ISE & Rebreathers - The KISS Classic

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- fluffily not space explorers as I was asked repetitively especially by my patrons to come up with the video about the case and I see in rebreathers in general here we are before I go to the details of the case and why I dive the kiss the way I do it I would like to cover the question on ice Ian rebreathers because there's a bit of history and I mean everybody knowing my background I've been crucified burned and slaughtered for for diving rebreathers at all and I'm diving rebreathers basically for more than 30 years but in my dear are background that was always no no no go because rebreathers are left full and they kill you and it's not here or in its blah blah blah blah blah I nevertheless did it it's an individual decision I am still my own master so I never let anybody else tell me what do or not what not to do and so UK you can see this development when rebreathers are no no ago suddenly well maybe a piece they are can be can be used and that's how it all started and then when you look at the the PC R&D in the old days then you clearly realized that the PCR was not used as a rebreather it was used as a gas extension tool and obviously it has a lot less capabilities then a real CCR has and it was used in mixed teams so the way it was used back then made a lot of sense so basically you took her set of doubles separated the tanks put the PCR in the middle and you basically still used the configuration that you used before in your in your set of doubles so you still had your long hauls you still had your necklace so it was basically the same thing you just had an additional oscillation valve and you had the two chicken valves on the switch block and all of this but generally it was still the same concept on the other hand the PCR just extends the usability of the gas that you have in your tanks by a certain ratio want to add one to ten whatever set of Cana lungs you use or bellows you use so then came and they're still rebreathers were still mmm not good and then when I when I started in a space explorers and I started with rebreathers in the organization we were obviously playing around because I always wanted to stay open-minded see what is there what what is good what is not good and you can only figure that out if you if you test and you play around and so my origin so to speak moved in a different direction and suddenly from rebreathers are not good satanic stuff suddenly switch to ECC are in a peace kind of peace your configuration which I never figured out and which should not be the topic of this video because for me it simply doesn't make any sense but that might be me it's probably good video for all the haters anyway so when you look at a CCR like the kiss here and you probably also noticed at least but we played around with ECC ours so we played mr. prison for a while and and dropped it because we just figured for the philosophy the D our philosophy from what I see stands for it has to be a manual CCR and the reason and I just quickly want to cover that I think there's another video on the channel where I'm actually talking about this the reason for that is that ccr basically takes information makes a decision based on that information and then acts and so first of all you as a diver have to monitor what the unit's doing you have to realize if it makes a mistake and if it makes something that's not good it forces you to react at that moment so just to give an example solenoid failure I mean if you have a stock solenoid at depth you have to act right now and usually remember Murphy it's the moment where this is not good on an MCC arm the information is also provided but it's provided to you so you read okay that's my status of my of my gear and then you make a decision and if something goes wrong you normally have time to react so there is no solenoid that can get stuck so but if I realize my Pugh my po2 stropping I need to press the button but if I'm engaged in whatever problem is my partner it doesn't matter what it is I know that I still have a certain amount of minutes where my po2 doesn't drop into a critical in into a critical status so I have time which in my opinion is a huge benefit and adds a lot of safety and it forces me to think about what I'm doing it forces me to think about my dive to plan my life and to be aware and alert all the time which on an ECC are people are lazy it works it works the first time the first 10 dives the first 100 dives and at some point you rely on it and that's usually when the trouble starts because your awareness just dropping because hours cool machine it's doing everything by itself so we are let it go and yeah so that's the reason why we went to the MCC our so normally when people see me driving the kiss the first question I always receive is are you a dear our guy why do you not dive it with two Dillon bottles connected on the back like a classical piece they are configurations so for those of you are not really into this when you when you look at the kiss here I have my pillow and I have my oxygen and this the configuration I'm talking about would be two tanks here that are connected by manifold they would both contain diluent and then there would be a separate oxygen bottle somewhere else so when the questions always why are you not doing this that's dir well first of all when do I dive a rebreather I dive a rebreather when I need it I mean forget about training dives and stuff like that but we talk real dives I used a rebreather on a dive that I cannot do or a circuit or that would not make any sense to you know pro circuit therefore I'm obviously not diving rebreather and a mixed team I mean people are doing that but but looking at the rebreather as a concept why would I dive a rebreather on a dive with a guy open circuit first of all it would limit my time because he would be limited he would limit myself by his his limited source of gas he would suffer from a couple of other topics like cold gas dry gas and so on I mean all the classical stuff I don't want to want to cover now when we talked about rebreathers versus open circuit but if I need the rebreather on that dive obviously the other guy would need it as well so we're not talking mixed teams so being in a rebreather team the classical out of guessed scenario usually it's not gonna happen I mean how should a rebreather diver go out of gas it's it's a little bit like the side mount diver was too independent cylinders I mean how do you want to get out of gas you lost one tank and then you continued on on that single tank