The ISE Oxygen Rebreather Program

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my name is Akash Laughlin from inner space explorers and I would like to introduce you today to the new icy oxygen rebreather program and I would like to explain you a little bit why we choose to have this program in inner space explorers and a little bit of benefits using one of these machines actually afterwards were to when recreational diving became a public sport so to speak um people had a choice fifty percent of them could go towards the hans house type of diving which meant oxygen rebreathers while the others went to the good stool way of diving which was the so-called aqua lung which we know today as scuba gear over the years the scuba gear was further developed and today is the standard in recreational diving was the oxygen rebreathers basically disappeared one of the reasons is that there is a certain limitation in depth and on the other hand there have been a couple of really bad accidents as in these early days people didn't know about the dangers of using pure oxygen all of this is obviously history today we know and unfortunately these units have been disappeared they are only used by the militaries for scientific divers for special purposes and I have been using oxygen rebreathers personally for a very long time because I tend to die from kayaks to do photo work to work with cameras and to go to remote dive sites and diving from kayak this classical scuba gear is hard because heavy it's bulky and it creates all kind of issues why is the small oxygen will be there concede here is really handy unit it gives you a lot of bottom time with a very small tank and by just taking another 1.5 liter tank gives you another three hours of bottom time so what are the type of divers that we are aiming for when we develop the program I personally thought a lot about female divers because when I talk to women all over the world that are into recreational diving then I hear a lot the same story which is I love to dive but I don't want to go deep if I go deep um there is no life that I'm interested in that I want to stay shallow enjoy fish and reef life and I have an issue is the weight of the scuba gear so that's the perfect unit for this type of divers it's like oil it is good to be typed in the 10 meter range and actually you become a fish amongst fish which means you get closer to marine life and you could ever do with conventional scuba another point is elderly people that are fit to dive but again don't want to deal with heavy scuba gear perfect unit and of course for photographers for video filmers and for people who simply want to enjoy nature so this one's ready to dive and I would like to show you how we prepare it so let's prepare another unit step by step and I'll show you how easy it is you you okay now let's see how we assemble it and see how easy it is to get this thing ready to die and the first thing we use is the kuduro cover that is housing basically all the rebreather parts and protects them the next thing we need is a counterweight for some of the heavier parts is a little piece of left that goes in here before we continue with the counterlung itself counterlung itself here we have it is the heart of the rebreather so to speak and now we fill that in there so as you realize there's no screws or or big hardware parts it's all very simple very intuitive and therefore very lightweight easy to assemble so now you see the counterlung as in there straps goes through here and then we're basically done so when we need inside the counterlung is something we call a drill pad and then that's just this little piece here that collects moisture in the counterlung and prevents this moisture from going into lime canister so it's easily installed in here and we are already ready to put the lion canister in that comes here it's already filled nice piece and the special thing about this rebreather is that the lime canister is inside the counterlung so it's in there we actually put the sealing in place again no tools needed and we're ready with that so now we need to cover for this goes on here make sure everything's nice and clean one Center screw screw it down and we're ready so now as the rebreather basically is assembled we need to get gas in this therefore we need a first stage and this is the first stage with the inlet not the inlet is like a regular BCD inflator so it goes through here actually here you see the connector goes on there's an SPG and it is installed alright next thing we need is the breathing loop here's the breathing loop just the mouthpiece just through here screwed on I'm go through here screwed on and we're ready so now we can close it all right so now we're missing some gas so we need to tank the dose underneath here wrong one the tank it's a 1.5 liter medium tank let me put here and attach to the first stage just secure it with those straps here thank secured put the vertical cover on top and our nice little unit disassembled and ready to dye it so the only thing missing now is basically the check it we're going to touch it not really the check it where I can attach it and I'm ready to dive I'm your ham and I like this unit because it's very easy to transport this unit to areas which are not accessible by car very easily and it's more easy to transport a unit with about nine kilos than a regular type tank with weights and all you need my name is Spiros this unit is really excellent normally you know you do not need much space to to carry you can have it in your diving gear bug additionally the dive ball you do not need again so much space as the noble scuba unit it is very lightweight I like this very much especially when I want to fast get in the water my name is Maria and I'm a keen CTR diver maybe I use a projector for diving because milk crates more safely but I love him for more reasons especially for the you silence underwater beautiful when you come really close to the fish and there's absolutely nothing around you and the buoyancy when you're new to on a rebreather you're really applying and and the oxygen rebreather it's all of that but also it's just so much more easier because it weighs nothing I mean I go in the water with this it's a tiny little front on to think tiny little tank and that's it and I'm ready to go so it's easy doesn't weigh anything I hate to use the weight fall but it makes a difference it's just really nice and then underwater photographer is really important for me to get those to the aquatic marine life underwater really like and do so because I make no sound at all I'm totally in stealth mode with oxygen rebreather I do not even have a sauna light frying and it's really lightweight it's really easy to drive and even carry my hand luggage on the flight it's only made to shallow diving but in shallow water where you have all the fish and the good colors the rebreather to me is perfect when I take pictures you
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 13,072
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: sauerstoffkreislauf, oxygen rebreather, rebreather, diving, scuba diving, tauchen, technical diving, achim schloeffel
Id: R9qO7oeiIpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2013
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