2020 Rolls-Royce Phantom vs The Cheapest Phantom You Can Buy

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It’s funny how after hearing all the insane prices for the various options you lose all reference of what is actually reasonable. That little refrigerator cubby costs $5000 and looks like it fits two bottles of water. For $5000 you can buy a damn good full size refrigerator.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 257 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tom_fuckin_bombadil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

600k cant even buy you fog lights...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 533 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FourthGearGaming πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"cheapest Rolls-Royce you can buy"

Hoovie: hold my beer

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 360 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MABfan11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Driving this in convoy

When you're so rich the chaffeur of your 2020 Phantom is actually driving his own older model Phantom

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/18845683 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

30 seconds of this video was enough to make me subscribe

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 503 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rADIOLINJA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

A+ intro, the Bentley comment made me laugh.

Anyone else getting a kind of younger generation Top Gear vibes from this? I think this video is one of the best ones they've put out in terms of entertainment.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 169 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Exia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The comment about suicide doors and changing name so youtubers don't film them in Japan... LMAO great content

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OVOYorge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cheapest one you can buy is still 100x more than i can afford

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neptitude πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Something I’ve noticed not only in the new Phantom shown here, but also luxury cars in general, which I find strange, is the cheap seat belts. The belts and latch mechanisms are the exact same you get with a base price compact. I wonder why this is? Full-size Ford and GM cars from the β€˜80s and β€˜90s have better seat belts than this new top of the line Rolls Royce! Could be completely wrong about this, but it just looks like it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hemingray1893 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
cheeps you're supposed to park a hundred yards down from the school now everyone's gonna see me get out in this Rolls Royce hunter listen I brought your father and his father before him to school you needn't be ashamed of who you are that's easy for you to say that I'm gonna make fun of you pay them no mind you get out there and you show those boys who you are guys look rolls-royce from 2000 you shut up Jason your mum's Bentley's on a lease you're watching throttle has I'm Thomas and I'm being driven around in a 2020 rolls-royce phantom and and I'm James and I'm driving him as it feel being my driver James actually it feels amazing rolls-royce call this a magic carpet round it's a whole new world it is and in this metaphor you're Jasmine why my Jasmine cuz I'm Anna I'm driving I'm a Latin and rolls-royce say that 85% of Phantom buyers actually get behind the wheel of the car that is weird really significant yes anyway before we go into what makes this car so special to drive on the road what we're going to do is we're going to take an old rolls-royce phantom from over ten years ago and we're gonna see just how much rolls-royce you can get for under a hundred thousand dollars and we're going to compare it to the new one to see how far they've come this is the 2020 rolls-royce phantom eight a rolls-royce phantom is the very essence of peak craftsmanship it's the embodiment of class and the last word in resplendent luxury it is without rival in fact perhaps its biggest enemy is itself because you need to consider the fact that for approximately half a million dollars less you can get one of these in the used market and it is still a yacht that proudly carries the Spirit of Ecstasy at its bow the cheapest available phantoms range from about sixty to eighty K depending on mileage so we stopped at radical auto in Burbank California to test drive this 2004 rolls-royce phantom seven so after navigating through the rather opulent selection of vehicles we grabbed our phantoms and headed for the California hills and in order to truly appreciate why the Phantom stands alone on the podium we want to take a look at the features that makes this twenty20 so unique and the things that make it not so unique and BMW and to see if the older one even comes close because the new one is pretty mind-blowing and if you can almost achieve that for a tenth of the price well then that's mighty tempting so we parked the new Phantom next to its counterpart to discuss and if you're new to throttle house we do car reviews track tests and quite a lot of messing around so subscribe hit the belt oh okay beautiful and these clothes all by themselves right let's talk about the styling you're not gonna do this to me I knew you were