2016 Southwest Believers’ Convention: God’s Blessing Takes You to the Top (2 p.m.)

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whoa whoa ah you know I was thinking about this I was thinking about this meeting if you think about it faith is the holder of your destiny and and without it without faith you can't reach your destiny because you can't reach it without God and for you to get connected with God's ability you're going to have to have something think about it this meeting is probably know is one of the most important meetings on the earth today it this today this week you're getting faith morning noon and night and we need faith without it you can't please God without it you can't reach your destiny and without it you can't stop the devil so with everybody with some faith please shout out pray let's give a hand clap for brother and sister Copeland for deaths having this diggin and crashing through with it - right ah we gonna we'll pray and we get started father we come before you in Jesus name thank you so much for this meeting thank you for the anointing that's on this meeting thank you for the leadership that you raised up to have this meeting thank you for the anointing on us and every speaker and on me and these lips of clay that we may speak this word with excellence accuracy and boldness asking you to think true my mind speak to my lips and this word will come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force and signs wonders and miracles shall follow the word preach we thank you for it give you the praise in Jesus name somebody shout amen take a seat please all right all right praise God ah flow okay all right we gonna flow you know um we love you to praise God let me just set the clock here hold on just a minute praise God you know what I'd do if I wasn't saved gets a you know when I get saved right now praise God is one of the best times to get saved well thank you so much for having him back brother and sister coping for having us back and just being able to share the Word of God you know I I got I got a lot of stuff to say here praise God and before I start let me certainly just recognize the one that's been right by my side for about 33 years now she's Veronica Winston the luckiest and let him see who you are I want to talk today about a subject that 10 want to talk about that 900 brings God a wonderful uh I want to talk about a subject that you know about but I want to go deeper because we're in a time now that you've got to know the Word of God and when I say know it I mean you you've got to have more than just you know Jesus wept you got to hit me you got to know something brothers and sisters because this thing is on the loose out here and we've been sent to to make a difference in this earth and I think brother Cole talked about this tongue last night but let's let's get into this let's go over to Isaiah chapter 51 pleat Isaiah chapter 51 hey told me to mentioned we got some books and tapes back there just came out with a new book called faith and the marketplace a lot of people don't know that those two go together you know the devil comes in he tries to start a socialistic system that takes God out of the schools and take God out of business take God out of the government but you and I are gonna put God back into government gonna put in back in school that book really is kind of a playbook and also there's some tapes back there some of the things that are preaching on a day also in some of the tapes and books back there I want to start reading here and I'll start reading here at Isaiah 51 and starting at verse verse 1 he says hearken to me II that follow at the righteousness seek the Lord and look into the the Rockwood foot you hewn to the old which you in pit with your day to look at Abraham your father and it's a Sarah that bear you for I called him alone I blessed him underline the word blessed him and increased him and the Lord shall comfort Zion he will comfort all the waste places and he will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the Garden of the Lord joy and gladness she'll be found therein Thanksgiving in the voice of melody come down to verse 16 and I have put my words in thy mouth I have covered the in the shadow of my hand that I may plant the heaven say plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth and say to Zion thou art my people there are my people Oh God all right now let's see where we are with this from this point forward let's get the mindset that your opinion does not matter for you to do anything from this point forward that's the mindset you're going to have to have because we're now have to fully come into a kingdom mindset and that's mindset where there is a king his name is Jesus and he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords and this Kings kingdom mentality has to do with a government that there's the government of God and that Jesus didn't come to bring religion he didn't he didn't say I have come that you might have religion now he said I've come that you might have life and that kind of life only comes from God injera and Jesus John chapter 3 talked about being born from above that's what it says in the amplified translation though the idea about it is that we now as Kingdom citizens are sent in this earth and we are on assignment every one of us an assignment and I've heard brother Copeland preaching one time you need to find out what that assignment is and get into it now part of what you and I are going to do is we're going to take up where Adam left off and we're going to talk about that in a minute and go into it but I want to say something first because there are some things that are being given out in this meeting I think because people have come here that are hungry I think things are being given out in this meeting that haven't been said before I've been said before you got to listen for because one word from God will change your life forever and Paul said over in Romans chapter 1 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it's a