2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Our Good God Heals (10:00 a.m.)

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healing school healing school say brother copeland didn't brother hagin call it healing school yes he did well are you copying him yes i am every which way i can and i want to i i always um keith moore spent many many years in the presence not only of jesus but kenneth e hagin and uh i had to kind of work at it to keep him being jealous because i i came along gloria and i did uh and like i've said before we we didn't know anything but faith the word of faith the first thing we ever heard we were scriptural illiterates and we went and i went to oral roberts university and and we literally listened i mean literally listen to brother hagin night and day night and day the little tape recorders and they just and of course you had a message on each side and we'd turn it on when we went to bed at night and i'd hear that thing flapping and i'd go over there and turn the tape over and we i get up and go with the bathroom to shave and i put the little tape player right here and that shaved while brother hagin's teaching me faith and so when i we started making tapes we were in a full gospel businessman's meeting one time i had all my tapes on my table he had all his tapes over here on his table and both of us were speaking later on that afternoon and he walked over here and he looked at my book table and he said and he looked at me and you know i could do he looked at me he said kenneth at least you could have changed the title i said no sir that's the name of it i can't change the title now listen to me if it had been a book i would never think of changing the title what's the difference there's not any difference that was the title of those messages was no way i was going to change them and i tried to preach them exactly the same way did my best because they got results i knew what they did for me and so yes this is healing school he started healing school but brother keith spent what 17 years in healing school oh and i hear him tell those stories and i said i should have been there i should have been there hallelujah thank you lord jesus healing school don't you love it i just like the sound of it and gloria is watching this morning good morning gloria hallelujah and bibi's watching with her it's good and we praise god for it now then let me get all my equipment going here okay we will begin at proverbs 3 2. i'm going to read it to you in the classif the amp classic amplified my son forget not my law or teaching the to forget not my law or my commandments and my teaching forget not my law or my teaching let your heart keep my commandments just keeping the commandments without your heart in it that doesn't work now in healing school this is school so we have we use a lot of scripture i like the way keith begins healing our faith school he said take the textbook and this is their healing school textbook we use a lot of scripture for length say length of days length of days and years of a life worth living and tranquility inward and outward continuing through old age until death these shall they add to you length of days and years of a life worth living a life without jesus isn't worth living a life of sickness that's not a life worth living a life of not having enough to feed your family that's not a life worth living that that's sorrow well how do you how do you get away from that well you spend time in the word you spend time with the lord you spend time praising him you spend time worshiping him and you teach these things to your children amen a life worth living praise god now young people get hold of this well you know no no no no wait a minute well yeah but brother copeland i i'm you see i'm not but 25 years old i remember i was 25 years old one time and 30 was coming and 40 was coming and 50 was coming i remember 50 it was good but it isn't as good as it is now then i remember 60 and i remember 65 and i remember 70. and it's but it's all been a life worth living now that i'm 84 i'm i'm telling you i'm having more fun than i've ever had in my life because i'm in the best physical shape i've ever been in in my life amen a life worth living it's worth it whatever time you have to spend in the word whatever time well brother copeland you know i work for a living well so what well you know i just don't have time no you don't you're not taking the time you have time you have time particularly if you come home after work and spend five or six hours watching television before you go to bed that's all right if it's a victory candle but that other stuff no no no no that will produce a life that's not worthwhile a life worth living and gloria taught me this uh if you don't have time get up an hour earlier get up and pray in the spirit or do like what brother hagin would do now i haven't practiced this all that much but i know how to do it and it's a wonderful thing you just set your inward alarm climb and use an alarm clock 35 40 years it's getting away now you have one in here i learned that from him and copeland i'd be late yeah you will you just said you would yeah you will no just said it i have never in all these years been late yet not one time i always it my spirit wake me up 10 or 15 minutes before i'm supposed to wake up so i just lay there and enjoy the lord for a little bit and get on up and go do what i need to do so set your time get up and and and spend some time in the word and then go back to bed and enjoy your sleep till it's time to get up and go to work you have time if you take the time time is something you can never get back and you look back on the time and wish you had done this or that or the other amen and all right now then proverbs 4 20. let's just go there in the king james proverbs 4 20. now this is your prescription this works this is a healing prescription dr jesus has prescribed this for our healing my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart for they are life the cross-reference says medicine excuse me they are life unto those that find them well there's there's healing in the life of god in the god kind of love and health or medicine to all their flesh that hebrew word is actually medicine medicine for the flesh this is healing medicine so we're going to take our medicine today we're going to take our healing medicine today and we're going to attend to it now you know missouri texas i mean we're you know we we all arkansas we're all kind of out of the same bunch you know we don't attend to anything we tend to it well we need to be tending to that and so but what does that mean that means you give it first priority you attend to it give it first priority so that if someone says um brother kenneth i sure would like to visit i've got some things i need to talk to you about uh well you know yeah i'd i'd like to do that lynn but right now you know i got to attend to this uh um this is a priority and we'll talk later that just means this takes first place this takes first priority attend to my sayings that makes god's sayings that makes his covenants final authority in my life what he says is first now you go back to the uncompromised word of god the uncompromised word of faith and i'll repeat again what my father in the faith kept saying to me and kept preaching what you compromise to keep you will eventually lose and well i just can't do that i i can't do that you know no no no i can't do that that's too hard i just can't do that no no no no don't talk to me about that anymore don't i know the word says i'm healed but don't talk about that to me anymore i'm not believing something i can't see it i'm not going to say that you've compromised the word of god you're not inclining your ear to that saying what is it what is what is inclined that's an incline so i have this account over here i have this account here but i lean towards god i give my i give him my ear so i'm inclined to his word what he says he says stay out of strife i stay out of strife amen strife will kill you worry will kill you smoking will kill you and you smell bad while you do it but the worry habit is much worse than the tobacco habit much worse and the bible has a lot to say about it because it's fear-based and not faith-based all right so and we must always in healing school we must always put our eyes i've had the lord correct me the over there and again just recently over just quoting my healing scriptures just quote them and he said no the memory of what you ate for breakfast this morning won't do and uh i had the lord say to me one time in a a a kind but strong rebuke he said kenneth the memory of what a potato tastes like will not nourish you it won't and the amen i'm not talking against memorizing scripture i never have just sat down to memorize scripture but there are a few that i have of course like the fruit of the spirit and so forth but if you read them enough and say them enough they just come up out of your spirit and particularly these healing scriptures and i go through them every morning and and for gloria and you know and family and so forth and the lord said you're doing it again okay and since i do it they're in in my bathroom at my bathroom sink and and uh where i take my supplements and my morning supplements like my like my vitamin c and so forth and and so and i go through all my healing scriptures so i just wrote them all down on a little you know little line tablet and just scott's taped them to the mirror that's not all that hard to do and put my eyes don't let them depart from your eyes and put my eyes on those words because it's not good enough just to come through my memory but through my eye gates this is a major major entrance of a sense our five senses what we see is important as what we hear amen those are the two main ones what we see and what we hear and what we see his word with our eyes and as we speak those words and believing them and quoting them and reading them at the same time they come out our mouth and go into our ears and in our eyes into our spirit going into the brain and affecting the senses of the body glory to god and then faith comes into my spirit because i'm hearing myself read his words amen that may be worth the whole morning this morning for you because that works that works amen and it works every time now we know from the 10th chapter of romans faith cometh by hearing and hearing faith cometh it does come if we hear and do what he says faith comes there's no such thing as faith not coming because that's what faith does let me give you a a little nugget that will help you faith comes fear retreats look at adam and his wife they walked with god talked with god then they sinned and when he this time when he called fear caused them to go hide can you see faith and fear are both spiritual forces what we know as fear was originally adam's faith amen but when he sinned fear came well we know it so and i don't want to spend a lot of time on this but but this is this is important information i i've never been able to improve on on this way of illustrating this and my aviation background i've learned over the over the years that and all of you that fly know this and keith and jerry tracy all of the aviation