2018 Orlando Victory Campaign: Receive Your Healing Just Like That! (10:00 a.m.)

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thank you Lord Jesus you know as pastor George was talking about first time I ever name to see oh I'll tell you this was back during that before we before the ministry had a jet and but we had twin-engine airplane and and all we needed that we it was time for engine overhaul and you know it it's a lot of money men of over all those engine and so I named that seed engine overhaul boy it went off on the inside of me I want you to know I mean the money just come jumping in there but now you notice Jesus said he puts in the sickle study that word out you know what you're gonna find in the scriptures you studied the sickle is your mouth that's the threshing - oh yeah its words increase comes by the fruit of the lips hallelujah amen thank it she's a glory to God and as he was he was talking about his grandfather's garden during World War two the government would provide seed for a victory garden and because everything was in short supply and if you had just any little patch of ground they would provide the seed for vegetables and so forth and we lived out there in West Texas and and we had a little patch of ground there right up right out behind the back door by the back porch a good little piece Chris my mother my mother could grow anything and so and I remember though those little packages of seeds had the little stick in them and so you knew what you had and you notice they never did have a picture of some of those groaning tomato now this is scriptural this is scriptural you need a vision board how many ever watch BB o VN how many of you are watching Terry Chevelle boy you better pay attention to that young woman I'm telling ya you hear me if you hadn't been get on her get on our website that what you put in your eyes and you just keep it there you remember the the strengthen the Spotted well hey it doesn't it doesn't just it doesn't just work home sheep and cows works on human beings too because what you see if you've got back trouble you get only you don't line someone you get you a picture of a spine and put it right up there on your vision board man I got one I go in and take my bottle and stand in front of that good looking that good looking back that's never had a ruptured disc war that's my spine that's my spine right there there's a picture of a man he's one of the founders of a program that glory an hour and and involved in it's it's it's just a simple anti-aging program of exercise and supplements and so forth colas energetics and it's one of the founders there's a picture of him at 72 years old he had been an over weight heart surgeon and he realized he's going the same direction as his patients so he started he started turning this thing around and you ought to see the guy's body so here's what I did I had David wieder take his my head and put on his body [Applause] [Laughter] well I can see myself come see me next year Amy put it in your eyes don't let it depart from your eyes keep it in the midst of your heart amen praise God the inner image is vital God gave you an imagination use it uses just rears it righteously well I just don't see how just looking at something like that could affect your body do you ever hear a pornography it's not the real thing but your body thinks it is so does your mind responds and reacts exactly the same thing because of your god-given imagination hope is an inner image faith is the substance of things hoped for you go to the Bible you get the you get the promises and the biblical facts healings not a promise it's a fact you get those and you begin you meditate on them and you build that inner image you see yourself with it you see yourself up and off of that sickbed you see yourself up and out of that wheelchair glory to God you see yourself running again you see yourself strong hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah and then you begin to set goals but what if I miss my goal ah shut up a hundredfold the Bible didn't say that it said some 30 some 60 and someone there's times kid would be great and like brother like brother Seville said one time he said Lord Lord just give me my money back [Laughter] thank you Jesus now there's something else here that I want to do guys if you if you would please get a close-up of this see all of those tabs in my Bible I want you to do this each one of those is a healing scripture so you can tab through the Bible and in just a moment you'll see why I'm saying this you tab through on those healing scriptures and go through them two or three times a day if it takes it my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings don't let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart their life to those that find them and health the Hebrew word is medicine so you take your medicine you take your medicine every day and what I'm not sick oh do you really need to take it stay healed stay well stay strong and you can minister healing to people on the street praise God walking out - walking out down then my hotel just just left the out the room and and one of the housekeeper's was there and the Lord quickened her to me and so I walked over I said may I'll pray for you and she just fell to her knees right in front of it Oh Lord oh Lord thank you oh now laid hands on her and then then I prayed you know you need to realize when you start praying for somebody and and and things started coming up that's a word of knowledge pray it pray it amen and I began to pray for her finances well what did we read in the book of James be warmed and be filled and in leaf no it's time for a hundred dollar bill and then leave well thank you for that 1 2 3 4 50 amen [Music] Christian people have a reputation in restaurants instead of leaving tips they leave gospel tracts gospel tract is worthless unless you put some money on there and and I'm not talking about 50 cents amen I remember when the Lord said to me years ago he said don't tip any less than five dollars from now on even if you're just sitting down there having a cup of coffee or a glass of tea or whatever it is leave the five plus plus amen get somebody's attention and when you smile say god bless you dear she says thank you god bless you too and then as the Lord prospers you yeah and you you're you don't wait til you got a lot you start with what you have and then you set goals and you'll be shocked at how it will increase you what it does for your own healing what it does for your own thinking particularly if you've got a nasty waitress so she's having trouble she's not just a nasty person if she was she couldn't keep her job she's got problems then I've seen this we were on a motorcycle trip one time and Jesse and Kathy and happy and Jeannie Caldwell glory and me and and Dennison Vicki Burton and Carolyn and and Jerry Savelle and we were up and Colorado on the can this is this waitress I'm telling you will man I mean she just just acted like she wished she hadn't come you know this so Anna somebody wanted some water why so and the first thing you think any tip I'll leave her is an offering no you don't go at it like that so she came back over there and and and I just caught her by the hand I got up out of my chair and I said I said sweetheart sit in here what now we want to pray for you something's really really bothering you and she just unloaded the whole thing in all of us right in that restaurant she's sitting in the chair we just all gathered around and prayed for her and laid hands on her it broke that thing over her she was so happy she just followed us out the door oh thank you thank you and that better than judging her I'm talking about healing this morning you understand hallelujah oh thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus glory be to Jesus glory be to the name of God glory be to thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus come on let's give him praise give him praise thank you Lord Jesus now to begin this morning I have two videos that I want you to watch the first one is an example of taking the word in an emergency life-and-death situation and using it as medicine and receiving the victory so watch this please my name is evangelist Lachey McKinney this is my father apostle SC McKinney and I am his personal assistant I worked with him hand-in-hand in ministry we have grown immensely in 33 years and all of a sudden I began to my body began to show signs of sickness and I had ignored it for about a year then after a year I started getting worse even though I was speaking to my body but I wasn't seeing any results and I instead of getting better I was getting worse so I asked my father okay what should I do he said go on and to the hospitals and find out what's going on and that's what I did when I got there I took about two or three of the ladies from the ministry and we were in the waiting room they had taken the blood work I think I stayed there about five hours and then what happened was when the doctor came in he said I have good news and I have bad news and I said the good news is I don't have cancer and he said I can't say that but long story short he gave me a piece of paper and he told me this is a doctor I need you to call a cancer specialist and I did on that Monday and when I called I didn't have the money at that time so actually I didn't have any insurance I didn't have the money to get an examination or to even see him I got a telephone call from one of our pastor friends who told me that she had already made an appointment for me to go to the Greenville School of Medicine and when I got there they diagnosed me with lymphoma cancer and the doctor said I had only 30 days to live they had given me a breathing apparatus they said I was breathing like a 93 year old woman my liver was 200 times larger than what it was supposed to be and so was my spleen I didn't have the energy or the breath to do anything I remember walking by the mirror before I laid down and I saw the shadow of death and fear gripped my heart and I knew by the looks of things I wasn't gonna make it and instead of fighting I kind of sir come to it and I remember that day when I was laying on the couch and he came to me and he didn't sounds too nice he didn't show any pity because he knew that I was in a fight for my life and he said you're gonna die if you don't get up from here he said you're a minister of the gospel and you have to know that the devil is fighting you because of what you're doing positive in the kingdom he said physician get up and heal yourself that's exactly what he said I grabbed my Bible and I began to walk back and forth I read something from Gloria Copeland that talked about how we should take the word like medicine and that we should use it just like we would medicine and use it three times a day and if situation get worse to double the dosage I would never forget that and that's what I did for 28 days I had 30 days to live now for 28 days I walked three times a day and I got my Bible and I quoted every scripture and I prophesied and spoke them over my life and I didn't feel anything different in 28 days but at the end of that 28 days something happened I don't know what it was but I faith kicked in yes faith kicked in and I said he was wounded for Lachey's transgressions he was bruised for Lachey's iniquities and the chastisement of my peace was on him and with those stripes I am healed and I knew that day that I was healed and I had two more days ago in the 30 days that thirtieth day I went back to the doctor and they looked at the exam and they took x-rays again and they brought in one specialist and they brought in two specialists they kept looking five specialists came in that day I'll never forget it they were talking among themselves but I didn't know what they were saying so finally he came over to me he said this is what it looked like 30 days ago where is the cancer it's not here we have to understand that the Word of God is for us that he's not just it's not just