2013 SWBC: The Power in Controlling Your Tongue

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let's open our Bibles tonight once again to the 14th chapter of John oh you cannot put your eyes on this too much also Proverbs chapter 4 proverbs 4 let's read that first verse 20 my son attend to my words now what does that mean that that means put it first now down here in Texas we don't attend to anything we tend to it you know I got to tend to that and um if someone were to come to me and say uh brother copelan come go with me and get we're going to no I I you know I'd like to but I can't go with you I got to attend to this I have to attend to his word first and there's a reason why now notice what it is attend to my words incline thine ear under my sayings what have we been talking about for five days my words are not my own the father that dwelleth within me he does the works can you see that right here is what God is telling us to do in order so that he can do with us the same way amen amen put his word first place find out what he has to say about it whatever it is now incline your ear unto my sayings let them not depart from your eyes your eye needs to be single on the word of God and Jesus said if your eye is single your whole body is filled with light and he's talking about light energy the light of God which is the life of God Amen all right now keep them in the midst of your heart for they his words are life to those that find them and health my cross reference says medicine to all their flesh yes the word of God is medicine to all your flesh now my brother and sister I don't care what's wrong with you from the top of your head to the souls of your feet and if it's some kind of disease ain't nobody even figured out what it is yet it's covered right there it is covered right there you apply app God's word to it and you continue to apply God's word to it and keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the forces of Life put away from you a disobedient mouth and perverse lips put far from you now what you say it you can't be reading attending and inclining your ear to God's word and then get up and go spend the day saying something else that's right that's right amen that's a disobedient mouth amen amen all right now then let's go to John chapter 6 63 it is the spirit that gives forth life or quickness gives forth life the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life amen amen so here we have Jesus saying the very same thing we just read in Proverbs chapter 4 the very same thing then we'll go on over to the 14th chapter and notice what he said here verse 10 believest thou not that I am in the father and the father in me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwells in me he does the works verse 12 verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and Greater Works than these shall he do because I go to my father how are we going to do that well the same process exactly the same process we inquire of the Lord see human beings instinctively know that they are supposed to have something to say about everything in this earth that's the reason they talk all of time the problem of it is the natural world through the carnal mind has trained the world to choose death instead of Life Deuteronomy 30: 19 in fact let's turn back there and look at that see this this this process is throughout the entire Bible it started at the day of creation I mean that you know the spirit of God moving on the face of the deep God said let there be light there was light he never I mean it hey we live in a word created a word governed universe that's true on a word created word governed planet yes under command of words you can't change that you cannot get out from under that you can choose the words under which you live that's right and here it is right here Deuteronomy 30: 19 I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose what's the understood subject of the sentence there you therefore you choose life that both you and your seed may live you choose you choose well what did he say he said my words are life my words are Spirit they are life my words constitute the blessing the blessing I'm not talking about a blessing I'm talking about the blessing what God spoke over Adam amen later covenanted through Noah said the same thing be fruitful multiplies have dominion over the Earth subdue it replenish it amen the blessing of the Lord that's the same power that created this Earth and this universe now then words of life come from from God his words are spirit and they are life now let me share something with you here a moment about words words are spiritual containers they're not help me Lord words are not primarily for communication that's right that's the secondary use of words that's not primary use the primary use of words it that the reason God created man in His image and gave the man the same authority to choose and speak words that he has so that God could put his word in a man's mouth that man could speak it and the very same power of God would function in behalf and around that man as it would around God that's right Jesus proved thaten now words primary function are power and control amen that's right amen the release of spiritual Force yes words are containers God's words put Through The Eyes heard with the ears put into the heart meditated upon and allowed to produce faith when when see Faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of God so when when we partake of that system God's word is filled with his faith yes right and when you receive it by faith your faith connection to his word faith comes out of his word now some of you looking at me like you're right what if I use the word fear you understand it you can speak to somebody in fear and cause them to become afraid fear is a spiritual Force fear was originally Adam's Faith what is fear in the first place fear is a manifestation of Faith fear of let's say fear of a of a dangerous snake or a dangerous animal is Faith