IFSC European Championships Moscow 2020 || Combined finals
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Views: 306,635
Rating: 4.8998809 out of 5
Keywords: Sport, climbing, ifsc, 2019, live, streaming, replay, rock, competition, champions, combined, olympic, qualifications, france, toulouse, tournefeuille, qualifiers, lead, women, olympics
Id: 1nZB-YeGJuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 446min 15sec (26775 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The lead portions for both men and women are fully worth watching. Came down to the finish line with some breathtaking climbing and excitement and uncertainty down to the last climber in both sections of the combined. The Olympic bid on the line made it so tense.
Lots of athletes ended up skipping this one, but the whole event has still been super cool to watch (especially after no comps for so long!), and this is the round with an Olympic slot on the line.
I don't know if it was the boulder or the combined qual, but whoever set the women's boulders hated the athletes left shoulders...
A few of the Russian athletes, particularly on the men's side, are really blurring the line between speed specialists and bouldering/lead specialists. Looking at their Combined Qualification results, I can't even tell what their primary discipline is.
Overall a really nice event, well filmed, and pretty enjoyable to watch. It made a good show so in that regard well successful. The "modern" side of the boulders was (mostly) pretty decent. I do agree with the general sentiment that setting was all around too easy. And while you can slightly get upset about this aspect and that and who goes to the olympics and ponder the legitimacy of some aspects of it if you really want, there are bigger takeaways:
1- It was nice to see a different crop of athletes and to see some of the athletes that are perennially on the circuit but don't get as much attention suddenly get a lot more.
2- Speed climbing is still lame, and combining it into lead and boulder is lame.
3- Having a European champion and an olympic ticket decided because a different climber ended up with a different time is a great example of how the scoring system is not amazing for the public.
4- While it's a good show, it's ever less and less about rock climbing and ever more and more about speed, parkour, and speed lead :(
Combined would be such a cool event if they dropped Speed and replaced it with a psicobloc-style onsight speed format.