2023 IELTS Speaking test band score 4 | Nervous candidate

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this is the speaking test of the international English language testing system taking place on Thursday the 16th of March at British American Resource Center the candidate is Amir Hussein the candidate number is 050-11234 the examiner is Muhammad Maru firoz the examiner number is 2345-890 good afternoon good afternoon what is your full name please my full names please just call me My Name by my nickname right now in the first part I would like to ask you some questions about yourself what do you like to eat in your dinner I usually eat in dinner rice and some curries the currency is our chicken beef and macaron and the vegetables sometimes I take day I usually try to vegetable vegetable take in dinner and after taking dinner I always try to some take and dessert do you drink a lot of water every day um every day I try to drink or drink water water about three to four liters and because it is very essentially essential for us [Music] um if we we if if we take water not enough yes it suffer from our body suffer from and rehide it do you prefer drinking tea or coffee of course tea tea is I could not image a day without tea in my daily routine I always try to when I am when I taking taking after taking tea I am feeling energetic and and then I do my job better why not coffee is a distant FIFA level for me because it's a very if people visit you in your home what do you usually offer them to drink if any visitor comes to my home firstly I offer them a cup of tea and because I have a different type of it is such as ginger ginger tea green tea and black tea and that reason they have plenty Choice thank you this is the end of part one now I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one or two minutes before you talk you will have one minute to think about it and you can make some note if you wish here's the paper and the pencil you can take notes if you wish thank you yeah remember you have one minute So within a minute you can take your preparation your time begins from now I'd like to talking about him a monumenter which he is which is which is very um which is I like most there are many many types of monuments in a in Bangladesh such as the lalbach fort Gumbo's MOX Moscow and National Museum and the national Parliament Etc however I uh among these I like to talking about the national Parliament it is it is in the capital city of antaka it designed by Louis Khan who is who is a famous designer designer of all over the world and he is the American citizen in the National Parliament constructed was constructed between most probably 1961 to 1984. and and it's a masterpiece of Masterpiece of modern and it is although uh it's a everyone in the general citizen not enter it and this this Parliament because it restricted area Parliament thank you your time is up thank you very much uh would you please give me the paper and the pencil thank you now I would like to start the part three and I'm going to ask you some questions followed by the cue card what kinds of monuments do tourists in your country enjoy visiting there are many kinds of monuments monuments which tourists will accept excited to see and the include the the Monumental history historic type Moss type and winners Etc from abroad every every year many tourists comes to my country to see these monuments and they know about our culture and tradition why do you think there are often statues of famous people in public places in our country have I mean if famous people they are in I saw I saw a statue of of Islam which is our who is our national poet he written our Ronald Sangeet and that is it's also also the mother do you agree that all monuments and buildings should always be preserved I agree in this because monuments is carries our tradition culture especially The Monuments and culture preserved for the new generation because by through this they know about our culture and tradition and government should take a necessary step to preserve in them thank you very much this is the end of the speaking test thank you assalamualaikum
Channel: BARC TV
Views: 1,104,243
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Keywords: ielts speaking real test, ielts speaking test, ielts, ielts speaking band 4, ielts 5.5 speaking, ielts speaking 2, 4.5 real test, Mock Test of Speaking, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, essential english, IELTS Test, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS test 2023, ielts speaking, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking test in bangladesh
Id: bGlQDqwIadE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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