Healing | Words That Heal | Gloria Copeland

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going to do a little something that I normally don't do we're going to have faith and healing school today because I I didn't get to say what I had the other day and I felt like we would just apply it to our healings we'll just Center up on healing really what we're going to talk about when we talk about faith and our words is divine health how many of you know that Miracles are wonderful amen but blessing living and blessing is even more wonderful because when you live in blessing you don't need the miracle is it better to need a 150 a miracle by in the morning to pay your rent or is it better to write a check for money that's already in the bank to pay your rent say one you have to have a divine intervention of God which is a miracle and the other one is that you have been living on the word of God so that you can help be somebody else's Miracle but your rents paid or your house is paid for whatever it is you've been believing for so blessings I I we heard a sermon by Pastor and at in Tulsa Bob yanyon he was here I don't know if he still is he was supposed to be here this week I haven't seen him but he was teaching on living in which is better Miracles are blessings well if you need a miracle you need it right now but then you need to start living a lifestyle to put you in the blessing of healing which would be divine health it's wonderful to get healed when you're sick oh we appreciate it it's more wonderful to stay well so I'm gonna we're gonna just talk a little bit about our faith and our words really this is the way you stay well and I wanted to read you first of all since I was talking about Divine health I wanted to read you what John Lake said about it because really this is what's available this is the best the best is to have so much of the power of God flowing out of you that sickness and disease cannot come on your body the life of god pushing the spirit of God and the life of God rivers of living water coming out of you pushing back that sickness and disease John Lake said this Divine Healing is the removal by the power of God of the disease that's come upon the body but Divine health is to live day by day hour by hour in touch with God so that the life of God flows into the body just as the life of God flows into the mind or flows into the spirit that's Divine Health Hallelujah that's even better that's what belongs to us Divine Health we've been totally delivered and redeemed from the curse of sickness and from every other curse curse of poverty the curse of death when you made Jesus Christ the lord of your life that old man died and you were born again and New Life the eternal life was put in you and you passed right then at that moment some of you did that this morning I'm convinced that moment you passed from Death in the line and Jesus said those that believe will never see death why because we've been delivered from Death we've already passed from death into life we've seen all of death we're going to see so yeah but what about what about your body well what about your body that's not you when you die in your body your physical body dies it's nothing but dirt it's your Earth suit it's the clothing for your spirit and when you it's like taking off your coat you just leave your body here and you go to be with the Lord and that scripture says we know that we have a tabernacle we're not going to be without substance or a body we know that we have a tabernacle not made with hands really when you think about it your physical body really is a drag a literal drag without this physical body you could have a thought I'm gonna I could have a thought tonight after the service Fort Worth and I'd be in my bed glory to God right like that you have to take care of it because you know it's natural you have to clean it you have to wash it if you don't it smells bad we try to do all we can we paint our fingernails we paint our toenails we do our hair but it's still just a natural body and you just quit taking a bath for about a week and you'll just see how really natural it is we made some really natural people around the world but this body this is just Charles Capps calls it our Earth suit we've already done all the dying we're going to do I've talked to people that have died and come back and they said they had no sensation of loss only a freedom and like one woman said I was up up and you know around the ceiling area and she said I looked down she was her body was on an operating table her spirit was out of her body up here and she looked down and saw herself and she said boy I look bad see that's a the spiritual Realm is the real realm it's the most powerful realm it's the realm of God and we've already passed from death into life some people can't get healed because they're so afraid of dying dying's nothing it'll be the easiest thing you ever did if you've made Jesus Christ the lord of your life you'll just go from life to life from Life to Greater Life glory to God but it's better to learn how to live in Divine Health now I have this personal testimony the children our children were raised and we we began to hear this when they were just little little children and we began to operate in the word of God where our physical body was concerned we began to instead of legislating sickness come in and take over our bodies anytime at one or two we learned we'd been redeemed from it we learned Jesus took our sicknesses and bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases and that if we would resist it we could go free so all the time my children were at home we never I never had to take them to the doctor for sickness and disease now we had a family doctor we would have taken him I took them in to get physicals when they had to have Camp physicals and so on but until they left home you know which would have been 18 years old or later they never I never had to take them not one time for sickness and disease it's a wonderful thing to be a believer glory to God let's look at we somebody read this but let's look at proverbs 4 20. this really is how you stay in Divine health this is if you'll live this way every day sickness and disease won't get a foothold in your life my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart now that right there is the way to live in the blessing of divine Health give attention to the word of God incline your ear to it and you know we can really do that in these days with audio tape and and videotape we can incline our ear into the word and that also means to be inclined to do what's in there there's more to hearing the word than just hearing it with your physical ear it's hearing it understanding it with the willingness to do it that makes you free let them not depart from your eyes keep the word of God going in your ears keep it in front of your eyes and that gets that gets that word down in the midst of your heart where it'll come out your mouth and change your circumstances we've studied that a lot they are life the words of God are life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh well what about those that don't find them well they just go on and they become what the scripture says what God said when he said my people perish for a lack of knowledge a lot of wonderful sweet people have died too young Christians even have died too young but you've got to find the words on healing they are life the words unto our life unto those that find them and health that word medicine means medicine in Hebrew medicine to all their flesh God's medicine I heard brother Hagin say one day a preacher asked him well brother Hagin he was telling upon all he takes he said brother Hagin what do you take brother Hagin said well I just take what I preach you know if if you're if you're not if you're having problems in your physical body will double up on your medicine you can't get an overdose of this you can't get an overdose of the medicine of the word of God it's life and health to all your flesh you can take all you want I dare you to try to overdose you can't do it on the word of God keep your heart because of the things that we've talked about cause it's life and health to your flesh what's in your heart keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues or the forces of life rivers of living water flow out of you because you keep your heart full of the word of God it keeps faith in there put away from the afraid or a disobedient mouth and perverse lips put far from thee so it has to do with your words we're going to talk a little bit about words do my words really count do my words what I say every day and when I say just you know in casual conversation could that be important that's one thing people think about us that we're Fanatics because we say our words count we're going to see what the Bible says today this says put away from thee a froed or a disobedient mouth and perverse lips put far from thee let your eyes look right on and let thine eyelids look straight before thee Ponder the path of thy feet and let all thy ways be established the scripture says acknowledge God in all your ways and he will direct your paths Ponder think about what you're doing and pray about what you're doing don't do anything until you have peace in your heart about it let all your ways be established because you acknowledge God in all of your ways and you listen to what he says in the word turn not to and in your spirit turn not to the right hand or to the left remove your foot from Evil I'm telling you that's the way to stay healed right there proverbs 4 20 through 27 don't be one of these Christians that zigzag don't be a zigzagger you walk a straight line for a little while and then you go over here and you get off and then ultimately when you get your brains beat out you come back and then you go this way and you get off and then you come back walk a straight line down the word of God and don't try to live in sin and do it remove your foot from evil see that's what opens the door Disobedience opens the door to sickness and disease and every other bad thing in life now you don't really have to be disobedient I don't think to be sick you can just be ignorant and be sick you can just not know what the word says and that healing belongs to you and then when healing when sickness and disease comes you won't try to fight it you'll just know there's no you won't know there's any other options and you'll just let it stay and if you let it stay God will let it stay why is that we've already heard about it this week because you have authority you have a Dominion you have the name of Jesus you have the after you get born again you've got what it takes to rebuke sickness and disease you've got what it takes to lay hands on the sick and they recover I think one reason it's easy for mother women to uh to be in healing Ministries is that we if we've had kids and been in the word we've had a Healing Ministry for a long time mothers you've been laying hands on your children for a long time for healing and so you might as well just step out and lay hands on somebody else it's the same power it's the healing anointing of Jesus that healed your children it'll heal other people then the next verse says son my son attend to my wisdom and bow thine ear to my understanding that thou mayest regard discretion in that thy lips may keep knowledge let's talk about our lips for a little while it's important in our healing and it's imparted in staying well let me find my spot I usually don't have two sermons to preach just one is normally sufficient but we're