something out there or something in the Bible this is a Rhema word and it comes to life when we take it that's what glory always says - like if somebody's given you a cake it's not yours until you receive it well the word of healing is for us but we have to receive it and so it's important for us to take it and when we do it becomes life Wow [Applause] just believing you received from the word is the highest form of healing but that's not the only way there's healing from laying on of hands there's healing through gifts of the Spirit but think about it manifestation of the gifts of healings and working of miracles and so forth are as the Spirit wills and there are times they manifest and there's times they don't and if you're just waiting for that miracle think just just think about all that's involved there's all kinds of spiritual warfare going on over you that you don't even know about the most sure way and anybody can do this the most sure way is to get on that word and like she says she said like what she heard from glory of glory to God three times a day and if it didn't getting any better double the dose one thing about this the side effects are wonderful and you can't overdose on now there are people they think you can well brother you spend so much time in the Bible they'd run you crazy the people have said that did you know oh yeah particularly in yours going by people actually something you lose your mind over the Bible well that's a good thing I lost my mind over well let me put it this way I've had people say Copeland you are out of your mind oh yeah and don't don't don't mess with it I'm enjoying it brother I'm enjoying being out of my mind over Jesus glory to God hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus now I would like you to watch this well this speaks for itself was worse yet you got healed online watching online what do you mean you got healed online I got a hilt online from what I had a stroke uh-huh I used to be a professional pianist I used to play it Heatley things like this okay and you were watching online from where Farmers Branch in Dallas Texas which is about 45 minutes to an hour away okay I asked the angels to get us here I said husband we have to go my husband Breck right here's your hello okay so you and then on the way you called for shingles your husband has shingles okay but I'm talking about you you had me yeah yeah you me talk to me what happened I could start filling my fingers again they're starting to work like this come on your Amos [Applause] Fiona your name [Applause] yeah [Music] so this vibrating this shaking tell me what this is these tremors what caused this G motive styro died Hashimoto and it's she has over 80 illnesses over 85 illnesses that caused by what bad tire a bad fibroid that's your body temperature has connected your thymus gland direct your thymus and I died almost died last week yeah and if I die three more times this week husband what say hi no you're you came all this way I can feel my toes you can feel your toes [Applause] move the chair move the chair [Music] she's getting a 30 [Music] [Applause] [Music] getting stay very steady [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] look at this [Music] go ahead sing it David go [Music] get her up get her up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah let me tell you look let me tell you a little bit about this as you saw and heard there were she was watching on the line and they lived in Farmers Branch which is just not all that far from Eagle Mountain so she had her husband put her in the car and drove over that when they got there they had said they had to have help getting her out of the car he remember she said she's moving her fingers when she got there she was like this and no feeling in her feet she's a concert pianist hadn't played the piano in 12 years they came back to church the following Sunday she said when she got home the first thing she did was go in there and sit down to that grand piano and began to play now her dog had never heard her play and this dog went to hell and he couldn't figure out what and she just played and played and played and played and played half of the night she played you could imagine you could just imagine and that wonderful I said another wonderful that's the reason BBOB n is so important that network goes on 24 hours a day see when brother Copeland there's too many of the programs that are repeat I know it ain't it wonderful you don't get it one time amen thank you Lord Jesus Oh Lord thank you thank you thank you [Applause] thank you Lord Jesus let's go back now onto our golden text which is the 11th chapter of the book of Mark and let's read again what Jesus said about faith have faith in God for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them and when you stand praying forgive if you have aught against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses now look with me in the twentieth chapter of the book of John please the Gospel of st. John chapter 20 verse 24 Thomas one of the twelve was not with them when Jesus came the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the Lord but he said unto them except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails put my finger into the print of the nails thrust my hand into his side now notice this is an act of his will I will not believe after eight days again his disciples were within and Thomas with them then came Jesus the doors being shut stood in the midst and said peace be unto you and he said to Thomas reach hither thy finger behold my hands reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side be not faithless but believing Thomas answered and said unto Him my lord my god jesus said unto him Thomas because you have seen me thou has believed blessed are they that have not seen and yet believed now let's go to the fourth chapter of the book of Romans Romans chapter 4 verse 16 therefore it is of faith so that it might be by grace to the end or the purpose in it the promise might be sure to all the seed and not to that only which is of the law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all as it is written I have made thee a father of many nations before him or like him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things that be not as though they were who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was all so able to perform you cannot it is impossible to receive Abraham's blessing with Thomas's faith can't do it faith is a spiritual force generated in the born-again human spirit it is not of the mind I mean you can see miracles there's people can sit watching a miracle like that that didn't cause faith faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of them but a miracle like that thrills and inspires and to some it's a sign and a wonder but wonder is not faith what is it wonder it's wonderment Peter preached that they praise God thank you Lord Jesus walking through the beautiful gate the man there at the gate he got will Lord thank you that's so good they walk through there you know and aunt Peter hadn't prayed that man let yet unless they prayed about something later he said the silver and gold have I none such as I have give IV in the name of Jesus Christ rise and walk he did and he went leaping friend jumping and and if through the temple and the people were filled with Wonder and amazement but then Peter preached and thousands got saved faith came when he preached not when they saw the man jumping on them now you remember as they walk through there that this beggar looked up expecting to receive something from them remember that why doo-doo-doo-doo why did he expect to receive something well I better tell you y'all ain't never gonna get there this is not the first time those fellas have been through that gate Jesus went right past there we read it last night over and over and over and over he'd been laid there every time they went through there Jesus would say to Judas give him money give him something take care of him they knew he knew Peter and John and every time they'd been there before they gave him something why didn't Jesus raise him up I don't know I just work here but there was something it wasn't it wasn't no well I believe he that he was saving it for Peter and John well there was a spiritual condition there I only do what I see my father do I only say what I hear my father say amen what was the father's purpose I don't know but whatever it was it was right amen it was right thank you Jesus that should be a thrill that should shoot a thrill through you this morning amen thank you GC prosperity it's all over the Ministry of Jesus you remember at the Last Supper it's the middle of the night Judas the treasurer the man with the money got up and left what would if we were you and I were in an all-night prayer meeting and and the church treasurer got up and left we'd think well you know he's probably going to restroom what did they think he's gonna go give to the poor now I'm gonna tell you soon a poor man can't do that Jesus had a reputation of giving to the poor in the middle of the night [Music] no fire glory huh fire on you this mornin the Holy Ghost fire is in this place today oh Jesus always comes to healing school no greater God hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus now once again in the fifth chapter of Mark let's look at the woman was healed the issue of blood something very important here verse 25 a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians had spent all that she had that is a big statement in this she had been a woman of means and now she's destitute over this disease and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus now we know she heard the word because Jesus said your faith has made you whole faith came so it had to be the Word of God that's the only way faith comes faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God because the faith is in the word it's inside the word itself that's the reason in 10th chapter of Romans it's called the word of faith when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched His garment for she said for she leggo the Greek word leggo she kept saying and kept saying one translate one of the other Gospels says she kept saying in her heart the amplified translation transfer translation that the classic amplified translated very very very correctly very accurately and she kept saying she kept saying it if I but touched the hem of this gun I will be made Oh glory to God for she said if I may touch but his clothes I said she didn't say I'll be healed she needed more kneeling she needed to behold she had been butchered up broke she needed money I said she needed money go god I shall be whole and straightway or immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt then in her body that she is healed of that plague Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue or powered power anointing power Dunamis had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes now the woman was aware of the power that winner Jesus was aware of the power that went out of him healing power is a tangible power you can't feel faith but you can feel that anointing you don't have to feel it there is even you don't even have to feel that fire the jesus said you'd be baptized the Holy Ghost from fire now you remember James said the tongue is set on fire of hell isn't it amazing that words are right in the middle of all of this always there always there they're the most important thing in the on the planet but our tongue is set on fire of the Holy Ghost hallelujah yeah healing power that same fire power just burn burn just burn a cancer to crisp and I want to tell you something else let's back up here thank you Lord let's back up here fifth chapter they came over under the other side of the sea into the country of the gadarenes and when he was come out of the ship immediately immediately they met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit now I'll teach you something here sixth chapter