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hey what's going on folks clutch here welcome back to a millennial farms that's why we're on the millennial farm map today we're doing something a little bit different we've been doing this as a live stream map i'm gonna be looking at our current equipment setups and guys we've been setting up a sperm so that it's just like millennial farmer's farm well as close as we could get to it so bear with me go through the equipment we'll take a look at all the equipment we've got uh we'll talk about what uh he's got on his farm so you can compare and then we'll also you know what we may get into some fields i think that that large 103 acre field right there guys we're going to dive into that with some spraying we got some fertilizer to do over there so let's get to work bitter batter [Music] all right it's good to be here i'm telling you all right so right off the bat guys well look at the red chev not bad got the red shell of course and right beside it we've got our 110 let's go jump into the one ton uh we'll take the dually over to the shop here and we'll show you around quickly see what we got going on so everything we've got here for the most part guys we've tried to make this as close to what millennial farmer has on his farm as we possibly could i'm gonna recommend guys if you are interested in doing a playthrough kind of like this at all and if you are not watching millennial farm you guys need to go check out millennial farmer go sub to his channel i don't know if if you're if you haven't already he does fantastic content real life farming content uh well over 500 thousand subs you guys need to go check about fantastic uh fantastic videos i'm sure you must have heard of them by now but just in case you hadn't let's go check them out i'll make sure there's a link down in the description just in case you're uh you haven't found that channel but yeah you can find it very easily um guys let's start off so we've got three shops here we've got the smaller garage the larger storage shed and then the main garage shop building over on the far side there i'll start off right over here let's go take a quick look inside what do we got inside here well i've been using this as more of my fertilizer we've got some fertilizer and seed storage in here that's what i've been uh using this for setting this up as right off the bat guys you're going to see the mandan go field roller in here this one i believe he just received this this year something very similar to this at least not bad a little field roller and behind that we got a couple john deere uh coulomb fractures we've got the zero turn and the small little ride on it's a little bit different than what he has but close enough i don't think you're gonna find the exact one let's be honest but that's pretty darn close this this uh zero turn right here by buck man this is very very close to the one he's got and in behind that of course we have our field tank and for those of you who have been watching millennial farmer yeah you know what i mean uh so that's it that's all i've got this little tiny shop right now like i said we've been using this for uh seed storage and fertilizer storage and just some odds and ends right now i haven't really decided what i'm gonna put in here other than that so we can leave that alone we'll shut this all up now guys i'm gonna need to pull everything out of this shop to show it to you properly but i'll show you what we've got so i've got it basically set up currently pretty much winter storage style if you're watching the videos um we've got everything is this door going to open for me there we go everything is kind of just stuffed in here right now we got a ton of equipment i'll go through it one at a time we'll bring every single piece out and we'll look at it out here in the yard so you guys get an idea but before we look at all this stuff let's just go around the shop we've got some build or some equipment on the side here and we've got some more stuff on the far side i'll take a look at all the stuff we've got park outside first now first off guys you know millennial farmer he does have a field trailer a field uh spraying trailer this one's a little bit different of course we don't really have anything as far as i'm aware that's going to give you a 53 foot box trailer or anything like that so this is as close as i could get to a field spring auxiliary unit so all you can store on this is fertilizer it's technically just one tank that's available on this particular mod but you know what it looks pretty authentic i think it's a nice looking mod and uh it's pretty cool to have something like this for our sprayer unit we can fill up with this i like that it's a nice looking trailer now in front of this of course we've got one of our kenworth t80s there's two of these that he has they're a little bit different well his both have sleepers on them this is as close as i could get i do like this unit a nice looking truck very well done so just don't have the sleeper that's the only difference and we do have two of these just be aware now also down in beside the shop here we've got two different uh tillage pieces of equipment now i think you might actually have three to be perfectly honest but farm sim let's be honest we don't need any more than what we got right here so first off guys this here is the 210 that's right this here is the spring tooth or the field cultivator the digger whatever you want to call it there this one is yeah this is pretty much authentic to what he has to be honest this is very very close i believe his actually may have some cucumber rollers on the back off the top of my head but anyways so that there's the 220 uh 22 10 sorry and then next door to that this is a 2720 disc herrera now i believe his is a 27 30 he considers it a deep digger a deep ripper this is as close as i could find that piece of equipment has i believe he has like a 3710 or something along those lines i have to go double check again but i didn't really see the need of having three of them these two will do sufficiently for well anything we're doing here also in behind us guys we've got a wilson trailer we've got three of these it's pretty much pretty much closest you're gonna get for that so