2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Flashpoint LIVE - Awake America! (6:00 p.m. CT)

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welcome to a special edition of flashpoint live from the fort worth convention center [Music] our god is a god of plan and purpose his plan gave birth to a document a document of this kind has never existed in government anywhere ever we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal god has given priceless worth to every single individual born for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son the constitution of the united states of america is so uniquely similar to and inspired by the bible it's not mentally discerned but spiritually discerned this is god's heavenly dream [Music] we will continue to be in every sense of the word one nation under god [Music] well come on stand your feet give him praise wow and then i just got one questions are there any patriots of faith in the house tonight amen welcome to the very first flashpoint live as we kick off southwest believers convention amen all right so glad each one of you in the room are here and those of you watching by television we're going to start this thing off right because we're patriots and we believe in america we believe what this flag stands for so we're going to do the pledge of allegiance here we go [Applause] i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all amen amen you may be seated if you want to let's get ready with some great music david ellis take it away [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] celebrate celebrate freedom people in this land celebrate celebrate freedom together we will stay [Music] celebrated [Applause] together no matter how far you might go now [Music] celebrate freedom together we will stand americans make you free [Applause] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] american [Music] i'm [Applause] [Applause] freedom you're my sister we will celebrate celebrate freedom [Music] america [Music] [Applause] america [Music] american national [Applause] celebrate freedom celebrate freedom celebrate celebrate freedom celebrate celebrate freedom celebrate celebrate freedom celebrate freedom [Applause] [Music] if tomorrow all the things were gone i'd worked for all my life and i had to start again with just my children and my wife i'd thank the lord above to be living here today cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away [Music] [Music] who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today [Music] from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas [Music] [Music] is [Music] the man who died who gave next to you and defend her still today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well welcome again to flash point everybody and again a special welcome to the those of you watching by television and social media so i'm going to tell you what i tell you every week go share this can you say it with me share this all right so you heard go share this everywhere get the word out and we're going to see listen tonight you may be seated you may be seated tonight is such a special night you have so many great things in store and what a great way to start southwest believers convention man this is just an amazing amazing night amazing night i'm telling you well i can't go very far uh about a year ago not even a year ago september 16th started a program and i got a call from a man named kenneth copeland and uh yeah and brother copeland said to me gene we need to do something about this election so we need to do more on television i said oh okay so uh you'll hear more about that story later but that's this flashpoint is the result of that and listen it is a god thing all glory goes to him that's it's a marvelous marvelous thing god's done here and and i know like you i love being in a room with thousands of people glad to see the american flag and the statue of liberty and all of these things that say so if you got a flag you brought a flag everybody wave your flag right now let me see them yeah all right all right well i want to introduce a few people that you may recognize they're sometimes called the flash point four would you please welcome first off my good friend pastor hank kuhneman come [Applause] on [Music] all right all right so say standing this man you always want him on your side mario murillo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh last but not least lance walnow [Music] now how did how does lance get that intro yeah all right so you know as you may notice uh flashpoint is a highly scripted program and uh these guys have learned they say hey what are we talking about i got i don't know i got a couple of videos something's happened to me i started talking like i'm lance walnow all the time and uh you know there's the thing about live television is mistakes are made so i'm gonna lay myself out bear lance if you were if you guys on television you missed it earlier they got to see in the arena here some bloopers and so i want you on television to cease on them so you know at the beginning i was trying to be good and effective a good host and i was trying to come up with a snappy punch line to end the program and it didn't go so well watch america stands all day every day between now and then for the latest on the election coverage until then remember this never doubt in the light at all [Applause] all right you can be seated you know so i just i just want you know guys i did that lance is laughing at me um what you don't get to see on television is what happens after the cameras go off but we keep recording so i want to show you a little bit about what happened that night watch all right so the quote was supposed to be it was so proud of it it was never doubt in the dark what you heard in the light but i got it wrong i said never doubt in the light and i thought how do i save this two one ever so anyway there you go it sounded very very yoda yoda-like all right so gentlemen i want to give you we got some so many things happening tonight uh i want to uh introductory comments pastor hank tell us about tonight well i'm so excited first of all to be here i'm proud to be a christian but i'm proud to be an american so it's an honor to be here with so many of you that you've been so great to pray to stand with god to stand with the church and to stand with the country and so it means everything to be here with the people because this is really what we are entering into we the people they're going to take back not only the church for the lord but also take back our country so it's an honor to be here with these guys and also pastor gene with you as well thank you so much all right so january 6th i mean everybody thinks of january 6 as the insurrection day uh you know quote unquote uh well we did a live flash point that night at the uh on stage at eagle mountain international church we went on television that night and after the cameras went off pastor hank had a comment that he said to the to the uh all of the congregation that was there i wanted you to hear what was said january 6th you know pastor gene we need to you know what the energy in this room really made a difference and i could feel the energy and the faith there as well at eagle mountain wouldn't it be amazing if we could do a live one of these maybe we could get you know lance uh from wherever he's at around the country and of course uh mario marillo and i will come from omaha wouldn't it be amazing to do or maybe come here to omaha but would it be great to consider to do something live so there you go that's tonight amen okay my good friend mario morillo addressed the folks well first of all we are going to defeat satan in the united states of america and we're going to we're going to uncover the fraud in the election we are not going to be controlled by the left in this nation we are going to get our country back amen amen lance go ahead you know you realize that we are one soul voice out there and you're watching so many people backing up i mean i know that part of this is live and i'm always worried when i know we're always live but when i'm aware of it i get nervous about what i'm about to say but i mean we've got major news networks that are conservative that won't talk about what's going on in the medical community with kova what's going on with january 6th what's going on with november 3rd and it's like they'll say it's a slow news day it's never a slow news day because all the conspiracies are unraveling yeah but there are only a few voices talking about it so when you're watching and remember this you're creating that moment that hank was talking about with a live audience we could feel it with the electricity the spirit of the anointing the unity with the literal audience out there so when you're watching pray that god will interrupt the flow of our thoughts and speak what needs to be said for a national audience amen because this thing is only heating up it's only that's right amen and so i want to make sure you know right now we've got a we've got a flow for tonight but we have submitted that flow to the holy spirit he can do whatever he wants to do and i've got an idea and i believe you're going to see some great things i know you're going to see some great things tonight gentlemen are going to be back out tonight a little bit later we're going to actually do our panel discussion like we normally do on a flash point so don't this isn't all there is but right now i want you to please welcome pastors george and terry pearsons to the platform praise the lord hallelujah glory to god this is so exciting it's good to see you welcome to flashpoint tonight and welcome to southwest believers convention amen welcome to texas so how many of you are are not from texas and they're excited about it no how many wish you were from texas let me hear it big howdy y'all that's pretty good we'll let you in got to come in the right border though come in the right board oh gene i just couldn't help it well you guys can be seated we wanted to officially welcome you this evening on behalf of kenneth copeland ministries eagle mountain international church it's our thrill and our privilege to have this meeting here every year but there is something special stirring in the air that we haven't seen we haven't seen in decades the way that that the anointing and the presence of god is filling the room filling the people and he is gathering his army together you know the the word says that he will return for a glorious church and we are seeing the glory of god manifest in front of our very eyes you know after the election there was a bit of shell shock but you know what we're back that's right we're back we're back stronger than ever before and one of the things that we're going to be doing during this convention pastor terry is going to be leading prayer before the sessions in the morning and before the sessions at night and what's the lord showing you about prayer this year well you know it started off many years ago pre-service prayer and we'd pray particularly for the meetings but in 2009 the lord spoke something into my heart and said there's something about it when people who know how to use their faith come together to pray there's something the lord said that to him there's something about it not people of faith but people who know how to use their faith so we don't come in to mess around we come in to hear his voice be led by the spirit found it on the word of god and change things and do business in the kingdom this year i sensed that more than ever we've seen many things happen over the years during our our pre-service prayer times that which we are changed the title of it just to make it more clear that this is prayer everywhere this is prayer life that we are having so 30 minutes before the morning service 30 minutes before the evening service but in uh night 2014 the word of the lord came to my dad and there was it was um i wanted to just read a part of it to you it says so hear my people hear my voice yes the door is open repent and come through it for i have a plan it's the blessing plan and it's far greater than anything you've ever seen before i have a new birth for this nation i have planned a nation that right at this moment you really don't have any concept of what it's like think back to 1770 1771 72 or 73 a new nation was being born but do you think that the men of that hour had any concept of what this nation would look like 100 years from that time they had no idea it had never happened before well hear my words america i have a new nation in my heart and in my mind and you don't know what