Every SB737 vs ClownPierce FIGHT!

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I have fought clown Pius many times in friend Oro and sometimes it's it's gone quite well and other times yeah not so much but no matter the outcome these fights have been legendary and here are some of the best ones so far and this is your very very last chance to get one of my Blockheads just look at him how cool he is removable sunglasses and they have being taken off sale tomorrow if you do not get in quickly they will be gone and you can never get this guy again I'm glad that I've already got him you guys can get him on Blockheads do store and now let's see how this goes against clown Pierce okay this is it now ladies and gentlemen don't think he'll see me here but one wrong move and he will in fact he's fully over in that direction he was over there a second ago so he's he must be close cuz he's moving around near me this is that I found him is he coming back I don't think he will have seen me all I see is a moving name tag he's looking now where I was before and now he's crouching still so confused he stood quite still at the moment could I catch him when he's in his inventory or in a chest maybe he's moving again quick get back down get your hiding spot must know I'm there cuz he's just crouched above [Music] me and he's peing already he just hit me he just critted me whoa whoa you all saw that whoa whoa did you just crit me clown Pius left the game where's he at with a I have a Tracker I know exactly where he'll be H oh dear [Music] clown can't have I don't know I have video evidence I'll be leaving this up to the viewers ladies and gentlemen because I think I saw what I saw yeah that's right clown I'm sure that I was uh critted out H I'm sure he just hit me wellow by accident wellow I'm not sure accidents are uh are allowed accidents are in the rules all right I'll uh I'll let you off let's see I mean he doesn't have strength [Music] though he must be getting weak man I hate Waters [Music] could he die could it be clown Pius Dying by the hand of [Music] SP oh what a move that was a very very good Escape move there where did he go oh he's over there I need more your [Music] strength see him I'm in for shoot ladies and gentlemen here we go come on come [Music] on come [Music] on no [Music] way come on no way what do it take to kill this guy he must be [Music] weak my goodness me come on clown you can't survive this there's no way oh he's been getting away again no way I just let him slip right through that bit come on B how did you let him survive that oh no he must have been as weak as weak there's no way that he just oh my goodness mate I hit him so many times I mean I know he has good saturation and stuff but I don't even know what level he's on now like is he up here or is he I don't know he could still be on the ground you know oh he's he's he's he's a bit more prepared now I think he's had a bit of time to prepare himself for the moment and he he knows now we just 20 seconds left he's probably uh he's probably going to be okay y well done clown I'm I'm going to I'm going to give him a a gg gg Clown H you know what master of escap well done I've got a little tracker and I don't think this long till PVP comes back on so I will I will be ready with this here we go he's swimming already well let's see where he's he's now going to make an escape as well okay we're we're pretty we're pretty evenly matched I'll just uh ender pearl up here oh where did he go he'll make sure not to accidentally crit me this time won't he we can swim all day clown we can swim all day you've got 18 minutes to survive he's giving himself something I don't know what to give himself some swiftness oh it looks like it okay this is going to be interesting cuz he will be able to move faster than me now which definitely doesn't help but we've get him on fire now and he's not had time to pop fire resistance which is nice oh that was a nice move okay swimming again swimming is not really the place he wants to be should have had some swiftness but I think with pearls you know we could just keep running you know he's going to have to eat at some point I'm more prepared than him okay oh what a move okay I haven't actually um where is he going I kind of I didn't have more water bucket handy you see so I couldn't just ml after him but I'll eat okay is he dug into the walls we can we can use the tracker don't you worry is he in here it would seem that he was is he going to is he waiting for his ender pearl to land looks like it okay well we got some good hits on him but he probably hasn't taken much damage he's trying his best just to cobweb me over and over again is he going from here right through okay interesting interesting uh Choice clown Pi aha now then what are we going to do here well okay that's an interesting uh method and he's underground which is perfect exactly where I want him to