10 Things Shih Tzu's Hate - Try To Avoid The Ones That You Can!

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[Music] while shih tzus are generally a friendly and easy going breed there are some things that humans do that shih tzus do not like these behaviors can irritate them or even cause grief which can lead to behavioral disorders and an overall unhappy household if you are unaware of some of the things you do that annoy your shih tzu this video is for you so let's look at some actions to avoid in order to keep your shih tzu happy loving and energetic at all times but before we get into the furry details hello and welcome to animal digest if you haven't already please subscribe to get your weekly dose of pet content which will help you to better understand and care for your fur babies now let's begin [Music] number one they hate to be the center of attention constantly shizu's are loving dogs but they also need their own time and space too much human interaction especially when the interaction is centered around them can be too overwhelming for the dog so it's best to give him some time alone every now and then and when he is the focus of attention around friends and family it is your responsibility to manage the interaction so it is kept short if they are not given enough alone time or they are the center of attention for too long they may become stressed anxious and resentful we know they are lap dogs and love people but just like us they too get shy anxious or overwhelmed at times this takes us to number two they hate it when you try to play with them all the time yes shifu's like to play but it is possible for you to overdo it there is no secret here just like humans your pet has a threshold so try and make playing sessions fun and exciting but not overly long and avoid pressuring your shitsu into doing something he doesn't want to do when he is recharged he will be the sweet playful and cuddly lap dog that he is [Music] number three they hate being hugged as we mentioned earlier shih tzus require alone time but equally like most dogs if not all your shiitsu despises being hugged and padded hugging their dog is considered by many dog owners to be one of the best ways to express affection however you must understand that in a dog's world hugging is not an expression of love and affection even though your dog may tolerate your kisses and hugs this does not mean that he enjoys them it just means that your dog is doing what dogs do best which is please their owners in fact putting your arms around a dog's neck or even around their body could be interpreted as threatening to the dog therefore allow your shitsu to cuddle on his own terms if he shows annoyance when being petted let him be also petting him by rubbing his back or chest may be a better choice as opposed to hugs and kisses number four they hate feeling bored or neglected almost all shihtsu's love people they were bred to be companion dogs that's all nil hunting no pulling sleds so it makes sense that they highly value your attention and love just as we value their attention and love so it's important to show them enough love so that they do not feel bored ignored or neglected when you do not connect with your pets on a regular basis they can become destructive they'll look for new ways to get your attention this could result in your dog chewing on your shoes and furniture or becoming unruly by barking excessively they might even become very spiteful and pee and poo inside your house number five they hate it when there is conflict or undue stress around them though a pet provides comfort during stressful times if there is a chaotic or hostile atmosphere on a regular basis the situation will eventually become exhausting for your shiitsu they don't understand what's going on but dogs are intelligent animals that can detect a negative shift in someone's mood and in their environment so it's no surprise that they sense when something is wrong or when you are sad and over time the dog will become agitated and worried especially if there is shouting this is a very problematic issue especially for dogs who have a very tight-knit relationship with their [Music] owners this brings us to number six they don't care for loud noises all dog breeds from the smallest to the largest are susceptible to a fear of loud noises this is because in some instances a dog's hearing supersedes that of humans such as dogs can hear higher pitched sounds better than humans can plus they can also hear some quieter sounds better than humans based on the frequency range so very often your shih tzu will be startled by thunderstorms fireworks or loud sounds coming from a vehicle thus the chase some sheet zoos may also be terrified of household sounds such as the vacuum cleaner or dishwasher others may be wary of lawn mowers heavy footsteps and so on this issue tends to be particularly common in rescued and adopted older dogs which is not surprising given that they never had the opportunity to become accustomed to some of these sounds if you live in a noise dense area and you have a dog that panics in response to these noises speak to your vet about the issue number seven they hate it when you force them to eat shih tzus eat when they are hungry attempting to force sushi tsu to eat a meal when he isn't hungry or to insist that they eat randomly will become tiresome for your dog instead train the dog to eat at scheduled meal times [Music] number eight they hate it when you take them outside too often sheetsu's are traditionally indoor dogs so it is not necessary to frequently take them outside extensive outdoor play not only makes your dog tired and exhausted but it also puts him at risk of overheating and heat stroke taking them outside once per day or every other day for some fun and light exercise is all they need number nine some shih tzus hate heights this is reported by some owners so if your shih tzu dislikes heights let us know in the comment section below if your shiitsu prefers to stay on the ground all the time that's a sign so avoid forcing him to sleep on high beds go on potentially unsafe balconies or go anywhere else where you might be uncomfortable this will not only cause anxiety in your dog but it may also result in injury number ten forcing them to take a bath there are some sheetzoos who enjoy baths but there are others who dread the thought of getting one when it's your dog's first time getting a bath you need to be ready for anything and if you are a new dog owner taking your dog to be groomed by a professional may be the best option if he is overly reluctant if this is the case you should let the groomer know that your dog dislikes taking a bath plus you also have the option to learn about the art of diy grooming which your dog would perhaps prefer bottom line owning a sheetsu can be high maintenance they have needs and wants and they can be picky and are often emotional needless to say ashishu will thrive in an environment where its owner devotes the time and patience to ensure that they are happy and healthy what does yoshitsu hate did it make our list let us know in the comment section below thank you for watching and i will see you in my next video
Channel: Animal Digest
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Keywords: things shih tzus hate, shih tzu, shih tzu puppies, shih tzu dog, shitzu, shih tzu training, shih tzu puppy, how to potty train a shih tzu, shi tzu, how to train a shih tzu puppy, shih tzu potty training, shihtzu, shih tzu day in the life, training a shih tzu puppies, shih poo, shih tzu dog puppies, puppy shih tzu, shit tzu, brown shih tzu, shih tzu full grown, shih tzu walking, shih tzu growing up, shih tzu routines, shih tzu playing, 10 things shih tzus hate
Id: VfxaLFnSztU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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