NEVER take an engineer fishing...

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what's that it's the sound of bridges just one of many great hits that have been engineered into a bridge loving Masterpiece never before has there been an engineering collection with this many hits over 50 tracks of non-stop engineering parodies including the full length classic Bohemian bridg bonus track why does this exist to celebrate four years of the real civil engineer Channel now that's what engineering streaming on Spotify now hello fellow engineers and welcome to critical fishing yeah so in this game you play you play this little worm down here you can you can worm about but this worm you can see he's got he's not got a engineering hard hat on no he has an army hard hat why is that because he's going to go fishing and what do what do worms fish with a gun now you might be wondering well Matt how is he going to use a gun cuz he you can't see any fish he's he's above the water if he goes into water heat a worm he's going to get eaten well that's where this little guy comes in the the Drone submarine so we can head underwater we can go up to fish and we can oh ow we can Harpoon them while this little bag of concrete tries to shoot us for some reason anyway as we float around harpooning fish we can grab a treasure chest as well that gave us some some cash thank you very much but we can send these back to the surface and then as we do Bo it's clay pigeon shooting but clay fish shooting and they're not Clay they're real so we shot three of them we scored 30 21 points new records all around but most importantly we earned some stons so let's get back down let's Harpoon a few more fish I think that Turtle there does he want like a little green fish we don't have any green fish on us we do have a crate with a hammer in it though so are these like building materials I can take back to the surface let's do that so up there bo bo bo bo nice that seemed quite successful anyway we'll jump back in here we can actually go right and left as well so if we go right ah this is what the building materials were for if we come up to this can we how do we get the stuff in there do we need to find all of them first perhaps I'm guessing so let's head back under water let's just grab a few more fish we need we need the stons I'm going to I reckon I can probably do four fish it will be a record if I can hand ey coordinate shoot in all of them so b b b come on Blue Fish yes we got four and you can see along the Top This Bar as we shoot more fish this is going to level up and when we get to the end to this present we get a mining laser now there's also these buff things so if we grab that you can see that's gone up there so that gives us a duplicate fish on kill oh there's also quite a nice Treasure Chest there a Bluey so we found some parts in there nice but yeah I think when we get the mining laser we can then get some of these like get these reads and stuff and I assume if we go I can't actually go further down cuz our submarine can't handle it if you look at this depth meter in the middle can you see like the numbers are normal as we go low it goes red it's like warning so yeah we can't go down there we can go to the left uh but if you look in the top left we have a fuel Bar so let's grab that and then and no our batter's empty so yeah we ran out of fuel there not ideal that just means we lost absolutely everything we gained there oh what is this it's like a plastic dinner plate we'll head over this side can I get those purple fish Max Capacity reach okay I can't actually hold any more fish good to know oh I've just come up on this side there's like something being built here a little bit of engineering going on anyway we'll head to the right and then our worm boost boost oh my goodness oh my good okay so that's what the red thing does it wasn't a dinner plate it was like a killer frisbee so yeah as we shoot all these fish you will notice did you see there's like a weird bar thing that came out like up the top there's three fish and a bar um if we go into the upgrade menu up here we can upgrade like everything we can upgrade our submarine our guns and then there's also Feats at the end so we got 10 pistol kills so we can do that that gave us one of those which I think if we go to modify so if we want to upgrade our pistol yeah look weapon damage you can see that cost various resources those bar things on the right which we gained I don't know what the thing on the left is is that just gold I think that's just a stack of coins so we could afford weapon damage there's also accuracy but that needs some sort of is that like a seaweed thing we saw floating around I know what it looks like but I don't want to say it out loud anyway down here fire rate so we can shoot faster that's probably the best one to go for for now maybe critical but critical multiplier requires seaweed so yeah let's let's upgrade our fire rate boost and then we just need one more bar to get our weapon damage up if we look at the submarine yeah looks like we need oh we need all sorts of materials to upgrade that what about the engine yeah we need we need loads of seaweed basically okay so I think we got to get to level one so if we hop back in our submarine we should be able to do that pretty soon reg grab all these fish there's actually two upgrades on this one so maybe when we go to the surface moving and Mining does not use battery oh here we go we can go for an explore now then hang on there's that red thing that we definitely want what's our other buff by the way all area of effect radio are doubled oh cool all right anyway I'm going to go for an explore cuz yeah I may as well get all of these chests and crates and stuff oh capacity reach can I like let go of one of these fish no I can't oh materials that I can't have that's annoying is that an enemy I think that might be an enemy there anyway can we go around all these are