of Ephesians the Apostle Paul by the Spirit of God laid out Satan's rank-and-file starting with the lowest going to the highest principalities powers now listen to this one rulers of the darkness of this world those are the ones that possess people highest-ranking demon concerning the darkness of this world but then there are wicked spirits in the heavenlies that's not there there three levels of heaven there's the upper atmosphere here and that's what he's talking about there there's outer space and then there's a heaven the residence of God where Jesus sits at his right hand and your mic in folks are there those wicked spirits are functioning and the upper areas of this atmosphere you don't see those you don't see those Devils in operation much well you do but and don't understand what it is just go back to the 10th chapter of Daniels you start there and Daniel went on a partial fast for 21 days and and evidently he had began to wonder if he'd been heard and the angel came to him and said fear not Daniel we heard you the first day but he said the spirit of Persia withstood me that's a wicked spirit in the heavenly their political Devils they work in high levels of government they work in high levels of business banking and that kind of thing that's the reason you have to be so so careful about borrowed money because I asked the Lord I said you're you're not against your your people going to a doctor what's the difference in that going to a banker he said Kenneth you don't have to enter into a covenant to go to a doctor covenant serious business particularly when you bow your knee you become servant of the lender that word servant is translated connected to you could be you become connected to that person in the spirit you don't know what's in their life you don't know what they're doing i when we began to search around them for the banks that we do business with we were amazed we were amazed it many banks or big big big on the homosexual agenda and I'm just big on it I don't even want them keeping my money much listen or somebody in there believes in there and I heard the Lord say to me said I've got churches that old money to the Mafia don't know it because that bar it for it from anybody that alone it and people do not like to loan money to churches because it they don't if they have to foreclose on a man it makes them look like dogs and they still own learning to a church are you following me you got so quiet I thought maybe you'd gone well now here I just stood there and lied I know couldn't forgive me Jesus all right but that's interesting and vital information that people should know so one this man was possessed by one unclean spirit see it verse two who had his dwelling among the tombs no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day the man didn't sleep he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying cutting himself with stones anyone here or anyone watching on the line anyone in the sound of my voice and you're you're in in a lot of depression or maybe secretly you've been cutting cutting yourself you have deliverance today right now just delivered right now cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshipped him if there ever was a man no no no wait a minute before I say that let's go on here he cried out with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High God answer thee by God thou torment me not for Jesus had said unto him come out of the man you unclean spirit so that is that demon talking back this man they never heard of the son of the Most High God but that devil had he knew him and he asked him what is your name any answered saying my name is legion this is that devil talking my name is legion for we are many this man's got three to six thousand levels operating in him on him around him and the devil was controlling that whole region with the demons in that man that's what Satan worshipers today call a human chalice full of Devils controlled by one ruler of the darkness and you remember that you remember to say the devil see whether there's an active devil there or not all sicknesses of the devil Jesus Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil sickness is a satanic oppression and you just remind him you don't rule me you don't rule me ruler of the darkness you don't rule me I'm a child on the line I walk in the light as he walks in the light I'm born in the light I wear the armor of life again get out just don't your foot and mean it right don't be like that fella laying there up all over the bed you know somebody come and said have you resisted the devil he said I ain't no shape to antagonize nobody what are you better get in saved antagonize him right now amen Oh hallelujah whoo healings are already happening if you check yourself check yourself it's happening right now it's going on all over the place particularly over there and that and that corner back in there there's a strong strong constant grow it just whoa whoa man I mean it just shot across the room when I said hmm oh thank you Jesus now I want to give you some details here this is so see inside ideas and concept of the spiritual realm its information in its information is power it gives you vision inside ideas of the spiritual realm glory and this is a this is a snapshot everybody out there heard what Jesus said they all heard what that demon said out that man's mouth he answered and said my name is legion for we are many now they heard that and he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country everybody heard that now there were there not under the mountains a great herd of swine feeding and all the devil's besought him say the people didn't hear that that was in the spirit because the that they didn't have access to this man's voice anymore that their boss is gone this man's delivered he's a free man right that minute so that so the boss devil can't speak anymore through the man so the people didn't hear this but Jesus did glory to God are you learning anything all the devil's besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them now everybody's looking at this man and it's it's gone peaceful around there and from research we know that these people were the two thousand head of hogs isn't that that's that's big man that's a lot of pigs and they were watching over the Roman soldiers food garrison amen they're sure not any Jews even that so they do everything's going quiet the man is so peaceful boy he's delivered Jesus gave them leave the unclean spirits went out and entered into the slide now suddenly everything is peaceful suddenly mm how close it and one time that's noisy can you imagine mm pig squeal engines loud as they can and all of a load and run at the same time just their footage injustice their their fetus making a roar and a child off into the ocean ah mm just scared of pudding out of everybody there I mean everybody and they're all afraid anyway because they've been controlled by the demons of fear in that whole region they that fed the swine fed well yeah they ran off scared them they ran off ran into the city and in the country [Music] hello and they told it they saw and saw it and told them how it be failed to him that was possessed with the devil and also concerning the swine and they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts please please get out of here just just leave we don't know anything about this and when they no telling what's gonna happen is had that that Roman garrison leaders gonna want to know what happened he is hold his his his hog herd just get out of here when he came to the ship he had been possessed with the devil pray to him that he might be with him Jesus suffered him not but said unto Him go home to your friends tell them how great things the Lord have done for thee and hath had compassion on you he departed and began to publish it in to couple us how great things Jesus had done for him and all men did marvel now here's the point this is the reason the Spirit of God instructed me to share this with you if there was any man that Satan could have prevented him from falling on his face and worshiping Jesus he had a he had a ruler of the darkness in him controlling him and three to six thousand demons we know there's two thousand of them controlling him but Jesus could not stop him from falling on his face while he still possessed and worshiping him and here's what the Lord wanted you to see this morning I want you to get this he delivered and healed that man yeah thank you lord I went Todd white those of you know Todd white it was powerful young man he's ministering to a group of young women that had been cutters and heroin addicts they got born again baptized in the Holy Spirit and he baptized them in water and he said now when you come up you'll come up clean and when they came up they're cutting scars were gone and their needle tracks were gone say fire Holy Ghost fire Oh is he I tell you he's here this morning that fire is not an it it's a he it's the spirit of the Living God hallelujah Oh hallelujah that man was delivered like that say I believe I receive my healing this morning just like that [Applause] I'm heal right now I received my financial miracle this morning just like that [Applause] go hey glory glory glory glory glory [Applause] when she had heard verse 27 when she had heard of Jesus came she came in the press behind and touched His garment for she said she kept saying if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold and immediately the fountain number but see there that's what triggered that that's when the Lord said to me go back over then show you that she received it just like that say it again I'm healed today just like [Applause] [Laughter] Jesus immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him turned him about in the presence and said who touched my clothes his disciples said unto Him thou seest the multitude thronging me and saith out it touch me he looked round about to see her that had done this thing the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and be whole of that plague that meant her prosperity began that day glory to God that she her body was his she began to put on weight she began to get strong again there's no word in there about whether she had ever married or not maybe they snapped 12 years she'd been like this bleeding bleeding it had cost her I just have a strong witness in my spirit that she's a young woman and and this thing kept her from from ever ever having a husband and family and the Levitical laws that cover them to cover this kind of thing a very very serious a a woman was forbidden to be in public with an issue of blood you could be stoned for that she knew that she's a Jew now I want you to realize something this is in Capernaum this is Jesus hometown he had just been on the other side of the other side of the Galilee ministering and and delivered this this men in Ghaderi so he just came right straight across the lake he's coming home he wasn't coming across there to have another meeting he's coming home his home is in Capernaum well the leader of the synagogue in Capernaum Jairus his name you know he knew Jesus personally because Jesus home was almost next door to the synagogue and I can prove it in the Bible he left je irises he left je irises home after raising his daughter from the dead now you remember that and you remember the blind men followed him it said they followed him to the house that's his house they followed him and went right on in his house they knew that's his house everybody in town knew that's his house he's the most famous man in the world everybody knew it J Alice you remember oh don't you love the Bible aha wow wow what an adventurous book you remember the Centurion that built the synagogue and his servant was about to die and they came to him and said Jesus you need to do this that this man built us a synagogue that's the synagogue where J iris was a leader Jesus hometown synagogue how many times you suppose he preached in that sense they didn't argue with him there no they