principles since it is an applied science there is no violation between spiritual principles and the the principles and mike kennedy is a pilot um and so i i tend to i lean towards using that as an illustration and so of course to anybody that navigates this would be true as a as a sailor also but aviation is not just three-dimensional it's four-dimensional because you're off the ground but think about a compass there's a north a south east west they are all directions of the compass if i am headed north this is faith this is fear they are both they are both directions of a compass but they are exactly opposite of one another faith and fear so faith receives from god fear worry doubt all doubt is fear-based unbelief now unbelief is not non-belief when jesus said and the scripture said there he could do no mighty works save he laid his hands on a few people with minor ailments few sick people and healed them and he marveled at their unbelief not non-belief there's no such thing as non-belief you're believing something all the time right now you're believing something from the words that i'm speaking because you're thinking at the same time and so unbelief is not believing what god said in his word but rather believing something else such as your feelings or your thoughts or what you heard someone else say instead of just well that's what he said so that's what it is so i choose to believe that example back years ago i had the i had the flu and yeah i mean you know it's just for you just hurts i mean your eyebrows hurt your back of your eyes hurt and um we we i had driven gloria to the cleaners and she had gone in there i had my bible like was in i said stayed out in the car and i thought she's probably going to have to drive home but i had my bible laid there in the car and i had it open to first peter 2 24 by his stripes ye were healed and uh and while she was in there i just picked it up in my hand oh man i was really sick and just hurt all over and i did this i just led to do this i'd never heard of anybody doing this but i picked it up and put my finger now see what i'm doing i'm putting it in my eyes and i'm saying it with my mouth and i just held my bible up here like this and i said oh father i choose to believe this that's all i said i choose see that's belief and i unbelief would have been i just can't do this i know it says that but i i'm i'm just too sick that's unbelief so i said i choose to believe this sir and i set my bible back down there in the between the seats now you know there's not a whole lot of time in this because gloria just went into the cleaners and i well you know i think maybe i could probably drive home all right well you know i just feel better i do feel better i really feel better here i'm going to go ahead and drive home so gloria got you know i didn't have my mask on or any of that now i'm not talking against well yeah i am but anyway but that's that's just my opinion you understand what somebody call i won't go there [Laughter] that's more of a government idea but but anyway back there then nobody did that it's the flu anyway and by the time i got home i felt pretty good and i go yeah this is good and so gloria went in and fixed supper and gloria doesn't like to cook but she is a dynamite cook at some point she fixed a nice supper and i sat down there and ate supper and the next morning i was up and gone and just healed from head to foot because i chose to believe his written word amen anybody can do that anybody can do it anybody that has a bible one one of our healing schools one time a young woman her husband was killed in the service and it had just been recent she was pregnant and then they gave her the news that her baby was dead and but then when she her testimony time came and she she didn't want to come up in front of everybody but she said i she said since i've been in healing school and listening to healing in this convention she said i got word that my baby is alive and she said not only is my baby alive but i didn't have a bible and i came to this convention and somebody gave me a bible and my baby's alive and i'm healed and i have a bible if you don't have a bible believe god you think i'm telling you bibles will come from you from every direction he'll say to it amen hallelujah well of course now and don't tell me you don't have an iphone well get the app they just happen to be free amen free bibles in your ipad in your your iphone yeah your concordance everything's in there praise god thank you jesus all right now then in the book of hebrews oh i'll tell you i love this book this this is one you can where you can live and just work and listen and live and it just has the apostle paul all over it it somebody said well we don't know the writer of the hebrew is oh yes we do come on read it refers to timothy of course and it's it's the apostle paul's style i mean he argues his case from the top to the bottom glory to god thank you jesus look at the first verse of the 13th chapter let brotherly love continue you want to stay well that's what you're going to have to do you're going to have to do that to get well in the first place because faith works by love it's god's faith jesus said have faith in god but that that's a little off in the translation in the king james he actually said have the faith of god have the faith of god have the god kind of faith amen have the faith of god well that's the the the faith that resides in your spirit that spiritual force came when you received jesus as your lord and savior well where else did you get it other than god it is the gift of god it's the god kind of faith it's god's faith amen and it works by love why god is love so that's love's faith on the inside of you and you can choose to love or to not love love is not a feeling it's a person manifested in the man of jesus praise god and he's alive and love is in this room this morning and love is wherever you are this morning praise god and love is in us let brotherly love continue be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware what come on this room is full of angels today they are here they are healing agents the testimony of one man that came into the ministry oh i'll tell you i i just this one this isn't the exciting thing well it's all exciting you know i'm pretty easily excited when it comes to faith in the word of god but he had terrible terrible heart disease and he woke up in the middle of the night woke up and this very large man was standing over him and had his hands in his chest he said go on back to sleep everything's okay and he just went back to sleep woke up the next morning with a new heart who said it happened to me well quit wishing stop wishing praise god your angel say i have an angel oh yeah oh yes jesus said so sometimes just go through and look at angels the bible is full of angelic beings full of the work of angels and the book of hebrews angels are all over this book in the first chapter are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those that are the heirs of salvation well absolutely glory to god thank you jesus remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and them which such suffer adversary as being yourselves also in the body marriage is honorable in all and the and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers will uh god will judge let your conversation let your character be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he has said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee i will never leave thee nor forsake thee that's huge i will never i will never i will never ever ever never i will never ever ever i will never i never will i i will never i will never ever i will never ever i will never ever ever ever no i will never ever ever ever leave you i will never ever ever ever forsake you even at times when you just did something that's nasty and you wish you hadn't done it he's still there and he'll never forsake you no he won't and he's always nudging you to repent anyway he's pumping you up towards repentance all the time anyway and he won't forsake you and it won't put you down and he'll he'll he'll once you repent of the sin he'll never mention that sin to you again it's over yes sir it's gone cleansed so stop feeling ugly about it he's forgotten your sins and trespasses so you forget them amen don't let don't let that become a burden to you be honest about it and call it by its nasty name don't call it your problem yeah it's a problem but own it yeah lord i lied well what in the world did i lie about well for one thing i told them i'd be there at three o'clock and i showed up at 4 15. now i just lied about it and i'm and i repent of it and i repent i i've wasted an hour of their time waiting on me that was a lie and i repent of it and i repent to them and it might have been a bigger it might have just been a whopper well own it and then dump it just go over to first john the first chapter and lean on his blood lean on his blood i carry little the little communion cups does your church use those little plastic ones it has a little plastic thing on the top do you know where those came from you probably don't many years ago the worldwide communion service on satellite this was the very beginning of satellites and one of our very closest friends they called him mr satellite aunt clyde mcgee and and he helped us connect those satellites together it had never been done and i can just see yanji cho in south korea and they were receiving communion and how many sites all over the world and so they uh welches designed those so we could have those just you know just by the hundreds and by the thousands if you needed to they designed those little guys for us so we didn't have to have little little glasses isn't that cute don't you love it and just like on this trip i i put several of them in there so i could take communion each day and you just take it with you you know fix your little ziplock bag put your communion cups in there and take them with you and just receive communion and just commune with god and commune over your healing and your the forgiveness of sin glory to god and depend on it to stay over in that area and to stay in the realm of repentance all the time amen and john asked me one time he said now john's kind of blunt daddy how come you always know what i did or what i'm going to do i said because son i did it before you did and he's so much like me i said i i since i had me figured out i have you figured out you understand that and uh john copeland is is still my best friend and the lord taught me this many many years ago and you need to understand this about your children because this will help you stay well john was just a young young boy and the word of the lord came to me now listen carefully because this is healing it's healing for you it's healing for your family it's healing for your children and i don't care how old they are and the lord said to me now not i've only heard the audible voice of god one time but anyway but it's it's it's in here and it's it's every born-again believer has this but you need to practice his presence and talk to him and then listen shut up listen take some time and just tell him how much you love him lord i love you more than i love