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i bet you thought it was never gonna happen i bet you thought that i was never gonna do it again bed was yeah you guys you failed to get eight thousand likes the last video but i i took pity on you okay and i said you know what i'll do another one oh in this video we're gonna be doing anything simple no no when we put some 200 iq plays into place we'll prove we are the smartest bedwars player out there we're gonna be doing some crazy trolls on people it's it's gonna be perfect also look at that 246 stars you know if you get 10 000 likes this video i will get to 300 stars and make a video on it all right but but only if you get to 10 000 likes which you know what i don't think you guys can do it so i may never get to 300 stars so to find the perfect people to troll we're going to first need to go to the place that all the noobs going that's that's four v4s yeah the noobs don't really go in solos because they they can't win on their own okay they need teammates well my goodness it's dream oh wow okay it's not really so we're going for v4s and we're going to find some noobs but before we get into that we've got a sponsor you know times are hard i've got a family to feed okay well it's not like that anyway thank you very much to uh core games for uh for sponsoring this video so core is an online platform that has loads of games online that you can play and not only can you play games on it which everybody likes to do you can use it to create games too which is normally quite a complicated thing but core makes it so much easier it's got thousands of free songs sounds and art assets that you can use as well and because the game's already there are made by gamers like you have made there's lots of crazy things that you can play and there's brand new ones added every single day like you can race people as a marble escape giant spider attacks that one's giving me nightmares or explore medieval lands so as i said core is completely free so make sure to go and check them out the links in description you won't be disappointed all right guys for some reason we only have one teammate i don't know what and he's already fallen in the void great work luik um yeah i'm extending my strategy guys i've stepped it up a bit this is gonna be even better now that they're coming now you think i just let him come across but watch this that's one down he just walked off all right i don't know if the other one's gonna try it let's go like this there we go all right i got this don't you worry mate look at repairing the bridge like it's somewhat important i don't think any more are going to come across but the first one just walks straight off okay i'm being chased for my life now what will sb do in this situation simple it's it works every time bedrock's players are just stupid i'm gonna have to go and save my teammate come on then teammate it's all right don't panic oh is he dead yeah he's dead okay get out of here you think you just take out my my brethren okay it's just me on my own now not really anyone to distract me um yeah where's all the gold did he put in his under chest already [Music] did i get him yes i got him beautiful a beautiful little troll there i i didn't have time you see at this point i'm i'm still initiating the next troll but um yeah they went are blue's going for me do you reckon give me the portal no no no no no no no i have so many portals no are you kidding me okay while two of the reds attack our team i'm gonna go to their base and give them a nasty surprise okay if we can actually get that i might just need to take out this guy on the way whoa what on earth where did you fly from oh it's blue he wants my blood yeah i'm definitely gonna rage in today's bed was video okay now this is what's supposed to happen okay so we we go like this okay there we go portal for it there we go beautiful okay and they're like oh we got to stop him we got to stop him okay well we make another one there we go i'm like oh we got to stop him we got to stop him he's like well let's make another one there we go all right and now we're at the top of this this beautiful castle and i don't know what's going on come and get me boys come and get me and then okay i was gonna say then my teammate yes yellow comes in whilst they're all distracted that's it come and get me guys i i live on your base now i think our base is okay yeah we've got it we've got a good defender the greens they just don't know what to do look at this guy he's like look i've i've gone up the stairs oh you i don't see you no squishy bug i don't see you at all there you go just build that oh what are you gonna do then they're like oh i'm gonna build a tower and i'm like oh you're going to build a tower are you well let me show you what happens when you try and build a tower in this game there we go and then they're like oh well let's go uh back into my base there we go jobs are good you know what i'm gonna block this up as well okay you're not you're not coming through okay sorry this is this is off off limit you know i could literally just go down and they would have no idea that i'm at the bottom of their base like mining in this team you know what i i flipped that guy like he's just trying to make a perfect he's not gonna mind away that what is he doing oh he's going for it oh he's going for it nice try mate but that's what happens when you try but it's green oh i'm getting in there but you're not you're not even without an armor it's not enough okay you know i've run out of blocks but i don't medics we brought shears you know exactly why we brought shears now for just such emergencies and the beauty is you've got wall to spare over it you know you don't need walls in here now you're good so you just you collect your wool you didn't bring enough look at this they're all coming in numbers now there's there's the the full title okay that was a bit rude because that person's building up okay they're coming at me from both sides now we've got to we've got to move here we go you didn't see that coming did you haha okay this person had made their way up dylan well done dylan oh okay i'm gonna get hurt you know this could be the end of the troll but it was great while it lasted yeah you know you know what i'm just gonna bring i'm gonna do the same thing but bring a pickaxe and just just break the bed yeah i'm gonna do it again actually why not okay that went better than expected you know what else is doing better than expected my sub count so please subscribe if you're enjoying the video and uh help me with my quest to reach 2 million subscribers well after that was such a massive success i'm i'm bringing even more porta for so i'm going to continue terrorizing green because you know they're just the funniest team to do it to look at my teammate he's going for it is my teammate going to get the bed surely not what's going on what's the situation more portal thoughts guys did you miss me oh no this is bad oh oh oh okay okay don't panic speed mine up that's it get another portal fought down that's it nice and steady nothing to be afraid of okay yeah i've got more don't worry there we go oh okay i'm out of my own portfolio green bed was taken you see now that's known as the distraction mechanism they didn't okay you want to fight now got no bed there we go oh hello sir what's going on there we go see portalfox op guys you're going to be using these okay so more players left it looks like red's getting involved he's taking out one he's taken out two oh wow he's going for the clean sweep wow what a guy can i guys like yeah pretty crazy it looks like red to build