experienced him there as in as in Nazareth way how'd you like get kicked out of your hometown but the scripture had already prophesied that he would move to Capernaum ami in the book of John I'm just sitting there reading one afternoon and and here's the there out in the middle of the lake man his his his guys had worked and worked and worked and worked and rode three miles in the middle of that demonic storm so Jesus just went to him walking on the water remember that now the moment and and the scripture says where they were going see that was home to all of them all of them lived in Capernaum from his home there on the Galilee you could sit and hid it in the front of his house and watch Peter in them right down there at the fishing dogs so you just walk down there and talk to people he and Peter no stranger I mean he he healed his mother-in-law right there and his own home anyway so immediately they were at the shore that already said they were going home to Capernaum immediately they were at the shore and the Lord stopped me and he said Kenneth I needed to get that thing ashore I don't want to stay out there the rest of the night while they row in they are tired and weary they'd been in meetings all day long he had gone up in the mountain to rest and to pray while they were going home and that storm hit so he meets them out there and he said I needed to get them home I wanted to get home and sleep in my own bed it wasn't some wonderful miracle the man wanted to get home before dark no for morning come on what's the matter with you say Amen that's how real this thing is with Jesus and the thing of it is by but by faith in God we can function over in that area in that supernatural area miracles like that have happened I was talking one time to a bomber pilot world war two and and he was talking about the miracles that had happened to him because of because of his family praying for him and so forth and he got he got into an off course problem while not going over the ocean that and you know you you you start getting off course a little bit you just stay there it just gets worse and worse and worse and he had to go around some some terrible storms well now he's off his track and back in those days I mean you'd hate it and an off course problem if you have to come back to get back on that original of course you've used up your reserve fuel you're going in the water and he said I just saw this big hole in that in that storm entombed and he said I headed for it and he said I got off got through there and took the best heading I could what you want to do then is go from there to your destination and he said I just took the best heading I could but he said I knew I didn't have enough fuel he said there's no way and no no way I had enough enough enough fuel to make it God he said you know I just pray and just sit there and did my best job of navigating and he said my navigation was right on he said I got on the ground with more fuel than I would have had if I had no star and he said but when I put when I put the cart in the pencil to this thing he said that airplane won't go that fast he got same thing happened that b-24 did happen to that little boat that night he just supernaturally just placed it his navigation was right on one he looking Navi been lucky to die somebody's praying somebody's praying and you think of God like that can't take a pay off your bills you think a God like that can't heal your body just like that huh hallelujah Oh glory be to Jesus say I'm healed [Music] thank your Lord Jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you Jesus she heard she said she came and touched what if she had said I can't do this I'm bleeding now I'm in pain I'm skinning bones I can't go out there I'm liable to get trampled besides that at the leader of the synagogue's right there behind Jesus I know him that's where I used to go to synagogue before I got foot before I got bedridden and and I can't get out of my house now he could stone me for this so she intended to sneak out there and touch the hem of His garment not not this his prayer shawl [Music] that's what she's after I'll just touch that and I'll be hope and he'll never know it J hours he'll never know it [Applause] but her faith touch was so powerful who touched my clothes a whole crap don't you know they had lookouts when Jesus is coming home go through your New Testament find the word Capernaum and just find out how many times you went home than worry it's so amazing you remember that when it said and he took a little child and said to me that was in his house and he was talking to all the disciples and their families there and their children were there right there in his house big house look at it for yourself they teach after Matthew and the other Gospels tell it but they teach chapter magic very very very plain hallelujah thank you Jesus she came she heard she said she came and touched and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she forgave all of those doctors that had butchered her up over 12 years times she forgave them all before she got healed I was faith doesn't work in an unforgiving heart we know that she's forgiven everyone that's had anything to do in her life that put her in this shape family friends 12 years a woman of statue and means and now she's come down and down and down and down and down and down until now she's she's bedridden and she's just lift physically under house arrest because she can't get out in public but here came Jesus that's same Jesus is right here right now and this book I just heard the Lord say this I never heard this in my life I just heard him say this the Bible today is the hem of His garment whoo hallelujah faith begins where the will of God is known is it God's will to heal today how do we know whether it's God's will to heal or not now I got this out of Keith Moore's big spiral back book God's will is healing and I'm strongly suggesting to everybody in the sound of my voice get that book oh and we just read on it all the time it is so conclusive it oh man and I got this out of the back of his book and of course Keith and I are so very very very very close friends he's Ellis and glory enough and I called him I said I said Keith better stock up on that book as I'm gonna tell everybody where I got this and they're gonna want that book he said we got plenty of and I'm reading from Keith now how do we know it's God's will to heal us or not it makes little difference what others say about it What did he say about it remember that God is no respecter of persons acts 10:34 and he never changed his Malachi 3:6 so what he said to them yesterday he's saying to you today God's Word is God speaking to me God's Word is God speaking to you these statements are taken directly from the with little or no variation the verbs and construction have been changed to apply to you personally and to sum up the thoughts in some instances also many of these statements are prefaced by phrases like if you walk in my Commandments if you believe no Bay and so forth what did God say 101 things God said about he now Moana remind you 2nd Corinthians 1:20 all of the promises of God are yes and amen [Applause] now that old saying well sometimes he says yes sometimes he says no sometimes he says wait a while that not in the New Testament there's nowhere in any but Jesus are in not not one apostle in the book of Acts nobody nobody nobody ever said now you you a there's something you need to learn out of this you just have to keep this and maybe six months to a year before you get into he never said that theologians have said that but it doesn't matter what they say it's what the book says number one you're watching on the screen or I'll tell you what if you can make notes and so forth but you can order these or George do we have these available here you just get them off and get them from us just get them oh good I am the lord that healeth thee Exodus 15:26 now while we're reading these yet there you're being healed and if suddenly you receive your healing holler at me let's stop and talk about it go rate of God and if something comes on you get up and run act on your faith glory to God I am the lord that healeth thee Exodus 15:26 your days shall be 120 years Genesis 6:3 you shall be buried in a good old age hey let me remind you of something after now Abraham was a hundred when Isaac was born after Sarah died he remarried and raised another family see faith wasn't just one-time thing with him now What did he say I consider not my own body now dead old man you don't count your body don't kill old woman you old body don't count either only what God had promised go for it remember he said one time let no man say that he made Abraham rich but Almighty God glory be to God you shall come to your grave and full age like a shock of corn cometh in his season job 526 when I see the Blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you Exodus 12 13 I will take sickness from the midst of you and the number of your days I will fulfill Exodus 23 25 and 26 I will not put any of the diseases you're afraid of on you I will take all the sickness away from you Deuteronomy 7:15 it will be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven upon the earth Deuteronomy 11 9 and 21 I turned the curse into a blessing unto you because I love you Deuteronomy 23 5 in Nehemiah 13 - I have redeemed you from every sickness and every play Deuteronomy 28 61 Galatian 3:13 as your days so shall your strength be Deuteronomy 33 25 I have found a ransom for you your flesh shall be fresher than a child and you shall return to the days of your youth job 33 24 and 25 I have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave I have kept you alive from going down into the pit some 31 and - I will give you strength and bless you with peace some 29 11 I will preserve you and keep you alive some 41 - I will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing I will turn all your bed in your sickness psalm 41 3 I am the health of your countenance and your God Psalm 43 5 no plague shall come now your dwelling Psalm 91 10 I will satisfy you with long life Psalm 91 16 I want to I want to bring something to the attention when you see I will satisfy you with long life now you and I don't have any right to make our mind up what long life means the only life span God ever said in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is Genesis 6:3 and the days of man shall be a hundred and twenty years science has come to the realization the human body should live 120 years amen and as the Lord said to me that's just just as much my word as by my stripes you Eve don't need to go thank you Lord number 20 I'll heal all your diseases psalm 103:3 I sent my word and heals you and delivered you from your destructions psalm 107:20 you shall not die but live and declare my works psalm 118 17 i heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds Psalm 147 3 the years of your life shall be many proverbs 4:10 trusting me brings health through your navel and marrow to your bones proverbs 3 8 praise God somebody just got healed of osteoporosis right yeah maro maro to your bones maro to your bones yeah and my words number 26 my words alive to you and health and medicine to all your flesh proverb 422 my good report makes fat your bones that's bone density that's bone density say I receive my bones heal I received the vertebrae in my back heel I received my bones delivered from arthritis that's destructive that's destructive say it that's destructive and he's delivered me from my destructions some of them are just here the bone in your nose was just healed I don't know what it I don't know what it was broken I just I just suddenly and I just know it a glory be to God glory be to God all bone disease all of it degenerative bone disease all of its heal all of its here spinal stenosis is Hublot already go long kinds of low back trouble is healed right now you've got fat loans you're not fat loans you got fat bones hallelujah [Applause] verse 20 number 