it looks like the door is open step through it and together we will bring a new nation on the earth one nation under god that trusts in god later on and commentary and also other words from the lord that have come through in in relationship to this word was that what you are seeing now are the birth pangs of this new nation birth pains meaning that there's some difficulty in trial it means there's a lot of pressure the big squeeze is on and we see that that happening that's going to bring this nation out of of the the ashes that it seems like are burning right now around the nation but we're not moved by that we're not moved by that but it's interesting that in the scripture the bible ties prayer to giving birth it ties prayer to the birth pains and pains of of birthing in prayer and so prayer and the rebirth of this nation are divinely connected together so i invite you to come especially as the week goes on because your faith will be built your faith will be strong you know you could be pretty hopeless and feel like you're having to constantly pump yourself up when you see what's going on around you or you could come and sit and listen and hear the word of god fill your heart with faith and let the word pump you up let the spirit of god pump you up and then then you march out of here in faith not moved by what you see hallelujah and we'll be using that faith that we're growing in all week long to apply it and to the things that the lord laid on our heart too and i'm sure at some point many times through this week we will be praying over the nation and the outcome that we intend and expect there's an awakening there's an awakening going on right now and there is a shaking and a stirring and all of this thing this all this stuff that's going on corruption fraud all of that it's being uncovered revealed and right in the middle of it there's an awakening from god from coast to coast all over the united states of america praise god so dr jean would you like me to receive the offering tonight please sir thank you and before we do that though there are two generals of the faith that i wanted to recognize in this place tonight we were actually talking about this one just a day ago and that first one is pastor bob nichols we want to recognize you and appreciate you give him a great hand everybody we were we were married in bob nichols church 44 years ago and look it still worked didn't it look at that and then the other one is dr charles green charles greene stand up bless you sir isn't this great what do you say glad to be with you he's glad to be with us and we're glad that you're here amen so are you ready for the offering let me explain to you what this offering is all about tonight and i'm going to read several scriptures to you first of all the great commission mark 16 15. and this is from the amplified translation and it says he said to them go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news the gospel to every creature of the whole human race that is what kenneth copeland ministries is doing right now our part in this great mandate that the lord jesus left his disciples we are part of that and the mission of kenneth copeland ministries is is a powerful one we are called to help believers mature in who they are in christ jesus you know it's important for you to know who you are who you are in him and so what we do is we take people from the milk of the word to the meat of the word from religion to reality we teach them how to take a word from god stand on it by faith and walk it out to victory and that's what we do we teach people how to walk by faith not by sight and that's important right now amen amen we teach them how to be rooted grounded established in the word of god and not to be moved by what we see not to be moved by what we hear but to be moved by the word of the living god now how is this mission fulfilled in the early days of the ministry kenneth and gloria began kenneth copeland ministries in 1967 and they started with meetings in churches and then they went to venues preaching three-day victory campaigns and then the conventions came along a convention like this and what we do is for six days we sit under the word of god morning noon and night this is total immersion total immersion in the word of god how many of you came for this believer's convention let me see your hands praise god for that so this six day convention is part of that they publish books magazines distributed recorded messages and now we have offices that are all over the world that are doing the same thing but there's one thing i want to focus on tonight as to where this offering is going to do what it's going to do and where it's going to go in 1976 brother copeland received a powerful word from the lord and we are still operating off of that word today the lord said to him jesus is coming so soon i want you to preach this uncompromised word of faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle on every available voice think about that 1976 how many voices did we have television radio that was about it in 1976 the believer's voice of victory broadcast went on radio uh it reached over 600 stations at one time in 1979 the believer's voice of victory television weekly broadcast was on the air 1989 the daily believer's voice of victory went on the air and then in 2015 something happened that was so powerful a dream of kenneth and gloria copeland's to preach this word of faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle and we began airing on a 24-hour station on dish tv back then it was called the bvovn believer's voice of victory network and then in 2020 we went on direct tv which now we call the victory channel can you give god praise for the victory channel you know it's very interesting about the victory channel there was a day that came when we had to make a decision about all of the other broadcasters the word of faith broadcasters that would be on this network and the the decision that had to be made was well do we charge them for that and of course brother copeland heard from the lord and he said no we're not going to charge them we will take those costs and we will let them preach on the victory channel absolutely free so 30 broadcasters are preaching absolutely free being paid by the partners of kenneth copeland ministries give god praise for that glory to god now what happened where the news was concerned victory news and flashpoint this was an amazing thing because as we began it last year and then went through the election and i can remember being on the air on america's stands the day after election and we knew we knew that we couldn't quit speaking about this election and the people and to encourage them in their faith they needed some kind of a voice and that's why we call it election coverage in the spirit of faith and so the the role that we play in this kcm's role didn't change we're still standing on romans 1 17 the just shall live by faith but flashpoint and victory news programs follow the very same mission we just don't report the news and the events we report and comment on it in the spirit of faith on any moment at any moment live during either of those broadcasts the news we didn't realize we were going to have news five days a week a news broadcast twice a day but at any point in time any one of our broadcasters are guests and you're not going to hear this on cnn you're not going to hear this on facts fox but right right right in the middle right in the middle of a broadcast they can begin to pray over whatever situation is going on up there they can take authority in the name of jesus over whatever it is that's happening stand in faith and believe god and what a combination of the news and commentary and prayer and the word of god an unbeatable combination you know people we can pray over a disaster we can straighten out a situation that's going on in washington dc you won't find this anyplace else except on the victory channel so what we're doing tonight this offering in its entirety will be designated to the victory channel we will use it for the expansion of this channel we are looking at not only being on dish tv but directv we're looking for cable outlets we are looking to be on every available voice before we receive this offering i want you to take a look at this this video about the victory channel and it will paint a picture for you of how this vision is coming to pass and how important it is to all of us right now especially in the united states of america let's go ahead and roll that please [Music] since the beginning of kenneth copeland ministries in 1967 part of its mission has been to preach the uncompromised word of faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle on every available voice with nearly 10 years of online and streaming platform preparation the groundwork had been laid and it was finally time to launch a full-scale television network that would be the first of its kind and in 2019 the victory channel television network was officially launched the victory channel is 24 7 faith-based programming you can trust to teach the uncompromised word of god so you can build your faith to walk in victory every day [Music] victory is made possible by the generous donations of partners and viewers and what makes victory truly one of a kind is the fact that the air time for our programmers is given to them completely free additionally the channel is provided for viewers to watch without charge i love the victory channel the victory channel is really amazing i love to get all the teachings and preachings from all the awesome preachers on there we have this network on 24 7. we love having that word you know throughout the house absolutely we watch it every single time it's on yeah we watch a lot of the the videos i think that comes out with uh gloria and george we love those we really enjoy the morning prayer yeah that's been huge i think in this last few months so you get all these different great ministers that's not compromising and everything my usual routine is 6 30 to 7 and i'm watching bill winston in the morning while i'm eating breakfast because you feel like you're there you grab your coffee you grab your bible you grab your notebook and you feel like you just went and had a personal bible study victory channel on every day all day all night while we're sleeping so we love it another unique aspect of victory is the lineup of original programming [Music] before god i entered into a covenant to provide prayer for you every day from now until jesus comes you'll never be without prayer again take advantage of it welcome to morning prayer one of our most popular programs morning prayer airs every weekday morning 9 30 eastern 8 30 central our licensed prayer ministers receive hundreds of phone calls during this live 30 minute program we've received so many amazing testimonies from warning prayer at victory we're here for you victory news airs monday through friday at both noon eastern 11 a.m central and 5 pm eastern 4 pm central victory news keeps our viewers informed of what's happening around the world while still being an encouragement and a source of hope [Music] flashpoint is a news commentary program that focuses on current events facing america during these turbulent times it's important to have a source you can trust for uncompromised truth our flagship program the believer's voice of victory is hosted by the victory channel founder kenneth copeland hello everybody i'm kenneth copeland this is the believer's voice of victory broadcast and we're thrilled today that you're here make the believer's voice of victory part of your day and build a foundation for a life that can withstand and overcome any storm the bvov is 100 teaching of the word of god so anyone anywhere can apply those truths to be successful and blessed tune in daily and take your voice of victory into your world [Music] eagle mountain international church airs every sunday morning declaring jesus is lord join the congregation and singing during praise and worship and receive ministry as pastors george and terry pearsons preach god's word with passion these spirit-led services help viewers all over the world stir up their faith and stand victoriously in life [Music] the victory channel can be seen on dish network directv any streaming device and on govictory.com well praise god if you want to be a part of this here tonight we have ushers if you'd like an offered envelope simply just raise your hand at this time and we'll get an envelope to you also a free and easy way to do it is to text to give and you can text event e-v-e-n-t and the amount to 3-6-6-0-9 it's safe