10 Human Foods that are Actually GOOD for Beagles

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we often hear that we should only feed dog food to our beagles but that's not entirely true while some human foods are dangerous to dogs some of them are extremely healthy for them in today's video we will go through 10 human foods that are excellent for beagles number one carrots want your dog to have strong teeth give them some carrots chewing carrots removes all the plaque from their teeth carrots are a great source of vitamin a which promotes good health builds immunity and gives your dog a healthy skin number two plain yogurt yogurt is packed with probiotics that are extremely helpful for your dog's digestive system it is also high in calcium which supports bone health however strictly avoid flavored yogurt number three bone broth bone broth contains a plethora of nutrients that can be beneficial to your beagle it's packed with vitamins and minerals and over the top dogs actually love the flavor you can add bone broth to their boring dog food and make it tastier for them number 4. green peas green peas are the perfect occasional snack for your dog they are a good source of vitamin a k and b they are loaded with iron and zinc which helps in promoting blood health you can feed your beagle fresh or frozen peas but avoid canned peas that has sodium number five eggs eggs can be an excellent source of protein for your beagle apart from that eggs contain linoleic acid and fat solubles which are great for a dog's coat and skin we are almost halfway through let me know in the comments down below have you tried feeding any of these human foods to your beagle number six peanut butter groot loves peanut butter he can hear that jar opening from the other side of the house this healthy and organic product has proven to be an amazing source of vitamins and protein but make sure the peanut butter is plain and does not have any added sugar sodium or xylitol number seven salmon whoa you didn't see that coming did you feeding salmon to your furry friend can be heavy on your pocket but they have a massive source of omega-3 fatty acids this is essential in a dog's diet it reduces inflammation and promotes healthy skin number eight chicken well now that we are speaking about protein how can we forget about chicken cooked chicken is one of the safest and most common sources of protein it boosts their immune system promotes healthy bone and maintains a good metabolism number nine apples apples are a great source of fiber and vitamins they contain vitamin a and c which help in building the immune system and work as an outstanding antioxidant they are low in calories and are best for dogs who are overweight and need to lose some pounds number 10 coconut meat coconut meat is packed with antioxidants that support the immune system it also helps the dog's body form a healthy response to foreign microbes however it contains medium chain triglycerides which may cause some gastrointestinal upset and bloating to some dogs by the way you can check out the whole list of 41 human foods beagles can eat on our blog beaglecare.com so that was the list guys if you want me to make a part 2 please let me know in the comments down below and don't forget to like this video later
Channel: Beagle Care
Views: 212,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food for beagle, food beagles can eat, beagle food, what beagle can eat, beagle eating, food items beagle can eat, food safe for beagle, healthy food for beagles, human food beagles can eat
Id: sPay9kzhwZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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