29 my joy is your strength a merry heart does good like a medicine Nehemiah 8:10 in Proverbs 17:22 hahahahaha [Music] number 30 the eyes of the blind shall be open the eyes of them that see shall not be dim Isaiah 32 3 and 35 5 the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped the ears of them that hear shall hearken Isaiah 32 3 and 35 5 take it [Applause] the dumb shall be now gone the more you'll be able to hear and speak the tongue of the dumb shall sing the tongue of the stammerer shall be ready to speak plainly all robbers stuttered and stammered so badly that he could not say his name in school he couldn't speak the only people he could talk too plainly was his own family he'd get a least bit nervous he just couldn't get words out and his mother said this one is my preacher they say the infective way that's impossible he can't the man can't even talk he was dying of tuberculosis he had spit so much blood up the wall in his bedroom was covered in blood his brother came in and said all there's a tenth preacher he's good and any their healing this God's healing is sick out there and we're gonna take you so he mean picked him a skinny bones he was within a week or two of being dead picked him up carried him out to the car that drove out there brother Munson was preaching healing in a tent and so they took the back seat out of the car and brought it up there close we can hear and so he's laying there on that on that car seat brother Muncie laid hands on him God healed him and this great apostle of faith stuttered and stammered no more and I miss him I miss brother Hagin oh thank you Jesus thank you Lord Burton number 30 the eyes of the blind shall be opened the eyes of them that see shall not be dim Isaiah 32 3 and 35 5 the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped the ears of them that hear shall hearken the tongue of the dumb shall sing the tongue of the salmon stammers shall be ready to speak plainly the lame man shall leap as a heart leap like a deer Isaiah 35 6 I will recover you and make you to live glory to God Oh someone was he of their suffer this was healed that their suffer this was somebody whoa ha ha ha ha I heard these words no more heartburn no more acid indigestion glory to God no more I remind you the great physician is practicing in here and you do not have to wait in his room outer office oh yeah and he makes house calls [Laughter] if you'll call him to your house you make a house go home you you understand you are his house oh yeah glory to God I give power to the faint I increase strength to them that have no bite Isaiah 40 29 I will renew your strength I will strengthen and help you Isaiah 40:31 and 41:10 to your old age and gray hairs I will carry you and I will deliver you Isaiah 46 for now men and women I would take that that he meant a whole head of hair [Applause] how many years ago long time ago I read that my hairs on my head or number so I cleaned my original count glory to God there my hair [Applause] now the Lord corrected me later and he said no you claimed the count that you had when you were thirty because that's when you went into this ministry amen I got a faith claim on it glory to God hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus number 37 we read that one to your old age in great hairs I will carry you and I'll deliver you number 38 I bore your sickness isaiah 53:4 I carried your pains isaiah 53:4 i was put to sickness for you isaiah 53:10 but with my stripes you are healed isaiah 53:5 I will heal you Isaiah 57 19 your light shall break forth as the morning and as your hat and your houses spring forth speedily isaiah 58:8 i will restore health to you i'll heal you of your wounds saith the Lord Jeremiah 30 17 behold I will bring the city to help them cure and I'll cure you and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace in truth that means heal here in your city that means he'll heal your land [Applause] we started praying for our city there in Fort Worth years ago we started believing God for that city the Lord has led us to do certain things that just amazing how it's affected the city and we've we've got a woman mayor I want you to know that woman is something else she's strong in the Lord and we built we found out the Fort Worth SWAT team the pastors and the listen Amina we found out this Fort Worth SWAT team had had no place to Train and when they went someplace they had to pay big money to rent them the range and all that we found out about it from Mayor Moncrief one of the former mayors another strong Christian man good friend so I prayed about it and that's proven five minutes about it the Lord said building a range up there on your place well we got 1500 acres that the Lord gave us so we we built that range to specification they can come out there and train they said mr. Copeland and here's the leaders of the SWAT team and I mean these are the best of the best and they're Sena and said mr. Copeland how much will we have to pay you I said were you talking about man you don't pay hey you pay with your life every day you are ministers of God for our good listen listen we treat you just like like you like you were preaching this gospel and you don't wear the sword in vain so you need to train I said won't cost you anything he began to cry see these guys are committed to what they do and they won't and need to be the best there is that's what team man they come out there and train and they and they have other uh SWAT teams from around the country come and they have exercises and competition right out there at Casey now I will tell you something the local newspaper has in times past had some pretty ugly things about this you better not talk like that around the police force around there and there's some other things that that we have done over the years and I'm not delivered to tell you publicly but any of you passengers that would like to find out what it is well of course that's the Georgia be willing and and me and and I also be thrilled to table it but take care of your police force take care of their withers when they get killed in your County take care of them when you see a policeman you don't ever let a policeman or or a soldier pay for their own meal come on not ever not my presence they don't and when John and Kelly were small we were in a restaurant one day I said come on kids I walked over there to the table and these these police officers were sitting there I said gentlemen I introduced myself and got the check off of the table I said this is my daughter Kelly and this is my son John I said my kids you see these two men these are the best friends you've ever had and don't you ever be afraid of them and anytime you need them you let them know these these men are ministers of God for our good amen that gives you some ideas preachers uh-huh rebuild the respect in your community and get loud about it the african-american community praise God I want to tell you something there listen I back many years ago I mean you remember rosey Grier oh yeah I called Rosie I said Rosie you have to help me man I said you know the Lord had taught me this I said we don't think alike because we were raised differently so our thought patterns are completely different and I mean you look some white guy do you think ain't no way be that dumb yeah we that no hey and I said Rosie come on man you got to help me because if I say anything I would never I would never ever ever ever ever ever say anything that would hurt the heart of any human being but if I say something Rosie you call me immediately and you say brother Kenneth don't say that anymore and the time until he called me he said but you know I think maybe praise you'd be better off if you didn't say that anymore I said yeah what should I say and he told me that's what I've been saying everything come on come on get active in your community whichever community you're in get active in your community where you're police officers are concerned go talk to them go talk to him they need to hear from you I'm pastor such as such church in Romans 13:8 certain Romans 13 is is vitally important to us and we pray for you men and women everyday and we want you to know it and we bring it we can be called on get in contact with you mayor I'm telling you mayor price calls pastor and said we got to have some prayer of this and I won't tell you something mayor price comes out to the range when they have competition and she gets right in there and just shoots with the best of them oh yeah she packs welcome to Texas boys yeah Governor Perry was jogging one morning and his little is little dog was running along there and they're in a park down in South Texas I mean there's many cows as there are dogs and a cow jumped out in that Park and jumped on that little dog and the governor has said BAM boy the news of course some years meeting you know follows him around they said governor governor you carried a gun he said welcome to Texas I will bring the city health and cure I'll cure you and we'll reveal under you the abundance of peace and truth jeremiah 33:6 i will bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick ezekiel 34 16 behold I will quo glory to God glory to God before I could read it somebody got healed in their lungs I just jumped with it what a cool rate of God any kind of lung disease anything lung cancer bronchitis asthma glory to God any kind any kind take a deep breath hold it there about again Oh emphysema just took Oh Oh glory to God glory to God glory to God it's healed oh it's you you're taking breath all the way down into the bottom of those lungs again oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus I'll cause breath to enter into you and you shall live I shall put my spirit in you and you shall live Ezekiel 37 5 and 14 whether so ever the rivers shall come shall live they shall be healed and everything shall live where the river comes is iike 47 9 seek me and you shall live Amos four five four and six I have arisen with healing in my wings Malachi 4:2 now new Testament I will be thou clean Matthew 8 3 I took your infirmities Matthew 8 17 I bore your sicknesses Matthew 8 17 if you're sick you need a physician I am the Lord your physician Matthew 9 12 Exodus 15:26 I am moved with compassion toward the sick and I healed them Matthew 14:14 I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease Matthew 4:23 according to your faith be it unto you Matthew 9:29 I give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease matthew 10:1 and Luke 9 1 I healed them Oh Matthew 12:15 and Hebrews 13:8 as many as touched me are made perfectly hold Matthew 14 36 healing is the children's bread massive 1526 I do all things well I make the death to hear and the dumb to speak and Mark 737 if you can believe all things are possible to him that believeth mark 9:23 and 11 23 and 24 when hands are laid on you you shall recover Matthew 16:18 my anointing heals the brokenhearted and delivers the captive recovers sight to the blind and sets at liberty those that are bruised Luke 18 Isaiah 10:27 and 61:1 I heal all those who have need of healing Luke 18 11 I'm not come to destroy men's lives but to save them Luke 9 56 behold I give you authority over all the enemy's power and nothing shall by any means hurt you Luke 10:19 sickness is satanic bondage and you ought to be loosed today Luke 13 16 and second Corinthians 6:2 in me is life John 1:4 I am the bread of life I give you life Johnson 6 33 and 36 the words that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life Oh glory be to God 73 I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly John 10:10 I am the resurrection and the life John 11:25 if you ask anything in my name I will do it John 14:14 faith in my name makes you strong and gives you perfect soundness acts 3:16 I stretched forth my hand to heal acts 430 I Jesus Christ make you whole Acts 934 I Kenneth Copeland receive it hallelujah I do good and heal all that are oppressed of the devil acts 10:38 my power causes diseases to depart from you