just going to do whatever today let's look at Mark 11 23. again words you want to live well you've got to talk well God's not going to do one thing and and you with you saying another he's not going to do the opposite of what you're saying that's what I want you to get today and I want you to understand that it's important it's what you say that you bring to yourself you're calling for it you say well yeah but I didn't say that in prayer well it doesn't matter you got Authority whatever you continually talk that's what you have Jesus in verse 22 Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God or have the faith of God for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain in other words to any problem whoever shall talk to the problem now what do we want to do we want God to talk to the problem a lot of times until you learn better you want God to talk you want to go to God and talk about the problem and then you want him to talk to the problem and make it go away I want you to see the day that that's not the way Jesus taught he said whosoever shall say unto this mountain whoever will talk to the problem whether it's sickness and disease or whatever it is in his life be thou removed say this if you want to get rid of it tell it to get out if you want to keep it just keep talking about it just keep talking about how sick you are how you hurt just keep feeling sorry for yourself trying to get other people to give you some sympathy you know the people that don't get any sympathy are the ones that try to get it the most have you ever noticed that say to the mountain what you want be thou removed debt be thou removed sickness be removed from me in the name of Jesus and be cast into the sea get it out get it out into the sea where you'll never see it again shall not maybe it's to sea of forgetfulness he's talking about there that'll be good cast that debt out into forgive see a forgetfulness where you don't even remember about debt you have to think about back when I was in debt glory to God if you wanted to think about it you could just forget it all together and not say with your mouth of course that's the only way you can say and shall not doubt in his heart now we studied the other day how we keep from doubting in our heart that is by hearing and hearing the word of God faith believing same word in the Greek faith and believing believing comes by hearing the word and that word hearing implies receiving it letting it in believing it a lot of people hear the word with their ears but they disqualify themselves for one reason or another it might be Traditions they've been raised under it might be because they think they are so bad God never would heal them anyway uh they hear the truth but they say that won't work for me I've been sick too long I've been prayed for before don't let the devil disqualify you today from receiving your healing don't put up with any nonsense out of him just start today and call this practice the rest of your life don't listen to what the devil says somebody said well the devil's been telling me to oh I've got this terrible problem the devil's been telling me to do so and so you don't have a problem you know who told you that you know what you have to do is say do what Courtney does she's only four years old she says shut up devil if you know where it's coming from why would you even think about doing what the devil told you to do uh you're just trying to cop out now not do what you're told to do you're told to say to the mountain get out of my life and don't doubt in your heart and that only comes by feeding on the word of God that removes doubt but Shall Believe We don't doubt but we believe that those things this this this one we're talking about he believes that those things which he saith shall come to pass in other words he's got some revelation of authority and Dominion he knows that his words bring to pass in his life whatever he says when he said be Mountain be removed this person right here that believes he knows that his words have power now how did I learn that from the word of God I had no idea my words had power I talk negative just like everybody else people around me that I was raised with talk negative I don't know they probably thought God would have struck them dead if they'd have said anything very positive isn't that the way it is if you don't know the word of God you're in just under tradition what happens to that person that does that speaks to the problem he doesn't doubt in his heart he believes that the things that he says will come to pass he believes whatever he says will come to pass what happens to him he shall have possess whatever he says now are you going to tell me you're going to argue with Jesus are you trying to tell me you're not going to believe that well if you won't believe that then you're not hearing today and so Faith's not going to come I mean that is just so simple you don't talk to the problem you say Jesus told Charles Capps this he said I have said you can have what you say but my people are saying what they have I'm sick I'm broke I'm hurting I'm depressed oh I'm so depressed oh I'm so depressed you know why people are depressed a lot of times they've got themselves on their mind that's enough to depress anybody don't be thinking about yourself start thinking about somebody else start giving start caring start doing things for other people get yourself if you have a problem with depression every time you that tries to come on you you just start giving doing helping thinking about somebody else and there is no way depression is going to stay on you he say this went no not there when I say unto the mountain into the problem unto debt unto uh unto poverty unto sickness and disease unto lost loved ones when I say that those loved ones are coming into the kingdom when I speak to the things of the curse and I tell it be removed from me in the name of Jesus it has to go let's just practice that while we Preach Today just say sickness disease spirits evil addictions in the name of Jesus I cast you out of my life [Applause] to you as my words and I tell you to get out I'll never allow you back my day my day and disease are over what I say I believe that I don't doubt it because Jesus said it and I'm Healed I'm delivered I made sound glory to God he you shall have whatsoever you say therefore I say unto you what things so ever you desire When you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them okay so when we pray what do we pray well we thank the Lord really I like what Rufus Mosley said if I can find it here and this is the truth of the matter he said that everything that we need has already been provided for us in so many words that's what he said I'd read it to you if I could find him everything that we need has already been provided for us and we can find really we can find we know enough about the word of God to know that we can find scriptures that give us everything that we need God's already said it we studied that in Romans 10 and in Deuteronomy 30 that the word is not far off it's near you in your mouth and in your heart it's already been done so what do we have to do well the scripture says we have to add our confession to it and the Amplified says declare openly confirm we confirm the promises of God that's what Abraham had to do he had to confirm what God had promised him what would happen if Abraham hadn't confirmed it what if he'd have said Lord I'm embarrassed to say I'm father of Nations I don't want to change my name I'm not going to change my name he starts saying I am father hello how are you today I'm father of Nations oh man oh woman no children ever hello I'm father of Nations oh yes yes how are you I'm father of Nations what have been said I don't want to say that I'm embarrassed to say that because I have no children God I have no children look look I have no children I see no children there are no children no children no children Sarah's oh she's beat up she's worn out I'm all I'm beat up I'm worn out no children no children no children no children no children no children I have no seed no seed no seed he would have no seed would he what would have happened he wouldn't have gotten anything he would not have gotten the promise of God I mean he would not have ever had a son glory to God wait I liked what uh Creflo I believe said and and we would look at that we might have time but probably want in second Corinthians four even God says the spirit of faith believes and speaks and it said even God operates this way and then we saw that the other day in Genesis how when God saw Darkness he didn't say Darkness he saw Darkness but he said light and light overtook the darkness and the Darkness was gone now I want you to know that God operates this way he operates this way the Bible says he framed the worlds by faith he famed the worlds by what saying and believing we see that in Genesis he framed the worlds by saying and believing what he said would come to pass God operates by faith you have to operate by faith if you want to receive so when you pray you believe you receive the answer you go from the place of prayer saying this I have the answer I have the money I have the healing I have it not I'm going to get it Faith Hebrews 11 1 says now Faith is if it's not now it's not faith it might be hope I hope to get healed that's not Faith that's hope I have it I have it I have it I have it yeah but my body hurts I don't care about my body I have it Faith doesn't tell time and it pays no attention to symptoms it doesn't hear any bad news it won't receive bad news it just says I have it somebody comes and says what about Jairus came and said well don't bother the master anymore your daughter's dead Jesus said only believe and you know in the Bible it says he says that immediately he immediately said it before Jairus could cancel out his faith statement Jairus had said if you come lay your hand on her she'll live before he could change that word in his mouth it says immediately Jesus said and I believe one one I believe think it's Ben Campbell John says Don't Panic he said don't be afraid only believe don't let fearion see that's what the devil tries to come at you with you have a little pain and you think oh my oh my oh my Lord It's My Heart oh no it's my heart oh no it's oh mercy it's cancer only believe Don't Be Afraid only believe you know I've heard Ken say that the devil I believe it's kin or Charles or somebody the devil has a flip chart heart attack oh no I don't have a heart attack cancer no I'm not I don't have cancer arthritis well maybe I do have a little arthritis he'll just keep on at you till he'll get you to well we even say it right he'll get you to take something um taking a cold I'm taking the flu see what we do with our words now how are you going to get healed and you've taken the flu Jesus said you can have what you say Jesus said my people are saying what they have quit talking the problem now how do you keep from doing that how do you when the problem is just trying to overwhelm you how do you keep from putting your mouth to it and agreeing with it E.W Kenyon says this there's three Witnesses there's the word there's you and there is the symptom are the circumstance let's say there's a circumstance something you can see with these eyes that's saying to you you not don't have it you're not going to get it he said now you I might have it wrong I might have been supposed to be in the middle but at any rate whichever one of those Witnesses you agree with that's the way it's going to be do you agree with the word and you won't let the devil get your