2021 Rolls-Royce Ghost Review // $400,000 Baby Phantom

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This was unexpected timing. Great intro as always!

I remember first hearing the phrase "post-opulence" in another review and just rolling my eyes. Glad they mentioned it here, it sure sounds a lot like minimalism lol. It's hard to relate to these cars or even aspire to own one someday given the price, but damn they seem amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/agod2486 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whoa what a review. And bonus point for the intro, and silver spoon on pocket. Does the new Phantom has its own platform like this Ghost? or is it shared with 7 series

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yatlvcar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love the editing as always.

Also growing up poor, I recognize the "Bread Sandwich" when I see one ...

Made my day.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Testname12345 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hah, based on the identical timing of TSP’s video an embargo must have just lifted. But shoutout to Throttle House for putting out some of the most entertaining, best produced, and occasionally even informative car content on YouTube. Keep up the good work guys.

Edit: that intro was great. /r/PerfectlyCutScreams

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sir0bin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Their video dropped at the exact same time as TSP.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/edinburghiloveyou44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Their cinematography is getting better and better. Kudos to the guy off camera.

Also that shooting star concept is ridiculously cool.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/andrewjaekim πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still amazing to me Rolls hasn't gone full electric. Their buyers want quiet operation and low down torque, which are the two most notable elements of electric motors. I guess it'd be hard to cross continents in an electric Rolls, but how many owners are doing that vs. getting ushered around town?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MDA123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I laughed so hard at that intro Holy shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gassy-gorilla πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else find the starry night roof tacky? Wouldn’t a glass roof be more baller/β€˜post opulence’ since you know, so you can see real stars instead

