Band 7 IELTS Speaking Test | Fluency matters

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hello tasmia welcome to the speaking practice test thank I have several questions and I'm going to ask you one by one okay sir particular the speaking module is divided into three parts part one part two and part three so I'm going to ask you questions in part one where do you buy most of your clothes for traditional outfits I prefer a band called sailor and for western outfits I usually like to go on Teens Club their clothes are trainy and fashionable also there in my budget okay how often do you buy new clothes for yourself not pretty often I would say I buy my everyday wees in bulk for every two or 3 months apart and as for traditional clothes or for any festivals or other events I buy them occasionally how do you decide which clothes to buy I generally go to the mall and visit my favorite Brands I explore their clothings and pick some dresses which I like I then try them on in the trial rooms then select okay have you ever bought clothes online yes I have several times but sometimes I was uh unsatisfied with the products because it didn't look the same m in the photos and in real life okay Tasia this is the end of part one let's begin the part two in this part you have to describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend your money you should say who you had the discussion with why you discussed this topic what the result of the discussion was and explain why this discussion was interesting for you you have one minute to prepare this is your Q card and you have piece of paper to take notes so from now your time begins for so tasmia your time is up would you like to start now please yes sir yeah so I discussed about how I spend my money with one of my friends laib I was hoping he could give me some valuable suggestions about how I can save up for my Thailand trip as I was planning to go there with my cousins but my savings are not enough right now I spend most of my money on foods and the rest I use buying clothes accessories and for my pets so I can barely save of any money he not only suggested many great ways to increase my income but also how I can manage my expenses so he told me about credit cards and he suggested me that many banks give loans as well and discounts at many stores he also told me that I should maintain a proper uh notebook to keep track of my expenses right then I started doing that and since then I progressed a lot so I think this was was a very helpful and exciting conversation for me as now I can manage my finance more efficiently okay thank you very much may I have the paper and the pencil please okay thank you very much thanks a lot let's move on to part three and I have several questions in this part questions are related to money and young people okay why do some parents give their children money to spend each week there can be many reasons it could be for food money it could be for school supplies accessories or hanging out with their friends most importantly it can be for safety purpose if they fall in any trouble they can help themsel out of that okay do you agree that the school should teach children how to manage money yes I think they should because children these days are not very good at spending money they don't know how to spend it well or efficiently and they don't really know the value of it so if schools start teaching how to manage money they would probably make better use of it and be more respectful their to their parents efforts do you think it is a good idea for students to earn money while studying I don't think it's only a good idea it's a MTH in today's economy we need money to survive and it's very necessary to start it from a early age it will help in career building and students can help themselves uh to support okay okay um do you think it is true that in today's society money cannot buy happiness although I wouldn't say manone can by happiness it surely does help um if a person is unable to pay for his Foods clothes or shelters will he be really happy but also we can't ignore the fact that no amount of money can buy you health love or loyalty so money cannot buy happiness but it can help what disadvantages are there in a society where the gap between rich and poor is very large I think the main disadvantages is the rich people keep getting richer and the poor become poorer mhm the rich people live extravagant lives where the poor can barely survive mhm and it's not illegal to be rich or to have a gap between rich and poor MH but it's very immoral and unethical as the poor have to suffer a lot okay do you think richer countries have a responsibility to help poorer countries it is more of a moral responsibility than a legal one mhm they're not bound to help the poor countries but I think they should do it for the sake of humanity okay Tasia thank you very much thanks for joining us thanks a lot okay sir welcome yeah
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking exam, ielts speaking sample, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking strategies, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking band 7.5, ielts speaking band 7, ielts speaking band 8, ielts speaking example, ielts speaking perfection, ielts speaking fluency, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking preparation, ielts speaking test samples, ielts test, ielts video
Id: BhN7VdAgBX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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