it's secure and it's easy to do uh for those of you we have 29 000 households watching this program right now so for all of you that are watching online you can simply go to kcm event or kcm.org forward slash tv event again the information is right there on the uh on the page and for those of you that are on facebook you see the link right there just click the link on facebook over 4 000 of you are on our facebook page right now thank you so much for joining us and also if you'd like to call our number is prayer ministers are 877-281-6297 to take your phone call and to come in agreement with you and also you can give by mail victory at fort worth texas 76192 and the worship team is going to play a worship song here for the next little bit and ushers when the people are ready to give go ahead and pass the offering buckets god bless [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] me [Music] see [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Applause] [Music] amen come on stand to your feet give him a crowd give him a clap here with you amen amen all right all right i want to make one little note for those of you in the room flash flashpoint this tuesday and thursday we'll be live from this room 5 30 central 6 30 eastern on the network as well okay so make sure you check your dvr 5 30 central 6 30 eastern time you may be seated ladies and gentlemen so much more the the flash point four will be joining us later like i said earlier but listen i just want to tell you something to have these two generals here tonight is just something special i first came to work at kenneth copeland ministries in 1988 in the midst of a bunch of televangelistic disaster and i found here a man that has not only helped me to deal with a lot of that he also helped me learn how to fly and become a pilot so i'm especially proud to introduce to you the founder of kenneth copeland ministries general kenneth copeland [Music] hallelujah let's give the lord a praise tonight glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus we worship you father we thank you you're the one you're the greatness you are the greatness of this nation and we praise you and we thank you tonight and we we're so excited about this coming week and we give you honor and glory that we've been able to do this now for 41 years and it's it's a magnificent honor to stand behind this desk in jesus name amen you may be seated [Music] the statement that jesus made in in my opinion the most profound statement in the bible and the statement that has ordered my life now for all these years is right there in the 11th chapter of the book of mark verse 20 and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots peter calling remembrance saith unto him master behold the fig tree which thou cursed is withered away jesus didn't say anything about the fig tree he just simply said have faith in god have faith in god well what about my children have faith in god i um almost 65 years ago now at fort bliss in el paso texas i swore an oath to defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic i didn't lose my passion nor my uh or let that oath go when i was discharged from the army if anything i'm more passionate about it today than i ever have been in my life lady liberty has been through a lot i've seen a lot i won't be but a few weeks from now i'll be 85 years old i remember world war ii i remember it i remember very vividly [Applause] and uh and then right after that i mean everybody thought this thing is over because of the atomic bomb and all of that five years we were back in it again in a nasty little war in in korea and it just looked terrible and awful but somehow through the prayers and the faithfulness of the people in this country and the faithfulness of our soldiers against terrible war fighting situations they called it a police action it was a war and then southeast asia oh and then afghanistan iran iraq that whole thing and that war is not over yet but somehow by faith this nation has always pulled through because of its extremely well-trained and honorable military and because of the prayers of the people in its churches glory to god and you have to have both faith without corresponding action is dead it's the preacher that prays it's the soldier that fights the war and i remember right at the close of world war ii just just short time before the end some missionaries that were that had been imprisoned they were missionaries to the philippines and they had been told that america had surrendered and and that they had bombed washington dc and they they had no idea they they they had no news and of course they physically had wasted away practically to nothing but they did not give up hope and they just had faith in god and they just stood and they stood and they stood and they stood and then one day seemingly out of the blue they heard the roar of big engines and they had little slits where they could look out and they just get just a peek up into the sky and the sky was full of b-29s and just you remember beautiful of the feet of those that preached the gospel and bring glad tidings of good things to come and a few days later an american marine kicked the front door of that compound open and said anybody want to go home and all during that conflict in southeast asia my my microphone wasn't all that big then but i shouted as loud as i could welcome home soldier and today the devil is doing all that he can to pull this nation down but we have faith in god hallelujah we have a covenant with god in this nation and god is a covenant making and covenant keeping god and he never forgets the first act of congress in new york city in a little chapel that survived 9 11. the entire congress walked there and dedicated this nation to almighty god and our first president george washington said you will be our god and we will be your people have faith in god and tonight it gives me great honor and great pleasure to share this platform with a patriot a man very passionate about this country a soldier soldier and those of you that have been in the military know what that means there are feel great officers i'm not happy to say that just are glad they have a lot of rank but general flynn is a soldier's soldier general flynn is the kind of man that will not ask a soldier a slick slave like me to do anything he wouldn't do and i'm so honored to be in his company and so right now with gene bailey's help i would like for general michael flynn to join me on this platform please [Music] yes i have i have always wanted to introduce a general [Laughter] oh hallelujah thank you jesus i uh i don't know people say i'm i go overboard with it but i try to go overboard with it i um i drive a red car gloria drives a blue one her last one was a white one and we have ministry airplanes and they're all painted red white and blue and uh i just i'm very passionate about this country and 64 almost 65 years ago when i swore that oath like i said it didn't it didn't stop when i was discharged from the military i i loved the military and i always wanted to be a part of it and then i realized years later that i was called to do what i'm doing now i always wanted to fly one of even when i was a little boy out there in world war ii and that big camp barkley was out there in the entire air force base which is now dice air force base and i'd particularly in the summertime and all those airplanes up above the clouds and i'd think he's looking down here at me what is this like oh and then the first time right there 1945 right at the close of the war they finally released civil aviation here in the united states and a friend of my dad's call is a man we named wooden there on wooten furniture company and he said um we we've uh got mr wooten's airplane out of the hangar we've got it all checked out and so we're going to go flight around town a little bit if you and your son would like to come and oh you mean it you volunteered yeah little lockheed 12. and went out there and he put me up in the front seat and i general i suppose my eyes were glazed over he said don't you touch anything i had to sit on my hands and i could see all those all those instruments and i i i was just and we got we flew around and flew around and we came back and landed and the the the the cabin door stuck and i got 20 more 20 more minutes in the in the hot the front seat of that arrow in the kennedys and uh we walked away and back there then i didn't know jesus said you could have what you say my dad and i were walking across the tarmac he had me i had to hold my hand and i stopped and turned around and i looked at that little lockheed and i said daddy i'm going to do that he said what i said i'm going to fly airplanes he said you can do that and with god's help it's been 61 years now glory wow and i've flown a lot of nice airplanes finally wound up the best man i've ever flown for was jesus exactly exactly praise god ladies and gentlemen once again general michael flynn god bless you i'll give you another big hug okay i love you man thank you make sure make sure i'm on can you all hear me back there that's yup good great great have a seat have a seat and and and i uh because we were just talking about how many people are on facebook or whatever and i as i was sitting over here just a few minutes ago i said shoot i have about 250 000 people on telegram so i just pushed that out live and i put and i have about another 200 000 on cloud hub it's another social media site and a million and a half i'm on parlor so i just pushed that out so maybe we got millions of people out there i want to start off by just telling you a little bit about who i am because i think that you know there's been a lot of definitions of mike flynn and who mike flynn is who's general flynn is and then i'm gonna tell you a little bit about where i think we are in the country today and then i'm gonna leave you with a message i'm gonna leave you with a message at the end my my uh my life has has been really blessed and i will tell you the uh the last four years have actually been about four lifetimes and and uh the things that got me through that were faith family and what i call true friendship true friendship i've redefined what friendship means to me my wife and i have been together since we were 13 years old i know she's out she's out there watching tonight we just had our 40th anniversary we just had our fourth grandchild i mean we are we are probably stronger today than we've ever been in our lives because of our faith and the one thing that i tell people as i get into this story about not only who i am but it's really a story about america because this is what this is this is what everything that we are today has to be about our country has to be about our country and i will tell you that there's one thing there's one thing that is more precious than freedom vastly more precious than freedom they can take away your freedom your faith they can never take away so i am one of nine children i'm right in the middle i grew up my father was a world war ii and a korea veteran my legacy my family's legacy is really a legacy of service to uh to the military i had a i had a grandfather that served in the navy for 40 years i had another grandfather that served in world war ii he was he was missing in action and then they found him in action right and uh thank god thank god for that that's the world and that was back in world war one so my father's world war ii career war veteran he retires out of the army as a sergeant and we go on to have nine children in our family i was actually born on a military base fort meade maryland and and beautiful yeah for those that are coming from maryland and for those that are listening from maryland for those that are listening all over the world tonight too one one little sidebar this is about all freedom loving people all faithful people around the world that love this country want to see our country stand strong that's what this is about so when i talk about family because faith was really what got us through i mean when you talk about you know for those that understand or know psalm 23a that i walk through the valley of the shadow of darkness right thou art with me i mean i lived i lived in that valley i lived in that valley my wife and i lived in that valley together but we never never lost sight of our faith and we never lost sight of our faith because like we like to say in the flynn family fight like a flynn and you you stand you stand against uh the flynns in our particular clan and our our brood all of my brothers and sisters and i know they're all listening tonight i love my family family is is