they like footballs or are they like cocoa beans I'm not sure I don't like that thing following me though uh we can't go left either okay we'll try and go right remember our submarine cannot go deeper so I guess we just explore all the way to the right with our unlimited fuel for out so over to here we got some fish we got some things we could mine but we can't mine them cuz I haven't got a mining yet and then out this way o a seed oh that's one to take to the surface oh I did actually add that can we go right again no we can't go right again okay well that's good to know we got quite a good little Hall there what's up here just see okay going back left this is where we can build stuff but we need to get the resources and then over here oh I just planted the seed we got like a little tree going on now nice anyway we'll go up to here we can do a bit of shooting and yes with our frisbee we got loads there so we've leveled up we gain our gift so if we click that we have a mining laser you can now Harvest underwater Resources with right click that we also got plus 5% base damage nice all right back in the submarine let's head down here and we can finally do a bit of mining so we can grab that it uses battery that's good to knowe cuz remember if we get stuck down here we won't be able to take this all back to the surface but let's just grab that fish I only Max Capacity reached fair enough anyway we'll take these up we should game yeah that seaweed goes straight in we don't have to shoot seaweed out the yet that would be ridiculous that's not realistic stick here we go down is there any more there's no more seaweed there o what's that what is that creates a portal that teleports the sub back to the surface oh cool anyway we'll grab this thing cuz we can mine that now that is good one of those probably go have a look left oh there's chests there are chests I got both the chests but yeah my battery ran out so we don't gain any of those fish annoyingly still oh Priceless mingas can I mine it no I can't we'll grab some more seaweed though we'll grab that thing as well ow and then when I come back to surface we got all those materials so I think we should be able to head into here and then we can probably upgrade our gun with oh actually we need one more of those Bey things we could do the critical multiplier though what about the submarine we can actually upgrade our laser ooh so many upgrades they all need more of the more of the beads though so let's head back down again oh we can grab we can grab those though so these do we take them over this week cuz these are the building resources if I shove them there yeah look they've gone in okay so when we get building resources come back up there so we got a chest there oh unlock the Harvest drone nice there's also some little purpley thing there so we'll dig that up nice can I grab that green fish oh Harpoon level too low all right s it to the surface then we'll shoot all the fish again oh I only got three only got three but on my submarine I should be able to upgrade the yeah the Harpoon strength oh once I get once I get more beads I need more beads oh look at my drone it's actually doing it's doing a load of mining for me anyway down here I'm going to mine these things there's like some sort of red thing there's a yellow one as well we'll definitely take those right then I just got to fly through all of those blo out and then I can't gain any of these fish aha but we have found one of these things so yeah let's mine that we'll grab that make sure we get to the surface with it because now we can upgrade our Harpoon strength Bo which hopefully means if we head back down oh actually actually before we go back up let's just get these chests okay so we got a load of building materials so we'll grab those we've also got a load of seaweed and the good seaweed down there which we need so I'll just head up here put the steel in there nice then hopefully with our upgrade I can grab yes green fish and actually if we head over this way remember that Turtle he wanted a green fish so there you go mate oh he gave us cash cheers Turtle anyway let's head back over this way would it have been better to actually take some of these fish up to the surface so I can shoot all of those may as well do a little bit of mining down here all right and then we'll take these fish back back to the surface and we'll see are they worth more oh three hits four hits to destroy them okay now I see why I may need to upgrade my gun so weapon damage it will use all of my little block things but I think it's probably worth it so that's now unlocked and if I go to upgrade my submarine engine you can see to upgrade the speed the battery capacity the loading capacity the dive depth as well pretty much everything I just need more of those wooden blocks and I think really the only way to do that is to grab a load of fish and just take them back to the surface so you three come with me b b oh the damage upgrade is one hit kill I think let's go over this way get some better fish oh if we grab the red thing as well we know that is stons we got a bit of Steel I better take the steel over over to the building thing oh something's leaving a load of coins for us we'll grab those so up there the steel goes then if we go left we can shoot those out the sky nice the Frisbee really helped us there so what do we actually get if we level up again modification slot ooh I tell you what let's try and grab as many fish as we can this time so oh I Can Only Hold four okay I feel like that's something I really need to upgrade how many fish I can hold so submarine loading capacity we need two more wooden blocks so yes we got oh we got two we got three there nice Cas so now submarine loading capacity it's gone from 5 to 10 so that should mean we can load 10 fish as well as 10 of like all these resources so we got a bit of bit of seaweed there we can go mine this we can hold that so we'll get