words and he comes after your words he knows if he can get your words he can get you because that's where your Authority is that's where you let down your the barricade against him is with your words you start saying I'm sick and he's got you you start saying I'm broke I can't pay my bills and talking the problem he's in there so he comes to get your words that's why there's so much pressure on you to to talk the problem and to talk the sickness and disease and to talk the lack of money so much pressure on you to do that because he has to have your words to get a place so we know that we have to believe we receive now let's just go ahead because this stops a lot of people's healing in verse 25 when you stand praying forgive if you have ought against any don't carry unforgiveness in your heart against anybody you say well you don't know what they did to me oh I know what they're doing to you now they're keeping you from receiving see unforgiveness when you carry unforgiveness it does not affect the other person at all if you want them to do you more harm you just stay in unforgiveness because then they can really have a harm in your life they're they're not affected the other person's not affected by unforgiveness but you're affected by it it nullifies your prayer life it it keeps your your its strife and the Bible says where there's Strife there's confusion and every evil work Strife will nullify your prayer life unforgiveness will nullify it just cancels out your faith you can't walk in faith and unforgiveness at the same time so when Jesus was telling them how to receive and what happened to that fig tree Jesus didn't go to the father and say father I want you to curse this fig tree I came to it and it had no figs on it what did he do he spoke to the tree he spoke to the wind and and he told it to to be at peace he didn't pray to God about it he didn't say Lord help me I'm dying he said peace be still in that storm spoke to it Jesus operated exactly this way God operates this way if you want to be free you'll have to operate this way when you stand praying forgive if you have ought anything against anyone say anything against anyone will not do for me I forgive and in whoever you think about if there's anybody you do that and then you live a lifestyle of staying in forgiveness once you see these things and you have Revelation on it you don't have to give in to that anymore that's like giving the devil entree into your life you know the scripture says that Faith worketh by love the scripture says that Love Takes no account of the evil done to it pays no attention to a suffered wrong if you have problems in that area and really this is good for all of us because we're always tempted to get our feelings heard or pay attention to a suffered wrong you start reading that portion of scripture in First Corinthians 13 in the Amplified Bible about love pays no attention to us suffered wrong oh listen to this it's not touchy fretful are resentful that means we can't get our feelings hurt that means when we get our feelings hurt we realize we've gotten our feelings hurt we're touchy we're fretful we're resentful we give that husband or wife the cold shoulder our Faith's not going to be working so what's the answer to that repent change get back under God's system this is God's system of living this is his method like Creflo said of living it works but you get out of the confines of spiritual law the spiritual law that he set down and you open the door of the devil this is the way God told us the word to keep us free to keep us well to keep us whole if we'll walk with him and Obey him we can be a free people Israel could have been free if they whenever they obeyed God they were free the word of God was like an umbrella of protection to them when they kept the Commandments of God no enemy could stand before them now sickness and disease was in their midst and they weren't even born again people so forgive if you do not for now this is plain enough you see right here in 26 I'm not making this up but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses how many of you want to be able to be forgiven when you do wrong what would we do in life if we couldn't be forgiven when we do wrong we all have to repent I mean we shouldn't but we get out of love we say things we shouldn't and you know it might be days later even when you think about it that you did something wrong you should repent over I tell you I've got to have a I've got to be able to repent I can't put myself in a position that when I do wrong there's no forgiveness for me I'm going to be able to repent I've got a faithful high priest an advocate with the father who's faithful and just to forgive sin when I confess it but then the verse sin I need to confess is unforgiveness from holding something against somebody so let's keep ourselves in a position where we shut the devil out and we let God in that's what Jesus is telling them about now the law of faith the law of Faith always works and the law of faith says this here it is in the Bible what Jesus said over and over he said it to Bartimaeus he said it to the woman with the issue of blood something similar to this I believe it's 12 out of 19 individual people that are mentioned in the gospels as being healed he mentioned one thing he mentioned their faith their faith their faith he said your faith has made you whole go in peace and sin no more the law of faith is this according to your faith be it done unto you now that's the law it'll work for you or it'll work against you it's a law according to your believing according to what you believe in your heart and say with your mouth be it done unto you Jesus said if you can believe all things are possible if God can't change your words he's not likely to change your circumstances but then on the other hand if Satan can't change your words he can't change your circumstances he can't keep you in those circumstances he can't get results God's who are you going to give your words to I mean you know it really comes down to who has control of me the devil or God and whoever words whose ever words you speak that's the one that has control of you Jesus says the word judges he said I don't judge you the word judges here was a here's a an example under the law of Faith there that was so clear made so clear to me about these things because I've done this with people have you ever tried to get someone to receive healing and they would only talk back to you their problem pain symptoms and fear have you ever done that and whatever you'd say they'd say yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but well I I I I I I I am you'd give them the scripture and they'd say ah have you ever tried to that you can't possibly get that person healed there's no way why because it doesn't matter what the word says they're hanging on to that sickness and disease now here's the example that God gave it to me or you might have been talking to them about salvation and they talk back to you their sin instead of hearing and receiving and talking the answer now you can understand that because you've done it now then God can't get you to receive your deliverance when he talks to you from the word if you won't change you're believing in saying any more then you can help someone else if they won't receive the truth when you speak it to them now is that clear can't you see that can't you see how you've tried to get somebody to receive things and they wouldn't receive it and it didn't matter what the word said well now if you won't change what you're believing and saying here's what the Lord showed me it was like it's like trying to put a coat on somebody that won't take hold of it I mean I could say I am so cold I am so oh it's so cold in here I can say that the truth a lot of times it's so cold in here and somebody said here take my coat oh well I don't that's okay I don't need your coat no no no I don't want your coat well here take my coat no I don't want your coat well here take my coat maybe they'd just put it over my shoulders and then if I got up and walked around and I didn't take hold of that coat that coat wouldn't stay on me you can't make me take a coat if I don't want it I've got to put my arm in those holes I've got to hold it or do something to it or it will fall off of me you can't make somebody take a coat if they don't want it if they don't take hold of it if they move around it's going to fall off that's the way it is with the word of God he can't make you take it he won't make you take it he'll give it to you but you've got to take it you've got to receive it you've got to believe it and you've got to receive it and it'll work for you now is that clear whatever you say and believe in your heart and doubt not but whatever you say shall come to pass you'll have whatever you say all God is going to do is give you the word for it but thank God if you'll take it you can change anything in your life you can change it now let's see here's something else I saw one time well I think I got this writing book what you know if you give an arc if you if you want a round building don't give the architect a square plan because whatever plan you give whatever plan you tell the architect that's what he's going to do whatever you give the Builder that's what he's going to build you know you get this house built and it's square and you say I want it around I want it around house well you should have told the architect who drew the plan and then you should have given the plan of a roundhouse to the Builder if that's what you wanted why didn't you say so now this reminds me of Ken talked about the cafeteria last night he he likes to go into the cafeteria because he's always eating certain way it could it'll be different but it's a certain way he never just chills out and eats certainly got to have a certain thing certain time sometimes we eat all vegetables and then we'll go for years eating all vegetables and then we'll eat all meat and then we eat some vegetables in mostly meat so he likes the cafeteria I like to go to the Mexican place I like you know all that stuff so here's what happens we'll get in the car and he'll say where do you want to eat now I'm telling you he'd take me anywhere I wanted to go he might not take me happy but he'd take me and I'll say I don't care go wherever you want to go so we go to the cafeteria and then sometimes in the past now I don't do this anymore in fact it's kind of a scary thing we've been married 35 years and I think I'm getting to be like him I'm losing my identity I've gotten to where I like to go the cafeteria so you can try and train yourself to do anything but at any rate in times past he'd say where you want to go I said I don't care and then we'd go the cafeteria and I would be so aggravated because I'm having to go to this cafeteria again when I really was hungry for something else Gloria what's the matter with you nothing nothing and then if he keeps on I said well I really wanted to go so-and-so well why didn't you say so you know when you stand before Jesus and you people that don't know the how to receive by faith they might just think about saying Lord why why did you why did you leave me in that situation why did you why didn't you get me a new house I wanted a new house why don't you give me new how can you heal my body and Jesus could say well is that what you wanted yes that's what I wanted well why didn't you say so why didn't you say so if you want healing why don't you say so it's the very same thing that we can identify in our own personal lives about not saying what we want and getting