sacrosanct like many other many other rights and privileges that we have in this country so family is something that is super important and as i progressed and decided to go into the military i can tell you from the time i can remember i always wanted to serve in the military it was probably partly how where i was born following my father around while he was a sergeant in the army and living on all these different places that i that i lived as a kid and then moving back to my parents hometown my mother and father they grew up together they grew up as as babies together gave us a great example my father charlie flynn god rest his soul he taught us one thing in our in our family and that was to treat others like you'd like to be treated and that's called the golden rule and that's all that's that's the way we should live our lives every single day is treat others like you like to be traded my mother my mother was a brilliant brilliant woman strong big pro-life was was part of the whole national pro-life movement way back and she's a terrific lady god rest her soul she just died a few years back at the age of 90 had her wits right up until the last day her body just gave out my mother taught all of us to be lifelong learners never stop learning keep at it do not give up on whatever it is that's out there get smarter get better get get more educated you may not use that education that you get you may just put it in your back pocket but you have it if someday you need it so as i go through life and i go through and as uh as general copeland i'm gonna i'm gonna talk a little bit about him here at the end but as general copeland says you know he was talking about flying airplanes for almost my entire career i was jumping out of them and uh so i'm actually blessed to be able to be standing up here because i've had a few bad bad jumps in the air into uh trees and and water and and whatnot and some pretty pretty dicey places service has always been about who i am and what i would tell you is that if i learned something over the last few years what i learned was that people were trying to define me people were trying to define who you are and if there's one thing if there's one big message for me tonight to all of you especially young people that may be watching this do not let others define you you define yourself there's a lot of there's a god awful lot of pressure out there in the world today we're facing four tensions the way i've kind of packaged in my own mind how i'm synthesizing what we are facing what we are facing today we're facing four really very difficult tensions that are clashing using a military term we are facing four elements of warfare and what i want people to know as i go as i walk through these because i'm going to walk through them not in detail i'm just going to kind of wave top it but i'm going to give you some idea about what they are because they all have to do with every single aspect of our life i want people to know and especially those people that are listening in that can't make it here tonight because all of you that are here tonight you i want you to go i want you to be exhausted by the end of this week just like we train for combat we train train train until we're exhausted and then we go back and we train again you pray you listen you learn this week and you go back today tonight you come back tomorrow and do it again and by the end of this week i want you to be exhausted in prayer for the people that are out there that are that are listening around the world around the world we're facing four things first is physical we have a physical war going on in this country and it's the haves and the have-nots everybody sees it i mean there's a health freedom drill that we're being taken through by our own government everybody knows what i'm talking that's a physical thing that's happening to our children it's happening to us it's happening to our churches it's very physical and that's a component of the warfare that we are facing it is a massive tension that we all experience every single day the second tension or the second element of warfare that we are involved in is emotional so this is very very emotional we have had in my own family my own extended family my wife has seven brothers and sisters i've got close to 50 nieces and nephews so this emotional upheaval that not only is happening in my own family and i know it's happening in your family it's happening to this entire country we are very emotional about what is happening and we should be especially as christians we should be emotional about this because it's a removal of something that we deeply believe in it's a removal of god from the very fabric of who we are as a nation this is a big difference very very emotional so we have physical and we have emotional this third element really is something that that i have had to study about and had to think about and it really has to do with our intellect and it's intellectual component or intellectual warfare it's this intellectual tension that we are going through some some would call it censorship some would call it fake news i mean what what you heard up here over the last hour about this this sort of freedom network is really what it is i mean vic the victory channel is about freedom so this intellectual component of warfare and where where this came to me and why i kind of i kind of package what it is that i'm talking about tonight like this because i listened to ronald reagan's city shining city on a hill speech i i've listened to it a whole bunch of times and i started to think about as we do research because really what my bigger point is is that when you see something when you hear something like my father taught me believe half of what you hear and half of what you see right the other thing my father taught me is that there's no atheists in a foxhole [Music] so so intellectual ronald reagan gave a beautiful speech called shining city on the hill many people in this room most people out in the audience probably don't know where does that come from so i dug i'm doing my intellectual rigor i'm doing my intellect intellectual research because i want to know and my point here is that if somebody says something to you and you just don't believe it don't believe it go dig go read go find out what is going on so i did so i did and i said who else talked about a city on a hill a guy by the name of winthrop a guy by the name of winthrop first he's the founder of boston i'm from up in the state of rhode island it's where i grew up up in the new england area so winthrop in 1630 in 1630 a bunch of ships getting ready to leave their country people that were fleeing because of being religiously persecuted they were being religiously persecuted and they were essentially getting out of dodge getting on board ships to cross the atlantic ocean didn't know whether they were going to run into bad weather really no idea what was on the other side 1630 in winthrop winthrop gives a speech he gives a sermon it's a beautiful sermon beautiful sermon you can look it up online you should should read the whole thing and that's where he brings up the phrase city on a hill and it gets better he brings up a city on the hill but then he looks at everybody in his congregation before they boarded those ships to leave their very towns and leave their country because they believed in they believed in religion and and they believed in religious liberty that's what they believed in he looked at everybody and he knew and he said some of you have very little means some of you have very little means some of you have a lot of means but we're all equal crossing this atlantic going to this new country it wasn't the united states of america remember it was 1630. so they didn't know they were going to the new world intellectual warfare it's probably one of the most important components or certainly it's the second most important component because i'm going to talk to the to the first one here in a second intellectual warfare so i dig and where do i find city on the hill anybody you find it in the bible you find you find the quote anybody want to yell out who it is jesus it was matthew matthew jesus jesus gave him the inspiration like he gives me the inspiration to get up here and talk i walk up on this stage and i have no idea what i'm going to say i just know he's flowing matthew matthew describes in the bible a city on a hill i'm digging i'm researching i'm trying to get away from the censorship i'm trying to get away from the fake news this battle that we are in this war that we are in is an intellectual war as much as it's an emotional war as much as it's a physical war the tension that is created in our families in our communities in our churches in our nation particularly in our nation the most important component though the most effective this is where when i come to something like this and i and i i hear the music i hear the stories and i really watch you waving the flag i mean it's it's such an emotional thing for me it's spiritual warfare okay so we have physical we have emotional and we have intellectual but the most important and it surrounds all of them is this idea of spiritual warfare this this is spiritual warfare this nation this nation the united states of america we are the shining city on the hill i want all the people watching us tonight i want all the people from around the world that are watching this tonight to know if you don't have a voice i will be your voice we will be your voice if you don't have a champion i will be your champion we will be your champions i do not i do not want people sitting home alone which they are tonight and feeling like they are they're isolated because that's what that's what this this these tensions that we are facing right now that's what they are trying to do isolate us so i want everybody to know and when you leave here because i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna make a statement here in a little bit about where i think we are and what i think you need to do but i think you need to do it i think all the people listening i do not want people to feel alone i want you to know in fact i know not everybody can serve there's probably some veterans out there's probably some people that have served in our in our law enforcement our first responder communities and other people who have served in other walks of life not everybody can serve in a way that that i did in the military that's fine people come up to me all the time and say you know i i never got a chance to serve and i don't i say don't worry about it how do you serve how do you serve how do you serve your own home how do you serve your family how do you serve your community how do you serve as a volunteer whatever it is that you do everybody has the talent to do something more we have we have people in this country today young people young people young people are we're we're we're we're just like a like a big swing they're being swung from one side to the other and i was telling a story back there that if we in our recruiting of people to come into the military we have to go and talk to at least 100 we have to engage at least 100 young men or young women to get one to get one that's the that's the that's the test right you're a recruiter anybody that's you see recruiting stations and malls around here they've got to go talk to 100 to get one the man that that gave me the honor to stand up here tonight he was one he was one and look at what he's done i mean look at what he's done it only takes one but i want to i want everybody out there to know that we there are there are champions for you we exist for you all we need to know is that you're you're you're praying i tell people that i'm standing here tonight because of the most powerful weapon system known to man and that's prayer i know i know that there's people in this room and i know that there's people out in the uh virtual audience that prayed for my family and i i know that we participated with some of those but i could we could feel it we could feel it we could feel it and i will just tell you that as i have gone around and and uh and spoken to different groups of people and and getting a sense of america about what is happening and what we're going through because we're going through something that uh is is a it's a difficult time it's an unprecedented time in our history it is it is going to require more sacrifice it's going to require you know the christian community to uh to really come alive like you've never like you've never come alive before there's there are millions and millions and millions hundreds of millions