be come on let be it's got to be low it's got to be low it can't get away in this situation he's managed to somehow eat and swim in the sit oh my [Music] goodness this is intense ladies gentlem he's somehow done the wrap around no way no way again how does he do this he's he's tped where did he land there he is he's going for it he's going for the ocean oh no okay right we just got to Boat Boat after him okay is he sailing out now is he got 3 minutes of of sailing away to uh to escape did I get his boat oh I did where's he going doing a little Dig Down okay can we get to him before he escapes all right we know where he is cuz he's using brick oh man you're an idiot SP broke too many blocks now he's got a he's got a break and place so now that makes it difficult for him okay I tried to PE through didn't quite pull it off sounds like he's out cuz he's he's breaking dirt and he's carried on through the forest it's very hard to track someone through trees when they've got kind of ahead of you but not impossible GG SB it's a it's a GG um how low did I get you this time in that cave are you got me like four I think or five I can't get you below that and then you somehow just dug around and wrapped around I was like come on bro finally I need to what server assassin oh my goodness um that is bad news that is very very bad news indeed it's not attacking me already it's just some skeleton I don't even know where he is just want to reiterate guys there's no there's no script in here by the way all right we knew the Assassin would join at some point I've got we've got a pretty good idea that his job is to come on and and attack us every now and again well that is it everything else is Mystery I don't even know what gear he has I don't know where he's at although I do know I can track him okay he's somewhere in that direction all right minuk has made the advancement who's cutting onion so he's gone to the nether okay don't know what he's doing getting respawn anchors but all right now the Assassin is just directly in that direction which is in the direction of Clown's Bas if I'm careful okay I know where he's at so it's not like he can come from behind okay and and I'm not I'm not going to take the fight to him because the the server assassin will probably have the best gear and I know for a fact he's a lot better than me at PVP but if I do know his location it gives me a chance I think I'm just going to go for it and get in the mix if there's any chance I can do something to clown Pierce it's got to be worth it wait I hear a warden there's a warden down there I don't like this now ladies and gentlemen you know what happened last time I went near a warden this really is suddenly becoming a much more risky idea I kind of want them to come away from the deep dark but clown has lured him into a deep dark maybe with the hope of taking the Assassin down there he is and there's clown Pius no way no way hey what's going on are they battling and the warden's going after clown as well no way what is going on here I don't want to get seen if I get spotted the Assassin might come after me they're coming up here uhoh not air clown that's it guys keep going keep going leave me alone they run right past me clown Pier get down from here that's it clown Pier get down assassin don't go for me please I'll help I'll assist you with Clown H this could be the end of s sp737 they know I'm here now I'm trying to hit clown Pierce if I could land some shots so that would be amazing but I can't as long as the Assassin knows that I'm going for clown I keep hitting the Assassin by mistake don't come after me assassin it looks like you have invested a lot of time into this clown knows clown knows I'm involved though these guys are fighting and surviving the ones I'm I'm not about that life I'm I'm getting out of [Music] there uhoh uhoh I SP get out of there what is going on they we're just full on going for the final the final attack now I was in the mix they didn't even didn't even realize I don't know if I was doing much damage to him I was just hitting them both this is it though this is this is it they they were they were ready to just crit out and see who lasts the longest there they also let clown Escape there kind of which may not have helped I had to be able to get out so I had to I had to do that I have one strength left I've got to use it wisely an insane battle I mean this is taking everything clown Pi has got and then SP sp737 is turning up to cause trouble hello hello hello uh-oh bad spot to be in Sp don't yeah I'm getting hit you see there something de isn't friends with me either CL P SL by ladies and gentlemen clown Pier was taken down oh he's here I found him I it get your in the chest boy okay well here we go ladies and gentlemen here we go all right s b oh he's swimming he's going down oh interesting does he have his what he needs I don't know if he has depth stride it looks