acts 19 12 the law of the spirit of life in me has made you free from the law of sin and death Romans 8:2 the same spirit that raised me from the dead now lives in you and that spirit will quick on your mortal body Romans 8:11 your body is a member of me 1st Corinthians 6:15 your body is the temple of my spirit and your to glorify me in your first Corinthians 6:19 and 20 if you'll rightly discern my body which was broken for you and judged yourself you'll not be judged you'll not be weak sickly or die prematurely 1st Corinthians 11 29 through 31 I have set gifts of healing in my body 1st Corinthians 12:9 my life may be made manifest in your mortal flesh 2nd Corinthians 4 10 and 11 I have delivered you from death I do deliver you if you trust me I will yet deliver you 2nd Corinthians 1:10 I have given you my name and have put all things under your feet Ephesians 1:21 and 22 I want it to be well with you I want you to live long on the earth Ephesians 6 3 I have delivered you from the authority of darkness Colossians 1:13 I will deliver you from every evil work second Timothy 4:18 I tasted death for you I destroyed the devil who had the power of death I've delivered you from the fear of death and bondage Hebrews 2:9 14 and 15 I washed your body with pure water Hebrews 10:22 Ephesians 5:26 lift up the weak hands and feeble knees don't let that which is lame be turned aside but rather let me heal it Hebrews 12 12 and 13 let the elders anoint you and pray for you in my name and I'll raise you up James 5 14 and 15 pray for one another and I'll heal you James 5:16 by my stripes you were healed first Peter 2:24 my divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of me 2nd Peter 1:3 whosoever will let him come and take of the water freely revelation 1222 17 number 101 beloved I wish or I pray above all things you may prosper and be in health third John to come out come out come out glory glory glory glory glory [Applause] if you believe this gospel that I have preached to you this morning and you are ready to receive the power of God unto salvation for your spirit your mind or body stand to your feet now if you can't stand up stand up on the inside in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I take authority over all sickness I take authority over all disease I take authority over all devils and demons in this room I take authority over you and I cast you out and I cast you down take your hands off of God's property by the eternal Almighty God you're a trespasser glory glory glory glory glory now shut your eyes and say this the gospel that I have heard is the power of God under my salvation I confess Jesus Christ as Lord over my life spirit soul and body I receive the power of God to make me sound ho delivered save heal now I act on the Word of God and receive the power of God sickness disease pain I resist you in the name of Jesus sickness weakness pain you're not the will of God I enforced the Word of God on you [Applause] I will not tolerate you in my life leave my presence now I will never allow you back my days of sickness my days of disease are over I am the same I am the healed the power of sickness has been forever broken over my life [Applause] Jesus bore my sickness he bore my weakness and he bore my pain I am forever free [Applause] sickness shall no longer lord it over me sin POW no longer lord it over me fear shall no longer lord it over me I have been redeemed from the curse of the law I proclaim my freedom in the mighty name of Jesus today the gospel is the power of God to me unto salvation I receive this gospel I act on this gospel I am made whole in Jesus name [Applause] tasks on it praising yeah here straight down me deliver me free [Applause] you know what you get no before [Applause] dolls are open hang around say brother Copeland I can't run go get out that wrong you can't do it but he'll do it when thank you Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth hallelujah in that name the anointing the heal is growing in you mightily saith the Lord in these hands in these hands by the anointing of the master lay them upon the sick and they shall recover saith the Lord of hosts hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus the fires here the fires here the fires the fire is his fire on you bird [Applause] someone with an obstruction inside your nostrils breathe deep you that that things gone there I said that in a service number years ago and and I said let's having someone whoever it is come up here and there were several people came up and this woman had her son there in front of her and he's going I mean that boy was breathing and I thought well you know he really had a stopped-up nose or something and so I said what's happened to him and and I said just something like you know there's a bad cold no brother Copeland no she said he had no nostrils in his nose he was born without nostrils and we're waiting and he gets owners where they could do surgery the great physician operated on his mobile Oh hallelujah I said hallelu I said bless the Lord sing a new song to his name I'm here I'm well I'm home I love you Jesus saying that I love you Jesus I know your name I know you Jesus I love you Jesus I'll never be the same I love you lord thank you so much the devil's been defeated at his game I'm no longer lame I can run down the lane I can hear his name I'm breathing well thank you rejoice oh oh clumps lumps in the breast lumps in the breasts are going club love check yourself out check yourself out lumps are go loves her go uh what what what am i I see I see one of them and it's just shrunk up in the size of about like a pea and the next couple of days that'll be gone Lolita for cancer of the liver is hope it Oh throat cancer is both all kinds oh if you got anything wrong with you from the waist down I mean it's fixed right now [Applause] [Music] scoliosis Kohli osis Kohli elseís your spine is straight there's that again osteoporosis moon dizzy glory - no oh [Music] thank you Jesus Alzheimer's dementia heal well whoa glory to God healed it well say this I have the mind of Christ I've not been given a spirit of fear I've been given the spirit of power I've been given the spirit of love I've been given the spirit of a sound mind and I have a sound brain to go with it I no longer have memory problems I never forget anything unless I plan to forget it I forget whatever I want to I remember whatever I want to my mind is my mind my mind thinks what I tell it to think my brain does what I tell him to do my body obeys the boss of fate I'm here from the top of my head my brain is healed my ears are here my eyes are here my nose is here my throat is here my mouth is here I'll never have another cold sore again hereafter forever no those things are gone they're over Oh glory whoo hepatitis C hepatitis E all forms of hepatitis all forms of liver disease yes he erupted in just shutting out meters 40 [Applause] I just specifically heard the word infantile sugar diabetes is here rheumatoid arthritis just got healed in the name of you my jaws are healed my mouth is here my gums are healed I'll never have another sore on my tongue my tongue is physically healed I'll never stand there again I'll never stutter and I'll never be timid again timidity is fear-based and fear independence I have been redeemed from the course of fear perfected love of God has cast the fear out of me [Applause] say it again perfected love of God has cast the fear out of me I'm bold as the line my shoulders are he oh yeah oh yeah oh whoa somebody just got healed of marshana [Applause] I don't know who this is but you can comb your hair again yeah yeah that thing I'm going that shoulder are going up man I had a ski accident years ago it was real icy and and it's bad Laurie and I were going in and I skied over this patch eyes and I'm telling you just dump I landed right on my shoulder man I got a hurt oh it hurt and I got my skis back on I didn't go for him here at the front room that ice was invisible I hit another patch that did the same thing and hit right on this thing oh it felt like I broke it you know man I couldn't get it in her in that and and and we went home the course I'm praying believe in God and Gloria laid hands on me and and I'm doing this can't comb my hair and you have to try to comb your hair with your left hand if you're right-handed but since I've rolled all my care over on the Lord I don't care what I look like I can't let you can't understand how much I don't care because I don't have any shame anymore amen oh yeah and so I was and preaching the next Miss Moore we got home on the Saturday and I've got a service the next morning and I'm we flew to wherever the service was I've gotten to see me like he's in New Orleans maybe anyway and I walked up on the platform and I'm still like this and I walked up there and all in the praise worship was just so and I'm just standing there and we were praising and worshiping God I didn't even feel it and it really didn't realize they turned the service over me and I said their knuckles sword knuckles autolytic knuckles Oh glory to God say it my hands are free slam the cabinet door on them all aspirin tablets tablets all my elbows working oh my elbow working Thank You Lord God does new elbows you know oh yeah I'm glory to God my friend and in Legos the big church partners sold pictures of yesterday he called me we had just come home from there and we bare and made this is October he was in Dallas so he said I'm a flower and talk to you so he came over say I got some won't show you and he had he said one of my young pastors said after you left there was a hundred and thirty-eight thousand more people came into the church almost at one time and he said cause I've got a big staff but they working night and day with that many new people and this young man his elbow had been destroyed with a gunshot wound and that thing had given him pain ever since they put that that elbow replacement in his arm there it is see that he said the Lord said to that young pastor you go to bed and sleep tonight you've been working hard for me tonight I'm gonna work for you he woke up the next morning with a brand new elbow that that elbow replacement was lying in the bed next to him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say thank you for my new album no more elbow babe thank you Jesus say it again law corporate tunnel syndrome let's say that that neighborhood carpool carpool that's what yeah that's what our carpal tunnel just got healed and you'll never have it again that's you yeah I'm going to go yeah everybody just got that shake that elbow and shake it on [Music] hallelu halleluya Oh stomach cultures just went away just dissolved I just disappeared right there polyps in the colon and to devote lateral yeah to different people see all colon polyps are not malignant but all colon cancer starts with a poorer two of them to malignant colon cancers just got healed completely [Applause] oh thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus all bladder malfunctions infection of the urinary tract [Music] kidneys kidney stones Oh Goldstone Goldstone just got here who thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] David you better hold me up oh no big dog oh go read it does blow ready go okay I'm okay go repeater God now there's people in here you need to bend over and bend over and bend over and bend over right now you don't think you can but do what you can and as you obey you go further and further over and further over and further over yeah but brother Copeland I'm so old well if you're anything unless you're over 81 I just been over and touch my toes now you can do [Music] now I got that spinal stenosis again excuse me curvature of the spine what do you call it it's called the elseís that's yeah yeah that's what it was it bent and looking at this person in the back it bent to the left that doesn't mean that one of the right didn't but I saw the one that had the curved bowed to the left heel in the middle to take Jesus laid hands