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/withsexyresults πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
you know it's pretty cool in here yeah it's pretty wild you know i heard that the uh the fiber optic lights they actually made it so that there's like shooting stars now oh no way yeah i haven't seen one there's one really talk about timing yeah oh i'm gonna make a wish you're gonna make a wish okay well that's yeah that's not real but whatever what are you gonna wish for oh i didn't i didn't think we were gonna talk about our wishes um don't don't take it personally but i wish that you know because i spent a lot of time with you i wish that because i'm in a rolls royce and there's a story i wish i was sitting next to a woman you know a lady don't go silent oh my god it worked i can't believe it 100 worked what worked thomas yeah [Music] [Music] you're watching throttle house i'm thomas and i'm james and this is the rolls-royce [Music] ghost [Music] ghost a nameplate that rolls royce have used for over a century a car like this should be a vision beyond the veil a whisper in the wind thomas are you just reading off of their website no hmm either way wherever you are in the world a rolls-royce means one thing grandeur and luxury that's two things this new ghost is longer and wider than ever before it's still smaller than the phantom but roles say that this is now an automobile built equally for passenger and driver they say that it is a car that appears perfect in its simplicity and that it is underpinned by remarkable substance that is less but better yeah we don't know what that means what we do know is that it's optioned today to 461 thousand dollars canadian so it better be good we do car reviews track tests and quite a lot of messing around so subscribe and hit the bell [Music] you know what it's not slow no this might not be the big boy phantom but it gets the big boy engine 6.75 liter twin turbo v12 as satisfying to say as it is to feel as it is to put in motion oh my god and this is all world this is the first all-wheel drive sedan from rolls-royce it's interesting they've always been rear-wheel drive yeah so i have i don't remember ever having a problem putting the power down no obviously not the car weighs as much as a moon so there's always traction but it is nice to have that it's that reassuring ultra luxury bentley's do this too that ultra luxury low down immediacy where there's no lag there's no no anything and that's that's what rolls royce said they said that their clients want low down torque immediate torque so the tick over in this car is a thousand rpm although i can't show you that because i don't have a rev gauge no classically we have a not important power reserve gauge yeah that's all you need but peak torque yeah which is that 627 pound foot number comes in at 1 600 rpm it's just 600 and there is a little down shift and off you go and that's for the 8-speed zf it's it's it's nice because it just has it has all the necessary immediacy that you would ever need nothing more nothing less easy if you want to drive it smoothly you can it's so smooth so not only is it smooth and delivery it's got that 12 cylinder sound and i wasn't sure how insulated it would be because rolls royce said that they got it to the point where it's so insulated it was disorientating so they had to factor more sound in oh really yeah and the sound just taking advantage of this what are you doing well i mean i got a table back here right you're not eating a sandwich in this car i don't care if there's tables we're trying to keep it clean look at this cream leather well we're speaking of clean oh we got some crumbs um i found the design in here to actually be very like i'm relaxed eating my sandwich it's very decluttered well actually that is something that they've done on purpose you see rolls-royce prioritized simplicity of materials and authentic clean design for example using hand-welded aluminium four craftsmen fashioned the outer body so that it would appear seamless they removed all unnecessary shut lines this utterly unique concept of pure uncluttered aesthetic rather than overt statement already had established roots in fashion and jewelry and even boat design sounds like minimalism but it just needed one word one clear way of explaining it minimalism think about it no distractions no complicated patterns much minimalism and amidst the literary vacuum the name came to them in a whisper minimalism post opulence let me drive ah see that's a rolls-royce engine i just i love that just simple creaminess that you use there's a cream everywhere there's cream everywhere before we got in here that was enough it's cream it's cream interior oh dear oh dear it's not that exciting maybe it is and it has rear wheel steering right yeah look at that turning circle the hat u-turn and the other thing that rolls do is this steering which it like the steering might as well not exist like it's the lightest steering that you can possibly buy you like that you like the thin steering big wheel i love it i love it because in every other car in the world i complain about the steering being too light and numb i think it's just the chauffeur in you know i think you you have you have servileness in your blood do i yeah it's an inferiority complex anyway of complexes yeah i have a superiority complex back here yes because wow it is wonderful oh like it what the amazing part about this car is that from wherever you're sitting it is an experience that you cannot replicate in any car other than a rolls-royce nothing we've been in bentley's and they're great been in my box been in my box they're all excellent nothing nothing rides like a rolls royce rolls knows this in fact they say that this car invokes a sense of flight on land if there's one thing that they're good at it's marketing jargon but they're also really good at building an impressively sophisticated motor car because this has air suspension as you've seen and that air suspension works in conjunction with a camera up front which is called the flag bearer and what that does is it reads the road and reacts in a microsecond to adjust the ride oh and by the way that name flag bearer is actually a throwback to when there were actual flag bearers walking in front of motor cars in the city way back in the day it uses gps as well to make sure that you're in the right gear for the upcoming corner but you see all of this wasn't enough for rolls royce so what they did was they added a damper for the dampers the dam the dampers have dampers yes that's right there is an extra damper on the upper wishbone that dampens the well it dampens the dampers