actually of us and i i as one i i am not going to be persecuted i'm not going to be defined what i'm going to do is i'm going to do exactly what i'm doing i'm going to speak out about my faith i'm going to speak out about this country i'm going to speak out about our rights our constitutional rights i always tell this story before i uh before i start to to kind of exit here there's a star right star has five points it's an interesting story i honestly don't know whether it's true but i want to believe it because it goes way back the star right five points of the star and the star goes back to the time of jesus's birth i was born on christmas eve okay so it goes back to the time of jesus's birth where the magi followed a star and the star has five points those five points they are equivalent to the five wounds of jesus right two in the feet two in the hand and one in the rib cage as he as he didn't bleed he is it was something else it was like a spirit that came out of them to allow us to understand sacrifice when we talk about sacrifice here i am talking about somebody who's i don't know a couple of thousand years old and i'm standing up here in fort worth texas talking about a man who sacrificed who gave up everything and here we are talking about them tonight you're going to talk about them for the remainder of this week and you're going to talk about them for the rest of your lives and i want i want i want people in this country because there's a lot of christians that are that are not awake yet there's a lot of pastors there's a lot of preachers that have to wake up [Applause] you've got to wake up so i'm going to read you something because i i wrote it first of all and i and i and i've thought about it it's really really important to me and i want it to be important to you because it's something that as i look at the landscape of america and i know i mean you're looking at a person who has seen evil who has experienced the deepest levels of corruption and who has been all over this world fighting for sometimes for reasons that i don't totally understand for people in many cases that don't really care if you're there and for objectives that you're not really sure are or you're able to accomplish you're doing it because you're serving somebody you're serving this country men and women who sign up for the military young men and women who sign up for the military 18 years old they go down to that recruiter and they sign up to be a mechanic they sign up to be a truck driver they sign up to be a pilot they sign up to join the infantry they're not signing up for something they're signing up to give their very lives for this country that's sacrifice jesus christ signed on the dotted line to give up his life for every single one of us don't ever forget that this country is the city on the hill this country is the shining city on the hill and will forever be the shining city on the hill so i'm going to leave you i'm going to leave you with this because i believe everybody that knows me knows where i stand regarding the future of our republic our beautiful experiment in democracy called the united states of america however i firmly believe that the united states of america has lost sight of our creator and we are now we are now facing the truest of all tests god is putting us through this test he hasn't left us this nation has walked away from him he's still standing there and i sense that we no longer have a just government that rules in fear of god in fact in fact god has been ripped out of the womb that is mother america during the past several decades america has thrown the law of god out the window there has been a systematic intentional dismissal by the state by academia and by a select group of wealthy wealthy godless elites that set aside god's law as the rule of law in america if this is true and the piety reflected by many in our religious leadership ranks keep congregations asleep in their pews we will lose our country as we know it forever as stated by our founding father john adams in 1798 our constitution is designed quote for a moral and religious people end quote if if the essence of liberty if the essence of liberty is a limited government then the positive actions then the positive actions and involvement of its free citizens will forever sustain our cause for freedom so christians viewers listeners citizens of america get involved get involved in your communities get involved in your families get involved in this country get involved in the lifeblood that makes this country go and that lifeblood is a judeo-christian set of principles and values that this country was founded upon your actions your actions all the thousands that are in this convention center and maybe all the millions of people that are going to watch this your actions at the local level will have a national impact [Music] [Applause] local action national impact you have to get involved you cannot keep we have to stop saying it's their problem those people in washington dc or those people in austin or whatever state's capital you come from or that you have in your state it's not their problem it's not the church's problem it's our problem it's our problem we have to fix it we have to fix it and we can fix it remember this as i as i close beautiful lady came up to me the other day and said this to me and i and i i wrote it down because i just found it i found it true and and as i came in here tonight and met met ken copeland i mean it's just an amazing amazing person but the quote goes an army of ten thousand is easy to find oh to find a general thank you general copeland thank you general copeland for all that you have done thank you for being the one who listened to that call and created this and it is going to be part of the awakening of america and the return to liberty god bless you and god bless america thank you so much give him a hand one more time thank you wow well you've been commissioned tonight you may be seated and you've been activated so now it's time to deploy [Applause] amen wow what a night what a night so far all right we're going to move into the next phase of our program while we reset the stage i talked to you earlier about flashpoint and how things kind of got started but i want you to hear from behind the scenes how this whole thing got going and then we'll be joined with the flash point four watch originated from kenneth copeland it was a phone call and he said gene we've got to uh we've got to do something about this election we need to be talking about it more on the network so wednesday i came in and i talked to jason and i said hey we need to do something i don't know what it's going to look like but i got this idea and he said hey i've got an idea for a show something i want to do with with lance and hank and i was like great that's awesome let's do it when do you want to do it he goes tomorrow and i took a breath and then i said okay sure let's do it i know hank kuniman and i know lance wall now they say the same things but they don't know each other i think that'd be pretty interesting because you got the prophetic and you've got whatever lance is you know a different vein of the prophetic but what if we pulled those two guys together it'd be interesting to see what happens went live the very next day created the created the open the next morning the logo the next morning the same open that we used to this day and we went live within 24 hours a big part of my responsibilities are guests we have everything from celebrities politicians lawmakers ministers prophets suddenly all these men and women are coming together for a common purpose they may be baptist they may be you know presbyterian we've had catholic gone we've had you know but the the focus was we all bring something to the body we all bring something a unique perspective the fab four that we call gene lance hank and mario watching their relationships grow has been amazing and i think the wonderful thing is that they bring out the best in each other when those four guys get together gene is the pastor lance is the teacher hank is the prophet mario's the evangelist when the four of them come together on the show the show itself becomes apostolic and becomes the fivefold ministry in action that first time that we met we had no idea that it was going to you know emerge to what what it is today and that is you know speaking in such a a synergy such a voice together it's kind of like you know an individual instrument is great but when it comes together it's a powerful symphony orchestra uh that that thunders the voice of god because we've really come to feel close you know the three hebrew children were probably good friends before they went in the furnace but after they came out they must have had a bond and that's what's happened with hank with lance and with gene there's this bond that is formed and we feel an effortless unity and the highlight for me is always when there's a prophetic flow and prophecy is unique when it's working with the four men of god that are friends because it doesn't happen like thus saith the lord or a word of knowledge it happens by the thread of the conversation and when one person is saying something that opens up the next thought that opens up the next and what you have is the mind of christ revealed in that segment you know the scripture says the anointing breaks the yoke and i feel it from these men i mean when mario speaks you can feel the authority of god upon him when lance speaks the wisdom that god has given to him and and uh when he articulates it it's like revelation lights go off on the inside of you and you're like you know what i never thought of that i never uh considered it that way but boy i i now see what god is doing when pastor gene he has a calming spirit and you know he's a rock you know he's a man of tremendous faith but he's a rock and he brings that uh for those that that come on so for me personally i get ministered to through their anointing and of course the highlight is when gene and lance start in on each other it's so annoying so powerful to watch them and it's delightful and it's you know it seems like why would you have that light moment between gene and lance why is that so important because we're dealing with such heavy subjects and we don't want the audience to ever leave flash point with a heaviness we want them to know we can laugh we can be family and of course gene became the delightful counterpart to me because everywhere i go people are bringing up to me flashpoint which is a constant reminder that gene bailey will not leave my head no matter where i go he's always there everybody doesn't agree on every every topic every point we all know that lance has lance's view and hank has his view and i have my that's what makes it special is that we're being it's honest it's very honest it's raw sometimes i feel like for such a time as this we are here at flashpoint to be a place where people can come home they can come in they can be included they can find out what's going on and feel safe with the information that they're receiving and then be empowered to move out and do something with it i don't think there's a better description of what flashpoint is than to equip saints for the work of the ministry that's what we do week in and week out this thing is much bigger than all of us things that we have tried to and planned to be successful didn't work but this was just god's saying this is my program and i want to do this so here go that's what we've done it's not just a tv show it's not just a program it's not even just a ministry program it really is a group effort a family effort and that's what makes it special you're always going to hear the truth in one form or another you're going to hear the truth every program amen and that's how it all got started and there was bob the tomato you got to see him uh all right so i brought the guys back out here before we get going i wanted to introduce two women two of our wives that are in the audience mario marillo's wife michelle and my wife terry would you please stand and i would say the same about brenda kuhneman and annabelle they're the real brains of this outfit um so we're glad that everybody's here all right guys so i wanted to start off and kind of get a pulse get your pulse on where we're at you know let me start with you lance because we we had um we had such an a program last thursday with uh dr mccola dr peter mccola about covid which has oddly enough been taken down on facebook um and i'm laughing because gene tells me in the broadcast he said and you know like we can't put a lot of this on youtube and i'm on