gonna do this I shouldn't have worn this tie I look like bloody Gryffindor okay fine thank you sir please step out actually rolls-royce call them coach tools oh yeah they change the name yeah they didn't want youtubers to take them to a forest to film them right okay so let's talk about the new one because well first of all between these two this many years apart I don't think you could blame anyone for thinking that both new it's unbelievable 16 years separates these comics teen years if you look at like BMW 16 years in difference it's hilarious yeah this obviously as a design and they're not interested in also owned by BMW there there's the different story but yeah it's such a grand design these lights are great yeah they do they've modernized it kind of they say rolls-royce we've lost the sharper you can see there's no sharp is no sharp corner here yeah we still have the Spirit of Ecstasy yes but you're not allowed to steal because if you do rolls-royce takes it from you okay this one does the same thing actually but I'm actually genuinely upset I feel like a sense of loss we'll never see it again you can customize the Spirit of Ecstasy to a this is just the standard one no well it is the standard one but it also has the up light so like I said which is four and a half grand speaking of things that are expensive how much is this satin I'll call it a bonnet this is this will be the ones I'm conceding call it a bonnet seven and a half thousand US dollars have been and a half thousand you yeah well I think it complements the Scala red perfectly scarlet red scarlet Karla Cala okay because we're in LA right this is a lovely duo de stammers it's so imposing Vienna's driving this in convoy we owned it is like what is going on all right let's talk about this one actually because these both look so fantastic yeah well the Phantom is the beast in the rolls-royce range this one has some custom 24-inch wheels maximum hilariously I would probably stay with the socks very neat let's go to the all the way to the back as it is quite a walk yeah well the long-wheelbase is 19 and a half feet yes but this is the short wheelbase girl looking at the back of these they have not changed that much no we got some chrome exhaust surrounds on this and that doesn't have right but 16 years separates these two cars 16 years ago you couldn't even grow a bit two years ago and you couldn't even grow a beard that's normal all rights like with these wheels these have the rolls-royce center cap which stays upright when you're rolling and it looks stunning it's so these are the 22 inches these are part of the Phantom package which is 35 thousand US dollars there's some other things we'll get to them in a minute yeah also these tires are specially designed in conjunction with rolls-royce and they have like insulation and them quiet down the ride I can believe that it's it's wonderful it is insanely quiet so we do the interiors that's just the best thing okay yeah ready set go you also way closer in things yes there is a button here and it closes your doors it's in the rear too as well okay so the inside of a Rolls Royce is like nothing else on earth it's incredible I challenge you to find a material in this car that is not cow sheep chrome wood it you cannot literally down to the seat rails are chromed well the first thing you feel yes is the stuff under your feet three and a half inches of lamb's wool it's like 20 lambs died for this rug James you don't have to kill lambs to get will you you shear them no this one these ones are martyred color schemes let's let's talk with that because this has an amazing color scheme yeah this is braver than I would expect Rolls Royces which is rare no black and chrome if you think people are afraid to do something crazy this has white with red piping and then we've got the wood and we've got red and then this blue which is almost black it's and then the white headliner that's almost black but against black yes yeah actually if you see the hose in the fashion world no that's a faux pas with the clam but interesting it looks almost like black though in this in certain types of life okay there are so many options inside of a rolls-royce in the costs are hilarious usually we've memorized some stuff and and tell you but I couldn't there's too many suspect sheets you have me actually looked at it yet give me this you're gonna play guess the cost of the option okay okay right now I just say though this gala this is called the gallery yes and it's beautiful oh the gallery custom piece of artwork in every phantom with a glass pane in front yeah and this one looks like a fancy New York hotel room it that's exactly the way you describe right so we have our fancy clock but it doesn't it doesn't have a brand it's not branded no it could have put a Breitling or something I would have taken a Patek Phillipe a Patek Phillipe yeah that is yeah it's the guy that saved Katniss Everdeen and Peeta however that clock is a bespoke option you ready wait someone's paid extra for an unbranded clock wait it's a rolls-royce clock so I guess that's it that's just the placement okay guess how much that clock is seven hundred seventeen hundred twenty seven six thousand seven hundred and seventy five dollars in the US okay a lot of clocks all right contrasting stitching and the piping on the seats go how much is that thousand euro 4,000 that's a steel bargain all right moving down here really quickly we have these ways to adjust some heat and cooling yeah there's no temperature in here all right no it's