power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith well additive as it is written the just shall live how my faith we got to go from faith to faith and that God expects us to grow and develop in faith and matter of fact Jesus is the author and finisher that word is developer of our faith so he is the one that won't let you stay comfortable too long let's go to another level let's go to another level and this gospel that's preached Jesus talked about him preaching the gospel said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor sent me to heal the brokenhearted preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord he closed the book and sat down gave it to the ministers the eyes of all them then synagogue were fastened on him and he began to say this day is descriptive fulfilled in your ears in Galatians chapter 3 and verse 6 it says here that even even as abraham believed God it was accounted to him for righteousness know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel to Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed very important scripture now he preached the gospel to him and said that in these all nations be blessed alright let's go back and see where he said that just go back to Genesis in Genesis chapter 12 over in Genesis chapter 12 he says in verse 1 and the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of that country from thy kindred from thy father's house into a land that I will show you and I will make of thee a great nation I will bless you and I'll make your name great you'll be a blessing I'll bless them that bless you and I will curse them that curse you and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed and then Abraham departed now this was the gospel and the gospel as I was taught as I was growing up in faith to the natural mind is for the most part not reasonable and when you hear it you've got to receive it by faith don't try to run it through your natural mind because your natural mind was not designed to believe that was a hearts job it's designed to make decisions so forth and so on but you believe with your heart and you just receive as a scene and once you receive it as a scene and conceive it then it goes work you don't have to do anything but conceive it at when a woman conceives seed from a man you don't have to do much else something goes some sort having it ma'am I write about it when you when you swallow a piece of cheese burger and you swallow it you don't wonder where that cheeseburgers at you you know he something's happening enzymes saliva saliva even starts in people's mouths before they even get to cheeseburger like right now I'm just mentioning it right now you know y'all follow what I'm saying hey you don't have to do it see this is really easy only the intellect made it hard so as a word spritz this week receive hey you see what Mary said she said how's this gonna happen to me he said well the holy thing that Holy Ghost won't come on yet the holy thing that's gonna be born of you he's gonna be the son of God he said I'll be it unto me can't you see off that she kind of got kind of sassy well being on to me check it out he didn't say a virgin he's gonna have a baby he said more than that this virgin is gonna give birth to God she had to believe that she had to believe that don't try to funnel it through your natural mind because you'll try to bring the word down to where your mind is instead of taking your mind back up to the Word of God so as I speak to you today it said speak to you I'm trying to bring it down don't touch it I remember when my wife you know I here I was and I really wasn't looking for a wife I got saved and I was just hungry for Jesus so forth but a friend of mine I would grew it I was working for IBM and computers at that time and he was a manager I was a manager and I was going to his office so as I've gone to his office I passed by one of the desk out there people who work for him and I saw this lady sitting down there and I just went on past by you know cuz im COO don't hate now don't hate participate and and what happened I said man who is that he told me you don't want to know her the Veronica measured to religious whoa it's other friend of mine so I took her out to lunch or dinner and I came back and told his friend of mine every time I see her man something just kind of goes off inside of me and this is what he did Hyundai IEO seat out of Ohio I said man what is it what what is it man he said God is telling me to tell you don't touch it I said okay I knew it was a word from God what did I do I even took a promotion from Chicago to Minneapolis how we got together and got married is a mystery to me today when you swallow the word you don't have to touch it it knows what to do so this word that we're going to talk about you've probably heard it before because it's been something that people have always said but I want you to believe it when you really believe something you get bold with it you really believe something it means to wholly commit that's what it means you soul out to it even to the point whether the three Hebrew said the God that we serve he will deliver us from from capital punishment and so I'm saying that this is the belief that I want you to have in this particular subject that I'm having all right that I'm talking about okay so we're looking again at Genesis chapter 12 and verse 1 and God said to had said to Abraham get the out of that country from that kindred from thy father's house into a land that I will show you and I will make of you a great nation I'll bless you and make your name great you'll be a blessing I will bless them that bless you I will curse them that curse you and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed now this calling Abraham out of his comfort zone was key to God being able to do for Abraham what he wanted to do because you've got to not only give a blessing by faith you've got to receive a blessing by faith and you've got to release a blessing by faith by the time I get through on Thursday you'll understand all of those and let