10 Cheap Cars That Make You Look Like A Baller

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So a few years back I worked in a Volvo dealership. Nothing exotic, nothing crazy about Volvo. A guy came in and asked me what I thought about the Volvo XC90 T6 circa 2005 with the 2.9-litre turbo. He saw one for sale from a private seller that had something like 125,000 miles for around $15,000. This was 2011. I told him that those engines were notoriously unreliable and that they sometimes died a year or two after the warranty ended. The engine itself for the most part was reliable after 2006, but the first years were terrible.

He said something to the effect of "yeah, sure you would say that if you're not the one selling it".

He went to the service department who were even more adamant about how badly you should stay away from that engine, especially a high-mileage one. He told them basically the same thing he told me.

In any case, about 3 months later in comes the same gentlemen followed a few minutes later by the XC90 on a tow truck's bed. Engine had died. The repairs were above $10,000. Car was totaled in the practical sense, but not in the insurance sense. Guy basically had a $15,000 paperweight with a 10-percent loan attached to it that he couldn't drive. And this is a Volvo, not an AMG or a Porsche.

As many here have said. The problem with these cars is the maintenance. I think you can do ok with a Boxster, but a $30k G-Class or Maserati? Lord have mercy.

👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/cjdrive 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm not watching this video but I can tell you there isn't a single g wagon under 30k let alone a newer one

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I would love to know what the typical repair costs are for these vehicles. The only ones that don't completely scare me are the LS430, and to a lesser extent (read scarier than the LS, but less scary than the rest) the 7 series.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/digistil 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

It really comes down to the community of people you're trying to impress right? Torontonian's don't really know their car models very well I think.

Like James' story of "yo, is that a corvette" when he's in a Miata, my best friend asked "Dude, you got a Ferrari?" when I showed her my new mustang. I mean, she knows nothing about cars and there's a pony on the hood.

in my experience, in Toronto's younger, wealthier Asian-Canadian community (think, the fuccboi hypebeasts) which a number of my friends belong to, a Lexus or older Mercedes, BMW won't ever make people think you're wealthy. They'll all think you got your mom's old car. But that's this community, if you are in the midwest USA, I think people are a lot more impressed by european brands.

In my experience, if you want to impress people, the most important thing is brand and interior tech. Plenty of people don't know the difference between the CLA and CLS, but interior tech? that dazzles.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Uptons_BJs 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/mr_lab_rat 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Throttle House is quickly becoming my favorite car YouTube channel, up with vinwiki, Hoovie’s Garage, and Casey Putsch

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Iceman_08 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

The most expensive car you can buy is a cheap German car.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/NCSUGrad2012 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hearing James say words like "baller" or "gangster" is like hearing Doug Demuro say "this" in a normal speaking voice, it's just wrong

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/jbeck24 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