in that animal's ability to hurt or injure or kill you that's what fear is right all fear is one fear there's only one fear and it is the fear of death you're not Afra of flying you're Afra of dying no amen now how is fear generated and how is it communicated by meditating on the lives of the devil now then words can communicate okay you you can speak hate-filled words and injure somebody for life that's right yeah the scripture calls them arrows in today's vernacular we would call them bullets missiles well I didn't intend to say that yeah but you said it yeah I didn't intend pull the trigger uh-huh I know you didn't but you shot the guy's ear off anyway that's how dangerous words are amen amen now then thank you Lord oh man let's go over the book of jam names yes well brother Copeland you know the Bible says no man can tame the tongue that's that's not oh the Bible didn't say that oh yes it did no it didn't oh man turn to the Book of James what is so rich about James he was raised in the household with Jesus he watched him and when he was a young man he thought Jesus was absolutely crazy the whole family thought they called him lunatic the thing that had them so Disturbed they they they knew he was special it wasn't that at all I mean you couldn't live in the house with him and I know that and and he but they began to realize that the people believed he was a prophet and they began to realize he probably is but he wouldn't promote himself he wouldn't do the things a prophet's supposed to do to get well known and get established and and d da and you know and then when he cast the money changers out of that Temple whoa the family wouldn't go to the meetings no more they stood outside and wait till the crowd leaves and would you tell would you you tell son that we're out here we ain't coming in there amen all right now James after Jesus was raised from the dead he appeared to James that's right now don't you know all of those things that he saw when he was a little boy and the things that he heard him say and now it's all coming back and he has understanding of it and the Holy Ghost is teaching him and training him and he thinks back and he and and he thinks that's what he was doing all the time and a lot of that is right here in this book that's what he was talking about when he said you need to be a doer of the word not just a hearer only how'd he know that that's what he used to be a hearer only he thought his his brother the preacher was crazy now let's find out about taming the tongue let's go over here to the third chapter my brethren be not many Masters knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation for in many things we offend all If any man offend not in word the same is a perfect now don't let the word perfect U throw you the same is a mature person not talking about mature in age he's talking about mature spiritually he is a mature man and able now look at this hey I tell you right now you ought to put this up on I I you you take scriptures like this you put them on cards and you put them on the refrigerator Ator door that's where you go most of the time put it on the refrigerator door and read it every time you open the refrigerator amen or like Veronica Winston did Bill said she she she put scriptures all over the house when they were believing God and and certain things about their their home and and so forth and Miss Veronica put scriptures all over the house she said you go in the restroom and and you know there scriptures on the toilet lid man said he picked the toilet lid oh yeah right there she had scripture on the refrigerator scriptures on the cabinets amen well that's the way Glory I were when we we first got started man I mean we we we put them everywhere we keep them in our eyes we're renewing our minds we we're beginning to think like God thinks instead of the the way we used to think now notice this he is able this man is that has bridled that tongue is able also to Bridle the whole body we just got through reading about that in the Book of Proverbs chapter 4 he said if you put my words in your eyes don't let them depart incline your ear listen to my sayings they will be what Health to all your flesh Hallelujah well there it is again now then let's follow on here able to Bridle the whole body we put bits in the horse's mouths that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body behold also the ships which though they be so great and are driven of fierce winds now look look at the picture of that now he talk first about your body now he's apply this to controlling an animal that's bigger than you are controlling an animal that weighs hundreds and hundreds maybe even a th000 pounds sounds but you control him with a bit in his mouth this interesting isn't it now he's talking about great ships at Sea now that ship I don't care how big that thing is it has outside forces now that are trying to have effect on its course line it has a course it's tracking it it it has a destination it's navigating of course but the winds are blowing it the waves are hitting it yeah now now you got outside forces involved here well all of these are true with human life you got things that are bigger than you are yes sir and there in in a lot of cases and in most people that physical body is bigger than they are that thing gets What It Wants I want a Twinkie and I want it now we ain't eating Twinkies no more that's what you think and you put him and M's on the top of it right now well before the day's up yeah [Laughter] okay no but then you've got outside forces you got out from all all all kinds of pressure coming from outside and that's what he's talking about when it comes to the course that this ship is navigating and this ship is off out there in the ocean where you can't just park it am you have to keep navigating you have to keep going you are headed for the destination you have to keep going I don't care what the win does I don't care what the storms do I don't care what hits that ship you