my life i'm yours to command i remember the first time i was in a meeting in houston it was not my meeting i was just there and just praising god in a wonderful meeting and i was over on my knees and i thought you know i don't know that i have ever told the lord how much i love him and i just said it i said lord i love you right here he said i love you too son i just wept he said something to me that wasn't a rebuke i got a lot of rebuking in those days because my life was changing he told me he loved me god loves me god loves kenneth kenneth he he loves kenneth well later on now please listen to me carefully if some of there's asleep a bunch of them knowing they say you need to hear this [Laughter] you really need to hear this oral roberts university and i just learned about the prayer of agreement wow this is huge this is like a bird nest on the ground you can do anything with this and i was just taken back and i was in the 17th chapter of john i didn't realize then turn there with me please i didn't realize then that the 12 13 14 15 16 17 chapters of john were all at that covenant meal in the middle of the night and jesus is he he's he has taken passover what's he doing he has taken communion with them that's where communion came from was that supper the apostle paul first corinthians 11 on the night that he was betrayed he took bread right there look at this i said lord and and i i'm i'm in in our little house there and and i'm just walking around and i thought oh lord i said jesus you prayed this prayer i'm going to agree with you and i just began to read them through it and this is life eternal that they may know the the owner of god and jesus christ and thou said oh i agree with that i have glorified thee on earth and i finished the way i agree with it and i just went down and i'm telling you you talk about blessing i it's just flowing it's just flowing through me and flowing over me and that came down and i'm agreeing they are not of this world evenness i'm not of this world sanctify them in 17th verse and then the 18th verse you've sent me into the world even so i also send out that oh god he's sending me to the world and then i got to the 20th verse neither pray i for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word and i said dear god he's praying for me he is praying for me do you understand that he's praying for me that they all may be one as thou father are in me and i in thee that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou hast sent me and the glory which thou gave me i've given them well i stuttered a little bit on that one yeah but yeah but okay i agree i am them and now and me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and has loved them as thou has what loved them as thou hast loved me that no has loved them as thou has loved me no no god loves me as much as he loved jesus no no now see i i didn't know i was a new creature that came later i just now got a hold of the prayer of agreement i hadn't gotten that far yet and well i did but i didn't it wasn't real to me yet god loves me as much as he does jesus that can't be true that can't be true but it's written in red how can i agree with this and and i started walking around that room and i go oh god you love me as much as you loved you no but but it if it hadn't been written and read there's no way i could believe this and and so i raised my hand and i was trembling there was fear in me see i that didn't i'm just an old sinner saved by grace well now wait a minute dumb dumb you were an old sinner and you did get saved by grace so straighten up don't keep going back to that baptist phrase that's where i got that then you it's be surprised how little i got but i got that [Laughter] and i'm not ridiculing the baptist thank god for them like one preacher i know said there's more baptist than they are people how many of you came out of the out of the baptist church look at that glory to god i did my mother and dad did and then they got baptized in the holy ghost like brother hagin brother hagin was southern baptist and like he said they got the left foot of fellowship from among the baptists and came over among the pentecostals but glory to god see i never got i never was in in the first place i wasn't even born again but i kept walking around that room god loves me and and i i did not really want to say it at first i was trembling all over god loves kenneth god loves kenneth as much as he loves jesus and i was trembling all over and i'm walking around that room and the more i said it the stronger i got and by the time i got through i was shouting it and i've been shouting it ever since what do you think about it a little bit of course he loves you as much as he loved jesus because he sent jesus to get you amen took one son to bring he sowed one son to bring many sons to glory and heal em glory to god god loves kenneth and i'm just walking around that little room god loves kenneth god loves gloria god loves me oh he loves me i love god and he loves me and he loves me and i love god he loves everything but sin but he loves the sinner amen that'll heal you thank now the lord said to me kenneth john thinks you think he's a bad boy i said lord i don't think he's a bad boy he said you magnify his sin he does something wrong and you get on him he does something wrong and you get on him i said okay i'll fix that well he said now wait a minute you need to understand this you're only the father of his flesh you're not the father of his spirit is he born again i said yes he is i led him to the lord when he was a little boy then he said you are primarily brothers in christ not father and son so i came home from that meeting and when i got home i said john when's the last time i bought you a tank of gas he had a pickup well he never had money enough for his kids but he said well it's been a long time today i said get come on get in your truck let's go buy something let's go buy some games let's fill her up so and we got i got in the truck and headed over there i said john the the lord said this to me in the meeting we were just in that you think that i think you're a bad boy and he teared up he said daddy i've done enough to make you think i'm a bad boy i said boy let me tell you something i'm not just your daddy i said you know jesus as your lord yes sir i said we're brothers in christ jesus you're my brother in the lord and you're my friend you're not just my son and i said i want to tell you something if you were to commit the most heinous crime in history and they put you so far back in a dungeoneer to pipe light to you i want to tell you something boy that's the day i use all of my influence and everything i know how to do to get you out and make you a free man again because i don't hold your sin against you and i will never again magnify your sin son never i never will if i see you need correcting i'll do it because i've taught you that that that's scriptural so that you live life obey your parents that you and honor your parents that you live long on the earth i said of course i want you to live long on the earth but i i just we're just good friends and i won't go into all the rest of it well then we had the meeting in fort worth and um and he was driving us back saturday night after the service um southwest believers convention and we're just driving along and i was tired it had been a long week and i had just leaned back in the seat and jerry john reached over and caught my hand and just took hold of it and held it until we got home my friend my friend john and he lives in florida now and we text a lot and uh and sometimes i just get a text from him and said dad i sure do love you isn't that good that needs to be settled that creates a life worth living not only for me but for him and for kelly and for terry because terri lynn is not just my daughter she's my sister she hasn't been my daughter in a long long time she's a grown woman she's got children of her own she's my sister in christ jesus kelly is my sister in the lord amen well that's enough for that now then psalm 145 and here again i'm going to read that from the from the classic amplified this is so good it's just my favorite of all the psalms that third verse great is the lord and highly to be praised and his greatness is so vast and deep as to be unsearchable the eighth verse the lord is gracious and full say full he's full full uh let me alter that a little bit he is compassion and jesus moved with compassion healed well he's god manifested in the flesh full of compassion slow to anger abounding in mercy and loving kindness the lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works the entirety of things created oh lord the 12th verse to make known to the sons of men his mighty deeds and the glorious majesty of his kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures throughout all generations the 16th verse you open your hand and satisfy every living thing with favor that's the favor of god he in the 19th verse he will fulfill the desires listen to him he will des he will fulfill the desires you desire to be healed this morning you desire to be healed this morning online you desire to be well this morning he will fulfill the desires of those who reversibly fear him he also will hear their cry and save them he's a good god he is completely good he is all good he is nothing bad he is he is light there's no darkness in him and he loves you and he wants you well he loves you and he wants you well glory be to god thank you lord jesus now acts 10 38 then we're not going to quote it thank you jesus thank you lord jesus open your bibles to it acts 10 38 now here the apostle peter is preaching this is 10 years after the day of pentecost he's preaching at cornelius house and in caesarea this is the centurion it's this is how jesus is so easy the centurion servant and he he he sent for him he had built the synagogue in capernaum that's jesus hometown in his home synagogue where jairus was the leader of the synagogue and uh and he said now now he he's he's a high ranking commander and uh in this instant you could you could all military people you understand what i'm saying i'm just using this as an example he is the centurion of that area he he could um you could loosely compare him to a garrison commander he is the commander of that area for rome so he said i'm not important enough for you to come into my house you just say the word i recognize authority when i see it and jesus marveled at his faith and said i have not found such faith not no not in all of israel that included his staff yeah what faith in the word alone you say it i believe it he'll be healed jesus said it that young man was healed and he was he was dying he was about to die amen he's about to die he said say it so jesus said it he said come to my house so jesus started to his house that's what i want you to see she said i'll come and heal him he said no no no no you don't have to come in here i'm not important enough for you to come into my house that is honor i mean that is high on earth i'm not that important i'm not but the point is that how jesus did what he said do jairus said come lay your hands on my daughter so he took her by the head glory to god so now jesus peter is preaching