like he might okay well this is it this is usually a difficult place for him when he goes underground but he's going for it anyway okay he's moving through like I say he hasn't got the the usual oh is he trying to trap me in well nice try clown but I'm not that that stupid oh look at him I mean it does swim kind of fast yeah I'm I'm not going to fall for that one but yeah we just keep moving we need him to slow down he's going to keep moving I'm mean 8 minutes it's difficult to chase someone for 8 minutes but he is going to have to keep eating which is probably his his difficult thing there we go got his boat nice now got him he's going into a water cave SP why' you get stuck that's stupid now he's going through come on he's got to be getting well I guess he is still eating a lot but he knows what he needs to do I mean come on FP I mean I've only given myself strength one which I know hinders me but it means I don't have to worry about replenishing it or running out oh he missed that one got some good crits on him there come on sp sp come on you've got to be able to no he might to eat at a crucial time again as long as he's eating I'm in trouble and I've lost my strength now and I need to replenish I I didn't really use that strength very well soz it should have lasted a lot longer he's maneuvering well I no he's only got 3 minutes left the golden carrots are doing well for him might be able to just head him off here a little bit I swear if he might just pop up some suspicious stews he is insane at the game can't let him I can't let him craft them but he probably will we me come on I should I should have swiftness and I'll be able to catch him all righty well we'll let him we'll let him [Music] go GG clown p P's on okay this is all coming together now the stars are aligning but yeah clown is good with his Pearl so I've got to I've got to be very wary of that that he's probably going to end the Pearl a lot around I've got to make sure I don't end up end pearing after him and fall in the void I'd hate that for that to happen just as we planned get the sword ESP there he is okay where's the Ender pear this time I can hear him mining he's going to try and get me in the void one thing you don't do is go crazy this does worry me I can see his plan to spliff me or maybe he's just trying to escape we can do this um let's get the crossbow ready there we go now his shield won't be of any use to him and we can keep lighting him up oh flipping Ender's after me of all the things okay he done that I'm going to die to an Enderman here H that would be bad that would be very very bad I don't get wait what's he hitting them with is it in the Enderman with strength this is such a weird um a weird situation this is a very weird situ he's he's like can I get the Enderman to kill SB and they keep they keep disappearing I mean I mean this is a this is a this is a strategy in a half okay here here's what's going to happen clown you're going to get hit by that I mean I've never seen anything like it but uh better idea we we build up these Ender I've got strength end no way no way have I got Ender on me with strength this is actually crazy if clown kills me with Enderman this this would be like the coolest thing in in the history of mankind okay just got to deal with both of the things at once that's one down give me the strength clown thank you I could do with the crossbow back actually I don't have enough for stuff this I need to ender pearl load the crossbow he's trying to he knows the Enderman angry it again like he keep making him angry at me don't know why is is such a such a creative way to try and kill me me how's he keep making the Enderman angry at me that's what I want to know let's keep going we know with Five Arrows we can defeat him or maybe slightly more so he must be getting weak cuz this is doing some serious damage and he can't use his shield I have no idea how weak he is I keep missing though come onb Now's the Time to hit he's standing near the Enderman out of a a tactic to try and make the Enderman angry oh here we go now made oh my goodness this flipping Enderman thankfully I have I have unlimited pearls and water is a great counter so it's it's not a massive issue Oh no I got my water okay now I am in a bit of trouble it's not a massive issue let's um let's do that there we go right this is ice situation now the water is the most important thing and he's just got rid of my water oh no right I've got to I've got to deal with this I've run out of food as well I do have food there we go get that down eat there we go now let's just line him up with as many arrows as we can oh my goodness I've actually had enough of this are these Endermen are driving me crazy oh my goodness right see you later uh into another one thing is like I'm low on food so I'm I'm in a sticky situation I need to just stop attacking him with a crossbow thankfully I have a ridiculous amount