got to make it to the other side yes amen amen these These are live pictures aren't they yes sir things that come against us and the course that God has set before us sir so now notice what he said about this ship which though they be so great and are driven of fierce winds yet are they turned about with a very small Helm or Rudder where soever the governor or the captain listed or wherever he decides and makes a turn that huge ship still responds to that small Rudder wind no when it's that Rudder that keeps that thing on course amen thank you this is at if nobody could tame the tongue we might as well tear all that out of the Bible he put that in there guess just a hold of pages of so there must be something more here in the statement he's about to make we need to look at this we need to look at this very carefully verse five even so now even so means the tongue even so is like the bit in the horse's mouth and like the rudder on the ship even so the tongue is a little member and boasteth great things behold how great a matter or w a little fire Kindles we're talking about kindling here kindling is a fire starting process you don't start a fire with a great big log right a huge log is is resistant to a small fire so what do you do you start with kindling you take a small piece of kindling and you set something on fire that's just a little bit bigger than that and that fire begins to grow and it and it consumes something a little larger than that you keep putting stuff on the fire it keeps getting hotter keeps getting bigger and after a while you're going to put the log on there and it'll burn it that is a fire starting process we're back to a process aren we not amen huh remember we talking about the kingdom process this is talking about the kingdom process it's the same thing now right let's look carefully the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it it the tongue defiles the whole body and Seth on fire the course now my my Bible has a little number four at the word beside the word course does your your reference section have that and you go over and see what that is and it the the Greek word means wheel the course or wheel of Nature and it the tongue is set on fire of hell hell has to have your tongue to build a fire in your life that's right that's right amen amen we just found out something amen amen amen if the devil can't get your tongue he can't get nothing else you got amen amen he can't make you say anything he can't make you think anything he can't make you do anything amen he may have you convinced that he can't but he cannot Hallelujah say this out loud my mind is my mind my mind is my mind praise God nobody can make me think what I don't want to think you can't make me say what I do not want to say my tongue is my tongue and my mind is my mind my Tong my tongue my mind is my mind now the tongue defiles the whole body and sets on fire it starts the wheel rolling now the process here you can find all this in the fourth chapter of Mark's gospel Jesus said the S sow the word Satan comes immediately to steal the word that was sown in your heart and he's got five different things that he'll throw at you if he can if he can if if he can distract you and get you get your eyes off of the word and get your ears off of the word and get something else in your mouth you get offended you get to saying what they said about you and all the ugly talk they've been talking about you and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and you forget about what the word that was shown in your heart now you're saying what they're saying and they're saying what the devil's saying and the devil got your tongue so you're saying what he says and now he's the one that's doing the work instead of the father that dwelleth with him what's happened oh all of a sudden you threw your hands up off of the off of the wheel and the rudder slammed in another Direction and that big old ship started turning and and you're just standing there just shooting off your mouth just spinning that wheel and the allil of wind and the way you ain't got no idea where you're going but I can tell you one thing it is not to the planned destination that's right you got distracted became offended cares of this world pressure from other things entering in deceitfulness of riches all that kind of thing persecution oh yeah well I believe the Lord just trying to teach me something why don't you read the book the scripture said Jesus said it himself persecution arises for the word's sake that's right amen put to put pressure on you to get you to say something other than what did you hear what they said about me yeah I don't care what they said about me did you read that article in the paper about you no amen not going to read it amen amen amen I ain't got time to read that I'm I'm busy reading this right that's right that's right amen what I want to read that for I already know what they said ain't true but this is the truth I'm going to stay I'm going to keep saying this as long as you'll do that Satan can't blow you off of course now look carefully the tongue starts that thing in motion now remember it's kindling it's a little fire when it first starts but you get it in motion you keep saying it you you you'll wind up following it you keep saying that whatever it is and and you keep saying it you're not choosing life you're choosing death you're not choosing blessing you're choosing curse and you keep saying that and you keep saying that the more you say it the bigger the wheel gets it'll eventually consume your life now there's deliverance from it because the word repent means turn around repent is not a big mystery now people have made all kinds of funny things out of it but repent just means stop what you're doing and turn around and go the other way and long as you got one of these books you can do that you can put those words back in your mouth you can repent before the Lord and you don't even have to cry and Squall about it for three or four