me guarantee you as my fact I got it from God in prayer he said announced to them that their days of struggling over I'm just sending it days of toil all right so the one he says here in verse 2 and we read it again and I'll make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and you'll be a blessing I'll bless them that bless you curse them that curse you and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed now there's somebody have an amplified translation that I cannot write here ok ok hey man ain't no they know now this is an interesting group here today they made on this side ok here's what he says I will make you of you a great nation and I will bless you with abundant increase of favours and make your name famous and distinguished and you will be a blessing dispensing goods to others I'm going to read it one more time I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you with abundant increase of favours and I'll make your name famous and distinguished and you will be a blessing dispensing goods to others all right come on back and get this Bible now I'll just put $50 in there for you cuz it pays to have the Word of God let's go pick my needs someone say it's a dime so he's sewing it back to me all right then this won't meet my needs I'm gonna sew another one back to you so here's a hundred brother Keith Rich see make you famous and distinguished famous and distinguished I understand what he spoke to Abraham was not just for Abraham look at Galatians in chapter 3 without now I told you you came to the right place in this meeting no one will leave here the same as they came to this meeting in Galatians chapter 3 verse 16 now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made he said not unto seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ so when God spoke this to Abraham he was not just speaking it to Abraham but he was speaking it to Abraham and his and his seed look at verse 29 and if you belong to Christ then are you Abraham's seed come on and and and and heirs according to the promise see what he's saying he's saying check it out uh-huh no this is just not for Abraham Abraham was carrying the material part of this then it was favored ahem and his seed which is Christ Christ was carrying a spiritual part of this cuz I couldn't get saved with Abraham but I could get saved with Christ but it just wasn't for the head it was for the body as well so what he said to Abraham he is saying to you from this day it's gonna be when they google your name you gonna be at the top quit quit come on somebody got to hear me now now notice what I say I said all you gotta do is Ricci now don't you try to put it to your mind well I come from a family we were poor and we didn't have much education what whoa whoa the blessing that is on your life is going to take you from the bottom to the top what's it guaranteed bought is a good stuff now I hope I'm preaching to the right bunch out here come Oh notice he said airs see now you can understand hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be what and what is an heir somebody who inherits something are you an heir then ministering spirits which are who angels have been sent to help you get everything that God says that you supposed to have folks you don't know it in the natural but angels are packed in this place they came here following you know women give them something to do but you did see you got understand now that stuff doesn't belong to the devil or his family it belonged to Adam the first one and it belonged to the second Adam and it belongs to you so when it was time for us to get our home I said Lord we went out look for some homes two three days and we didn't have much money in the bank maybe thousand two thousand dollars up like that in the bank and we went I look home and we looked at in three days later we came back after we went off over three days and we came back and the realtor and God said ask your wife which one does she like I said baby God told me to ask you which one do you like she said you mean which one can we afford I'd say he didn't tell me to ask you that can't you see what I'm saying I'm saying you're going into a place where you going to get the biggest and the best now I know you can't shout off of that that's alright we'll come will come in a minute see don't try to take the word and bring it down here cuz all you got do is look at Abraham's life come on now all you got do is look at his life see how God bless him he blessed him with land he blessed him with cattle he blessed him with gold he blessed him with employees and so forth me to my point t is what he did for Abraham he promised and the blessing guarantees that you'll make it happen do you hear what I'm saying what is a good preaching here so when I dare say Lord how we gonna get this huh yeah he said she said well I like that big white butt on a hill with you know circular driveway I said okay got to get down let's pray pray while we gonna pray daddy here from headquarters she would start praying God to get up get your wife go over there right now and point at the house and claim it so Wow that's it that's it you see it's interesting about God the Bible says are y'all ready to go with me look-look at Deuteronomy chapter 28 Deuteronomy chapter 28 hey man and Deuteronomy chapter 28 I'm gonna find it here in just a minute he said this verse 1 he says and it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently to the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the law that God will set the high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on the end what overtake you if you are thou shall hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God now what did the voice tell me to do he said go over there and point at the house somebody say Amen now God said that if I do what he says all his blessings he'll go come on me and overtake me now I understand he said Abraham I'm going to bless you make your name great and you'll be a blessing I'm going to bless those that bless you curse those that curse you