something else if you want to go to the Mexican place if you've got the nerve say so I'd never do that well I might do it if I got desperate but not too often oh is that what you wanted why didn't you say so why didn't you say something can you see that are you getting this now I want to uh I want to look at some scriptures let's just look at a few scriptures about I want to talk to you just a little bit about were your words and is it really right are they just Fanatics or does it matter what I say just in my everyday talk so let's look at a few scriptures in Proverbs let's look at Proverbs 18 20. there's a lot of them in there next time I read Proverbs I'm just going to make a list of everything that has to do with your mouth he that hath a forward heart findeth no good what did proverbs 4 say put away from you a forward mouth and a disobedient mouth he that hath a forward heart findeth no good and he that hath perverse tongue followeth a perverse tongue followeth into Mischief proverbs 10 and 11. so your tongue has I want you to know that your tongue has everything to do with your outcome what you say is what you're going to get what you continually say is what comes back proverbs 10 11. I've got a new Bible here in the pages kind of stick together the mouth of the righteous man is a well of life but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked I see there is one here another one here I wanted to look up this one we all know and this would be enough to let you know your mouth is everything look at Proverbs 6 2. it's on the same page with put away from their forward mouth in my Bible thou art snared with the words of thy mouth Thou Art taken with the words of thy mouth now that is absolutely the truth you know the Bible talks about somebody being delivered From The Snare of the devil they'll set snares for you he and he takes you with the words of your own mouth now I can't get any plain in that the devil can take you with the words of your own mouth you either resist him with your mouth or you let him take you with your mouth uh what is Proverbs 14. I'm not sure what that is 14 27. let's look at this you are snared don't let the devil snare you the fear of the Lord is a Fountain of Life to depart from the snares of death you keep the fear of the Lord in your honor of God in your mouth and it's a Fountain of Life to depart from the snares of death now let's go to Malachi and I'll show you that in the Bible this is one of the scriptures I want to read about in Malachi about letting you know that your everyday words count God listens to you all the time I know that's an awesome thing to think about but he hears you every word you speak and what's more he must pay attention to it according to this scripture now this book has talked about at the beginning of it that they didn't they were not honoring God a son honoreth his father and a servant his master if then I be a father where is my honor if I be a master where is my fear that's that's what they were that's what got them into trouble in their lifestyle and in their believing was they weren't honoring God that's what that scripture just said the fear of the Lord I'm gonna look that up again and then go right to Malachi Proverbs 14 again and I'll look it up I can't quote it Proverbs 14 27 the fear of the Lord is a Fountain of Life to depart from the snares of death now go to Malachi 3 and listen to What God Says I want to look it up in the Amplified Bible too because you if you get this your life will change if you'll do it if I can talk you into with my words Dave I can talk you into changing your words you'll change your life because this is what changed our lives from defeat into Victory all right Proverbs 3 13 your words God says to them your words he's not talking about their prayer life here he's talking about their words the words that they talk day in day out have been Stout against me the Amplified Bible says your words have been strong and hard against me see when you talk sickness disease poverty I'm afraid I'm gonna die I'm afraid I'm gonna go bankrupt I'm afraid of this I'm afraid of that your words are strong and stout and hard against God who says the answer to you who's done what it takes to give you everything that you need all you have to do all we have to do is receive it put it in our heart in our mouth believe it when we hear it receive it put it in our heart and in her mouth now those words that you speak he said or hard now let's go on let's go on reading there and see what else you have said here's what they said now this is not this is not in the temple he's talking about this is in the talk this is when they lie in bed at night you want to know what you believe listen to what you say at night to your wife or your husband in the dark and say oh what are we going to do that's how you know what's in your heart that's the kind of talk he's talking about I'll prove it to you man you have said it is vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance that we have walked mournfully before him before the Lord of hosts now we call the proud happy yeah they they that work wickedness are set up yea they that tempt God or even delivered well what good is it to serve God look at those people down there they got a new car they got they they're not they're not sick I'm sick they're not sick I'm sick I hurt they're not sick look at those people down there serving the devil what good is it to serve God I'm sick and they're not God says your words are hard against me they're Stout against me you're not giving him any honor with your words you're criticizing them you're indicating really that it's God's fault God why did you let this happen to me God didn't let it happen to you you let it happen to you we call the proud happy yea they that work wickedness or set up those people down there serving the devil they can pay their bills those guys selling drugs they can pay their bills maybe if they live to pay them they might those guys selling drugs there is no peace for the wicked did you know the Bible says that there's no peace for the wicked don't ever be envious of the wicked they have no way spiritual law is working against them I'm telling you spiritual law of sowing and reaping works for you or it works against you you cannot be the wicked without having it work against you but these people they didn't see that they just said well you know God's not blessing us what good is it listen to this this is the people this is the group I've joined up with then they that feared the Lord what did that scripture say the fear of the Lord is a Fountain of Life to depart from the snares of death then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another see it's when we talk just to one another and the Lord hearkened and heard it he hears when you talk good about him too that's why you better keep good in your mouth about the father don't be criticizing God he's not ever wrong and the Lord hearkened and heard it and a book of but you know this Satan accuses God all the time to you every time he gets an opportunity he accuses God God didn't care about you or he wouldn't let that happen God didn't care God's not answering your prayers God doesn't love you what do you tell Eve God he he he he just doesn't want you to be as smart as he is you can be like God he accused God to her the Lord hearkened and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name you give honor and glory to God and you fear Him and you don't speak any disrespect to him but you speak what the Bible speaks God has a book of remembrance he never forgets anything you do for him or anything you say good about him those that thought upon his name and he said they shall be mine says the Lord of hosts and that day when I make up my Jewels I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him then shall you discern return and discern between the righteous and the wicked between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not now does it matter what you say to one another just in casual conversation this in Malachi they were just talking to one another just like you would do at night they're talking about the problem with your husband or your wife instead of talking about the word you know it's not what we say at church it counts I mean it's not what you say around the faith preacher that counts it's not what you say around people of your friends that you know live by faith that just proves that you can control your confession right there I mean you don't want to you don't want to be around your pastor that preaches faith and start talking unbelief you won't do it if you know these things you won't do it but yet when you're by yourself or just with your husband or your wife you get started that disproves it can be controlled the mouth can be controlled God can help you control the mouth now James says a tongue can't be controlled tamed by any man but by the spirit of God and you together it can be controlled now uh the other one was in Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 1. this is what makes me think about at night when you're in bed you really ought to get this into your heart that you don't even need to be thinking about uh the negative you don't even need to be thinking about the lack or the sickness or disease when you have a thought of sickness cancel it out with the word of God cast down that high imagination everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God cast it out get it out say get out of here in the name of Jesus I'm not taking that thought Jesus said in one scripture you take the thoughts saying don't take the thoughts saying if it's a bad thought rebuke it put something else in your mind to replace it from the word of God don't think if you give your mind over to those things of unbelief you're going to speak unbelief out your mouth you can't keep from it don't stop it in your mind your thought life is where you stop it first now Deuteronomy 1 look what happened here now Moses is going over with them what happened to them and how they got in the wilderness and so on he's repeating the story and he's and here it's after the spies had gone up and they came back with an evil report all but two verse 25 says and they took the first they took the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down unto us and brought us word again and said it is a good land which God which the Lord Our God doth give us but ye would not go up because but rebelled against the Lord they said the spies came back and said yo it's just like God said it's a good land it's a land Flow It's milk and honey but there's Giants over there and there's wild cities over there and the people are strong oh they're strong strong strong strong we can't do it we can't do it we can't do it we can't do it but Caleb said we can do it God is with us why they'll be bread for us we can do it he and Joshua tried to talk the people into doing it but but they wouldn't listen to the evil report you know most people listen I mean they wouldn't listen to the good report most people will listen to the evil report because that's where they live but we have to listen to the report of God Caleb and Joshua held to the report of God if we have time we'll look at that a little bit but listen to this God Moses said to the children of Israel that day he's telling them what they did how they made their mistake this is what you did wrong the last time you murmured in your tents and said and they're in their tents the other people weren't hearing them but they were murmuring because the Lord hated us see it's the Lord's fault he hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt to deliver us into the hand of the amorites to destroy us while the Lord didn't bring them out of Egypt to put them in the hands of the enemy the Lord brought them out of Egypt to give them the land of the enemy not put them in the hand of the enemy he brought them out saying I'll give you the land go up and possess it I'm for you but they've here they've lied on God now and they're murmuring did God just bring us this far just for us to fail now did God get us well God got us in the middle of this building program just for us to fail now that's murmuring that's unbelief whether shall we go up our Brethren have discouraged our heart how can we go up we're discouraged we're discouraged we're so depressed we're just discouraged oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh we're just so I'm telling you if this generation has not taught people to be self-centered I don't know what generation has done it self-centered oh I I my my my situation my problem oh they're so in touch with their feelings oh the world's crazy you can't follow the world I'm amazed at the things I see as I flip through television on these talk shows where do they get those goof balls on their talk shows good heavens it's just deprived isn't it I'm telling you the world's normal says the devil's crazy and I know he's right and the world's following him for sure oh our hearts are discouraged the people are greater and taller than we in the cities are great and wild up to heaven this is part of their murmuring now they're talking the problem they're not they're not giving God any honor no respect God told them he'd be with him he told them he'd give them the land they've totally left God out they've totally forgotten him everybody but Caleb and Joshua forgot what God said they're just looking at the problem they're looking at the Giants they're looking at the wall City they've just they've talked themselves into discouragement and now it's the Lord's fault oh he's brought us out of here just to kill us oh my goodness he's just gonna kill us he may have wanted well he did want to kill him didn't he come to think of it but Moses talked him out of it whether shall we go up verse 29 then I said unto you this is what Moses said then I Moses said unto you dread not don't be afraid of them the Lord your God which goeth before you he shall fight for you according to all that he he did for you in Egypt before your eyes and in the wilderness where thou has seen how that God thy God bear thee as Amanda Bear his son in all the way that you went until you came to this place yet in this thing you did not believe the Lord look at verse 34 and the Lord heard the voice of your words what Malachi say he heard them when they talked about him bad and they he heard them when they talked about him good and he was going to remember those that talked about him good and blessed them he heard the voice of your words and was Wrath and swear saying surely there shall not one of these evil generation see that good land which I swear to give unto your fathers save Caleb he shall see it and to him will I give the land that he hath Trident upon and to his children because he has holy followed the Lord and verse 38 but Joshua he shall go in thither encourage him for he shall cause Israel to inherit the land let's just take a little while and look look and see how exact God is I mean that scripture a while ago where's my where's my good old trusted sword here this one that scripture a while ago said that uh that they didn't have any fear of God they didn't care you know it didn't matter what he had said to them they weren't honoring God they were actually in Malachi they were just giving him the leftovers instead of giving him the best the first and the best top 10 percent they were giving him the leftovers and giving him the blind cows and so on for an offering they weren't giving God any honor and then let's just look now and I want to show you Joshua and Caleb I want to I want you to know that it is so exact God Is So exact he never forgets your words of faith he doesn't uh forget when you make a stand for him let's see look at numbers 14 look at numbers 14. 13. look at 13. now what I'm just going to try to do this quick but the spies came back in verse 27 they told him we came into the land whether thou sent us and surely it was it floweth with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it but the people be strong that dwell in the land walled and very great and we saw the children of anak there and all the ice were there verse 30. and Caleb Still the people said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it that was his word he believed what God said he said let's go up and possess it God told him he gave him possession of the land let's go possess it we're well able now he saw those giants he saw all that bad news he saw those Wells City wall cities but he was believing God he said let's go up we are well able to overcome it but the men that went up with him all the other men except Joshua said we be not able to go up against his people Caleb says we're well able the others said we be not able we'd be not able we'd be not able we can't do it we can't do it we can't do it and they brought up an evil report that word that contradicted the word of God and said when he God said I'll give it to you they said we're not able they weren't even thinking about God that was called an evil report and in the uh Hebrews it's called an evil report of unbelief what was that evil report that was their words contradicting what God had already told them they said we saw the Johnson we were in our own sight as grasshoppers no and so we were in their sight it wasn't really the Giants that kept them out it was the grasshoppers they saw themselves no bodies nothing grasshoppers compared to these Giants they forgot all about God verse 2 says the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron then they want to go to the leaders maybe the person who preached Faith to them in the first place maybe brother Copeland maybe brother Savelle maybe brother Duplantis maybe Creflo Dollar I tell you Pastor dollar he got us in trouble he told me this would work it's not working it's not working it's not working and not working yeah it's working listen to you it's not working you said it's not working it's not working it's working it's not working it's working it's not working start saying it's working and it'll start working you're getting just what you say oh the Lord brought us up now it's the Lord's fault brought us up into the land to Fall by the sword our wives and our children should be appraised see what they're imagining they're imagining that oh they're gonna these Giants are just gonna eat them up they're gonna kill them they're gonna kill their children God didn't say anything about that he said he would give them victory over their enemies they forgot all about what God says now they've built up this big this big big big picture of defeat that's exactly the way Satan does you you you know you can worry about something that's not even gonna be due for five months yet you can start worrying about it in May and it be due and the fall oh we've got to pay this big Bill we've got this balloon note yeah I remember about those we got this balloon note here we're gonna have to pay it I don't know if we can pay it or not I I tell you I don't know where we're going to get the money to pay it well by the time it comes due you don't have a chance I mean you couldn't possibly pay it by faith you've talked in unbelief for so long your words do count listen to how it happened to Joshua now they said to one another let's just go back to Egypt oh we you know some Christians said I just think I'm just going back to the world I mean I'm so discouraged and I'm so depressed I'm just going back to the world I'm just going back down there to where I used to hang out and a lot of them do that's what they said then Moses and Aaron here's what Moses and Aaron did they fell on their face and they prayed and Joshua read his clothes and they talked to the children of Israel and tried to talk them into believing God they said for Lord in verse 8 if the Lord Delight in us then he will bring us he see where their confidence was not in what they could do their confidence was in what he could do he will bring us into the land and give it to us a land that flows with milk and milk and honey only don't rebel against the Lord neither fear ye the people of the land for they are bred for us their defense departed is departed from them in the and the Lord is with us but they could not talk them into believing God so they all went to the Wilderness Joshua and Caleb went with them they stayed 40 years in the wilderness Joshua and Caleb stayed 40 years in the wilderness but I want you to know that Caleb kept believing God you know it's through faith and patience you inherit the promise he kept believing God and it says right here uh the Lord said surely then in verse 23 surely they'll not see the land but 24 my servant Caleb because he had another spirit with him he didn't have that old Spirit of unbelief he had the spirit of God and hath followed me fully him will I bring into the land wherein to his seeds shall possess it tomorrow turn you and get you into the Wilderness but God said a word he said a word to Caleb I want you to know that Caleb held on to that word for 40 years he wouldn't let go of it for 40 years he held on to the word of the Lord and he came out of the Wilderness with that word in his mouth I'm gonna show it to you look at before we change look at it verse 27 how long shall I bear with this evil congregation which murmur against me look at verse 28 I say unto them there's some danger in murmuring as truly as I live saith the Lord as you have spoken in mine ears so I will do for you I will do to you don't tell me they didn't get what they said they got exactly what they said God said as you have spoken in my ears that's exactly what's going to happen to you every person under the age of 20 years old died during that 40 years now God didn't kill him he killed some of them he killed some right here in 37 even those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land they died by the plague before the Lord but not Joshua and Caleb the next verse says they live still but the rest of them got sent to the wilderness and they stayed there until they died and all think about it now here's Joshua and Caleb all of their contemporaries all of the men they fought battles with all of their friends everybody over the age of 20. died and only those two were left see God is very exact you've got to understand that he doesn't Overlook anything he doesn't miss anything he doesn't overlook your stand of faith if you're standing in faith he knows exactly where you are he knows exactly what to do for you he knows exactly how you're going to come out he's not worried about it he's not concerned about it he's not saying oh my I don't know what I'm going to do with them they've just gone over and above what I can handle I don't know what I'm going to do he knows exactly how to bring you out he knew exactly how to fulfill every word that he spoke to Joshua and Caleb now then look at let me see another scripture where Caleb when they come out of the mountain I think it's in the Joshua look at Joshua 14. I mean it's amazing how how accurate the Lord is oops I lost one of my good notes can't lose it Joshua 14. now I'm telling you I just I'm taking the time today because I want you to get a revelation