on people but I am totally convinced Tracy you've been in the healing ministry long time and the word of knowledge works in you the word of knowledge works in in me and and with me more than than any of the other manifestations of the Spirit particularly in the in the healing [Music] Rick Renner the my very close close friend an apostle to Russia been there 25 years Greek scholar of the highest order he said Kenneth at any given time there were from twenty to fifty thousand people hunting him following him all the time couldn't get away from him this not he had twelve eventually seventy more I am completely convinced that this way is the way Jesus ministered most of the time just ministering to the people go your way rise take up your bed be thou me standing there preaching the Spirit of the Lord it was upon me for he is anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor poor man you don't need to be poor anymore I'm here and they just people just received he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted brokenhearted you don't need to be broken Arden anymore I'm here alone well I have some news for you sweetheart he's here this morning well this afternoon now he's here this afternoon right now he's here right now you don't need to be brokenhearted Jesus he's here you don't need to be sick Jesus is here you don't need now scoliosis Jesus is here you don't need to be deaf in the right ear Jesus is here you don't need to be running in one on Jesus he's here you don't need to be sick of any kind Jesus is here your feet don't need to hurt anymore Jesus he's here oh Jesus thank you thank you lord haha thank you lord thank you lord inflammation infection ear infections bladder infection kidney infection I said this at this level but I'll see it again infection in the urinary tract [Music] in and in a Shimano McCready yeah someone that they they think you have some sort of dementia you don't you have an infection in your kidneys that's affecting your brain you're healing right now get up out of bed you're here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sir okay you may be seated I did I just I just heard this time for testimonies George would you praise God praise God glory to God those of you that something has happened to you today during this time you can either go to one side or the other and we'll come up and we'll get testimony as you're as you're preparing to come right now David let's sing your name is higher [Music] nor [Music] I Aaron this is this is I've been watching this this side thing going on what's happening I an from Orlando brother Copeland George she has watched so many healing schools with all of you and with Gloria that she recognizes everybody by their voice she has so much word in her and her diagnosis was Parkinson's mercury poisoning nerves neuropathy she's not walked on her own without a walker till right now [Applause] glory be the god this is her Gloria I took it it's mine [Music] thank you Jesus I praise you thank you praise rain go where to God let's walk with them just a little bit here praise God thank you every step and over and stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger are the part of this is power God came on her over here brother : while you were ministering as she came up and and she began to walk and as she did power God still on her right now part of what's going on with her now is just the power God all over it's driving out every trace of this thing corollary that God hey she's getting stronger and she still root for a long time stronger and stronger and stronger stronger in fact while she's walking here brother Copeland these testimonies we're gonna hear a tremendous amount of something as I was praying about this speeding this miracle anointing on you the Lord said he's going to prepare a table right in the presence of the enemy trying to kill and he said he's gonna anoint their head with oil a cup that's gonna run over much the head many situations Parkinson's is not surprised that's the first one because many brain situations brain lesions seizures any kind of paralysis all kind of brain injury situations of that nature wonderful miracles in fact he said nerve endings that were cut off spinal cord that didn't exist he said the maimed will be healed today but it won't necessarily be seen as a foot growing out although that can and will happen but nerve and these would literally grow on the inside you wouldn't see it with an actual eye but the maimed would be healed based upon this recreate neuromuscular situation we're going to hear a lot of this as it takes place your days of seizures are over that's right hit Jesus Nance right that's right blend this is Evan and Mary Jane they are ministers in Istanbul Turkey and Israel today he says that his heel was in pain and the pain is gone he prays you're off the burning while brother cake was and the pain is gone and then Mary Jane says that in the with a polyp situation she's been diagnosed with non cancerous polyps but she senses the Lord touching her gallbladder and other areas of her organs testimonies the Holy Ghost said what we have Silvia two years ago she slipped and hurt her shoulder in the bathroom she's had pain and limited movement since then this morning God touched her [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] Steve what's going on here sir this is Ruthie blunt from the Jacksonville area Green Cove Springs and you know to walk you got to have your knees working so tell us what happened to you need this morning I felt it pop my right knee I was in a car accident 22 years ago and it's been causing me major problems and I've been walking kind of like with the limp but it's really been bugging me and when I was praying I felt it get warm and hot and it popped and then I can I can stand on it now without and it's like it doesn't hurt anymore [Applause] Gina she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer went to her liver their colon cancer left which was a miracle still in her liver was in pain when she came in today felt electricity in her body and she has no pain she said she's healed I I took what lachey said a few months ago the doctors had given me three months to live and I took the 101 things that God said and I said them three times a day in my body and then they couldn't find the cancer in my pelvic area or in my colon so they reattached my colon because I was wearing a bag and then they said that it had spread to my liver and so then when I went back for more CT scans they could hardly see it and now when when when brother Kenneth said that if that liver cancer was gone I don't feel any aching or stabbing or anything [Applause] glory to God thank glory the power God is all over you when I first when I first walked in there was this huge electricity that just has been all over my body and I've been crying through the whole service which I don't do and I I just feel like a I can't I can't describe it but it the word works Sister Sister finishing anointing finish your race in the name finishing finish pastor bill what's going on this is Becky from Orlando and she came in with back pain and she was suffering and when scoliosis was called out all of her pain is gone and she can now arch back [Applause] because of Kenneth Copeland ministries and George and Terry Pearson's that have prayed for me and today the word works in the scriptures that I hadn't you read I've had those that I've been reading them for the last year and they work because I'm totally healed [Applause] oh brother Rob go Ritu God another testimony Tracy this is Diane from Miami and she needs an interpreter but she was healed this morning because of the sciatic nerve um so she was telling me that she fell sick gallo Mehta she fell on her right on her right arm really hard and she couldn't move it boy was someone and she says now she can move her arm completely from Melbourne Florida what is going on right here praise the Lord Jesus attend healing school and this is Barbara with us today from Merritt Island and while she was sitting over here said her ears had been stuffed up right here and all of a sudden it just popped open and she can hear completely on there on the are the ear and I began to talk to and she just began to repeat everything that I told her so praise God this is just too good this is Jeremiah and when he was 17 he was in prison and in prison he got turned on to Kenneth Copeland ministries well tell us about it well praise God I got I cry I took KCM Bible College for eight years behind bars Alyssa there's a brother Copeland's tapes day-in day-out I spent 40 or 40 hours a week I did it like a job I said I was gonna study the word study brother Colton's tapes and and and and materials like a job so for 40 40 hours a week I consumed his materials and stuff like that and one day I was playing basketball and I dunk the basketball and I swung and I fail and I went to the doctors and they told me I fractured both my wrists I had a lovak Euler fracture it was a little small bonus and your wrist so when you move around you know it was a no I was in a ton of pain but I believed but I believed in healing and I was one of those people I don't really believe in taking medicine and any that time I was you know I was extremely like that like I don't I don't take medicine you know so they told me they wanted to put my wrists and he's cast they would have to set my fingers and things like that because it's those balls there all right if they're not if you don't set your finger and stuff but I told them I said well you know what I believe God do I believe God is going to heal me and and I don't yet I believe I'm healed now because the Word of God says that I'm healed and the doctor looked at me real crazy and I said he said well I we have to do this and because if you don't we'll have to go into your hip and they have to take some bone out of your hip and they'd have to put it in to my wrist and I said well I tell you what doc give me two weeks give me two weeks and I said um he said well they take six to six weeks to heal and I said well give me two weeks I said if my fifth my wrists aren't healed in two weeks then I'll let you put my my um hands and you know I mean put them in the thing well just to make a long story short I went back to the doctor two weeks later and he was laughing at me he was like I heard you've been out there playing basketball doing all types of stuff but he didn't know three days before it in I was watching healing school on TV and Gloria Copeland says she I watched the whole message then she said when you get them when she said I want you to do something that you couldn't do now there was one thing I knew I could not do and that was a push up I got down and I did a push up now listen it was it was hurting really but I still did it and what about when I went to the doctors he said he was laughing because he heard about that I was doing all his crazy stuff and but he got on his microphone he looked at the x-rays and he said left Leveque Euler healed right radicular he won't worry they got that's a mirror [Applause] now he's in full-time ministry oh yeah oh yeah not yet you're my full-time ministry I finally got to meet my spiritual father brother this is Louise and she has been diagnosed with fibroid tumors they told her she needs a hysterectomy but she said today she believes she's healed and I have a word of knowledge for other women in this building right now if you've been diagnosed with fibroid tumors you receive your healing right now so this is Johnny he's from Tallahassee he was diagnosed with stage 4 liver esophageal cancer last year and then just had a heart attack last week when he got here he's on a walker couldn't stand by himself couldn't walk more than 10 feet just to the bathroom and now I mean look at you [Applause] [Music] on you didn't he yeah I couldn't talk six months ago period yeah so you just told that Walker you just said you're fired and walk off and lift it well we agree with you we call you everywhere