just red rolls-royce doesn't get involved in the Celsius versus Fahrenheit game red and blue and you can adjust the fan to off soft medium high or max however however soft isn't that soft softer actually isn't very the car is so silent even cruising on the highway the in soft mode any fan in here loudest thing in the car it really is yeah okay this is how you adjust the BMWs version of I Drive system you can get I can actually raise and lower my Spirit of Ecstasy that sound a bit dirty all this is basically an infotainment is nothing super fancy it does go up and down but I'll be damned if we can figure out how to actually down sometimes I don't know if you know let us know because we can't figure it out in this steering wheel call navy blue is $1,700 speaking of the steering-wheel let's talk about this I love it it's still thin right yes it isn't to be thin we'll talk about the old one in a second yes that's very thin yeah the digital gauge buster well it's only it's only half digital it's got like the classic style gauges but they are digital but there's still physical chrome circles so it's a throwback yes it's pretty classic I think it's amazing yeah this is what my favorite things the inside of this console is trimmed in leather hand-stitched by the way as everything is that's hilarious they didn't just carpet it it is the space feel fun there's a space for your phone one thing you have forgotten about is this beautiful California day yes there's a starry night above us oh yeah that's right right which you can adjust can see in the day too I can see in the day yes there it is and in nighttime it's incredibly bright in fact when you turn on your light as there in a normal car it's like a lantern this glows and then your section of the starry night turns off your night sky gets a little brighter too craftsman 17 hours to place these all individually by hand they're hand stitched into the headliner if you do this for a living what do you say what's your job title all you could pick up so many women with this I put the stars in the sky they can say all that is incredible but you can say I'll name a star for you yeah oh it's just one lady all right let's go back see because that's really worthy that's what the action happens good race oh what's up victory sucks inside these doors there are two rolls-royce umbrellas and if you follow us on instagram you'll have seen james dancing in celebration dear okay this is obviously insane it's not even the long-wheelbase no and there's lots of room there is lots of room and if you want your feet to come up a little bit it it's the silliest discovery that's all it does it's all filthy up slightly okay there's a mechanism mm-hmm know how much the mechanism costs no I don't even how to use it I'm gonna put up the spec sheet again and it costs five thousand seven hundred and fifty US dollars okay some of the options in this car make sense and I would spend the money were I to have the money this is not one of those situations no it credibly comfortable we have our own I Drive here if we want yes things and if I press my are screen can i press my are screen - there you go yes and you get these veneered tables with the TVs that come out the tables are part of the veneer package which is like almost 4,000 US as well yep and I can move there because I'm in this chair I can move the passenger chair yes you can't do anything for them and these headrests have cushions they have full-on pillows they're amazing okay so first of all this is incredibly comfortable that's very obvious we have a little football here so the leather so soft well it's a rolls-royce leather so it is it incredibly high-end let the best leather that you can get for a car is here a lot of cows fridge we have a fridge as you do the little spots here to hold in your expensive champagne flutes the fridge is actually free really no no it's 5,000 oh yes this right here is a leather stitched area with okay I mean other than that the appreciation for the interior here just comes from the materials in the way that it looks yeah everywhere to show you what that is but it do you just gotta trust us that everything feels so expensive when you press on the leather there's like quite a long throw yeah it's plush everything is padded and soft and wonderful alright I got to see what happened sixteen years ago 16 years ago yeah alright well let's start in the front seat of that one okay yeah those aren't powered no but they're lighter they're later I'll so they had like a mechanical handle that clicks oh that's doing well so thin it's so cool I think this is just this I wish that that one was this thin really yes it's fine classic rolls room my biggest upset about the steering wheel is that the aw doesn't stay upright like the wheels do on the outside are you gonna be okay I just how cool would that have been I suppose it would have been cool yeah okay so here we are in a Fanta okay can i it's fun it feels like it actually says phantom here that's really cool so the person that expected this originally expect black on black on black yes right you can get you could have got colors in this air no imagination well I think this is kind of sleek it's more it's more gangster it is definitely right this button you press that hide away always a cop that one says that one that one's branded wrong now I know that's a rolls-royce how am I supposed to know that so this is a hilariously odd-looking infotainment system yes it is the entertainment is what will date the worst even that one in ten years yeah