weeks that's right no no he's faithful and just to forgive you of your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness I mean put the word of God on that wheel put that fire out turn around go right on back praise God Amen the gospel is still in operation the word of God is still working amen amen now then look carefully now cuz here here is the key issue th this is the key that unlocks this this whole process right here have you ever ever have you ever been going along and something happened and you said something that you just never dreamed you'd ever say and couldn't get it back oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh [Music] yeah now natural people are that way let me let me tell you what the key to it is Jesus said you're justified by the words of your mouth you're condemned by the words of your mouth he said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks amen he also said you will stand judgment that's right you'll have to answer for every Idol word you speak what is an Idle Word those are words you didn't get from God that's right not all of them are bad words they're just yours yeah that's what's wrong with them amen Jesus said nine words to that fig tree no man eat fruit of you again Hereafter forever nine words that's all he said nine words now we know he only said what he heard his father say Amen so we know where he got the nine words he said to the tree see what I mean about applying the process to everything you see and hear him hear him say and hear see him do he knew exactly what to say to that tree and he didn't say anything else that's it then he said whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea nine words our words then in faith are just as powerful as his if they come from the father that's right that's it are you with me now but now you add another 1500 word to it trying to get it to happen anything over that original nine Idol in operative words you know why because when fear kicks in you keep talking more trying to get the tree to hear you it just don't seem like that's enough man that falls in the category where Jesus said you know those folks over there think they'll be heard for their much saying no you could talk for a month don't cause God to hear you you can say two words in faith and he'll hear them amen I said one day I said Lord what do you do with all all that unbelief all that mess there being thrown at you people call prayer he said uh what you talking about I said what do you mean what am I talking about I said man they they they screaming holler at you all kinds of weird Stu I said I know I did that for a long time he said uh I don't know what you talking about don't and then it hit me he don't even hear it he didn't even hear it amen oh he has he has compassion and all that but I mean you're standing there screaming and hollering and going on about why did this happen to me oh God oh God my baby that my mother bless her darling heart she had she had so much fear about her until she got delivered of when she got delivered of it it was the devil's worst day I tell you when she got delivered of that she attacked every spirit that come down the road man but she she was told that she couldn't live but 10 years she had lived 10 theyd tell her you can't live but 10 more because of some things that had happened to her she her pendix ruptured on the basketball court when she's 15 years old and they opened her up and saw that it had ruptured they didn't even show her back up she got to die and I mean after all 1927 in LEC Texas ah are you kidding that's a stone age and that doctor I mean he just he just clipped her together with di Clips cuz she going to die in a few days anyway but he had he had gone in there saw that that R of course he you know he cleaned her all that but he did he didn't try to rrange it back in there like it went he like then clipped her back up going to be dead in the day to any and Mama refused to die she was already she was already a a she started a prayer life when she was a young girl she and my dad's sister and and my grandfather you know he kind of messed things up too he went in there and told that my grandfather was a man that not not very many words but you sure better listen to what he said cuz he ain't going to say it twice he walked in there and he he just walked in and told that doctor he said she dies you die now how' you like to have a full blood Cherokee Indian walk into your office and tell you that man he run back in there and soed her up right quick and she didn't die and the doctor would glad but they'd made such a mess out of the inside of her and and here I'm talking about 1927 now you understand and they'd made such a mess out her that they told her when she she did live and they there no hey these little old idep toy scars they got now you know are you kidding man back there in them days they open you up from about here down just unzip you well all of that's all messed up now they've seed her back up and there no way and they going to go back in there and do that again cuz if she dies I die well they said forget about ever having children it'll kill you no you you ain't going to be able to live over about 10 years anyway My Mother and Daddy went ahead and got married I was born n years later she likeed to die but you you can see how how how her mind was working and she prayed night and day a night and day for the family she could she she went before God I'm going to get this whole bunch saved before I die that's the way she spent her life well the fear of that got to her over the years until later on in praying for me she received uh then filling of the Holy Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost oh man alive and and she you know she began to grow and and she got ministered to her and some somebody got that spirit of fear off of her I mean she became a tiger well I said on that to demonstrate the kind of prayer that God not listening to I was a little boy the F time my dad right after