i got three of these wilson trailers one over here and then two on the far side which are currently hooked up to our semi so we got once again a t880 and then we have a kenworth w 900 a yeah that one larry looks pretty authentic it's a little bit more blinged up but i'll take the extra chrome i don't mind that and lastly for our outside equipment currently we have a couple headers guys i've got well of course the corn header and we also have our draper header this one here is the 645 so it's a 45 foot head we also have the air bar on the top here nice looking air bar which was just insulted last year you installed this one the draper header system very cool and then of course our corn header just a 12 row i wish he would go to an 18 but i believe it's still a 12 roll that he's running so 612c and a 645. there you go folks i think it's i think it's time we we pulled the equipment out of the shop what do you think yeah time for the fun stuff let's jump in the freightliner here so this is overkill this is not what he has whatsoever this is ridiculous i'm sure he would love to have this piece of equipment for a uh a field truck but this is nothing like he has i believe this is just a one ton truck with a a box bed on the back here so this is a freightliner of course it does have some stabilizer arms on the back of it that can be unloaded on this particular mod with a crane off the side that is pretty cool and up top we've got our welder we've got our cutter tools we've got an air compressor we've got a workbench i believe we've got some like water pumping uh operations down there as well anyways very nice looking truck this is cool we got a hitch on the back so we could tow with this was as well if we do need to just a ball hitch but uh this is not quite authentic but i like it nonetheless so i'm gonna keep this on the farm not authentic just be aware of that but still looks pretty cool now onto our meat and potatoes oh yeah here we go 8 rt that's right 8 rt that's uh sitting right here perfect so the model we're using right now this is the 8370rt as you can read right on the front of course model he has is the 8360 very very close i couldn't find any of my mods that had the actual 8360 so i'm living with the 8370 um close enough right i think that's okay so 8370 8360 not a lot of differences there in my book but if you have an 8360 i would say go for using that one because that's the authentic model so this is typically the units he's been using for towing his seating and planting units and well let's pull that out next and that is the john deere 1770 rural crop planter this is a 20 for head row crop planter of course this one does have a minor issue which we've found out in stream where we can't fill from any of the top drop areas so unfortunately our silo or even our little uh seed tender cannot fill this you know we need to set fill by using seed bags which is a little bit frustrating but anyways this does work the 1770. now he does have a smaller 40-foot unit i believe so this is a 60-foot unit he does have a 40-foot unit currently i believe for this this year just be where i believe it's only a a loner for him so i've gone with the one that he currently uses so this is the 1770 60 foot unit we're gonna use this one and keep this one on the farm i'm gonna try not to use anything that he has as a loner we'll try to keep everything for the most part that he currently owns because the loaners tend to come and go every year i'm going to try to stick with uh well currently what he actually owns and next up we got the 8r series that he carries so this one is a little bit smaller actually i believe the smaller one model this one again the 8245 the 8245r the one he currently has the 8260 i do believe and uh currently this tractor he tends to use more for tilling and ripping usually ends up being up in the spring gets a lot of use then but uh like i said so we're using the 8245 he is an 8260 the r series once again very similar very close uh in size and of course appearance i do like this particular mod as well this is by custom modding this one here but this one here has quite a few options to it that we've kind of gone through in stream if you need to go take a look at some of those we've gone through it in the last stream i believe uh prior to this so if you want to see us use this particular tractor go back to that last stream and then our last technical tractor over here in this garage the nine rt guys yeah the big daddy so this model here once again is not quite right we have the 95 70 rt so very very close if the current model that he's using i believe is the 95 60 95 70 95 60 once again very similar models just uh just off just a touch now behind that of course we have the j m auger wagon i don't think there's anything different this is the exact model i'm pretty sure that he's got on his farm so this actually goes fairly well together once again these two are usually made in the fall you're going to find this 9570 rt uh in most of his videos towing this green card so that's perfect and finally we get to the combine that's right at the back of that shop oh man this is such a nice combine the 80 98 70 sds now i know he does have a demo unit or a loaner unit this year as well i believe it's an s series anyways i could be wrong on this but anyways i know this is the main model he's got the 9870 sts this one's pretty accurate so we got this along with our two there two headers over there we got the draper header as well as that 12 roll current header i think we're looking good with that guys and finally the piece of equipment i've been trying to get to that was at the very back of our shop guys it's our fertilizer spreader this one's a little bit different only because we don't really have an option this is the 4045 4045 while the r4045 uh the model i believe he currently has is the 4830 so once again a little bit different overall same type of options we do have options to put duals on which he tends to run with the spring or at least the spring he had duals on it so very similar um just a few different options of course but just be aware that's uh not many other options out there for sprayers so we're stuck with the 4045 even though he does run with a 48 50 48 30 48 30. so just be aware of that but