Diving from a private Boat - setup and thing to keep in mind.

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hi again from windows space explorers so as you see we sit on a boat so it could be also ahem from american runabouts and for me that's great because in this video i'll combine my two passions styling and boating because i had a few requests where people said hey in some of your videos you mentioned that you're diving from a private boat and can you talk a little bit about how to outfit and prepare a private boat for diving and we already did that in the american runabouts workshop and it came out super nice at least that's what we thought and then we figured that the sd card was corrupted and we couldn't use it so now in amsterdam on this itc as you probably heard now a couple of times and we sit on the dive board from the dive shop and we'll go through this again so the first thing that is super important for me is whatever i tell you here is my way of doing it so that's very very personal and it is not correct or better or right or whatever that's my way of doing it it works for me it might be horrible for you it might be good for you but it's not not advised in any case it's just that's my way of doing it you ask me that's the answer the next thing i want to point out is there's completely different rules all around the world world when it comes to voting so be 100 sure that you follow all regulations and rules that apply for the era you are in boating and diving from private boats there's a couple of countries where you can get in deep deep deep trouble for that croatia for example one of them and let's wait till this motorbike's gone um for example my boat's registered in germany so it obviously fulfills all the german requirements but there's still a difference if i drive with that boat in germany or in italy which i do a lot of times as well so for example i have to bring a couple of items on the boat that are not required in germany but that are required in italy if i don't have them on board i may get in trouble like a certain life ring life vest line whatever which in italy for example you have to have almost every size bowl in germany you only have to have it from a certain size on just as a remark the other thing is please stay away from the obvious things like nature zones protected zones etc etc which also can bring you into legal trouble and can be super expensive thinking of for example mallorca in spain when they catch you anchoring in the no anchor zone or in a nature reserve this will be more expensive than buying a new boat okay that's the ugly side of that now let's talk about boats there is no definite answer to that um it really depends what you have if we talk about a four meter inflatable with a rigid bottom and a 15 horsepower engine on it or if we talk about an eight meter weekender that you occasionally want to dive from so that's a huge difference so what i did in the past couple of years is i had a 5 meter 30 center console fiberglass boat with a 40 horsepower engine that i used for a lot of work buoy service work diving etc on the lakes and then i also took on vacation as a family boat and that i used for diving in that was awesome first of all it was a workhorse so it didn't matter if there's a scratch in it if there's a little dent in it or whatever because it was a workboard so that was perfect it had tons of space for five meters i could throw in all my dive gear we've been actually diving from this goal with four people in technical setup rebreathers and stages which was not super comfortable but it was doable but as a pleasure boat for the family talking about pleasure boats um as a pleasure boat for the family it kind of sucked because it didn't provide any space to sit down to lay down to whatever i mean sunbathing for the wife was not a real option the kids loved it because they could jump off and on didn't care if they put water in the boat or whatever but yeah not the best setup ever as a combination as a dive board great the other thing i often use is a bayliner 2250 cobra this is a super nice boat um great weekender small cabin et cetera et cetera lots of space for family lots of fun but not ideal for diving so i use it for diving but it's just me and my wife sometimes my kids whatever but it's a recreational thing so it's the complete wrong bowl to put a double 12 in two stages and jump off i mean it's theoretically possible if you go solo which you obviously don't do um i've been diving from that was a rebreather yeah cool all good um it's also great for some recreational stuff but it's not really feasible as a dive boat so that's probably two pretty extreme uh examples so what do you have to to have in mind when we talk about these things the first thing is how to get in the water how to get out of the water in is usually relatively simple you just jump in out of the water on a lot of these classical pleasure boats can be a real pain in the butt because usually these bathing ladders are not made to carry a person in scuba gear and usually they're very short so you're like this and then you have to pull yourself up which either breaks your back or the leather out of the fiberglass no no good options there so what i did on the console board obviously is i had a reinforced plate and i had a christmas tree ladder an extended one which even survived me in a double 12 going up there not ideal but reasonable on the bay liner for example that's simply not possible i can't get a proper letter on there i mean i can but then i kind of ruined the boat also from the look so what i do in that case is i have a proper rigging point like a good cleat or something like that and i put a line in the water with a couple of metal rings and obviously i can jump in from the bathing platform