we'll get 10 different bits of resources in one run this time what's this times two by the way all resource and coin drops are doubled nice how much battery do I have 53% okay let's go right and then let's grab some of these bigger fish cuz they should be worth more I'm hoping anyway I think past his fault so we'll head back to here get ready to shoot oh my goodness yes yes oh new records all round and I load of bars yeah we've got eight bars so I can increase my accuracy of my gun and then the critical stuff oh there's a few feet to unlock I killed a bird earlier I just saw it flying so I just shot it as you do so yeah we'll grab that we've got open 25 chests that we've done and then kill 50 fish nice anyway rather than upgrading our pistol we could just put some stuff into the engine I have a feeling there's other weapons so maybe you want to do yeah like maximum dive depth spring strength what what Springs there's Springs I think let's do maximum dive depth and then maybe battery capacity so we can go down and then we should be able to get back up as well and then from here we will just go straight down oh did you see that actually the trees growing I wonder what that's going to give us anyway let's go let's just go straight down we'll ignore all these we want to see ooh new depth so it's basically just all the fish that we over to the right but oh I can't go deeper than that oh I can't actually go all the way down okay that's annoying anyway so down here we can get those fish let's grab that one as well is that a nuke can I grab that yes we got that what is it remove all threats from the map oh decent anyway we better take these to the surface we'll grab the beads we'll grab a few more fish all right and then boost boost boost boost shoot them all shoot them all shoot them all quick quick quick quick oh I missed so many damn you hand eye coordination oh I also forgot as well look we leveled up so in there we get a mod slot so modifications ah these are our equipable ones gain 20% more coins fish have 30% chance to bounce off water so if I miss them by shooting they'll bounce back up at least one every three should or when harvesting underwater resources there's a 30% chance to double the amount ooh that sounds good I don't know maybe 20% more coins cuz that's basically an XP gain or maybe the harvesting so I can upgrade everything yeah I'm going to go with the harvesting one wait how do I how do I equip it oh so over on the right down here ah there we go okay so let's do the harvesting one I wonder when I get to the surface can I just quickly swap that to the other one do a bit of a mining run this time so sometimes we should get like double yeah there you go double we got loads of seaweed and then whilst I'm here we'll just grab these go back to the surface and then quick can I change that to bouncy and then if I were to miss any of them there's a chance they'd bounce I think that's how we play this I mean to be honest maybe rather than bouncing we do the 20% more coins sounds like a plan right anyway always keep the Resource One active when we're doing this yes look we get three of those now and they are quite needed all right we'll then just grab these fish let's go down a little bit just to see what sort of fish are down here there's all right Max Capacity see that's the trouble we get to Max Capacity way too quickly I think cuz I picked up loads of resources they count is it anyway we'll do 20% more coins and up here b b b b loads of coins and the next upgrade by the way it's a new gun right anyway let's go over to this side can we go left twice it's quite far on the old fuel yeah we can it's like fishing docks and stuff anyway down here we haven't caught any of these sorts of fish yet so maybe we should just mine those oh Harpoon level too low oh we can't gain any of those can we mine that yes we can so we got orange thing we got a load of the cocoa beans I've just got to make sure I've got the the fuel to get back so I think actually if we go to the surface oh it does still use fuel I was going to say it doesn't use fuel but it does so let's just get back there you go they've all gone into there nice I think this time let's just grab a load of pink stuff so I don't know what it is but we we'll have it loads of pink stuff loads of fish to shoot I forgot to do the the extra the extra gold thing oh well oh what what does this one do this is fish full 50% slower so presumably that will help me like shoot them in the air right all right let's see B bo bo they are falling slow oh so many so many wooden bars so many that we can do some upgrades we can increase our sub speed or the spring strength I don't know what spring does or we could upgrade our pistol now we need like we need some different things to get like the later on upgrades it looks like some sort of Bolt we need haven't seen many of those maybe they're a bit lower what do I need to get a lower dive depth oh man loads of stuff yeah we got to try and find those bolts oh we got some new Feats unlocked we'll do that yeah I'm going to do spring strength I don't know what it does but maybe it's unlocked the spring so if we go down does it spring us anywhere oh we got a new mod oh I wonder what that one does there it is for every underground resource you collect a rocket has spawned okay we might try that one next time for now 20% more coins let's just get those oh there's the bird there's the bird look at this Worm spinning his gun Worm spinning gado worm SP gado t-shirt coming soon yeah right let's try let's try the rocket thing this time so let's not let's not get fish let's just let's just grab a load of these resources head over to the right oh look there's loads of octopus arm things grab those and then I guess we'll now grab these fish cuz these are the ones we want to shoot so come here please I'm going to smash at vas for some cash and I grab any more fish no capacity reached okay get ready we got