I pulled Paul in the pool

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Nattylight_Murica 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
here are 10 cheap cars that make you look like a baller you're watching throttle house I'm Thomas and I'm James and today we want to find the answer to a question that many have tried to answer but seem to lose track of one thing yeah the concept of cheap $60,000 isn't cheap even if it's for a used Ferrari the point of this list is to see just how much of a boss you can look like while spending the least amount of money and this is by no means the only list Thomas and I have had a lot of fun finding examples from a bunch of used car websites in the US and Canada and it's pretty nuts what you can find because to the non enthusiasts I a lot of cars seem way more expensive than they are for example driving around Toronto in my Miata I've had a lot of people be like yo is that a Corvette yeah no that's that's that's never happened don't tell I'm mad though right let's do this car reviews and quite a lot messages out so subscribe hit the bell okay before we start what we've done is assemble these in increasing order of ball Ernest and we're starting with this one which only costs $4,000 us a BMW 7-series and yeah it's seen some life I think it's a bit chilly in here put the window up yeah no I can't you cover the window up no why the window regulator broke but not only is the e38 generation of seven series amazing to drive it's so cool-looking yeah it's already a legend and it has amazing road presence to this day and it's filled with interior tech speaking of which which weighs ago in yeah for this price you could get an e 65 generation 7 Series with that crisp mangle design is a he's a bit yeah the one we tested was definitely on the cheap side and it would probably benefit you to spend a little bit more money but whether you get the shorty sporty spec or the long wheelbase it's still gonna be legendary that said don't forget the lesson we learned during our video and in the early 2000s there was a debate of long wheelbase versus short wheelbase okay and the very astute scholarly men of the BMW forum came to a conclusion okay what was it ladies love the long wheelbase so that's that's the one number nine the Lexus LS 430 BMW limo cars can't be discussed without bringing up this little entry from Japan like the entire LS range across history it offers everything that the German limos do but at a value and an engine that won't break right now you can get a Lexus LS 430 for under $3,000 u.s. and if you spend a little more you can get one like this which has heated cooling massaging seats oscillating vents and an unbelievably luxurious ride and yeah occasionally when you find these use they've been slammed and blacked out in well I guess it kind of looks cool it also makes them look like this site of a not so kosher business deal so like the seven series the LS 430 was a call ahead of its time comfortable long wheelbase can't say that lit executive sedan and it's cheaper than the seventh series so for that reason it gets on number nine slot number eight the nine eight six Porsche Boxster it's not just limos that make you look cool is it how about a naturally aspirated convertible Porsche for less than 15 grand us you can have your very own and yeah Susie estill know that it's not the newest of the fanciest Porsche but to everyone else all Porsches kind of look the same so you just became a Porsche guy for like ten grand and he won't just look good driving it you'll feel good too there's a reason that Porsche have kept to the manual naturally aspirated convertible flat six formula to this day it's brilliant and yeah obviously this generation of Porsche there's a few things to look out for these 986 s have an IMS bearing that likes to fail to a disastrous end so if you take care of that and some other stuff and make sure the maintenance is up-to-date you're good number seven a 2012 Jaguar XF okay so maybe the boxy lines of the 7 Series in the LS aren't quite up your alley well then maybe a 2012 Jaguar XF is much more modern styling a 5 liter v8 it's a car that is as luxurious as it is gadget filled and unlike the German competitors from 2012 this one actually had some theater engineered on the inside for instance when you press that pulsating push start button the circular gear selector lifts up into the drivers palm and rotates the four air vents into place and I know what you're thinking that's just another thing that's going to break down the line along with the other Electrical gremlins that come with owning an old jag well you'd be right but how cool would it be what it works yes it's a complicated car and yes parts are expensive and yes you'll probably need to buy them but for $11,000 us at least you'll have some wiggle room to own it for maybe a little while the most of all it said gee I know James it's a Jag it's a Jag number six the mercedes-benz s-class it's not necessarily any better I think than the LS or a 7 Series Oh controversial but when it comes to limos image is important and a badge means something so as silly as it is this one sits a little bit higher on the list even today we get in trouble for even suggesting that something can compete with the legendary s-class and for value it is hard to compete for cheap you can get an s-class with cooled massaging front seats adaptive cruise control infrared night vision and oodles of road presence for like 10 grand in this particular one has a twin-turbo v12 okay that version might not be the cheapest to maintain that particular engine has some oil leak issues from our research and the air suspension it doesn't seem to be that reliable but whatever way you look at it the s-class is a symbol of success it's a car that ensures your place as a fully fledged baller James we've discussed this that word doesn't mean anything coming that's because you're a baller bought a baller a ball Oh a baller hi bowler a ball when you say Borla and baller that's the same word bola bola yeah it's like the name Paul Paul right now say pool as in swimming pool Paul okay now say Paul as in pulling a lever Paul okay now I pulled Paul in the pool uh Thomas this is a family-friendly channel what you do behind closed doors is your business no no number five a Range Rover yep spend just under ten grand and you can get yourself into a fully fledged reasonably mileage right in Britain mid-2000s Range Rover it's a vehicle that keeps supercars company on driveways whether or not that's because it's up on blocks is a different story but it has a sophisticated Road presence a perfect blend of luxury and off-road Ness it has eight cylinders of British power it's still a boss to this day yeah it's kind of for the person that goes to a restaurant and orders appetizers mains and dessert psychos it has it all the badge