for Digestive Issues

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today i'm going to show you how to make a better proof balanced dog food diet great for our dogs that have digestive issues [Music] hello welcome back to my channel if you're new welcome click there to subscribe hit the bell to sign up for notifications and then when you click the link directly in the box below i can send you copy my free book tool is in for a treat today on the menu we have eggs we have ground beef we have brown rice we have chard we have flax we have calcium we have an omega-3 supplement we have sunflower oil and we have a multivitamin multi-mineral dog supplement the basis of any really good dog food one that's made homemade you want at least 50 percent to be animal protein so we're gonna have 50 animal protein one quarter carbohydrate one quarter veggies i want to make a week's worth of food for tula time you're trying to calculate about how much food to feed your dog base it primarily on the animal protein and you're looking about a pound of food fed per 50 pounds of body weight daily a little tula she's about 25 pounds we're looking about a half a pound of beef so that's why you have me here a good little over three pounds of ground beef that's gonna be the basis of our diet we're gonna make enough to last a week our animal protein our ground beef this is three pounds we're going to be frying that up first there's the basis of our dog food you know all those amino acids those are the building blocks of the animal protein that would give your dog all those vital nutrients you know there's that source of iron allows them to carry oxygen build strong muscles prevent things like diabetes cancer etc it's like animal protein is the basis that's fry up our animal protein one is extra lean ground beef we want to minimize the amount of animal fat strain some of the excess fat [Music] [Applause] next we're going to increase the animal protein we're going to add in additional nutrients in the form of gluten zinc iron iodine calling these guys eggs so good for you so good for your dog this is gonna make about six meals from adding in one egg a day for our 25 pound dog six eggs yummy poodle we're gonna mix those up yummy yummy it's now our egg burger the eggs are also very high in vitamin d vitamin d is a really important vitamin that many dogs just don't get enough of there's an array of different studies specifically linking many of the cancers to vitamin d deficiency in people and it's likely possible that much the same thing is happening in our dogs you want to ensure your dog has adequate vitamin d and you're making your dog's food at home add in additional eggs specifically it's in the egg yolks [Music] next the veggies i've had to resort to frozen veggies this is charred but it's a great nutrient source for your dog it's high in the b vitamins vitamin a vitamin c vitamin k it's rich in many of the minerals potassium magnesium iron and it's a great source of fiber we're gonna make one quarter of veggies we're by adding in three cups of the chard so let's measure this out and then i'm gonna mix it into the cooking hamburger and eggs there's about two cups there's about two cups of the char our second bag our third cup now we've got three full cups of that chard cooking up with our hamburger and eggs [Music] i am choosing a carbohydrate but we're still only making this a quarter of tula's diet so i'm choosing brown rice brown rice is high in calcium fiber magnesium protein selenium is also a great source of flavonoids these are some of these beneficial medicinal healing nutrients they're really high in brown rice so it can do a lot of good things for your dog the big point here is we're only making it a quarter of tula's diet a quarter of your dog's diet so we're gonna make her or your dog him prone to things like obesity here's our bowl of ground hamburger our six eggs and our chard now the cooked brown rice i went ahead and cooked that ahead of time we're gonna be adding in about three cups so there's about two let's get about another cup there's one another cup mmm poodle yummy next i'm gonna add in a healthy fat in the form of sunflower oil it's a great balanced omega-6 omega-3 fat it's also really high in that really important antioxidant vitamin e it's also one of the most important skin oils in terms of being a natural ceramide in terms of that's the healthy fat that helps you know rebuild and protect the skin layer to prevent things like allergens penetrating into the skin in the first place the amount of sunflower is based on the amount of animal protein so it's about one tablespoon of sunflower oil per pound of animal protein or beef we've got three pounds in here i'm gonna be adding in three tablespoons three [Music] if you're going to make the food balance you need to be adding in additional calcium we're not feeding ground up bones like tula just hasn't killed the cow and chewed up the bones you're typically looking at 500 milligrams or half a teaspoon for 25 pounds of body weight daily so that could be a half a teaspoon of ground egg gel of this calcium carbonate which really is this ground egg shell so we're going to be adding in about one tablespoon which is about a half a teaspoon per day because we're making about six meals there's one tablespoon [Music] we're adding in ground flax we've got to grind our flax black is an awesome source of fiber potassium protein calcium like this ground flax super inexpensive and it's also really really rich in a thing called ligands these are also specific nutrients only found in ground flax which have been shown to be very beneficial and protective against many of the cancers i want tula to get about half a tablespoon a day so we know we're making this into about six meals so i'm going to be adding in about three bingo tablespoons of flax yum yum all right tula looking good there's two other additional things i'm going to add to this homemade diet to make it complete and balanced to be as like such a nutritional powerhouse as it can be number one the omega-3 fatty acids i prefer these in the form of krill oil i mean they're considered probably one of the most important uh nutritional supplements in veterinary medicine you think about allergies arthritis cancer if we look at something like krill it's about 500 milligrams per 25 pounds of body weight daily but you want to you don't want to put it into the food and have it oxidized once it oxidizes it lose many of its medicinal quality so that's going to keep it in this capsule formation then use it as needed so of this homemade diet tula should be getting a maximum of two cups of this food a day so here is one cup this is gonna be her morning meal one cup going into the bowl i'm gonna drop in one capsule of the krill [Music] and last but completely not least my supplement ultimate canine health formula the advanced formula ultimate canine advance can help support hula's joints to help support tula's gut health can help support tula's skin health can help support tula's overall immune health super super important so i'm going to once again though add this into her individual meal i want her to be having this once daily and i don't want it open and oxidized and frozen and unfrozen so i would suggest one after you've pre-made all the food right as you're daily feeding your dog add in some form of omega-3 fatty acid supplement you're going to be doing that aka in the form of krill and if you're going to be adding in something like ultimate canine add that in daily with your dog's food you don't don't want that frozen and unfrozen because i then know this way it's going to potentially provide the most benefit to your dog dose she gets about a half a scoop of the advanced it's been mixed in there you go poodle okay let's mix it up and see if she likes it and the advance we've got that little krill capsule somewhere in there yay good girl you can then take this food break it up into equal portions you know freeze that i'm just curious as to exactly how much food i've made here so we know tula's eating one cup so let's just measure this out first and just see [Music] hmm so it's about 12 cups of food so if tula has one cup twice a day that would be two cups a day times six that'd give me about six days i think she's probably closer to about one and a half so three quarters of a cup twice a day so this should last me about one week wow one week of food thank you so much for watching this edition of veterinary seekers of how to make a week's worth of dog food vet approved balanced tasty even really good if your dog's got digestive issues click up there to subscribe hit the bell this on for notifications and then when you click the link directly in the box below i can send you a copy my free book
Channel: Veterinary Secrets
Views: 550,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dog food, pet food, homemade dog food, dog food recipe, healthy homemade dog food, diy dog food, best dog food, healthy home made dog food, home made dog food, dog health, digestive issues in dogs, vet approved dog food, DIY dog food, nutrition for pets, Dr. Andrew Jones, pet care tips, healthy dog diet, sensitive stomach dog food
Id: j_LZmPbT_Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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