three rockets apparently um oh shot the bird as well yeah Rockets came in oh these are the ones that get the bolts oh that's where I was going wrong we got a new record by the way yeah so we got way more way more the of the bolt things now so we got to go get the pink fish got it so oh actually let's get that building material first so we got a bit of Steel shove that into there that's nearly done we just need three logs and one of whatever that is down here pink fish give me your bolts I might actually see what's down at this level here ooh some stuff to mine I don't think we've seen these before oh man that is using some energy to get through I don't want to go any deeper I think my my limit is 25 so if I go down at all we're doomed basically if I scroll right yeah I got the orange thing I'll try and get this orange thing as it pops up oh I went sideways rather than upwards oh well all right anyway back to the surface via some other fish and look down here eight Rockets are coming in oh my goodness they destroyed everything um oh the palm tree grew again we know it's a palm tree now not just a plant yeah right grab a load of resource then go down grab if I can some of these fish ow I'm being shot at all right then back to the surface that should be a load more bolts there we go and that means we can afford extra dive depth nice so now we can go way deeper so hopefully what was it I didn't actually see what we could go up to was it like 30 something what are we on oh we can go down to this level but our Harpoon level is too low we can grab some mushrooms though oh no that's too deep what is the actual capacity 36 we can go to what am I on 35 yeah I can't really go lower unless these mushrooms pop upwards I'm not going to be able to get them I don't think and I can't Harpoon any of these fish oh we got a mushroom and can go get that chest nice all right let's head back up anyway we can Harpoon all of these fish grab that Treasure Chest all right and then boo Bo loads of missiles coming in oh that was a good hole that was a new record that was anyway I want to try and get the building done so I'm going to yeah just look for chests as well as like crates so if I go down here there's another chest anything good I think it was just cash I don't know what these are they like hard hats definitely mine those yeah we got hard there's hard hats for everyone I really need to increase my my hard Haroon level I can't catch any of these fish over this way oh there's a good chest let's go get the good chest B oh unlocked mining laser upgrade very cool right I'll mine this thing I am cautious I'm running out of battery 32% remaining but these are quite interesting resources that we haven't seen much of yet we'll probably need them to upgrade like higher level stuff so grab those can I grab the hammer yes then we just got to get back to the surface oh no anyway yes building materials there we go we got a log oh we also got a new mod unlocked as well anyway up here let's put the log in that building then as we head over here what's our new mod so it was that one critical hit spawn three homing Rockets okay we may need to do some critical builds so it looks like we can only max out our critical chance at 21% which isn't great but one in five hits doing home in missiles could be worth it I don't really want to upgrade my pistol though cuz look we've just unlocked a new gun oh we get to choose SMG or RPG ooh I love tlas that's threel acronym in case you are wondering honestly I feel like submachine gun might be better so let's let's take that we can then swap our gun down here and then we can upgrade this nice oh we can upgrade it straight away so let's do should we do weapon damage straight up all right then we'll see how oh I can just hold down shoot okay this is quite good this is quite good shot the bird as well there you go killed five Birds that's another feat oh look over at the coconut hey and if I change back to worm if I shoot that yes we got a coconut I don't know what it does I imagine it's for some kind of upgrade anyway let's try and find more materials there might be some in a chest I think I'm mostly just looking for crates if I'm honest right this submachine gun sucks for the for the like good fish so I might leave this one active that's the that's the rocket spawned for um for every one of these we get but yeah I need more bolts so I'm going to grab a load of these purple fish there materials I'm going to have to take these materials to the surface so hopefully we can finish this island now no look we need two more logs we can shove this Steel in there though that's good oh then I run out of oh I ran out of fuel I can't afford to upgrade everything I need I need loads more bolts so pink fish you're going down see you later pink fish all right nice I don't know if you saw that Barrel up there that made like everything explode so if you see red barrels they're definitely worth getting oh look we got more materials any logs there's no logs should be able to plunk all those materials in there though yeah that's good and then still be able to shoot all of these fish die right need the pink one oh I missed the pink one oh the other ones have bolts as well okay it's not just pink fish it's all fish at this level you're going down oh we got a new mod all right anyway come on machine gun come on rocket launchers oh this so bad oh there's a monkey what's the monkey doing I'm trying to shoot the monkey it's not doing anything anyway could upgrade the damage on the submachine gun and the fire rate to get the weapon damage again I need one more orange and whatever the thing above it is now something I haven't really done I haven't gone like left and then then down like all the weight so this is where the hard hats are oh what's that don't know what that was so if we keep going down anything good down here oh I can't go too far down I went too far anyway o big chest oh we found a