hole yes sir I uh and sit down several times I couldn't walk now what's going on this is Patricia from Chicago she flew down here with a problem with her esophagus and praise God the word of knowledge came while ago that young man back there and now Patricia and she says she can't feel she knows it is repaired fix Don with it pays to come to healing school from Chicago I would not give you things because the first time I saw that like I feel like he was big Ripa and I feel that I had to feel myself with the word of God and that's how I find him online and I started with heartburn and it burned me and torture me and burn really bad when I was in medication in my husband bought me some eternity medication for the esophagus and in the process I had an infection and necessary my whole stomach and stuff like that and I as I continued to listen to the Word of God and when I came here I started saying I couldn't even carry my own backpack that I packed really lightly and my husband was helping me and I've been praying to the Lord I used to go to the gym and exercise and now I haven't been able to be there in two months or my vacation because I worked in the school was recovering and that was the time for me to draw to God and now I know that I have this life in this health and I wanna serve in in the in health and I know that the sickness is not coming from God and I know that I'm healed now I don't need to feel it I know that I am here [Applause] Lord Jesus hallelujah let's see her yes she's seven year old an icepack she says hard as a rock fell on her knee and it turned purple and the she says the bruise is completely gone and she can't stop shaking feel God's power honey I was over there and my where my parents were and I started to shake and I started to cry over there and I felt the power of God and then when I looked over at my knee I'm like oh my god my my my pain is gone it was right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it healed me because he loves me and I know that because he wanted me to be healed I know that and now it's gone I can't believe on our sons and don't that's right on our children that's right in Jesus name father I thank you thank you I thank you for these children I thank you for the power of God upon these children I thank you for the healing flow of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus we receive we receive for each and every one of them Satan you take your hands off of these children you loose them and you let them go father right now we pray for all of children grandchildren great-grandchildren and we thank you that they walk in perfect health and no weapon formed against them shall process accurately and that they rise up and take their place and in Jesus name they walk in the healing Redemption power of God now in the name of Jesus thank you Father Thank You Lord God praise God brother George if we know how to give good gifts to our children how much how much how much more how much more is going on today how much how much more praise racecar pastor bill Krause from Sacramento California hey Mack you for coming all the way here what's going on with this pretty lady here this is Janice from Ocala Florida and she was suffering from osteoporosis and she had knee and back pain and it is all gone when I was 50 years old I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and back then I said I am not receiving that report I am going to receive the report at the Lord so for ten years I have been claiming by healing I've had back pain knee pain I'm on the worship team at my church he's been at our church and saying he is sang with us and sometimes I've stood up with knee pain and back pain just saying father I'm doing this in faith believing I'm still doing it and I am healed today when he said that I felt every bone in my body started tinkling and I started shaking and I turned to my husband and my friend and I says I'm tingly God is healing me I know my knees don't hurt anymore they said one time I had scoliosis and I said I refuse that because my aunt had it I am NOT claiming that I believe I am totally praise God what do we have true okay this is Archie Moore and his daughter Hannah from Linda lakes Florida and they feel like they've been touched by God she had a curvature of the spine a curve in her in her back and she feels like she felt the touch of God this morning and this brother Archie said his shoulders God has touched his shoulders he can feel a difference and also his breathing that is also new long new shoulders glory to God glory that God renewed Oh straight backbone we have Pamela here city yes I want to hear from her yeah yes sir yeah I want to hear from sister more I have had like a slight curvature in my spine the doctor said it wasn't anything serious but believing the Lord to straighten it out so it wouldn't get any worse I have been checking it and forgetting better letting the believersí full healing today praise can you tell it when you bend over and then can you tell it when you bend over not usually just like when I got out of bed in the morning it hurt like a little your heel girl that's wonderful would you would you do us a favor obviously there's something stirring in his spirit to hear about this would you just over the next few days because you're well you get up out of the bed you have that checked out would you contact the ministry please get that in writing bless this ministry by your testimony because it's people hearing lives will be changed story they're gonna hear yours too brother more praise God amen amen thank you sweet dreams god bless you go read I go we have Pamela here from Polk City Florida she had been an accident when she was 15 and she's been dealing with all kind of chronic pain not able to move and do a lot of different things and today Jesus came and touched her body she's able to bend over she's able to move and do a lot of things that she hadn't been able to do before I haven't been able to get on my knees and pray for about 15 years because my knees hurt me so bad I've had a pain in my left hip for the last few years that just bothered me when I start to take a leave like I own the company and I'm not hurting I did come here today because I have been diagnosed with macular degeneration my eye and I have seen it over and over and over good I'm gonna see that man's face clear before I leave here today it hasn't happened but I'll be back all right yes ma'am hey vana keep going Traci this is gene Williams she's a 20-plus year partner praise God from st. cloud and there's so much happening inside of her body but she knows that her immune system the auto immune system was healed today and now she can also touch her knees which she hadn't been able to do if you were the auto immune system has caused a typical rheumatoid arthritis over the years Lord healed me of that bent over about 25 years ago I this has been going on for 40 years they startled me and says those done well about 10 years you know all of a sudden here he comes again and it's cirrhotic arthritis in my hands six months ago my hands were running sores all around my fingers palms my hands I've been claiming it for six months now you can see there's a little bit of dryness still there but it's healed thank you they've diagnosed me with stenosis of the spine vertebraes I refused their right back surgeon said oh you ain't you're gonna be in a wheelchair you're never gonna walk well guess what [Applause] question I want to get clear about this because when we were praying about this but the cope was gonna order knowledge I saw someone with a severe skin situation that was very very weeded and and and just literally got new flesh and let me see what you got I've been fighting this six months with the word of the Lord but there's other things that go with the autoimmune system and I know the devil's gonna try to sneak him in there well he ain't giving me lupus or anything else I'm claiming my total healing came back on you it's happening to people out here all over place in their organs Laurie to God skin system in Jesus name well praise God praise praise the Lord Cheryl this is Julia from Jacksonville Florida she told me that she came in here today with severe asthmatic attacks she couldn't breathe without coughing and I had her breathe for me she looked pretty good to me this is Gloria from Sarasota and she had a lung problem a lung disease it's so long neither one of us can pronounce it but she says she felt the breath changing in her and she feels she's healed and she's had a speech impediment and she's been made fun of for not being able to get her words out and she's getting him out now show us Gloria praise the Lord God Lusaka preach the gospel preached the gospel where a Lord just finished that on her in the name of Jesus thank you about two more hallelujah hallelujah go ahead yes this is Virginia from Tallahassee she came down and this morning you know when we're praising God you want to lift your hands right well she couldn't do that this morning she felt a pop when brother Copeland started talking about things going on in her shoulders and she's had inflammation in these shoulders and her feet been taking shots but this morning she during during the prayer time started doing things and lifting her arms up so she is go ahead break Lord thank you Thank You Lori to go out Dory to God thank you well glory go ready to gods up here please and you right up here with her already God come right up here beside her yes sir this is Betty in 2008 she had a brain infection and with the abscess and in 2018 she was diagnosed with cervical on her c4 and c5 lesion and a bulging disc yep she came in today she's on so many medications she said she couldn't stay awake woke up right when he called out spines and said bend over she said she was on a pain scale of 12 to 15 now her pain is zero and she says she's completely healed [Applause] yeah tell us talk to us a little bit more we saw you we saw you in the spirit Holy Ghost saw you when I stepped in here there was a older couple walking before me and I said no Lord I could hardly make it I said if they're doing it imma do it I'm taking back everything saying thank you go take from here and there was a young lady there and she said to me sister have a drink of water on me I said thank you she say no she said wait a minute you came in this house for a miracle and I claimed to my America from the time I was in the lobby all the way into here God showed you me because the miracle is a man and I'm taking back everything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes sir this is Terry and Sandra from Summerfield Florida and six years ago Carrie had a hip surgery that went all wrong everything became complicated bone problems and yesterday during the meeting he went home and was laying in bed and his leg is now it was two inches shorter it is now the same in fact he's got a wrong shoe on because it's got a lift II he can walk normal now are you saying this shoe with the lift doesn't fit anymore because the leg grew out there both legs are the same how far did it grow up two inches glory to God [Applause] [Music] [Music] now keep the switch of faith turned on keep it turned on more people fall from a counter-attack then from the original Jesus said you know you catch the devil out of somebody if you don't put something back in there that Devils coming back oh I lost my healing no you hadn't lost your healing the devil tried to steal it from him you just don't feel foot sick I don't believe that that's a lie against the truth God healed me and now today and I'm here I was healed 2,000 years ago I mean just rant rave at him you don't touch me Satan hallelu amen you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 127,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5829776267001, kenneth copeland
Id: DPHJfwqsBqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 55sec (10435 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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