World War II was over my dad took his first Airline trip from abalene Texas to California to see his folks I mean the war is over you can finally travel around a little you know mother night took him to the airport we left the airport my mama was crying oh God oh God we'll never see him again oh God that airplan go to Christ before he gets home thank God he didn't hear that people pray over their children like that I didn't know my babies out there nope I didn't know it I didn't oh oh God whatsoever thing you you desire When you pray believe you receive it and you shall have it don't believe you receive the stuff you don't desire amen amen and that's what this is talking about right here yes sir see sir well eventually like I said whoa mother got delivered of that mother got into the word of God I want you to know she became dangerous I heard two Baptist preachers praise God walking out of my mother's prayer group group one night and it is it was dark and they didn't see me well they saw me they didn't know who it was and then walking by I knew who they were and then walk by one of them said you know what I believe I that's the first time in my life I ever felt sorry for the devil and and that other guy said I know it he said I'm telling you when that woman got through with him he said I thought the devil i' have got out of that too man she was rough amen that's what that's what he get for picking on her amen amen now then let's go back and look at this now cuz this this this is just huge right here cuz this is what Jesus was teaching verse seven every kind of Beast Birds serpents things in the sea is tamed and have been Tamed of mankind now here again the cross reverence says or by the nature of man natural power anybody that knows how can train a horse whether the man or woman is born again or not yes now if you're born again and got sense enough to pray over it the horse like it a whole lot better amen but what he's saying here that Beast Birds serpents things in the sea are tamed and have been tamed by natural man or by the nature of man now but the tongue can no man Tain well now now now we got a situation here because he's already spent this whole chapter talking about taming the tongue so what's the problem here all right it's very plain let me read it to you now every kind of Beast bird Serpent and things of the sea is tamed has been tamame of mankind or with natural power mental natural human power but the tongue can no man tame with natural human power natural power can't tame the tongue because you say things that you've been saying long enough you say it don't know you said it I mean how could you tame it you didn't know you said it I mean back in the days when the glor and I first got married for before either one of us were born again I had a terrible mouth and we'd go somewhere she'd say I ain't never going nowhere with you again I said why you ugly talk I'm not going I'm not going outside the house with you no more I said what the hell did I say I didn't even know I said it she said see there I said what she didn't walk away shaking her head that's what happened happens when out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks it bypasses the natural process now you can tell what Satan has done when you go back and look at Deuteronomy 39 I place before you Life Death blessing cursing you choose life now if he said you choose life that means he's already made his choice he's already chosen you amen amen he's just telling you you choose life and choose me I've already choosen you I've already accepted you now you choose me amen now we can see then why the natural mind develops a vocabulary based on the curse of death that came on the earth when Adam fell because we naturally say things based in fear and the scripture says there is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but what after the spirit you walk after the word you put those words in your mouth but the natural man does what he speaks condemnation and he says all the time well I'll be damn certainly that's short for condemnation see he don't think anything about it well all the time those words get lodged inside of you right and you say them without thinking about it why they in you inside of you in abundance so what's happening you're continually licensing Satan to function in your life and everything he does you say damn so he does something else and you say well I'll be damn so he does something else and you say well I'll be now man he's built a system around you generational curses come from one generation teaching the Next Generation how to talk so that devil finds a home and the baby talk just like the daddy who talk like the granddaddy would talk like the great granddaddy that devil found a home man and I mean he's just following the following the family words in reality very simple because the process cannot be changed but the words can amen but you have to use these words to do it these are the only ones that have the power to attain it when I got born again it was like God just stuck this big block in my mouth whoa I mean that language was gone Amen in a moment time gone hallelujah amen praise God but you have to continue to feed on it all the time and fill your heart that fills your mouth amen amen amen now think about what the natural man says everything out there that's bad everything that's steals kills and destroys is under the curse of the lawall it's all listed it's all there every sickness every disease the scripture said every sickness and every disease not written in this book is under that curse all poverty is under it poverty is not a blessing it ain't never been a blessing it ain't never going to be a blessing it is not a blessing in disguise it's a curse God call it a curse and that's what it is right I hate it not people I love people but I hate that demon cursed poverty I tell [Music] you he's a killer amen amen I will not allow him in my house amen right amen cuz he can't get in my mouth am amen I started