of your words and how important they are now in Joshua 14 they're coming out of the Wilderness in verse 5 the Lord commanded Moses so the children of Israel did and they divided the land the children of Judah came to Joshua and gilgal and the and Caleb said unto him thou knowest here's how I know he hung on to the word God spoke about him thou knowest the thing that God said unto Moses the man of God concerning me and thee both of them in k-dash barnia see he held on to that word he did exactly what the Bible teaches us to do hold take the word of God and don't let it go what if it had let it go after the 39th year and after the 39th year he started saying God why did you let this happen to me I was faithful to you I did everything right I tried to get those jerks to do what you told them do they wouldn't do it and here I am the Wilderness I've been here 39 years and I'm tired of it well he'd have never seen the promised land would he but he held on to this word and here's he said you remember Moses that the Lord you remember the word the Lord told me 40 years old was I when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me to Kadesh mardiya to spy out the land and I brought him word again as it was in my heart see it was in his heart he brought word as it was in his heart nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people melt but I holy followed the Lord Moses and Moses swear on that day saying surely the land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance and thy children's forever because thou Hast holy followed the Lord say ah holy follow the lord from this day forward I am holy following the Lord I am speaking words that honor God that agree with what he says about me and now behold the Lord has kept me alive he said I've wholly followed the Lord he said now behold the Lord has kept me alive as he said now he was hanging on to that word whatever word you're hanging on to don't let go of it he was hanging on to that word as he said these 40 and five years even since the Lord spake this word into Moses while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness and now lo I am 85 years old today he wasn't saying well now I'm out but now it's too late I'm such an old culture I can't go anywhere or do anything no that word kept him alive kept his youth renewed kept him going in the wilderness think about what it was like 40 years with all those complainers and unbelievers and if you think they talk bad before the Wilderness think of what they did while they were there as yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me as my strength was then even so is my strength now for war both to go out and to come in his word that you know this thing we say one word from God can change your life forever that one word from God kept him steady all those 45 years and he came out just as strong as when he went in he still had the same confession he still had the courage of Faith now therefore give me this mountain whereof the Lord spake in that day for thou hurtest in that day how the Anakin anakims were there and that the cities were great and fenced if if so be the Lord will be with me that's where his faith was the Lord will be with me then I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord has said see how he's hanging on to that word as the Lord is said I can drive him out if it's so that they're there still I can drive them out because the Lord is with me what a faith man what a faith man to hold on to that scripture or that word from God for 45 years he still believed it he still had the spirit of Faith about him he still believed it in his heart and he said it with his mouth and it worked for him he took that mountain Hebron Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb because that he wholly followed the Lord now see he and Joshua were faithful to God's word and they gave him honor they were willing to go up before the enemy because they thought they knew that God was with them they never changed look at Joshua look at look at Joshua 1 8. here's what God told Joshua courage you know the faith is a spirit spiritual courage nobody can understand it unless they're operating in it people can't understand people of Faith how could they do that they say courage is the ability to conquer fear or despair to discourage is to derive of Courage confidence or enthusiasm Caleb and Joshua kept their courage they kept the spirit of Faith about them the others got discouraged now Joshua 1 8 says it's a familiar scripture but it's a formula for success in every area he kept saying to Joshua only be thou courageous be courageous this was the way that Joshua was going to take the land be courageous only be thou courageous I will not fail thee our forsake they be strong and of a good courage be strong and very courageous that thou May observe to do all the law don't turn from it from the right hand to the left so that you prosper whether so ever thou goest this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth keep it in your mouth didn't he tell Joshua that keep saying it in other words but the but Thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written in there see when you keep it in your mouth put it in your heart you meditate on it that gets it in your heart then when you do it that's when you have success thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein and then Thou shalt make thy way prosperous what made his way prosperous doing the word of God what did Jesus say doing the truth continuing the truth and you'll be free make your way prosperous and then Thou shalt have good success then he said again have this is a commandment this wasn't a suggestion have not I commanded thee be strong and of a good courage and Be not Afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee whether so ever thou goest oh I like the spirit of faith I want the spirit of Faith about me I want the spirit of faith in my words I want the spirit of Faith at night when Ken and I are in the bed and we're talking about the situation I don't want to succumb to that old unbelieving spirit and let the devil come in and rip us off I want to keep him on the outside I want the spirit of Faith about me all the time I don't want to start speaking to defeat just before my breakthrough comes that's the Temptation the that's why now you can see one of the pressure is so great to get you to start speaking the problem because it's Satan's last chance and I think it's the greatest before the right Before the Breakthrough I mean you know you go and you go and you go and you go and you go and then you're right up on the verge of the manifestation of this miracle situation that you need and then you begin to back down back down how many things do you think have been lost through back and down letting go of that Spirit of faith and that Spirit of Courage and start talking the problem we're not going to do it we're not going to do it we're not going to do it in the name of Jesus I want to show you Joshua 11 Joshua 11 15. it won't take but a second here as the Lord commanded Moses his servant so did Moses command Joshua now Joshua's the one that got into the promised land Joshua and Caleb so did Moses command Joshua so did Joshua he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded him that's the way we want to be and then 23 says so Joshua took the whole land Caleb got his land Joshua took the whole land according to all that the Lord had said to Moses and Joshua gave it to an inheritance as it gave it for an inheritance unto Israel the Bible gives Joshua credit for taking the whole land I mean through God he took the whole land he was the Courageous one and it said the land rested from war they had peace in other words Joshua 14 what does that say look at it five that's what we we uh we read 40 years old I was he said as it was in my heart we've already read that I like what I liked I liked the spirit of faith that I see in Abraham that I see we see examples of it in Caleb and Joshua they wouldn't quit they couldn't be stopped they wouldn't change their word they wouldn't give up their promise they kept that promise Caleb kept that promise the Lord has said I shall have that land I have that land he said Moses you remember you remember what God Said God said that was my land he said he'd give it to me Moses and Moses remembered and then Caleb Still knew he had to take it the Giants were still there the problems were still there the walls were still there but he could do it because he had the spirit of Faith he believed God he believed that God was with him and his outcome was total Victory amen glory to God so Hebrews tells us not to fall after the same example of unbelief as the others fell but we are to maintain the spirit of Faith Like Joshua and Caleb let's look at some scriptures in let's look at some let's feed on some healing scriptures and then we're gonna pray now that's the way you stay here that's the way you get healed that's the way you stay healed uh believe in the word of God believing What God Says in his word enough to talk it to act on it to depend on it to not cave in to fear we uh we're going to look at some examples of let's look first of all it saw um what I want to do let's look at Psalm 103. let's just uh let's just settle the issue of whether God Wants You Well or not some of you may not know that bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name Lord we're just speeding the scripture into us we're feeding we take this word say I take this word from heaven I believe What God Says I receive it into my heart to bring forth faith and I'm willing to say it with my mouth bless the Lord O My Soul forget not all his benefits all right go ahead say I forget not all his benefits [Applause] who forgiveth all mine iniquities [Applause] who healeth all my diseases [Applause] who redeems my life from destruction who crowns me with loving kindness and Tender Mercies who satisfies my mouth [Applause] with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagles see where see where the renewing of your youth is it's in your mouth now look at psalm 145. we'll just take it personal say this the Lord is gracious to me he shows me favor he's full of compassion that means eager yearning to do me good he's slow to anger he's of great Mercy the Lord is good to me his Tender Mercies are over me I'm one of his works now that's the reason we know you'll get healed today because the Lord is good look at Acts uh 38. no that's not right 10 38. the Lord is good he knows what good is he knows healing's good here I'll prove it to you acts 10 38 I'm going to read this to you how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and Power who went about doing good and healing doing good and healing healing is doing good that all healing all that were oppressed of the devil all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him now that same healing anointing of Jesus is present in the church today in fact Jesus said the works that I do will you do also in Greater Works than these will you do because I go to the father that same healing anointing Jesus said I don't do these works I don't even speak my own words these are the father's words that I speak he spoke what God Said and that's what we're supposed to do that's the way God's systems work heart and mouth we speak what God says we get what God promised Hallelujah but he's he was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power Hallelujah that's what's going to happen in here this morning power is present to heal many of you are already healed anytime you want to just