and indeed shall all families of the earth be blessed now the word blessing is the word Baraka and it comes from the root word Barak and it means to in do with power for success that's a simple definition now what does it do that word what does it work that one word the bless things come from the blessing so I need the blessing so I can get produce the blessings a house is one of the blessings a new car the blessings now understand he said what they gonna do they will come on me and what overtake me that means my struggle is gone he said all I have to do is do what he want said so he said get your wife go over there pointed to house that's interesting what he says in first John chapter 5 and verse 3 now I'm going to read that here's what he says he says for this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and His commandments are not Grievous I looked up the word grievious it means burdensome heavy it means oppressive painful it means hard to be done so when I tell you to do something watch this I'm not going to tell you something hard to be done get up get your wife go over point at the house one more time get up get your wife go over the house and point out I said baby God said get up let's go over there and point at that house well it was kind of late but God said go over then point it at the house and it was you know a neighborhood that sometimes us in there at that time a night okay but that didn't bother me cuz God said do it I will tell you about that anyway I got some good news for you ah I I got some good news for the Africa America ah I got news for you if you got this on your life can't nobody stop you oh not leave it this is good news well they're prejudiced down there so the blessing takes you from the bottom I don't care who does not like you Joseph had the blessing on his life he came down to Egypt in Chains as a slave and next thing you know he worked for Potiphar but the blessing was on him producing supernaturally and then mrs. Potiphar start making eyes at him because he said she learned yells up look how come you come here see Joseph was well built like me and so what happened though he delete the link and show what happened he turned her down she told a lie on him put him in jail but jail couldn't hold it because if you've got the blessing on your life there is not anything in this earth that can hold you down I'll stop getting mad you're in the world as always somebody don't like you know cousin can't stand you you just don't know it but the keys stop can I show you something else look at Matthew chapter 5 y'all got me preaching hearted and I want to preach his his Commandments I'm not Grievous he didn't tell you to run the Chicago Marathon he just told you to go to end point at the house same in nobody says in Matthew chapter 5 i'mma start reading here at verse 43 you have heard that it has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate the enemy but I said to you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that talk about your mama no no that's not in it wait a minute dude just didn't do good to them that hate you pray for them which what despitefully use you and persecute you that you may be children of your father which is in heaven ah for the mate for he maketh the Sun to rise on the evil and on the good here's another place watch this now this is found in matthew chapter 5 verse 10 blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the what kingdom of heaven blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name's sake what do you do again what do you do one more time what do you do can't you see what's happening see when you act like the commandment says to act they can't stop your blessing come on come on y'all got me now they see when when they think they shot that Burch best shot at you just rejoice and when you do you released a blessing see you gonna soon be too expensive for the devil to deal with all right so my point to you is this blessing when it comes into life it couldn't stop Joseph and here's Joseph the only one that could stop the blessing see once the blessing is on you you can't wash it off what's a blessing is on you the devil can't separate you from it the only one can stop its operation is you and the enemy has clever ways of getting you to stop its operation let me give you one because you can curse yourself I go on a lot of mission trips and this particular person I go on mission trips with us sometimes and he has another ministry out in California but he and I I don't know how we develop this saying but you got to pray going in and you got to pray to get out now what happened every mission trips are going almost with him we say that we have been in the Philippines sometimes rain came in so heavy after our huge meeting down there I mean souls got set free completely that devil was so mad that rain that monsoon came in and up to the airport we were the last airplane that landed before they closed the airport and the water at the airport was 8 to 9 feet high when it hits it has saturated the basement of the airport where all the stuff was and they had put everybody out of the airport so so the airplane couldn't even pull up there now this is the enemy to retaliating against me I knew it was but it took me a while after studying the blessing for me to find out why that happen and I had to discover I was not saying what God said God said I'll be blessed going in come on let me go over here I'll be blessed going in and blessed coming out am i right over you got to stop saying what you think and start saying what is written and what happened now next thing you know is I got all these things and God opened my eyes to it I should that's the problem I change my mouth because he said in Deuteronomy 30 verse 19 I've set this day before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose what life that you and your seed may live well how do you choose it death and life and the power of the tone proverbs 18:21 so I gotta choose it right here and because I'm saying the wrong thing guess what I'm getting the