there and then he preached this entire sermon but now the conclusion is in that 38th verse how god who is so good say it again god is so good he is good he is a good god amen he is good and he's good this morning and he's good to you and he wants you well this morning glory to god and all of you out there you may have never heard anything like this in your life i don't believe anything they're saying well believe what peter said and god is so good and he created everything good and he never created anything bad that the devil was good when he created it and then he was full enough to turn his anointing he was the anointed cherub the anointed angel he turned bad the scripture said he was perfect in the day that he was created and iniquity was found in him he had no tempter he doomed forever amen but jesus came and bore our sins in his own body on the tree and died and went to hell and paid the price for our healing for our redemption amen and he bore the stripes at the whipping post on the same at the same time he bore our sins in that same body it's not salvation or healing it's salvation and healing and deliverance and miracles jesus paid the price now the price is paid it's free receive it take it glory to god i learned take it from gloria a receiver believe that you receive and you shall have a receiver you have to have a seat receiver my grandson is an outstanding college quarterback but he's not worth a flip without a receiver he could throw that thing all day long and hit the guy in the face with it i've actually seen him do it and he throws so hard sometimes it's hard to handle but i've seen him just hit somebody in the chest and just bounce out well it wasn't john jonathan's fault it was the receiver well i'm not by faulting the receiver because he throws something like a bullet but what i'm saying is those two have to get jonathan has to put it on the mark and that young man has to take it receive it i don't forever anywhere around him he has to take it he has to receive it you have to take healing you have to receive healing you have to take salvation you have to receive it you can't get born again without receiving jesus you can't get born again without believing it in your heart you can't get born again without saying it with your mouth that's faith that's the fundamentals of faith you believe in your heart you say it with your mouth and the apostle paul said we believe therefore we have spoken now the psalmist david wrote that he was quoting him therefore we believe and we have spoken it's shouting time in here amen are you a receiver yeah well i'm throwing [Laughter] glory to god i'm throwing it out there so somebody receive it thank you lord jesus how that verse 37 that word i say you know which was published throughout all judea and began from galilee after the baptism which john preached how god say god how god the good god our good god how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good doing good he went about doing good he went about doing good and what healing all that were oppressed of the devil now that doesn't mean he he just healed them all he healed all of them that would receive it in his hometown they wouldn't receive him he did lay his hands on a few sickly people and healed them he tried that proves his will to heal i mean i mean it's your hometown man you want to you want to do good in your own hometown so well i don't know if it's his will or not well wake up why wouldn't it be what is so special about you that he won't heal you it's already been done darling it's already been done he's already done it he's already born the sickness he's already carried the disease he's already done it he's already done the will of god he came to do the will of him who sent me and he went about healing all that would receive it and this is 10 years after jesus went to glory this is 10 years after the resurrection up until this time it was a jewish church all together and now thank god for cornelius and that got in all the rest of us glory to god hallelujah why because our loving god is no respecter of person glory to god amen listen he'll heal your cat i've seen him do it kelly had a little old dog had a he looked like he may weigh three or four pounds because he had a lot of hair but he weighed about two and just barked all the time she got him when he was a puppy he had some long name um oh we we just called him angelo angelo something but he and john had a dog called duke and no uh i don't remember his name but he was he was a springer spaniel and he began to grow up and he just get where got a whole lot bigger than angelo i was sitting we come home off the road and i was sitting there at the area and i was looking out the window at those two dogs and angelo bossed that big dog all of his life and he just nip at him yep yep yep just bark bark bark bark bark and so he just popped up there and just barking barking barking and just nipping that other dog at his heel and and so and so that big dog just walked over the top of him like that and just lifted up his legs and just sat down on angelo angelo screamed and angelo had a little tail that curled up over his back and when john's dog got up his funniest thing i saw that his tail wasn't curled over his back it broke his tail and and and his tail went kind of straight up and bent out like this i just fallen out of my chair and gloria heard angelo squealing and so she ran out there and got angelo then she left his tail broke daddy coming in with us and i was laughing she said no i'm not going to ask you to pray she said i'm going to get mother to pray so she ran back there with angelo and and gloria laid hands on angelo and i'm telling you it wasn't five minutes angelo got that up yep yep yep here he came his little tails curled up where it's supposed to be just running around in a circle jesus healed angelo that's scriptural god heals a man and his beasts yes study it out in history particularly with the great preachers wesley men that traveled horseback maybe he that horse he needed healing just the same as he did those guys preached unto until they some of them preached themselves to death amen anyway whitfield preached himself to death in this country until he started bleeding in the throat preaching freedom and actually actually fired the american revolution but their horses needed healing anyway matthew chapter 8. our good god heal matthew chapter 8 and we're going to take time here to read some scriptures before we pray now actually matthew 8 is where jesus fulfilled what isaiah said now we're going to read what isaiah said in chapter 53 in a moment matthew chapter 8 verse 16 when the evening was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick he healed all that were sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses matthew 12 verse 15 14th verse when the pharisees went out and held a council against him how they might destroy him but when jesus knew it he withdrew himself from there and great multitudes followed him and he healed them all now there's bound to be a jerk in that bait multitude there's bound to be a no good in that great multitude there's bound to be somebody in there that's done every kind of nasty thing you can think of in a great multitude are you kidding me and back in that day there were a lot of demon possessed people because the the the the religious leaders at the time weren't doing anything about it they were preaching the law and jesus preached the blessing of abraham and he started doing something about it and he healed healed all of them praise god all right let's go to matthew 19 verse 2. and great multitudes followed him and he healed them there great multitudes followed him keith and he healed them there he didn't tell them to listen you know now god's you know he's correcting you with this and and he actually let this come on you in in order for you to learn something now now you're going to have to you're going to have to straighten up here for another couple of weeks then you come back and see me you will not find that in the new testament you will not find that among the apostles you will not find it in the bible because it isn't there well he he put diseases on them over there in the 28th chapter of the book of deuteronomy read the 27th chapter before you say that the answers in the 27th don't just start with the 28th chapter this these are a people that they're having to be reintroduced to his covenant a national covenant which included the blessing of abraham and the curse of the law of sin but he had them out outside on two mountains and he had six of the tribes on one mountain and six of the tribes on the other mountain and moses was leading them and they would shout back and forth and people still do this in some churches where the pastor or the priest reads and the and the congregation responds the pastor reads and the congregation responds that's what was happening out there that day this is the blessing and this side would shout all of these only a lot of people and they would shout over across the mountain blessed and then then it would holler back and the curse they didn't know anything about the blessing of abraham they'd been in captivity for years and years and years and they would be re-introduced to this covenant and they wanted them to understand you do what i tell you to do and the blessing is there and you'll stay well and you'll be well and this is what will happen if you break those commandments and you just won't do it then the devil's there and he'll come on you and try to kill you but jesus fixed that jesus was made that curse for us that the blessing of abraham the blessing of abraham might come on us through christ jesus well let's turn over there and look at it galatians chapter 3. don't lose your praise there put your marker there in matthew because we're coming back let's go to the third chapter of galatians the 11th verse that no man is justified by the law in the sight of god it is evident for the just the righteous shall live by faith and the law is not of faith but the man that does them shall live in them christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree so that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit or what the spirit promised in his covenant through faith glory to god every sickness 61st chapter or 61st verse of the 28th chapter of deuteronomy every sickness and they're shouting this and moses is shouting this at them every sickness and disease not written in this book of the law so there's no such thing as a disease i don't care what science comes up with now and they call it some new name it's still sickness and dis-ease amen thank you jesus is under that curse well glory to god we've been redeemed from every sickness every disease every kind of flu every kind of cancer every kind of blind eye every kind of deaf ear every hey we've been redeemed god glory to god we've been redeemed our bones have been redeemed our ears have been redeemed our lungs have been redeemed our backs have been redeemed our everything and hey you're redeemed you understand that spirit soul and yeah glory to god thank you lord jesus you are redeemed from the curse of that law coveted 19 is a curse of the law and covet 19 is a