yeah you can see the same things right the the aircon is blue and red we have we have off low medium high though for the instead of off soft maybe wow this one's at least not lying that's right we have we have the plush wall we do and it looks like a gorilla's hand this stuff it's yeah rear heel yeah and then we have ways of moving things it's this that's moving my mirror over here yeah it's that it's that thing everywhere it's these joists right yeah you follow you're in an arcade yeah no ventilated seats no smooth leather no this is still it's the obviously very very nice but I will tell you that they have come a long way yes what's this right yeah that's a cup holders oh I see you know what it looks like it wouldn't you know it that fits perfectly it's the future Wow 2004 Rolls Royce they knew they knew what else what else did you know okay so we look at the back seat yes let's do it oh you don't need to do that because even 16 years ago no way those are faster fast fast faster very fast and it's the same button it is the same button that is crazy yeah these seats are very very comfortable no soft cushion on the road no soft cushion no but like urgh anomaly but there is something older feeling about the leather I guess it's been 16 years I suppose so given that this is one of the cheapest phantoms it's in North America yeah all things considered right yeah so like for a fraction of the price we are still getting an astronaut got the expansion smoke quite a lot yeah in fact well you can get smaller packages you got an extra amount we also get TVs in here we do then I'll just open this little door and push this Wow point mulden Chrome right I know it's not that's not the newest feeling part of this interior that's for sure we do get our own control panel here yep and our own also I Drive feeling thing where's the rest of the stuff do that okay so we got all this push down here [Music] yeah wow that came out okay yeah that go excited what is oh this is so I can adjust the volume that's the radio looks like a phone pad yeah it's pretty hilarious yeah oh it's the it's the LPS from Tetris oh it just fits right there yeah yeah that thing always fits all right so right yeah we've got some more storage back here oh that's nicely trimmed that's like suede all the way but it's old suede but it's nice as massaging seats in that of course there is it on all of the seats and does that have asaji seats I don't believe so I think we sacrifice massaging seats that's the thing got more space here there's no cooler in this one I'm sure you could have optioned a cooler in the era yeah but no snow story night no starry night that is a new feature how will I know if it's nighttime we can't know okay so for the money this is very very nice yeah what's around this price range like 80 grand you get you can't even get an s-class for that price oh the monster the ultimate in luxury and passenger luxury I want to see how this drives no drive this one for her yes let's do it all right all right the 2004 rolls-royce phantom I'm driving it [Music] yeah finally I get to relax inside so this isn't actually that slow right no both cars share a six point seven five liter v12 all right but this has like four hundred of fifty-three horsepower and 531 pound-feet of torque so while those numbers are pretty big that's actually a hundred less horsepower at a hundred less pound-feet of torque than the new one is it less or fewer fewer it's fewer pound-feet viewer no I don't like that in the English language is stupid it's not stupid though being in the back of a Rolls Royce and dropping everything you should do another Pooh I just do how's it drivin it is very very smooth are you ready I'm ready the transmission took a second to figure out what I wanted yeah well this is the this is the six-speed yes from the BMW 7-series of yesteryear now correct it is incredibly smooth to drive but it does feel closer towards the age that it is yes it's not quite as smooth see in the back here we're gonna have to drive the other one again but it doesn't it doesn't feel like it wafts as much ninety one point it is very very nice though it's dark in here though yes that's the choice in dark leather the white definitely brightens the day obviously the upkeep is tougher I wish I could get Rev gage is you don't have one I do not actually be something that passenger gets I have a power reserve gauge all that does is just tells me how much my foot is down and how much is left available to deliver if needed but it goes anti-clockwise it goes down from a hundred percent yeah these seats are so comfortable yeah I love that even while I'm reclined you can see the Spirit of Ecstasy yes it is it is a really special thing to see that I'm floating in front right like some I feel sorry for some people because they have to look at a Maybach symbol yeah so this is a very rough row we've picked quite a rough road to test this on no golfers in like criminals know right because when you leave for Canadians when you leave Canada everything feels scary no this is a it is absorbing all of the bumps very well I will say that there are some vibrations coming through right and there's tiny noise there is tire noise yes despite the windows being double glazed mm-hmm oh why does that make me want a donut I will say that there's something very old-fashioned about this one but the new one does not quite have in a in a good way in a good way yeah this feels cloud like the steering wheel is so hilariously skinny and everything's very vertical about the same