as i said it's very silly but it works very very well because i mean we've been in the phantom and in terms of just ride quality this is as good as that yes which is the best in the world it's all it's as part of their magic carpet right nicole if you remember correct marketing yeah if you remember currently from our phantom review you agreed to be jasmine and me aladdin i'm not sure that's i don't remember it like that i'm pretty sure i was aladdin something to do with the way teal works off your skin you're just like oh yeah but yeah magic carpet right yeah no it is it's a whole new world ah see i made that joke last time i did i can't do it again now simmer the world now it's a similar it's the same luxury this is not shared with a seven series plan this platform is rolls-royce right they're very proud of the fact and they're adamant about the fact that this is pure rolls-royce yes except for the button in the trunk to close that phantom you know what trunks infotainment in this little wheel for sure who's going to redesign a trunk button yeah rolls-royce yeah so i think we can agree that they've done everything that they could to make this car smooth from the engine to the sound to the ride to the steering to the transmission everything yep he's perfect but how does it look all right let's talk about the styling i'm not letting you out no that's absurd i know you no that's no i i called y'all okay just incompetent i'm not kidding i'm kidding i'm here i'm kidding yeah what do you mean that's two years two years i've been waiting to remember he made me do that in the phantoms two years yeah yeah okay oh really living up to that silver spoon in your pocket now oh this let's talk about this has been there my whole life okay let's talk about the styling because rolls-royces are good at it yes they really are well people you know people are upset that they don't change much but that is literally the point that's a whole that's the whole idea today we have it in tempest grey tempest grey biggest gray and every other thing is tailored purple all the compliments i'm going to do the thing don't do it it doesn't it deserves better than that oh okay speaking of the spirit of ecstasy the spirit of ecstasy yeah and the umbrellas locked the car you liked it yeah that's good amazing technology in these things yep and the spirit of actually and the umbrellas are the only two things carried over from the last gen ghost everything else is new everything else is nice okay it's all on the architecture of luxury now things i'd like to point out first of all yes this hand painted line that's a thing yeah you know it's really cheap as well actually oh do you want to do an options list game yeah okay let's go let's go i'm so excited okay so that stripe that you so adoringly pointed out this line right here yeah the long coach line yes in tailored purple in tailored purple okay 1924 wow the tailored purple spin stripe okay let me guess let me guys i guess so if that's nice that's going to be think about like think about how this is made this is one guy one guy does a hand with like a stick and a thing yeah and then and then this is a special extra just this purple ring yes but there are four of them four of them okay so i'm going to say 50 bucks each at least yeah at least 50 bucks each yeah so you know a couple hundred bucks three four hundred bucks yeah 2600 bucks two thousand six hundred dollars uh and then it keeps going so this isn't that's an uplift spirit of ecstasy an uplift one yeah so there's a light underneath that's a big yeah so that's five g's five grand yep okay and then the chrome plated visible exhausts on the back okay let me guess let me guess which by the way all they do is point out themselves they look just like fake exhaust tips oh yeah that's that's just fake yeah there's literally a tip in there so the price for fake excuse well hold on let me guess two thousand dollars five and a half five and a half thousand dollars okay um wow so i will say that uh it's very pretty it's very pretty it's not as commanding as a phantom no or cullinan the phantom has a presence to it this is more kind of rounded and sculpted and it's a little bit different i i do very much like it though well as i mentioned part of it is the post opulence thing the simplicity of you mean minimalism so so what they've done is they've tried to make the front as simple as possible as clean as possible okay and here move out of the way okay this grill yeah it has a glow to it and they've they've worked they've sanded it on the back or whatever and made it so it's more of a glow than a chintzy light i don't know if you can ever get away from chintzy when you have a glove glowing yeah yeah it's just going to be chances it looks i mean again it's presents it looks cool but it's not my thing all right should we look at the uh the interior because it just gets more ridiculous as you go inside there's more tailored purple and there's more very expensive options okay all right it doesn't want you to put yeah this car punishes you if you want to do stuff quickly yeah it's like so you can hear the electronics fighting you you want you to push the buttons it wants you to you have to use this and it in the back you gotta yeah it's okay it's nice to have the doors closed i will say it's nice that the clothes automatically yeah okay now materials and design well there's nothing like a rolls royce is there no it is worse it's worth saying though that the new bentleys the continental gt are fantastic yeah it's not that far off no but this is still a step above in the like the quality of the hides the way that everything is stitched together there is there's less theater here though so the bentley had minimalism sorry post opulence post opulence yeah right like there isn't the flippy stuff um yes like with my box there's the knights the magic skirt i guess we have stars in the sky shooting stars actually yes but yeah so they've gone for a hidden technology route so it still has everything it just isn't in your face well they didn't hide very well for me that this is just bmw's i drive yeah rolls royce want this to be a detoxifying space right they they said that the the clients they don't call them buyers the clients don't want to be reminded of their constant success they want to have it as a place to think right because i'm also exhausted my success is so that's what that's what this space exists to do this has been optioned with the lamb wall mats by the way unfortunately we have the all-weather mats today so yeah well fortunately for the lambs because now it's to live james the lambs don't die they eventually they do yes eventually