name and it has to bow its need to the name of jesus it has to bow its knees that's what the ah hey read the book of philippians sometime he's been given a name no he's been given the name that king james bible is a tad off right there it says he's been given a name no no jesus has been given the name of god now hang in here with me of course it is the name of jesus that name is above every name that's name but now whoa the name of god he's been given his name his name what is his name yahuwah rapha the god that heals you yes that name and covet 19 cancer has to bow its knee to your heart raphael the god that heals you and for healing to have passed away his name would have had to have changed and like gloria said i quote her a lot she's smarter than i am and and i quote her a lot and she said well i can just see you're saying well god i suppose got up one morning and said well this is it this is it i've healed these people for centuries i'm tired of it this is it no more healing after midnight tonight so get the word out if you're going to get healed you're going to have to get it before 12 tonight and you can adjust that for your time zone ludicrous we started this service off that he's the same yesterday today and forever god loves you kenneth you say it and you put your name in there god loves kenneth god heals what you're seeking he said he really loves jerry yeah he really does uh-huh yeah uh-huh i'd argue with you on that he said that jerry savelle said he's god's favorite he is not i'm his faith but he and i you know what we are we're favorites in law that's right yes sir where joint heirs is what we are and say this god heals kenneth today god heals kenneth today we were talking about this earlier and i've been thinking about it earlier in the week a young boy now you know we talk about corresponding action last night this young boy had something wrong with his feet and his mother brought him to oral roberts healing campaign but they brought his shoes brought his shoes and he didn't get he didn't get to have hands laid on him so brother roberts was leaving and he called to him are you oral roberts he said yes son i am and he said i'm supposed to be healed today now think about this oral roberts laid his hands on over two million people tore up his shoulders and and but he he just wouldn't quit and and he would he would leave the service i've heard him say he said i'm the tiredest man alive that of us alive and finally he would be so tired that he just couldn't respond to the anointing and he'd just walk out of the service and he was in that condition and he explained that but he said well i don't know anything about that but i'm supposed to be healed today and so and he said well you know something about having faith for it is his mother said you pray i'll do the believing i have faith and so he laid hands on this young boy jesus healed him he put on his new shoes and left that young boy grew up to be a very powerful man of faith because he was supposed to be healed that day well you're supposed to prosper today you're supposed to be in health today you're supposed to be healed today you're supposed to have a life worth living today and you're supposed to live long on the earth length of days added well brother copeland i just believe you have a set time to die well you're just wrong well doesn't the book of hebrews say that no huh it does not say that it's been quoted like that given unto every man a time to die that's one reason brother copeland i don't like to fly in airplanes why sweetheart you're not afraid of flying you're afraid of dying admitted you're afraid of death well what if it's the pilot's time don't you think god's smarter than that no it says it's appointed unto every man once to die you have something to do with the time the way you conduct your life though what you say and believe in your heart and how you the whole thing spirit soul and body the way you feed your spirit the way you feed your mind the way you feed your body i mean you're responsible god's provided the spirit food and the mind food and the physical food but he won't feed you that's your choice that's your decision may i just uh add a little something to you right here two extremely important vitamin supplements vitamin c and vitamin d vitamin charlie and vitamin delta vitamin d is the sunshine vitamin it comes from being in sunlight and if you live in the northern parts of the country this one reason flu coronaviruses viruses of all kind or seasonal if you the further north you get the less sunshine you have and and and let me share this let me share this with you because see i didn't make this up man i got this from doctors and thing information that they have sent me that the darker the skin the harder it is for sunlight to penetrate that skin so it's it's more difficult to absorb vitamin d so what do you do you take the supplement go to the health food store and get you some vitamin d and some vitamin c and load up no virus well that's all i'm going to say about check it out for yourself vitamin d the sunshine vitamin the older you get and all of that well well i've been on supplement for vitamin d and vitamin c for years that's one of the reasons you can't give me the flu the main reason you can't give it to me is because i won't take it it's been a long long time since i've had the flu i had some symptoms and they left covey 19 is the flu get over it it is the flu it's been turned into a political national disaster but it's the flow it's a nasty chinese engineered flu but that's not the first time they ever did this there's the chinese flu one the chinese flew two i mean there's there's you know there's swine flu hog flu chicken flu and you've checked where it came out of and most of it came from china so call it by its dirty name well i don't know yeah hong kong flu where is that china i'm not taking the flu off a chicken or a pig you have never are you listened to me are you listening to me big keith have you ever heard of the chicago flu no sir no sir have you ever heard of the united states no no it didn't originate here right this is the united states of america this is the strongest spiritual nation on the face of the earth have you ever heard uh have you ever heard of the jerusalem flu no no now there were some idiots that tried to call that that the jews were responsible for it but that's the devil that's always hated the jews they weren't responsible for it the devil's responsible for it and it's easier for him to get hold of people that worship other stuff look at me in that tone of voice say vitamin c vitamin d amen how many units am i supposed to take i'm not going to give you that information can you read of course you can thank you forgive me lord for all right so where am i 19 2 and he healed them there mark 6 56 oh dear lord i love it mark 6 56 and whether so ever he entered into villages look at this villages cities or country they laid the sick in the streets and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment and as many as touched him were made whole that's that oh that's that sozo word again made whole saved delivered made whole from destruction they're healed and well and made whole now i am of the strong opinion that er that they these same people these same people when they moved over after the resurrection i'm of a strong opinion that at that said that whole bunch received him as resurrected and lord and savior and i'm not so sure that there were not those in from nazareth because he went about teaching in their villages that's what you get rid of unbelief with is teaching and faith comes amen we know his brothers did yes we know they thought he was insane we know is the book of james in this book or not the oldest book in the new testament jesus half-brother wrote it that's the reason he knew so much about corresponding action because he was raised with this man he saw his big brother do it he heard his big brother talk about it how would you like to have been jesus brother jesus wouldn't do that jesus never makes a mistake god i'm so tired of hearing about jesus get out of my face he said he never sins he never says an ugly word and it seems like every word i say is wrong well jesus ah but when he saw the cross and was raised from the dead and he took him as his lord and savior oh dear one thank you lord jesus are we doing good this morning okay let's go to the book of luke in the fourth chapter now this oh this fourth chapter luke you talk about a you talk about a chapter that's that's loaded this fourth chapter of luke is a canon of information and power and luke chapter 4 verse 38 this is luke's account of what happened at peter's house and he arose out of the synagogue and entered into simon's house and simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever and they besought him for her and he stood over her and rebuked the fever and it left her and immediately she arose and ministered unto them now when the sun was setting and all they that had any sick with different diseases brought them unto him it's the end of the sabbath it's the end of the sabbath now he healed a man in the sabbath and shook everybody up at synagogue so the sun was setting and all they that had any sick with them for diseases brought them unto him and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them he laid his hands on every one of them and healed him glory be to god thank you lord luke chapter 6 verse 17. and he came down with them and stood in the plane in the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people out of all judea and jerusalem from the seacoast of tyre and sidon which came to hear him and to be healed they wanted to hear him he wasn't just healing he was preaching and teaching and faith was coming they just came to hear him they just wanted to be in his presence and he said whoa i wanted to hear him and be healed he didn't just go around zapping people well you know some guy got the lucky ticket you know no no no no no it was the hearing first they wanted to hear it they wanted to hear it they'd never heard the blessing of abraham all they heard was oh you know you're cursed if you do and you cursed if you don't and and all that and he would heal in the synagogue they'd get mad about it well there are six days for men to work well what what how come this woman been all these years and didn't get healed what sixth day did you have your healing they didn't but jesus saw her and called her he saw her bowed over and couldn't straighten up and saw him call her ought not this woman be loosed from this infirmity lo these 18 years do you suppose this was her first day at synagogue i doubt it lo these 18 years the devil bound her shouldn't she be loosed seeing she's a daughter of abraham and the apostle paul wrote if you be in christ then are you abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise that same promise is to you ought not you be healed today seeing you're a child of abraham or not you be healed today seeing you're a child of the almighty god oh not you be healed today i don't care where you are all over this world where you're watching today and this morning you should be healed of that infirmity you should be loose today you're a child of