wrong thing it isn't that just like the devil to try to get you to curse yourself as an ambassador which you are you've got no right to say anything other than what your government says no y'all didn't take that to mean that's right I changed my confession we've been smooth sailing ever since it was not the devil it was not God destroying jobs business his family it was not that God God didn't have anything to do with that it was you but he had to resist the devil when I say that I mean he had to watch his mouth because he drifted into unbelief where he should have sacrificed one time for his kids and then turned it over to the Lord first Peter what five whatever it is and that yeah casting all my Kelvin and let God take care of it I'm just glad that Joseph had some faith because when his brothers brought back that garment with that animal blood that they put on to deceive ah Jacob they my son has been killed by a wild beast that's what it says and what happened he had been killed they tricked him see when can I keep going here when when when Jacob stole the blessing that we say stole it but he really negotiated it because it was Esau was the first Pony exposed to had to bless it but Esau got hungry ate himself out of house home and a blessing and so he negotiated and sold the blessing then Jacob comes in that to his father gets the blessing and his father blesses him that's found in Genesis 27 his father blesses it told him what's going to happen you shall be blown over on Blondes blown and then he slides all out but here comes Esau I'm ready for the blessing dad said wait a second I just I just bless somebody well you didn't bless me well I just bless somebody all that that trickster Jacob do you have another blessing nope because it's not the one it's called the blessing and if you just put a capital T and a capital B it'll help you get a revelation inside that this blessing is above any other blessing polymers watch this let me put into my own words Esau I have just made him your master you can't wash it off the devil can't as long as he's alive that blessing is on it well what happened Adams blessing why didn't Adam keep the blessing after Adam wasn't alive once Adam sinned he died he went the first man from life to death he was a dead man walking but when you had that blessing on your life like you do right now it's on you for life on you for life look at Joseph how many times said enemy tried to separate him from that blessing woman coming handling the money all of that see integrity and a lack of integrity can stop that blessing from flowing pay your tithes I'll say one more time pay your tithe because he'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing now what would this blessing do for you this blessing will give you supernatural increase supernatural promotion supernatural restoration supernatural prosperity supernatural longevity supernatural protection supernet you name it this blessing will do it for you now the blessing carries all of that and this blessing I want to acquaint you with it in a way that it's going to take you above the knowledge that you had before oh god bless you praise the lord god bless you now we're not talk about that we told my something much deeper and that blessing is on your life to empower you to fulfill the the assignment that God has for your life in this earth watch this and will produce perpetual prosperity for generations now I'm giving you all some loaded stuff now this is alright let's let's look at this because Jesus function by the blessing and he was talking on the blessing now I want to show you something and just look at look at the scriptures just look at what I tell you are y'all y'all got me you there so far all right look at proverbs chapter 10 please so this blessing is going to change your status whatever status you're in it's going to change it this blessing is going to take you to the top why do you need to go to the top because God's people need influence you need influence yes now over in proverbs chapter 10 he said something he said the blessing of the Lord verse I wanted a play my chapter 10 yes minute look I got some good stuff chapter 10 the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich glory to God and he addeth no sorrow with it I want to read that same thing out of the NIV translation the blessing of the Lord brings wealth without painful toil for it the blessing of the Lord brings wealth without painful toil for it the blessing of the Lord brings wealth now I'm going to say something but just load it out there just take it and receive it and put in your spirit and let your spirit handle it from now every believer could and should be a millionaire they've let you get that - deserts can let the spirit just handle it don't don't try to fight it don't try to fight it I got I got my knowledge in this area than you do I'm not talking about you just get rich yes to get rich remember what we said he's going to bless you so that you can be a blessing yes these cities are starving today these cities don't have enough money to do to keep the school systems running like their shoes right but we should what a good opportunity to take over the education system you name it how about the roads can I keep going here hi guys for myself I got a load on you all this it is yeah I'm taking you okay your hold on now praise God alright let's look at this Luke chapter 5 say the blessing of the Lord is on my life one more time the blessing of the Lord is on my life one more time now with that blessing as brother Copeland's taught it before there's a wall around you watch this and witchcraft cannot affect you every time Balaam tried to open his mouth to curse God's people watch this blessings came out all right look at Luke chapter 5 how we doing so far the blessing of the Lord brings wealth without talling for it owed it to God all right talk reading at verse 1 and it came to pass now somebody said I know all this is true listen first of all I'm reading another Bible the next thing is is working for me now listen there's