youtube and then then he says because of you know the censorship and i'm thinking it's just a matter of time if i keep hanging out with you i'm going to end up getting censored that's it that's true so he's oh no no don't worry about that so today i go to look at how our interview went that we did because i it had over 120 was going viral and i and my audience alone would be like another 100 000. and i see that it's been taken down and so uh i'm inquiring i'm reading the details and they say well you know facebook disclaims that they did it it was taken down frequently it's taken down by the author so i texted uh gene i said gene did you take that down he said oh no they just took it down so yeah this is what happens when there's the other side of hanging around with anointed people is you get the benefit of the gifting and you get the backlash of whatever warfare they're in yeah that's right that's right uh hank pastor hank you know and i know mario's got something to add to this you know we have uh covid by itself is its own thing and we're not saying it doesn't exist we've said from the beginning covett is a real thing we just deny its right to have a place in our bodies so but pastor hank i want you you know let's let's kind of rewind a year ago in america we were really dealing with something much worse than covid uh but and i'm not even talking about the election we were dealing with fear at unprecedented levels yeah i just want to say first of all it's great to be here pastor gene and i love all of you thank you for being here also and uh you know i see things uh prophetically i don't watch the news i i don't feel like the lord has allowed me to do that so that i get a perspective that i believe represents the heart the mind the will and the intent of god and so a lot of times when people say things i always look at okay what has god showed me what is god saying that also is being agreed upon by many different sources but to have two generals and i'll get to what you said about uh the fear to have two generals stand on the stage like general flynn and general kenneth copeland is i was sitting there and the spirit of the lord said to me said how did i bring restoration to the walls of nehemiah i use the hammer and the sword and brother copeland has taught us to hammer the word our faith through the word of god like a hammer general flynn obviously represents the military side and i believe even flashpoint tonight represents something that god is doing that is a sword in this nation that is cutting through the darkness that has been here and also notice what we're going to have the rest of the week the hammer and this is how we're going to bring restoration but before what you said about fear the lord spoke and he said this and i want you to be encouraged those of you that are watching around the world and those of you that are here i always look at what did god say before the news some people only look at the news and then then everything their perspective is subject to what is currently happening what the news is reporting but when you can say things ahead of the news you have to listen then and god spoke and said there would be a plague before the plague showed up he prophesied this let me remember that prophecy and he said that the decade would start off harsh and then this nation would come into a season of rest and so this is where we're heading you know you mentioned covenant i'll just say this last thing you know it's it's kind of this new religious movement that's coming where they want to now go door-to-door and you know it's being uh by joe biden you know what it is it's called the jokovic witnesses that may just show up at your door and i want to say this what happened to the flu did the flu just flew away so you know god is god is exposing all of this and the reason he's doing it is to get the people of god and the right the remnant of this nation patriots to start rising up and fighting for what rightfully belongs to us and we are going to have our nation back amen okay mario listen and i do want to say something here there's we were with mario last night and michelle and listen i know there's something special at the end of tonight okay uh we laugh and we joke a lot but listen we're very serious about what we're up here doing very serious about the call of god on our lives in your life and on this nation just like general flynn and brother copeland shared um and so i know god has something special from mario a little bit later but mario i wanted you to go ahead and comment there on what pastor hank was sharing on fear one of the most important things about an event like this is you have to know why god did it most revivals die because they don't understand what god was trying to tell them 30 years ago a man wrote a book called born for battle his name is arthur matthews and he wrote just a short paragraph that's all it is that sounds like it was written last night he explained why he wrote the book i'm talking about why we're having flashpoint my burden relates to the flood of evil that the devil is pouring into the world and at the same time the passivity of many of god's saints as they view this state of affairs and their ignorance of the part god expects them to play in this warfare against satan i'm going to be very quick when we have faith word of faith the lord is requiring of us to elevate our claims word of faith has been emphasizing finances family and victory in our personal life i want to use a model very quickly 1941 franklin delano roosevelt made enemies out of dupont boeing the ford motor company and the moguls of america and japan had just attacked and five days later germany declared war on us the whole world changed and he had to go to the men he had slandered and vilified and asked them to unify and turn from making nylon and cars to bombs and bullets and the ford motor company ended up building b-24s 8 000 of them they made one every hour we built seven battleships a day in the united states i believe that word of faith is going through the same thing and that flash point is one of the indications of it look at me and i wanna i wanna say this with all my heart we can no longer leave our claims in the level of finances and health and even family now our confession is different we confess that satan will take his hands off of the united states of america somebody help me confess it right now and so flashpoint begins this this is the moment that i love because you'll start to hear the thread of the mind of christ that he wants to discuss it's already started because as mario was saying that i was reminded that the difference between america then and now is in that the largest social media broadcast ever made for prayer in the united states wasn't during the trump election it was franklin delano roosevelt led the entire nation in a prayer for the d-day landing and all of america was praying because as general flynn said there are no atheists in a foxhole and america is heading to its normandy moment where the manipulated differences that are kind of like you got to remember we're dealing with very sophisticated powers of darkness when we quote that we're not wrestling with flesh and blood understand that there's supernatural intelligence guiding people that aren't that smart but they're being led by a spirit so we have to have the mind of christ the challenge we have is that every unit that landed in normandy had a specific beach they didn't have the entire map of europe because no general would trust a soldier with the entire map it could fall into the enemy's hand you only knew the territory assigned to you and you knew the objective that you had what we have to do is we have to know the territory assigned to us specifically and know the objective that we have then we put our faith to work i love what i heard earlier about putting your faith to work because brother copeland i remember years ago when i first discovered the whole message of faith he talked about flying with oral roberts and he observed oral robbers put his faith to work like a tool out of a tool chest he would apply it like it was an instrument as opposed to a generic kind of believing it was intentional and specific you've got to have that specific directive out of your own health prosperity and security because we're now battling for territory we're battling for the spheres of influence we can't just withdraw into a into an idea that i'm in goshen regardless of the plagues that happen out there there's a different biblical analogy for this you're on board a ship with the apostle paul that's moving in the wrong direction you don't have the choice of being isolated from what their choices are you have to believe god for a divine deliverance from the knuckleheads that got you into the problem i mean it's good you know a year or so ago sports was a big deal [Music] and that's my point thanks thanks for taking my point no you know i i like football like watch football i mean you guys don't know but pastor hank coonman is a big dallas cowboy fan [Applause] i bind every lion spirit that just [Laughter] go pack go yeah kill his mike cut his mic um but but here's my point in all seriousness ladies and gentlemen we went from uh i don't i don't even remember the the amount of money we spend on sports and going to arenas and you know all that and making all these guys richer and richer and suddenly did you notice suddenly it didn't matter and to this day it just doesn't matter the the olympics i think it's the lowest in 33 years of viewership because nobody cares about it i mean yes it's great and we applaud that but that doesn't that's not a life-giving thing that has no eternal value pastor hey go ahead well i think again something that we have to look at and lance you talked about a prophetic thread we also have to look at what's called prophetic narratives where god will revisit certain things that happened in history and also that we can read and glean from from from the bible and one of the things that we can see a prophetic narrative is in exodus 14 where pharaoh said out of his mouth here you've got to understand that egypt was a socialistic communist nation that enslaved a nation and a people and when things didn't look like it was going to work out for them they were willing to sell their freedom and this is where we need to be careful don't be so quick to sell your freedom and just let them convince you to take you know a jab or to uh are you listening to me you you have a right to stand up listen standing for your constitutional rights are not illegal you understand that so stand for what men have died and bled for now here's the thing so pharaoh says we have shut them in so pharaoh out of his own mouth declared a shut-in to try to ensnare and enslave a nation but you know what god did and this is where i want to encourage you that are watching and those of you that are in this room people always ask me they say well pastor frank you don't watch the news so what is god doing when are things going to turn around listen to me god is doing something on purpose and can i tell you what happened in the prophetic narrative of of uh egypt and pharaoh when he said hey i've got them you know what god did on purpose god allowed there to be this mentality of a shut-in because he was leading a nation into a place watch this where the waters began to open on the left and on the right notice there was division on the left division on the right did you catch that we are in a divided time it doesn't matter if it's left or right there's a division we're divided over covert we're divided over the election and god is allowing this division to produce something what did it produce in the prophetic narrative of the red sea it produced a preservation of a nation god saved through the dividing of the red sea a nation in a day first kings 18 21 the prophet stands up and says why are you caught or divided between two opinions why did god address and allow there to be a division ten tribes to the north two to the south the prophet comes puts the stones in order because god had to deal with a lying spirit called jezebel god's doing it again why is this division happening because the lord is trying to let us know i'm allowing this division like genesis chapter one where there was a dividing between dark and light to do something to produce something glorious for the man that he created we are heading towards a better america i promise you and so we don't tolerate the division we say come god and we speak up and take our we're at place i know you have something in there and you know the uh it's so important to be people