god if you're not receive jesus as your as your lord and savior and receive it or get or receive it and then receive him as your healer either way just take him amen hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord jesus luke chapter 9. verse 10. and the apostles when they were returned told him all that they had done he took them and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city of bethsaidia that's said it really is the way it's pronounced and the people when they knew it followed him he received them and spoke unto them the kingdom of god and he spoke unto he preached first doesn't say how long he preached first he spoke unto them of the kingdom of god who is so good don't you know he told them that god was good he told them that god was good god your god is good he's not trying to curse you he's not trying to hold your sins against you he is good it's his kingdom of goodness and it's his kingdom it's his kingdom and his kingdom is good everything in it is good and heal them that hadn't heed of healing now that is good news amen now turn with me beginning with gospel the 10th chapter uh let me tell you what let's do let first of all let's go to the 22nd chapter of matthew verse 41. now make note of this in your bible and uh underline it it is extremely vital information to understanding in matthew mark luke and john verse 41 while the pharisees were gathered together now the pharisees the pharisees were gathered together jesus asked them saying what thinky of christ no let me let me change that now here's they didn't say christ here's what he said what thank you of the messiah christ well in in english it means the same things it does in hebrew but it's been so misused in the english bible that people don't get any understanding of it and john is the only one that takes the time to translate it but anyway it's christ the anointed that's what christ means to christen to pour over to anoint he said what think ye of messiah whose son is he they say unto him the son of david matthew mark luke and john is still in the old covenant the new covenant begins with the book of acts after the resurrection jesus is still preaching primarily to israel he said so you got it all right now go to mark 10 46. this is talking about bartimaeus he's not blind bartimaeus anymore he's just bartimaeus now 10 46. they came to jericho and as he went out of jericho with his disciples and a great number of people blind bartimaeus the son of timaeus sat by the wayside begging when he had heard that it was jesus of nazareth he begin to cry out and say jesus thou son of david he knew who he was he called him messiah everybody else around there was so dumb about it they didn't get it but that blind man did son of david have mercy on me now let me help you with that mercy hazard he's calling on the the jewish covenant of hessed jesus messiah do hesit for me jesus stopped of course he did he knew who he was the rest of them around there didn't have a clue glory to god many look at it many charged him that he should hold his peace they didn't get it but he cried the more a great deal thou messiah how has it on me jesus stood still commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying unto him be of good cheer be in comfort rise he calls you you anyway casting away his garment you have no idea how big that is he was legally blind he had been checked out by the priest he was that he was actually blind and not faking it and he had a garment that was his that proved he had a right to be where he was and he had a right to beg and when he got up he dropped that garment i don't need this anymore i'm walking out of here with my side he knew he was messiah he believed it and he believed in hesitant and he called for it he's a jew and he knew exactly what he was doing and he recognized him as the messiah the sentiment the anointed of god and he called him son of david and he called for his covenant rights and he got up and dropped that garment and jesus answered and said unto him i like what gloria said about this bartimaeus what can i do for you can't you just see bartimaeus what can i do for you son the blind man said unto him lord that i might receive my sight and jesus said unto him go your way your faith has made you whole and immediately he received his sight and followed jesus in the way so he became a disciple of jesus he became a follower of jesus whatever else do you think he might have become keith he may be one of the great apostles you don't know right along with the mad man of gadara who's no longer mad but well dressed and went home to his friends these are great stories now there's a myriad of stories like this but the spirit of god chose these and each one of them has information that'll heal you luke 18 35 same situation but we get a little more here from dr luke it came to pass that as he was come nine to jericho a certain a certain blind man so we know that this actually happened there was a real bartimaeus and he was really blind and he really got healed a certain blind man set by the way begging hearing the multitude pass by he asked what it meant oh he couldn't see and he could tell boy there's a lot of people out here wow what what do you suppose what are you supposed going on they told him jesus of nazareth passes by and he cried jesus son of david jesus messiah do has it on me anointed one i need your anointing i need your anointing i need your anointing i want my sight back oh who's passing by who is it who's passing by this room this morning who is in this room jesus of nazareth the son of the living god messiah the anointed one hallelujah and we're little anointed ones and do you believe that the lord god sent me here on this saturday morning amen do you believe he has anointed me with his spirit do you believe he has called me and separated me to the office of the prophet many years ago well i believe it too glory to god hallelujah and you know what jesus said if you receive a prophet because he's a prophet you receive a prophet's reward amen what does that mean well that just simply means and he also said this if you receive the one that i have a sin you say you receive me and jesus of nazareth is here and but he's now jesus of heaven but the reason the reason he is jesus of nazareth this needs explanation to gentile english bible readers his name was not jesus his name was joshua yeshua in the book of hebrews that joshua's name was translated jesus and kind of confound some people but that's why the word s-t-u-d-y is in there doesn't that spell study i think at least i can spell it yeah but it was on purpose in that in the book of hebrew anyway but his name and joshua's name are the same joshua jesus moved over into english english-speaking people are the only ones that do that he changed somebody's name for him amen anyway i won't get over any of that but probably should sometime now praise god thank you jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus now then lord let's just pray in the spirit here forever thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you george jesus he cried that they which went before rebuked him that he should hold his peace but he cried so much more messiah have has it on me jesus stood and commanded him to be brought unto him and when he was come near he asked him saying what will you have me do for you and he said lord that i may receive my sight and he said it again thy faith has made you whole and immediately he received his faith and got his sight and glorified and followed him glorifying god and all the people when they saw it glorified god the blindness didn't glorify god but the healing did the healing did brought glory to god thank you lord jesus now then we've gone we have talked about living a life worth living now that you're healed what about staying well i remember you know it was amazing i was a student there at oral roberts university i'm on the road with brother roberts i'm listening to him watching him hearing him preach watching him administer healing through the laying on of hands and just was astounding and and it hit me one day that this man uses his faith on purpose he uses it on purpose until then faith was just kind of like a scatter shot to me it just you know like slinging mud you just hope some of it stick but and well like he said to me that i talked about last night he said don't release you don't don't touch them until you're ready to release your faith do it on purpose you can aim it and i'm watching him and i thought he uses his faith like a mechanic uses a tool he goes to his toolbox and he gets the proper tool for the job and oral roberts goes to the toolbox of faith and he uses his faith as a tool and he aims it he uses it and he gets dynamic results and i realized that we can do that in intercession we can do that as we intercede for family members glory to god that faith is real and it's in me is it lying dormant then stir it up is that scriptural or not one time i i don't remember where this was but here again jerry and i were in a meeting he was preaching oh i'm telling you i was tired and i had uh and i have i have notes on this someplace where i wrote it down and i kept it and the apostle paul wrote to timothy stir yourself up he didn't say god stir me up well what god's gonna have to do to stir you up you're gonna have to stir yourself up to start with and then he can step in if you do it by faith and jerry said that and i said praise god i'm stirred up i didn't feel stirred up i felt broken down tired worn out but i'm stirred up i said i'm stirred up i said i'm stirred up i said i'm stirred up thank you jesus stir yourself up first thessalonians chapter 5 and we're finished first thessalonians chapter 5. now those of you that receive the partner letter that scripture is right there on your partner letter to be prayed thessalonians 5 22. leroy's here abstain from all appearance of evil and the very god of peace shalom sanctify you wholly and i pray god your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our lord jesus christ faithful as he that calls you and he also do it glory to god glory to god glory to god those two scriptures go together those screw scriptures fit right in there with the 103rd psalm in the benefits of god bless the lord o my soul all it is within me bless his holy name and forget not all his benefits what is benefits who forgives of all our iniquities and heals all of our diseases but abstain from evil keep your eyes where they i belong gloria say keep your eyes off naked women what's worse naked men that's gloria not me she's right keep your eyes where they belong if they start drifting off slap yourself and shut your eyes and repent amen do you know why they put blinders on a horse's eyes because he can see out here that's to his advantage and their night vision is tremendous and they they they can see dangers and that's the reason when you're riding a horse you don't want blinders on him but if he's pulling your buggy you want blinders on him because he sees stuff over here he doesn't need to be seeing and jumping away from and wreck your wreck your buggy or wreck your wagon we've got holy ghost blinders on are you kidding me are you you looking at me like i've never been