How to Bath and Dry a Puppy | #ShihTzu #puppy

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[Music] guys this is Roscoe's first groom Roscoe is a shih tzu puppy and he is only almost 12 weeks old so almost three months old no this is his first groom so I'm so excited guys to bring this to you it's all right and when we work with puppies boy we have to take our time because they don't understand the grooming process so we have to help them we have to earn their trust and boy are you beautiful it's nice to get them in at this age because at 3 months old Roscoe doesn't require a lot of trimming so that's awesome because we're slowly going to wean him into the grooming process as he ages his grooming becomes more and more involved there will be more steps to the groom but for now being a little baby puppy his groom is only gonna take me about an hour and that's all that he's going to have to tolerate today but as he's tolerating his first groom he's learning how to be handled on a grooming table he's learning how to accept whirling tools like combs and brushes and Clippers nail trimming so we're slowly weaning him into the process now what are we gonna be doing for a puppy trim like this well today I'm just going to be trimming around his eyes a little bit around his face not much where the scissors in a thinning shear we are going to trim out these little paw pads as you can see they have a lot of hair in them I'm gonna trim his paw pads and I'm gonna scissor the feet he's gonna get a good bath to trimming around his heinie and cleaning that up for him everything else for a puppy groom is just simply like trimming bathing and brushing so it's just going to ease him into the process the first thing that I'm gonna do is gently brush him out just gently now he is used to being brushed at home but he's not used to being brushed at a grooming salon so this is a new experience for Roscoe yes yeah I'm not used to being on a grooming lead I have to learn all that but I have to learn that it's okay and see I have my hands on him guys I'm helping him I'm keeping my hands on him to let him know there we're in this together and I already took a few minutes before we got up on the grilling candle to bond with him a little and letting me know how much I love him yeah I let you know that I just love you I know it's a process this is his first groom and I am so glad to bring this to you guys because many of you have been asking me to do a shih tzu puppy trim so that's what we're doing today guys it's okay big boy Roscoe he is gorgeous isn't he so I'm just lightly brushing him puppies brush out so easily after I get him all brushed out we're gonna go right into the tub so I will meet you there with Roscoe now we have Roscoe in the tub we haven't want to save tub harness this is the one that I made and I have a tutorial on that on my channel so I'll link it in the description but I have just filled up some of my tropiclean hypoallergenic puppy shampoo in this little bowl and I looted it with some warm water and I'm gonna use a loofah to wash this beautiful little guy because he's a baby I want to take it easy on him the first time they take it easy on him I want to take it easy on all the dogs that I groom but let's just remember this is all new to him so we're giving him more of a little bit of a pampered experience today you know and I probably will the next groom as well I'm gonna ease them into grooming slowly I think that is such a key factor with working with any puppy or dog and teaching them about the grooming process let's not throw them in and expect the groom to be an extensive crazy groom and as pet owners guys don't take your puppy to a groom or when they're 7 months old and expect that's going to be acceptable for your pet because they're gonna be scared out of their mind we have to teach them slowly and little sessions that grooming is part of their life and that they can do it and they're safe and that it's nothing to fear and when you slowly work them into adding grooming as part of their lives but consistently they will accept it and they will learn to be absolutely fine with it because it's part of their lives overly rinsing Rosco's coat I'm being very careful about his ears I am going to save his face in his head for last because I know that that tends to get puppies a little upset so we're going to just pamper this little guy for a few minutes wash his body and its legs and all those areas before we start washing his face in his head so he's what time to turn the water off boy isn't he cute so we get our loofah our puppy shampoo Worman he had little dirty feet these little dirty feet see oh yes but he's going to be a beautiful boy today right Roscoe of course you are you're going to be clean and then you get to go home and take a big old nap yeah you can sniff me if you want to so I'm washing these pads really good guys everything but I'm taking my time with him that's the important thing with puppets we'll take our time and we teach them that it's a time that we spend together but it's all okay it's all okay yeah all right I need oh boy around I really like these