all them you know it does die is the 30 cows unfortunately that have been used to make the inside of this car unknown unconfirmed yes well i will say donate it what they have done hopefully every part has been used this is beautiful every single thing is either leather or chrome and that's my favorite part about it it's all in the tailored purple down onto the key oh god even the key has the taylor purple in the door bins is tailored perfectly this one line of stitching all across here which by the way so that's like the one paint line on the outside yes i'm wondering if it's like a dude perfect video where we only see the final version yeah for all we know we spent 17 days yeah this lady or a gentleman obviously maybe this is their fifth take as a result yes it is perfect it's beautiful yeah there are some expensive options going on here so as you'll notice unlike the phantom we're in this isn't lacquered wood no this is the open port i told you we're in an open poor age i've been saying you stopped steven rolls is is joining in now so this is called it's really nice it's got a fancy name oh you got is there an option is it a price oh yeah oh okay okay oh yeah okay so it's three and a half grand it's three and a half grams and it's called open pour obscene obsidian aeus open pork obsidian eggs that sounds like a fancy rice dish a hipster so it's got that it's got um there's oh the clock how much is the clock don't tell me let me guess okay i don't see the clock no it's it's there because we have one i mean oh yes it is it's a special plug okay all right so it's called the indulge bespoke club indulge bespoke clock it looks quite minimalist you would you might say okay so this is just a clock there's no branding on it it says rolls-royce goodwood underneath of it it uh what tells the time yes and it's gotta be it's gotta be three grand knowing rolls-royce yes yeah yeah yeah yeah six thousand four hundred so that's a six thousand four hundred dollar club yeah also in that range literally put you could literally put a rolex in there for that price yeah but that's rolex this is rolls royce it's better this front fascia this looks like a screen yeah this is different panes of glass with separate lights hand placed that's absurd so that's five grand oh okay um it looks very nice though so if you don't option things what does the car look like i mean that's actually not there isn't even an answer to that because it is a bespoke car the whole idea is is that their clients yes work with rolls royce to develop their perfect correct yes yeah i don't think they'd even let you not option it but what about shooting stars do you not want to make a wish yeah um should we uh should we check out the back seat yes it's worth it's worth looking at absolutely go i crushed you man you have a chance yeah that's true yeah okay so first of all i didn't point this on the front it's also in the front but this embossed spirit of ecstasy in the leather is stupendous yes well actually roswell is quite nice about it because it's your way of showing how much you love the brand it's a free option is it no no it's expensive how much is it i'm sorry let me guess let me guys uh it's gonna be four grand for all the embossed it uh not quite in this is 1584. okay again on the oh sorry the picnic table is 1584. oh and on the doors it's 2241. so it comes to just under well it wasn't close yeah all right speaking of which there literally is a picnic table what i say literally i mean they call it rolls royce calls this a picnic table is this how i do it is this the button that's the button here it goes and it's powered isn't that just that's just that's just great listen being harsh on a rolls royce seems pointless really in ways but i i have to say that there's certain aspects of this that don't feel insanely brand new like it's supposed to be entirely new yeah yeah it's not completely modern like this infotainment screen could be there are better screens now yeah right like there are there's no black levels aren't perfect no they're it's not like it's you can see the pixels right i mean and down here these buttons don't look amazing well i think that's they've committed to keeping it on brand but i don't i don't think it's it's taking the best and making it better no like like like how audi's screens are better in the new uh you know eight s8 right yeah so i mean if if you're paying for the ultimate motor car which is what these are yes i kind of want you know what i mean but i mean regard the post opulence for a minute because okay like these speakers aren't as egregious as my box where they have all the crazy stuff going on yeah this is an eleven thousand dollar sound system eleven thousand dollars why are you even surprised there should be no more is everything was like a six or a four it's an 11. yes they literally took the price to 11 for the sound system um this isn't at the level of the phantom but that's by design obviously well it's just more than half the price so it is priced like that well i'd say it's three quarters of the interior at least right yeah because like the materials are still like all the way down to the chrome seat rails which i love even the vents for the air are chromed right and you can get the giant lambswool mats right yeah well even the velvet around the windsill here it's very nice everything everything is exactly what you'd expect in a rolls-royce and it is supremely comfortable back here uh there's not much more to say other than this is i mean other than the phantom pretty much the ultimate motor car absolutely and we may make fun of the overly wordy marketing but post opulence aside there really isn't anything like a rolls royce it may not be a car that you or i will ever own but its significance in the world of luxury motoring is undeniable because while there may be constant debate over what the best sports car to go for a rip in is when it comes to going for a waft there is no argument the rose reigns supreme thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 409,069
Rating: 4.9598227 out of 5
Keywords: Rolls Royce, Rolls, Royce, Rolls Royce Ghost, Ghost vs phantom, Ghost 0-60, Ghost review, Ghost interior, Ghost infotainment, Rolls Royce Ghost 0-60, V12 Ghost, AWD Ghost, Rolls Royce Ghost review, Rolls Royce Ghost performance, Rolls Royce Wraith vs Ghost, Rolls Royce Starry sky, Ghost Starry Sky, Ghost AWD 0-60, Ghost AWD MPG, Ghost AWD review, Ghost vs maybach, Ghost VS S-class, Spirit of ecstasy theft, spirit of ecstasy, ghost vs flying spur, rolls vs bentley
Id: x1Tb3bO6OWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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