of the word because right now what the spirit of the lord will do is in an era of propaganda in an era of social contagious wrong thinking you have to really take heed how you hear and only people that are filled with the word and sense of the spirit can have the lord quicken to them a verse that needs to be applied that no one else is quoting so while we're all desperate for unity yeah i've been around this i'm a preacher i've been around preachers my whole life and we teach about unity unity unity because there is a fundamental principle without unity however there is a moment in the bible where paul says it is necessary that there be divisions among you in order that those who are made manif those who those who are approved may be made manifest we're living in a time now where god is literally winning winnowing out the preachers before his judgment seat in order that those that are approved may become conspicuous not by the fact that they're saying what you want to hear but they have the courage to say what god's saying whether you want to hear it or not amen mario you've seen that firsthand the winnowing out you know there's a tremendous pressure on pastors not to be political but let me tell you if there's someone in the ministry who has an excuse not to be political it is yours truly because in our tent we are watching thousands of gang members drug addicts born again and i tell god all the time i'm very happy i'm watching god heal the sick save the lost we're about to do a crusade in sacramento in one of the hardest hit neighborhoods and we've witnessed to tens of thousands of people but the fact is is that god put it on me and said you got to speak out and i said to the people that criticized me i said you know when i said that crack cocaine was a terrible drug none of you condemn me when i told you that ms-13 was the worst gang none of you condemned me but when i found out that socialism was the worst drug and the democrat party was the worst gang you all started to condemn me but there's absolutely no change whatsoever and folks if you want to shout about something let me tell you what to shout about america is at a stalemate one of the reasons that god spoke to through lance just a moment ago about there must needs be division is because we need leaders to stand up to break the stalemate to release the army of god from all of the regiments troops citadels safe houses and babysitting centers that they're locked in and say time for the eagles to leave the turkey yard to grab the word of god and to take this nation back and it's ours for the taking if we'll do it somebody give god the glory pastor hank you know there's something required in the division that god is allowing and what it's doing is you know if you remember first kings 18 there was the dividing of israel tend to the north to the south but you also see that when it came time to go and possess the land there were ten spies that said you know what we can't do it and they were willing to allow their inheritance to be delayed and really to be affected by their own fears there's a lot of fear happening right now but yet there were two joshua and caleb this is where you come in and those of you that are watching is you you remember joshua and caleb had a different spirit this is what flashpoint's about it's about carrying that spirit of faith a different spirit that says you know in the middle of all the chaos and the division that's happening we are going to say no we can take this nation back and the enemy they're bred for us and so i see something amazing getting ready to happen in the united states i know that there's a lot of work cut out for us but what it's doing is it's revealing who the true remnant is and where you stand in that remnant because god has promised that a new era is among us which requires new faces and this is why no matter how much the pressure's on know how much the heat gets you know it gets hot the fire produced the fourth man jesus is doing something amazing and it has to do with the visitation of his glory that is going to bring forth something great and new in this nation are you ready for it so i have a question for gene bailey making us work here tonight i see this works it works for me i see that yes it does so you helped to kind of curate flashpoint and it was at one point it was an idea where ideally do you see this going in the future well thanks for coming tonight is this what i do to you every time okay every time every time well okay let me let me cam let me speak to that because long before flashpoint ever was it was a student i am a student of revival and for the last five years i hosted another program and still do revival radio tv seen on the victory channel thank you and i didn't i did not see this coming with flashpoint you understand that and so many people mario have come up to me and said well you you know does this mean you're not interested in revival because now you're talking politics all the time and i said no you don't understand this is revival [Laughter] this is revival so you it may not have come the way you thought and it may not be the minister you thought it was going to be but the end result is we're here to see another great awakening so where do i see flashpoint from here i don't know i know this i know i'm along for the ride just like you gentlemen are and everybody else here but here's the thing i do know all of this has a um has a foundation of faith that reaches for the absolute supernatural evolution of who jesus is in this nation and if we don't i feel like i'm got a little mario on me [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we have got we have got this is and i got a lot of this for mario so i give him credit right now we have got to be able to we've got to start putting away the silliness when i say we i'm talking about the church i'm talking about believers i'm talking about us in a roaring deafening sound of silence rolled through the arena we have got if we're going to see jesus manifest a great awakening in this nation we have to be ready to go with it and the reality is a lot of us are still too concerned about what that other group did or what we're dead or maybe if i'm a pastor building my own church group because i want to i want to have a bigger church or a mega church have you noticed the the luster of being a mega church pastor has kind of waned in the past few months is it god got a problem with mega churches no absolutely not but what's your motivation to be a mega church pastor what's your motivation as a believer what's your motivation as a word of faith believer i better go sit down ladies and gentlemen it is time for the chu i love that sami rodriguez said this probably a year ago and i think it really encapsulates where we're at you know we i'll try to not mess this one up we've been waiting for god to pour out on us and he's been waiting for the church to rise up and i think that is where we're at and that is flashpoint's job to rise up and encourage the body to stand up and be who you're supposed to be be who you're supposed to be pastor hank you know i i just think that's a profound question where is flashpoint heading when we got the call from you that september we had no idea that this would even be part of it all we wanted to do is what's in your heart we wanted to fight for god fight for his church and fight for this country and so i think that's where flashpoint the future of it is is is in the fact that we're going to continue to fight for god we're going to fight for the church and we're going to fight for this country and i think there's going to be more meetings like this they're going to rise around the united states to empower the people i really think that's the future and if you look at zechariah chapter one there were four horns that scattered or tried to divide or fray the people and god's answer to these powerful demonic horns that you talked about that use people that don't have good common sense they don't even realize a lot of times is he raised up watch for carpenters i believe the reason why people are drawn to the flash point four is because it's not about personality it's about the anointing and what god has done with these four are like zechariah 1 carpenters that are rebuilding and you have linked your faith in your agreement god works by agreement so does the devil it's why this has to continue flashpoint and i thank god for brother copeland pastor george and terry that has given us this opportunity because it's helping to rebuild the nation like those four carpenters and i believe that's the future as this continues to get restored in the united states it's going to get a little ugly because think about it and i've said this for years the prophets of baal cut themselves i said that back in uh december of 2020. in other words they've self-inflicted their own wounds and they don't realize they're bleeding and we're about to see just how bad they've self-inflicted themselves it's going to be ugly and it has to happen because righteousness and justice of god are going to kiss and it's going to manifest in the great corruption that is going to continue to be exposed so we got to keep addressing it yeah wow time's really flown by pastor hank i i really want you to stand up walk here and uh lead us in prayer over the nation before we go to the next place father we thank you for the united states of america we thank you for every person that is standing and i hear the spirit of the lord say do you hear the sound of my feet that is walking among the earth at this time and is even walking among this nation at this time yes things shall heat up in the natural and this has been and shall be a sign but do not be moved by record heat do not be moved by the fires as things begin to heat up as i put my thumb upon things that must be exposed to reveal that the deception does not rule in your land but the spirit of truth and with the spirit of truth is the spirit of liberty my spirit that brings liberty and i shall bring the sound of freedom and liberty once again to this nation for you have seen what would destroy a land but i will show you in my promise to you and to those who entered into covenant years and decades ago that i will bring restoration says the living god to this land therefore pay attention to the sound of the liberty bell of what i shall shake in the states that they called battleground i will show this nation the truth and i will show the evidence listen to the sound of the liberty bell that will ring from philadelphia and watch as this sound of liberty begins to bring great resets reversals and shall bring even some things to a place of chaos i will not only do it with the united states but keep your eyes upon brazil venezuela keep your eyes even upon cuba for god says as you see these things begin to be shaken the shackles that have bound up for centuries nations i'm setting them free and this is the new season and the new era that i speak of now father let that grace let that anointing be released now upon the united states of america that breaks every yoke of bondage that it does undoes every heavy burden and we speak the fire of god to expose and to bring to justice those who have refused to repent let it begin strengthen your people encourage your people and god bless the united states of america so the word of the lord is that there is a voice coming to you right now in proximity there is power the reason why we had to be together the reason why we had to physically come together for this meeting is because when they were assembled together with one mind and one accord in one place the anointing was drawn into the vacuum they created for god's presence to show up god is doing that in the midst of us in our new relationships god is forming new relationships in the body of christ there will be those who won't be part of the new thing don't let that cause you to stumble you are called to go up the mountain i'm hearing the lord say that he is literally coming to meet with us he's coming down and we're going up he's meeting with us on the mountain and he's calling us set yourself apart because the spirit of the lord is about to set apart and commission new voices with new authority to cast out devils they are not only in people there in institutions satan has been able to occupy high places for too long and the finger of god is the instrumentality of that deliverance if i by the finger of god cast out devils no doubt the kingdom has come nigh why the warfare because the kingdom of god is advancing and becoming manifest so embrace it and celebrate it because of the very things you think are