tempted listen when i was a kid i don't want to go there i don't even want to talk about that oh lord keep your eyes where they belong the appearance of evil now the young woman that does our makeup has been with us for many many many years but now even with her and not because she's her i don't care who it is unless it's gloria actually doing my makeup but when she's working around me i do not uh relax and allow my knee or any other way to bump into her i will not do that and when she looks down in my face to check it i do not make eye contact with her i'm not going to do that on account of her no on account of me i just i just shift my eyes over the other way listen i'm 84 years old but i'm not dead by a long shot no ma'am no sir i'm telling you how to stay well because if you do then you've got to go through repentance and the thing of it is it's hard to get it off your mind but you can do it and just lock it down plead the blood and walk in it plead the blood and walk in it you're ready to receive you're ready to pray the prayer of faith stand on your feet please glory to god glory be to jesus glory glory glory glory glory glory to the lamb of god thank you lord jesus praise you lord praise you lord praise you lord jesus take that for me david please and this oh praise the lord stretch around a little bit and give the lord praise i need some light here over me if i could get hey that's that's good now i'm going to excuse me i'm going to say something to you i've heard brother hagin say many many times keith has to plug in with faith plug in plug in well brother copeland what does that mean um did anybody use a hairdryer this morning did you plug it in didn't work till you plugged it in amen now if the power's not on you can plug it in all you want to does anything work but the power is always on plug in just see yourself i'm plugged in [Laughter] plugged in to faith make an effort the lord told brother hagin when he was healed of heart and totally paralyzed listen to what he said he was he was paralyzed from the waist down he could hardly move he couldn't feel anything and he believed mark 11 22 23 24 and 25 for months and months and months and that day he got it and the lord said to him so you believe you're healed now he said i sure do he said healed people ought to be up this time of day well it was it was what was keith about seven o'clock in the morning a little before he said healed people ought to be up this time of day so he said all right i'm getting up well he couldn't get up but he got up he got up swung his legs off of the bed and just he said they felt like two chunks of wood and they just hit the bed and he hung onto the bed post and he said i want to announce before god and all the angels in this room i want to announce that the devil and every devil of hell i am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet in the mighty name of jesus and he said all of a sudden healing began to come in my legs and he said it felt like 10 000 needles being stuck into the nerves and he said it hurts so bad and it hurts so good he said i just started crying i was crying caught not cause it hurt but because i could feel my legs [Music] and in seconds he was totally healed he was so badly deformed he was born so immature that the all the plumbing in his chest was wrong but he made the effort amen he said when he drank something cold and he asked the doctor he said i can feel it go in here and it goes where over here before it goes into my stomach he said son i'll tell you for you to live we would have to change everything in your chest area we'd have you'd have to have new lungs you'd have to have a new heart you'd have to everything all in your chest area he he said we'd have but he said we'd have to do it all but of course that can't happen think what happened to him in a moment's time on mark 11 23 and 24 and 25 that whole chest area all his heart his lungs all of his plumbing everything and he got up from there he only weighed 100 only weighed 89 pounds and he stood up and he walked all the way around that room totally completely healed in a moment's notice now raise your hands before god close your eyes if you want to glory to god and if you believe this gospel that i have preached to you this morning and you're ready to receive the power of god unto salvation for your spirit your mind and body then say this the gospel that i have heard is the power of god unto my salvation i confess jesus christ as lord over my life spirit soul and body i receive the power of god to make me sound whole delivered saved and healed now i act on the word of god [Applause] i receive the power of god sickness disease and pain i resist you in the name of jesus sickness weakness and pain you are not the will of god i enforce the word of god on you i will not tolerate you in my life leave my presence i will never allow you back my days of sickness and disease are over i am saved i am the heel the power of sickness has been forever broken over my life jesus bore my sickness jesus bore my weakness jesus bore my pain i am forever free sickness shall no longer lord it over me sin shall no longer lord it over me fear shall no longer lord it over me i have been redeemed from the curse of the law i proclaim my freedom in jesus name today the gospel is the power of god to me unto salvation i receive the gospel i act on the gospel i am made whole in jesus name now act praise move here straighten up be delivered be free be sound do what you couldn't do before do it glory to god do it thank you jesus thank you jesus praise god i take authority over arthritis glory to god i take authority over bad eyesight i take authority over migraine headaches i take authority over of all forms of sickness and disease i take authority over all low back trouble i take authority over inflammation in the joints i take authority over sores in the mouth i take authority in jesus name over all kinds of sickness over all kinds of disease in the name of jesus now take it now do something this place belongs to us if you want to run run if you want to dance dance do something get into action right now move something shout something hallelujah come on come on give the lord praise give him praise give him authority over your body give him authority over your sinuses give him authority do it right now glory to god give him a heart give him authority over your heart say it out loud heart muscle you're a good heart you're a new heart my name just say your name my name is kenneth newhart i have a new heart i actually do i actually do i mean kenneth i actually do let me give you a little word of my testimony uh my dna took after my mother's side and uh that with a history of heart trouble my my mother died with heart disease and her uh younger brother her older brother was killed in world war ii her younger brother died of a heart attack my grandfather died of a heart attack and uh and i was just going that same way and i was preaching in the prison and and more and i got short of breath and i'm going through all that stuff you know and i wouldn't quit now it never did give me pain but i could feel this tingling across my chest here and i knew what it was you know and anyway so and i went through all the exams and you know all that stuff and so they they the cardiologist examined me and he said well you need a pacemaker and i said lord um i'm just going to believe god i'm just going without that pacemaker and and the word of the lord came to me and he said no you're too far behind the power curve now receive the pacemaker by faith so i did now at my age having record of heart problems to get my faa physical i had to do an extreme stress test and well not just at my age at any age if you want your if you want your your physical back you got to do this particularly but from 75 up you're gonna have to take that test stress test well here i am 84. but and this pacemaker had the the the new technology that they aid really didn't have much experience at it pacemakers they do this thing had a defibrillator in it now before i before i set the thing off a couple of times before there really wasn't all that much to it but anyway i just started training got on the treadmill and actually i took the stress test before i ever went and took the stress test thanks to keith and phyllis moore who some time ago had given me because i liked phyllis treadmill her treadmill was better than my little rinky-dink treadmill and the little household treadmills will only go up to about 10 degree incline but to pass this stress test i had to go to 14. thank god i had the treadmill that i could do it so i passed the i passed the test supposed to be nine minutes at my age i only had to do six but i did the whole nine minutes with the defibrillator in there and didn't set it off because i received the pacemaker and defibrillator by faith now i did it with the defibrillator active and then after i passed the stress test representative of the manufacturer of this machine that's in here came out with the computer and turned that defibrillator off because i don't need it anymore [Applause] i'm going for that 120. glory to god i said you understand by faith by faith put your hand over your heart i take my new heart i have it now so begin to rejoice praise him praise him and thank him praise him and thank him praise him in faith this is it this is the key to it the praise cure praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise praise and praise and praise praise praise and praise and praise praise praise praise and praise praise praise praise come on praise him come out more praise more praise more praise praise and worship praise and worship praise and worship praise until the glory falls praise him praise him and worship him and glorify his name glory glory glory to god glory glory glory glory glory glory check yourself out i said check yourself out if you know that you're already healed you have experienced you are already healed and you know it raise your hand if you've got your hand up come up here and give your testimony come help them with their their testimonies right down here praise god just just come those that raised your hand if you raised your hand come down here do you remember testimonies are vitally important jesus the woman that had the issue of blood he he made her testify to it called on her to testify the rest of you can be seated glory to god hallelujah hallelujah listen to this testimony turn around look at everyone what happened to you so i had a sharp pain in my lower back that would come on and off and whenever i would uh do a sudden getting up or just yeah kick my my left my leg it's the lower left side it would just this is a sharp pain really a kind of scary char pain and so this time around i just started doing what i couldn't do i was just afraid to do it so i just started kicking my leg and whenever i touch to the left it's it's gone and praise you jesus thank you i'm believing amen fully healed amen thank you very much thank you very much yes tell us what the lord's done with you this morning and for you well he has completely restored my back i was couldn't walk and move most of the week and this morning i know that i'm healed because when i lift my