tablets just because they don't pull on dogs especially puppies he's got a lot of play in this leash as you can see but yet he cannot slip out of it and it keeps him safely secured in the tub that's the important thing wash every little part of Roscoe get him nice and lathered up and let that let then shampoo get in there and sit for a minute or two because it you know what it does is it loosens up any dander or dirt in the coat when we rent him it's just going to rinse right off you know let the shampoo do its job which is to bake off that yucky stuff off their coat and their skin right yes he says that's right so he's wonderful guys this is his first groom remember he's doing absolutely wonderful I couldn't ask him to be any better because he has no idea why he's here today and what we're doing and he doesn't have any idea who I am most importantly we have to bond together Roscoe yes yes we will trust me he has a brother as well named Riley and he's a shih tzu so he's got he's got a wonderful life he's got a buddy his mom and dad take good care of him they take him to the groomer they wash and brush him at home they play all the time yeah life is good so another reason why I like this shampoo not just for puppies the hypoallergenic by tropiclean is safe around their eyes too as well you know I always use facial scrubs this shampoo definitely mimics a facial scrub it's very gentle and it's very safe so I like it obviously it's effective it cleans them very well you can see how well it's cleaning this little guy and as soon as you see him when he's all done you'll know what I'm talking about he will be beautiful I'm going to gently start rinsing on low stream his face and we got to be real careful we know all dogs we have to be careful around the nose but this little guy in particular he has a shih tzu nose it's okay baby which we know should sue noses they have trouble with their breathing as it is because they have such a smushy face so we need to protect that in the back good boy rascal and just use this puppy shampoo on Rosco I am NOT going to get it in his nose but I can get it around his eyes it is safe it does not burn which is very important when you're choosing products to use on your pets that you understand the safety of them and if they're safe for your pet and what is not safe for your pet and see he's not gonna like me clean in here but let me tell you guys it's very important that we do okay and he'll learn to accept it he certainly will and he's doing wonderful I know I know he absolutely is doing wonderful good job big boy I'm just using that loofah just helps to slough things off yeah you know what's nice about Rosco he doesn't have a super deep wrinkle here like most shih tzus do so that's gonna be in his favor for not having such compromised breathing as he ages getting any water in his ears but I am washing his ears and I will be cleaning the ears after the bath with ear cleaning solution made for puppies and dogs so that I can ensure that if any water did get in there I'm going to be killing any bacteria or any problems from it with that ear cleaning solution it does kill bacteria but it's not harsh I'm going to split this tutorial into two parts the first part is bathing and drying and the second part is gonna be his trim so that'll be coming for you next week guys to stay put so the next thing I'm gonna do is condition him so I'm gonna lightly rent some of this off I don't need to thoroughly rinse the shampoo off before I conditioned him if I wasn't conditioning him I would be thoroughly rinsing it but we are going to condition him you guys know that I conditioned every pet so I'm gonna avoid his face right now we were just gonna keep moving that good boy I will be rinsing his face in a moment I'm just getting him used to the water again you know this whole process for puppies is a learning experience and he's doing fabulous and he's so beautiful and he's so clean I can feel how good his skin and coat feels already guys holding that ear down we're gonna rinse off the ear and the other ear same thing now I pretty mix some conditioner here in a mixing bottle and we're gonna conditioned Rosco oh that feels nice it feels like silk yeah at this point Rosco is thinking how do I get out of here that's okay baby I'm right here with you okay so I applied some conditioner to him and I'm gonna massage it through his skin and coat good boy Rosco I know you don't like it baby you're doing that so therefore yes you are wonderful I let this sit on them for about three to five minutes guys and then I will thoroughly rinse his skin and coat and he's ready to get out of the tub and we will be drying him and remember when we wash our pets guys we only use the water the water temperature should always be just lukewarm to cool water we don't want to use hot water on our dogs or puppies or anything because it opens up the pores and water has bacteria in it so if there was any issues or your puppy had any type of compromised immune system that you're unaware of it could invite skin infection into their bloodstream through the skin I hate to be so morbid sometimes in