a tower over our base but i'm not afraid okay i'm gonna buy me a trusty three port of oh no we need a bit more my trusty porta forts we're gonna get some look at that beautiful some blocks okay we'll make an iron so okay who's here excuse me sir you can't just be walking up here like that nope get out of here thank you all right look we've got a well protected base anyway it seems like red is still a ball what's on it there goes me porter foot and what are the chances like the minute i jump he decides to drop tnt on us or a fireball okay we've broken our buddy he's going in yeah this is not good okay don't die you know just let your teammate die this guy's got kill aura i'm telling you now that guy's got some hacks on i reckon he's he's acting cause he had some some serious crazy stuff going on there if i had to guess i'd say kill aura so i'm gonna have to actually um try now and win all right there's no we can't be trolling okay i'm gonna focus up because i personally i think he's hacking all right you can you can re-watch that decide if you think but i mean nobody's that you know nobody hits that well in minecraft so um okay we're going to uh we're going to get emeralds we're going to get stacked we're going to destroy this i'll know if he's happening if he can hit me when i'm invisible then he definitely will be but i don't know i'm suspicious anyway but i've just got like 60 million emeralds literally nine emeralds and that's that's a good thing okay red's is here ohaka okay how do we get out of here um um okay don't panic speed there's ladders okay okay we're good we're good we're good okay yeah he took him out but it doesn't matter because i i'm gonna use my potion effects okay don't miss this jump you know i i'm gonna miss this jumper okay no are you kidding you know what i i think it's time for me to retire okay this is the last game i'm just going to try and troll as many people with my uh shears and uh wall strut as i can you know what i'm just going straight for them oh no they're coming for me okay that didn't work i didn't didn't mind it in time did it nice i speak so bad as much as i hate to say i probably got the same skill level as the average bed was player now oh no we can do this we can do this oh he didn't fall for it wow what a guy i'll fall for this get out of here come on that's it oh they're coming watch out people we got some people coming oh it's the same guys before yeah if that didn't trick didn't work before it's not gonna work now if i get this guy with the trick then it will okay well yeah you know that counts see you later mate you know to be honest i'm doing nothing productive for my team but where can i no i need a pickaxe i'm just going to buy one hope they don't mind yeah i'm just going to use their shop they're not my majors there we go yeah okay thank you thank you cheers guys that's why i do this alrighty okay oh you're over there now what do you want to do sir you want to go for this no come on you know you want to come on is he going to go for it you know there you go i built the bridge for you you know we didn't really bait him he wasn't it wasn't full bloody going for me you know oh okay i'm now sandwiched in between okay uh yeah we're out of bridge we're out of road oh no we're out of blocks as well okay he's gonna have to be beautiful now one down that's it he didn't land that did he yeah i died right yeah that's it you can't get around here bring your leg back what's that all about this guy's running back he obviously doesn't feel that the same confidence that i do so why is everybody trying the same strategy there we go see you later mate [Music] well i could just bleep him go on a one i won't get oh no i have no blocks if it had fallen down that one block gap it would have been one of my greatest moves ever i mean to do that i don't think it was ever going to happen was it i've literally spent the entire game messing about and trolling people and yeah i still am the only one to have got a bed what's that all about let's leave this green that's it see you later why you walking on mid-air how's that all what's going on here they're loosely on mid-air if i jump to here they're going to try and jump after me like what's what's your what's your attack plan [Music] like this this guy never falls for it does it oh hello no don't mind me okay we're now in a sticky situation [Music] yeah we're getting out of that one at least our guy's been taking his bed oh what are you doing here as i was saying at least our guy's taking bed defense seriously it's a beauty though leave my teammate alone you horrible person i got you didn't it yeah you hide now nah not not today mate not today another one i haven't even seen you yet yet mate okay why we got a portal for you okay i'm a big advocate of portaforge you know all know this but it's in a bit of an awkward place is this red going for it what's what are you doing what's the plan what's the plan you know you tell me what your plan is and i'll i'll cooperate okay i can't remember this is the guy that doesn't fall for it or not oh okay well he didn't fall for that see i can i can build and do everything okay you know what this is this is getting a little bit awkward i should probably actually play minecraft now whoop guys we're under attack i don't know don't panic here but you're under attack i think we're at the point where we should stop messing about and actually start playing minecraft because okay those guys just destroyed me all right you think you could do it again do you oh well that's not happening and you get out of my base all right if you're not gonna fall for my trolls mr wabbit then i'm not interested all right gamer boy okay you can disappear you're not even god gamer but gamer play it's literally gus to play i can't read guys i don't even hope he knows well we're a sky limit that's a that's a slight issue cool oh look at that he dodges them all okay they're all stuck as well this is brilliant i don't really know oh okay we're good we're good we're good no we missed that we're not good okay we're gonna have to troll him there we go get rid of that did it did any of them fall one fell didn't he he did gas to play fell into the void i think his time to actually focus on winning the game because at this point is remembers down here yeah look at that free loot yeah at this point the game's going to go on forever i i better do something you know make something happen okay our bed has just been destroyed well that is great news but i'm about to destroy green's bed so do not worry maybe not oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear this is very bad indeed i've got two greens on me we're gonna have to oh yes we got him beautiful sp that's you know that's training that's that was that was all down to practicing oh he's not anything about that he's right behind me i should have dropped the invis he's too late oh my goodness fine all right bed wars falls i'm terrible at it but you know what thanks so much for watching the video guys i hope you really enjoyed it if you did make sure to leave a like subscribe if you're new to the channel um yeah if you got this from the video i'm sure you'll enjoy more videos and yeah hopefully i'll see you guys next time also once again thank you to kaur for sponsoring this video the link is down below in description don't forget to check him out [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 988,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, tags are pointless anyway lol, 200iq
Id: Oij3GDje-IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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