knee it doesn't sharp pain across my whole body amen so when you lift your knee in the sanctuary it doesn't hurt it doesn't hurt at all let's take a walk across there let's see you lift your knee a couple of times hallelujah oh yeah tell us what the lord has done for you well i have a pacemaker and a defibrillator too and i accepted it by faith and stuff so yeah and i have a lot of pain and it's gone so hallelujah yeah praise god yeah and my husband has a lot of pain with inflammation amen well we'll just make sure we pray for that in just a moment okay you guys go ahead and be seated and we'll bring kathy my lovely wife what do we have going on here she broke her achilles tendon like in 16 i can't remember what year it was for sure i my my achilles tendon was ruptured uh twice and um i if you i don't know just a few weeks ago i realized since then well the lord healed it but since then i realized i couldn't walk on my tiptoes anymore and not that i walk on my tiptoes that often but you know at the same time i couldn't do it and so this morning as we were praying that i just took that i was like okay head to toe every anything that's not right because i'm a healthy well person and that came and anyway hallelujah come on give him praise hallelujah praise the lord my heart's healed too amen same thing with that all my family all of my family before me except one grandfather had a heart disease and the fear of that and the feelings and the symptoms of that have been there many times just like years old and this morning as we were praying just now that same pain came to me that same symptom came to me and it's gone forever [Music] brother copeland timothy came into church today started doing drugs at the age of 14 years old he's been off drugs for about a year but today during your your message he felt complete freedom and he's literally shaking the fire right now i just feel that that that he's totally gone away of doing drugs we receive that with you amen good testimony hallelujah good testimony hallelujah all right let's get up here where brother copeland can see us okay tell us what the lord's done and i understand from kathy and you're back what's going on i was just having pain in my lower back and and i'm healed i mean it's good i'm healed yeah short and sweet amen give the lord praise hallelujah yes hallelujah now the healing power of god is working in the audience both here in the venue and online and around the world there are tens of thousands of you watching around the world the healing power of god is their present where hallelujah thank you jesus on your cell phone on your computer wherever you are just receive like these are receiving here tell us what the lord does done for you heal me heal me from a brain stroke on the 5th of december healed me and kept me safe all through the water when i went i went to the floor and i hit my head pretty good so i'm healed i'm coming back and today it just i just really felt that that i was truly healed amen say i am i am whole what a jesus amen yes hallelujah let's give god praise hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah thank you for couple of you look like you're on jury duty go ahead and smile give god some praise hallelujah hey brother what's going on well i had shoulder problems for about a year in my right shoulder and i went to a chiropractor maybe 15 times or more and it was not fixing it it was hurting as bad or worse with him uh nothing against it but you know it wasn't working and this morning i've had issues come and go since then but this morning i decided to step out in faith and put my hand in my small my back i couldn't even reach to grab a wallet without pain now i can put my arm in the small my back i can grab it with the other one pull it even higher it does not hurt praise god thank you jesus i am healed awesome you know thank you jesus isaiah said when jesus when messiah comes he makes the crooked places straight you just had that happen to you hallelujah come on give god praise again praise the lord thank you lord jesus she's from ukraine and she said her english is not that good but it's good enough to be healed what what happened last summer i have i was those that with bladder cancer and to kanaka and melanoma and i have surgery and now i completely heal i believe i get you oh glory to god yes i'm i'm feeling very good thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god thank you lord glory to god thank you jesus i listen uh gloria copeland always i am and this very helped me praise the lord we're so glad that you're here praise the lord give god praise give god glory hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord jesus brother copeland marvin came from illinois drove all the way down for to be a part of this event he's a vietnam vet and he's been hearing voices but during the message today he felt a freedom come over his body uh but he said i had to be here i had to get to branson and be a part of this service here today he feels complete freedom today any time amen sir praise the lord anytime that it seems like one of those voices you're gonna come you said no and you and say it out loud no i'm not receiving you you don't talk to me anymore i'm delivered and i am free i listen to the voice of jesus not you and you just get out of my life every time it won't take me you got your freedom today but you know the devil he's persistent devil and he'll keep trying to come back with just no i don't do it in the name of jesus and tell him just say listen devil you hear my voice you hear my voice i have a louder voice than you have and i have the name of jesus and you don't and i have the power of god and you don't and i have the word and you don't amen glory to god god whoo glory to god this is alex and he came to the meeting with his shoulder elbow and arm all jammed up but this morning what happened well the story is that i was crushing a gallon of milk empty jug and it slipped and i fell on my elbow straight on my elbow and i was in pain because i laid there on the floor for a while and a week later i thought i felt better but i couldn't lift my arm this high the wife says how do you feel better i need an antenna so we can watch tv so i got up in the attic and i didn't pull out the ladder so i get up there so i just laid it on the other ladder on the way down carrying stuff i fell off and landed on my elbow again and onto the concrete and it got worse i hadn't been able to sleep for at least a month and a half two months and just now glory hallelujah god praise your name jesus i can't say anymore praise you jesus hallelujah thank you thank you lord jesus that is awesome he'll sleep tonight what has the lord done for you this morning well um when brother copeland said i i he put his hand on his heart and i receive a new heart i've had problems with thyroid all my life practically and so um i just put my hand on my my my heart and i said i receive a new thyroid and no more no more and so i just believe that i'm just testifying i believe i received yes amen complete healing amen amen give god praise brother copeland people on facebook are putting in joanna that was healed of infection uh that was just typed in also erisa from georgia my right ankle is healed and completely restored glory to god and so many people are watching right now we want to encourage you our licensed prayer ministers are there to take your phone call and come in agreement with you at 877-281-6297 there was a woman that was part of my mother's prayer group and she had had really bad heart problems and she went to the hospital and i mean she was bad shape and she got into the hospital and of course they they worked on her and did their thing but the lord healed her while she was in there and she was so thrilled i mean she was just so thorough thrilled but she said the the symptoms started coming back so she said i just decided well i'll just go back to the same hospital and so she went back to that same hospital and and she said may i go give my testimony to different ones in in the heart area and they said well certainly because they knew her so she said i would go in there and i and i and if it's a woman she'd say honey let me tell you something she said i'm having the same symptoms in my heart and she said let me tell you something i was healed in this very hospital jesus healed my heart and i'm i'm so well and i'm so strong and she said and it it would be all right and then she said it it kept coming back again so she said finally i had to go to other hospitals she said i kept doing that and every time symptoms would come back i'd go find somebody to give my testimony and i'd go right back to some heart place and give my testimony she said i kept doing that until the symptoms quit coming and i've never had another heart symptom since the power of that testimony the power of the testimony she knew it she wasn't believing it she knew it she knew she was healed now i learned the difference between believing and knowing from oral roberts here we are again i learned so much from him and he said well now one thing there there is believing and that's good that's where you start but he said and of course uh faith needs to come to the place where it erupts where it boils over and that's what gloria called it there comes a time when faith will boil over and but he said then there's always this may not be any feeling to it but you begin to know you begin to know and you just know you just know that you know he said you have a knower on the inside of you and you know you just know that you know what you know that you know you just know that you know you know that you know that you know that you know you know that you know you know that you know that you know and you know he didn't use the word understand he's no you just know you just know and that's like it was when you ask your mother how will i know when i'm in love and she said you'll know [Laughter] and when i saw gloria gene these i knew [Music] hallelujah and that's the way you can live this is our anniversary month what is today today is the what is that the 10th 11th 12th 13 we will have been married 59 years and i know that i know that i know that i know that i know i know that woman loves me and she's all these years loved me unconditionally and that's the way i love her glory to god hallelujah and and i don't mind telling you what i ordered i ordered 59 red roses with one big yellow one right in the middle representing next year 60 years oh let's stand up and give the lord praise this morning thank you jesus pray his name is higher [Music] his name is jesus his name is lord sing it his name is [Music] higher [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is name [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 55,447
Rating: 4.765914 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 branson virtual victory campaign, born again, curse, faith, good, goodness, healing, jehovah-rophe, jesus, kenneth copeland, kingdom, name, prescription, receive, salvation, sickness, word, worth
Id: OhGMO3Mjxik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 54sec (9174 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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