than you on the steeple not release me what do you see well release rolls-royce jail it's nice I'm sure it smells Scandinavian jails like get TVs and stuff yeah yeah you do he doesn't know it doesn't feel like a classic car we actually did drive some classic cars it looks like in this weak and those felt like classic cars this still feels modern but at the same time captures kind of a vintage vibe from where I'm sitting all right let's go drive the new one all right all right in the new one this is newer and it's faster this better I think we did a burnout James [Music] you can't hear anything in this no you can't it's so unbelievably insulated but it is fast this is really talky and it's because of that twin-turbocharged v-12 yeah it hits peak torque at 1,700 rpm that's crazy you can feel it it's immediate and smooth but the throttle is a long throw right yeah it doesn't want you to do anything quickly no every input is smoother I don't mind that except the brakes I wouldn't mind if there felt a bit sharper well yeah it does have to slow down the mass of two of Jupiter's moons yeah well this thing weighs 56 hundred pounds yes which seems like a lot until you take into account that the Polestar one that we just drove which is a sports car made of carbon made of a carbon fiber it doesn't really have rear seats only weighs 400 pounds less than this so well done rolls with all the bells and whistles and it's killed many lambs right James the lambs don't die these ones do anyway this has four-wheel steering unlike the old one that's new yes right and the steering itself is much lighter much more electronic which is good in this case I want my handheld yes yeah I don't need feedback it's not a lotus no amy has funky technology right yes it has a system up front that reads the the road ahead using radar and cameras and it adjusts the air suspension actively and the sway bars act on the fly to make sure that the ride is as soon as possible oh it does yes it's called the flagbearer I'm just picturing like 10 pond I Knights of Cydonia have this yeah Sacramento you made through Sacramento the car days yes and like it's important to understand with even with the old Rolls Royce it but this one especially it is so different to anything the s-class is anything every everything like the s-class and the a 8 and the 7 Series they are unbelievable cars and they're smooth and quiet and fast but this is simply on another level of smoothness you described it best actually you said that it's like being on a calm lake in a boat up on plane yeah it's unbelievably smooth and if you have the air conditioning turned off because soft is a lie as we've said yeah it's not by quiet is so quiet you could this is like double pane glass room yeah absolutely within the other one the old ones quiet it is unbelievably quite the ride is actually where these differ the least obviously that one feels a little bit older you can't get away from the fact that this has all of the cutting edge stuff and what's amazing about this is even though it's way better than an s-class and a7 series and an a8 and dare I say a t90 it doesn't cost any more no oh no wait no no is yeah so 888 times the price yep alright we're gonna do something people don't do it a phantom we're gonna rip some California Hills a baby and throttle house because let's not stuff car that's worth more a grip that's really impressive like if how are we possibly going this quickly loses a bit of composure with the body roller stuff I can feel the rigor my gosh this is rear-wheel drive and I can this is unbelievable that it can do this that's mad Xperia x2 C leading the way okay so in conclusion yes the old one is still very much a role definitely still a role and if you pretend the word reliability doesn't exist it's a great option not that that one's less down today no but it would be foolish to ignore a 2004 Rolls Royce phantoms maintenance costs also the big difference is that if you want to customize a rolls-royce you obviously and that's the whole idea with these coachbuilt you kind of have to buy a new one and the darkness of the other one would not be how I would cost I think it's pretty cool this much more than the old one this is a weird way to conclude this okay but it makes me want to go and ask Morgan Freeman for equipment for spelunking in caves so to conclude the brand new phantom is definitely better in every single way Rolls has created pretty much the best vehicle in the world it's an insulated floating cloud of butter smooth v12 comfort bathe than the light of a thousand stars but what we found is that you can indeed get yourself a real rolls-royce phantom for under $100,000 and just in case you weren't trying to fly under the radar in your 19 foot long land yacht the good news is from the outside the uninitiated won't be able to tell the bloody difference [Music]
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 6,461,077
Rating: 4.8309999 out of 5
Keywords: rolls-royce, rolls-royce phantom, rolls-royce phantom 8, 2020 rolls-royce phantom, rolls-royce phantom 0-60, phantom 8, cheapest phantom, rolls royce, phantom, rolls royce cullinan, 2004 rolls-royce phantom, rolls royce phantom fuel economy, rolls-royce phantom exhaust, rolls-royce phantom price, rolls-royce phantom interior, rolls-royce phantom exterior, ultimate luxury, luxury car, rolls-royce money, phantom cost, cheap rolls-royce, rolls-royce vs rolls-royce
Id: lf8daKt3UlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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