you can see now how the devil tried to sell church people that rich abundance are all dirty words rich is a Bible word wealth is a Bible word yes if God hadn't showed Adam the difference he wouldn't have known gold from dirt amen but think about how the world talks sometime when when you're in a place where there just a b being a lot of General conversation going around open your ear to it and listen to it Jesus talked about speaking to the wind speaking to the Sea he said speak to the mountain he spoke to a fever and rebuked it you mean to tell me trees can hear that one did he said mountains can hear wind can hear wind can the water can hear amen and and they hear us I speak to my car ah glory to God what a blessing this thing is I'm going to tell you something little car ah you're blessed of the Lord ain't going to be no accidents now now long as you belong in this household uhuh there's a blessing wall up around about you praise God you there's Angels protection people say Do you hear them talking to the car that religious you know what he's a Holy Roller he's yeah they're crazy talking to his car can you imagine this the thing that's got him his attention is I'm not saying anything ugly to my car if I'm standing out there cussing the thing he won't pay any attention to it if I have walked up there and kicked the thing in the the fender said you piece of trash I tell you you I don't know how I W up with you I hate the guy that sold you to me a something wrong with you all the time he walked right by his I know just how you feel buddy I know just how you feel yeah I know what that was to I got one of them damn lemons myself see all that sounds right now why is using the name of God coupled with condemnation or damn Nation or the word damn why is that considered profane he's not the dammer amen no no he's not the dammer he's not the condem that's taking his name in Vain and it brings no good that's the reason back under the days of the law that's only protection people had was to expect God to protect them and then they begin talking like that I tell you Satan move in on there and kill you amen can you see you you can you can just stand around and listen to people I I've done it I was standing at a car rental uh counter one day and and um I'm just thinking about you know people talking to things and they do it all the time as long as they're saying something ugly nobody pays any attention to it and this woman she was having trouble making out this this car rental paper you know and she she's typing around this back forth the days of computer and those um automatic and electric typew riters you you actually could put that contract in there and hit certain keys on it and it'll zip it through there and pre-programmed you know and it fill it up it just just just right before computers came in it's a forerunner too and she's working on this thing she's paying absolutely no she don't know I am in this world and I'm standing right in front of her close as you and me she's working on this thing what is the matter with you you are worthless I'm standing there just listening to her and if IID have said Glory God she'd have called me a fool and she's standing there bringing the curse on the very equipment she's trying to use but she don't know that ah Mr James what do we do about it here it is really simple the tongue can no man tame it's UNR evil full of deadly Po and therewith bless we God even the father and there with curse We Men which are made after the similitude of God out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing my brethren these things ought not so to be does a fountain send forth at the same place Sweet Water and bitter can the Fig Tree my brethren bear Olive berries can either a Vine figs no so is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you let him show out of a good manner of Life his works with meekness and wisdom uhhuh wisdom wiom well all right he started this book saying if any man lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives liberally to all men and up breth not but let him ask in faith so now if you have bitter envying and strife in your heart Glory not and lie not against the truth that is a very nice way of saying shut your mouth don't say anything you got bitterness in your heart shut up don't talk anymore that's right you remember John the Baptist dad the priest and he spoke to Gabriel and he said well just how am I going to know that boy I want you to know that angel didn't like that in the least and you know what he already knew because of the direction from God we're going to have shut this man up if this baby's going to be born we got to close this old man's mouth right now so you just ain't going to be able to say anything till after the baby's born right wow that was the reason why because that was a moad of God that was an appointment with God that baby had to be born so God said to that angel shut him up so he did well I'll tell you what your wife can do the same thing for you yeah so what you do see you make an agreement with her yeah you you you you say something you know an unbelief or something and and I'll call your attention to it I say something you call my attention to oh Bubba well I didn't you think that thing did scared me to death and she'll say if you say so you better get that death out of your mouth thrilled me to death scared me to death my feet are killing me I laugh till I thought I'd die you lied every time you said that that's right amen you don't need death to express yourself am here it [Music] is close your mouth lie not against the truth don't be talking death that's not the truth this wisdom descends not from above but is Earthly sensual sensual or natural and devilish for where envying and strife is there's confusion and every evil work but the wisdom that is from above he's talking about the word the wisdom that is from above is first pure it's Peaceable it's gentle it's easy to be entreated it's full of mercy and good for it's without