of pearls so it's not the end of the world but don't get hit like that it's me that's my last bit of food as well like if he kills me with end honestly it would be the most insane thing ever and it could genuinely happen like pvp's off but like the Ender's not not gone so I've got to make sure that I'm careful okay got to get rid of this Enderman okay and I've just got to stay alive cuz you know he's trying to cobweb me there we go oh my goodness now then okay he's over there okay let's do this okay I don't know if you's see me who knows how much I've got 3 minutes of invisibility left okay okay I don't know what he's up to but we we we play the game of patience I think it makes sense to drink another invis has he seen me has he seen me I don't know if he has or not if he's just running past or what he's doing he might have made a Tracker he's definitely made a Tracker clamp his tracker oh no I've lost the tracker that's on him though so if I lose him I've lost him honest if if he was to come back along here would be a bad spot to knock him in the void [Music] actually I mean you hit me you you kill me he's just attack he's ATT whoa he broke the rules he ladies and gentlemen he can't do that he can't he attacked me that we have a deal ladies and gentlemen I I'm sorry two lives are yours the the he he's given me two lives ladies and gentlemen they I'm no longer safe I think think I've just got a drink a slow fallen and if he sees it he sees it I mean he clearly knows I'm here if PVP comes on and I've not drunk it then I'm going to be in trouble he's eating up he's eating some he's eating his saturation toew okay I'm going to pop another invis there's not much more I can do he's waiting for PVP it's it's an absolute Siege pvp's on this could be the moment I'm jumping he has no idea where I am and that ladies and gentlemen is sb's Grand Escape now I need to be a little a little bit careful here that I make it I am in fact going to swim up a little bit and then continue survival would have been nice I don't know where he is he's still in that direction okay he's probably wondering what on Earth is going on I think he sees me I do think he sees me but can he find me that's the question he's removing the water now he must know I'm in the water okay we can slow fall though oh all the way out of here ladies and gentlemen okay we end Pearl we land and you know what we do we leave we leave we get out of there oh that was so close see look who okay it's clown Pier okay there we go well that confirms that so let's just get in a boat and get moving ladies and gentlemen I I was right he's been sailing the seven SE trying to get me and now he sees me now he's in Pursuit okay this is where thing are going to get very very interesting all right he's going to try and land some arrows one Arrow hit and I'm in big big trouble I'm going to just move that to there okay now he's I mean he's got to do some prettyy good shooting to to do this and he's going to get further behind okay he's dolphin it as well oh I don't like that I don't like that one bit okay I'm out of the boat I'm out of the boat there's no way he knows where I am there's no way okay we just we just keep swimming now now I do actually I'm in a little bit of trouble here but um um yeah I don't know cuz he has depth Strider and I don't and I also don't have oh my this is actually kind of bad but hold on a second hold your horses oh nope well I was taken out by CL the grand Escape Plan didn't really work I mean there's two minutes of PVP left but they are they are going at each other fight clown F clown F clown I'm fight fighting him I've burnt a lot of his resources sure yep we know what Clown's like though we just got to be keep critting him out he's burn he's going for a not chle just keep keep burning yep yep yep yep you stuck in here now oh I'm low I'm low I'm low I'm low I'm going to die I'm out the bu over here okay okay pvp's gone up guys gg gg well uh you guys better stick together cuz I'm coming for you next I heard I heard somebody take damage he's here drink up here he [Music] is okay yep the plan's working this is what we train for y this is I didn't realize he was that close hit him get we need to get we need a Shuler to get him yes the shuler's got him oh I don't have my crossbow but we can we can weaken his shield yep knocking him back yep he's fallen I mean feather fall he won't take that much damage but it's a challenge for me let's going on the other side well mean okay make sure you rest strength I might drink a slow falling that could be [Music] useful okay it's coming [Music] through yeah it's going down again has to P clutch it no we got him bro we got him we got Yo we've done it we have done it
Channel: SB737+
Views: 58,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UsIrLdfmvEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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