part of a otter type thing oh there's more coconuts to shoot decent oh now there's a monkey again I don't know what the monkey does oh look there's like a tunnel down there I can't go deep enough though I have try and get that some point anyway here's the oranges we've gained those we aren't able to Harpoon these fish that's probably next upgrade I should do to be honest so Harpoon strength yeah let's upgrade that that's quite a lot of late game resources B but now it means we can come down oh look two chests this time we can come down to like this level over here and we can get these fish which we haven't been able to get before and I imagine they're going to be quite tough so let's do a bit of mining just so we get the the rocket launcher bonus all right and then let's hope sub machine gun is enough yes oh and that's how we got we got loads of resources there we hadn't seen before so look we can now do weapon damage again with the oranges and are they like razor blades or something don't know but we can do it so we are going to to upgrade again we need screws and like watermelons we've seen the Watermelons haven't seen the screws but I reckon if we just go deep enough we should be able to get those upgrades so we can go past all of these fish and then down here these blue ones or maybe that little green one oh I went too deep oh we've also got a new reward for leveling up a new mod slot oh decent we can have two mods on the goat o ooh grants 15% increased critical chance if I combine that with that one critical hit spawn three homing rockets and then upgrade my critical chance that could be absolute stonks let's try and get the critical chance unlocked so I think I just need a load of these like level one sort of fish just to try and get the wooden blocks so oh there's one missile didn't get any wooden blocks though so we go again got two wooden blocks the critical chance is now upgraded I'm not actually sure this is as good as the as the like other one no resources down here we haven't actually got these fish yet though oh Harpoon level too low it's at the same in here oh man look at that there's a big fish down there yeah I can't get any of these fish I could get this Pebble thing though right we have one of them I want this star thing as well I can't go any lower please ping upwards please ping upwards right that's it little drone has done the damage go upwards oh can I reach that oh yes we got it we got it right let's get out of here well there's oh no oh no that thing stole all my stuff right we got the criticals ready a loads of rockets came in that time but yeah don't actually think criticals are very good I might instead do that rocket one as well as the the 30% chance to double resources cuz then we're going to get loads of rockets I reckon oh we unlock the Seal Seal Team Six all right so SEAL Team Six is a permanent upgrade when entering a room there's a 10% chance all threats will be disabled ah nice anyway let's upgrade my critical chance of my submachine gun just in case we do want to use that later oh if we get one more hard hat we can do it again and then we need the screws we have not seen screws yet can I upgrade my Harpoon level again no not available in the demo that is a shame I guess for now then we've just got to try and find the the building materials get those buildings done anyway this should help me get some bolts yeah nice loads of bolts there I got five so that means we can increase our fire rate we can increase our critical chance now and we can do oh we can do the fire rate again accuracy yeah we can do that Cal multiplier may as well we need three octopus tentacles to get the crystal multiplier up again then one more razor blade so octopus tentacles are over here on the left so we'll just mine that then I think these are the fish that have the razor blades in here as well grab some hard hats while we're here Safety First all right and then boo where's the razor blades give me there we got one we got one oh new record though anyway I finally just found the final log as well what is that what is it I don't know maybe need to build the other one as well I need three more logs for that as well still in the meantime I can upgrade my submachine gun critical multiplier do that twice accuracy yes please and then I can't afford any of these I don't have any screws I imagine the screws are from creatures I can't actually get we can do battery capacity though we can also do SUB speed all right and then it's just a case of finding those logs oh we got an upgrade oh there's no upgrade presumably cuz it's a demo we have maxed out the game nearly I just need those logs right final log up to this building boo what did they do oh look it's growing a little is it growing a cactus or something I'm not sure how useful that is now cuz I've sort of maxed out everything are there any upgrades I can buy no I need screws for all of these I could do spring strength but I don't know what a spring is and then Harpoon reach but I don't think that seems like worth it I guess for now then we've sort of maxed out the game oh yeah look at all these Feats we've unlocked as well beautiful play the game for over an hour well looking good how does it know oh I get a new gun okay now we have an RPG that changes everything let me just grab some fish see how the RPG Works ready Bo oh it's so bad it's so bad oh that's what the cactuses have they have little temporary Buffs moving and Mining doesn't use battery oh that's actually a good buff but yeah anyway that's the that's the demo this quite looking forward to the full game actually really addictive but uh for now I guess I'll say peace love and I'm going to RPG a bird boost bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 216,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, critical fishing
Id: -kbWVGz4aOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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