wrong god is actually bringing us an answer to your prayers amen okay mario i told you last night this i felt this was what you were supposed to do please you know i wonder if everyone would just stand for a moment and i want you to act like your foot is on the devil's neck right now [Applause] [Music] as you have watched all of us together there's been no ego no self-promotion no desire to outdo each other or to compete because we four are dead to self in the most practical and meaningful way you can be and with a few moments that i have because i the last thing on earth i would want to do is get a preacher's fever on me that has no anointing that would go over like a pregnant pole vaulter [Laughter] [Applause] i thought i would bring some olympic humor in [Applause] i want you to imagine for just a moment a tent filled with lost souls wheelchairs over here cancer people with the aids virus even killers because we had one night where everything i just described was there at one time in our tent a young man who had been targeted by a gang they greenlighted him when he was in prison and when he got out they came to get him and he met them on the street and instead of them killing him he shot and killed two of them and it so horrified him that he stood outside our tent wanting to find god now he knows his wife family and kids are all a target what do you do when you know that's out there how do you preach what do you say well i want all of you to listen to me for a moment the greatest message mankind has ever heard the message that heals racism the message that gets rid of suicide the one that gets rid of hate is not from the church of oprah it is from the word of god and the gospel of jesus christ it's the best message look at me sexism racism whatever it heals it so in closing i want the fire and the power of god to fall on this crowd i want the anointing to come so thickly and deeply and undeniably that we will never forget it but i'm going to make an appeal one i've never backed down from however god designed it for you to hear me i've never believed in my life that anyone ever heard me preach by accident you may be finding this on social media it may have come up on your television and you don't know why but wouldn't it be amazing if from this arena and this flashpoint and this wonderful event with kenneth copeland would end up being the flashpoint of revival for the united states of america so every revival every message every gospel sermon that was ever anointed began with one word repent when jesus began his ministry he said repent for the kingdom of god is at hand what you repent of is between you and god it may be that you have not been preaching the truth in your pulpit but have been trying to market something it may be that you are right now a single bomb with not even an idea of how you're going to take care of your children and every day you live in the inner city and you hear gunfire and you have to go to work and leave a child in daycare and have no idea if that child is even safe people are living in hells and in hellish experiences that we've never imagined in american history and so god is saying now give me your life give me your circumstance give me your situation and i will turn you into living proof of the power of god so wherever you are listening to me i want you to say this and i realize now that you know you don't want to just repeat this you've got to believe it but i want you to just listen to it it goes like this you say god i understand that i am hopeless and helpless without you and i ask you to reveal your truth to me the truth of christ the living son of god and bring to me god the greatest gift of all the gift mentioned in second timothy one the gift of repentance the ability to come to my senses and do what's right i don't want to hit my wife anymore i don't want a needle in my arm anymore i don't want death in me anymore i want the truth and the power and the miracle of christ and father in the name of jesus now let this truth come out right here healing all over this arena i want you to understand why miracles are going to break out in the churches why are miracles going to break out everywhere because america is beyond words a spirit has possessed our nation a demonic power a blanket of deception that cannot be broken by debate philosophy word smithing it can only be broken by the anointing and the power of the holy spirit and that's why peter said these words lord behold their threat and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may preach your word while you stretch out your hand to heal and let signs and wonders be done in the name of your holy child jesus pray in the language of the holy spirit let everyone pray out loud wherever you are let me hear you let that language rise as cancer vanishes as disease goes away as every act of evil every touch of the enemy is broken by the anointing of christ let power flow right now healing is flowing in people's bodies in their necks their hearts their spine liver kidneys diseases of every sort are being healed by the power of god would you agree with me in prayer that this anointing of healing will spread to all of america and even the world that those who are watching from wherever they are watching will feel the hand in the power of god you will get up out of that wheelchair you will see where those blind eyes that are open deaf ears unstopped tumors that are falling off that power flow now raise your voice even louder raise your voice even louder louder for the glory and the magnificence of the power of almighty god be done in the name of jesus i wonder i wonder if we can let a shout rise out of us so [Applause] so pastor george i i wanted you to come up here because i don't thank you mario i don't think we're done um and i want you i believe you're supposed to pray over people but here's what i want to do these altars are open if you're ready you know we've talked about the revelation of the remnant we've talked about standing up in a sea of people that are sitting down if you're ready to make a commitment and i'm not talking about just getting saved if you want to get saved and come on down but i'm talking about you're ready to make a commitment to go further go higher reach further reach higher stand a little taller i want you to come down and stand at this altar and pastor george is going to pray over you in just the final moments that we have so i want to open the altars up right now if you want to make a proclamation in this great body of believers in this room and those watching around the world come on down there just file in here this is not a line you're making a statement that you're saying pastor george i am i am going to go deeper i'm going to go further i'm going to go to that next place whatever that is i'm open feel free if you need to kneel this is between you and god look at them coming and ladies and gentlemen those of you watching on television there's a prayer line there's a phone number there on your screen [Music] there are prayer 877-281-6297 there as so many here are filling this altar there's someone there to pray with you [Music] wow what a force gentleman in the room tonight look at these people look at these souls this is a real deal you heard from general copeland and you heard from general flynn the call to arms this is where we're at as this nation this is where we're at as a body of believers this is where we're at is word of faith presbyterian baptist whatever you are this is where we're at as a nation pastor george i'll turn it to you thank you lord thank you lord whatever it is whatever is going on in your life whatever is taking place you need to know first of all how faithful our god is he's got plans and thoughts for you for good he's going to take care of this if you'll give him your heart completely trust him trust him with all of your heart he will take you to the place that you need to be there is a plan there is a planner and he's got everything working on your behalf father in the name of jesus i pray over everyone who's at this altar today and lord we're here we're here to repent to you whatever it is that needs to be changed in our lives we receive that change father i thank you for those that have come here for healing you are the healer you are the deliverer jesus bore our sickness and disease and by his stripes we are healed father for those that are going through situations in their family that you're bringing families back together again you're healing families you are healing lives for those that need prayer over their children lord we lift them up to you right now in the name of jesus and we thank you they're coming home they're coming home they're returning home to you for those who have come with heavy burden where our nation is concerned you need to know right now that god is in the midst of all of this and there's a mighty awakening and everything is going to be all right everything is going to be all right for those that need to be saved all you have to do is cry out to him and say i want jesus to be my lord and savior say this after me in the name of jesus iris everybody i receive jesus as my lord and my savior thank you father for filling me with your holy spirit and i will pray in another tongue as the spirit gives me utterance let's pray in the spirit right now together horizon [Music] foreign let us therefore come boldly under the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find find grace to help in time of need it says in the amplified translation let us fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace the throne of god's favor that we may receive mercy for our failures find grace to help in good time for every need appropriate help well-timed hope coming just when we need it if you need help right now just lift your hand to the lord he's got it for you he's got all the help that you need he's got everything for you he is the provider he is the supplier he is the deliverer he is the leader and the holy spirit lives big on the inside of you right now father we receive we receive re-receive david if you could play and sing the glory is here the glory is here the glory the glory the glory is here list your hands to the lord thank you [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] the glory is here the presence of god heavy with everything good is here so let the glory fall on you right now let the glory fall on this section right here right now let the heaviness and the weightiness of god's glory fall on you this group of people right here let the glory of the lord just fall upon you right now let his presence come down let the presence of god just come down on you right now let the presence fall let the presence fall let the glory fall let the glory of the lord fall upon us right now reach out and receive [Music] [Music] amen thank you for coming tonight you've seen you've been inspired you've been motivated i know you've been commissioned you've been activated so much more so much more to happen we're going to go out tonight for the final prayer david ellis battle him of the republic [Music] to sing the glory [Music] love is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can read his righteous sentence oh of jesus [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] what a night before we go would you let these gentlemen know how much you appreciate them being here fleshpoint live all right programming note before i turn this over to pastor george remember tuesday and thursday 5 30 central right here in the arena that's 6 30 eastern time yes it's going to be on television we'll be live here so much more dutch sheets will join us here tuesday night uh and so all right pastor george so first of all thank you gene for all that you've done all this hard work that you've done for all of the flash point and then the the fantastic four here no excuse me the the flash point four here give them a great hand everybody wow now tomorrow morning prayer starts pre-service prayer begins at what time does pre-service 8 30 8 30 tomorrow morning and then we launch off into a week of the amazing word of god being deposited at the southwest believers convention so as we prepare to go or did you need to make an announcement he's up to you after me he's after me okay as we go remember this god loves you we love you and jesus is lord hallelujah come on kurt
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 57,629
Rating: 4.903502 out of 5
Id: G2O3EfxmWf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 35sec (9335 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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