but this we'll be using today like i said we've got some spraying to do we need to fill this thing up and get it out there but you know what i should show you the main shop before we get to that point shouldn't i yeah i should definitely show you the shop first let's go take a look inside guys open sesame and we go all right um we'll leave these let's go over here first of all so the the 6r that he currently runs is the 61 45 6175 6175 this here which model did we go with the 6230r the 6230rs 61.75 once again fairly close fairly close in size uh we're running with the 643 our uh arms i believe his are a little bit bigger than those actually off the top of my head uh you can go with buckets or forks whatever you need on this but this is a front loader on a 6r very similar in size and i think they look pretty close as well i like this tractor though i do like the 6r and right behind me we've got our seed tender very simple this one we've gone with the gooseneck just because i believe the the loner unity currently has on this is a tow behind but we've gone with the gooseneck just just for funsies and then across in behind this guys well the minneapolis moline oh man authentic well almost um if we hop on inside look at that it it needs to get some dirt on it to be honest but uh everything else about this tractor is a very good minus the fact we cannot put red arms on it the loader arms are stuck white they are adjustable only on the tractor i cannot choose loader arms to put on this so unfortunately this mod you're stuck with the white instead of the red that he has on his farm it is what it is so we're going to use the white ones just pretend that it got painted i guess and then lastly down our back row well we got our side by side little razor side by side we got a batwing we got our batwing mower trailblazer more something along those lines uh we got the john deere 332g and that's our little skid steer along with the bucket we got our little polaris uh squad and the honda side by side i believe this is also a polaris that he has but anyways another small side by side so small pieces of equipment i believe there's a few others we're missing in here if there's anything you can think of that uh would be easy for me to install and put into this let me know but like i said this is most of the equipment guys i can't think of too many other things we're missing that's that's off or like i said we're off equipment just a little bit let me open these doors up and get some air in here but uh things are off just a touch like i said we're not 100 perfect for for the exact equipment but we're pretty darn close so last thing i want to take care of today well the only thing i really want to take care of today guys is get into that field we have 103 acre field right behind corn has already started to come up from that so uh we want to get that corn on we're going to get fertilized we need to get it fertilized i think it's the only field so far that we've got any kind of crops coming up on but you know what we need to fill up this thing first good thing i filled this up already we'll get this all filled on up looks pretty good ah such a good setup you may want to be careful when you're uh putting this this tanker trailer right here it's a little soft in one spot just you'll know what i mean anyways let's get into this field 103 acres we've got some fertilizing to do let's get the spraying open her up let's go the ground scheme of things probably shouldn't actually take us too long this will be a pretty quick little uh go we'll get the gps fired up on this make sure we're spraying all the way around and uh i think we'll be done in just a jiffy this thing tends to haul pretty quick guys so we can get this corn up get fertilized real good this is our biggest field by far our biggest field we do have i think five other fields currently we'll see what we can get to with this play through we'll see where we go with it i have no idea the actual acreage is the amount of acres he actually farms on but uh we'll see if we can get up to the whole map at some point i don't know if that's possible but we'll take a look at it down at the far end here we've got a couple other fields that we own this one here is i believe it's money beans we've got some soybeans down in the far end and then besides that well there's a big grass feel that we own that i don't know what i'm doing with yet yeah we'll see we'll see plus some other fields there's another field in back that we've tilled up that kind of goes up on the far side of those grain bins but uh that's really all the fields we've got on this side folks over across the road over by the pond over there we do have a couple other fields over there as well but like i said everything this one here that you can see all the way across at 103 acre field this is our main this is our big baby right here so i hope you guys enjoyed today's video like i said this is our farm setup i hope you guys enjoyed this farm setup for our millennial farmers map between what kind of equipment are you going to be using uh maybe at some point we'll give you a more of a preview on the lands that we own and hopefully at some point in the very near future this map is actually released properly hopefully fingers crossed time recording this is still not out i know anyways folks i hope you guys enjoyed it like i said if you did you know what to do slap that like and don't forget to subscribe and uh we're gonna finish off just laying down some fertilizer anyways folks have a great day and we'll catch you next time this is clutch over and out [Music] you
Channel: Klutch Simulations
Views: 63,604
Rating: 4.8913326 out of 5
Keywords: mn millennial farmer, fs19 millennial farmer, fs19, millenial farmer, millennial farmer map fs19 ps4, millennial farmer, millennial farmer map tour, fs19 millennial farms, fs19 millennial farms pc, millennial farms fs19, fs19 millennial farms map tour, millennial farmer map, fs19 millennial farmer map, millennial farmer fs19 map, mn millennial farmer fs19 map, millennial farmer map fs19, fs19 millennial farmer map tour, fs19 millenial farmer timelapse, klutch simulaions
Id: SCPL-cudYAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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