the comfort the looks the performance and at 305 horsepower and 325 con feet of torque it's not slow and if that's not enough there are supercharged examples available under $10,000 as well and for that you get 400 horsepower and 420 pound-feet of torque and yeah it's an old Range Rover there might be a few issues I mean nothing major it's the air suspension differential transmission electronics but it's a Range Rover and yeah most people aren't off-roading these and Range Rover knew that which is why they gave it a unibody unlike the Lexus GX at the time but the Range Rover came with adaptive air suspension for the most extreme comfort possible so when you're riding around town it's pretty much impossible to break a sweat number four the Rolls Royce Silver Spur tell someone that you own a Rolls Royce and they'll assume a few things about you I don't know what they are but bill assume them they don't need to know that you're driving a twenty thousand dollar Silver Spur but even if they did it's a Rolls Royce from factory with a silver spoon in the center console there is a leather stitched area with the rolls-royce Silver Spur presents distinguished looks and suggests that the owner waves like royalty akhada rather than a regular pleb it's only number four because some of the most flashy modern rolls-royce features hadn't been introduced yet like those amazing self-righting rolls-royce wheel hubs also rolls hadn't reintroduced the coach door yet yeah the rear passenger doors open like this not like this not like this just this that's not to say it's not without its goodies this is a six point seven five litre v8 and a three-speed turbo hydra-matic transmission and very advanced suspension which if it breaks you'll need rolls-royce themself to fix it anyway on to the top three number three the Maserati Quattroporte I listen to that the sound of the top three coming in at almost five foot high that figures are relevant the Maserati Quattroporte is a trident badged Ferrari neighboring 4.2 liter v8 splendor to behold and you can get one for this price which is good because the costs won't end there these cars are known to be plagued by a valve variator issue which is like a variable valve timing system that could be thousands to fix and if you get one of the pre o7 cars which this one is it has the f1 Ferrari derived automated manual that you basically have to always drive in manual mode or you will eat clutches but nobody's perfect and if you can just find it within yourself to see through all of that then you can have yourself your very own Maserati right now I tell people that I own a Mars just because it ends in dirt and not air RT doesn't make me any less of a person just how nice would it be if I didn't have to lie number two Bentley okay so when we looked in the below 20 grand range for a Bentley the only thing we could find was this thing and it wasn't quite the luxury boat we were looking for in order to buy something with the letter B on all four wheels you're gonna have to spend a little bit more but we're still only talking about new Honda Civic territory for a Bentley feast your eyes because you can get Continental Flying Spur 's for around 30 grand Canadian or like 23 grand us even if the seller themselves put in the listing that it's probably not a completely intelligent buying proposition but this is about looking like a baller even if a Bentley of this price will probably require some upkeep yeah up keeping the fence around your house to keep out all the all the ladies because this is a Bentley this thing has a twin-turbo 6-litre w12 and at that price you're paying like two and a cylinder it's a good deal but if the engine wasn't enough then yeah it's a Bentley that means a perfectly balanced plush ride incredibly comfortable interior and in this particular one a top speed of nearly 200 miles an hour that made it at the time the fastest four-door production car in the world and okay so you're not gonna be going 312 kilometers now on the promenade but the good news is it still looks like a Bentley and whilst the interior doesn't sacrifice of little lambs unlike a Rolls Royce we drove recently James the Lambs don't die these ones do the cavernous inside of a Bentley Flying Spur is very large and it takes 11 hides to cover it its lavish its luxurious its modern looking it's thirsty for gas it's a beacon of wealth for poor financial decisions either way the point is is that it's a Bentley for this price and yet somehow in this price bracket there's something that beats it number one an AMG G Class Kylie Jenner Iggy Azalea Kim Kardashian all g-class owners and who wouldn't want to join their ranks I mean we're sure some humans have bought some too but that's beside the point because it doesn't get more flash more look at me than a side pipe growling of v8 g-class body-on-frame absolutely terrible driving dynamics and an s-class interior and it can be yours for under $30,000 u.s. we've actually had the privilege of driving a G 55 AMG you should watch that video and here is the best news to the untrained eye which is most people that still think the G Wagon is the height of cool they haven't changed the styling in decades so for all they know you're driving around in a $200,000 celebrity containing red light running parking ticket not paying machine basically you're an ass Stute car buyer who knows a deal when he sees one and if you really want it has off-road jobs too that could make a Range Rover cry in the corner it's the whole package it's the ultimate luxury baller car and for that reason it makes the top of our list oh you're still here okay you know it's funny a lot of people think that because of the stained glass windows I'm being held hostage in some church tower somewhere I am help please okay I'm actually not and if you follow us at the throttle house on Instagram you'll see an explanation for why there are stained glass windows next to me you'll also be able to see stuff like exclusive Instagram only car reviews some stupid two truths and a lie and maybe in time for the next video I'm gonna get someone who's not qualified at all to cut my stupid hair so make sure you follow us you
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 1,304,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap cars that make you look rich, luxury cars, rich on a budget, cheap luxury class, used s class, s class, mercedes, bentley, rolls royce, flying spur, silver spur, g class, bmw, 7 series, maserati, ferrari, porsche, used maserati, baller, used rolls royce, cheap rolls royce, cheap bentley, used bentley, bentley flying spur, range rover, used range rover, supercharged range rover, lexus, used lexus, lexus ls, v12 s class, budget luxury, how to look rich
Id: 1nrZk1XfuME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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