partiality and without hypocrisy amen amen amen anybody can take God's word put it in your heart put it in your mouth and begin to say it amen he said by his stripes you were healed I don't care if your nose is running your ears are running your coffin you can stand right straight up and say by his stripes I am healed and not be a hypocrite for doing it the truth it's the truth that's what he just got through saying yes yes it's full of Mercy easy to be intreated good fruit without partiality without hypocrisy the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace glory to God put this word in your eyes in your heart in your mouth in your ears I mean you cover your yourself up with it praise God you and when we have a meeting like this you get in it you get there before you do anything else you get in a meeting you get in where the word is being preached day and night you get your eyes programmed with you don't need to be going to the hospital and lay up there in that hospital bed watching General Hospital on the TV get out of here shut that world out you get focused in on that word you get it in your eyes and you get it in your mouth and you get it in your heart and it's coming out of your heart going into your ears out of your mouth I mean listen it starts working inside your flesh it starts working inside your mind and the way you renew your mind you go to the word and you take this word and you take that thought you take that word and you think it and you choose it and you say it and you choose it and you say it and you choose it and you say it and you choose it and you say it and you choose it and you say it you choose it and you say it you choose it and you say it and before long it'll come out your mouth when you didn't choose it yeah just like that old stuff used to do my my my hall I got home glor and I've been on the road for weeks I got home one night and you know oh I am home oh I'm like ET Casey w't go home I love home and i' gone all the time I came home that night glor had bought this great big ottoman big old green thing and is sitting there in our little living room you know and she'd already gone to bed the kids already gone to bed and I I just about half asleep sitting in there in that chair just enjoying being home and I decided Well I'm I'm going to go bit and I got up and I flipped the light off and I'm headed toward the hallway to go down man I drop kick that big green stool that thing is about that big I don't what it weigh but it didn't even move man I H that thing and I heard my I heard my toe on my right foot pop now we gonna find out what's in you in abundance right now cuz it's coming out of there before you can catch iten amen first words are huge cuz when they come flying out of there under pressure yes sir the god of that word will go into operation right [Music] amen people get killed in accidents because of that amen that's right they screamed death true Under Pressure they didn't come out of the Mind come out of the human spirit I said praise God my foot is healed in the name of Jesus whoa oh man I tell you like we used to say out there in West Texas you know got me one of them shooting paines man the head oh it hurt I tell you it hurt I went on in and I I got in a bed you know kind of easy that thing was hurting me something well glory is sleep I didn't wake her up the next morning I mean you know it it's like the devil right there waiting on me to wake up waiting on me open my eyes and I open my eyes he said why don't you look at your toe see if it's here check out your toe it's black and blue check out your toe it's broke and I I all I did was on my eyes I said no in the name of Jesus Christ you're a liar Satan and the father of it I don't have to look and see I don't I I'm not getting my healing Jesus bought and paid for it 2,000 years ago it already belonged to meall I swung my foot off he said why don't you look at it look at that to I refuse to look at the thing I'm not mov by what I say you you better not be cuz the pressure is on I said no no I don't have to look yeah you need to look your toes turn black I said look Mr devil I got some very very close friends that all that toes are [Laughter] black they ain't looking at their toes I ain't looking at mine well he don't know how to handle that I mean you know if you listen to the Lord these kind of things are just come out your mouth I never thought that in my life but see when the spirit if you'll turn inward for words and don't let don't don't let anything bitter come out of there if it starts up there you better to stuff a rag in your mouth or something start shouting amen h huah don't you let that corrupt communication come out your mouth amen amen but rather the givings of thanks that's the way you that's the way you stop it with praise I shut my eyes and got out of the bed oh man went over there and got me some socks and I put my socks on with my eyes closed and brother C Ain that kind of stupid well now hey this is my foot all right you can do with yours however you want to put my put my stck and my shoe home got dressed and went into the kitchen have you ever realized how you can hardly wait to tell somebody what happened to you you better watch what you say cuz they'll agree with you and any two of you you on Earth agree you just bought it I walked in the kitchen I said Gloria now she and I have you know I mean when when when both of you live and walk by faith both of you are developing in the word with the same time I said glow I kicked it old that old big green stool in there that big Ottoman and a broke my toe but I want to tell you something sweetheart in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I'm Healed by his tribe she said I believe every word of amen amen she didn't say oh sweet darling oh I'm so sorry you broke your toe she just went on with fixing breakfast and pay no more attention to it but if you in there looking for sympathy you going to have a bad toe for a long time Mama start talking