reach out and take it it is yours anytime that's the wonderful thing about warning learning the word of God is that you can in the middle of the night when you're home by yourself you can operate on the word of God and receive your healing you don't have to have somebody pray for you Jesus is there he is in you the anointed one lives in you his anointing is in you you release that anointing with the word and Faith out your mouth you resist the devil and he'll flee from you glory to God in the middle of the night you lay hands on the sick and they'll recover the scripture says You Shall Serve the Lord your God he shall bless your bread and water I will take sickness away from the midst of thee and there shall nothing cast their young nor be Barren in thy land the number of thy days I will fulfill God wants you to live out the full number of your days it's not his will for you to Die Young isn't that what Psalm 91 says with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation why was it in that scripture that he was going to show this person long life because he honored him he said he honored God and God honored him this person said I will say of the Lord he's my refuge I will say of the Lord no sickness or disease or pestilence is coming on my house Hallelujah glory to God I save the Lord he honors me with long life brother Hagin says you ought to live 70 or 80 years and if you're not satisfied live on well he's he's up and he's up at 80 now and he's not satisfied so he's going to live on why is that because she didn't have what you say and he's been saying that as long as I can remember he can have you can have what you say hallelujah glory to God I like this this works God gave his people immunity from sickness and disease the scripture says God daily loadth us with benefits even the god of our Salvation he that is our God is the god of Salvation and to the Lord belongs the issues from Death Amplified says the escape from Death glory to God Hallelujah the healing anointing is present here today to heal you I want to show you some scriptures in the ministry of Jesus and uh show you Faith working and then we're just going to do that we're just going to act in the spirit of faith and receive our healing look at Luke 7 I want you to see here when Jesus was personally ministering in the earth whatever he did whatever they said he said or did in other words he he responded to their words I saw and I'll just read this too you don't have to turn there but I'm still in the book of Acts I saw this one day Jesus says he was getting ready to depart from the Earth he told the disciples don't do anything until you receive power and then he was taken up in a cloud and the angel said this you men of Galilee why I stand you gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go well now if the same Jesus that left the Earth if he's going to be the same Jesus when he comes back that means that he's the same Jesus in between when he left and when he comes back and Hebrews said he is the same Jesus the anointed one the same yesterday today and forever so the same way how I want you to see in this these few instances we're going to read about how easy it was to receive from Jesus it was so easy for people to receive from him they didn't have to beg him they did all they had to do was get him opportunity and he healed the multitude if they would just believe what he preached if they would just believe that the anointing the spirit of the Lord was upon him and he was anointed and they came to him that way every person in multitudes got healed but now in the one place in his hometown we're talking about unbelief they didn't receive him they didn't believe he was anointed They didn't accept him as Sin of God and so the spirit of God did not operate there to any degree because of their it said he marveled at their unbelief I mean they were sold out and dedicated to unbelief and nothing happened they didn't say the right things did they but where the people said receiving things and they received him they were healed now the Centurion in Luke 7. is a good example watch what he said and watch how it worked Luke 7 2 a certain Centurion servant who was dear unto him was sick and he was ready to die oh it's never too late is it this man was dying and he heard of Jesus and he sent the Elders of the Jews beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant so the Elders of the Jews went and they said this is a good man he loves our nation he's done us good he built us a synagogue and he add they asked Jesus to come and pray for them or heal this man and so what did it say in verse 6 Jesus went with them now when he was not far from the house the Centurion sent friends and said something different to him now he's saying Lord trouble not yourself I'm not worthy that thou should enter under my roof wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come to thee now see he understood some things Jesus marveled at his faith but say in a word he had the Revelation right there that we're trying to get today say in a word that my and my servant shall be healed and he talked about authorities that I tell one to go and he goes come and he comes and when Jesus heard these things he marveled at him and turned about and said unto the people that followed him I say unto you I've not found so great faith no not in Israel when the Centurion said just say in a word and my servant will be healed Jesus called it great faith was the greatest Faith he had seen and they that went returning to the house found the servant hole that had been sick now Matthew 8 13 gives you a little more insight into what happened after that I want you to see how easy it is to receive from the same Jesus we're going to receive from today uh Matthew 8 that's the wrong one wrong Jesus said uh look and say he said but Matthew says and Jesus said in verse 13 unto the Centurion go thy way as thou Hast believed so be it done unto thee in other words Jesus said to him you can go home now the law of faith is working for you you said it you said your faith you said you just say it and my servant will be healed Jesus said you can go home now be it done unto you as you've believed in other words the law of faith has taken hold for you and his servant was healed from the same hour glory to God now we'll just go to Mark 5 because of time we'll we'll us just there's good good places and good good uh instruction and example in Mark 5 of Faith now this is what we're going to do this morning we're just going to give Jesus we're going to believe this word we've preached today we're going to act in faith we're not ever going to go back off our faith we're going to believe we receive when we pray and then when we get through praying we're going to act whatever you couldn't do you begin to do if you couldn't run run if you couldn't bend over bend over check yourself out act on it don't tolerate any unbelief just say this is it this is my day say this is my day this is my day to be delivered this is my day to be healed I have faith I have the spirit of faith I have it I have the word in my heart [Applause] I put it in my mouth I am healed be it done unto me according to my faith I love Faith in my life me that Jesus makes me whole today foreign I was looking at mark five okay now here's a here's a uh Jesus he just delivered the madman of godera now he had he had a pretty far uh seriously developed case of mental problems there's nobody here that's in the shape this man was in because Luke says he didn't even wear clothes and we'd know it if he didn't have clothes on we'd have noticed so you're not that bad off see mental the mental Jesus bore the chastisement of your peace just like he bore your sickness and disease you should be as mentally free as you are physically free because the Savior took care of you Spirit soul and body he got righteousness for your spirit he got healing for your body he got peace for your mind so I don't care if you've had a nervous breakdown I don't care if your mind maybe can't even grasp the things I'm saying to you today your heart can grasp it so you just act on it when we pray and expect total Deliverance in the name of Jesus this man got totally delivered delivered he was so crazy that they couldn't bind him with chains Jesus cast The Devil out of him and it says in 15 he was clothed and in his right mind now look at Bartimaeus he's really my favorite remark 10. in verse 30 46 now are you getting what I'm saying today they they say he says and does Jesus did what they they said he answered in other words they called on him they called to him with their faith and he answered just the way they called Jesus did what they said faith is a law it always works it'll work for you this morning be it done unto you according to your faith and they came out they came to Jericho and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people blind Bartimaeus the son of Timaya Sat by the highwayside begging when he heard that it was Jesus he began to cry out and say Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me look at verse 49 Jesus Stood Still isn't he wonderful he can be so busy going somewhere else but when he when he heard the prayer of faith The Cry of Faith he recognized the spirit of faith when Bartimaeus started hollering he stood still and commanded him to be called to him they called the blind man saying be of good cheer now they got nice to him rise he calleth for thee and he casting away His Garment Rose I can just see him jumping up he didn't go here I come Jesus no he had the spirit of Faith he jumped up he threw that old Beggar's garment off and he took off toward Jesus I can see him now he was not a he was not in defeat he believed something the blind man said unto oh Jesus said answered him and uh answered and said unto him what I love this what will thou that I should do unto thee you know what Jesus said just in Plano talk California talk what can I do for you bought a mess what can I do for you Baltimore that is Jesus attitude all the time what can I do for you Gloria what can I do for you what can I do for you Mary what can I do for you John what can I do for you what can I do for you bartimas Bartimaeus said Lord then I might receive my sight in fact the Amplified Bible says what do you want me to do for you you know let the Bible become real to you Jesus just hears this old blind man just coming up to him jumping up and running Ben hollering now he's come up to him he says part of mass what can I do for you can't you see him smiling and talking to him Lord that I might receive my sight go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee whole Jesus is saying to you this morning same Jesus same Faith same word same Holy Ghost doing the healing he's saying what can I do for you this morning what what do you want me to do here's the whole crowd of people I mean even in multitudes in the Bible they all got healed when they'd receive him I'm telling you on the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ he's just saying to you what can I do for you this morning oh I love him for that what can I do for you this morning just whatever it is you need from God today whether it's deliverance from addictions or pornography or sin any kind of sin or sickness disease whether you need a new back a spinal cord or you need to be delivered from arthritis or cancer by that's nothing to God if you need a new liver that's nothing to God he's got parts you need a new heart well he can do a he can do more than a heart transplant he'll give you a brand new Harps never been used before you get a heart