Talia such such crazy things but the same time I think it's important to explain those things and we are going to be doing a really amazing demo in the next couple weeks about the dangers of bathing there are some dangers that you guys are unaware of and I cannot wait I'm working hard on that content and I'm not releasing it until it's absolutely perfect and every little element of information that I want to share with you guys baked into that tutorial because I need I need to make sure it's right just got a rinse up face I know you don't like it boy you did good on that yeah see we just take the take our time with the face guys cover the nose rinse the face okay good we're stopping on that good see just little intervals he'll tolerate it but he's not gonna tolerate me standing here and just holding that water stream on him I have to do it in intervals little quick little good boy remember guys this is training for him he's learning about being in a grooming salon he's learning about getting a bath in a grooming salon and he's also learning to trust me see I'm learning to trust my groomer right now two guys and it doesn't happen overnight but it will happen right Rosco it sure will oh I see many good demos coming with this little guy he's gonna be awesome for demoing and you really want them to feel like you're in this together I try to always keep my hands on him meaning that I'm with him in this he's not alone it's not him and the water sprayer it's me Rosco and the water sprayer yeah we're in this together that's very important building trust and bonding with your puppy even if it's not your dog you're bonding with them trust me it's a wonderful thing and when I say that there is absolutely no residue or bubbles or anything coming off of Rosco then I know that he's rinsed thoroughly skin of that head one more run I know that's not your favorite I'm here for you buddy I'm here for you okay we're good we're done with that okay all right turning the water off Rosco and I will see you on the grooming table where we're gonna fluff dry Rosco good job okay guys I have my stand ryr warming up and we have Rosco position the table I have a cotton ball with my ear cleaning solution soaked in it I'm just going to wipe anything and as far as I can see and to Rosco's ears I'm just wiping and releasing some of that ear cleaning solution down into his ear canal now I have him positioned so he cannot fall off the table with with this groomers helper grooming loop it's hooked here to him as well and I'm gonna slowly aim that air towards him with my stand dryer to get him used to the stand dryer it's a little noisy and we all know that puppies and dogs their hearing is much more intense than ours I really would like him to learn to stand on the table like a big bowl yes so that he knows he's okay good Roscoe he's doing good guys he's just this is normal he's he's learning to accept it and I'm trying to keep him from upset about it I don't want him to to think that he should fear grooming for any reason whatsoever but I'm here with the last OEM I'm right here with the good job once trimmed Roscoe's little they are discharged little baby nails swimming off the little little hook good job baby he does not have a dink walk and now basically I am disappointed not error in different directions and combing Roscoe until he dries which it's which won't take too long guys as he's that puppy coat and puppy coat dries rather quickly can see how beautifully coming along here how nice and fluffed out he is good job Roscoe and like I said guys I can't - except through me right now he's accepting it in doses and that's the idea starting with them when they're younger so this is how we'll join him and I will show you in a few minutes what he looks like when he's all dry now you see he just stood up on the table he got a little more confidence that's a good thing that's a good thing now he's going back down protecting himself I'm gonna move the air a little bit maybe that'll make him feel better if I can get him to stand especially if I can have him do it on his own that tells me that he's getting confidence about being up on the screaming table and that's what I want for Roscoe I want him to be confident and accept it and not fear it and we're getting there so I'll see you in a minute and we'll show you Roscoe off flush down [Music] [Music] hey friends smash that like button if you think Rosco is just the cutest little puppy you ever saw [Music] if you've enjoyed this video I think you might like this video thank you for watching [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Go Groomer
Views: 459,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to bath and dry a puppy, how to give my puppy a bath, how to get your dog clean, trying to give a puppy a bath, how to bathe your dog properly, how to give a puppy a bath, how to make your dogs shampoo work harder, how to bathe your shih tzu puppy, how to dry a dog after a bath, Go Groomer, Shih tzu puppy first bath, how to bath and dry a shih tzu dog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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