that's not a problem at all and when i come back to the board i take off my gear and i clip it in there and then i go out of the water and when i'm standing on the bathing platform i take my gear out of the water which works pretty nice then i have a proper big bin where i throw all my wet stuff in and then that's fine but obviously that works for one or two people and not for a group the next thing you have to think about is where do you store your tanks i mean if you look at the dive boat here you obviously have um that center uh rig where you can that's stainless steel that's that's made for that you put the probably don't hear me now anymore because the microphone is pointing away from me um so that's made for that you put the tanks there nothing can break they get strapped down that's all perfect so on your private board you normally don't have these options so what you have to do is you have to lay down your tanks and make sure they're not rolling back and forth and first of all don't hurt anybody and also don't damage the boat the other thing is if you dive from a smaller boat um the weight of the tanks and your dive gear may affect the performance of the boat so if it comes into glide or if it just flows through the water so um yeah that there's no recommendation i mean you have to figure it out it depends on the boat on the construction of the boat on the space of the boat that you have back forward etc the size of engine the possibilities to trim the engine the prop that you drive you have to figure it out but it's something you definitely have to take into consideration and you have to make sure that this is all safe um yeah anchoring and sorry anchoring in shotline that's two topics that are really important so with the private boat you probably don't go to super deep spots because on that private boat depending on the size you probably don't have a hundred meter shot light on the board plus the chain plus the proper weight etc so like in my opinion you will be limited to a certain depth range of course again depending on the board and how many people and what gear etc but that's something that you definitely have to have a look on and then regarding anchoring i mean i'm not i'm not going to explain now how to anchor a boat in a proper way that's a bit off topic but definitely you need to set before see if you're allowed to anchor there and if you are allowed to anchor there you don't want to damage a dive site with your ink as a dance droid on a wreck or something like this for example a little aircraft breaking elba that we dive frequently and every year see some idiots throwing the anchor on that pre-fragile aluminium aircraft rack so obviously you want to anchor off the wreck and then swim through the rack so that's the the the things that you're kind of responsible when you are diving from your own boat i generally prefer to dive from a short line regarding short line there is a video on this channel where i explain a little bit the short line and especially how to get the short line up in an easy very uh very nice way and i put the link to that video in the description so you can check that out um cameraman what what am i missing i think we're pretty good so far other than uh having a great time and enjoying boating enjoying diving yeah i'm oh yeah uh saunas that that's that's an important one how to find your dive spot and actually there was somebody asking specifically about that a couple of years ago i had a real side skin sonar long cable tow fish had to be plugged in in a computer et cetera et cetera et cetera which was a nightmare i mean i ran into trouble troubling this thing a couple of times because it looked like a like a rocket um and the other thing is heavy cable it was pretty big in a pain in the butt to use we had to tow it with the board at a very small um speed uh very low speed and i finally sold this thing was super happy when it left the house so obviously as all our technical stuff increases and gets better and better and better there is fish finders uh on the market that have the so-called chip technology that deliver pretty decent three-dimensional images of the bottom almost like a black and white picture and they are pretty pretty pretty good um for what the average diver needs to find the proper dives but i found quite a few racks with this thing and i'll put a link to the one that i use in the description so you can check it out and they are expensive but they're super cheap when you compare them to a proper side scan sonar like expedition range the thing that i used was new almost 80 grand i still paid a fortune for it when i sold it when i bought it second hand and when i when i sold it i lost a ton of money and the thing that i use now on the board which delivers super nice results i think was less than 2 grand so that's pretty reasonable for what you get and you check it out there's different different versions and they have uh they're ones that are good for deeper spots and good for shallower ones and obviously the more money you put on the table the more possibilities you have um to fine tune that for your personal needs other than that let me know if you have questions if you need more information put it in the comment section and i'll take care of that thanks for watching there's more people coming so we have to stop the video anyway because it's gonna get noisy stay safe and i'll see you next week
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 3,411
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: boatdiving, diving from boat, diveboat, diving, scubadiving, achim schloeffel, ise, innerspace explorers, dive training, how to set up a boat for diving
Id: Z68dc6WTIAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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