transplant you get a used one it's kind of like buying a used car you're not too sure what it's going to do but you get a new heart from God you got a brand new heart new liver you need parts you need a piece of your eardrum you need an eyeball Jesus said what can I do for you I mean he's just challenging you he's just letting you know I can handle it whatever it is I can do it he's the Healer he's the miracle worker it's the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead that will heal your body today it's the same spirit that when we pray will cause you to be born over again if you've never been born over again it's the same spirit that heals your body That Forgives your sins it's the same spirit that causes an arm to be where there was no arm that's called a creative miracle glory to God I'm telling you the power of God can put hair on your head he can heal those little things in there that grows your hair I saw a man one time that got a head of hair he looked kind of like Mike Tyson's manager what's that guy's name that guy yeah him that's out doing this haircut I've ever seen but this guy Harry he had he got all his hair back Supernatural and his hair did that but I think you could get a haircut I don't think there's any real saying you can't cut it after you get it back all right to God and I'm telling you this you've heard the word this morning you've got what it takes to let him in it's called Faith the spirit of Faith just believe in what the word says enough to put it in your mouth and to act on it now if you're ready to receive stand up we're going to pray the prayer faith healing is no longer a promise it's a fact Jesus already did surely Isaiah says he has borne your sicknesses and carried your diseases surely he's already done that surely surely surely let me read that scripture as we pray oh Hallelujah I'm so excited about your getting healed today the word is wonderful Jesus the healer is wonderful he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows now this is you know Isaiah prophesied this he saw it in the future but this has already happened now yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God the word surely means there no doubt about it's the truth born is complete removal he has completely removed our griefs carried our sorrows the word griefs means sickness young says it means sickness weakness and pain see you ought not even be weak this morning believe for strength if that's what you need strength the Amplified Bible says sickness sickness weakness and distress yet we did esteem him stricken of God and Afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities it was our transgressions and iniquities that are that Afflicted him and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we were healed now Peter said he puts it in the past tense by his stripes you were healed Hallelujah this is just something that's been done for you something we believe from the word of God is something we're going to receive right now you pray in the spirit of Faith you say this after me and you mean it with all your heart when you get through you start acting like you're healed shut your eyes and lift your hands to the Lord the gospel that I've heard is the power of God unto my salvation I confess Jesus Christ as Lord Of My Life spirit soul and body I receive the power of God to make me sound oh delivered say heal now I act on the word of God and receive the power of God sickness disease and pain I resist you in the name of Jesus that's the will of God for me what's the word of God on you by his stripes I was healed if I was healed I am healed I'll not tolerate you in my life a presence I'll never allow you back my days of sickness and disease are over I am the saved I am the heels the power of sickness has been forever broken over my life I am free this shall no longer Lord it over me shall no longer over me fear shall no longer Lord it over me [Applause] been redeemed from the curse of the law it's under that curse and this Bible says Jesus has redeemed me from the curse I'm redeemed I'm Healed today the gospel is the power of God to me unto salvation and deliverance I receive the Gospel act on the gospel and I am made whole in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ my healer he's my healer I Look to Him for the healing of my body now I take authority over every sickness every disease every infirmity every evil spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you depart from this people I bind you and I cast you out I believe it in my heart and I say Jesus on you you get out now in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name now you begin to do what you couldn't do before begin to do what you couldn't do before in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we're healed in the name of Jesus we're healed say I'm Healed I'm Healed I'm delivered I'm free I can walk I can run I can speak I can man I can do anything in this body God gives me strength the pain is gone in the name of Jesus glory to God let's worship him we worship you we worship you we worship we chicken went crazy we thank you Lord we glorify your name [Music] sometimes you need more than healing for your body sometimes you need a miracle this month Gloria would like to send you a free copy of her mini book God has your Miracle on his mind learn how to believe God to do the impossible in your life it's never too late to receive a miracle call us at 877-615-4267 or go to our website at kcm.org bvovn offer to request your free gift today let's hear some testimonies the Lord sent his word and he confirmed it with signs following it's just the family today you don't have to be bashful or anything if you've already been healed you can tell a difference and even if you've been healed this week well we want to hear we want you to give glory to God this is Rick McLeod and he's from La Mirada California and he's been healed of tumors and also he had a swollen leg so swollen he couldn't walk and the doctors had wanted to amputate his leg and now he's totally healed [Applause] excuse me were you in pain this morning before yeah I was in pain earlier but now it's all gone before I couldn't raise my leg up this High the leg had swelled up to 64 inches this morning yeah no a couple of weeks ago but then what happened is that a prayer you know people from church came and prayed for and the lake swelled down in two days and I was able to walk on it they were thinking about amputating my leg but this time let's get it yeah I know I just told them Jesus Is My Healer hallelujah praise God Diane stockley from Santa Ana and she had an injured side and could not lift her arm but she can lift her arm now and she said that she also had a cyst on her eye and she's been standing on the word it's gotten smaller and this morning when she put her makeup on it slid across her eyeball and fell out [Applause] hallelujah thank you Jesus isn't that great this is Ann from Sacramento she's 28 years old and never been able to breathe out of either nostril in 28 years she even had surgery and that didn't work and she can breathe out [Applause] that's so good and Jesus is the Healer isn't he amen hallelujah and this is Stephen from New Mexico and he came here to get a miracle and he could not run or walk normally because of a neuromuscular development delay since he was five years old he was diagnosed and now if he wanted to he could run across this stage for you [Applause] he can't do physical things normally he couldn't write normally Gloria it was your word on Thursday morning and you said if you thought you needed to be here you come and we packed up and we came and drove all night not before last to be here because of your word saying you need to be here well tell us what the difference is any now that you see well it's clear it's the way he runs in his arms he's coordinated right instead of being awkward this is later faster [Applause] Hallelujah I'm so tickled about that what is a God brother Copeland if I may there's one thing that that I need to do before I turn it back to you there is a woman in here maybe more than one but I know there's one and you are pregnant you have conceived and you have been told that you are high risk pregnancy and it's really been playing on your mind about the outcome if you'll come up here right now the Holy Ghost wants to assure you that all shall be well Hallelujah Jerry Savelle called out that there was um a lady who had high risk pregnancy and I did because I had tumors Jerry Savelle prayed over me and when the doctors got the ultrasound when I delivered the tumors were gone so these were like and these babies were prophesied to me before I was pregnant they told God told me I was going to have twins this was last year yeah here yeah eight months eight months come on give the Lord a shout glory to God feeling like you're running on empty the road was longer than you thought now you wished you'd kept your tank full the same thing goes with your spirit to have good health you've got to stay filled up with the word of God the receive your healing package is a set of resources to provide you with a word-based first aid kit start like building your faith and receive God's healing for a strong body good mental attitude and positive relationships in the book God's will for your healing the CD series healing school and the book and CD healing confessions all by Gloria Copeland learn how to fill your spirit with the word engage your faith and take hold of God's promises use the RX follow these orders brochure as a quick reference guide of healing scriptures so you can get well and stay well God wants you totally well the best you can be spiritually mentally emotionally and physically so don't wait until you're on empty fill up with God's word and receive your healing order the receive your healing package today at a special price of 24.99 build your faith and transform your health and wholeness to order your copy go to kcm.org bvovn offer or call toll-free [Music] 877-615-4267 make the quality decision to live whole according to God's word and live the healthy life God has planned for you for this and more from Kenneth Copeland go to kcm.org thank you come to these exciting events February 24th through 26th Kenneth Copeland teaches Faye Diz how to move a mountain at Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth Texas April 7th through 9th Kenneth and Gloria Copeland welcome you to the 2016 Branson Victory campaign at Faith Life church in Branson Missouri April 22nd through 23rd get connected at the 2016 living Victory Chicago Faith encounter at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Chicago Illinois thank you for joining us today for this edition of God Wants You Well this month Gloria would like to send you a free copy of her mini book God has your Miracle on his mind learn how to believe God to do the impossible in your life it's never too late to receive a miracle call us at 877-615-4267 or go to our website at kcm.org bvov and offer to request your free copy today we are here for you so call us for prayer at any time or visit our website to check out all the great resources we offer to help you grow in your faith remember God Wants You Well and Jesus is your healer [Music] thank you
Channel: The Victory Channel
Views: 176,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Healing School, BVOVN, Gloria Copeland
Id: vjK2W0WOPaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 43sec (7063 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2017
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