two kinds of unbelief one kind it's where you've never heard it before so when you've never heard it before you're in unbelief you believe something else because you can't stumble upon the truth the truth is the highest realm of reality and so you can't stumble upon it it's got to be taught it and this Bible is the truth this Bible is God speaking to you got it the other kind of unbelief is unpersuadable Ness peeping in it and told you 50 times why don't you believe it he he dealt with them in the wilderness for how many years unpersuadable I mean those kind of people you just wanna you know how to hit man and get somebody who want to learn something but don't be like that here at one time said that's enough for me if it's in that book it's mine are you with me here and don't mistaken your condition for your portion don't do it don't do it God wants you to leave this earth living long and come on strong not leaving this earth can't see not leaving this earth uh up with joints worn out let me my time is up but wait wait okay okay okay don't stone me though stove we gonna go a little bit further just a little bit further what was I talking about I'll talk about something here what was I talking about yeah yeah yep your portion of your redemptive rights are in this book that devil's job is to talk you out of your inheritance that's his job and if he's got some preacher that a preacher that's called unbelief then somebody buys that I'm telling you but no no no no no no you find out what's in that book and if you tried to put it on you resist him watch this and I will give you something between now and Thursday that even if he took something from you come on now you go get it back and I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get it back in this meeting say Amen I don't know what he took from your mother taking your hair your teeth he might've taken u-joints he might've taken up making give your hearing I said is this meeting say the blessing of the Lord is all my life folks if it's on your life the blessing knows what to do he said all you have to do is do what I tell you and all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you and my commandments are not Grievous or this is rich man take it all right where I got you Luke chapter five can I can I do this amen supernatural fruitfulness supernatural fertility supernatural favor supernatural prosperity supernatural promotion supernatural protection supernatural longevity and supernatural business strategies all of it supernatural let me just give you this Nick - but says my wife is reading something she showed it to Messer yeah about this man who went to heaven whatever here's what he said he said he saw in the invisible because he was seeing everything because Jesus saw both realms he was seeing everything he saw in the invisible such an enormous amount of everything that compared to the physical that was here it was like the physical was like a speck of dust the ants think about it Genesis 1:28 and God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply watch it and replenish the earth and subdue it replenish - stock with abundance to recover form a fullness there's a replenish a - perpetually renew and resupply it resupply it with what resupplied with what's there Jesus operated under the blessing the men was lean jesus said be healed arm grew where was the arm it was already dead listen God the gospel is not about what God's gonna do the gospel is about what God has already done and he has done it for you every part you got has got a replacement everything I'm telling you sup if this gospel is preached like see your it's in the impossible impossible is where your stuff is that that's why the enemy doesn't want you to he don't want you to believe this because if you find it it's gonna work for you it's gonna work for those who God send you to he got another set of teeth you you'd see they don't have it like they used to have when I was really got first saved and I was going to the Charles and Francis meetings and I got I mean eight people man he jumped Frances would pass by man the lineup was you know people needed prayer and healing and she'd say what's wrong with you he said well not my my heart is you know doctor said it needs and in my liver and you know organ recital and and and I am anything and and and she said hahahaha God's giving you a new heart heal and hit that man how the power God hit that man man and that man would go out by the time they finished that meeting that week and come back with evidence that his heart was a heart of a sixteen year old so far visit we talk about parts man we took my parts in the parts house it's not just punch it's new inventions come on its houses its buildings come on think again let your mind go go up where God is he made you for this the whole world is waiting for the manifestation come on of the sons of God they can't get to this supply he not only got a supply for you he's got a supply for everybody around you he'll clean up your whole neighborhood clean up your whole block say amen to that he'll change the economy of your city because of your faith say Amen so we won't talk more about this as we go into it but here's what I want you to do I want you to from now on if it's in the book this is what you're going to go by I said this is what you're going to go by and from this point forward your opinion does not matter come on say it from this point forward my opinion does not matter because I'm lining up my thinking with the Word of God from this point forward in Jesus name alright now let's just look at this real quick the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich the blessing of the Lord brings wealth are you with me all right so here's Peter he's fishing verse one it came to pass that if the people press finally hear the word of God he stood by the lake of Gennesaret and he saw two ships landing by the lake the fishermen were gone out of them and they were washing their nets he entered into one of the ships which was Simon he prayed him that he had thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship here's Jesus now he's teaching on the power of this blessing because you've got to first he had to connect you with the blessing and then teach you how to release it and I'm saying saying now that doing this conference if nothing else make up your mind that you not gonna leave here like you came in this place say amen to that and and even if you came in one door make up your mind you're not going out that door you go go out another door you just you're gonna make some kind of gesture that you have changed during this meeting like what he says here in verse four he said now when he had left speaking said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught draught his great increase and Simon answered and said to him master we have toiled all night say toiled all night remember what I said your days of toiling are over I came to announce to you the struggle is over in your life whatever you've been struggling with you not will struggle with anymore say amen to that are you a believer say I'm a believer I am NOT a doubter look what he says next and a thought all night and have taken nothing nevertheless as I word I will let down the net and we need done this he enclose a great multitude of fish fishes and the net break and then we can do their partners which we in the other ship so they should come and help them and they came and filled both their ships so that they began to sink so not only is there a supply coming to you but there's an enormous supply there is an overflow supply this is God's handiwork he wants to give you too much say too much somebody and look what he said next he said um and then he said verse 6 I'll read it again and when they had done this they included closed a multitude of fishes and the net break and they beckoned to their partners switching the other ships that they should come and help them watch this and they came and filled both the ships so that they began to sing when when Simon Peter saw it he fell down at Jesus knees saying depart from me I am a sinful man Oh Lord for he was astonished then all that were with him at the draught of fishes which they had taken and so was James and the sons of Zebedee which were partners with Simon and Jesus said to Simon fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men when when the and brought their ships to land they forsook all and what followed him and I firm to believe that the Word of God was never meant to be dictated it was meant to be demonstrated and a lot of times we just trying to win people by some kind of crafty persuasion they need to see something I said they need to see something now watch what Peter did he caught a revelation of something not in his head that something came alive in his heart now what am I saying about that I'm saying that when you're in a certain place the law of inertia says this and some of you physics folks you can correct me if I'm wrong an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by some outside force that's what it says so the tendency of wherever you're at to stay there we got a new airplane a g4 and and and and Keith's got one too and Angie for but but but anyway well sis now this is we're getting these to do God's work this dis ain't no playtime this is work and so next thing happened we're energy three so what happened was I kept putting off believing God for newer airplane I kept putting it off now the other ones start having some problem but I'm still putting it off now check this out all of a sudden the FAA comes out with a rule and said on this model airplane which is the one we had if you don't put this hush kit on that which could cause 600,000 to a million dollars if you don't put that on there as of dthe them December 31st your airplane is grounded guess what that did it moved me out of my comfort zone can't you see some y'all need to be moved and I believe you gonna be moved this week I believe that that God has a big load out there for you folks don't settle for what is not your portion let's get moving praise God and let's be representatives of the kingdom he said let your light come on so shine that men may see your good works and glorify your father notice what it took Peter Peter had fished all night and was tired of going home and hearing his wife's mouth he was tired of it I'm telling you and what happened and I'm not talking bout his wife now but Joel's wife was job's wife was tired he's a bunch of curse God and die well I'd like that who needs the enemy so anyway but anyway suckle whatwhat HAP what's this watch this but he was moved he was ready Jesus didn't get in his boat at random that was selectivity he got in his boat cuz Peter was ready and I believe you came to this meeting cause you are ready I believe I believe you are dissatisfied with something up in your life and your spirit know that you should have better than this come on you've been in debt long enough come on you've been sad long enough hello you've been talked about long enough this is your week this is your week math this is your week this is your week get ready get ready get ready and running and running and running and ready we don't finish this next time but I want you to know something supernatural business strategies from now on no more toil no more hope and your clients will call you don't have to hire more people do y'all believe the Prophet not one fish set on the sidelines and said not today Jesus watch this that blessing swept them off they tried to get in that net and blew that thing open I'm here to tell you this is your week give God praise will see on Thursday I said give him some praise because the blessing the blessing of Abraham is on your life and it's going to produce for you starting this week you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 81,164
Rating: 4.800499 out of 5
Keywords: 5022237606001, bill winston, confidence, faith, finances, victory, word of god
Id: HECLDf9ynvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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