it's stupid same thing here I mean even if one of those all bottles is running out of gas for whatever reason this o-ring bursting whatever modern thing fine it's gone but I still carry Bella like I have to carry bailout for myself in case I have an issue with my rebreather so so what we teach the significant thing is being out of rebreather not being out of out of gas so being out of rebreather in is also like I'm losing their the gas that's connected to my rebreather I just I mean it's it's a it's a very small amount anyway so but lots of free Bri that would be co2 break through a flooding of the rebreather ruptured hose and the flooding because of this something like that so obviously the CCR gives me tons of opportunities I can grab a mouthful of gas so to speak from another diver from a tank of another diver but in the first place I can take it for myself I have the opportunity to plug in different gas sources through this hose which goes on the gentleman's side and as I have to carry bailout for myself in case something happens with the rebreather so I can make it from the deepest point of my dive up to the first decompression stop and then do my decompression open-circuit I'm carrying all kinds of gases anyway which I can plug into my rebreather in case I just lost one of those gases or both of those gases but the rebreather is still working so I definitely don't need a other guy another diver coming and giving me his long hauls gas sauce whatever if I have a rebreather issue so the rebreathers flooded I still don't need the other diver because I'm carrying my bailout so instead of a lot of gas or whatever I just I mean first of all I have the bov so I flip this I can go to my diluent on the back or if I'm locked in here I go to the tank that's plugged in directly and then I can switch to that to the tank and there's a regulator and I'm just it and I'm calling the dive and I'm going up because that's what I'm carrying my bailout for so all this this scenario that calls for long hauls and a necklace and and this there's lots of diluent gas on my back it's just not there anymore so that makes the configuration obsolete and that's the reason why we dive the case in its original setup I have these two two liter tanks so two times two liter tanks to make this more clear and so my oxygen side the gas comes up in these yellow hoses the yellow doesn't have to do anything was like marking or so I just for myself have my oxygen tanks and this bright yellow because they were laying around there's no no guests marking with colors or something like that or don't don't jump on that so that's my manual oxygen injection at the same time there's a constant flow of 0.7 liters that's going through here and if I press that I like to override that and push oxygen in manually I have my SPG for that right tank and so the gas goes then back in here and goes back here in the head it's not the point so on the second side I have my diluent coming up here and that goes into this block here and there distributes the one goes in the rebreather one goes to my BOV one goes to my inflator there's also an SPG again and then I have this holes where I can feed in other gas to this to this block so for example I'm let's say I'm at 21 meters and I want to raise my po2 for decompression and I have let's say a 1080 in the back so obviously I fear Attica Lee can raise my po2 to 1.5 forever 1.4 whatever plan you're following but that's kind of uncomfortable having a diluent was 10 1080 so if I for example plug in at 21:35 for plucking a 50s or more oxygen-rich gas it's much easier to maintain that and obviously if I close my Dylan and I plug in the gas here I also have it on my on my bu V so if I have an issue and I flip it I'm not on a two liter tank I'm on an 80 cubic feet or whatever I use that's hanging on my side so that's the inlet for that yeah what else as you can see the the configuration itself looks pretty much like a set doubles it's a backplate and a wing I mean everything's there like you used to so also the question people are asking you can see this butt plate here that you know from side mount diving a lot of people ask me what's this about so a lot of kiss divers actually use a long back plate because the the unit is relatively short so and if you're a bit taller it actually can create a bit of back pain I never liked the long back plate so I used this spot plate which helps me actually to distribute it a little bit better on on my back and at the same time I sometimes side mount my my bail out things and actually I'm pretty sure I did a video on that because for example in training dives where there is open circuit people in the water and I want to be able to donate gasps I have a bail out on my left side which it's a 40 cubic feet with a necklace so I have a bail out for myself so it's no DQ gasses in Wolfe we talk training dive six meters of water ten meters of water something like that and I have a second 40 cubic feet side mounted on my right side with a 1 meter so in case this open-circuit diver swims by and hot off gas I can just pull the regulator give it to him and then I can unclip that tank and give it to him in case he's able to handle that otherwise he can stay with me and we can do our 5 meters and or whatever but that's just in a in a very very special scenario and that's one of the reasons why I carry the spud plate because it makes it easy for me to side mount these things obviously I can all just use two stages but that's the way I'm doing it yeah otherwise it's not that much to say the question basically was why do you drive the rear the rebreather in this configuration I hope I answered that question if you have any questions comments whatever please on comment in the comment section of this video and I will try to cover it in basic words if you want to go more into detail check out our patron page because that's where we have the real discussions going on in depth in detail and yeah thank you for watching if you've not subscribed yet please do so also check out our Facebook site and as see you next Friday thank you
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 13,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ise, Innerspace Explorers, achim schloeffel, scuba diving, technical diving, rebreather diving, KISS rebrerather, Rebreather, rebreather tauchen, technisches tauchen, rebreather configuration, rebreather setup, padi, ssi, tdi, iantd, gue, utd, dir, dir diving, equipment configuration
Id: gXkkDobV7_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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