you know sweet talk to you cuz you broke your toe oh yeah oh baby oh man you know how oh oh yeah Oh Daddy oh oh yeah come on Mama soap it up here come on give me some more that and your old toe going and the devil say he how like this you going to have about six weeks and a cast on your foot yeah and besides that going to cost you about $3,000 well I had an appointment out the airport that day and I got in the car and drove out there and I walked in to the office there and this woman sitting at the desk and I walked up to her and I told her who it was she said what's the matter I said well uh this morning I I or last night late I I broke my toe but Jesus said when he was on the earth whatsoever thing you desire When you pray believe you receive it and you shall have it and I believe I receive my healing and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I'm Healed but the time I got that far she was gone now if I had have started that that you know about my broke toe and and I I believe I better go see the doctor she had agreed with all of that and it had to start getting talked around but you just put a little scripture on the scene and they'll they'll leave you alone oh yeah now if they're believers they get in there with you amen amen sir and I said yeah praise God well she run off and somebody else come in there and I told them the airplane I wanted to see and they told me where it was over there across the ramp and I need to go get in the car and drive over there well I went I glory be to God hallelujah praise God I'm not moved by what I feel I don't live and walk by sight and walk by feeling I walk by faith I'm I'm I'm move by what I believe and I believe the word of God hallelujah got in my car drove across the ramp now and just I mean less than two blocks just around the corner of the ramp and on the parking line over there to see this airplane and when I opened the car door and stepped out on that foot is just as healed as it is right now what happened the word was working all night long all morning long but if I had changed source of my words I'd to kill it a disobedient mouth would put a stop to it as it was the word was working the word was working give it opportunity to be Health to all your flesh don't be going CA it hurts forget hurt I mean dear Lord Pain don't mean nothing pain is just another form of thought you can't think of two things at the same time so put something else in your mouth say that your mind has to stop and see what your mouth got to say how the way you're made start counting silently from 1 to 10 now now out loud tell me your name what happened to your counting huh yeah your head had to stop and see what your mouth had to say it'll always do that and pain will stop when you put the word in your mouth you start saying the word you can't think pain and say the word at the same time so start praising God so your foot hurts so what your finger doesn't oh thank God my finger don't hurt woo my ears doesn't hurt way praise God my back doesn't hurt I I'm ain't nothing hurting but my foot I got another foot I got five more toes on the other foot praise God yeah amen get out there and get to praising God and you think you know that thing it hurt anymore but see we've been indoctrinated the other way the more it hurts the more you talk it the more you talk it the more it hurts finally you go get it cut off you know the doctor makes $120,000 you lose a foot and then they say oh man we you know I should have called you we found a cure for that yesterday well am I telling you the truth or not Hallelujah come on somebody shout amen at me praise God hallelujah now a close it with this I I just heard the Lord say this stop aiding and edding aging stop it the scripture says it will renew your spirit it will renew your mind it will renew your youth it will renew your [Applause] strength hallu the world's way is for a man to walk up to the mirror and start to shave and he says damn I'm losing my hair huh am I right or not but that's not our way I found in the word of God that all hairs of my head or number I want my original account I was standing there I was standing there one day you know and I told the Lord I said you know I've had the last bad hair day I'm ever going to have in my life I could care less I Roll All That Care over on God I could I you I can't tell you how much I don't care I said I am not going to let something stupid like that get me in trouble amen and I and he tickle me and I'm standing there looking in the mirror I said Lord now I I belong to you I said this this whole thing is up to you you make the call you want a wheh headed preacher you want a baldheaded preacher you want a brown headed preacher you want a fat preacher you want a slender preacher you're a call I don't care it came up on the inside of me say this hair grow dark brown so I said it thank you sir every time I walk up the mirror I say uhhuh hair grow it's the spirit that Quicken us any dead hair follicles wake up the spirit brings life and I'm raising hair from the dead [Applause] today well I mean you can laugh if you want to but I'll be 76 years old in December and I got all my hair stop aiding and I betting aging thank God he renews my youth like the eagles Hallelujah he renews my mind and I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of His lifeall the days of this man on Earth will be 120 years Hallelujah let's stand Give the Lord praise tonight stand and give him praise stand and give the Lord Praise is [Applause] the Hallelujah
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 82,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenneth copeland ministries, gloria copeland, spiritual growth, swbc13, sermon, bible teaching, youtube, kenneth copeland, faith, 2530589876001, process, life & work, faith teaching
Id: 78BI1h2Vd0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 52sec (4612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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